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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1898)
THK iimtV ? AbTORUN, SliflDAV i J.U1.MM.. , (XJTOMi. 10, 18;8. I Ynr; killing frost ePe4 Bunday AROUND TOWN. SUNDAY. , How sura It I. Kt If r tru word, Inttantly Wt, feel Clod't, not our, and pa It n. Aa Uesd at sacrament Mr. nrOwMng. Try Real n cl. Klmora, Sanborn Co. Hiu Mauki 8 tone returned to ier korau In Portland lait lht. Tnw ColumWa arrived In from Pan fra-KlevO yesterday an J proceeded up. Ttm nrltieh ahlp Cembrtn Qwn left p In tuw of the Harvest Queen yeter w. w. lortliiJ. tile. Whipple left last nuht fr He intend visiting McMInn- IL t Haml-l and Mr Hamblet returned l"t night from a visit to Port land. Messrs, Normlle and McOrvgor. the con tractor, wer paMengers down on last Bib i a train. . The British twrk Rockhurst. flour born for Tort Natal. South Africa, put to ka yesterday. Tlta tenmship Athenian, wl:h a ion. ral cargo for Vladlvlstnck. li du from liarUand thl morning. Tha British ship Otters-pool and Lady Isabella, both wheat laden, arrived down from Portland yesterday. Tha Mi" Hatlle and Louise Tallant wer passenirer on the State yesterday fur a visit to Sun Francisco. Wanted, a school girt to do light houa wora In exchange for boara. Apply ar atra. E. C. Hn'.d'-n'i. Ci luanc street, As toria. Pon't fail tt attend the, special sale of aarpeu now on at HfMn & Son. The greatest bargains ever offered In A torla. Pure Whisky. lUrper; Perfect Whisky, Harper. Every bottle guaranteed Harper. Bold by Foard & Sioke Cominy. As toria. Ores on. Yesterday was Astoria d.iy at the Portland expoi-l'lon, and the m xTi n train carried a large number of vlsl'or to the fair. MIM Halataad. who tvae been visiting In thla city tha part aummW, left for her noma 4n c'allf'imia yeaterday, avcontpart kd by tha Mtaaea Harriet and Lout Tallnnt. tocrDhr. hk wirchoM tn Crow u .-. will kA.uAfi.a frtllHii ItW-AMhl I ICIT anVJIU nv; w-j la tha rooma formerly known aa tha Crow Tha Rev. T. A. HyUnd will hold er lta anil preach at Orace Kp-aoopal church ody at 11 o'olot-k. The avriun enir will b omitted. Sunday aohool at tha uuJ houra. tptwtn Archie Ie came down from Tortland yenterdy, to ink of tha atenmnhln Moaul aa pilot up the r!vT. Th Mwul I fuird In from tha Ortent thla morning. On atsxtunt of the abeem-e of Rev. Henry M:iixills there will ba no nervl.-ea today at tha I'reaberlan churv-h, Sun' day achool and tha Toving IVoplf'a mt- In w.ll ba held at the unuai houra. Tho State pt atuck on the hog-bat'k on the wny d.iwn from yv.tirUy mornlnir, UjUnc a d Uy of a ( houm She hud a rhm frtlsht and ivik ner llt and croKisl out In the ttftrrnoon. Mr. John R. Ka'.hom. at one time ton net tfj with the Alortn. but of I vto ai tlne a war airiviindi'nt to a Sm Krmuteoo poisr. ied throush i'ort land yeflorday on hi way to the Hay City. Service will b held tvU- In the Finnish chimh, on Eleventh trvet and lrvirv? avmu. hy n.'slon-trlcj ct-hu tho Mat. PmuhtiiK in the Ki-iCilKh lno:ie at l.Xi n m. All .ire ivrilu..y Uivilel. llcv. J. H. l.umorl, juator. In htst wek' publuhed reprt of the county court procmlitvya an error wa n-.4ie In the Item rvUtln tn the c!t of tr!ruphlni( atout nutter t'r!a:nir.g to the Young bay brt.'.s-v. Thie t -t was ii tat to he SU. when H ihould havo been 91 cent. Tha cviitra.-t for the Improvement of llarrin avenue boiween Seventh and Khth atreet w.i awarded yitrd.iy to W. J. intylin for P'-X T!. The contract for the improvement of Kuthth, tteen Grand and HarrUoti avemi.s was awaxvl ed to Amirew llir h for KCf sO. The admltil.itr.vtr' i:e of prop erty U-lon;lr,i to the estate of William Kyan. dii-xiised. i.l take place at Hie court house dor toninrruw. Monday, nii'rnir.K, .ctoNr IT. at I) o'clock. In t r.tiet t!e opportunity to buy Si'n.e pr'ier:y at )Our on pr'.ic. Contructor Lebeck. who haj the tract fcr the new A. & C. li. K. war-1- 1 house the depot. nukiu ncl- For Sa. V tnn. of Rwytn c,l: tie p"" "Uh , ,lh? bKh' ho InrM h.M and .learn co,U ever brought oituoly we.-.Vr ai i le lini:jeu lo:i in-ivtv uie n:ue i.-.i-u to AftorUu K'.more. Ibone, Ma:n i-h S.nlnira Co.. Tel In the contracL Will Whelan returntJ veJterdav to Ti.e h'-ur MM for tte Port ft. ad after a tr.p of !ays tj i of the late Andrew M this t!m In the Interest of the Union I Andrew HirrveiM at th, Meat Comiany. The steamers Hairifon and Elmore, fhe former from Tll'.am.MK. and the lit ter from Nehalem, with general mer ckandise. arrived In yesterday tvaninj. funeral yerv.cis :n;la and ilr. hall of Seusi'le louge haa U'n han:e.l frv.m 1 ol.k P. m. to 1) otlovk ths nuTtim. The steamer has been eng.igtd to larry the funeral party to lnvp river, where the latermei'.t will made. tha comnvand of h Thlrteanth lliht. houaa duu-lct to Commander Uaiter. v la now In lMrtland. Cwman1er Mw n mnila many nienda whlla In char; of thla district, and they rairret to learn of hla departure. At tha Oirt'Atonal church toKy, tha thema tor tha morninc aarmon la Wndemnalhrn from Vheipected Sour cea." Kvenlna;: 'Tha Growth of tha Mllile." K. 8. nolllngar, paator. At tha Swedish Luthern church. Sun day achool will bo held at tha usual hvur. lYeaihlna- In tha evening; at t:M In Kn Kllsh by Rev. Nioolal. Them of aermi n: "The Oood Shepherd Provldln; for H.a FUvk." Th popularity of th merchant' lunch served by Mr. Ueortt Hartley at the Na tional l trowlna; dally, and many buai nes men can ba found there rvery day for their mld.Uy menl. Th lunches et by Mr. Hartley are th ftneat :n the vlty Mr. K M. Smith. teehr of piano and vnn. Ins'rumental aim Mcal music. Spe lal reduction mad for rlaar of frm live to ten in number. Mr. Sin th guarantee .tiltctloii through both pri mary and ntot advanced studies. Kor further iHvrttculata call at her room, l i Pond street. The new warehouse now under con struction for the A. l It. K. Is estl mated to acvommodate, when cmpliJeAl, o ton of wheat, for ten year after tho r Ulroud entered Portland there was lay vf svwrl hour. Tha Tort of Port, land tommtsston hud lietter Secur h other amnMpriatum fnm tha itov. ernmaot for th "Improvomant of As toria hartwr." ttil Idea of allowing th O. R. N. t earner to groun.1 la simply unbearable. If a wer any other com pany th Inconvenient' could be toler ated, taut tha O. H. N.-never! Th matter I on which demand Immedlal attention, for. If steamer Ilk the Co. lumWa, drawing only IX feet, nnd bottom o readily In lVwIlajid "nh.p' Vhannal, Sinn of tha rwln carrier niay do like wise. Another appropriation I aturo lutely nvesary-r course, "for As. tori'a harbar," Tha county court meets tomorrow In adjourned session, and one mutter of gret Importance will come up for final action. At the Inst mi-etni- of the pro. girve Commercial Ao. lallon Se. re- tary Lyman w liiatruclrd to wddresa a communication to the county court, ask ing that a spHll levy of nve mill be made for mad purv,es, and also that a iHirtabl sawmill lie puclmaed to as. in imiiuiti; and tiuprovlng enmity nignway. This ixtltlon bai nlieidy ien presentel to tike iiurt. and will come tin for coiMlilerullon and rtnal ac lion tomorrow. Tho present county court I lias made a n-cor! for Itnolf as a not prcgressiva lunty, and there Is Very little ' dout t that th-. prayer of the pet Hi .ner will le granted. The slWtHal levy of flv ' mills will crtNite a fund whbh will nm- I terally inlt in mprolnK road, ond large section which are now pencil wily shut off frm the city will be openctl up. If the court devl.lca upon the nuivhoso no railroad warebou. In thai city whl, h j of the aawmlll. tha road hemifter will nil be idankiM. maklivg them visHAbte ut all time of tho year. The Push has had the matter under coiidcri( tor some Um ut, and the member generally are of tho opinion that belter highway will no fir toward mtvtino.iMt the Interest of the county. would hold j much wheat. In Portland at that time U was customary to load whel direct from the car t the sli p. A rtsh'ng boat capsiud off Smith's IVint yeaterday, but the single occupant u.ce.-.lel lit reaching shore In .uety. The wind was Mow In heavily at the time, ami the fish b"it, fn wh ch were five la!e of hay. was overturned In m.tlng a tack. rortunalrly the cra.t w-as near the shore. The occupant, whose name could not be l.artud. m.inic.1 tj get the hay ashor-'. The North Pacific brewery hus been busy for the last ten days on account of many change that nre be ntr made there. ' The ihange will great'.y improve th br-w.ry and facilitate puttlntt cn t ntarkct a better uuullty of beer, which ' i be made t ectil anything west of tho Ji n ky mountain. The work is golrg on un.vr the sutn-rvlslon of Mr Koi-:. and hi new foreman, who has Just ar- ' rived from the east. I New Coat rwwiivy I w,s. . I i .J New Capes. New Jackets. " t' OervV .1.V . TZ 'J Mr, "J. il f - iXl' ,', vlt Tf XV :) is Club I - t' v. Fresh candl' every day at the Par or. where all such goo.1 are kept either In glass Jam or and an- thus fre from street dust and dt-aSo germ. Tho Parlor's cntullcs come fmm the b. ii'torle on the ci.jit. where every nwS em facility for making and "curing candles can be employed, ('otnistre j.:al- Itle and price at tho Parlor with o.her shops, und you will be it Is the place to get the best g.K-ds. ,V.i:'SH ACKS or PollTLANP LACK CICY-I1AHY SKNSK. TT.Is I VV:;t the Ii-.tcMI V lt'r ..; Astoria' Advantage as ihe tireat Exportliiij I'o til. "Where hsvo I b-.-r? Itdstb utlng on your 'weotior beach.' s the native fail It. A most apt n-ime, t ,, for Tll ti;vo..k ti,.id pr.ite ii from beivy win.; and mokes c on '.d.iil beuh. No o'h.r seaport In this iintimi bis o line a Ini. ti so c'.ose to Its borders. U ! v. it begins nt r'ort Steteti. In the v.. In. ty of l-'lavel." Tl.iis juoih tho la stern Visitor. ,.s the A lorl.tri gin. usain toek him In low sterd.iy. Tell Its." s.ild the subtle ti:l;l. "how u lliink Portland u ni.iv thlltl .st.",:l t.y mo k 1 1' A.l.ll.i ho exportlik' n: of tt'.ls region. It :s not Jacket, extra quality pur molialr luster. As'rnkan curl; It Inches .ing, octanon hel front storm collar, fl front, color black, V each. i Misses wool f wv Jacket. Invisible diagonal heavy cloth. iuar shaped front, deep turn down storm collar, newest sleev. collar yok strap and cuff, finished with ro of braid to harmonls. Pile i: S. ry e,x m-it Ladle' Jacket, heavy American wool. Ilnslird Kmsee ;i Indies long, turn down collar inlaid wlih golden brown silk velvet, tailor made reveres, new est sleeve, colois tnn, ptb Id Tltf-p fi w t uts rt'i'n'stut lut n fiv of cur innnv I'unt-i, Ciq t mill JiKki tc. Wo liiivt it lurcii ux-MirlUK'iit ( t'ltotwo fitni itt t!u low tt j (iillo j iit t ii. I'llll lllbl .ft for VOUINflf. SHANAHAN BROTHERS T1IK .'LACE TO (iKT HA K( JAIN'S. The tile waa running v. Andrew Fyard. a prlminent A:ort tn. j terouy when the Telei hone arrived from Will leave for Stchaar. Sweden, tomorrow. Ponland. and. in the turn, the Mr. Bayard xp.-ls to rvtnain In the old , steamer wa earned far down the Ma, the im t rno. r.g t ird belong tig to Mr. !te,il of vtri.tin Sc Hi-ed's. and a g :w ral fuvorlte with frmm liters of i',.m mtri lal street, die.1 yisterdoy. t,re'.itn- ubly from, old ago The btr.l was flee ! yar old and a remarkably swe-t sitig'T i and had all the characterist. of I s ' kind, always mocking If It ln ord any :: -wliistbng. Its imitation was o orret ry strong yis- , t wajl imot imp'ssitv,. t,i .M-'in- cie ir to some io-o;i;.', , -land." " could be p'.al j V. "It Is s'lHtue I'oftl i It. Children cry for ro land had try-baby -ens.-Within one letter of I! - A -oria. V,. Let ,, t'';.e td.i To. niirii t.isl lVc:;.i:;. slioul.l ,!..ul,, 0!0 W'.'Ml. v.o'.d,: llol :' of conr-io she by cui'iin ti o th" I'Mur's, the goontry until about the middle of next April. stream. The gte-imer Uwaoo vu ctim p.d:e.1 to execute a flank movement to lte out of the way of the Telephone. At the Norwegian Evangelical Luthern i which brought up near Kinney cu:mtry. church tomorrow confirmation service win be held tt 10.S) a. m. and communion Lieutenant Commander Maron was a amices at 7:30 p. nv, both in the English ) passenger on the Stati for San Kran aanraita. i claco yesterday, having turned wer g j;sh tne dlfferens-i on the corner will . Mac' shr.ll w ii.s le be mlss,d by many. II II A H II K M A 5 II E It M A N II H 11 A N II yi M A 3T ' 'Some grocers are glad to sell Schilling s Best tea. They like to give their cus tomers something better than is expected. ia HERMAM HERMAN HERMAN HERMAN HERMAN Meet Her 2 Way You ask her to be saving; not to pay too much for Bonnets and so on, because jou work hard and for small wages WHY DON'T YOU Practice those economies your self? When you want a suit, a hat, overcoat, underwear, socks, etc., etc. DO YOU INVESTIGATE The great Reduction we offer on MEDN'S and BOYS' WEAR? We'll Meet You flore than a Way V I S E V I S W I S E W I s E W I s E W I 8 E W I S E VISE HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. WISE WISE, WISE WISE WISE WISE. WISE W I S E IMitor If you know of a so'i, l or or canvasser In your c:ty or else here. evs Lilly a man bo has solicited for tubs- rlptlons. insurance. nurs-ry ituck, book, or tallorlntr or a man hj can srll soisls. you mill confer a favor by tcllln him to correnpond l:h us, or if you l'l lns.-rt thl In your aier and uh nartlc will cut this nolle? out arxl nwil to u. wa may be nb'.. to furnish them a 'kh1 poxlUon In their own arxl a!J lin ing countle. AdJress American Woolen Mill Company. Chk-ago. Mr. Harry Crlbb, fijrmerly a blje con tractor of thl city, who ha been In Alaska for tha past year, ha returned to the itate. and was ren In Seattle a few day ago by an Astortan who wa vlsltlrnf there. Jlr. Crlbb I In excellent health, and ha done very well In the north. He I expected home today or to morrow. For the past ten month Mr. Crfbb hua be-n In Dawson, where he ai extensively ennaKed In contract I nir, and nearly all of the new building l:i tne northern town were erected by him. J ihn Kemmell. an ainirt-ntice employed In tha t.ns'nop of 8. Wlllett. had un al most miraculou iai from linh yes terday. U H. Ilurroui-hs. hejn plumb r for Willett. was at Work on the I'atce bulldlntc. and young Kemmell was at work with him. In some manner he lost his footln and wa prec'pltated he id lorar to the Ijeach below, n distance of over 31 feet. How the boy ever mannicd to fall through the many projei ting tlm b-r Ik a wonder, but he escaped them, und landed head foremost. In the mudflats. He sank tnto- the oft mud until hi nhoulder were out of night und h' preslhament wua a serious one un;ll he waa extricated by Mr. rturroughs, who confidently expected to find that the boy had been killed. A hose waa turntd on the lad and the mud washed off him. He waa not at all Injured, and resumed work later. Now that the winter ha about set In something I needed to fill the place bicycling doe In aummer. Out door sports cannot "ba depended upon and the lover of the like must look -to something eise for hi usual exercise. All over the country roller skntlng rink are beln; erected and thl Invigorating exercise wfB supply tha deficiency of ix'lng un able to use the bicycle during the winter month, fikatln; rink In Antorla were ait on time very popular, but ulnce the bicycle cam Into vogue they have not been thought of. In the etern suite the roller skating craze I sweeping over the country and Is already the popular amusement In all eastern cKlen. Ball bearing roller skates are being used al moin i-xcluslvcly. It would not be very strange If the craze, which Is sweeping westward, should soon strike Astoria and revive a winter pastime that has b-n forgotten for years. The Telegram of last evening magnan imously devoted five lines to the vlsll of the Astorlans to the Portland exposition. It was Astoria day. According to some estimates us nrnny as !) peoiib; went from Astoria, expressly to manifest their good will for Portland by attending her exposition. Assuming that there wire only 2)0, which Is far below tho number of eclal Astoria-day tickets which It Is known the rallrofid disposed of, It Is safe to say each one of these visitors spent on an averago of I0 In Portland' mammoth stores and palatini caravan saries. This would moke a wad of $201) Of "fish money dropped In Portland by Astorlans. In return for tills Astoria re ceives the notice above Indicated from Portland' great afternoon Journal, or 1400 a line. Pretty expensive advertising, that. The steamship Columbia ran aground yesterday on the Tongue Point hoa-.tack, the existence of which la so strenuously denied by Portland paper. Fortunately the fall freshet is now on and the steam er was floated at high tide, after a de- t: I'M, t. .1 r ii. is trade, alir.,. I'll! you has n : l: v in ivr.. c r. .-. . I t th- l". ii. I H,i,w n.'t tv I T i. If Vrl rb i nf 1 , om.c w 'ill I i r f r till i ii : Su -i t" I. W .ry i i In iiiii..i'on I'' rl! ui.l .I nil.;. would. Wcl ! .t '1,1 b,y Ann rl ,iri r i 1- YOU Save Dollarsi-Uadfes' Fleece Lined Fast- Black By I'urcbjslnf Your Drugs. Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of is i m:M c.i;'.ur all tin i 'rici ,il for whbh a.! the v,.r!, urd cf v ht :i :h I'.ir ttlnif th- lion's shite, lint v that iiiul, link- th - t'iMrnM i the crv center of lb- isf Tbi l'v il t-ia'c ilit if slnte a lierv every iuih le i so1. 1 !. to i ,er rciil.l lis than ill' iii.'iniiluctiircr 's pnci' 'ere l r l ib'li'l tdl it u 1 1 . Ilcrs are, i. "in I't'ies 1,'eiM lliU r rVrry Putellt Mcfti'iic. Iiiilct Article ur Iciitf is 'li nt cut r'itc I I 'i.r in ill nrlcr la sines lllis lreble.1 itt ', n etr, l ei sun- ev en one willnti 'tsi l:il' i'( I'io-iIuh ilcaii save liiiuicy y tr i.iiiii; :t u I i"ir I C"l rite; f" l Hose 25c per pair !le IH e4ti .III... .. Iion't you si-e ihat would r,ip.d. ib ui'ln Its population und rnu- rlaliiii rl'i Is- I'-in't you sr it Willi. d rot inl lilve el! present i xirts to iho t i 1(. N. fi r ra.-rl.iKe. but soon double !hcm nnd also double their other train-? Why. man alive, Portland mosslsick real estate m-n haven t the sense thev were born with! Ki. ihey'd cry for tciAsiorla!" And tho Kastrrn Visitor's Una fare showid tho depth of his scorn for the Portland mosbak. "Not only so." he continued, "but Ihe Imrr.edlute effect of this revolution In commercial fondltlon woiiiu kIvo Ihe WHUimeite full wnter pier control of the manufacture of the entire Pacific shores more than half the populatbl of the world! It Is without u possible rlvul on the Pacific cmst from Ala-dca to Caiie Horn. It !.',.) or aiomi mile of advantage over liwell and iiimchester shuts thin out. Th; grmt revolution, by riving Portland the greatest sniort In the world, would quickly put her abnsist of the icr-titest. t-nir f , (, mrth. When I se- It grrnt t?) newsi. 'n-r and It great IT) mllroud magnate fighting against (c)Astoria. It makes ma tired In musing uixin the folllm uf man kind. "Hut It's none of my funeral, and I ruess I'M go over und mt some i,f A. ex. Megler' unsurpass ill clams, Just to soothe my Irrtiiitlon over the obius. ncs of some mortal men." llrcuUr I r e hi H . I s 11 , 1 ... 1 1 - I I 1 o, .I 1, S) It 3o 4. t I. . f s r i; 1 lie- l l ' . i si ur It i r m il I i , e i'c4in tmrll n I ikilie'ct i-,rr) I I lllp.illllll , hfap i f u- lo. it'. I'lo d 'u r i rl -1 . .' K r te I re. i rliiion ! t ree'. !, I 1,-n J' illi is- nor I'le ti' s l. t . iii in -' I' uk ran . . l''Hti!ti 'sieiile , or Mwsr ro,t.-l T.l.ltlv In K .It,. e el In n I i I caiu .. u nine is,.ii., ii- snir c.sKil it' 1. Is. In bullies euii'nliii"ir un I il (Juuiltie I I a, i Sufir r wied .' ei. Ill Ih,kih ro'Hslii n I ii I ft n ulii'iie I siistile-, ur Mis r V i-le. Isli'els I Trr emit I' I t We Inly direct fn tn the uinnilfocttirera in tiiisn'ities. which s-riirc Ibe VnV I.MWKST TKUK ItATFS. Till euilles us to retail st Wlio'eSsle pricea. Vi puy traiissirtiilinn i listen to As toria nn n'l ur ler fur ilru n' psli'iil Ineilii un Hliiuiliiliiitf to l ur over, a hen ncciirnpsnieil liy the cash. Our I'lio'oyrai'li'c ilcparlnient will In terest you. Fvery new tbliiif in tilioinj rihy is in st.s'lt.'siul it aill ilelwht -is to have you call, heiher yon hip or hot. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kate l)ruij(j!t'i Fourth and Wusliiuifton, rortlnnd, Ore Hemeniber the "P. N." CorwetH. THE LAND OF PLtNTY In marked contrast to th Cuban mar kt I our own. Our market show that Ihl truly I a -'Unil of "riiy " Thar I no txcui to ba orTered for poor tork of vegetable and other irocari. W never hav to try for on. Tou'U com again and ln. If you com one. Everything you r ad ROSS, HIGGINS & CO RKAI KSTATB TKAN.SKKK8 l.i.fl Andrew Young and wife to An Irew Imager, lot K. blink li. Young's river cemetery i. mine ii. rag lo M. J. Kin ney, water fronlaKe In front of block 8, M'lure 3, SI 7 03 M J. Kinney and wife to 8. Schmidt. water 'frontage In front of block 1. McOure I.MO.fiO this purpose Hosreiter' Hiomnch Mtbr Is highly recomniemled. It is the best tonic ever made. AN KCIIO PiKM THK WAIl. THE BEE HIVE has the cheap est line of capes for the money ever shown in Astoria. THK LADIES. The pleas.. nt effe. t and pe'fe?" sufei) with which ladle may use fiyrup of Klgs. under all conditions, wakes It their favor ite remedy. To get tho true snd genuine article, look ;f or tha mime of the Califor nia Fl flyrup Co. printed near tha bottom of the package. For aala by all druggist. Ft'NKRAL NOTICK. The member of Seaside I-odge No. 1J, A. O. V. W.. and also those of the Degree of Honor. are hereby notified to assemble In S'-aslde Lodge hall, on Sunday, pith Inst., at 10 o'clock a. m., to attend the funeral service of their late brother, An drew Mnnula. and the wife of Broth er Hlrrvela. By order of WILLIAM KELLY. Master Workman. HOTEL ARRIVALS. p.-irkr House. M. Luomn. I. Janson Ht. Helens: W. O. Silver. South Bend; Mrs. V.. Ferguson, Halnier; A. it. llln ronn, flnngerint E. C. Hunt, Port f'unby; Kargeunt II. C Castorf. Hiicramemo: Mrs. O. Grant, 'Portlnl; P. V. Coppln. ger, Jioaton; A. Mirenu, jiriuiteport; ku. belly, mn Friuiiisco; I, Jl. Haddun, jwmmotiii.n (Mcldcnt V, W. flweency, A. R. T). Pnterson, L. S'lldren, W. ll. paterson, l. J. l)ppenneiTrr, a. l. I'esse, j'ort land: R. W. Foster. New York; J. J. I-rxke. i;. H. N.; If. H. Smith. San Francisco. jjKik's Lrnitli'il clotli cnpfH Lmlit'H brnidod nnd liriHli'd Clutll niJK'8 Lnili(!s' brttided nnd bcntlfd cloth cjipy tic, cloth nnd thibet triinliK'l Luring the YunUee-Hpnn sh war Ib-r nn Wise had an mlvertlsernent In h 1 KUfle (ll nr,,r..i.i nil., . nun KHin, i-i i . Jln- tlon of liusiern adviwtlser. It, was something like this "How many Miles lo Porto Rico?" There' only one Mile nnd he is one too many for the Spanish; neither do our clothe suit the lions, but any Ameri can may lion our suits and look styllh for little money, Herman Wise's ads are noticed back Knst; do you notice them? If you don't you lose money by It. Iwause you never burn of the bargains he offers. Rad h!s ad In today's Astorlan. $1 0 I.ndio! ldiiln .hitli, thibet around tho col In r mid 2 00 down tho fremt $2 Ijiilieu' bedded, braided 2 M) id inh citiio with thibet around collar aiid nil 4 tQ , utoiuid tho cupo 3 00 A full assortment of Jackets in alt grades at very low prices. YELLOW JACK IN THE ARMY. "It Isn't the number of men thnt yel low fever kills that frightens you," suld a soldier, "but tne unexpected sudden ness of Its attack, and the rapidity with which It kills." A than I well and hearty at 3 p. m.; at 4 p. nt. he Is deadly III; at 6 p. m. be la dead, and at ff p. m. he Is burled. The man who dies of yellow fever sometime Hg trenches' Tlarht up to within four hours ot hi burial, in much the same manner men will work day after day in apparent health, and then will' suddenly1 appear ft general weakness. The bddy la giving out. It needa something to strengthen It, to ton un the stomach, and assist digestion. For . .. BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE THE BEST BALVB in th world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Halt Rheum, Fever sore, I Tetter. Chapped llsn'ls, Chilblain. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posit. vely cures Pllri, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prlc 2S cent per box. For sale by Kstes-i'onn Lrug Co. y ASTORIA PUI1LI0 LIBRARY BENEFIT A grunu bazar, conversation nnd a unUiuo entertainment generally will be riven on the evening of Liswnber 1, The Woman's exchange will be, continued a usual (luring the month of liecember In the library. The librarian will receive all articles that are donated or to be sold on commission. All willing workers are asked to contribute some of their handiwork for the library fair, December 1, ISM. STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO. Notice Is hereby given tnat the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Flshermens Packing Co. will bg held tt the office of the company on Saturday, October 29, 1808, at 9 o'clock a, m., for the purposo of electing a board of llre -tore for the ensuing year and tha transaction of such business as may properly oome before the meeting. Auo. MgujEiia, Secretary, Fishermen's Pkg. CO. (Astoria. Or., September 2D, 1808.) mmp w Vte-flfcfo-7 m II BWmh A SI' Ml . OLADS.TONE'8 PALM. The above Imprint is a correct reproduction of Wm. E, Olndstone'i palm, Enirland'a "Orand Old Man," takon hy Prof, Grant Chesterfield, ihe. noted palmist, during his European tour In W. Professor Chesterfield'a parlors are cor ner of Eighth and. Duune streets.