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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1898)
THE DAILY A&TURIAX. SUNDAY Mi'KMM.. SKITKMWKR , MM TODr WEATHER, tialnt next mat off rhnr gat. jlAng ccisl ... . r" ABOUND TOWN. SUNDAY. T1 nnt th WronB lon urvv; Truth, Huy, Vlrro, oattiid wide, In tiumlilo soil, tar nobis llvr. Whoa fruit forever muat abide. C. P. Cruch. John Grunt came down on lat nlRht'i Irtln. You lway And the bvmt candle at the Farlor. Flnwt candlot ever ten In Aitorla at th rarlor. J. 8. Delimiter returned horn from Port land latt night. The HaJ-rlaon arrived In from Tlllnmook ynw&ny tvenlnt. The Elder croaaed out yetrdajr mora Inf for San FrMclaro. Tha rarlor la atill th leading confe tlonary In Aatorla. Mlaa Calll Mumon haa returned from ahort vllt In Portland, Money to loan In amount to lult tn borrower. Apply to Ferguson Bro. Mr. P. U Cherry returned laat night from a vlult with friend In Portland. Born At 1 o'clock thla morning, to the wtfa of Archie A. Cook, an 11-pound boy. Th British ahlp Largo Bay, wheat lad n, arrived down, from Portland yeater- ivr, , , i i ". . . Frank Munon will leave for TheDalle thl evening, wner b ha accepted po lon. Oeorg Bartley. who hw ben In Port land for the put few days, returned lat night The Columbia arrived In yetterday morning with a good freight and patsen rcr V-l x ' Hay and grain for al; best quality. 8e 8uman. Ninth street, beJow Com mercial. Mrs. W. S. Kinney, who has been visit ing In Portland, returned to th city last evening. Dr. Finch ha removed hi office to Fourteenth and Commercial street, op posite Foard ft Stokes. A. T. Brakk. who ha been In Alaska sine last spring In the employ of the Alaska Packer' Association, arrived In , Do you or money-back tea Schilling's Best is and money-back. Moving Prices MEN'S HATS Stiff and soft hat. In all shades, worth from 11 to fl.ZS, now au cent. Stiff and soft hat. In all shades, worth from LoO to S2.W. now ILZo. Stiff and soft hat, in nil shades, worth from 12.25 to $3.00. now JLT5. Stiff and soft hat. In all shade, worth from S3.2 to K0O, now 12.50. Our hat srtock for both men and boy Is so larga that it is Impossible to partic ularise; every hat Is reduced. HEN'S UNDERWEAR Grey cotton Shirts or Natural Wool Shirt or Camels Hair 6hlrt or Drawer Bibbed Woollen Shirt or Our underwear assortment 1 too large to mention In detail; we have underwear t from 50c a piece to 17 50 a suit; but they all share the same cutting fate. HEN'S SUITS Before deciding on this removal we pur chaKPd an enormous assortment of suit in all colors and stylf-s, made up to pleaae but every one of these splendid suits must be sold. Here are a few ilgures: Regular Moeeng I'rlee Price Men's Black Clay Suit 110.00 I 7.15 Men's Mixed Wool Cheviot.... 10.00 7.15 Men's cheviot, blue mixtur... 12.50 9.23 Men's Cheviot, brown mixture. 12.50 9.25 Men's Satin Lined Black Wors- ted IS-00 9 75 Men s Blue Clay Worsted 10.00 7.15 Men's Blue, extra fine 17.00 12.75 Men' Grey Clay 11.50 8 90 Men's very fine funcy mixed suits i2-23 Men's extra fine Worsted and Cheviots JiSO.OO 22. $16.50 Corons of other grade, worth from $7.50 to .u0. reduced in the same proportion. Herman Wise Ban Francisco yesterday. He will lv for Astoria on the n'tt trip of the KMr. Mrs. Holme and daughter, of Eat Aa torla. were paRsenffrrs from the metropo lis on last night's train. Josctih Strauss will return to Astoria tonight. He has been located for some time past In Holne, Idaho. Contractor Normlle Is home from La fayette. where he Is engaged in the exc vatlon work on the govtrnmcnt Jetty. V. H. CuiMrthaon land fwmlly, who hve been spemtlng a few Witks at th oaMe and Elk Creek, arrived home yestenlay. The Brltirh ship Vasco d CUma. UTS ton. Captain Jortrum, 45 days from Shanghai, In ballast, arrived In yeiterday Th Emergency corn will hold spe cial meeting at their hall Monday at l: p. m. to hear tne report of th ikle gates. A three-masted schooner, supposed to be the MHanrhton, from San Kranclfco. arrived at Knappton yeiterday to load lumber. The pile for building the extension or the coal bunker have arrived down from up the river and work will be begun to morrow. Don't tak th time to go bom whan you can enjoy a On merchants' lunch at Bartley' National. Beer or cofte served whh lunch. The Northern Pacific first aave Astoria a common point on lumber, and now It haa voluntarily put In a common point on nasaenger rates, M!a Cira Toiinv will resume hr In struction In piano playing on October 1st For particulars pall or writ 17(3 Duane street. East Astoria. Mr. C. U. Newman, a first clas dress maker, would I k to sew In families. She can b found at 13) Twlfth street, or addressed at vTarrtnton. The subject of th jnornlng srnnon at the Baptist church today will be, "Lilting. I'p Christ." At p. m. the young people will give a musical and misilonary program, , . . - - - - Preaching at the First M. E. church at 11 a. m. and S p. nv Morning subject: "Prayer for the Ministry." Evening: "Separation from the World." TV. B. iill!nKRead, pastor. A double suite of rooms for three or four gentlemen or a married couple, with or without board; also light and pleasant single rooms In "Th Rucker House." Tha steamer Miami, as soon a her ma chinery Is overhauled, will bo to Slleti river with a load of cannery supplies, and will afterwards be used there as a cannery tender. want colored tea, Nothing Convinces people more than prices. We might assert and talk until doomsday and make no impression, but when we leave a iew dollars jingling in your pocket, that's different MEN'S PANTS Pants is something that everybody knows all about, and yet tne styles are so varied that an adequate description Is Impossible; we have regular ii, extra long, extra short, extra waist, extra tine and extra cheap pants. Pant wear out qulrker than your coat or vest; you will soon need a pair of pants, rome to see us, let us leave a saving of $1 or 11 In your pants. Boys' and Children's Suits Have hardly anything left In cheap Cas simeres and never kept shoddy sutlneis. all we have la a larne number of the best grades of Hoy's and Children's Hulls, but since we've cut the prce you mlxht as well buy your boy a fine suit and make him feel good. MEN'S OVERCOATS I'.rnUr Moving . Frlft Trice Men lirht overcoat 9 00 $ 4 .V) Men's black cl;iy wormed 11 .7) (t W Men's black, finer (frade 15 ( 11 40 Men's grey worsted 14 f 10 j Men's gn-y ribbed, very fine... l it) i m Men's brown kersey jj jij jr, Men's brown cheviot u 10 Jo Men's chocolate color melton.. In 8 And we have others. Bcgular Moving ITite Price .$ 50 $ 25 . 1 25 90 . 75 45 . 1 00 70 ODD SUITS SUNDRIES All Men's 50 cnt ties now 35 cents All Men's 25 cent ties now 15 cents All Men's iVi cent socks now 35 rents All Men's 25 cent socks now 3 fir 5"i rents All Men's 15 cent socks now 3 for 25 cents All Men's 10 cent socks now 6 cents RUBBER HACKINTOSHES We fiave only about three dozen men's Mackintoshes left, but he price will re duce them to zero; rather a cold state ment, but these are hot times. Trunks, Valises. Shoes. Blankets, In fact everything In our store has ot moving prices on and they will move beyond question; we are not going to pay freight to Portland on our stock if prices can help It. ,-, Keiiaoie Vaiotnier The bids for th Improvement of Ex change street, bctwren Ninth snd Tenth, were opened yesterday by the sired com mittee, Three bids In all were reewtved. The hid of Andrew Illtvh of trtl.M being the lowest, he awarded th contract. Three mArrMge ll-rnsrs were Issued yesterday by County Clerk Wherlty. The names of th happy couples are Mle VU erson and Ida JmitlU, Aldrlk A. It'lntkk and Ma Frankie, John llnljokoske and ltuuss Wluturl, ail resident of Astoria. The steamer Alliance, with freight and passenger for 8an Francisco and way ports, arrived down from Portland yes terday evening and docked at Ninth street dmk. She had a large passenger list and left out at J o'clock this morn, lng. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church-English aunday achool, : a. m., English services, t:4J a. m text. "lUlslng of the Widows Son of Main" Vr,ir1nn aervlc al 1 tv ni.. text. Malt IS. 14, "Be Humble." There will b no service next Sunday, An excellent logging engine of new de sign was turned out yesterday by th Columbia iron works. It was built for John Christian, of the Walluskt. and waa shipped to that plac yesierxtay evening The engine is an improvement on th make now used In logging camps. ra.'lftc lodge. Degree of Honor, tendered a surprls party to Mrs. V. Pollard at hr home on Fifteenth street last night, and a most enjoyable evening was spent, Mrs. Pollard, who Is past grand chief of th lodge, leave Tuesduy morning for San Francisco, where she will In the future reside. For many years science has studied liquors. Kesult. the whole world use whlskr. It has proven the best stimulant and doe not Injure nerves and tlssu.s like coca wne grid other drugged com pounds. And Harper hsky I the Ideal whisky. Sold by! $ Stokes Com- fvany, AjVrl'i Oregon. The Brttisth bark Inverurie. Captain Charleston, arrived In yesterday. day from San Francisco In ballast. The Inver urie tud fair wind nearly he entire, w Up. and rn 4nt3 in hvy tnJ that p re tailed ker th past few day. The In verurie Is chartered snd It Is expected she will be towed up to Portland Mon day. The past week has seen the best dally revord ever made at the A. F. C. alleys, the score board showing an average of r. 1-4. The records follow; Monday. C. H. Cooper. M; Tuesday. C. H. Cooper. C: W-edneday. P. B. Sovey. Thurs.lay, C. H. Cooper. 71; Friday. U B. Burroughs. W, Saturday. L. B. Burroughs. O. Coip er s TJ Is a new club Manhattan record. Mrs. SUne was high Wednesday, with 47. while Mr. Installs had th record Fri day with U. A clear. Italian sky and atmosphere a soft and balmy as on any spring day. ? the pure For CASH Only XV e have about 30 men's suits, mostly small elz and I!kM colors worth from $10 to $15, but you cnn afford to keep one for next spring, or even wear one now K.r everyday use, at the ridiculous pr e of U.m per HUlt; nothing the mutter wl'n them except they are small sizes; that's where the small man gets In. - yh! . while Just off lh roast a terrific gal was hollng, constituted a phenomenon In Astoria yeaterday to I witnessed, per hatw. nowhere else In America. Tha river In front of the city was a placid a a) bike, and not th slightest evidence even of a ground swell be ng apparent. Just off the Heads the wave were mountain hlnh. and all Incoming and outgoing ves sel were deluged with spray, A meeting of the cresmery committee waa held at Ih rooms of th rrogrvsslv Association yeaterdwy, There were pres ent John Betth, ftamuel Adair. C. H, low, W. J, Inaalls. W. Withers. William l.r en. O. V, Ciu-rMhan, and other. After an Interesting discussion on dolry topic It waa the sense of the meeting that steps should lie taken towards ortan.4tloii. Th secretary of th committee was asked lo prepar the proper document and present th same at a meeting to be held Saturday, October $ Mr. G, W. Lounsberry' many friends will learn with regret that she is not do ing as well aa expected Initnrd.atety after the operation performed th othrr day. Her condition, while not critical, I inch aa to cm use much anxiety to her Immedi ate family and attendants. It w.ll be re membered that Mr. lAiun.berry Injury wa received during the recent regatta hlle alighting from her buggy. It did not amount lo much at the time, but, fall ing to yield to ordinary treatment, an operation bevam necessary, which was thought to be entirely successful at th time. Mayor Bergman ha called a specl.vl meeting of the council, to be held Monday evening. Th objevt of th meeting Is to pass thre ordinance Introduced at th last mretlng of th council. The or dinances am the appropriation of 11 tor th benefit of W. Hampton Smith for construi'tlr.: the Klevemh street sewer; appropriating Il.TtiW for th benefit of Nelson A Ooodtn for the construction of the crossings on K'hth street; appropri ating $.: for th benefit of Nelson A GtxHtln for improving Klghth street and authoriilng the auditor and police Judge t leeuii bond for the Young' buy Im provement, , He tu S.imn t (l li moored at the Ninth street dock. She was to hav de parted yesterday for ilny's harbor with a t'iw of one of the Jetty Improvement b;rne. also anchored In fnnt of the city. but was deterred from stitrtlng by the stormy weather outside. It Is expected the will leave out about noon today. It is stated by Engineer Hare of the tint that In the the othrr day outsido her patent automatic towing gear worked with absolute perfection. Thl Is th first automatic towing gear placed on a vessel on the Tactile coast, although It use h-i become general on the Oreat lakes, an the Atlantic coast. The mer h'inta of Astoria have a prac tical dvmona trail on of the benefits of Ju dicious advertising In the special removal sale of Herman Wis now going on. Mr. Wise's store haa been crowded with cus tomer for day past, and yesteroay. with th contingent from the country, It was a matter of ImpoasiMlity for Mr. Wise ami his staff of deft and polite clerks to wait on ail th customers who called. The force will be Increased, comme ncing with tomorrow, and those who were un able to get Into the store yesterday, and at other times last week, will not be kept waiting for the bargain they have In view. It Is certain such crowds of people have not been attract-d to any ape. I.U sale In Astoria In recent years. Beginning today passenger rates on all eastern railroad line will be restored to the regular ratea chanted before the cut was made. It will be good news to As tor'. people, as well as a straw to show which way the wind Is setting strong at this time, to know that the Northern I'a- clrtV road has announced that, Ixatnn'rvi witb today, the same rate will be m.ido on all tm-o-niter ticket sold cistern no nls from Ast'Tla as is now ch-irite, to the same point from !"ortlmd. In other words, the Northirn I'arlMc will carry passengers destined for cistern points ovr the A. it C. out of Astoria without any additional churn. The Astorlan w-as In error yesterday In stating that the Holme brother, of Warrenton. whose case wit up before Judge Mcllride. had clrculate.1 a report that Georce Kedncr was unduly Intimate with a girl at the, town across the bay. f'.edner. It seems, chartced thl against George Holme, but the girl swore on the witness stand that Kedner mas guilty of the chance made against Holmes. Accord ing to the statement of the latter, the fact also developed that Kedn-r had of fered the child $50 to swear that Holmes had been criminally intimate with her. The correction Is cheerfully made. It Is evident that the customs depart ment at Washington Intend observing the civil service rule, and that the report which have been published regarding the president' Intention to relax the law re exaggerated. The custom office at Tilla mook wa established under the adminis tration of President Cleveland, and th appointment of the collector ther I left to the collector of hl port. Judge C. H. Page, who held the office under Presi dent Cleveland, appointed D. Madison, an old soldier, who formerly resided In Astoria, to the Tillamook office. When Collector Fox took charge here. Collector Madison was notified that bis service were no longer required. HI uccesor, A is said, was the only man who was de feated on the republican ticket at the recent election In Tillamook county. Dr. Madison was firm In his belief that the civil service rule applied to his case, and he laid the matter before tho department at Washington, which ha ordered hi re instatement. He will immediately resume his former duties. Dr. Madison Is a dem ocrat. The Oerman ihlp Vasco de Gama, Cap tain Jertrum, 45 day from Bhanghl In ballast, arrived In yesterday. Tho Vasco de Gama came through some very rougn weather on the passage from Shanghai. Captain Jertrum stales that when about midway on the voyage he ran Into a heavy hurricane, hlch tossed his ship about like a cork. It lasted for four or live days. A few days after It subsided another hurricane wus experienced fully as heavy as the first one. Heavy seas broke over the vessel, but outsldu of a bad uliaklntr up the ship weathered the blow successfully. After a few duys the gale moderated, and fair weather was ex perienced until approaching the Pacific coast, when another fierce wind was en countered. It continued until nearlng the land, when it moderated somewhat. The Vasco Ue Gama wa three days off the mouth of tho river with a pilot on board, unable to enter the harbor, owing to the heavy weather that prevailed. This I the flrBt time Captain Jertrum has been to this port, but his ship Is no stranger, having been here three years a?o in command of Captain Brink. The Vasco do Gama In chartered and will probably be towed up to Portland today. A large number of ladles and gentlemen saw the Manhattan contest at the alleys of the Astoria football club last nUfht. On one side were Herman Wise, G. C. Fulton. Will C. Laws, and J. D. Mc Gowan. Tliclr opponents were L. li. Bur roughs, C. H. Cooper, P. B. Sovey and Albert Fungo. Captain Wise' team started off well, while Burrough's men played poorly, and the former team had a lead of over 40 pin In the first two AiJTriTTiwr UU1F1 1MU Getting the Young Folks Ready to Resume Work Our stock of scliool Mii.Hou i now conii.K-to. Wohnvotho target assort incut of poiiciK ink trtblots, drawing .took. comiHwitien wVh, lnlvs encil, jieiw, pciictl boxoa, etc. HOYS' CLOTH I NU YoU should Sl'O Olir ettK'k of w boys' nnl youths' clothing lefort buying your boys' school suits, ns SHANAHAN BROTHERS THE CHKArKST l'LACE TO 11 UY SCHOOL SU1TLIES. You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of Tlie only Mlt-tslo drug More ber every artu-le I M IS lo !i" r cvnt. less than the tusnufsotiirvr's price. Here word dot,'! tell it all. Here are sum price. RrmrmU'r rvcry l'aleul Medicine. Toilet Article or I'rurf is sold at out rnt-. Our mail ordfr business lis tr.'hlcd in a vrar, Ixhuh ever) on litbiu mild of I'uttlutid chi j avv tnoticy by (radium aitli ui. Our ItrrnUr C"t rnt Hrli I'rlr Allits ti 1'i.r u I'Uitrn hi l ti 0 Arnt r4rkul ls I 11 M rrt.ri I'll If '. r an oris n N-.iin hiimw m. 1 1 :j llisi.l'iinMtarll .-. I") ill i'iii' iiVItjH iiinpounj m ftttP lrtK ' nni llkk I'lirKl.t ,. uo ui Pifc' K;ir l'r"vrliU'li I 10 J r.rn-' f ii-l tin J'-iIIi hI i- riiTrr. I S'l PI.IW1 hrIU . .- ; li i'ikiii' liuK l'ii: j :ii ijnii lii- np.'iU", nr outsr- r.Ml.-1 lMit. In kttl. n-iit ,irom lui IkihIu "i Qti.nlti tuiiiUt. nr im r r..a'. lsllrt.. In b..(llrt nmlnlnl" iui.'isl- S ijatiiint t .ul., nr tii.if- r.iulcl 1l rt, in l.UIil "ciintslu ne liraln t yuiiiH Cliil. r snr-r fwlnl Itlilrla. In ImiiUc r'HiUliil., iVi,'Krlo 54 We huy dirtvt frutn tlie matuifaclurer in iMtutilitii, whii'h srcuti's tlie VKKY LOWKST TKADK KATKS. This ruablva a to retail at whulrsale prirr. We pay transportation clsrr to A toria on all order for drue or patent ruedii lnr amounting to A or over, lien accompiniiHl by the rash. Our photographic department will in tercit you. Every new thiii lo jibotox rophy la In itnck, and It will dehaht ki to have you call, abetber you bny or not. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kotc Druggists Fourth and Washington, Portland, Ore gnmrs. Then Captain RurroUKh'i mon started In and In th third same ovrrcum the lead and placed U pin to their credit. They alio took tha laat tame, snd won by a total of S2 pin, About the only good score made durlnc the match wua llur roiiRh' total of 210. Ills score by (tame wer 40, 4S, 0), and C. Cooper rolled 187, while Fulton was hlxh for Wise' team with r9. Durrouiths' team's grand total was 6U. an averafte of 40V4. Wise' men made M. an averane of slwthtly over J7. Kor some unaccountable reason the men seemed to be off. Uurroutrhs, even with his fin score, did not play hi K'mi, hav ing repeatedly mlnsed the center sftcr talcing' the corner. FunK. a new man in tournaments, bowled well. lie has an excellent delivery and Is a voluablo ad dition to the club' team. Wise's men are not. satisfied with the result of the con test and have chullentted for a return match next Saturday nlnht. nurrounhs" men have accepted tho challenKO. Tho Kiime will be called promptly at 8 o'clock. The women members are Invited to bo present. OTHER POINTS OF MKNEBH AND POINTS OF CONTRAST. Knslcrn Visitor Rise to a HiRhcr U'vcl of ThoiiKht Than Merc Topottra Ihy In Ills Interview. The Astorlun Scribe took the Eastern Victor In tow aitain yesterday and aBked him, cormorant-like, "for more" points of llk'-ness between Aatorla and an Fran cisco, "More iiolnts of llkeneas, you say? Why, I KueHH I'll have to chargo you for edi torial work," said tho Kood-humortd in terlocutor of tho Quill. "It would pay the Astorlan to pay you," said tho Quill. "It certainly would pay Astoria lromrty holder to club In and Kt you to show up our situation." "Ah, thanks! You know tho human weakness. I iruess I will have to unfold my stored knowledge," said tho E. V.? with a rony flush on hi visage "There is another very striking point of likeness, or, rather, of contrast, between these two great seaports. Ban Franclnco peninsula has only one tidal Inlet bcBldos tho bny, I That Is Mission croek, and It Is out of the way of Immediate use. Astoria pcnlnoula, ha seven splendid land pene-trutlons-John Day river, Toung', Lewis (Continued 1 on third par.) - FOR wo cnn sftvo you money. Wo have tho liggwt Assortment; tho finest gwtls; tho latest stylos, and tho cheapest prices. Every garment brand new. k CI 1 1 LDKENS MACK I NTOSI I'S We hnvo them all sixes and colors; single and double texture; double and single capes; the best goods at tho lowest prices. A STANDARD ARTICLE ROSS, H1GGINS & CO THE BEE HIVE New curtain nets, fish nets, bor dered and colored dotted curtain nets. Tinsel drapery and silkaline, fan cy tucking and denem suitable for drapery and upholstery. SEE OUR MILLINERY DISPLAY Have juit received a line of New York pat tern haU having all the novel features of thlg season's millinery. - WE INVITE YOU TO CALL BEFORE BUY ING, IF ONLY FOR COMPARISON. J J L-Z3 Albert Dunbar's ' 'hi I"1"" II"1' 1 ' I Hm wwv : Ih": - SCHOOL SCHOOL UMBRELLAS, 22 inch English Gloria 45o 21 " " . . 60o 20 . " " " C5o Host steel roU 7fio It is alwiys best to flt( a standard article of groceries They are more reliable and cia be depended apoa. 'c handle only the best utaadard qualities -other brand are too tipea she, even thouQh they sell for lens because they eot an Cat turners. LOWNEY'9 CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA THE HANDSOMEST Line of Extension Ta- , bles ever seen "just arrived fn Astoria jleilborn fi Son