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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1898)
I THE DAILY ASTORIA N, SI DAY MOKMNO, S&TTEMHKK 25. Itt'JH V 1. gaily iVotodmu JOHN T. UOHTSR. Editor. . Ttlpha No. O. . TERM OF 8UBSCKIPTION. DAILY. Sent If mall, pr rc NX Seat by ms.ll, per month U Servtd by carrier, per month WEEKLY. IVwi by mail, pr year. In eavanc....U Poetagt free to anbecrtbera. All rommunlcetton intended far publi cation should bo directed to tho editor. Bustntsa communications of oil kind and remittances mutt bo addreoed, to "The Astorlaa." Th Astorlaa rtUMnterl to IU eilvf; tWccs tho larwvst circulation of any news paper published on tho Columbia r(vr, Advertlairoj rate con t bad on appll eauoa to lit VuatacM maaacar. Th O.R.1X. Company and tho Ore- gunlan cannot fool Intelligent people by the method adopted to fight the Astoria common point queotion. That tho stuff eared by O. R. K. ant and printed la tho Le Grand Chronicle and other eastern Oregon papers 4os not express the ent!mat of people ki those locelltle hi a fact well attested by score of private Ittteri received In Astoria from such sec tion a If the a R. a X. Company la not pea to tho criticisms which havo been tad against K. why does It go to so Bach palas and expanse to ere to a e Tendon and play tho rldlcolona role (for It) of defender of the "open rlvera.' The Orexontan dara not deny that In Its re print of the O. R. A X. effusions it has knowledge of their origin, and la thus knowingly and Indirectly aiding scheme of that company which It dare not endorse direct: r. Tho question has been asked the Orrgonlan repeatedly whether It bWleTes a common point on grain at Astoria would benefit the Inland producer, but Its only answer is the reprint of O. R. ft N". contributions to the country papers on an open river. Why doesn't It discuss this question the only question involved In tha Astoria controversy? As to the O. R. 5. Company, tho charge has been made tbat If compels the Inland producer to pay two toils over Its own lines to reach the seaboard, when the first toll exacted Is fully adequate for the delivery at Astoria of all Inland Empire (rain It handles, at a rood profit. But the O. R K. Company makes no answer, other than its attempt to misrepresent the ques tion at issue throurh the paid articles tt In Inland papers. Astoria will act let up. nor can be shut up on this sub ject. Both tha Oregoniaa and the O. R ft K. Company will be smoked out In the pen sooner or later, and they may as watt now a at asy other time wade right In and face the music. . The acquisition by the Cnlted States of forelrn territory Is to result In the re bolldlng of the American merchant ma rine. Already new steamship line to Porto Rico. Cuba and tho Philippines are projected, the ships to be built in Ameri can ship yard, and to fly the American ia CotgivasionaJ action will be neces sary to aid In tho re-stabllshmi?nt of the t'nited States commercial power upon the seas, and that It will be forthcoming does Hot admit of doubt, the only question he ms; as to what form it will take. With the summer wtnds, a 111 be serw In their accustomed places, ready for another eours of study. A considerable proportion of the chil dren will te glad to net back to school, because study has been made much more attractive than It used to be when fathers and mothers of tha present generation were young. Then the seats were uncom fortable, the buildings were p.rly lighted, heated and ventilated, an. I the text book were far lees attractive those the children of the present day re prlvltegej to study. To lighten the task of the scholars, ami at the same time make their education more practlcsl and thorough. I now the aim of the te.vher, and the boys and Cr' are much harrier in going Nek to school than they oiiM b If the e.iril.r methods of Instruction prevailed tt 'H not take the young people i,t,g g.-t u terwted In their work, and In the ff rt to stand wvll in their classes and to bring home "go.! reports". 'Ihe Irk someness of confinement will soon wear off, and they will study the harder for their long play pelL Crowding. If there Is any. must be overlooked, for It Is not alwaya easy to ret everything In good running order until organisation has been thoroughly effected and teacher and principals know exactly what the perma nent arrangement of th school room Is to be. There are alwaye large num. ber of children who enter school at the beginning of the new year, a considers, hie proportion of whom drop out before the end of the first term. Beside this, the population of the city Is constantly shifting, and as a consequence schools in one portion of the city may be over crowded. whe In another there are seats ! to spare. Every effort has doubtless been made to provide ample accommodations for all the ch.Urn who wish to attend the pub lic schools. It U the aim of the author! tie to be always ahead In the matter of the sittings, for It has been found that nothing short of this will satisfy the pub lic, who are extremely sensitive on nil matters relating to tha nubtif im. Advances haTe been made and are being constantly made In methods of teaching, but the demands upon the authorities for buildings and other physical accommoda tions cannot always be as promptly and easily met. The AstorUn wishes the principal; the teachers; and their charges, a most pleaa- 53: m S If a AYec c l" 1.1c IYc juration for As -5tmiW:ig teFilandllctf uw ting ihc Siomadir ind lvb cf t)C5SflMRcvontjns ruiUvr OprunT.Mor, iwrMnerd. Not N.uc otic. wiW- AncrfcctRcvrsJy forCons'Ji- tiaa. Sour Stomac&.DiarirtDCd. Worms .CemAilsttns.Fotrislv dcss aJLossorSLErr. fagSicwj Stc;nalar ef fak. t.A vi Ail For Infants nrA Children. The Kind Yog -'Have Always Bought Bears tho fn Siniaturo M.H cf AW r. i A Beautiful Present I In ortler to Itirthcr intr.Klm CLASTIC STARCH CFUt Imn 1 UramlKthemttnuf.n liircrv I C. 1 1 tilinf;r MrMi.Co.,t)l KcokuV, ' ia4lharil'llol In OlMi AWAY alrutiful present with , ': tthMikajtciilurhiKI. These prricnliare In the formul Beautiful Pastel Pictures Thry ir ijxig Irtt hct In slir.anJ arc entitled i lollowi: uAcrcsjr ormuwcB. The Kind You ' Have Always Bought. ws ewia M 99mm 9m. Wrremai'e re riiia. OPSTHPFn'ste1 KnuUeeglB'cmieaU acreoas disease, swh as Weak Meavor LoMuf a Po r. Mssajsche, Waaelalaeas, Last MaaJsuod, WMy UmZ sma, Kin ! ,aU drataa. toa oi puwrr la CaaeiaO Otgaaa of "' by oT-earUoa. youthful errara, u, In u el tZZZ.'VZ.m2.m'!Z!?MmM b lafirwarf.CtaMsjptfawor Imaairy. Caa he carratd la scat pwkel. Aeotwrtaa larKWuil trf in ma Moiinn Co . tun, mxe t.sue-lT tiug Uk, lUoiboUng tssU. TatfdtodYaahiUttU.rurlUud.ur E8Tl-CO.VN DKL'O CO.. Aeranns. AM arte. Lilncsand Pansles. Pcnslei and nar;uerltei. SAROall 1 fiousriiajtoossir 1 mam o i'u m so tint ra.t , Of M tMS ItAMa, 3 pTumiacR Hbfct Vliosvjoa. wiUiiM'' St .J Wild American Popples. Lilacs and Iris. TV rare picture, lnur h numl)tr. by the renowned paitrl antst, K.LcKoy.ul N:w NVrk. havr rwrnt rnwen lntn the very chl est mhiextj in hit studio and arc now oflcred (ot the firit lime to the nuMlf. I he 'ilium are accuratrlv repnulucrd In all the colon uini la the, and are imnHincd by cnmietent criilt a, wtxki o( art. Fjjtel niiture are the curml ihinjf Uk the home, nothing iur pMin tnem In beauty, ru hnr ol color ami artliic nirrlt. aSS ELASTIC STARCH pun 'hardof vour Knirer. It I thebct laundry Marrh on (he markrl, and 11 "li dr 10 lenta a ptike. Aik yuur (rrorcr lor thla itarih and Ket a beautiful picture. All firocin Klip Elntlo Starch, leeipt Substitute). ; tMIIHMMMMI t wBMwMMf MM CLASSIFIED ADVEPTISEMENTS . .TrrM. 1 ' 1 1 . it a H f:D'iA MIJHII KI 1 at i .1. ir mdv r g. hii mn, iM.linif Mel ruiVFiiir Lei f ddre.ef iniip.'d hl"W f rule! O.i'ersl ear. Asiorln. 1 i.itn Kit Mi ill I' I'AIININ't- TIIK , W a U la'sst Inwnll-iii '''' lu lHiil, lili.l' l '1,'t11',in"B 111 k II pel feci sent ..lial'l f r gk f;.,l. WeeAdj-rl ." Ln.i N..V-17 '';"",;"',,1'm & lull irel. (inkl.tii.t. lllliMil- run IIKNT. ilh fiirniice lieiil and " A'I'H. . A.ltillull ultli'i'. Toll IIWNT-I'KMIIIAIM I! ''. Ul'tuli. IIHI"I'I - roll IIICNT-tOI) IIOl'HK AND IIAHN .Vaiion. known lti t'l'li IWufh. , Auir t" A. T. f. isrlal i., oiy . ron kalb. H.H HAI..:-HOI H.: ANP. M . Iier tlllil avwmo - ' alieel, 'elll w A'P,' to ;UI uU llUTAL'HANTa. oobt) ii cent mcAm at tub hw- ln tfun lleauurant. WIBt-El.t.ANKOlia ir Votr WANT r'l N r. H " " rr.xll.ri .ail I'll "'" T' 1 .t N.II..H.I. alier. all His dlli-ace cf lh aaasntl can ! fuvMid. THE PROOF ef taw pwddloc k. la 1 aad the proof ef if U 7 JP am mm m3 I 3 33lV WABHOOD RESTORED "CUFIDtlir" Thla tmi T. . .11 .7 7 . r-' . ewcair eax rvm of mil s.r- tvmm o in mi. lb iwcuii. Mn nira u LuaHuhMi nm.J to lb a-, m ...r? " t!r.- aeaof ant and profkaMe school year. Distance. Pendleton to Portland Pendleton to Tacoma Pendleton to Seattle Pendleton to Astoria. , Walla Walla to Portland.... Walla, Walla to Tacoma.... Wall Walla to Seattle Walla Walla to Astoria Vile. 31 tm .......23 JU .:5 m .....K1 IS!! "-sT- women nowa fc . dars do not have N to use a stream of water for a looking - glass. They hare modem mirrors that will tell them very promptly whether their beauty is fading. A wom an's beauty fades very nfidly if she i troubled with some derangement of th dit:nctlv feminine orsam.ttn Iiraornce the I'nlted State flag Coating over Porto or carelewne in thi respect freauently cause ret .ufferini and irreeulantv in iTTegulanties and weak- filco. Cuba and the Philippines, the prob lem will not be a very difficult one. In ait proliablllty subnidles will be entirely 1 cnecessury. The secretary of the treas iry has already pointed out one way In which the delred object can be accom plished. In his order to collectors of cus toms and others, declaring that none but American vessels should be cleared for Porto Rico. The effect of this order has been the putting of our outward trade to Porto Rlio on a footing precisely sim ilar to that of our coastwise trade. Those Interested in American shipping are ln tllned to the opinion that the reason which was sufficient to Induce the secre tary to exclude foreign ships from our ex port trade to Porto Rico ought to be equally an good with reference to onr Import trade from Porto Rico. Foreign merchant vessels are now absolutely ex rluded from the trade with Alaska. Those Interested, or wno expect to be In terested, in the American merchant ma rine, would like to see the policy which prevails as to Alaska extended to all our bland poeslons Such legislation as this would probably be considered too drmt'e. The American shipping Inter ests have a right to exact and It is to the eountry's Interests to give them, advan tages over foreign territory and congress at the coming session Is certain to afford them all the protection they need, hut not more than they need. THE OPENIKQ OF THE SCHOOLS. Tftaf "there Is nothing certain In this world but death and laxes" Is not strictly true, because here Is the opening of the schools, which come round with un failing regularity every year, and la now upon os. Tomorrow morning the bells as sembling the scholars will be rung In all the public schools, and crowds of bright faced children, many of thfcm tanned by after life. eese in girlhood should be looked upon promptly and properly treated at once. Mothers cannot be too conscientious in thi respect, and cannot throw aide the prudery that i so prevalent upon this point too soon. Every young woman should know something about her own phvical make-up, and the importance to her future of her local as well as general health. A woman who suffers from weknees pe culiar to ber sex will rapidly loe her beautr. her general health, her amiability and her nsefnlnew and reliability a wife and housekeeper. Dr. Pitrce's Favorite Prescription promotes regularity of all fem inine functions, gives stnrdy health to the distinctly feminine organism and prepares it to meet the trials of wifehood and moth erhood. The " Favorite Prescription " is not a cure-all. It is intended for but one class of disorders and is good for no other. Taken during the period of gestation, it makes parturition easy, and banishes the discomforts of the expectant months. All good medicine dealers sell it. "I with to espre. my thsnlts foe the good I hare received from Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription." writes Mrs E. Scovill. of Bolton. Stepbensofl Co.. Ills. " I have ssed h at differ eat times foe the last eight year. It is the bel medicine for eipectsnt mothrrl I never tried It for that until my last baby. I had been very bad. sltnost helpless. I could sot get out of bed stone, or even turn over. Lasl December I com menced taking the ' Favorite Prescription.' and could soon get in and out of bed as well as at any time. On March yth I gave birth to an eleven pound boy without pain, and have since been as well and healthy as I ever was." ih. p.. . - aSrb4T. hM-b If no. rSM lkl U.U 1.. .. 7. ICPORC a ArTtir M"" TJ' ' m'"nrr- rin:r.eiuib,il.f.uli ITnDgvailllwsiwln.iamMltH(ua im rtmmn sutr.rrn an not nm by itm w m l.n..i ninety met eM ar traable wfrs Cl'PII.KNgl.l.o.iy IM.MMI. a, nr. -MSoul .7crVrUu rZ,ZZ s a nuiMiwuMrmwl Bmr rmme 4 hi aM sua enact a fus) a . mx fc Siai. by suit. a4 lor ni.nrraW ana uwiaaaoataT i"uu. at wt a aATi.aici traiix-imior.i. waw.s CHARLES ROGERS. CS CommerclaC at. aareaparUaa) and o-oaiied pursSsra fail, kaowicar ttMa w eH every bottle 00 positive guarantee. A KABJsOW B0CAPS. Belf-ewverm t about alt the satisfaction some" nm get fn life. CASTOR I A For IiiuU lad Children. Th Kfci Yes Han Ahrap Bcngtzt Bear tJM agrtntnrw of Marriage makes one of two. but It doe not seem to dTtvae the population. Luxuriant hair, of uniform color. Is a beautiful head covering for either MX, and may be secured by using Hall s Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. wTtrtea) br kba. avOk K. Mm. e Oresseev, L a "Waa toksw wtta bt easta eftstoh aettted oa aar hoars; eaurb eat ea aad Bnaily tenss 14 to eoo aiiaprsf, rvtar aeatora aavwe te p, say ta 1 easaM Dve k4 alseet ttae. I gv Dnlf a U lay Master, determined sf Tcwaia as4 aSavg wkA aar frtsoda eartit. I wo44 ameag nay (Jksesit ooaa abosra. My haatisii wsms advlaed a get Dr. Kin;' New Daseewery foe On rupOon. OMsgHe as OaMs. 1 gave n a trial, took In ail eight botUea. It baa easred me. aad tbanl Ood t ana saved aad now a wU and heaJtAy weanaa." Trtal bottUa free at Kseea-veaa vrug ua. Kaguiar aM Ni oenta ad L Ouaraoteed or price) re-fundrtd. IS IN SAA1PLING I Thaf. an argumaat ba'a es Vctealre a detnoaatrarJoax ;ttra wHl ataad the taaH. HUGHES & CO. or of said clly. will ( In lh Council chambers of the llty llall. In the Cliy of Astoria, Oregon, to review and equal s .aid, and thvrrafi.r rspurt actluns lo Die said Common Council Tills nolle s published by nrdrr of th.lUll. Commnn Council of Aslor a, adopi.d (tep lembrr lith. K4. II. K. M-.lJioN. Auditor and I'ollr Judge ef lh, fny afre.ald. A.inria. tiregon, p!.mUr ITtk. la. LOTH i.KrINKAHIIl.A NUCHA W ti xclies. cheap, ea m - roil flNK TKAM. KXl'KLLKNT OOF- TMf IIII.I.INlH HKAT T1TA AU liaamg puwoer. WEKT CllKAM lc A PINT AT TUB apa. r IMK MAPLE l.r.Af CIlKAMHil alV, WIIKS TOU WANT rlNK TIC A. ikWO coT and vt, try iwn a iuaw Co. ' aaLooNa TUB UiUVEK-VKl'Kfl THIS All Lai nMnasmt.nt or A.suai a.... i Iwuiuing mor. and im. ppular r rt. Tti. club tm om tha wd are now an tircUv fMlur o (fee tbUlimi. riiTaii'iANa Ai.niEi) KiNSKT-orricK at rveidwc Cifiimrwi urtmt. Mf St sin um. e hmjrs: aturnMuf until Is: all sfuraooa until I, uaUl t o'clock. Astoria Pafclfc Library READING ROOM rRU TO ALL Opea every day froea I 'tocti te IJI 14 I J t J BV aabeertpcMa raaei V ser aaaswea. W. tm Klwsaca end Daaa aXrweta. PR. O. 11. KJtTKI. PHTait'lAM A?D SuriMD. Mim-tal aiiMsia iiibwi t wiHivta end .ui7. xfl.-e o.r la slte, A.ikifsa. no. ta pit. jAr TtrrTLK. phiiician a? aurgan. Oftir, ruurna I aal . I'yhua llullilliul, aJlVt CiiinmM irt. nw done .m T.Il'hoi s.M.nt surgeon l'nlil aHei. marine toilial srv.c. NOTICE OF FILINf AJstkXsMHH T. NOTICK OP ril.lNH AdSKHHMKN T. Kur th improvement of Twenty-nfnta street from Pranklln to (Irand and of lm of nietlng nf tioard of qual Hslion of eald ..e.ment .Nolle. I hereby given that the se nirnl roll containing th spwlul as... mtis for the trrt Improvement In th city of A.iorta. Oregon, known and desig nated as lb improvement nt Ta.nty ninth (tret from Kranklin to Ur.nd awime. naa Dem nied In th otnc of th. y. T. t'hOrlllY. ATTOKNKT -AT-LA W, Auoitec im l-iMK judg or aid city, e tsservlal llreel. and ha bi reported to lh Common l ouncll of a4 rtiy. and said roll I now J. f A POWI.BT otM-n for lnectloi and will so remain MAHoNte. Tf all'l E UilxlK NO T. A T. AJ.TJ A, M. KfWUIsr cunireunioeii 'ne ne.i ea lb first and third IMewlsr ev.eiaej of each Bxirrth ) W, Ut'MiHMOII, W, at.K. C. IIOU'HN. Herraiary. ATTOItKUl. until Tuesday, lh 1th day of October, II st th aoar ef 10 o'clock a. m., prior to svr ib. n,r,iet f Thirtv Jtm : "hi. h saa time all obj.-tlo to ffet from Kranklin to Grand ave. aeeeM and .aid a.eesia- aid of time of metln .if boeaM of mwL; men rssi mo.i a nieu in writing i...... ..1.1 iwith th fild Auditor and Polle My.'juilge. whew, by virtue of a reeolullon of I ATTOKNKY AN I t Oatek. Dead fLAW lireet. A UNIKLOH Aaterta. Or. lsation of said ssseasmenr. Nolle Is hereby given that th sn.nt roll omening Hi prkt aak- th Mid Ci Council duly adopted at WUlLim'i Kldnv Pltla C Haa BO sxiual In dlsraac of IHe ' KM 17 eul I rlnary Orana, lias yot nicU,d your I UliieraT ll.', yct ovarwurketl yinir "wrvima ya- rin and canard tMuble with Jour KlJikcy atd UlailuV-rT Have youT mvnt for th str-wt lnnr.vwneu In l- rrgular m Org (kerauf held HnHemlier rfty of Aatorl4. Oregon. Irtiown and og. a "" re.nmi" appointed tn aated a the Improvement of Thirty -nm -iay. ia gi aay 01 o. tooer, issa. 1 tree, from Kranklin to liran-l r- ,h ' V oVInca a. m. of said t7 pln In U loins, aftle. back. gMiua sue. has been filed In the am. of th for ,h review and equal- l-n.i rladtlrrT llnroyiuaCMy at- Auditor and Pille. JulKr of said cry. hi"0" ' sd eeaeeewienl. th Hoard of I (tcnninr vt the fa.v, eeprclally W and has been reyirfd tt. the Cimmm B-lualiaaiUm for M sessment, which 5 .-n.lcr tha eyraT T.j frweit de- A enAr.i rimaiei ei in. l ommiu. on I a a rw tiawt Mrtno T V im'. k . urt . cilia will unpen new lire to Uie ills- W ''" ormn, time uji ll system J land make a iirtv man of vuu. llvT tnall Mcrnla jwr K g. S t n iluih asm. in, -T"P. tlevslaad d a. 4WVwwVVtf rounrll of sail city, and M roll t n-w '' '" n immiu. on nen for Inspection and will o remaba Hireei and PwUle Way. w th aforeaald until th. Oh d.v of Oetobrf. Lt. ' """"on (.ottnell ami the Hoard of Aa.e .f th. hour of M o'clock a m.. i.r.or t '" ""J ' "r. Will meet In lh Council a Mich said time ail ohi-'tbiRw t rbanilr. of lh City 1111. In th. Clly of sa d assessment and s.iid a - -atort. Urser, la review and Kjiials. Art easy going young man never linger)' b,,,i roll must be Bled in writing sse..menl. and threrier report with" hi bs-at girl until after midnight. with .he af iresaU Auditor and P.M ,,"'lr action t th said Common Council. I Julie, whrn. by virtue of a resolution of Tins notice I by oMer of th. tv mid Common Council duly .opSrd a; ' "mmon i oiincii or Astoria, adopted nep- a rnlar m:ltsg thereof h-ld 'i''ember 'mlr Kth. ra. nil. K'H. whl'-h routlon appointed tfi NKI.80X. said Tuesday, the 'h day of i t.xr. re. Aa.l.w and PWIr Judge of th City sf lh- l.1 h.uir .-it M n , l.-l m ,! Mid aftfrML j .lay. as the time for the review ami e-u.i- Astoria; Oregon. Heplember Kth. IW. liaation of said assessment, th. Itwtril of Kannl.iiitlon for sill ass'-ssmen'.. wtiKti TO CTRE A COLD IN ONE DAT. An K-month-old child In Chicago swal- Tak Laxative Bromo Quinine TaDI-t. loweil a hat pin ln(h.-s long. The pin All druggist refund the money If It fulls was located In the child's stomach by the to cure. S cents. The genuine hus I H. aid of X rays, and sub-o,uently removed ! y. oa each tablet. by a skillful surgeon without injury to j - he child- lx"t " r,rget to keep an eye on the man Is It the real nature or a perversion that shows when a man Is Intoxicated? Sick headache absolutely and perman ently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, make you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or or money refunded. 25 and SO cent. For aaie by Eatua-Conn Drug Co. A man's policy imi't always the best honesty. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 23 cts. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. No girl wants to vote If she can pair with tho right voter. TOUR FAtE Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood make itself apparent In a pale and aailow complexion, pimple and skin erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healohy appear- ance you should try Ackers Blood Elixir. Bari tat y? l! a -4 U Hilt llwirs Baitft ThTe I piprity of room nt the top; what we nred Is a little more room at the bot'.stn. wbA flatter you. That the blood should pTform Ms vital function. It is abtolutHy neen.iry It should not only be pure but rl h In llfe gtving elements. Thine results are best effected by the us of that w-l; -known standard blood punll.-r, A)cr' rWrsjpa-rtlla OASTOniA. Bear U lA Tea HiW sIwts BooS Don't forget tht an honest man never has to proclaim the f.ict. When a man him an opportunity to be come a hero he Is usually busy at Hme thinr en;. THE PIONEER LIMITED BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE THE UfT SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores, I Tetter, Chapped Heads, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay re quired. It la guaranteed to give parted satisfaction or money refunded. Prlr K cent per box. For sale by Eatcs-Conn I Drug Co. Is the name of the only perfect train la . , . . , , the world, now running every night be- I,on. 1 "pe't lh" W",h 8n ,,Wh'"" twen Ht P.ol n,l fhi.n ,k. nose lo'.'i ii.c"..... Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railway -the pioneer road of the weet In adopt ing all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of paneng'Ti. An illus trated pamphlet, showing views of beau tiful scenery along th route of th Pio neer Limited, wdl be sent free to sny per son upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address fjeorge H. Heafford, Jeneral Passenger Agent. Chicago, III. OASTOniA. Bean tl y Il Kind Yon Hava Hiwrs Boogfit Blgaatar of The man who wants to bet C on Hiit unlnv nlifht aenerally wunla to birrow I that amount on Monday tuorrrfna;. board consists of the Committee nn Ktree: und Public: Wavs of Hie a r .r ..) I IfAyAfl Common Council and the Hoard ot Aws- III rlj (III nr nf c-y. will meet In the C mncll " IJ Industrial Exposition a I. ar-a 1 r,-i. 1 ii..k..,,hA !;' ri..i.itiil "IIIH. ...Il.l.l I rlrr. " of IkSaBBi. II". Iirllall... t II". ' I w , a tiitelCM. 'l' f, fcisiw. ku Mrisy - IsM by hranlHa, i"' I yli ermn-e, II m. ... I I. 1 m lifi.lar eiui r in. el m Mrmim aiwi V"Wrseain,o eharnl.ets of the ci'y 1UI1. In ttu Cl:y uf Astoria, Onsron, to review and equal le aaild assessment, anl ltiereaf.-r report thrlr action to the sail Common CmmcM. This notl s published ty order ef th Common Council of Ast ir a, adopted 8ep t. mlr I'th, lo. II. E. NKI.SoN. Auditor an.) Police JuiUwof tbr Cry 11 foresaid. Astoria, Or. gon, Sepiember 17th. ln NOTICE OF FII.IN'J A.t2MMKNT. OI'tN3 IN ..Portlini, September 22 CL0SC3 October 22, 1898 i'ri..luoi iifOrenon ant! WhhIiIiiIw will i- 'ii"il)r.. In wondi-rftil profunrim, liiclii.iii'jf mure varitiilra tKHii ev. r U-fcru Bnilii'reil louuth it In one i xliiblt. CoU. silver anl Bronze Medals w'H SKL,!., dc Awaraca. This is a man's vi-w: "A woman Is very much like an accordion." it t..k.-a a long! tlrm: to draw her out, but then you have to kno. k the wind out of her to shut h'T up. i Etptrience la the best teacher. Ue Acker's English Remedy In any case or ; ooughs, colds or croup. Should It fall I to give Immediate relief money refunded, i 25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale by Estes-Conn I Drug Co. ! The sound of th gun In now heard In the suburban woods. Illiilifi lite 1 THE SURE LA GRIPPE CURE. Go East.-. There I no use suffering from thla via Billing and Burlington route, and dreadful malady, If you will only get the j you reach Omaha.. Kansa City, St. Loul, right remedy. You ar having pain all 1 and all other aouthern and southeatern through your body, your liver is out of cities half a day sooner than traveler order, nave no appetite, no life or amW-1 who take any other line, don, have a bad oold, in fact are com- Go east via Bt. Paul and the Bnrllngton pletely used up. Eloctric Bitters la th route, and you ride the finest train on It curea all blood diseases where cheap battle. only remedy tbat wUl give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your liver, stomach and kidneys, ton up tha whole system and make you feet Uka a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or prloe refunded. For sale at Bstee-Conn Dng Co. Only W cents per earth-the Burlfhgton.a Bt. Paul-Chicago Limited. Go east via Ogden and Denver, and you see the wonderful scenery of the Rockies, famed the world over aa the moat mag. nlflcent on tha continent Ticket at office of connecting line. A. C. SHELDON. For the Improvement of Grand .iv-nue from Twen'y.nln'-h tr"t t. Thlrty-tttl-d street, and of nm.. of nwln of i.-mM Thi- Finest ami Oreateat Kxrxisltion M of eo.uilliatlon of said. aw-.m-nt. , la.-l. In Hie NortllWi t. Notice Is her.-by g.ven the a.s ss ment roll ron'a.nlng the rpea xsaess.' mint for the s're.T Improvement In the HORTICULTURAL Dd ACRICULTUW cliy of Astoria, Oregon, known and devg nated as the Improvemsat of Grind ave nue, from Twen'y-nliuh lo Thny-'hini street, hns bn-n tiled, rn the ollb e of :h Auditor and Pulb-e J.idge of said cl y. and has been rei-jrred lo the Common Count II of sail cty, .m.l said roll Is now open for Inspection and will so remain until Tuesday, tbo It n clay of October, H'". at the hour of ht o'clock n. m., pr.or to whlrli said tlrr.e all objections to said assessment and ad uh.s merit roll must ho llled in wrltltix with thu Judge, w the said Common Council duly adopied at a regular meetng iherwf held Hitmber 1.".fh 1 k?lM t&'hlrh PMIotl.lliin nlfnl,il,.,1 I hi. said TueHduy, the Hh day of October, 1V.IH. touni,,nK Aerial Fet and Acre at tho sun hour of in o'clock a, m. of eni.i, batlc Perfoimanccs. day, as the time for the review and c-rjiml- Izatlon of Hnld assessment, the Hoard ofj v Equnllxatlon for said assessment, whim' "efy LOW R&tCS board consists of the Committee on Admlsnlnnii Streets and Public Ways of the aforesaid j Common Council and the Hoard of Asses-i J. B. WYATT, . N. i Atteris, 0Ve Hnrdwnrc, ShlpCliondlery. Groccrleei, PnivlHloriwi, HAINTM and OIl.H. ft(Mll Alt.atl.a Psl k ft i7J LUBRICATINO ' OILS 1 A SPECIALTY I 1807 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... Marvclously Rich Specimens from our Gold, silver and Other Mines. f"LPA.NJlHT oeniDnAnai -Wi Renowned Uililary Hand. Ha b..n engaged for th seas.n. IMOH AND BTE1X rA'a'iVEHNIBHti KAIHMANK H HCALKH 1K)UHH AND VNI OWB AJIItlCUl.TlinAL IM. 1 .MrNT, WAGONS AND VRHICLKH I " I on .11 Rsnroads. THE PARKER HOUSE The First-ChiHH In Every WeHpect. POINTS EAST Through ps,lac and tourist aleepara, dining and library obaenratlon ears. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 Limited leave Portland at l:M P'n I Llmlt4 arrive Portland at WiU a. m. For rate, etc., call or address O. W. L0CN8UERRY, Agent O. H. & N., Astoria. . B. C. DENNI8T0N, C. P. & T. A. 1 Portland, Or. Table Wines... For ramllle Also for Medicinal aaJ Ooekinc Pnraean Private Stock. Cream Rye, 014 Klckery, PrtO ea Kantnckr and Hrailfi aUav old CaJlforola Braodiea. Carlson's FamilyLlquor Store m TWELFTH STRJ&DT BAR m BILLIARD ROOM Special Hates to Theatrl cnl Parties A. MAHOIN, Pro tarr-nniA, ,)mc 1