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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1898)
li'HK 'uaiLy . astoriain, imjy mokmso, ocronKit ltf, mti Pally Afitoi'liuu JOHN T. L!OMr::u. Editor. . i 1 Tslcphon No. Ct ,, TEIUIg OF BUntfCftMTION. '". 1MILV,1 Sunt by mull, per yir It 00 Bent ty mail, kt mouth Served by carrier, par momh W REMI-'WEKKLY. Bant by molt, par year, In advance, rostag trie to iubncrlliif. BOO All communications lnten1si (or publl cation should t directed to th alitor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances mutt be addressed to "Tb Aaiorlsn." Tha' Astortan guarantees to lit adver tisers tha argest circulation of arty neat tapr published on lha Columbia rtvar. Advertising rstea can b had on appli cation to tha business? mmtrf. It la shown by tho San Frendaco Com mercial Nam of October 11 that tha average charter rate for vessels now loading or cha'rtercl to load at Portland It X ild. aa contrasted with an average rata ot 'a HJ fur Puget round. That M to say vessels hava chartered for Tacoma and Boattl at an average rate of i tvl less than the rate rwtlj for Portlsnd. This la the reason why wheat of the same quality la selling, and w'JI continue to ell for more money at Puget sound porta than at Portland. rVund, wheYe, In spit of lha greater dis tance European vrsela have to travel, aa compared even with the 11 nilha In land trt'Prtrtlnjid, the superior a.lvsn:ng of deep water la attrcilag more and more shipping every' year, let Portland succeed In her blind policy n( kplng down Ast.irla A yeara longer, and the one treat commerce of the Oolum. Ma river will be only a recollection, A the AatorMn hiu already ahoan, Puget sound la mw transshipping nearly one half the wheat rnlcd In the Inland Km plre. It must be but a few yarn, If An tori la not permitted her natural course of development, before the entire erD of the Interior will be carried out of the Columbia basin and over the mun tnlns to Taconta and Seattle for export. . i r' O i r f4 f n m U W W w w w w W www W W V w w w w w w n According to present Indication tho republicans are certain ot but 168 repre sentatives In the text house, ssya the Wash !ng ton Post, which baa Just made tn extensive poll of the country. Tha Post say that 4J districts are still In doubt, however, of which SP may be pretty safety put down as republican. If this estimate Is correct, the party In power 'Will still have a fair working majority, bu' Its b!T preponderance In the Host ng conirrets Is sura to be cut down. The Post's fifurea flva the republicans lflS; the denocrau, IX; popullMs, 13; silver roubllcans. i. end doubtful ones it In the concrete cow drawing to a close the reipubllrans have M; democrats. IS; pop ulists. S and silver republicans V. The Post says the republican ioaaee will be treatest In the middle state and the South. The republlcaas throughout the country seem apathetlo over the coming" lection, while the democrats, on the ooctrary, are encouraared by the pro pects, and are fighting- harder than usual. In the table of bank clearings, compiled by Bradstreet for the week ending Oc tober It aent cut by tha Associated Press, and published In the Orvgonlan and Astorian last Saturday. October 13, j appears the following; comparative statement of Increases at Portland, Ta coma and Seattle: Conditions are steadily changing tor the better. There is no evidence of a set bac or even a halt In any direction. The signs of the times 'are all pointing to con tinued Improvement and 4 he coming of an era of prosperity such as this coumry has never before seen. The west Is still the point ot greatest Industrial activity. Front some parts of the east principally the New Eractand elate, come reports that the buotness revival Is not keeping pace with that noted In other sections, but even there some Improvement Is t.k Inr place, and conditions on the whole are far trom discouraging.' Viewed biswdly, the situation Is all that could be reasonably desired, considering ttie adverse Influences that have been ati work during the last few months. The war with Spain might well have been calculated to nullify to a greot extent the gains which had been made up to the time of the opening of hoKiltiilrs. but Instead of that It did little more than to check the onward movement. The an- Ing of the peace protocol gave a fresh Impetus to business, and the tendency now on all sidt s Is unmlstak.ibiy toward expansion. When the final terms of the peace treaty are arranged Cuba will for ever cease to be a disturbing factor In the situation, and a qumtion mat has probably done as much as anything else In recent years to unsettle buine rondl lions will be removed. The thrvat of war hung over the I'nlted States )r.g before the actual conflict came, and the dread of Us consequences and possibilities natur ally exerted an adverse Influence on all branch e of trade and commerce. For to long a time did this Cuban controversy serve as a menace to the interests of the' o o o () () 8 o o o o () o o o o C) () o () () o C) o o o o o o o o o o () o o a a d o o o o o a o lysW omct Offictt. How k tt yoti hiv such tound Itwth ? Frcrutt.-1 chw Battk Ax. Officer. Doa BattW Ax pmtm the iih? Recruit. Look at mint. Did you ever notice how few men who chew IS) m n n PLUG have Any trouble with their teeth? Battle Axis soun i chew r sound in HI its qualities and men of sound judgment chew It In preference to any other tobacco. It is more gd tobacco for the money than you can get in any other way. a o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o unn ATtATlAAAAAAAVlUVAlVArAAA The IMPERIAL Hotel TIIOM. UUIMIAN, Proprlwtor Mevenltt nml r -v r . " naniMHiun nisi a I ca I V4 f 1 rKrunrvnnAjAn rut ruvvuvxnn an tATu' Special Orlotttrtl Curloa nntl Toys. If lot Ho iuiimI rvtluce attock nml MIHBrtHsieof Cosata... ClIC u;.sv i o n TTIIIg LCCOCLU. Coiuiiionial 8tivt't ur CViojer' Dry (IiuhIs Storo. IT" Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The Norlb raoiflo Hrewrry, of wbiot Mr.J.iliD Kupp la rmprivtor, makes Iton for'Hi i eiir Iratln, IkttltHl tef for furuily use, or kef beer sil p!ivJ a tiWB Kwry Ui i t frrev NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY OOVKIlNMEVT PltOlM.M.lJt. Remember the name when you buy again. wWsswwwwwwwwwwWwwwwwwwwwJIl I ) roposrtls 1 Mull. m: mo m3 MANHOOD RESTORED iriiBinrara T frvsl Vrs.isMe Uoaol a laaious Ktvoea phvu in. will nux-slr rvrs Toaot all Brr. uua or aiaM of m riru suca m L.l Hnti.l, Inajaua, I'air.sutUw 1) .tWaiir,i i.cuui.,n N.rv.m. tirbuiiv. "imp.-s VoainM U JIajtt, Kilisuaimi lriui, V.rir,i. J ltwui!uOua. llilBMi;ll,wt.j.,.hi l'.vm. quH. EM l 1 4 d.frb.rf ltlrb it hutrhwferp.! La hnntuttrrlM. -wl all Of bormr.,4 Imntnrr. a f s i:a t: -'-sntu tin Htir. tut aidn.rmaiHl lb u-lnarrprrmnaui aa lmuuiLi&. rrPIDKJK trrarttwos uxl mum imj imI wnu Tbe re on tuff.rvr. are eol nrxi be Ihvinf tm bmni ntnry per rant sra tmetl1 vtta ii enailll. tl I'l lKN k i Uwonir ou rtord hi fur vliuoui su iriiyn. fcir.nnvu. ai A wnttva fttiruiirtfirri sj j mf rviorrMj It six tyn- Uiws svt ijv a iyruMi4)liue, U0sbos.Bis lor ar otsU. swnU fnr rasacirruUr sim! irviimwoiaia Adartas PA VOL MEDICISB P. Q rUu ITS. Aa rrvx-bco. 0t. sv, y CHARI.K8 RfXirrtH. 4SI Commsrclal it. fur Freh te,f and r-sh t'ttli o v nlef I'l'iuml.s irv. Vancouver llarr. ks. Wa.h. ivi. 4 Ivav. Sertlr.1 np"iiU fr furnl.Mine nnd de. Ilverlna Krrh le-f an. I Kr--h Mutton Kl lw rn cUi-I hrr an. I nt oftli rs of com mtarles at Krt ritwn. tires:.. n, Itolar i:trrit k nn. Fort, .lhv na fiinl.y. Ht-okiine.. W.illa Walla and Vam-oiiver lurr..kv Wash . mid lliea an. I Fort Wnmirrl. AlaakA. until It iVo k a. m , Nov. &. v"i. ami then oinr,t I ri fonimtton furnl.tie,! un ait;i. .it..n Fn vrliitira ccnl.illilni; t. !.!. ii ah.iul.l Ix, Imtoraeil "rroiMiils for Krrau lirof an.l IKresh Mutton." mil s,.!ra.x. t (he'rsisiml. or to Cnminiawrv at t.i Ixi aiillMl. A. M. lll K iK KM, t'ail. I i"hlef Com'y. Btronc ae Arrcn what else me run out of It would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Rem eJr. More of It Is ao'.il h-rs all o'her Vnited Statea that it was a distinct re-! cousrh medicines comblne4.-J. M. Nlckle, lief to the neoDle of the countrv h,nl ' M' Br- merchunta. NU klrville. the Issues were Anally Joined and the question involved settled for all time. Luxuriant hair, ut uniform eo.or, la a beautiful head covering tor eltner v x, and may be secured by uslnf Hall's Vege table SUIlUn Hair Reneer. Increase compared Week with same endinir week In Cxt. 11 17. n.t . T.M1 3il . izjuzz ;t.i t CITT. Portland Tacoma , Seattio Here we have testimony from a source which is Indisputable on the question of Portland's "commercial supremacy." Placing the Columbia river, aa repre aented by Oregon's metropolis, Portland, against Puget Sound, aa represented by the cltiea of Tacoma ajvl Sutttle, there was an Increase of business over the Columbia river of ilU per cent No amount of haggling or specious ex plaining by the Oreajonlan can get round facts like these. Tbe disadvant age to Portland In thlt showing becomes till greater when It la recalled that the tremendous Increase on Puget found this year It over a corresponding week In last year when the Kkmdike excite ment wat at Its helirht. In other words, there la no Klondike Inflation in Puget Bound figures this year, but they must be taken to represent a normal increuse of business on the Bound so far beyond the showing made for the Columbia river aa to leave Portland out of tho rote fur commercial supremacy. The literal fact la business Is leaving the Columbia rlvtr At a rate both humlliutlrijr and alarming. Great changes have bt-t-n made In the alxe, shape and speed of ocean sttam ahlps within the last twenty years. When (he was launched the City of Uerlin (of tons) was regarded as a monster. Eeverl steamers engaged in the trans port of cattle today have- a tonnage of ,M0. Those ore r.'w feet long, while the Berlin was ft. The Kaiser Williclm der Oroase Is feet In length, and a modern Untr now beln built will exceed this by 80 teot. Tho bleest steamship enguged In peacct ul pursuits have a beam of only W and 60 feet, and a draught of 3 or tver, but a few war ves-l, while short er than the Kaiser tVllhelm der Grosse and the big cattle Bhlps, have a beam of 75 feet and draw 31. With this tendency to blgKcr vessels, how can Portland ex pect to continue her competition with Other ports on the Pacific coast? Her policy of opposition to the development of Astoria Is steadily driving commerce away from the Columbia river, Statis tics enow that Portland Is year by year logins; ground In competition with the A woman who takes chances with her health is sim ply (rambling with the black Devil of Disease. If the haa any weakness or de rangement of the delicate organism of her sex, to rely upon an unskilled, inexperienced, general prac titioner is to nsk ner health upon a gam bler's hazard. Her only real safety is in the careful well-digested advice of a physi cian who has had wide, special experience in diseases of this particular clasi, The chief consulting physician of the fa mous Invalids' Hotel ind Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. V., Dr. R- V. Pierce, has de voted thirty years of special study and prac tice to the weaknesses and diseases pecul iar to women. His grand medicine, tbe " Favorite Prescription," has done more to restore perfect health and strength to wom en than any other medicine. It is the only proprietary mtdicine, devised for this pur pose by an educated, skilled specialist in woman's peculiar ailments. A woman writing to Dr. Pierce regarding herself may feel absolute assurance of re ceiving, free of charge, the bet profes sional advice by means of which the most obstinate of these delicate troubles may be promptly relieved and permanently cured. Jtarbra A. Mudd. of Indian Creek Monroe Co., Mo., writes: " I am very thankful for what Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription did for roe. I was all broke down from nrrvoua proatration. but since taking tliii medicine I have had more re lief than from all the doctors. Your ' favorite Prescription ' did me a world of goo1 " Telephone lines 12.",'M pounds of copper yearly. Dyspepsia can be cured by using A'k er's Dyepf-nsla Tablets. One little tablet will give Immediate relief or money re funded. Sold In handsome tin boxen at 2j etnts. Kor sale by Kates-Conn Drug Co. London enjoys a gre.nter ara siMcea than any other op t 4 world. of oren In the OABTOniA. Bean tfca ) M Hit tmt BcU Eigattua ef The deepest coal mine In the world Is the Lampert, In Prlgium; you can de scend J.t feet. pla.e; what experience tells ynu la beat, to tm ihnaea In the second place; what reason cl e . Theory) says la ht-at to b rhoern In thi- last plar. Hut If you can et Ir. Inclination. Ur. Kxiverlrnce and I ir Itea.iin to hold a consultation to gHher, they will sua you the beat advice that can be taken." I When you have a bad cold Dr. Inrllna . tlon would recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remrsly brcausn It la pUAsant and sife to take. Dr. Experience would rec ommend It bevause It never f.illa to ef feet a speedy an.l pcrninnent eure. lr. ' Reason would recommend It became It Is prepared on ulentld prlnrlpka. n. acts on nature's plan In relieving the t lungs, opening the sei-retlons ami re storing tho system to a natural nnd h.vilthv condition. For sale by Churlra Rowers, druggist. LINE I I X Jlloan STONE aS ZJ& ,0,fc' LK4VC o.l'.l t No mslter of what anyone dies It can truthfully be i-nllnl "heart failure" Experience It the beat teach sr. Use Acker's English Remedy In any case ot coughs, coldt or croup. Should It fall to give Immediate relief money refunded. S eta. and SO eta. For tale by Estet-Conn Drug Co. Old fashions In dress may be revived. but no old fashioned tnedlrlns can replace ChamberlMn'a Colic Cholera and I'l- arrnoea rletiMity. For sale by diaries Rogers, druggist. When the Welsh coal war began the employers had a reserve fund of t!i,. (. It Is now all gone. Philadelphia has within the lust few days felt the thwk of a new form of earth Quay-k. OASTOIIIA. Baart tie f J Han atari Bcsj!4 Bifaatut of l2i l.tilx Han itan In the United Kingdom In WTO were (X9.1T7 telegrams dispatched, year there were WfS.VH. there , Last ' 8Ick teadache absolutely and perma-, nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleat ant herb drink. Cures constipation and j Indigestion, makes you eat, siee, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S and 50 cents. For tale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. In the Bank of England GO folio vol umes or ledgers are filled dally with writing In keeping the accounts. CASTOR I A For Iolanti md Children. Tha Kind You Hare Always Bought Bean tha Signature of Tha dual personality that exlsta In every personality shows most promt nently directly one becomes delirious. So. 1 II W a m No, . a v Ka.t Mall for Aberdeen. ouh!i l-riel. Ta.'otua. aan, Welina, Hulie, Auacu'ica. "t t'a'il.l hi e,ii;o Ne y..rfc, 11'i.ion an! a'l fMMiita riM aiol an! i.nt'beaat. I'ort'and, e a!'..l. 'lai'ninu vpre. for1 Vimir. Ijr.ioia, tm pla anu li.ti-riiel,ale 'lht. ARHIVK. No. . ! 1" a. m. So, V I" p in. Threw days to St Paul. Omnhn. K in' sua City and olhnr Missouri river points. ThrN ami i.nn half ilua lo St. I"Ula, Mllwauken nn.l Chleuiro Four and one-huif days to W.iahinirtO'i, I'nllndrlphla anil other far e.iat. rn ' nts. Piui.iKera taking th A. A '. It. R. R. o . lo k niornliiK- train will make cloax oniKo'tions at leib'.o with the e.iat bound fust mall. t'nlon dnot connections at nit t.rin lpil cttle. HaggagA i he, thrmigh to destina tion of tickets. For slecpinar car reservations, tlrka's, mnps of roiitea and o'her mf.rniatli,n, cull on or addrea J. C. MAYO Agent. 524 Commercial rtt. Atorta. or a. n. ciiarLtxin. AaalMant (Jenernl Paaai-ngrr Agent, Ci Morrison fltre'. IVrtlutul, Or. UMo DKPaRT Our little boy was afflicted with rheu matlsm In bis knee; and at timet unable j to put hit foot on the floor, W e tried In vain, everything that we could heur of I that we thought would help him. We al-! most gave up In despair, v. hen ":ne on ! advised us to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. We did so and the first bottle . gave him so much relief that we got a second one, and, to our surprise. It cured him sound and well. J. T. Bays, Pastor; Christian Church, Neodesha, Kan. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. I Miipi lite an aasai iisrnmas iiiniaaa i asiiai fraiaamrllls Go East... The Wyomlntr Wool ri p weighed 14,W,'.i0 pounds. this year CASTOniA. Bean tha ) l t53 Hail kmi BjCl 8igsatnre of TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY. Take Laxative IJromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25 cents. The genuine has L. II. Q. on each tablet. The bitterness of a praln of strychnine can bo tasted In PjO.OW grains of water. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. We have two children who are subject to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack is coming on my wife gives them Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and It always prevents the attack. It Is a household ne cessity in this county, and no matter The prsent population of Tiordcaux, ! via Billings and Burlington route, and France, Is Wfn). of which IS. MX are in you reach Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis, receipt of assistance from ihnrltablo i and all other southern and aoutheaatorn societies. cities half a day sooner than travelert ) who take any other line. a YOUR FA' V. I Oo east via St. Paul and the Bnrllngton route, and you ride tha finest train on Knows the state of your feelings and the earth the Iiurllngton.t Bt. Paul Chicago tta'.e of your health as well. Impure : Limited. blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and skin erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appear ance you should try Ackers Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap sarsaparlllat and to-caued purifiers fall; j Knowing thlt we tell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Co east via Ogden and Denver, and you see the wonderful scenery of tha Rockies, famed the world over at the most mag. nlflcent on the continent. Tickets at offices of connecting lines. A, C. SHELDON. French counts have nine equal perls In their coronets, while the British bar on Is entitled to a coronet of four big pearls. That the blood should perform Its vttat functions, It Is absolutely neoesssary It should not only be pure but rb h In life giving elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier, Aycrs' Harsapa-rllla cTts 1 f la I at4ra.l ' B A1 OaaraalM J ' mM Set to tuUlr. I trTTt nutans Chem"!!! I'm Pit M Is a nnn-y,Tn'"ia rerncilr for (ioiiorrhfea, I'len, Hpermaiurrlnea, Wlilim, unnatural dia charge, or anr liiflanima. lion, Irritation or ul'.'er tien of in it 0 ii u a Diem fja, brana. Non-aalrluucul aeawai Hold by Itrogglala, Ji for aent In plain rapir, uyv.l I' lprea, prepalil, fi,i va i '"'" c HI Circular annt un rwiuoat THREE DOCTORS IN CONSULTATION. From Benjamin Franklin. "When you are sick, what you like beat Is to be chosen for a medicine in the first SDr. Williams' Indian Hlf I Hutment will eure Blind, lileeiilng and Itching Plies. lialiH'irba tho tumors. allays the Itching at once, acta as a noultlco, gives instant K Met. Dr. WIlllams'IiKlian I'lle Oint ment la nrepared for Pllesand Itch fnif of the private parts. Kvery bos is warranterl. Bv dimgluts, by mall on re ceipt of price. 60 cents and I.OO. WILLMIM AIIFACTURINQ CO.. Pnpa, cievclaua.Tjuia mil El TIME SCHEDULES From Portland Aaaivi Fast Mail 1 p. m. Halt Lake, Denver. Ft I I Worth, Omaha, Kmih aa City, Ht Louli, I Chleago and Fast 1 Fart Mall 7'Jii a. m. NOTICK OF At't'FPTANCH. N'.'tl.e la brrby aUrri to the putiUc and all thosn ltitere(r, that Andrew Blnh, the cuntmi'lor fur the improve ment of Kxi haiiaa Hirer!. From Ninth lo Tenth Htrreta In the Ctv of Astoria, Or '". hs rompletrd the aforrasl.t lm provviiieni according to the contract therefor, and tlm onltnaiicra. pl.tna and apecincatloiia relating lo said Improv. nirnt. an.l crrilficalre of aptrva t.f the work erfornir. under said cnlrnct and tha ron.lIU)ii of sold tniprovemrnt hav lug on the I It day of October, v.. b n filed In the oftl. u of the auditor and te'll. Judgo of sold city, as by imllnanca In such rase rnu.lo and provided, ami said rertiri.-ntea of approval being signed by the supertntamlKnt of streets, city sur veyor and lha committee on streets an publlo ways of tha common council of aid city, now therefor. nalii work and the said Improvement Slay be by tha common roiim II of th city of Astoria duly accepted by onll nance, at th neat rrgular meeting of said UMly following tha date of the ex titration of the publication nf thla notice, which meeting will Iw held Thursday O- tober Snh. lo. at 7 p. in , unleaa prior thereto oblrctlona to sal.l Improve ment ami th aeroplane thereof b filed with Ihe undersigned at his urTtce In suld city. iHite) at Astoria, Oregon. October 5th l-a. II. K. NKlJtoN. Auditor and roll, a Judge, c.iy of As toria. Oregon. J. B. VVYATT, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS V.rW.S'aKaaaiM - a- s vaa,ya..t, ' WANTIOB WNTKD-A MAN OF (JooD AnoitlWH inln Wll In cauvoaa Aaloiln oh A liimliie-a propo- anion; a soon imisii ua will Ihn riglil mail. A.Urmaa U. altlon Ihn r llllllH, V'ANTICIV-IKlUHIQ t (iffarad1 Aalorlaav A. KHTAHM"II( .11 1 t:i n era- party, eitlmr lmly or gentleman. or viriiI chinch aluii.liiiic, ni I'oricapoii ileitt ninl imiiiiiger here, Need not leave home. Hillary vm IH ynur, Mucoae a.-lf mldloi.i,l atuiliped envelops to A, T. I'ilder, tlenurnl Mniuiier, cnie Aaiorlun. FOR UK NT. FOR ilMN'jClOOl) lltitlHN AND ItAltN Had lur acrea of land, nar Clalwip City station, known aa ilia tiaiaop I'uauiftloa, Apply lo . Tagg, iivi Couiiiisrolal at.. iiy rOK ALlfi. KOH HAI.FJ lltil'MM AND l.oT. 'colN nar til ml avvttue and Tamil y ninth alleel, l'pprlon, lot Mit feet. Apply lo uhn Hull. ltB8TAUHANT1l. OUOI) It CKNT kl K A LM AT TIIS Hti Ing Bun Raaiaurant, allHCKLLANKOU. IF YOtl WANT FINK Mt HMKlJl ANI crawilah tall un llaorga Hartley at th National, where all th dellcaib's of lb TBA ANU n van b found. TRY II 1 1.1,1 NO UKaVr oaaing powder, BWKKT ClltAal ll)o A PINT AT TIIS I. auhTni. ''"' TUB MUVKK-UNDKR TIIK All!- luanagoniMit of August Kraia. It daity btoinlug a nine and mor popular ra sort. Tb club rooma on tha second !!. ar now an atlravtlv fvatur of tbe alabllahnialit. PHYSICIAN I'll. AI.FHKD KINNK YOFKICK AT real.leu.a, Cllilurvlal alraal, aaar nth time hours: Morning until l; all afternoon until I; ven.ngt uatll 9 o'clock. It KHTr.n. I-HYHICIAN HuriMin, Hiia aliaallon to d I'll. O, HU of AND men and surgery. a gar a atort, Aaturla, Ortli- ovr laa Tt. No. U I'll. JAY TIITTl.K. PIIYnU'lAN ANU gurgaon. Om.a, rooms I and I. I'ythUa) Itulltllng. Ultf t'oiiini.rclal street. Itaas doiua Mm. Tslephona Pi. Acting aa alatani surgaon United Htatat niorioa) boapital tervloa MAaONlC. ' TKMI'l.E IXllMlK NO. 1. A. F. AND A. M Iteaular conimunloatlooa hld oa III Drat and third Tuesday vrnlng ot each month, tl W. l.iiW.Nrtlll.lllty, Vf. M ,IC C. HOl.l'fcN, Hecratary. ATTOHNtllt. J. Q. A. IIOWI.BY. ATTOItNK Y AND COUNHKUm AT LAW. Omee, Ilond 0trt. Aelorta, Or. Pkeae No. g Asleela. Ottgae Unrclwnrc, Ship Chandlery GrocerlcH, ProvlHioriB, HAINTM and OILM. Ss4lal Altaatloa Pals' te tupplyi.g klp THE PROOF C th. podding I. ba th aati a4 the proof of pqwjtn IS IN SAMPLING That' av argumaait thot't i olaatra a oatnonatratlaax, Owre wfll ataail the tea. HUGHES & CO. rlpokane Fiver 2 W p. raJ Walla Walla, Hpo.aneJ u.v.. MluneaiMilla. ftt.l' MC? " Duliilli, Milwaukee. ,nr,y' Chlciuroaiiil Kaat. ,10 15 a.m. Fiom Aatnrln OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Hulling llaU a aub I jeel toehmiKe. ' For eiin Friiiiciico-Kalll : October ,1. , , 3 v H j jiil, 1, Z7aud:w. faTn ei Bu uduy Columbia River 8trmers To Portland and Way landings. From I'ortUiid. Willamette Klvar. Aa m ei Mo tnlsy 6 a. m. ' ilon. Wed and Frl jfreiron Cltv, Newlo-rg, and Hal, Halein A Way 'Land's 4:'i n. m. 'Tiles. Thur 7 a. m. ! W""K!2, fl.d. Vtm- W P m. Tiica.lluir Mon..Wd. and Hat. i'rK"," ' ny, imjion, a aim rn. oay'i.ailfllllKs, , Lv Klparla daily fxn'ti fatdiiJsy i I f'ip. in.1 .Waltlver. i'!??0 Illpnrlsto Lewlstoii, dally exe't i rrinay Leave Lewlstown dally except Frldny. O. W. LOUN8UERRY, W. H. HUBLBURT, A""t A"0r Gen. Ia. Agt. Portland. Or, The Choicest Table Wines... For Families Also for Medicinal aa4 Coklng Purpoat Private "lock. Cream Rye, 014 Hickory. Pride of Kentucky and Hermitec. sleav old California Bracdl, Carlson's FamilyLIquor Store IN TWaUaTTH 8TRB1JT WHEN GOING EAST. Use a first clasi line In traveling bo twsen Minneapolis, 8t, Paul and Ctilcngo, and the principal towns In Central Wit consln. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Cart In service. The dining car are operated In the Interest of Its patrons, tha most elegant service ever Inaugurated. Meals are served a la enrte. To obtain first clnst service your ticket should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Mil waukee for all eastern points. For full Information cull on your near' est tlckot aifont, or write JAB. C. POND, General passenger Agent, or JAS. A. CLOCK, -i.lwuukce. Wis. Ocnernl Agent, 246 Stnrk Street Portland, Ore. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Bound Navi gation Company. Telephone leaves Astoria dally, except rtunmiy, at i p. in. Leaves Portland dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets Interchangeable on Tolophonn, T. J. Potter nnd Jl. 11, Thompson for Astoria and all way points Flavel. Ilwaco. Houvlow. Lung JJoacii. and Nahcotta, C. W. HTMNB, U. B. SCOTT, Astoria Agiint. Presldont. Telephone No. 11. HOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS aw They overiMima WaabnMii, Irrniro. I larlly and onilaalona,llicraa vigor I "pallia ul menntl lia. f 4 tln." They aia " 1,1 1' Navei .o I ' g toglrlaat wnmanhond, alillnif ilo, a )tsl vi.lornenliifrKnaana body. No iMyV knuwii remrily fur women euuali fl , "yjr Ihein. do hnrm-llfa lia. .''Aeiunae a pieoaiir. I arr lim !s 1 rSl . by mull, aiild hy deuiralaia. NWaJaI.W ktOH 0EIaUUAL00vi...CM.O. rfT TICKI4TS V"nrHErlM ... HWpoints lo nil ERST dining and library obryailon tara KLEOANT VMTIIIU1.K THAINaV No I l.lmltol leave purllan. at t V ' no! I Limited arrtv. Portland at U a. n. Fur ratea, .to., tall or addrea. tl. W, I)l!NMHlr:Hltr, Agent O. II. N.. As'orla. k. n. c. Or-NNirros. C P. T. A.. Portland. 0 Astoria Public Library llEADl.NH IIOOM rilCE TO A Lis Open .Tery day from I o'clock lo IJI aaal I .M t. I .M (v m. abaawiptloa rata- n par aaauia. W. twr. Clroth and Duaaa Itreetav IX atsmr -r. Uf ewttt JQ EAST SOUTH LEAVE 100 T. M n-.m a. m Dally eaoapt Sunday f: A. M T:H P. at POIITLAND OVKftUND KX I'ltaiHH, (or Ralam. Roaaburg. Ashland, nacram.nto, Ggdn, Han Jfrsnclco, Mo- tave Lo. Angtle, 31 Paao, N.w or leana and th. East. Roeeburg paaaengtr Via Woodhurn. for Mount Ang, in. rton, West goto, llrownvtlla, flprlng 0.14 and Nation!?. Corvallla paaaenger IndepeadaBo pa a1 AltRIVB A. M N: r. M Dally srpt Band W A. M li: A. a Dally fDally ascent Bunday. (.onnaeitlna a 1 au.. i. r... , .... Sro1-0.'.1' '?0ln M and Ocil JAPAN. t,uMvA'.T1UAL'A AND. MPimial YlrM frf nn aasslaw A ka . i iiiviiini nm Bliwiiiawr. Itatea and tickets to Kastnri nrn point arx .;",",,,'- ""lalned" from , H. KOKIII.ltn, atanagar. r.urop. Also jutMin. I'hlim ii,.i..i.. Anal en II. rs, lv Vvlo -i "U "L,"i"M gent. C. If. MAHKIIAaa. e.n.1 Alisimiia. inn IX nhlJtlne h.n. t . KirtKlANO, Ticket Agent. nt'X-JT o. r. p. XT Through Tickets TO THaV EAST AMD SOUTHEAST VIA i raw -0 ' PlCTOaev PULLMAN PALACE) BLH1EPH!I18. xuuniBT SLEEPERS and fhhb niocLiNiNa chair cak -Dally to- Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City and other Eaatorn cltlos fiutt tlm afjrage rthecked through to daatlnatKnt. ti,"' MR! i lowoat raua. III ail CrlTB., y2r rVf nd olht?r information call on VI RUUIUNI O. W. LOUN8DERTIT, Agnt, O. R. 4 N. Co. w iuir wu, oor. Aider, iortiaaa, or. 0