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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1898)
THE: UA1LY ASTOKIAN, SI DAY MOKXIW 8EPTKVI IJEI 25 V . y - r,- i : '4 li .. . - , Solo Agent (or the LUNLAP HAT. i V 1 i'v J " 1 ' tttt , SvlvL iiiiifia.r jtw i . iii i i n a. v a. i rn WATEDWU- ...Fancy and Staple Groceries.., Kruit Jnr nii'l Jelly (iIumwh. W ., ..PriceH Lower With tlu-Fruit to go in tht'iu g TlifUl Ever : Manutailurtr and Itoaler In a W. F. SCHEIBE, r-lfVTr A !"" I'"'1''"' manufactured by other par- HIlNri I Arc IS I v ttuCAu. 1 111- VIVID ' roi.m no Snap Co. with the medl- THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBLP OF RGS 1 duo not otiljr to the orl(f Inallty and Implicit of tlio comminution, hut also to tho care and alt 111 with which It U manufactured by acli-mlllo tWKtcnea known to th Cauroiixu Fib Htnvi' Co. only, and wo wUh to Ihiihcm upon all tho linportBimo of purchasing tho true and original remedy. A tlio genuine Syrup of Fig l manufacture d by tho Calikomkia Flo Htnve Co. only, a knowlvilifo of that fact wilt assist one In avoiding tha worthies A lull Mm ( Hlpw. T , n mofcf' ArlKlM. T' Cammtrclal KBCKIVXD IN TU FBIUAKY. OR AMUAR AND AOADKUIO OBADE9 Je M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the . . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. Hoarding pupil Apud lr III school Mk, twi iA opening, Heptember lib. For rata, etc.. eddraa lb Superior INBTUO- MKNTAL M08IO, PAlNTINO AND V010B COLTUKB rOBM A 8PBCJIAL DEPARTMENT cal profession, and the satisfaction which the gomiluo 8vruiof Flira haa given to million of families, make the name of the Company a truarant. of the excel lenee of Itt remedy. It U iar in aurance or all other laxatives, aa It acta on the kidneys, liver and bowele without Irritating or weaken log them, and It doe not gripe nor nauseate. In order to art lu beneficial offecta, pleaae remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aa riuiciscn. ri 101 UVILUC. lit. ntw THK. V. T. tun amoi:nt v iiki.mow KOH THK THIHCO MtMT, riflfn Cftrl'iln ut llvr to ti t)hl;pd fix FrolKht Fr'mi I'lillNrlMphia, ; 4 f-Triln li Il Oiinnlcil. CKICAOO. -pt. 'M,T)in Tr lunW ny; A twin b'-Mrlnir 1. oun' of nil vr bullion from K'hllii'J'lihl ly., dm KnirM lM'o li (miii U murk m w ra In thn fi1rnl K'V),riiiri'rit'i mulnxl nf l r rii"rtltiir the ri1uua mrtulx b'iwen t)i mnim. . ; t Jt dan ie'n Known for nomo time (tint mjh a (('f'l xliTnifiit w In rotit-tn I'lutlon, ami th nM Jirni-e of Anxlxlant H' rnturx Vandrrllp of Dm trenxiiry rt piirirnr'iii In fhlriiKo ' for the purpof of mkliK Ihn (li-flnli rrmiK'!'nnt!i. Mr. V'anlrrlli wan In conxuliiidon witli w iffu ruiul filTW lulu imtl lh lipmcri o li ininln ifl a Rpmlnl f;iM tr'Un sfiiar"!' d dy fi-.l. rnl hoMIit nl (I'Mo'llvc. It l iiioiir" (hut ticrt-rifliT frclKlit mi'l noi ciprrn will Iw the lwnin ot hlinint, 'Jlio rtilliiip'llihla mint '. I"Iiik run to li full Tip;idty ri eol'iliiK goM, Iwih for- I rlKn ami ilomi Htl', ulili h liwi ur. ;Ikk In ul a urr:altiK ruir, iwl th In- ti titlon m to truiufiir V).''.''i ouii't-n ot IUrr to thu I'iwIIIo ciat. Thin amount m"n ovit V ton, or li avrraKo car .uIk. TIi ir (;h irt(r on any u n iiiutitlty ut an( lil rj( like h-ulr rnt.- wouli) be tin trm wh'li-b tvm lli t'nltfil Hiulrn tri-.iiiry aiuS afford to tljfiire on mi v ln. Thf niovcmi-nt of the Hver ly frriKht limit ml of 'Xpriu U connlilrriN alto Kxthcr f.mnlhlc. Th diinKT of robfM-ry, It li I-Urvrl, could 1 practically lm I out til by hiit-ln the illvcr put uu in I.OKJ ouiicb burg and' by the rmploymtnt. il a dvtuli of eohllfm to accompany the train. An onllnary wrnk could caux no l" with l.vw ounce hurt, avtn If fire rultel About the only awkward con tliiifi'tny which offlcbili think tou.d arlr would b for th train to to throunh a brhlK Into a wenlern river, liut that chunce Ik too remote, of count, to be Yon am quainuince Best ,rnzc the ac of Schilling's fff hVlnf pnwAer (ivoroif fltfact aa4.picH , for nothing, and welcome. Your grocer knows. Poruleby fo.. rllKln 6c Company VIHIT3 TIIK C0MMI8H10X. HAVANA, Hf-t. M-The IlrllHh coniu l'ul nlifht paid a long vimt to the Amr lean rnllliary rommiiwlon at the Tro ha hotoi. Ho eonvrd at l-nth with 0n thI Wad and Onral Ilutee and IUr Ailinlral MfimpftOti. Tha auihor:tli- have forbidden WHiilc In the rk of V'cludo. lb euhurb where the Tro ha hotel li iltuated. It In under looil thul they do mt In order to prevent now.: of people from itat boring in th rn-lhl)orhwd of the hot'd. CHAI'I.AIX il'INTYKE'S I'LKA. I'hNVKfl. Hi pt. 2l.-Ixrtor J. T. Ek rldk' and II. T. Pc-rnhlne;, pcdllta on fii rvoua dlneaai-a, today examined Chap lain J. I'. Mi lntyr. of the battlenhlp Or- K"ti, with rgard to Mi nervoug and men t il condition. The examination waa mad at the request of U chapii:n'i brother and I'Kttl advlwr. Indicating- that hi de fene before the cour(-martl by which he I to be tried on chargea growing out of hU alleged riitlcium of the conduct of Admiral Ham (won and Captain Evani, In the battle of July I, off Santiago, will be emporary aberration, due to kknei on traded In the line of duty. r 5w irwAnAAixruwvrvruAnAAAAAnuAwvf THE PALACE Astorla'3 Leading Restaurant Hvorytlilnii Htrlctly Plrat-ClntM. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. I generally conildreL . , ' "I do not car lo talk about the nlver ahlpmnnt proportion," Mr. Vandrrllp I u!d.. "It U known that aui.b a chlpment and our work I light. Th night are I contemplate', and It li alio true that flno-cool enough, but not cold. Bo far w I have been In conciliation with ome Iwp on tha ground, but ar going to wnti-rn road people 4oday. I do not car make eanva bunk aa aoon aa w ar to ay wtieJher or ikM th of ur we are going to remain In lhl camp. ; ehlnmeot by freight w dlwued. I generally am akd "What ar you "My mllon here, aalda from the en- doing nereT" Well, there ar lota the Joymrnt of a few day vacation, hu to lima way. In the next company thi-r I j do with looking Into Crntrdl parlfln rail- la eiitor a eon wn t nomeeica ini(romi anuir una win inveitig&tton of ha haa turned yellow, o lis I now known ame undecided bond allotment. "Th Central pacific aettlement. of coume, I pending, and there In certain (;itK.T t;VEI.S COMIIINE AGAINST THE 6ICK MAN. OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcclcr.wS Wright, Prop. v Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stove and their Prices Something Now W.J.SCULLY 431 Bond Street. a the "Yellow Kid." I am not quit o bad a that, although army life I very llulil to nitik one no, but I guru will be utile to atlck It out. W. hav a good 'cured here better than anywhere 1. dock of book, and I am at preaent rnd-1 lug "Old Curlounlty Shop." and am wry , mucn Intrreated In lu I am atlll with tur j aina crowd, and on pay-day we ar - thinking of buying a chafing dl.h that ; ,.ai.irU.ii of crrte Decided Upon and aw d.wn town to do a lit t la aid. cooking, i ,..,., t. Vou might think w. hv. .11 th. fru:t w. of Turkey Will IJ. Forced to want; but no; It I loo high for u; they i Accede to the Proceeding. ay many odHT have, cl"anrd th'-ni j out. For th lam two or three iay ij iir. arm. .i.-nnin n ouuri urtm have been feeling lck. but am all O. K. Untaln. ula. rTMnce. and Italy w.II todar. Ther. are about twenty of the uptna meir tgniure to an agreement buygoli hoot, tomorrow, wheo thi let- the pacincailon or the Inland of Crete, ter goea, on account of aUkm-al old Including a plan for the coercion of the M.mplaJnt, o It la not th climate, auitun into uomiion. ine neme na Atwut on. being muaterrd out. It Won t r aome time oeen uraiteo, out it n ( until lh commlMtofter meet In No- forcement waa delayed to Invite the pr- vrrober. aa w. uwlemtand, to .ettle tictiaiion or uermany. wnicn country at pam So 1 hardly think I'll be home for "rat declined. Chrtatma. If they do not how any In- At th bcgtnnln;, the four power dilution to mu.ter u out then I w II wnd an ultimatum to the nulla n of writ, for a dlitchaxg but am willing a Turkey, eummonlng -Win to accept the long a therw la ny ohanc. of further In0ct. and Informing him that, unl- war to "lay. wnd then glv them time to h de ao, roemurea f Ul be U? lo en mu.ter out. I hardly think they care to forcehl compllanr, Tb powera have hold u after that. The orncr. of cour. iiwocaoi y ueewea to wiir n ..Tan wuld Ilk. to etay, aa It la pi. for them Quetlon Immediately, and will not heal- Well, w. will wall a whll. before w kick. ui to eim inetr nwia to in uartren- gueu t'ncl. 6am will do th right H and Oeyono. If tmear'. thing If w. give him tim. for thr. la no " ta telling how om h. might need ua again, TEDDY CAN'T ACCEPT, and we. If try ted wrong, might refii.e. - WONDEBFIX INVENTION' .. Or A GERMAN ENGINEER. (Copyrighted ISM b Associated Preta.) IlEKUN, Sept. M - A new and Import ant dlacovery waa mad at th. German naval manoeuvera. thla week. It wn In th shape of Greek-Phonlcan fire, In vented by a Berlin engineer. I( Ignites on contact with air or water and cannot b quenched by either water or earth. It burns with a brilliant flame, exceeding big searchlights, and It can. be sunk under water or under ground and, when brought to the surface Instantly bursts Into flam at any desired point. . it waa tested dur lng the nlgbt evolutions off the Island of nec.nry Information whih can b se-1 Heligoland and off Kiel, and will prov. HOTEL ARRIVALS. NEW YORK. Sept. N.-Theodore Roose- I veil tonight Issued a statement, in which h. declined to accept any nomination the Occident-It Hoyt. L. Saldren. Par-1 Independents might offer him. It would sons, Mrs. Mcvoy, Portland; w. n. M- " injunice 10 nis aociair, ue sivs. serva, Delena, Or..; Robert U. Rothch.ld. The statement Is In the form of a letter J. P. Cartllnc. W. A. Uernhclro. 8nn to John r. Chapman, He says; ADDITIONAL . LOCAL (Continued from Fourth Page.) anil flu rite, Wnllu.kl, and Klasksnlne rtvem. and flllllUnon and Alder creek. New Ymk prnlnaula h. Ieldea Its bay. only Hunt river and Harlem river. As toria jMinlnnuJu' seven extra, ship water ways iir or infinite value, and put It eaatly ahead of any other port In th world, rlklpnnon creek, eapccliilly. Is a grand rstnnry. Honker Warren (by th way. no city ever had a better or livelier eltlsen, ns I learn from the peopl'1) has provided for converting It Into a JW-foot ship ennui. This -will make a center of Warrcnton lhat will put him up Into in. million, with (he Crocker nnd Knlrs and other financial inagnutca of th lloldou Oat. city. Alder crek. loo, will be Of Infinite value to Kluvol. "Another point of likeness, or of con trast, la your fnh water at low tide, Whlln It Is pur. suit water at 'Frisco. It costs vast sums to save tho wharves In th latter place from the teredo. This add to the expense of the port. Your fresh water, too, by flianliaf oft bar nacles, adds It) per rent to th. iMd of ships" "Which of tho two cltlc will bo the greater, think you?" queried thn yulll, "Well, us to that. It seem to me Hn FrunclNi'o will tie for a long time a great er city In population than Astoria. Hut Port bind would quickly outstrip Ban Francisco In growth under tho new con dition with Aatorla bay as tho seaport. "They tull in Portland' mosMbock don't know ns much s when they were born. Tho Wheat Pool spill II '"tuft' Into tho OrcKotilun's bins uml It tells thu mosHlmck thut black Is white, and they tuko It to bo the truth. Bo they know less than a cry-baby, which does not know what I good for It. If thy know tho wa4 truth, they would bo cry-babies for Astoria as tho shipping point. So soon us commerce forces tho export hore, Port land' mosslmck, bankrupt real cstuta owner will bo rich again. "Astoria, though, will grow vry rapid ly, especially tho first year or two uftcr ton world finds out that It Is really being used a the great seaport nature created, Now, If you had asked me which would bo tho Kroutor seaport, imd when tho move would take place, and 'what' tho mutter with Hammond?' eto, I might have pleased you better, "Hut I must stop now, Maybe I will Klva you a. point or two next llmo." , " ' ' ARMY LIFM AS SEEN Richard Curruthcrs Bunds a Nowsy Lot ter from HouolUluEvery Day . tilfo In Camp. The following Interesting letter has been 1 received by Mr. and Mrs. Rdbort Carruth er from thulr son Richard, who Joined the United State engineer corps and In . now atntloned at' Honolulu: We uro atlll at Diamond Head and are New Yorkers snd engineers having Joined force. It saves u from considerable guard duty nd th.y ar. a good, way from us. I have Imhmi to Honolulu twlc since I Inst wrote you well, thre time, but ora to see Fletcher was laid to n st. You spoko of coming to live her. Well, for my part, no; it Is a poor place for me, I think, ami mo far I am quit, dls appointed In It. Nothing serins to grow to a profit unles Irrigated. Fruit Is high; they ctnJm that so many soldiers passing through hav more than cleaned out the crop. If any one should any It was a trop leal country I would bp lluhlo to dispute them. It I not. from my point of view, and 1 have gone around considerable. Three or four of us a week ago went Into th. country and expected lo see wonders; w did not. Rlc. ami ngo -om to do well nnd a f.w banana and pineapple were bIhmU all we sw. They say this I not the tlnrst Island I guess not. We got Hour sack of tamarinds, though, They look Ilk. a brun, but hv a meal In tnem something like the China nut, only It t our enough to mnke a good Ivnioniido tu marl in hwle. I presume, would be cor rect. We also on tho (rip at. prickly piwrs, iminges and guunn. Mange 1 like, gauvua am fit for Jelly only, 1 guess, and prickly pears, excuse mo. Our com imny was given n rldo of in miles to a sugar pluntutlon and mill. Akuhv 1 was disappointed, a the cunn was not ripe and the milt was being repaired. We go on trips Saturday and gut wild tomatoes, which are a change, and at first not only a change but something to III! up on, as (hero waa (rouble over (he supplies at tlrst and 'a cup of coffee and a alloc of bread was iflvea us tor meals for three or four days. Hut thing are belter now. 1 myself went Into tho kitchen for a week and now I am famou for my bolhnl rice with dip, Dip Is made from sugar, vine gar, water and nutmeg, but they ull ssild It was fine and as I tite a good deal my self I guess It was. You cun Imagine the work of cooking for ninety men on an open lire, Francisco; M. H. Prearott, Bt. Louis; 1. W. Frank.l. New York; U. D. Crocker. Walla Walla; George W. Hick. II. A. Knechler. Fort Stevens; John D. Mo- Uowan, Chinook. Parker House II. Haase. bark Winds- braut; W. A. Cllllam. C. J. Cooper, M. Kelly, Portland; C. Smith, Ilwaco; Chaa. lieslrrf. Lightship; Mac C. Metcalf, A. 11. MeChesney, Fort Canby; John Hur- nvtt. Seattle; & D. Adair, Murriwether. "My name will probably b. presented for governor at (he republican state con vention at Saratoga on the JTth. I appre ciate the Importanve of the Independent vote, but I cannot accept the n imlnatlon on terms that would'tnake me fed dis loyal to the principles for which I stand at the cost of acting with what seems to be bud faith towards my associates." most efficient In detecting the presence of an enemy. The chamber of commerce of Hamburg has taken up the fight In behalf of the American public. Published statistic how there has not been a single case of trlchlnoala In Russia or Hamburg; due to Anrlcn pork for 15 years. Th re port conclude. "Fact are now disproved and state ments as to the adulteration of American lard are uncorroborated, and evidence has been found showing that all the repres sive measure against foreign, and .speci ally against American, meats must be held to be unreasonable, and as gravely Injuring German economics." ,m ;in, Grimy finger mark seem to e row on the woodwork about the house. ! They come easily and they stick, toounless you get rid of theta with ' ..:. mates all cltaning easy, THK W. K. FAIRBASK COMPACT, Cblcwv W. Lnnts. Iw York. Uothm. 1'tiUadtiphla. X LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL WATEK, IElrCK, XOBLE. ' KICKOKY AXD SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQIOKS, KI.NES, BEER AXD CIGARS Served Day and Nlgtit. AUGUST KRA.TZ, - - Manocer Pacific Sheet Metal Works Sa'tnon Vegetable Fruit MAHUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... spice and Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Sa a Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Write Urn for Prleea. Fairnaven, Wasb. JJJJJjA)JJAM.'JJjJJ'JLJj: ''.I' ' ' i,- 11JJJ 1 1 J J f ! I 1 1 H tllllltlHIMt I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone) No. 32 Handles Only the Choicest Meats j 41 CasMrcUl St.. Mrt Pslac RsstsarsLt. A CRITICAL -.TIME During the Battle of Santiago. SICK OS WELL, k KtShjjMGBT 1ND Dif VESCV1V8 AGAIN AT IT. THK MICRORE OF BALDNESS. NAPLES. Sept. si The eruption of Vesuvius Is Increasing In violence, and It Is feared It will avume the proportions of that of IST1 No medical subject has caused more dla- cusslon than the statement by a famous physician that he has discovered the mi crobe which cause, baldness, 'lhere art other sclenttsta who declare that there la no such thing a a microbe of this kind. Time alone must settle the question, it was long ago settled that Hosteller's Btomoch Hitter I a (tandard remedy for the aliment ot mankind. It Is a true progress of a tight In Woodward's pa- cure for dyspepsia and Indication, a true Villon, a large crowd was assembled on medicine for th. weak And nervous, a the sidewalk In front of the building. A true atrengthener and uppetixer. people number of boya caused some confusion, who take It feel happier, sleep aounUer and. It la suld. threw stones at the po- and look better than those who don't, llcemen. Officer Kenv.lle. according to Nearly every disease that afflicts tha hu-, the story of eyewitnesses, drew his club man family can be overcome with Ho- and threw It at a crowd of boys, striking UOY KILLED BY POLICEMAN. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. Sl.-Wlllle Lynch, a ten year old boy, was probably falullv Injured last night by Patrolman Kenvllle of the police force. During (he letter's Stomach Bitters, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bid will be received at the office i of Klmore, Sanborn & Co. until 10:30 a. i I m. September STth, for tho erection and completion of a wharf and cannery build- i lng for S. Elmore. Plans and specifics- j tluns can bo obtained at the above named I oltlco. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. 8. ELMoltE. youreg Lynch on (he Kick of the head. The child' skull was fractured, and It Is thought he will die in a few hours. John I. Spurrowe, a cltixen who saw the officer' act. accused him of (he deed, but was (old he lied. He then. It Is re ported, tore the star from the patrolman's breast. The Incident caused much ex cltemcnt. WHOLESOME ADVICE For People Whose Stomachs Are Weak and Digestion Toor. HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS? I to bed at 8. You, of course, are excused from everything else und have two men to pelp (kitchen police) dotalicd (or the day. I was second cook, but was the head guy whllo I was there, as the tlrst cook, a second cln-n man, waa nn Irish man und couldn't read waa unable, to road tho army cook book. A bucket and u latlf Is enough rlco, two of boans, and a lirllor (wah bllr) full of spud will do. Dr. Harlandson, whose opinion In dis ease Is worthy of attention, says when a man or woman comes to me complaining of Indigestion, loss of appetite, sour stom ach, belching, sour, watery risings, head aches, sleeplessness, lack of ambition und general run down nervous condition, 1 the people' Institution and hou. be pai-1 advise them to take after each meal one ronUcd llborally. Come and see what j or two of Stuart Dyspepsia jamets, ai resourcea Oregon ha. One faro for round . lowing the tublet (o dissolve In (he mouth, tr,p. ' und (litis mingle with the food eaten. The result Is (hat the food Is speedily digested The Southern Pacific will give you a ride to the Oregon Stat Fair on any of their lines In Oregon for one tare tor the round trip, good going and returning any You get up nt I o'clock and go time during the fair. The State Fair Is THE LADIES. The pleasant en'Oot and perfec safety with which ladles may use Syrup ot Figs, Well, I think I did better than most of under all conditions, make It their favor the cooks, a so many wanted mo to stay. I Ite remedy. To get tho true and genuine Thursday 1 went to town and hnd dinner I article, look for (he name ot (he Callfor- train a regular government outllt-huul livg stuff from town. Today I am super numorary.'that li, 'l am to stay around o If ny of the guards take sick I till their Places, a we ytuy mounted three1 men on guurd today, i guess I will not be dulled for, but rmirt stay at home. Camp life la about the same here a ot the Pre sidio, only It Is warmor and our mall Is so Irregular. For. Instiuice, you might write two letters and tho one you wrote and mailed hist would perhaps roach me first. I do hope you get all my letters, and I think you will, We are faring very, very poorly, a thla 4 hard a place to rot Ituff; but It I Improving us we go along. Tho dnya are good and worm, but now under command ot Col. Burber, tho. wo are iieorjy uied to thorn by thla time, ut 'lluuiugh'e. Friday I was with a mulo nla Fig Syrup Co. printed, near the bottom j success, both In curing Indigestion and before It has time to sour and ferment. These tablets will .digest food anyway, whether the stomach wants to or not, be cause they contain harmless digestive principles, vegetable essences, pepsin and Golden Seal, which supply Just what the weak stomach lacka, I have advised the tablets with great of the package. For sale by all druggists, , to build up the (Issues. Increase llesh In (hln, nervous patlontsv whose reul trouble was dyspepsia, nnd as soon as the stom ach was put to rlglvts they did not know tt'hnf alrkncntt l&'AH Bnodgras. .the Potograph.r; will make, . flftv ,m,,Knins of Stuart's Dvs- pepsla Tablets can be bought at any drug REDUCTIONS IN PHOTOGRAPHS. cabinet photoa for $2 per doxen for a tow day only. Come early and avoid th rush. All work first class, as usual. THK STORY DENIED. ' WASHINGTON. Sept. 21.-OfflclaU of the war department pronounce to be without foundation the stories coming from San Francisco that Germany has shown any disposition to arm the Phil-1 Ipplne Insurgents with a view to inducing thorn to harrass the American army at i (Manila, store, and aa they are no( a secret patent medicine, they tan be used as often as desired with full assurance that they con tain nothing harmful in the slightest de gree; on tne contrary, anyone whose ' stomach Is at all deranged will find great I benefit from the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia i Tablets. They will cure any form ol stomach weakness or disease except can- i cer of the stomach. Full sire packages at druggists 50o or H.00. or by mail trom THE PACKERS AT THE BATTLE OF SANTIAGO DE CUtoA W EKE ALL HEROES. THEIR HEROIC EFFORTS IX. LETTING AiTMlTCITlON AND RATIONS TO THE FRONT 8AVED THE DAY. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. X writ ing from Santiago do Cuba on July 23, say: "We all had diarrhoea In more or lless violent form, and when we landed w had no time to tee a doctor, for It was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troop supplied with ammuni tion and rations, but Thanks to Chamber lain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and keep our health; In fact, I sincerely believe that at one critical time this medicine was the Indirect savior ot our army, for If the packers had been unable to work there would have been no way of getting supplies to the front. There sere no roads that a wagon train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay In a supply of this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know In four cases It abso lutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this meulclne, the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by Charles Rogers. Chas. Kati & Co. 367 COMMERCIAL STREET. Manufacturers of Ladies' UNDERWEAR and Wrappers, etc. The lowest prices in Astoria. We also carry a fine ptock of Japanese Fancy Goods, fine Chinaware, Notions and Toys at wholesale prices. 9 1 t i iniii i. i e t is.t Astoria Steam Laundry WHITE LABOR PERFECT WORK SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SOMEBODY SAID. ROUGH SHOES FOR LITTLE GIRLS Sometimes, especially school times, they need them; good, easy ones, but strong and hard to wear out. As for the boy, O, we sympaithlxo with you all the year tlu-ough, for the boys are a great tax on head, heort and pocketbook, but right here our sympathy takes a practical (urn. Have you seen our special shoos for boys? Petersen & Brown. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave K.11V. p. IM 8:00 tt::o 12: X 6:00 Astoria (Dallrl 1'onUi.d and iMili-l Kx tiros wains via Kn.nn Clifton. Wea'porl, Clawka- iue, ciouie; connection ai iioi.le. for the Kast and I'u ge( Sound points. A atorl a Heanloe snd New storm I'asNeiuri.F ir In. v;a Wrrenl.iu ..d Klavel reive, s m. p.m. I?'5J 4-.20 All trains leaving Astoria going to Sea side and returning from Seaside run on the Flavel' Branch. J. C. MA0, . O. F. & P. A. Goall around the Shoe Stores in the City, examine their Stocks and then come back to us; satisfied that we keep a better Line and sell at a lower Price than any of them. But if you wish to avoid such Trouble, come here in the first place. Our Shoe Stock is selected with a view to pleasing, not us, but our rotrons. The result of trying on a Shoe here will be satisfactory; the result of using them will be satisfac tory, and even paying for them will be satisfactory. JOHN HAHN, The Reliable SHoe Dealer THE RUSSELL : : : Compound Automatic Engine ; : : 1 ihRirmilb i L L L V I if r T -pa. Strong nnd Economical. Write us for particulars. A. II. A ERILL, RUSSELL & CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon, The Pat Market Flour, - Feed and Hay 674 Commercial Street. , C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, CMB,om Homm Broker. , cu, , AblUKIA, OREGON. nsurance ana snipping:. Agent, and paoifl0Expr,Co-g. rvuuvuvuuutnuuvuviJULrux innj n n . llwA H T1k W A W c1 :oimiptiL, Hotd i THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor Seventh and j a Washington Sts. sTIJI" I-1 tin CI nwnjinrinivtAnnJvinruvt C i