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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1898)
THK DAILY AST01UAM, -S1X))AY MOKMNti, (ICTOKKK IB, IBM $)al -.otoviatu JQllt T. LT,,r":ji, Editor. Ttlepnon No. n. tkrms of sritrVRtrTtox. PAILT. Bent by mall. per year It Brill by mH. per month 8errd by crriiT, pec mon:h k 8EMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mull. per In advance...!! N Pottage free to ubort:e;. All communication intendej for publt eatlon should b directed to the ed.tor. Ilulmfi communication of all kind and remittance tnutt be addrfed to Tti Awtorlan." The Adorl&n guarantee to lit adver tlaert rhe ergt circulation of any news paper published on th Columbia river. Advertising rain ran be had on appli cation 4o tho bulnrs manager. A KEW FACTS FOR THK CONSIDER. ATI ON OF THK OREGONIAN. The freight rat on salmon from As toria to New York la SS cent per IOC founds, or tit per ton, all rail. That la to nay: The Northern or South, ern Paclfta railway will carry frclsht from Astoria to New York, $,& mile, at about throe mills per ton per mile. Thla haul Involves a climb over three ranges of mountain, to My nothing of the Innumerable foot-hill nt to these mountain. Freight from Pendleton to Portland on wheat 11 miles, down the water desoend V. In grade of ha O. R. & N. line, 1 tXH) per ton. or IS mill per mile. On the road from rendition to Port land one ordinary locomotive can easily Mill &X ton of wheat, or more than double the weight any locomotive In ex tstenee ran haul over the high mountain rangv between Astoria and New Tort Why should the farmers of the north, west be forced to pay Ave timet a much freight per mile In getting their wheat to market aa the salmon packer pay per mile on the name road to get their product to market? If the transportation companies should reduce their freight rate from the east ern part of Oregon down to one-half what they now charge, they would (till receive more than double the freight rate chanted from the Mississippi river to New Tort Would not this reduction to Eastern Oregon farmers still leave sufficient money In the hands of the O. R. A N Company to pay targe dividends on the value of Its road, and would not euch re duction enable the farmer of the whole Of the Ore iron territory to receive a much larger return from the wheat they now raise? "Why, then, does the Oregonlan oppose the reduction tn these, railway rate for which Astoria contends? Is the Oregonl an more Interested In seeing stockholders Of the O. R. A N. Company accumulate fortunes than It is to promote the wel fare of the tolling producer of the Inland Empire? 111 VflLL THE OREOOXIAN ITSELF? CLEAR An advance of nearly 4 shilling within less than 111 day proves that the freight sttinulon is fully as strong as the most "bulllshly" lm lined operators have Claimed it was. and It Incidentally lops Off about $aO,WJ in the value of the wheat yet unvold in, the northwest Yes terday'! Orrftjnlan, 'Make Astoria a common point, and not only will this $M0,Oj0 be re-stored, to the Yalue of northwestern wheat within !4 hours. Dut the worth of every bushel now In the bands of the grower will advance from, ( t 19 Ctnts la addition. Who not thla fact better than the Oregonl aa? and yet that pa.per will not give rts Influence to the accomplishment of that Object What Is the matter with the Oregoni an? But a short time ago it was fore most among the paper of the north west In advocating the Astoria common point proposition. What has brought about this late surprising change In its policy? Has that paper ceased to be In terested In the development and prosper ity of Oregon and all th great Inland Empire, and does It now wih to be tet down as the organ and ally of a combin ation wiii h seeks to perpetuate Its grip Upon the BUbsiancv of tho people of these sections? The Oregonlan must untswir these questions. It cannot escape from them. It Is not the Astorlan that Bay a thla, It Is tho rising tide of public, suiil ment whose voice can be heard all over Eastern Oregon and Washington. In all sincerity, the Astorlan wants to see the Oregonlun clear Itself of the cli.Tg'-s which are beginning ti be circulated against It. Will the Oregonlan do so? Our Oriental trade is booming as it never boomed before, according to a Btatiment Just Issued by the bureau of statistics. Japan, In particular. Is buying millions of dollars worth of our products and manufactures every year, and even slow going China knows a goo thins when she gees it and comes to our mar kets when she wants the best In machin ery, flour fubrks anu railroad and tele- graph eniir.iiM. Jsran's Import of r.. chiton from tbe fulled "tates doting !W tlr( : wem .f the present year t.vtd hp it.sM yen tn value, as aci.!T..t J 4H? yen for the irr pi rn.iriV v' The importation of I tSe ?ne vr'ii, T ftvm IVtlrti India fell e" ftv(1iM H Incensed wllh us, !1 f '.M v5rr( lirliain' . w. our rl" ihT wwt r.ri.tiirt.i of Iron mid slcej U nve f.Hind specUl favor with tV.e Jirwncye. t!-.e n.refle in nearly all art'..'" of tit ,-! b.-ig trongly In evl.tfi.-e. The Mime Ule Is tolu In many otV-r .lives of staples. Typewriters, arms, canned fM, electrical instruments, ol, leather and cheese of American make fetrh the Nst prices on the oth r side of the r.v.oo. and are sttadily Incts-aslng tn nopiilarity. All daneer of flnanclal stringency caused by an Inflow and concentration of funds In the United States treasury has parsed away. From this time on the gov ernment w;ll be paying out more money than It receive. The Inrtu.noe of the na tional treasury will be to prodiue an ea. ler financial situation. All the money exigent about r.JAVXV' has ben PiUd In. and the outstanding will drlhMe In so gradually as to nuke no disturbance whatever. Government fund? to the amount of IT ihvxv h.e been made available for commercial ues by beliv plal In government depositorUs, and this amount will be Increased to HO.1. if there Is a demand for It. Sec retary Cage Is having a table rreparid showing by states exactly where govern ir.ent fund are deposited, and it will be his aim In the future to so dltrlutc treasury favors that thre may bo an equitable placing of government funds among the people. Recent request for government uepo;t nave oe-n nei.i up until the secretary has the information spoken of at har.d. Ianks asking for overnment money have been advised tnat they will only be allotted amounts eouai to their capitalisation, r. mattir how many bonds they ouy be prepared to deposit as security. In olden time mistaken enthuiaU usedoto indict upon themselves all manner of p.vicfu'. nC t-r-ture. Men scottrjed them selres with wh-t tnd hot irons, and robbed vinegar in to tar wvnnds and wore hair cloth next to their skin dayand night Nowadays such cruel torture is discounte nanced. Nevertheless, men and women go on torturing t'lcnuclve. only in a different and more serious manner than of old. They neg lect their health, and neglected health mean phys ical torture of the worst description. It mean !ow urva tioa. Because a nan forces food into a wesk and. impaired iwoirt. It giving elements oi the food Uken into an impaired stomach are not avmnilated into the blood. Instead, tje iinuntus of the sluggish Uver and bowtls arc taken up atid cirtvij to all parts ij th; WT,- The con sequence is ;ffit the body is not only starred bul poisoned. The irnmeuute re sult is physical surTerir.g from wbicb the old time tealot would have drawn back ia horror. The final result is dieae and death. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery is a scientific remedy that acts ac cording to natural laws. It is not a violent spur to nature or a mere artificial appetiser. It gently, but surely and permanently, pro motes the natural procees of secretion and excreViotJ. It creates appetite, make the assimilation o"f the food perfect iuvig. orates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It builds up firm, muscular flesh. It cures nervous exhaustion, debil ity, sleeplessness and all the evils that follow in their train. Found at all medi cine stores. Accept no substitute that may be represented as 'just as good." " I can heartily recommend Dr. Pierre's Gold en Medical Durovenr and ' Pleasant Pellets ' to aoroae troubled with indlgrioa and torpid liver, " writes U. G. Cnder. Esq.. of Leonard, Hariaa Co.. Ky. If y dims was chronic Our tsmily phyeioaa cuold do nothing (or me. I ooaid sot walk nor help nysttf I could oc4 eat anything bat it caused a Wrtbl distress sod ruawiog v) my sumach I hsrt takes four buttle of roof 'Ooldca stsdical Uucoverr ' and m vial of your PcUcu ' sod can rosk aa day." Telephrme lines use 12,CX),ji) pounds of copper yearly. Moki Tea positively cure sick hadaeha. Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. S and M cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Lrug Co. The Wyoming Wool ti.p this weighed li.W.MI pounds. year OABTOniA, Bean tbs 11 wn ly An Autralian pap--r re'oris a foot Jump by a kangary. TO CURE A C0U IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All Uniggins refund tl,': money If it fall to cure. Z'i cents. The g-nuln ha L. II, Q. on each tablet. Tin- bltterr.'-ss of a uriir. of strychnine can be t'mt.-d in C'j.'f'i grama of wat'-r. HOW TO I'KKVENT CROUP. V.'e have two children who are suhjert to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack Is coming on my wife, t:lvn thi-rn 'ham berlaln's Cough Remedy and It always prevents the attack. It !.s a household ne cessity in this cour.ty, and no mutter Pears' soap is dried a whole year. That's why it lasts so. AVcccUWc iVnardticii fcf As slmilatii tV riXKlfitulRc uLi -ting the StomoLhs aM ISowvis ci IVomolcs Dicslion.Chfrrritl ncs flrttiRcst.Contalns nctifrr Opnirn.Iorphinc ivr Mineral. ISotNahcotic. iUJiir. ku ttv- A perfect Remedy forfr?stip.v tion. Sour'a Worms .Convukioiu .Fcvcrisli- ncss and Loss of Sleep. TacSir.' Sirutlurc of kew Shirk. !: MANHOOD 1 t ,. sk NemMK-. .U P'OiuiX, l'nu'.na tMMiirv.u.'a. 1 1 Boi diwhrr. BtrORC asje ArrCR w. in" r 1 1 . i Kun.T. uiti in. I l" w ttXACTCOPYCrWRAPHCa. jn fr MANHOOD RESTOREDiSSSSS nTrrfl SW h'OOtaUa.waKrroch pbr-lan. will qoivlroiiTw,ot all iir. MlU 0 ,M J "I IW l'I.UH W't M Ul XkVl. . m aipw Tb riw u(Trrr ar Dot ctum br l.rinn u hn-auw nlnvtv pT rot art traiiM4 wttk Fia.lllltl. CI' PI UK S Hi thotn knuwa rnrOv in cur wtihoui ui..M-rtui. fcJ. mMmonk ait. A nito rurani.fiTaB ran1 riurnJ if .1 bnit. 4' - xm .U01.1 a i .f r ai i n l uurta LkOa box.vs fur' mil. toa-iiU tu? rmKartrruUr.ul Irtuiniuiittla, Aiitlms DA Vtlt MCblCIS K tO P. iX box XCt, rUa .: wro. rL r-r .., 6y CHARLES RCKIEIia. Vi Cemmorclal flt. That else we run out ot It aouid not d to be without Chamberlain's Coutch R m- e!y. More of It 1 o:d here than all o:hr couth medicine combln-d. J. M. Ntckle, , of Nlckle Hroa, merchant. NUkbvUle, i Luxuriant hair, of uniform eoler. Is a ' beautiful head covering for either ss. J slid may be secured by using Hall s Veg. , table Bl' titan llalr Rmer. London enjoy a gre.iter ar.a of open apacea than any other capiat In the world. OASTOniA, Bssntlia yfVjUi 1:t Hit i'nr; Bcj EigaatBr of The deepnt coal mine In the world Is the Lampert, In Uelt;lum; you can de scend 3.4'") feet. PLAYED OUT. Dull headache, pain In various part of . the body, linking at th pit of the atom-' acn loss of appetite, feverlshnes. pimple j or sores are all positive evidences of Im-! pure blood. No matter how It became so It must be purified In order to obtain good j health. Acker's Blood EUaer has never j fall to cure scrofulous or syphilitic pol- j sons or any other blood dlceases. It U certainly a wonderful remedy and w sell I every bottle on a positive guarantee, For sale by Estea-Conn Drtog Co. When the Welsh coal war began the employers had a reserve fund of 300, W. U is now all gm. OABTOniA. Rind tw Haw lwin Blftatait af in me Lniiw rv.ns'ioni in n.-i in-. o. . . . .... 1 1 , .. V. T u . I . were 1.,111 icit-nmii a- -. year there were U.'j29,S. Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart bum. raising of food, distress ater eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate reilef. 25 and U) cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. In the Bank of England 0) folio vol umes or ledger are filled dally with writing In keeping the accounts. Our little boy was afflicted with rheu matism In his knee; and at times unable to put hi foot on the floor. e tried In vain, everything that we could hir of that we thought would help him. We al most gave up In despair, n . n:i ..n advised us to try Chamberlain's I'uln l!alm. Wa did so and the first bottle, gave him so much relief that we got a second one, and, to our surprise. It cured him sound and well. J. T. flays, pastor Christian Church, Neodeshu, Kan. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Tho prse ent population of iionbaux, 1 Zi7,W), of w hich 111 .SM are In rr:i nii lu 2!l7 (J(I o receipt of assistance from f.harltuMe societies. Acker's Ernjllsh remedy will slop a cough at any time, and will euro the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. 23 cents and 5 cents. For sale by Kstcs-Conn Drug Co. French count have nine erpial pearls In their (oronets. while the lirltli-h bar on Is entitled to a coronet of four big pearls. That the blood nhould i-rlorm Its vital functions, It Is absolutely neeesssary It should not only be pure but rich In llfe glvlng elements. These results uro best effected by the uso of that well-known standard blood purlller, Ayers' Harsapa rllla THREE DOCTORS IN CONSULTATION. From Benjamin Franklin. "When you are sick, what you like best Is to bo chosen for a medicine In tho first Tor Infnnt nnd Children. Tlis Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Si?iiaturo cf The Kind You Have Always Bought. PflCTl RESTORED try asiacr Or. VM'a AM g mm g..aramdtoco-tallBrv.i.dia,.uchaWrk.Mrinocv U-m I ; "''". Masoowi, riignur Jtnii. dratsa.luM U p.wrr m lnrali Oi.aa.rf - . . ... nn, Touimm mm. rtt-rit nit vt in., rnmf i.attiviiavia w, uiuu.ui:ut itnu, 1 lud and Y.miiiU su. . i-octi.aJ o. KSTKH-iMNN DRCO t.. Anu. AstorU. Ui Hinr. Kiliaiuiu, l.ri v . .J .mia a:l br rt.T or itahi. 'm. qnl. i.k-b If noirhv-k.i i.s.t. to fipmrmirritm .n i m (rtnmrr, . . r . M .. a. rtvaiuua la. H. iirir.AT nrvanim imn.i,n.. place; wh.H exptrl'-noi. yiu I bent, to be chosen In the iv on.); what reason il.e . Trie.r) i .iy U liit to tun chor-n In the lant pliie. Hut If you can r-t Ir. Imilimtion. Ir. Kspnrlenci. and I r Itr.inoti to hold a ron.tiltatlon to g.ther, ihry will rive you the bet a.lvi.e that can be taken." When you have a bad edd Dr. I mi I tui tion would recommtnd Ch:imborUiln' Cough Ri-medy tw i-a u It Is pleasant nnd safe to take. Dr. Kiprrlrnce would n-c-ommend It be aus it ncv.-r fail to ef fect a ipeedy anl p-rmunint cure. I'r. Reason wu!d re- ommend It beciuse It Is prepar-d on sclenttric prlndpI'S, and acta on nature s plan In relieving the lung, opening tho si-rretlon and re storing the system M a nn.l hilthy coniltlon. Fr sale ty Charl's It gers. drUKulst. No matter of anyme dl It ran truthfully be culled "hMrt failure." Old fashion In dree may be revived, but no old fa.hluned medicine can replace Chamberlain' folic Cholera and IM-orrhoa-a Homdy. For salo by Charles Kogrs. druggist. I'hllndrltihla hn within the Inst few day fit the shock of a new form of earth Quay-ke. CASTOR I A For Infant! ind CMldrea. Die Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The dual personality that exist In atarv raursnriAtlf v tthowa mm f nrriml- .,, .ii-.w ... i,.m,. .i,.irloiia ' " - ia. 1 1 ma. I. fctl 'BUS l HaSl S II J Go East... via Billings and Rurllngton route, and I you reach Omaha. Kansas City, St. I.oul, ' and all other southern and southeastern j cities half a day sooner than travelers ! who take any other line, j Go cast via Bt. Paul and the Bnrlington rmiin and von ride the finest train 011 ! earth the Burlington, Bt. Paul Chicago ! Limited. j Oo east via Ogden'and Denver, and you ' see the wonderful scenery of the Rockies, I famed the world over as the most mng ! nlflcent on the continent. I Tickets at office of connecting line. A, C. 8IIELD0N. itloif s Nerverine Pills The (frra remedy lo nervous pro tration atic. 41 ; au nervoui rxVn X diseases ot the generative or pans of eittvrr 'it Ollt. AND Kt Ibll Ur.l..ll, ex, such as Nervotis Prostration, Failing o mX I.'lanliood, ImpoU.Ky. Niyhtif Emi. titns. Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, ex cewive uk of Tobarco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00 yt box by mailj 6 boxes for $5.00. NOTT S CHEMICAL CO., Proc'i, Cleveland. 0h Mm : lite a m m The IIYIt-ErILw JMotoi TIIOM. (lUINUAN. ProprUtor Hevcnlli nml HnsshlnutOM Hiss. rmnrtAAAnnnrutAnruAnrmivvrunrinnrmrv Special s (Vuuiit'ri'inl Stivrt near i IOVKRNMENT IMtolMJiAt, I) r.ix!iU fur Fresh lli-of and Krth Mult.'n: lmc v nt.'f rmninl.s-trv, Vam-oiivrr trr k. Wa.h . tvt. . P. Hni!o.I intum. f.r ftiriu.htnie n. d-lu.-rins lltt.f and f'r'-h Million will Im. rH-tlvnl hor sti.1 at ntTU. of com nii.rl.v at h'ort Hlrvrns. tirog'in, liiM.i" li.trrai-k nn.l Krt Kt'-rni4il, blulio, K"r funtiy. Hiknne, ulla Vlla and V :rn-Mi rr lUrrsi k. Vh . and lis an.l Fort WriitiKrl ,Uk. until 11 h'cIo. k a. m . Nov. 5 Ivs. n. tlion iipniml. 1 -f.irtimtlKii fiirtiiahsl mi i'( . j(l.n y.i containing pr.h..4ii. hul. Ihi ln...rel "I'ropoa-il f1r Krrmi Hrof and Kr-h Mutton." ml ad.lrr. tn tho uinli-m'unKl. or ! t'iiiml4ry at l.i Ih. .ni'l'liivl. , S. IUHK pKI.'H. t,ipt. I'hlrf t'utn'y. LRAVI ij. iii r. i ARHIVS. Ktt Milt (..' A'-ri.-rn ! , Milih lla-n.1 . IiiiiiiuJ , 1 Hi..kiut. Wrlma, lliiitta,; I 11 Amu'uii . 't. rVil.i hi- , , , . 11 .ceo Netr V rb.liaMttiti. I" m. nnd " I lnt rl ami. H'1, ! I s... v v , . 'fiirt'si-d, . tie .nil No :r..-niim r !"" '"'I "' - Sa-uttli', ohm flit 11111I li i.'ruir.ll.lf . 'I'll- Thr'fl days to 8t I'mil. Omaha, K.n an City nnd other Miourl rlvrr i.nt. Thr.i. mid nun half iliiys to St. t.ul, Mllvtuiik. ulid Chi. u.-o four nnd one lmlf days to Washington, I'hll.iilell'hln hihI nth'-r far rn int '.uia-iiKr taking th A. C It. II. It. ' lork iiHM-nniat train will niske cl ist ififtnmMlim. lit la..ll! ft II h tllA OUllt bound funt mull. I'nlon dnxt connet tb.n. m all prlnilpal CHI.. Il.iwvnirii I'ht. kmt Ihroiiifh l.i tlr. filia tion of ticket. Kur li--tltc car r-s.-rvntinn. u-., map of ruiitfs urnl other information, will on or address J. C. MAYO Agent. M4 Comnifri ll Ht. Astoria. or a. 11. 11 a ui. i' i.. Asslntsnt rionenil las-nv:fr Agint. 6J ll.aarl.nn Mfrawat 11 VT I lllllil Or tlVI ll-v .. .. . s , w - , TIMH 5CMeOULG5 From Portland DKPAKT Assiti Fast Mall II p. in. Salt Uke, lnvrr, It Worth, Omaha. Kan Put sas tity, ml Uul (iilcsK., and CmI T AJ a. in. cago j Kiom Astoria OCEAN 8TBAM5HIP5 All Hulling lat-s mill I Ject to liiitnge. j Cor hun OrUiber.1. , il. 12,1.'., 1H. 1 21, IM, 27 and :w. 7"aln it tin mliiy : i Columbia River Htenmers To Forilund and Way Landings. , As met Mo !ndsy d B j from I'ortluiii. Muni Wed Willamette Klvar. Slid Krl ,0regiiii Cliy, NVwberg, 4 .Tip. in. Tiiesliiur and Hut. I Huli'iii A Way d quid's , .Wlllametta and Vm- amp in TuwThtif "''"'" i Moi..V andHut. 0r,' ' (:lty- iMtyton, A and Krl, W I jin'l I iikh. l.v Klpftrlfe 5n.k.,v.r. !; dally exe'U HaUlu uiuv i Ulpnrlato l.ewlston, lUllr exe't I i'i p. in. rrliay I.eavo Lowlstown dally exeept Krldny. O. W. IX)UNBlJERRT, Agent Astoria. W. H. HURLBURT. , Oen. pas. Act Poriiaad, or. The Choicest Table Wines... For Vam 11 Is Also for Medicinal s&a Coeklng Purpoasa PrtvaU Btock, Cream Ry, Old Hickory, Piid of Kentucky and Hai-mltto; &s old California Braedia. Carlson's FamilyLiquor Store IM TWKUTH BTRBUT s ' Pi - w aw .5 lOnt f In r fiiv m a a a s OrlcMtnl Curlosslllca nittl TtM, Wo imiMt rotltico tstockniul Hll McunrillCMs of Col (K)K'r' Oiy CituuU IStoro. Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North r soldo Urt-wery, ,.f alilol Mr.Jolm Ktipp Is proprietor, makna Iwi (it iIiui.-'io hiitl risu Iradu, lUilllmt lorr fur family ns. r leg Uvr 0 p'lo.1 at any uuir, Jullvrry in i!u rity (rwv NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY NoTU i: OF ACCKITANCM 1 .Vill. la heirliy given to the pul-llu and all those tnterr.ttvt t Andr. w lurch, ths contractor for the Improve ment of Ki hi lino Kirret. From Ninth to IVnth Htrrot In ilia fltv ( Ast'-rla, Or rson, baa cinplntn the foraald Im priVKnirnt a.v..riiii to the i-imtrsi'l therefor, and tho unlliiaiiie. pi. ma and spmirti-ailmia relating tn ,1.1 uiirov ment. and crriltl. ale. of approval nf (he work performed under bM muu-urt and Ihe completion of ld linpro eniont hiv ing mi the lllh day nf m tolwr. Iti Ixx n tlle.l In the offii-a of tho auditor and poll, a Jinticn of ald city, a by urdinnn.a In such coo muda and prnvlded. and mid ct-rilrlcaua of apprvval bring ln-d ty tha auiH-rliitrndrnt of tre.'t. rlty ur Vcynr and the commute on trrets and puMlo way of the lonnnon i-uiiiit ot aid rlty, now therefore, Hold work and tho .aid Improvement amy b by the common ruiin. II of the rlty f Aaliirla duly accepted by "Ml nancn, at the nrgt rrgul.r tuna-ting of Mid tly following Ih ii dale of the rl nlratbm nf the publication of tin nolle, which meeting will Im held ThurUy, Oi-tolx-r 9'tll. M. at I X p. Ill , utllr.S prior tharrio oblM-tlona lo al. improve ment mul tha ai-crtitaniti thereof tm nird with the umlerilgiitHl at his olTlce In .aid city. lulled l A.torla. Or-gon, ivtobrr llth, l. II. K. NKI.Hi'N. Auditor nnd I'olb e Judge, t ,.y uf As torU. Oregon. J. B. WYATT, Pb.aa Na. 6 Asterla. Orsget Hardware, ShlpChniKilery, Grocerien, ProvlBion, PA.INTB and OILM. Social AtUallM Pali Is ptyla thlps THE PROOF H tba pddlii la tn tba aafl and Uv pro? af Bann IS IN SAMPLING That's aa tvrfumrt ttkM's daalra a tVstnOBaTtratloax, Oar wQI stand tM tsa HUGHES & CO. WHEN GOING EAST, Use a first class Una In traveling be tween Minneapolis, Bt. Paul and Chicago, and the principal town In Central Wis consin. I'lillmiin Palace Bleeping and Chair Car In orvlce. The dining car nro operated In the Interest of It patron, the most elegant service ever Inaugurated, Meals are served a In cor to. To obtain first cln service your ticket should rend via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections ut Chicago und Mil waukee for all eastern points. For full Information call on your near est tlckot aaent, or wrlto JAB. C. roND. General Passenger Agent. or JA8. A. CLOCK, -..Iwnukeo, Wis. Oenornl Agent, 240 Stark fllreet Portland, Ore. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Rlvtr and Puget Bound Nave gallon Company. Telephone leaven Astoria dully, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. leaves Portland dnlly except Sunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line ticket Interchangeable on ToloplMine, T. J. potter nnd Jt. It. Thompson for Astoria and all way point. Davel. Ilwaco, Heuvlew, Long Jlonon, and Nahcotta, , Q flTONpj U. D. SCOTT, Atorla Agent. Prasldent. Telephone No. 11. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Th'v iVfrffmo WrmkiiiiMi, lrrti. Iiirliy mid omlail(rm,lfi( nmnt vltrnf Aim niu ''fitm or nifiiittru. u. ai." iiiejr are I.lfe Hiivrj-ii' irlr inoixi, a tin i i liaiineiitoronrnni unit huay. u MX W W knnwn remear r..r wini.ll en known remnlr for weintin eiiuali .A ! t.S all ,'!' Ihm. raniiMt a.i hitr.iillf! .. 1 i X .... .. nr.. ai ...... hna 'Hi i by innll. Holtl by Jb HOIt CHEMICAL C0..U."li.o. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS , WANTB3I) W N T IE 0-1 A MA N 0 11' I Oi I Ai'iVllfiir. to cant as AiUiiia a lio-lm" proiHi sltluni a gtHnl openlug will l ofTartal I ho right iiuili, Aibln-a 1 1, Aslilsa olllee, V'ANTKttwttUtlNN l"jCrlTAIH.IHIIi:i i yata-naiiy, either lady or geiilli niait, u( viniJ iholiii .lutulliag, na iorinMin deitl and iiiHiuiNr hei Neml not b-ava ho on. Hulaiy siil nisi year, llin ne Bflf-addrnnaiHl aliiliipi-d alivalopa y A. T. Mlder, Ueiieml Matiiigi-r, i lo A. ill Inn. rt.)H IlKNT, roil IdCNTwloiii) IIOUHIO AND IIAHN hud four acre of land, n-ar lialaop I'Uf station, known aa th Ciataop l-nainlllea. Aj'iiy I. . Tagg, isd Coiiim.rclal at,k rou Foil AU;IIOl'HI'a ANH I.OT, COIU Iter tlratid avenue and Twenty nlnila aireet, I' pperiovi n, lot ifaUl feet. Apply to John Hull. MKHTAVItANTH. OOtH) U CKNT UBALs AT TUB UM Ing Sua llaetaurant. MtMCKUavANICOUal. ir YOU WANT KINK Mt'Hrll'.lari ANli -all na Ueorga HartUy at tba Nalloual, wlmra all Ilia di'llmi'le of th Msmi ian p fmuid, tut mnn.iNtil n tar r tma anu oasiiig puwaer, WKKT CKJQAU Wd A TINT VtTI P. iALOONi. TUB UlUYER-VNUtCIl THK Alt, MHinaganisnl or A usual Krats. I aiw bonilng a niur and more popular r irt. Th club rooiua oa th mouihI lka are now aa atliswOva featura of Ms establishment. 1'IIYBICIANS. Mt Al.ritKO KINNtCV rii'K AT realilame, v oiuaiercla4 at reel, near lath tulles hour.; Moralng until tt all aft.niooa unlit I; tvettiug until I o'vlovk. ML O. IL KHTKtJ, PMYHICIAN ANU Burgeon, apmfal aitaailon to jiseaaea of wtMtiea and surgery, tHnea ov.r !. s-ger store, Astoria, Tel. N. U. IH. JAY TtlTTI.ID. PIIYHHiAN ANU tlurgenn. Orttce, rouni i and , pytbust luiikiuig, t iiitimerciai street. Heev dt-ni-e aaiite. i'.lephoae 14. A ci leg .a alalant fuigeon United Mial.s maiioa liuetltal survioe. MABONIC. TKUPI.K I.OIM1K NO 7. A. r. AND M Iteaular coiiimunloatloiu held the Drat and third Tuilay evtnlng oi each month il. V. ,i U NHKIlll. W, it ,K. C, HUI.UKN. Hevreiary. ATTOItNtHt. J. Q. A. ItOWI.HY. ATTOUNICY ANU rolINICtA)H AT laW., Hond Dtreet, Astoru, Or. PfjfAT T KICTS "BA1P0IS EAST Through palace and tnurlal learpara. dining and library observation ears CLKOANT VC8TIIIUI.K THAIN& No. 4 l.lmltr.1 Irave Portland at I K PNa. I Limited arrive Portland at li lt a ns. or rates, tie tall or ad-Ire il V. tXJtJNHHKHItY. Agent O. It. N.. A.'oria, V. n. : DKNNirroN. C. P. T. A., l"ortlnd. Or. Astoria Public Library ItEADlNO ROOM fit EE TO ALU Open every day 'from I o'clock to Ma aad I M U I M a. m. ubaarlpUoa rater U per annum, Tf. (r. Kl.vsuth and Duaa Itreeia. EAST . SOL'TII LKAVB PORTLAND ARRTVa OVERLAND IX I'ltKHri, for Salem, Itoaeburg, A.hland, Baeramento, Ogd.n, Ban CrsncUeo, Uo lve, Los Angtlws, Kl Paso. N.w or. lean and th EasL Roieburg passsngtr Via Woodhurq, for Mount Angel, Blt yerton, West elo. flrownvtlla flprlag fleld and Natloa..,. "1:00 r. M t. A. M 1H A. M in r. m Dally eioept Sunday Dally esoept aday t7 K A. M corrallls passenger tf :ts A. M t:U P. M inuepenaance pass tl:a A.M Dally, tnally xoept Sunday. Connecting al Ban Knuiclaco with Oooe dental a Oriental, Pacinu Mall and Ooe anla atsamehlp line for JAPArf. CliWAiwArSlRALIA AND Rehata tlcketa on sale dnlly between Portland, Hurra men to, and Han Kranoia. oo. Net rates 117 nrat-clas, and 111 awe ond-cla. Including sleeper. Ratra and tickets to Kantern points an4 Europe. Also Japan, China. Honolulu, snd Australia. Pan be obtained from J IL KHtKIANI), Tlck.t Agent, m Third sAT. a KOKHLrtR. C. li. MA It K II Am) Manager. O. F. A p. A. Through Tickets TO THBV EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA "triii vaM IJ KJ rj La' " PlCTO PULLMAN PALACIB SLEEPERS, TOURIST SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING! CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern oltlo . Baggage Allocked through to destination, Union Depots, fnxt time, lowest rate. Plntach light In all car.. For rales and othor Information call on or address Q. W. LOUN8BERRY, Agent, O. R. & N. Co. AstorU, Oregon, or J. H. LOTIIROP, Don. Agent, US Third st.. oor. Alder, Portland, Or. 1 2? mtT -til Q 0GON4rUltJ V. Wl f ..i I . , e I