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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOKIAN. TIIIKSDAY MoKMMJ, SKPTKMltKli 22, m TODAT't WEATHER. Phowero, TuJr afternoon, end w nearly kept alive, "almon ere easily klltrtt. th drownH. L.noa wsrs thrown to him an.l M.hirt hilllii swmlnt lo Rcl th.m. h. was hauled aboard, mora drJ than Mr. Mtfu r xitt cnsi.rbl live. trouble in prwurln Ihe Huh ami -Mtlni I them lo Portland all v. but he li u(r- A double iult of iwmi fr thrt or mind to iiiwO, If ti irqulre a ' four Kfntlonufi or a marrlWI conul. with work, or without board; alio Hunt and pieaont Infle room In 'The Ruck.r House." I The "fat man," who will I on nhlhi- ion nt the IVrllnitit exposition, pn'nsiT from Jn Kramli on the KM'T yesterday and atlrai-li-d several people to th dock to view hi ample pro portions. Ills wi'lKht It ilvrn at (13 .. . pounds, mill a little more flesh added w Oold medal to Harper whisky nt New hl girth would make h m a broad a h Orlean and Worldi Fair, ChU'o. Try is oik. Th maimner of the rxixitton It. vnu will endorsa the tll.W.V vrdti-t. i should have kept him boxed UP While lira. August and Alfred Kinney returned glM b ,h( Frj A stoke Company. ih steamer w tyln her, for no one AROUND TOWN. The Biate sailed for San Francisco ye terday morning. Urn. Grant relumed from a. short Vlalt In Portland last night. Charles lloimra haa returned from a Short trip to Portland. Opening d.iya of fall and winter m I llnery on Thursday and Friday, Septem ber Cnd and SUM. at Mr. M. McKenale a, corner th and Commercial treet. horn from Portland last night. Mra. C. H. Harridcn and aon returned borne from Portland last night, Tha Ilrtllsh ahlpa Argo and Lady Isa bella Were towed to Portland yesterday. Th Elder arrived tn yesterday from Ban Francisco, light both In frrtght and passenger. Tha Olney school house, which hat been under construction for torn t me, la near ly completed. Dr. Finch hat removed hla offlc to Fourteenth and Commercial atreeta, op- poalte Foard ft Stoke. Tha ladlea of the M. K. church have an Bounced that their annual basilar will lake place December 1 Rev. Mr. Bollinger and family returned laat night from Portland. Mrs. llolllnger baa been visiting In the eaxt. C R. Htgglna. who left on a trip to XVolfvllle, N. S., (otnt time ago, la exist ed home the middle of next week. Tha Oriental liner Dnaeraar flnUhrd coaunar yesterday at tha Kiael coal bunk ra and will probably leave out today. Mlaa Ethel Andrews, w ho has been Mi lting In the metropolis for the past few daya. returned home on lat night's train. The government telegraph line to Fort Can by was blows down by the storm, an J bo report were received from (he fort yesterday. Tha Eclipse Hardware Company has the exclusive saJe for the Cole's air-tkht coal burners, tn A'toria. Please govern yourself accordingly. Don't take tha time to go home when you can enjoy a fine merchants' lunch at Hartley's National Beer or coffee aerved whh lunch. The steamer Alliance, with freight and passengers from San Francisco and way ports, arrived In yesterday and proceeded up to Portland. Mra. C C. Newman, a first class dress maker, would like to sew In families. She caa be found at IS) Twelfth street, or Addressed at Warrenton. Astoria, Oregon. who saw h.m once would enre to nun - i again Mrs. A. A. Clevelnnd. Mrs. J. M. Olll.'tt. I Mra. Nathan SohliiMel end Mrs. C. A. Fall salmon are still very scarce, al- Gearheart left yesterday evening for though the remarkable run of sllverxldes . . . . . ... i I . t 4 . V. . I ' k I .... .L ..lm.1. n.l .1.1. j I oriianu, 10 anena ine grAmi i"sr vi rinunur. v emergency tvrvs. It Is the purpo oi are in great tieminu, nui iney ran i the arand lodge to cotiaolUlute the , be had at any price In large quantities. Red cross society. I Kinney's cannery will begin oporatlona j next Monday. It la said, and will offer I The Chinaman that came here on the cents for fall tun. The price paid thus British ship Nivelle w II be taken back to f.,r this season has been l cents. It Is his native land. Since the veanel arrived likely the other puckers will also pay I In port a custom house ortVer has kept cents, Sieelheads are In great demand watch over him. He has been put on by the cold storage companies, which are board the llracmar, which alls today for j offering H cents, but their orders cannot Chli.a. i be filled. Fishermen have about despaired . j of a material Improvement In th run of Work on the extension of the bunk- j chlnooka and steelheaos, Keporta from era at the ft R. A N. din k will be begun ; the upinr river are to the effect that s.l- as soon as the material la on the ground. ; verslde salmon are very plentiful, but Th oiling w-urk Is In charge of Contrac tor Clinton and the lumber ued In the Construction will be supplied by th local mills. The bunkers, when completed, will be on of th best on th coast. there are no chlnoika or steelheads. George Dekum. who has occupied the desk of Eben Rogers at the First nstlonal bank during tha Utters Illness, left for his home In Portland yesterday. Tha funeral of Alfred Gibbons, who ex pired suddenly Sunday evening from heart failure, was held yesterday from PobJ'a undertaking parlors. The body was Interred In Greenwood. The Chrysanthemum Club has been or gaJilxed for the winter and the members will give their first dance at Foard Stokes' hall. October It Each successive month during- the winter they will either five a ball or house party. A deck hand on the trans-Paclflc liner Work on th nw rod which Is to con not with th Young's bay bridge on th south will begin shortly, and will be a valuable addition to the h ghways of th Mr. A. J. Megler. of th Occident, yes- county. Th enterprising farmers residing terday received word from th republ.can In that vlcln.ty have subcrlted for state convention at Tacvxna that his the construction of the road, which ex brother. Hon. J. O. M gler. had received , tends from the highland to th bridge, the nomination for state senator to rep- a distance of about .1 mile. It w.ll be resent Pacific. Wahkiakum and Cowlita ' necessary to construct dyk of that counties. Mr. Megler Is the well known length. The dyk Is to be ft feet wide st Rrookfield canneryman and has represent- the base. U fet wide at th top and d these counties two terms in the Wash-, feet high. A dreWi left Portland Turs Inton senate. His nomination was unan- day to In the work of constructing Imous. i the road, but St has grounded on one of ' the Kirs In the upper liver and may not While sailing on Young's bay. Tuesday, arrive down fr a week, ihe farmers. John Handley and Pete Norvig had a i however, have hopes that th freshet may narrow escape from drownlnst. The we.ith- i float the drUe, and that It will arrive in r w rough and a sudden squall cap-' tlm to brgin work by Ov tober L sued the boat. The men were thrown I into the water and for nearly an hour they The "Pal" market yesterday had on clung to the bottom of the overturned exhibition a specie of ft.h not often. It craft which rapidly drifted toward the : cr. taken In the waters of the Columbia. Columbia. They were well-nigh exhausted It was a monster skate, prob when another boat happened along and ably Ji or eJ pouno. and was caught In picked them up. I the traps In ltaker s bay. It attracted a ! good deal of attention, everybody asking Mr. W. H. Hunter has returned from everyone else what specie of the tinny Lorut Beach, having been employed by i tribe It belonged to. They are a deep the hotels at that place during the sum- water fish and are common In all deep sea mer. H will hereafter be connected with ! fl.hirur towns. They are an ugly looking the Parker House, now under the man-1 nh. flat I ke a sole, with a ru.y back and agement of Mr. A. S. Mason, and h's wide a tall the shap of a monkey's. The mid experience will add much to the popular-' die of the fish Is not eaten, only the wings ity of the house. Mr. Hunter is the old est hotel runner In th state, and I well known and popular with the traveling public. on each side being considered fit to eat. Another fish taken In the river yesterday was a porpoise. It having been gllleu In a fisherman's net. hixil-MProfessor John A. M.Vue, princi pal; Miss Mary Hinllh, Drat assistant, Miss Kthel Andrews, second assist M. M ss Darker, substltut for all cP schools, ihe John lav school will opm tv-toher JL, In charge of Arviu U. Tliu. W;th th present demand for lumber It I quite likely that some big nle of Um ber land will t made In tin county b. for many month. Th timber land ad jacent to the Nehalem country I among th finest on Ihe coast, much of It being accessible by the streams running through the country. In this timber belt are clalma having tfim.iU) feet of spruce and Mr and th finest qual ty or tlmlier. A large part of Ihe timber belt Is owned by private parties, and, although In past year several attempts hav been mad by local real estate dealer to (teot sales with eastern capitalists, they provd unsuccessful. This was largely du, per haps to the condition of the lumber mar ket, which, for some time, had ben down to th lowest notch, and although buyer were In the field. Umber claim had been bought elsewhere at a very low figure. Several inquiries have been made laldy by eastern parties, but local real estate men them little attention, a they hav In years (vast spent a good deal of time and money In furnishing Intending purchasers with accurate description of the timber land, owners hav bonded their i-Kalm on th recommendation of th denier on what they thought would be a tiK fid sale, negotiation In every instance ending In failure. It Is now said on what wppears to be reliable au thority that more than one eastern buyer I in the field who Is anxious lo buy th whole t mber belt, which embraces four or five townships. If conditions are favor able. BOYS' - CLOTHING FOR SCHOOL A New Department in Our Store ZVI.0V1CU Mt'KfKIt CASE WILL UK HKAHO TOlAY. Grand Jury Will Likely Make Its It-1 rt to Judge Mrltrtde Victor Hige man Held for Trial. The case of Michael Zulovlch. charged with haxlmr murdered "I'af llarues, a fisherman, near Pillar Kock. some montns ago, was taken up by the grand Jury yes terday, ttcveral witnesses. It Is sl;d. were examined, but th Jury decided to po; pone It report on the case until today. It I said the prosecut'on has made out a strong case against the accused, and that he will prolMlilv t convicted of man slaughter. Thl Is mere rumor, however, and .ulovlch may be atile to that he killed Itarne tn self-defense. When he came to Astoria after the shooting and : gave himself up to the authorities he made a ststement In which lie said Karnes tr.ed to kill him with an oar. and that he was compiled tu use hi rule 'o pro tect himself. Zutovlch I represented by Fulton llr.i. j Victor was given a prelimin ary heuring before Judge Hughes yesicr-j day on a charge of larceny from a dwell-1 Ing. He acknowledged his guilt and was I bound over to the grand Jury. The Jury I took up his rase yesterday afternoon and ' returned a true bill against him We have just received 500 suits from the larg est eastern manufacturer in boys clothing. Never before was there such a big assortment of boys' fine clothing in Astoria. Every garment brand new; high Class novelties in Boy Reefers' Suits, Boys' Sailor Suits, Vestee Suits, Boy's Blouse Suits, Boys' Overcoats, Youths' Clothing; all new; most handsomely made and trimmed: at rea sonable prices. SHANAHAN BROTHERS The Cheapest Store on Earth. You Save Dollars A new Manhattan record wa estxh- The public school open Monday. Teach- llshed by P. B. 8ovey at the A. F. C. ers have been assigned a follows: Mc alley yesterday. M. M. Pitken'a 7 had . Clure school-Professor K. N. Wrtght. formerly been the record, but Sovey yes-' principal: Miss ivra lladollct. first as terday rolled & Herman Wise was bowl-1 slstant: Miss Amy Powell, second assist ing with him at the time and made M. I ant: Miss Emma Warren, third assistant; The members are taking great Interest in j Mrs. Carrie Krager. eighth grade; Miss Manhattan at present, and the match May Fossett. seventh Rriule; Mrs. Kath. Saturday night 1 looked forward to with j leen Ross, nth grade: Miss Morglanna pleasure. Eight men will take part In the It. Dunham, fifth grade; Mis France match, but the team will not be eiec:d until the night of the cntet. Holden. fourth grade: Mis Annie Olsen. third grade; Miss Ruth darner, second grade; Viss Harriet Say re. first grade. Fish Commlsjloner MoGulre was unsuc-IMlss Maud Stockton, mixed grade; Miss cessful In his effort to secure l.v salmon j Ethel llllnn. West Astoria school. Shive for the display at the Portland exposition. I ly school Professor O. A. Thornton, prln He went up to Pillar Rock Tuesday for,clpal; Mis M iry Garner, riJtn 5; Miss the purpose of taking the fish, but they died after being In the tanks a short time. Mr. McGuire is not discouraged and will make another effort to get the flsh wfely to the metropolis. It Is his Intention to transfer the salmon from the Sraemar fell from the vessel, while she I tran. tn th. .nnk--i,h... k wa. taking on coal at the Flavel bunker , and In this way It Is hope they can be Mary IValey. room t: M'.ss Nora Nicker son. mom J; Miss Kathryn Shlvely, room 2; Mrs. Jennie Kusey, room 1. Adlr school Professor A. U Clarke, principal; Mrs. E. L. Lemon, room i: Miss Maud Payle. rvim i. Mis Kmma Ausmus, room J; Miss Kate S.nnot. room !. Miss Helen rom 1. AUkrtirook Moving For CASH Only Nothing Convinces people more than prices. We might assert and talk until doomsday and make no impression, but when we leave a few dollars jingling in your pocket, that's different Prices MEN'S HATS Stiff and soft hat, in all shades, worth from 11 to tX, now W cent. Stiff and soft hat, in all shade, worth from ILio to I2.0U. now ii.a. Stiff and soft hat, in all shades, worth from 12.25 to JJ.0O. now IL75. Stiff and soft hat. In all shade, worth from S3.& to H00. now 12.50. Our hat slock for both men and boy Is so large that It Is impossible to partic ularize; every hat la reduced. HEN'S UNDERWEAR Grey cotton Shirt or Natural Wool Shirt or Camels Hair 6hlrt or Drawers Rlbhed Woollen Shlrta or Regular Moving iTiee lrlc .$50 3 . 1 25 90 .75 a .100 TO Our underwear assortment is too large to mention in detail; we have underwear ut from 'mc a piece to I7.M a suit; but they all share the same cutting fate. HEN'S SUITS Before deciding on thl removal we pur chased an enormous assortment of suits In all colors and styles, made up to please but every one of these splendid suit must be gold. Here are a few figures: BfgtilHr Moving Prle Frlee Men's Iilack Clay 8ult 110.00 I 7.15 Men' Mixed Wool Cheviot.,.. 10.00 7.15 Men's cheviot, blue mixture... 12.50 8.25 Men' Cheviot, brown mixture. 12 60 9.25 Men's Satin Lined Tilack Wors ted 15.00 9.75 Men' Blue Clay Wornted 10.(10 7.15 Men' Blue, extra fine 17.50 12.75 Men'g Grey Clay 11.50 8.90 Men's very fine fancy mixed suits 17.50 12.25 Men's extra fine Worsted and Cheviot . 122 50 116.50 Dozens of other grades, worth from J7.50 to fc.00, reduced In the same proportion. MEN'S PANTS Pants I omethlng that everybody know all about, and yet tne styles are so varied that an adequate description is Impossible; we have regular s:i-s, extra long, extra short, extra waist, extra line and extra cheap pants, pants wear out quicker than your coat or vest; you will soon need a pair of pants, come to see us, let us leave a saving of tl or l In your pants. Boys' and Children's Suits Have hardly anything left In cheap Cas slmere and nevr kept shoddy satinets, all we have is a large number of the best granes of Hoy's and Children's Suits, but since we've cut the prices you mlnht as wen buy your boy a fine suit and make him feel good. MEN'S OVERCOATS Hgnlsr Moving . I'ne 1'ilci .Men s i srnt overcoat j 4 50 M-n s niui'K ciav worsteo 11 Men's black, finer (trade 15 H M-n's rrey worsted 14 i Men's rey ribbed, very fine... 11 i0 Men's brown kers-y K VJ Men's brown Cheviot 13 Ut Men's chocolate color melton., lu W And we have others. 9 11 40 10 K, VI '.A 11 15 10 V) h (si ODD SUITS We have about ?i men's suits, mostly small sizes ond Mdht color, worth from to Jl",, but you can afford to keep one for next Fpring, or even wear one now lor everyday use, nt the ridiculous of Jl.Ta per suit; nothing the mutter with them except they are small sizes; that's where the srr.all man gets In. SUNDRIES All Mn's 50 cent tics now 35 cenls All Men's 25 cent ties now 15 Crrils All Men's .V) cent socks now S5 cents All Men's 25 cent socks now 3 tor 50 cents All Men's 15 cent socks now 3 for 25 cents All Men t ij cent socks now 5 cents RUBBER HACKINTOSHES We have only about three dozen men's Mackintoshes left, but the price will re dme them to zero; rather a cold state ment, but theHe are. hot times. Trunks. Valises. Shoes. Ulankets, In fact everyuunK in our store nas got moving prices on und they will move beyond question; we are not going to Day freight to I'ortiand on our stock If prices tun iieil' 11. erman Wise . .. .Th!: . . Kenaoie uotmer WilllSIIK' I'lllk l-tll (juiiiln- ( ssole, or 'ur (Mtel Isdlsl.. lu botllrs cmiI ilnlnn I u 1 gtslu - Qm nine 1 .nUt. or nnr-ri-sted Islilets, In billei rontalulng linjgrsln Our teeular Cut rate Tier Trice to b o o I l ttt 1; I 11 Tl I i I'l I 7s . Xi I u) 10 I '"I V) I (11 HI i It l J a M By Purchasing Your Drues, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of lter Th oulv ul-rali droif alorw where he was arraigned and Jutge Mcllrid gave every grticle is 10KI If, lu 25 r cent. ' him until todjy to plead. Harrison Allen less that) the manufacturer's price. ' was appointed to defend him. More wurJs tlou'l tell it all. Jlore r Hageman has tx en given quicker action some price. KenieniU r every 1'atcDl th in any other man wno has been arrest- Mftlleiiie. Toilet Article or Drujf i tnlJ ed for a crime for many years past. II at cut rate. was arrested and brought to the city Our mail order business baa in Tuesday night. The next morning he a vrar, localise everyone within 3J waa exam.ned and bound ov.r to the n,,. ( orinl CHD' gave money .y grand Jury, which Immediately t'k up trsJintf with U. nts rase, returning a true bill. Son after he was arraigned In court and allowed un- 1 til today to plead. Shou.,1 he enter a plea Allro k , ,.,., ,.,,. of guilty. wbKh Is quite likely, In view of Aei' sr.,4il,l his confession, he will probably be sent- Carter 1 rill enced. The wheels of justice h.iv re- "Vr iiiuUi Mi'''.'.'.'.";'"'.' Volved rapidly In hi case. Ilm.l .S.r,.imrll a The constable who went to the Xeh ilem l'ln Celery uniiuiid ..... Tuesday ,0 arrest E. 1. Uedde. who Is r,' l-rie7'.r.". accused of having threatened to k II It. v -r , y.rorlle l're-rlpil..n M. Wooden, will probably return to the Kere io Irn 'rlli l In dtv t.Ml.y. (dd will be examined tie- .... .. I... I.... 11.. . .. ... orn-iinin. i'jiv rfu'iv (iuau-v inn, 11 sum1 lent evi dence Is found against him, ho will le bound over to awnli the action of the grand Jury. Mr. V'voo.irn a lys he has been threatened several times by Oeddes, whi even went so fur as tn til m-ritrn molec that he intended killing him. This letter is now in ine possession of tne prosecuting p contain ng l"'.Vraln attorney. In the circuit court yesterday Judtce Mclirlde made the following orders: Ft. L. Sabln vs. Luther CampU-ll; or dered that V. K. Warren be appointed re ceiver, with bund fixed nt I'sju. A STANDARD ARTICLE uiiluln laiisulit, or xus-r culled lableu. I" bottles eontaliilng 05.grsln . - We )my direct (rum tlx mantifacturen in tmanlltie, which secure the VKKY LOWKST TKADK KATKS. This enahleg tu to retail at wholesale C. C. Clark et al. vs. Seaside Lumber Dnces Company; Heferee J. E. Young recom-, U'e nav transportation eUron In li. mended that the box factory be .old for , tori, n all order for druira or n.l lavaia Ihun t'lall on. I K .1 . ..... " " ' " tueuicmeg raountinif to fo or over, when ll. parttnent will in Vnll r.vsirv naw flilni In l,h,.tfitf. I raphy i in ttock, and It will delight Vi 1 - V ... tt V. . 1 - - t . . w uate yuu van, sueiuer jvu uuy or ai usn less man .,-.. a.m receiver 00 rjjeUlCinfg imountlnif to authorled to sell the same for a price not i0(XiniianiHj by the cash less than that amount. Our photOKr.phio dep Joseph Huston vs. James McCann it al.; tereit you. tvery new 1 order confirming sale. Clatsop Mdl Company vs. Sal Uet et al Judgment for plaintiff for want of answer, HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker House L. Mitchel, Nahcotta Matt Eldes, Matt Keny and son, Hkarno kawa; J. Churchill, Fort Canby; Chas. George. Marshfleld; Chas. H. Herrington San Francisco; 8. A. Culbertaon, Auton Llndgren, Portland; Jas. Dodge, Warren ton. Occident Gearge Rosendal, achooner Novelty; J. DtLey, Cathlamet; Fred A Brainier. Mr. and Mr. Ooodwlth. Port land; A. Schott. F. H. Covllle. Ban Fran Cisco; J. J. Maney, Everett; C. W. Taylor, Walla Walla. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bid will be received at the office of Elmore, Sanborn & Co, until 10:30 a. m. September ZTth. for the erection and completion of a wharf and cannery build Ing for 8. Elmore. Plans and specifica tions can be obtained at the above named ofllce. The right 1 reserved to reject any or all bid. S. ELMORE It was a mean man who excused himself from attending his mother-in-law's funer al on the plea of business, saying "that business came before pleosuro every time." HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS? The Southern pacific will give you a ride to the Oregon State Fair on any of their lines in Oregon for one fare for the round trip, good going and returning any time during the fair. The State f'alr Is the people' Institution and houu be pat ronized liberally. Come and see what resource Oregon ha. On fare for round trip. A woman never wishes for a big brother more than nt tho time when some over- bearlrwt male acquaintance becomes an noying with his attentions, TUB LADIES. The pleasant effe. t and perfec safety with which ladle may use Syrup of Figs, nder all conditions, rnke It their favor- te remedy. To get tho true and genuine. rtlcle, look for ths name of the Callfor- la Fl Syrup Co, printed near tho bottom of the package. For sule by all drupelets. REDUCTIONS IN PHOTOGRAPHS. Bnodgras. the Fotographcr, will make rafolnet photo for 2 per dozen for a few day only. Come early and avoid tha rush. All work first class, a usual. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kate Druggists Fourth and Washington, Tortland, Ore LU8RICATINQ OILS A SPECIALTY 1873 1897 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... SELL hip chand lirt hardware IRON AND BTCEIi COAL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND If ILL MED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNI8HES LOGGERS' SUPPLIES FAIRBANKS SCALES DOORS AND WINDOWS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS AND VEHICLES THE PROOF of the pttOUnf U In tha eatta. and the proof of Vqmcn IS IN SAMPLING That's u argTi merit ttubt'a ejeav eloaira damoturtratloa, Oure will ataad the teat. HUGHES & CO. It U lUm btNt to gt a standard irtklc of grixerlct Tbcjr are mure reliable and can be depended apoa. e kindle oaljr the best standard qualities, other brand are too etpea hle, even though they sell for' less, because they cost us Cat turners. ROSS HIGGINS & CO THE BEE HIVE has just received another lot of ladies' walking hats. We have everything de sirable and new in this line. THE RAINS will soon Commence; Interview us with regard to umbrellas and mackintoshes; We have a good line of both at very low prices. This Week will purchase a pair of our $ Kid Gloves. Albert Dunbar, N. P. CORSETS TRY THEM. 99C. you 1.25 The Table Wines... For ratnlllas AIM for IfeOielnatl a4 Cooking; Pnrpoaaa Private Stock, Cream Rra, 014 HUftery, Pride of Kentucky and Hermltafei old California Brandiea. Carlson's FamilyLIquor Store 1M TWELFTH STRUT LOWNEY'9 CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA 1 en I'M 1 in j i, THE HANDSOMEST Line of Extension Ta bles ever seen just AHRiVEO in Astoria tfeilbofl. (S Son 1