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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1898)
i TIJK DAILY ASTOKJAN, flOHOAY MORNING, OCTOBEli 1, 1SSS. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYKUP OF DGS U duo not only to tlm orlir Inallty and linpltoltjr of tho combination, but alao totlio cure ami aklll with which It U nuuufueturctl 1y ael.-iitlllo pwewo known to tho Cai.iroum Flo tiruvr Ca only, mul wu to liuprm upon til tho Important) o( purclitulnjf tha truo ami original remedy. A th genuine Syrup of rig li manufactured by tho CALiroNKU Fia Srnur Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will lt ono In avoiding the worthleai ImlUtloni manufactured by other par tlet, Tho high tUiidlng of tho Cam roam tn Hmr Co. with tho medi cal profaMion, and tho latUraollon whkh tho gruuluo Syrup of rige haa glrrn to million of famllleo, malt tho namo of the Company a guaranty of tho oaonllrnoo of lt remedy, It U far In advauoo of all other laxative, a It aut on the kidney, liver and boweU without Irritating or weaken ing thrm, and It dcire not gripe nor tiatiwatr. In order to get Ita Ixinrfklal effwtn, pIcKMi rememlier tho uamo of the ('MiiMtiiy CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. rw4M io, ru Ul UVILI.K. Kt. tmw rMK. H,T. GRAND REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS. 500 Yards Body Brussels, Tapes try Brussels and Moquettes to be dis posed of at less than cost C. HEILBORN & SON. 1 ril KUOOLVUv : ; : Compound Automatic Engine ; : f-7 "PT 'i ' 1 ' "'" -u , , , .Strong niul Economical. Write A. II. A Kit ILL, Mnnnger. ESTES-GOpMGCo Leading Druggists of Astoria ., m UUUUVUUU H A Try Pronto.," a sure and pleasant cure for k) the Headache. J. I'l'PILH RECEIVED IN TH3 PRIMARY, GRAMMAR AND ACADEMIC GRADES THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. llounllug pupil Bi-opptoil for Hi idiool woi'k. Date of opculUK. Hoptomhor Alh, For rates, oto., addrees tho Superioress Astoria's Leading Hotel i Mcglcr & Wrinht. Prons. I CROWDS CHEER THE PRESIDENT McKlnley's Visit to Illinois Cities Made the Occasion of Mon ster Demonstrations. AT LINCOLN'S FORMER HOME Eulogized the Dtid President ind Com mented Upon His Action In Free Inff the Enslaved Nefroei. nilOAOO. 0t. lJ.-Th pMildent of Die I'nllixl HiMi-i arrlvnl In t'blco to iilaht at ISO and will be the central n or In Die rliy'e p' Jutillr nrtt wik. Alili'iuifh mui'h wirll by III mi jntir. nry ovnr (he ttrrai w-t em hi ariliui. Any at tha tran-atllalj rplllon, be al1, Jimt Morn bvlng the train: 'Throiwhout the journey I have 1n dwiily niovril by tha piiirUoilim of the miiiI, ami di'llntilixl with the evident-. of tlmlr proepprliy." riUCHII'KNT AT KI'ftlNOKIKl.n. KAMCAKKK. III.. Oct. IJ.-Knormoii rrowil llnlffiird to the word of the pre"!- 3d both t Ii'ir nl AprlnKftVlit, LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA ..'! I I I I ; 11 .ii-a.iini 1 n .-.1 m.. i.i.i....ti.I. uh for jartk.iilflXH. KUS8ELL it CO., Portland, Oregon, Mo INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC, PAINTING AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT 3- Tho latter pl. tho former rllnc. of Ahrithnin MiK'oln, funiuhml tho lr et m nibly ih liy. They liet'nt'd ol em uly eml with bnrI hcinl wlil'e X'nnU (1-nt Mi Kluby u(trH filling wurl In 1'iiloKy of Uni nin, llniil1: 1 "I nm Kl'i'l to Ik t Ih home of the niurlyrlr.wl irNlili.nt. He v1 ibe union. (In lllirrnli'd rn mm lilrh hi nil'l i'IIkM to !' frxn biu'iiimn Iht in Khi i .mo a 1 1 mi. win ii tiii'DH bin tic mfn iii lu lii k'i'p DmJi W' l nf lllicrly In the family of miilonit. If nny vlmlloKtl'in of Hint t r if Hull irilii y wr m-rdi-d. It w foiinit li n I brnve Mm k tn'il imcHi'lrd thn Hun Jmwi Mil In Culm uml i Inimixl the rtK'iny nl Kl Cnny," liiril'iihir nUtnlnVnrne iih'ii.h in idn riiimrh of .r-iUti( (unit the "hhit k ini'ii" In vlrw of the nilnvre' troiilih nt I'm nil uml VliMi-n txtWM-n the white lrlkor and Imported ngro-i, and th connixilon with thote trouble on the purl of Oovernor Tenner, who we with the prmlilMit on the platform. 'i , I'KACB NFlOTIATlONS AltK I'lUX'BEDlNO 8I-OWLT. QiiMitlon of the Cubn Ix-bt Ifu not liin ettld Amrliin WHI ft'--fun 1a Annum It IliynvKit. 1tNIKJN. Oft. 15-Th I'grl rorr iMinilrot if th Tlme tyt: The pn ncKotiKtlon r nM-Mmrlly low, 1)Hik oKlui-tn iiwf by ex Itunre of worda limn rxhuie of noli end mtumrnte, H-iiir Moutru Itloa, prrl d.'iit of lh KiMinlnh i omtmnlon, doe not uiMlrrittiind KiutUnh. CooN)unntly the fw word rniint Ui littrrpr-tl. nnd even they r nirt rtinnltlv until i ominltt.d to iir, Tlii fiilmn debt Urtioii hx thu l-ri-mly lnn Uld on th tublo end the AmTlctii, rommUnl'itwr hu.v alrmly bn lvn a peremptory r-fuim to dm I1l itlll,ln whl h hu Imd rttrd, iia th'-y una 'dare.1, by the preu e prelim li;nrM). Kallhfiil to ttu. ntltii.U adoliltl by Horn from tlm titH. thy rmrd r.aolvid to tiik" thHr aiuiid on tha lit. atrm tlna r ratliT, na I h:,v aaJil. Ih prw la an J r,iiii ian ordrra hlh tln-v briiiht with them, but trie HiatnUh. on thrlr iMk. ). r.t think thvniwlvin bound to biw ith diK-lllly to ih Imperuilva lntnn dona of unthi-r v rnm-rif . T1,y return. d lo th (Wk tmluy, if 1 am well Informal, tind urit.-.! th itrm iTiilly admit trd prlin'lplt, whldi lin nn i ciicUiTth tha I urdrtia Im Ii.iuc. Ine to tha lerrltorv neiqiiereit, -li h r In thel' own tirhulf or that of the:r client. Thry liiKlMird Ihut It would be an extra ordinary cur.e to a.i.l.l!.. Hpiiln, iilrmly In ao lum.nt.tlile a cifrtdttlun, with the Cuban debt while eurretidertrg li the vl-tor the aecurlty wlili-h It ahiitild tie paid. They remarked, according to my Infor nwtlon, dial If they hud aikril the I'nltl (ttatea rr wrmltii to rwloe In terewt out of the cuatotrm revenui , h y would have nuturnlly have rm-t with e refuaul. How. then, rain they he. a-V'-d te lve to the vlaltor Die peO alio-. ! ln paymeeit .T Intepeet and yet rt tnln the burden of Ihe debt? Tliey ubinnnl, however, that aa I'urm la the ki-y to Ih (iulf of Mexico, the J'nlte.1 (ttntea wl I thu be able to pajei the only bertb-r whli-h they had hlth.-ri,, hnn umibln te inM Kl will, end I hut la worth aome nc rlrt' lletiit, ihe Hiain.h (-omnilrtM"n r Inelot . In Ike mime of revoicnlnol tnter natlonnl liw. ihul lha di-bt hoil not real aolely uihiii Puinlh fhouhler. It I Impoaalldn to Tor-te the American r-ply. but it l not likely Mr. Day and hi rotlcAKi' will yield. An bleu :w iilbmt-imd It I to tie warm ly advocated, by the filwida of peace end )ut. e tbnt tha Intenei ahoubl be r dllieil t. I1, per cent. ,r even in 1 per rent, and Jointly KU:ir.nteed by tho Sonnlnh and tne future ruler of Cub. each thua beerliitf a very uliRht burden and 1h bondholder l-lnic pmleitcd from loan on their Inveatment. The In Kt Information dm not emm- ete either from Hnn.ird or Amrrti ana, but there la nn Inl.lltloil of l:ickiPC It a to Rive It wmite ch.ince of urw. TIIK SITE SICI.KCTKD. HAN KHANCIHCO. Oct. ll.-Coli.nil M.ddli'ton haa flnully deddtsl urxm lha I'reeldbi rrerVHtUn na the ulte for the new military hoapltal and a.-lcctlon ha be'n aiTti'Viil by General M rrlm. It will be loewtod near tho preint pol hoapttnl. A Prnnayh-anla dnavulut runim .glnK ebon l emonjr nccumulated rubbish In hi Riirret. found an old Iron oven that once belonged to Martha WViahiUKtoti. Wth It with letter proving authentic- Ity, and an 'unbroken chain of owncr hlp np to te finder' mother. Moat of the nnuaea and office In Ma nila hnve Hay pane of iranalinvnt (hell for gin. An avenue window", lx frvt lon ty four feet wide, contain about Ml of em h imnea, which lempcr the heat of the eun. the rhell b. Ihk very low condui'torw f hwit. They also pre vent the bllndiii'M which I Induced by the deive fclure of the aun In that part of the world. Peaplte the fact Muit hundred of per on have killed themaclvr because they hnve been rulurd by tha Vienna municipal lottery, the Ytenne continue to roKard tho luetltullon with favor; It keep down the tnxre. DISCOVERED BT A WoMAN. Another great dlicovery ha been made, and that too, by a lady In thl country. "Dlea (aliened It clutchc upon her and for even year the withstood Us evereit teit. but her vital organ wer undermined and death aeemed Imminent. For three month ih coughed incessant ly, and could not deep. SShe finally dis covered a way to recovery, by purchas ing of a bottle of Dr. King' New Dis covery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that sh slept all night; and with two bottles, haa been absolutely cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Luti. Thus writes W. C. Hamnlck A Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle free at Estcs-Conn Drug Co. Regular ilxe Wo and )10O. Every bottle guaranteed. Tho who who I nlwaya itskliiK her hus band what ho wouul be If It wasn't for her money, ought to be politely but very firmly answered that, In all probability, ho would bo a bachelor.. YELLOW JAUNDICE CURED. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every mean possible for It relief. It 1 with pleasure we pupllsh tho follow ing: "This Is to certify that I was a ter rible sufforer from Tellow Jaundice (or over six months, and waa treated by some of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Boll, our druggist, recommended Eleotrlo Bitters; and after taking two bottles, I waa entirely cured. I now take great pleasure In recommend ing them to any person suffering from thl terrible malady, I am gratefully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." Sold by Estes-Conn Drug Co, THE PAST WEEK . IN LONDON TOWN S tject of Anglo-American Alli ance D'scisscJ at Luton ty Sir Henerle Crlffln. THE WASHINGTON MEMORIAL Favored By Colonel Hay-Churchmen Afluttd Over the Controversy CauseJ ty Sir John Klnset. Copyrighted, lSr, by Aaaotlated I'rea. UJNDON, Oct. U.-A regulation heevy London fog enveloped thl city and It Nubuilat. for ihaiftrit time thl eim. on Thuraday. Moat of tha light ot to cloiy wtWk-d the Newmarket race meeting, which w very crowded and guy, The Duke and Dm heal of Devon shire, who are acknowledged lender rf ocloty, hud lb monl dlallngulthed house party. AiiKmg the couaplcuou figure at New market wa Idy Wlllbim Iltnaford, the American Indy who wu formerly Lilian, Duchea ot Marlborough. Hlio has nenrly recovered from her recent acci dent. Thi th-re the Countea of Essex, formerly Ml Onmt, of New York. It I announced here trmt In order to mark hi Mttlafiictlon with hi daughter, lauly C'urxon, tha rtral Arm rlcan vlcerlne of India, Mr. L. Z. Leller, of Chicago, I to pri'M-nt her buabund, Lrd Curxjn, tho new viceroy ut India, with another London, realdeoce. la Lbc heart of the diplomatic quarter. A blx gathering if ailatoc-rut came le London for llw purpoae of attending the murr.uKd of Ijidy Margaret Child VII Here, e Ideal diuihter if the Earl Of Jiray, tf the IJ141. Walter VM frynn IUce, si4i of llaron Dynvvtr. whlla tiv.I London uiuaten n Kreot (ore at the weddluif uf MUa Florence Davie, daugh ter of I tie U,rd Muyor of London, to Mr. CJuul.-a llaTMn, n of Major which wae followed by big re ception at the Mansion tiouixv 71ie deaJli of Ihe Marquis vl Anjelcey oo Thura-biy I anotb-r Idow- to social tfaieiy ti,la wum, a It tuwds half the 'eerae Into mourning. The new Mar. jul of AiiKelcaey. ouly aoi of tho do c.waeil inunjul. wae born In ldTi. 1 of Uiylxa apiavtranix-. uuniarrl.-d, und In herits .ii.j a year. Tlie I'Mnce of Wale is now ublo to wlk comparaiH-e eaae. but he lliium very perce-pilbly. Ilia royal hlh- will shorily couunence a round of the country housca. Kir Leiad llctirle Urltlln. a well known writer on lmd n aubjivte, addrtased a meeting this week m Luton, on the sub ject uf ihe UKk'rUd Anglo-American nnlon. He said Colmud Hay, ihe former 1'nlted Slate ainbaaa.idor at London, wnilo lo him on leaving London, sayuvx: "I sometimes think that the enly ad-vanta,-o we yiuike,- nonius ov-r you U that while we have two native countries you have only one." Colonel Hay appears also to have given his opinion of the suggested Washington memorial In HiiKlaiid, expressing ap proval of the schenu', which ho regarded aa In Ihe hls-hest degree niagiumt mou.i. Ho remarkisj that It wus but the llrnt time any country had erected a momorlul to Ihe nuiu who hud bcat.n lis people In arms, adillni; tnat tho sub scriptions must como exclusively from KngllHhmen. us. naturally, citizens of Ihu United State could not Participate In any way. Since John Kenslfs nutl-rltuallsilc vursado, churchmcu have been awuitlng anxiously for the utteruiue of llio anh of Canterbury ou the grave ques tion raised, which have agitated the whole body of churchmen. In a series of cJiargos of the clergy, delivered thl week, the primate spoke jn no uncertain voice. Ho caused a profound Impression In high circles and deeply aggrieved th low church purty. The primate declared plainly that tho doctrine of the real prevent', as embodied imrttvularly In the doctrine o( consubstantlatlon Is per mitted, though not expreesly taught, by the church of England; that, although compulsory confession Is absolutely II leffitl, voluntary confession Is legal and no clergyman i Justliled In refusing to hear It, and, ho commended prayer (or the dead, but forbndo Invocation of the saints or tho vhvln. Ho declared the elevation and preservation of the sacra, ment and use of tncenso ere not permls gable, but ho approved a certain revival of tho ritual In connection with the prescriptions of tho prayer book, l'ractl- cally, tho primate sanctions oil tho doc trines and practices which the low churchmen have so vehemently con demned and tho high churchmen are proportionally elnted. Though they dhaigreo with some points, most of the clergy will fall Into lino with the pri mate's charges or Injunctions. Kenslt, whoso 'followers have been somewhat shaken by Truth's exposure of him. promise a demonstration in a thous and churches during tho first Sunday In November. '' . i' A curious method of ulilhig charities has been Initiated In Tarls, where. It Is announced, tho wxloons ot the high aris tocracy, which have hitherto been ex tremely exclusive, will bo opened to strangers on reception days for a money consideration, which will bo applied to tho charitable works of which the lady of the house I a patron. The list of th name advertised Include thoae of th Duchc-a d Rochefoucauld, the Ddch es 1 Cxe, tho Vlacomtee Jan and thn Murqul Camirlar. Tho privilege hu alnndy been utilized by a number ot wealthy (orelgm-ra, among tham being well-klirwn Anu-ricarM, On American who' atiendfl the pli tura exhibition ot tho Vlwomtf Janz gnve 600 frxnc for the fund rals'd to relieve the suffering of the wounded soldier and tailor of tha HHinlh-Amarlcan war, Tha Vlscorril' s, h'wvr, Intend, d Hint the money ahould given to Ppjn. Ih exclusively, whereupon th vlaltor requested that hi subscription be can celed, On of the leading feature of the lxrd Mayor priK-esalon thl year will be a car emblematic of Anglo-Amerb an union, lirltannbi and Columbia, Ih central figure being surrounded by th Driilah colonies. Th returned Soudan oldler contlnu to have a glorVou time In London. Many of the theater are entertaining them in batch ot several hundred, and scene of enthusiasm are wltneiaed Intld nd outside tho place of amusement Tha colonel of the returned grenadier and 600 of hi men were the guest of the Bhafttfbury theater last nlgnt, where they greaitly enjoyed a performance of tha belle of New York. Norman J. Norman, who I manager Lederer rep resentative here, ha a revolution on hi hands, which threatens to disrupt th "llelle ot New York" company. It eem that. In ui w. dance with the law, the box officer of the Hhaftsbury theater mud a return of all the aulurle paid to tha income tax authorities, and th latter, thl wek, demanded that all Ihe member of h company receiving over 1 pound yearly pay the Income tax. Edmt May, lUnkln, Davenport, Sullivan, and other leaders rebelled. They say they are American citizens and will not pay a liritiah tax. adding that they will re- turn to the Ued fitatts In preference to paying It. They then appealed to the consul general of the United State here. Mr. V. M. Osborne, but the latter re plied that he waa unable to help them. The result will probably be that the management will puy the tax soomr than Interrupt the ucc.-fu run of the piece. Most of the theaters have been play ing to prosperous business during the week. London endorses New York's ver dict on Lady Ursula. The Duke of York's theater Is crowded nightly and Lillian Rusaell has abandoned her con tinental engagements and returned to Loudon. She I seeking a theater In which to produce a new play. Sir Henry Irving Is ill and unable to act and Madame Calve ha postponed her departure for America on account of all km. ARIZONA TUOOrS SICK. DKXVER. Colo.. Oct. 13.-There is an epidemic of typhoid fever ruglng at Whipple burrocks, Arizona, and several deaths are reported. The post Is garri soned by volunteers. Orders have been Issued at army headquarters ,n this city for Major W. W. Gruy, surgeon, to pro ceed at once to the scene from Fort Hua Chua and do everything In his power to stay the pnjress of the disease. BONANZA KINO ARRIVE3. PORT TOWNSEND. Oat. 15.-The steamer Kara! lone arrived today from Lynn canal, Alaska, with Ho passenger and considerable gold dlst. Among th passengers wa Alexander McDonald, who is the largest owner of claim In the Klondike. FATAL HEAD-END COLLISION. CRBAT FALLS. Mont.. Oct. 13.-In a head-end collision between two freight train near here last nisjht. due to a mis understanding of orders. Engineer Chaa. Goddard tind Drakeman Robert T. Jun were killed and Fireman A. L. Ritchie was probubly fatally Injured. DECLINED WITH THANKS. WASH1NTON. Oct. 15.-Surgeon-Cen-eral Sternberg na written a letter to Mrs. Wlnlhrop Cowdin. In New York, regarding the establishment uf a Red Cross hospital In Cuba and Porto Rico. In which ho say: "I do not mink favorably of tho estab lishment of a hospital In Cuba or Porto Rioo by the Red Croes society, for the reason that the war Is owr and the garrisons which are to be stationed In these islands will require a fully equip ped hospital, which it is the duty of the government to provide, and which we In tend to provide." DANGER IN SODA. Serious Results Sometimes Follow Its Excessive Use. Common soda Is all right In Its place, and Indlspenstble In the kitchen and for cooking and washing purposes, but it wag never Inter.dM for a medicine, and peo ple who use It as such will some day re gret It. We refer to the common use of soda to relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a habit which thousumW cf people practice almost dully, and ono which Is fraught with danger; moreover, the soda only gives temporary relief, and in the end the stomnch trouble gets worse and worse. The soda nets as a mechanical Irritant to tho walls of the stomach and bowels, and cases are on record where It accumu lated In the Intestines, causing death by Inflammation or peritonitis. Dr. Hnrlandson recommends as the safest and surest cure for sour stomach, tacld dyspepsia) an excellent preparation sold by druggists under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. These tablets ore largo 20 grain lozenges, very' pleasant to taste and contain tho natural acids, peptones and digestive elements essential to good digestion, and when takm after meals they digest tho food perfectly und promptly before It has time to ferment, sour and poison tho blood and nervous system. Dr. Wuerth states that ho Invariably uses Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in all eases of stomach derangements, and Muds thorn a certain cure not only for sour stomach, but by promptly digesting the food they create a healthy appetite, In rronso Mesh and strengthen tho m tion of tho heart nnd liver. They uio not a ca thartic, but Intended only for stomach diseases and weakness, und will bo found reliable In any Btonmch trouble except cancer of the Btomach. All drugglets sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at 60 cents per package. A llttlo book describing all forms of stomach weakness nnd their cure mailed free bv addressing the Stuart Co., Mar shall. Mich. All Thai's Heeded jj No soap, no soda, no borax, no ammonia noth- I in but water is needed to make things white and j ! bright and beautifully clean with 1 5 i mi D -rf Wf' H afm h ei v ii - rO n m II It cleans everything quickly, cheaply, thoroughly, bold every where. Largest packagegreatest economy. TH 1. K. f AXXBAIK COMPART. Cbiaago. SLLoel. Hew York. WMillhWalal 77iKtLVrX 5ole AtenU for tha LUNLAP HAT. COLUMBIA Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Logging Engines Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propeller Wheel ... Manufacturers for the I'aciflc Coast for the ROBERTS WATER-TUBE BOILER. WEAR RESISTERS BOYS and GIRLS We have a large stock of neat and durable shoes at tha very lowest prices. Before pur chasing Elsewhere, call and examine them. JOHN HAHN, The Reliable Shoe Denier THE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL WATER, I'ErTER, X0BLE, KICKORY AXD SHAK'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WIXES, BEER AND CIGAS3 Served Day nnd INIgtit. " AUGUST KRATZ, - - Manager Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... Salmon Vegetable Fruit Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. ' Fairnaven, Wash. Write Us for Prices. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No. 32 Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4JS Commercial St., ant Palace RetUuraU. 1 C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, J e , nsurance ana Snipping. A. V. ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses, With the Fruit to go iu them W. F. SCHEIBE, A full line of Pipes, Tobacco, and Smoker' Ankles, ATA Commercial St. rift Mv Washinri ! ''""'"Mir. i.k n mj v " w m mm m - f-o-o--.- ' Bottos, Philadelphia, ROBINSON & Co HATTERB, 389 Washington Btreet, Portland. Orev IRON WORKS Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock Built and Repaired. FOR LOUVRE Metal Works spice and Syroj CM8,om House Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON.,.uapMiaoExpw.ico'(. ALLEN 1 js? Prices Lower! :jgj Tlian Ever,, i Manufacturer and Dealer In FINE CIGARS! Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices Something New W.J. SCULLY 431 Bond Street.