THR DAILY ASTOIUAN, TUESDAY MOKMJiG, OCTOBER 4, 18H JOHN T. UOHTJCR, Editor. ' l TIot'too No. . ' . TEKM8 op BcnscmrrioN. "i ' DAILY. Bent by mall, pw yer...i ...K'M ... .50 Knnt by pr moith Served by csrrlw, pr month SivMI -WEEKLY. Bent ty mill, xr ytar. In advance.. Posing five to subscllhoi. ... .W All cimnuinb'sll'W Intended f"f puM tlin ahmild ! illm-lAl to (ho rditor. UuMiiohs n)mmtmlciiHH of all kinds ami ri-mlttiinoe mint be addrS"d to "Tile Amorlan." The Astorlaft guarantee to ll adv-'r- llsvra arncwtt clrtulHll.m f any n pwr published on Hie Columbia river. Advertising rate cnn be hmt on asili- ration to the business nianngr. tilatanc. Pendleton to TortUnd CI Pendleton to Tooma Pendleton to Seattle Pendleton to Astoria Walla Wall to Portland.... Walla Walla to Taroma.... Willa Walla to Beattle Walla Walla to Astoria ....S3 ....14 ,...121 ....CI ....!& Dl'TY OK OREGON FRt'lTO ROWERS. Jf the prune grower of Dough county are wis they will hlp only their mU Mt tilt of dried prunM in . &tn of the buyer now In the Held hero pro far nacks. and the Inference Is the)' to pack our prunes In botes later on and sell them wirti California Imbel. On buyer, for nunile mad cwtr hero e very liberal offer If ho rouM pock In tinbranded boxes. Very promptly the grower refused to tell under the condi tions. If the fruit grower of Oregon refuse to stand by their own Interest, who may be expected to do It for thetnT Th IndiMtry cannot be In satis factvry condition as lone; as It I used aa a side show for California to All out ordw when her crop Is short. Orvsron fruit must stand on Its own merits, and net ail comvetltlon In an open market, and the sooner this end Is accomplished the bet ter It will be for all our people. Grow ers, boa and brand your fruit before you place It on the market- It h t duty you owe yourself anj the state la which you reslJe. Roseburr Rrvtew. The abov equally to the wheat j product of Oregon, made pxlble and profitable by those ho handle and ma nlpuliit It at Portland, an Interior and expensive port, 110 miles Inland. Tho wheat pool and tho Omrooiao represent to tho world that Portland Is a "tea port." when in fact U Is not; but even If Portland war a seaport, the wheat pool does not so utilise It. for dan Fran- cuco Is tho whew pool's seaport. Cali fornia la allowed o shtp, handle and re otivt tho credit, not only for choice; Ore gon wheat, but fruits and other staple products of our state. If eastern Oregon paper would do a llltl Investigating on their own account Instead of ecoeppting the statement of tho Oreronlan and other agents of tho Portland combination, they would come out on the other side of the Astoria com mon oolnt question. The wheat pool can only be broken by loading the grain at the mouth of the Columbia river. Inland Empire producers will be robbed on this year's crop alone to the enormous extent of K.OuO.OuO If a lOtnmon point continues to be kept out of Astoria. Astoria harbor is a fresh water harbor the only one on the entire Pacfio coast. It is accessible to the largest ship and Is but three hours sail from the open roudstead. With a common i Point on grain over the O. R. at X. and A. t C. railroad thin harbor would warm with vessels seeking charters at the lowest competitive rate on the Pa cific coast. The result would be that Walla Walla wheat would bring almost tf not quite ss much at Astoria as In Stm Francisco, and a loss of more than two n:Sllion dollars each year would be saved the eastern Oregon and Washington gruln growers. At the dictation of the Portland wheat pool, the O. R. tc X. Company still re fuses to make a common point rale on w-neat at Astoria. Why? Becjue that company now receives 01.52 cents jer ton per mile for carrying wheat from Pendlt- ton to Portland, a distance of SI miles. The Xorthern Pacific railroad carries wheat from Walla Walla to Seattle, a distance of 1 miles, at I cent per ton per mile, and K Is stated that the South ern Pacific has carried grain this year from Forest Grove. Onsjon, all the way to Ban Francisco for $4.30 per ton. Do the eastern Oregon papers mean to defend this discrimination of the O. R. & X. Company agulnst the Inland producers? Surely these pa-pe do not understand the condition end advantages of a water level route to the ocean, and are quietly submitting to a grip which Is IHng grad ually closed tighter upon them. The ino mont Astoria is made a common point on grain with Seattle and T&coma, ,hipH will charter from Astoria to Liverpool at tha miha ralA 4hiw ,n.i..- n K .1 .... Mvm San Francisco. It Is out of a conviction of this fact that the O. R. & X. Company Is now seeklnc to misrepresent and .nroln- dii.j Astoria in eastern Oregon. THE "COMMON-POIXT" PRIXCIPLB. - ' Tl.e Orejjonlan. October 4, 1S94. It la a good time to press on the sensorium of Portland the fact, never perhaps sufficiently understood here, that the advantages of the gateway of the Columbia river over every other route from the Interior to the roast, never will b fully asserted and estab lished till a railway be bulft along the liver from PortlaiiJ to Astoria, so that the doctrine of "common point inay be made to tell In our favor, with all Jtt proper force. , The several railways ' will always maintain common rate. It lan law et their existence that combination, as sociation or agreement must exist among them. Else they would destroy each other. Though vessel from the sea come to Portland. IVrtmnd doc not get tho practical bencrtt ot the nenbiuird ite on tho pnMuots of tn Interior, because there Is yet another thurge, to lie met smeh.w, belore the wlxxrd Is re hod. Th hs at ' tlnn lH'n covertsl In various tn r It always extit. The rullway cannot disagree. Dm unilcr thi-lr Setwral Hgreemcnt delivery may le made from the Interior to Astoria well iui to Portland, whenever a rail way line shall bo ts tended to Aston. Thin not only w.II meet the rivalry, but will ct'.uMt.-h; an advantage rr the OolumW rivr nVer P"iiet Sound; and It is the only way to get il Till this road shall he built, whatever re duction may be made to IVrtlanJ from the interior will bo made alo from the Interior to Piutet Sound; and the transport from IVrtland to Aston w ill still be a residual quantity, or re mainder. It ha always seemed to us that there were persons In IVrtland wno did not rethtly comprehend this Im portant fact. Thounh vessels may come and do come to IVrtland, yet Portland Is not oa the seaard. Till the "common point" for our great rout of commerce, the point In com mon recognised by the railways, shall be actually at the sea, we shall not get the full advantage of our position. When, however, we get that common oolnl extended on the map, w shall have advantage over any other com mercial position In th Northwest, be cause our chief competitor are not on the sea, but mile from IL This U an unanswerable argument for the Astoria railroad, and It is an argument for Portland as well a for Astoria. Still, howerrr. the n P channel up to Portland will be needed, and more than ever; but the Astoria load, putting the "common point" on another basis, will regulate the rate from the Interior, giving Portland. Astoria and all lui;et Sound points the same quotations, inis with our advantages of a water level loute from the Interior, will settle the problem In favor of Oregon. , The door of health stand open to every woman who will eater. All that she need is Use key and a little kaowledge. The knowledge that she needs is roc re ruing bet (so nature, her own physical make-up and the principal cause of ill health in women. Wben a woman suffers from headaches and pain in the back and sides, and br-i. ing and dragging sensations ana inc wess Dens. nenronnes and despondency that are caased by diseases peculiar to her sex, she cannot enjoy good general health. The key to the door of health the cure for all disorders of this description i Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription. It is a mrdicine specially devised for disorder of this na ture ana no other. It is the invention of sn eminent and skillful specialist. Pr R. V. Pierce. fi thirty years chief con-ulting phrician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgi cal' Institute, at Buffalo. X. V. When a woman writes to Dr. Pierce she consults a physician who has practiced for thirty year right in one place, and who was some years ago nonorea dv di own lown-pnipir be an election to the Xational Cnzrrs He will answer letters from women frte of charge. All professional correspondence is regarded as sacredly confidential. Foryrsm ke failing in health sod jetting worse and more nrnroi all the time." rites Mrs Annie Ioilan.of Kast sirood-bnrg. Minnie Co Pa. "I d'XtoTed with te" unTerrnt doctors wi'hort relief. My ruem was ran down and m nrrvrs wnk I had ulcer Ot the nl'ms which were so painful si time, thst Iwss.iraid thev must be cancers I felt dicouraired and did not get any better until my nun advised me to write to Iw. pierce. In May I commenced tak ing t)r Pierce s Kaeoritt Prescription and c,id. en Medical Discovery ' I took twelve bnitlrs in all. sis of each. Thanks to Cod aud In. Pierce's medicines. I am cured and am a well woman." Count Shigenobu Okuma. Japan's new premier. Is desi-rilM-d u a strong party man. Ills son and heir ?;M"nt sewn years In this country, graduating from Prince ton in VTA Acker's English remedy w.II stop a cough at any time, and will cure the wor?t cold in twelve hour', or money re funded. 2"i cents and Ui cnts. For sale by Kstes-Conn Drug Co. Prince Svlatopolk Mlrky, who r i-ntly died at St. Petersburg. hr-ame a m:ij'r genenil at the age of Z. and had serve.) In (ill the w ars In whl' h Russia has. lit en eng;ii;ed since the Crimean war. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havs Always Bought Signature of 4Cu Many traceful persoi.s claim t?,at the truih should not be spoken ut all times, but administered In cnpsiii.-g of friend ship It many be tken an can unpleasant medicines, with no MUer taste, and with the best results. Pears' Unless you have used Pears' soap you probably do not know what we mean by a soap with no free fat or alkali in it noth ing but soap. The more purely negative soap is, the nearer does it approach perfection. o o o o o o o () o o o () o o CI o o o o () C) o ( "Ln't cbw There has never rivalry about O It b acknowledged by all to be the Victor. il Its campsiign has been successful tecause O Its forces have been Irresistible. These O forces are high quality and large quantity 5 1 for a low price. In no other way can (1 vou J? 50 kZ a Pce of really jood O chewing tobacco for JOc. () O O o Remember the name when you buy again. o s'WWWWwWV.fWWWWWWWWWswWWWsaS'Wis 7 K. sP aw r mr irrra ,n onrrnnn imiKHrnrr. unum nwiinimuoii u krunl' "r 1 kklnersaiMllh.iirinKrrorssnsalaliunjwilMa, rrslMV mirmnwlhmttm m.nil rMloMimill wctatS rmn& Th. rsjuo auffrrvri sr rot nrvl bt los-inr. is hermuss sinere swr rent at tmoMert wttb f I a I M 1 1 f ct'PIIiKSsil.lh'.onlv snows fKlf tn cur. wlibotil an ornslluii. aiiiirsilownl sts A wnlles tw"" ! rriuml if si S um not tCxl a p..' omui. l ; iuto, Utf . bos. sal t' by soAil (MhI loe smsactreular sml trsiioiooiala, Aiinm DA V9L BKDICia B fO T. X Bol VX Km rrsiielsra. fL Hilt r CH ARLK5 HOC'.ERS. C9 Commercial Bt. O. H. Arosln. president of the fire board of St. Paul, resemble Lieut. Hobson very I: clnArly. and ai a recent visit on th vessel In New Tor, he was rornc lated by a number of young women. o BTOniA. iim 1st Tm Hjj inn tof as , ojjs-. f -uJirV jcucaxU TO CmE A COLT IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo gutnln Tablet. : All uruggists refund the money If It f jIIs ' to cure. S rents. The grtiulne has L. It. , y. on ea h tablet. How much of the family history can b. learned from the cloth-s line. Mikl Tea positively cun-s sick he.nIaC-e. and constitution. A .iPlU'ht'ul herb drink. Kemovesj all eruptU-n. of the skin, producing a perfe t complexion, or ironi-jr refundrd. 5 arnl 50 n nt. Kor ale by Ete-Omn lnig "o. A cheering word In a l-tt-r I evi-n more pleasure to receive than unenil'sNl ch' k unlis you are In very straiKhtcne.) Ir rumstiirH'e. PLATED OUT. Du'.l headache, pain in variou part of the body, i.nklng at the pit of the stom-i ach Ion of appetite, feverish ties, plmpks or sore are all positive avidencr of im Dure bl od. No mstter how it became so ; It must b purified In order to obtain guod , health. Acker" Blood Ellier ha never j fnl'' to cure scrofulous or syphilitic pol-. son or any other blood diseases. It I ' certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guaranty. , Kor sale by Estes-Conn Dr'JC -'o- A man may tell his wife he lovs hi-r ( to iiixtnii-tWn, but that fuct rarely helps him to look plcutiont when she axks for, money. Luxuriant hair, of uniform color. Is a beautiful head covering for either -x, 1 and may be secured by using Hall's Veg- ; table HI' Ulan Hair Renewer. I Life seems hard when the persons uf whom we think the most fire the on- of whom we see the least. OASTOniA. Home women who boast thcu their V'lUtu would fill a theater llnl to th-lr sormw that tljey work Wti-r In i-miity-Ing one. That the Wood should perform Its vital functions, it Is absolutely neceshs.iry It should not only be pure but ri( h In llfe glvlng element. The results are bent effeeted 1y the UBe of that Wfcll-known standard blood purlller, Ayers' Harsa pa rtita The bitter t(-rs shed In lonlni? for a home that we have noj are sweet com pared to those Ihut tnirn the eyes of the oru; homi-pl' k for a home that is none. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet are sold on i a positive guarantee, cures heart duiii, raJelng of food, distress a tor eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. 25 and M cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The woman who tJlks most about h r love affair la the one who experltni c the least real emotion. OASTOIIIA. Beam th Kind Yoa Haw Always BeujM BiW Amimmmumwim . p 1 HI HI IMP 0 this ItUtMdV been any question of O () O O o () () o o o o o C) C) o o o o o u () o o o n o i MANHOOD BEST0RED W Ibifl nf A fluilUU I r(Mh bll I I. U. will II II Lr-k I V m,m v.h. til &l I M du or dm . ol lb MjTKiiie iri urk u Cumt jiuibssl. lim.oii.u, I'si'i. la Ui. JWfc.bwaiiii ft.tuiMJ..iM. NrnrtHi.'. IMnpirs. VaUinnt lo Mxirr. MIisimimk limns, Vvmnw i d Cuasiitsitkia. U .tn s'l Iukam br rta or hihk I'.ms qub h. Buf a-vmr, wl.ifh it nolrherktsl lil lu hpermslurrtwtiaiMl THE PROOF tf tka v&OtDt as is Uk ss4 ch rot? tt lo ill OAmrLiiuj That's m agiinisat itasst'a i rsaUrw-si aeipmj Oora vfll ataasl HUGHES & CO. GBEfietfl REDUCES RATES to all HPOiHTS EAST Through ps.lac and tourist sleeper dining aj)4 library obasrvatlon car. ELEOANT VE8TIBULE TRAINS. No. Limited Lav Portland at !: p. m. No. I Limited arrive Portland at l u a. m. Kur rates, etc.. call or address O. ".V. IJt'.NHUKRBT. Agent U. 11. N.. Astoria. or A. P. C. DENNI8TON. C P. & T. A., Portland. Or. Oregon Industrial Exposition OPEN3 I.N ..Portland, September 22 .. CLOSES October 22 1898 j The Finest and Greatest Imposition ev I held in the Northwest. 'HORTICULTURAL and ACRICUliTURR I'rodurtd of Oreifou nnd VVnlilnft')n will lie ilinplaie'l in wotiilcrful profiiHiou, iriolu'iiitjf more varieties tliHti ever before jmthered UiclU er in one exhibit. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be Awarded. Marvelously Rich Specimens from our Gold, Silver and Other Mines ..Bennett's Renowned Military Band.. Has been sngsged for th season. Astounding Aerial Feat and Acro batic Performances. Very Low Rates on all Railroads. Admission ft It.i ( tillilroii loct ;!. i. v ran Thee tiny opiulf-i art superior to balivam of Copaiba. ,uuf!oior inicctioni anaffM CURE IN 48 HOURSlnuWi rV L.l i! . 1 the tamo disease with out Inconvemen'e. Soli hf at l Drur.(iili. a ' vi low A Beautiful In onlrr to furthr intfiHlm e ELASTIC STARCH (Kll Iron HrnnilMhc KKiiiiiftirturrrs, I C. I IuI)Iiiit Llroi.Ct,,o( Keoktik, low. t, li.ivc tlct iilcit t Ul VU AWAY bAUti(ul irernt with cathM kiiifcoliUrcliioM. llici prciciittartln the lormul 1 -it, f Deaufifu! Pastel Pictures They are I jxltj liu liri In ilr,nml are cntlllcil i (ollnwi: Lilacs nnd Pan5lc5. SARC1HI laiMINVlNf ' itijgutisocoosurf1 Tansies and nargurltc. I f M Of Ml "J.ClfUBIN6CrJBW5SC?J .Mcsusjcsi, NtwHAvtsjiosa, Thcf rare piittirr. lour h iiumlirr. by the rrnowned pustrl artist, K. LrKoy.i'l N :w v.rk,h4vr lirrni niiacn fnun the very chol ri nil'iri in in hlsstuilioiut kit niw niTrreil lor the first tlinctotfie ihiIiIIo. The ii( turn are m uratrlv reiruduieil In til the color uiixl In the orliliii.ili, ami arc iunouncl by cr-mpetrnt rrltli , work I ul art, "jstel tiii'ttire re the rorrn t thlnu lur tbe himie, nothln iur naming them in ncaiiiy. rn nnri One ol thrw plrturr will he civrn vkjy nun lusi-.l nl i.inr irrm'rr. It it and it oM (nr i ) irnti a pvkiKc. Aik your grtxcr lor this itarrh and get a braudltil picture. All Grocers Kiip Elittlo Starch. Aeeipt N Subitltuti. C.r ;:: rort. I... tlltk Cist I LKiVK U-illI.t ARHIVE M.llllll IVi.t, Is.'iiiK HhiIsII. WrllllS. HlltC 'A iilrull a, ( fs'll.l hi No. t II : a I N. I cm Yri.l.i.tii " n.) 'l ninus 'i ai.i n I .svU liesst, , . J I So. V IVrtland. iseit le and. . "r..oiii nrs t'r " m- T-ti'iima. Illvali' I p m. ins and I lrni-l -i:st IMliila. I HH ..a. ts..l ImiAhiL K.m ss flty and oihrc Misj-mn riser tfiln'S Thrw and ons h.Uf dy to St. L'Uls. Milwaukee and 'IU"Mf v,,-' rVur and on-h.uf day toJ aihlngt. 1'hlla.ielphla nt tn.r Mr ssstJ trmJ- I orlork nvinunir tmln will nvtae '1" eunnettlims ifx'tsi wnn uw 'Tsideoot cinns'H'nii at all rwllKlPtl cKles. ... lU"" rw'sKI tnrouin it tlun of tickets. r sles;ii cor nssvstlon. In ks . nana mines unl other inf.niill..n, ivll on or s.ldrr J .. MA 11'. AI"'". fJI l'iirnni"P Ul t.. Ast iria. A I. 'H AKLTs N, Assistant OeneriU l'awor Agnt tA Morrison Htres.1. Iswtl.ind, nr. 0 TIH SCMHOl'LES Kioiu pnrtiand DKI'AItT Assiri v,.. a It jtkr. rnr t. Kt y . 11.. I Wiirln, lltnalia Knn- J.".! Spokane IL I ' aa U.ll M.k ...a r K,Vrm I in Mi' Mr-m- hirsm.a'.d Kbsi. "MM-m. . ...J t 1 1 oni A't'Tta OCKAN S1EAXAHIP5 All "Mlilnil l'st.-s sull J. rl t 1 1 limiice. Knf Krmc Kul h tnlie .1 it, v, I j, l.'i. is ill. VI. iTa .13". is iim mi Coliimh. Hlvr iiIh HteHiner iplajr t To KirtUnd and 1 way Lamlm-. 8 a. m. ...... ' . m r r si uj 1 nrii 1.11. .... Mull, Weil "iii.min Kir. III... mir ai d Krl "reuuii 1 I Nrwi. r, ' ! el. Hsli'in tV -l.tii.l's Vsillsm'tt' "tf Vsnf H it) 11 ni 7. 111. hill klvar. .'w.d inrt J2i"r,1f " 1 11 """' ,, rrt anil wit W j -L.tnliims. l.v Kltarls . . 0. I.rlltu HhI s rx- t, .'n.fc.Klvsr. i.,,. m. "atifmiiy I ltl'rlst.i Uwliliiii, id-lijr rXis'l lf p. in. ; Ki.iUy I-ii ve lAiwist'iwn dilly i''eit Friday. U. W. LOUNSIiUHH) Af.nt Asiorta W. H. HL'BLBURT. Osn. Pa. Aft Poruaad. Or rvan Go East. via Billing and Burlington route, and you reach Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis and all other louthem and aoutheaitern cltle half a day oonr than traveler who take any7 other line. Go east via Bt. Paul and the Bnnlnf ton route, and you ride the finest train on earth the Burlington, fit. Paul Chlcoco Limited. Uo east via Ogden and Denver, and you see the wonderful scenery of the Rockies, famed the world over a the most mag nificent on the continent. - Tickets fit oflK'e of connecting line. A. C- SHELDON. OASTQnXA. 17 faTTT oiiUr mwm&, asaujaajaasiaasaMaaiaaiasiiialia' Present Wild American Popple. Lilacs and Iris. 1TSKM Will to IMMHi T I" J , rn hnri ul color ami artistic merit. ELASTIC STARCH oi color ami anntir nirrtt. the best LinrMlrv HarrS on the market. Mm PENNYROYAL PILLS Ullit ft4 UIUtjK....H .14. J tssl.h " kls Ml IHvMtuf . .." il.. Sis ' l.lf Bars" lisiissi .ssSuw4. AiaiHtf 4 tvltiMMHl Hi Uf AM SMil K rM.v. V f,.f .nil. a lhi. ('SMNi .Im Sr.lls 1 JVJiAsV HOvTCVKsllCALCO. u. a. l IS 4l -i4n4 l"l. .ISIIllllllX kiiM, usaslarsl 4is rhara-s, r aaff ImSsmiHis II", linuu.a ur ntaanaaa, si.. a i.( warns. a.- IMlOsnri(Vi -. Km aaiiUf ai oun.o Jl sssbuu. a. D. as . r? sal Is alsia r..-i 'si-r P It OS, ur I Mil., f. s ( uraJar Mt a ras 11 ai rv rattaal Ur Williams U.tianrlH iiutnii. sill cure li.lui. 'Illcriliua- and Ileum I'llrs. Ilalwirualhslumaia all) tb IU-nluf l onr. rl a thiulilt. slira Insiaut f Hot. Ur. William' Indian 1'iie 0m 1 Biant lanranarad for Piles and tub In of th Druats tMrta. fverr tnil warrant.!. l druaisu. bj mall as r VIM of jprlre M fin Sn4 II. W. WILLHH WI'IFICIUHHO CO.. frupa. Ci.iaA. The Choicest Table Wines... Pm raaaflkta Ass far Mill it I rrtvmu lioek. Crsmai fir. 014 tnitay, Pnd of KaotiKky and Rswa4Jks oU OaltMte r)1a. Carlson's FamilyLliuor Store ' IN TWnJrTK aTnUaaTT WHITE COLLAR LINE -Columbia Rlv.r and Putst Bound Nvt- istlon company Hallay riatirrt leave Altorla dally, I rsv.-lWlsn dally at 7 a. m. 1 Whit Collar lln t'rt Intan-ti Sunday ncealil Inn llallav (lalsnrl. T. J. 1'illtnr lrd II. Id ThiimiMiim for Astoria and all way points. Plawl. Ilaaco. HsavlsW. Lcmi liesch, and Nahcolt V H. 8COTT. Astoria Ant 'rsldnt. Ttlsphono Nu. H WHEN GOING EAST. - Us a 0rl-clas line In traveling bstwaen Minneapolis Ot Paul and Chicago, and the principal town In central Wisconsin Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Care In (rvlc. Th Dining can are operated In tb In' tereat of It patron, th tnoet eleganl eervlc vr Inaugurated. Meala ar servad a la carte. To obtain fJrt-cla aervlce your ticket hould read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Dlrot connection at Chicago and Ull wauk for all eastern polnta. Poifull Informa'lon call on your neart ticat agent, or writ JAB. C. POND, General Pas. Agent, or JAB. A. CLOCK, Mllwiuk, Wis Oener) Agent, Ut Stark atreet, Portland, Or. Astoria Public Library ItEADINO ROOM FREES TO ALL Open eve-y day from t o'olock to S:V ad t M to WO p. m. nbaerlptloa rat.- n per annum. rv tr Eleventh and Duane Btreeta. iloll's Nerverine Pills The 7m fdyl ocrvout prot rf.. t ratio nam t aas Hl w V W V dluuu of the ''UullTs'D Ahihll Lrtlhti. oari nt mU Kt. luch a TAIfrvou Prn(rat-.nn. Fillino n aOM Manhooci, Impottiicy, Nljjfitiy Emit lic-n, Youthful Errors, R'kntaJ Worry, ex cci'lve uk of Tobicco or Opium, whlcJ lad to Conuimption and Insanity. JUi per hot by mailt 6 boxn for $5.00. rIT$ CHEMICAL CO., Proc't. Clarsland. (lt J m mi I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED. v a nt k i v-7i w h'k " kVr a 1 1 1 .Th mV, i " w 1 ems-party, aliiier My or ixilleiunii. lif athul chun h sstMiKltiitr. as -srr"tii'r-(Unl tilil mnhiui'T Iter. Need nt I" " hiiiii. slnr Vu rl r-st ynr. lOneli lfiMr4 sisnuwit nvait lo A. M.lor, M.rtsriil X(uiiHr, var A'rli tAIHKtVNO Mfiiufl" liAHNINiUTMi. Mnsie 1 1 it ml l.iiniii. nisiU of tmihl l-iillea a, fuv.litlun for Mieilil- .'iiiiniiw, uniirrwpnr. inuis inii-ns ur haul aiul Ins III llnslnryi a ulill'l ran wnr in porrri'i hvi sent ; Ml.ll'iil ilvurllslii rr. n I'-nla, iiiiwiiar A and N'lvi'liy rompniiv, tliU Wasli li. ion i rsci, tinitiNti,!, ralHurnm. roil RKNT. I'ttll, IllCNT mtNIHHICI) IttKiM, Villll funis, e host and Adilira M, Aaliilliin iillli', i'OR TIKST IMClArtlilC ltioM." Ap" lliaUHa, Uiiiiilliliill lillliullig, ron iticNT- jodi) i mumc anu haun Had fuur Bar ) uf In lid, I'lalsup uy tallmi, km aii i. tha Citip IMamltl. s. Apiily to . Tsfg, isj tuiiimarvinl at., city run ba lib. I'Viu Pali -iiiirm: ANl l.i)T, t'Olt ami Twenty, ninth ii r uisiul svpiiua neei, I jiiinriuKii, ui f.u. Apply iu juiiii ouu. ItKeTAflUNTB, OOOD ll CKNT UK A LB AT TUB Hid ing Bun Restaurant, allSCKLLANKOUB. lif vm WANT KINK Ml'PPKIaS AND i'rwiah rail mi iUiia liiirtlsy st th r a i uma i, wncrs s ssasiili van b fuu all the dMicl'c uf Ihe iiUltd, l.OT Of KINK AMIII.ANIi fit A VV Kt Ut U peaCliM, cheap, a4 Ituas, lllsglli. A Co. ft ll KINK ; TKAB. KXCICLUCNT COF fees, pur ie go to KOAiU) ITOKCB CO. THY IIILLINOB 11 KPT TEA AND baking pwwdsr. BWICICT CIIBAU 0tfA . I'INT "aT TUB LK MAPLE i.KAf CHKAXKItY II UT' t.r. Kusrd Btnka to , ae-nt. wilKNYOU WANT KIN ETE A,(KK)D ruffaa and apluee, try Kuard fluka Co. - g aLOONB. THE LOL'VKIl-L'NDICn THE ABLE nianaaasnsnt of August Krais. I daily twuoniing a ttiur and enure popular r urt. Th club rwin on th Muuad toot ar now an atlnsctiv faatur f abe slabllshnient. " PIIYBICIANB. V.."l DR. Al.ritKD KINNRY OKKICK AT raaliUiK. Coni mervlal trat, near Mialh urn. hour: Mornlim until in: all atarnouo until I; vsoiig until I o'clwa. I) It. O. II. EBTKB. PHTBI0IAN AND Hunfaun. Bixnial altanlln to dlaasasaj of wuiiwn and surgaa-y. lime ovar 1B aMI.r slot., Aaluria, Tel.. No. U- Hit. JAY TUTTt.E. PIIYH1CIAN AND gurgmn. (ittlc., ruum t and t, PytMea liuiiuiua. sji i. uiiimarcsai aireai. iisbm Jem a Mm. Tsl'phun M. Acting aa issant surgeon L'tiltad Mtata niarin liusplial scrvka. XIABOMC. TKUI'I.K IXlDtlE NO T. A. K. AND A. M Maajuiar coniiiiuniKiinn naiii on th nrsl and third Tuly svanlng of each U, W. Lol NrtliKIUlir. W. M..K. C. IIOLLCN. Hecrsisry. ATTOrtNKi. ATTOWsVrBAOUNBELOR Offee. Dond Itieet. Aatarta. Or. J. B. WYATT, rN.e Atrl. 0gM Hard wore, ShipChandlcry, Groceries, . Provialona, PAINTS and OILB. ' HfMlal AtUatlae Paid I B4ylsg Mips 3.1ST m south LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVE i)VERLAND EX 'RKHH, for Balsm, lus.burg, Ashland, acram.nto, Ogden, tan Krsnolseo, Uo lav. Lo Ans.lee, tl Psso, Nw Or lean and the East Roasburg pogr Via Wood burn, for Mount Angsl, Bl. verton, VVt Bclo, 1:00 P. U f . A. M l ft A. M M: P. at Dally Xoapl Sunday Dally srspt Sunday iirownvui. hi oid and Nation.... T n a Corvalll paangr ft:M A. M lndpndno pa' jti.a A. at M M P. it Dally, tDally escept Bunday. dental Oriental, Parlflo fclall and Ocs- inln alMn marl. I n I Inu JAPAN. CHINA, AI'l.KALIA AND HAWAII. Rahata fl.-l.ata n i- j.n i... ..... - - .... ii.w umif iiwiwvaai rortlnnd. Haoramanln mnA u.n LrHni- " - -- a -w f7 I f . awa a. (aaaajaa. Q J I WfJ ond-cla, rncl lid Ing eleeMir. Hate and tickets to Ksstern point and Europe, Also Japan, China, Honolulu. R. KOKHLER. C. JL MARKHAM Hanagar. o. r. A P. A. Through Tickets TO TIIB- IAST AND sSOUTHKAST -VIA- PULLMAN PALACE BLEEPERB, TOURIST BLEEPERB and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City , , and other Eastern cltloa . ffag Checked through to destination. Plntech light In ail car.. For ri and other Information call on or addrea Q. W. LOUN8DERRT, Agent, o, n. a n. co. or J. H. L0THR0P, 0eTn't1UO,,' US Third at., cor. Alder, Portland, Or. ' 1 T I " Q 06DlNV1AtaJ J