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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOKIAK, TlltT?DAV MOtt.VLW, SEPTEMBER 2. 188. r It RoniNSON'ft CQm ' 1IATTICKH, sHi) NVhlnutm Htrct, Portland, Ore. 1. 5ol Aient for tli lUNLAI MAT. A. V. ALLEN- .Fancy and Staple Groceries. Km it Jar iiihI Jilly (.Iwiwh. j With lln Fruit tg 'IT .PrlccH Lower Thmi ICver, lttler ! W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! K lull lint al I'll., T , aaa' 5miatr' Ailklt. 47- CoMi'iiprvlnl Ml. ITPILH MHCKIVEU IN TUR PHIMAKY. OR AUUAtt AND ACAblMIO UKADKH J. At. THE SISTtRS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON, It tllu( Mi(ill. krr"("l l"f tlx wli'xil ork l'eleuf 04lllli, NiU'liilrr Mil. tor rlw, etc, adilra. th. flu parlor. IN3TUU- MENTAL MUUIO, PAINTINO AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Mm row IIOHTILH NTKNTION OF TIIK OKHMANH AT UAMOA. IL THE EXCOXEKCE OF STOP OF nCS It duo not my to tint originality anr Implicit of Urn toiiililruitlon, but alao to tlio euro ami aUIll with whirl, if. i. manufactured ly aolititldu .iot:aMrJ Known to i no iampmiima I'm Uritfr Co. only, ami w wlali to Imnrcn upon M tl t llM I U 4 . . . I . 1 . . wiv iimiwivuuvc VI PUI'l'liaiUlir Mm l',itl,l. t iniinli'liiul council nl Al'a have fwrrncl i Kranclaco on a m'rhnt .learner. It I the iurp of th. deiririiit i gather mont of the men from the Pacific roimt. ' I Tim men are In lake th lilac, of the Would Ilv TV" Vrtyn ot the tMmn wll0 ,,.rmi, awrvl(. hav. - Ihin4 Hid Not ) KUiK'Iuve !! (.Irl. In the llnrl.or, ( HAM KRANflHCO,' Bi-H. 21- The iHm Mjj Alameda, wlil'h hi )ut nrrlven frum yliiy, Auckland. Apa mid ll.mi. lulu, hrouaht further iiurtlculxm rimit-rn-j liiK th" di-Mlh'of KIhk Mali ', Th I MiiK'it death wa du to typhoid fivr, He j died Auki'iI a"'1 ''"'I'd A'ipt,(. !l. .. .....U.- .'.... j Ai(ordln)r In Iib rcpirrt furrnt It I l!lVfd at Hiirnoii thut If her niiO-Hty' hl KliiKdov hnd h"t ht-m at Aplit thij Oi rniiiiut would liavn holMlid lh- liiTiii.ur II. i lh r on MHllctoi' diath, Hnd pru cliilififd 4li iiiinriill"ii i,t H'tiriou. H"-:iklHK (it Hmouu iiff.iirn lixlny ('um'T Hmlili. of th l''ni'.r Alunmda, ;i'l; "Tli' r li (roulil mi'fi twl th-r and tlii Oi-rmati rr hrlnrlUK ha- k to thn W.mda ITIIK I'ACKKftfl AT THK IIATTLK OF A CRITICAL TIME. During tlie Buttle of SnntloKo. l SICK OK WeU. k KlSn'MOrtT AND DAT Mnl'Mfit In a iiiiiii' 'J lit? Auijr)"'n uri'l 'j.'fiiin voimu.a, rvntuuuvrinufuumAwvwuvar I Hb PALACb Astoria'5 Lending Restaurant Ivtrytliltiu Htrlctly l'lrtCliiMM. W. W. WlflPPLH, Prop. Estes-Coiin Drug Co, Leading Druggists of Astoria t uuvuvuvu Try" Prfioie i sore id! plcasint care for tbe Headacte. ' (ftinulna Hyrup of Fljf In tnunufactun-d oy uig tALirojtMA fW gm.,. t-(; olily, A knowledge of tlmt fact wlfl bmIhI one In avoiding the worthk-w ImlUtlona innnufutturcd ly other jmr tla. Thu lilh atundlnir of the Cam fommia Km .sviti i- Co. with the medi cal profenlnn. and the autUfactloii whhb the (feuuliie Hyrup of l-lgii ha it 'flen to tiillllona of fiiiuilica, make the tin me of tlx (,'oiuany u ifuarunt y of the rxcelleiiou of i'h remedy. Jt U fir In adan of uil other luxativia, a It acta on tin kidney, liver and bowcla without Irriiatlntf or weakening- them, and It dot a not crlpe nor nauseate, In order to get it tM-iieflc:lal effeeta, ph aiu retnemUr the name of thu Coin puny CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. (4 riUlU 14-0. fal HANTIAOO 1V. CfbA VVKHK AM. IIKHOKH, THKIU HKUOK' KFK0UT8 JN i.r;TIIN( AMMCNITION AM HATIONH TO 11IK FROST BAVKU THK UAV. I hffr.Hcl v. n Into a I"r1 of eontr"!, p'iiO-1 Intf Hi'! il" lion of a hiji i'H.r to Klnx -M illrtoa. of Urn .nn'iin Kruiip. it.itnnf.ij p, iU(pr 0f j,J(k-tfiir. No. 3. writ w,i il p'irtiid hy- Iho powim ome ) fr,Jfn HnnMaao l ful.a on July Zl. UK" In ll"' I'nlon !iiri1, t lh nortliwrt 'lt,uyi: "We all had dlrrhoi tn morn or of Hhiiiku. oHlti to li." rnin' r In H i- jp.,, yloIiTrt form, and when w landnl in., a I'l lna illi-tiirUna to th- i..,IPPl clf-'ie (,,) (loin to e a doctor, for It wan inriit. Hi- wan .mine d In nurrwi'lrr lilm-' , i,H ru,), kn, ruli nl;;ht and Uy to Ki.f to tin- powrn on the uiiil'-ri.iii.lliia i,,.,.,, (f,,, irp, nup,i- lth ammunl ll .i fur th"- '"d of lil m-o(,h that in a, ration, hut tkuii fo Cha.-nhKr-h" ciii.til'l til .iy. Tin i xili 'l i -hp-f wan Htr Colic C'bo;ra a larrhoi i-niivi'fd to Hi' t'lilmi aroiip In a (i'r.'inan jii-ini")y, we wi iilu to kei-p at work iii.iii-i.f -i.r." i .in..! kiw'p our alm; In fa't, I lr-r ly lillne at ona trill' al time thin medleliii) all the Indirect aaVjr of our army, for If the piu keri had tfn unablt . -. il.a.a ...iiM h u l'a I u . tw. 1 1 1. 1,1. Ii-l I IVI. It. ..I il U h.-.llVllu 1 ' "'' Waila MiViH: valley and bluentem, !;. I'ltlCi: OF WIIKAT. I THEY WANT TO OO HoMK. of geltlna upplle to the front. There wre no roailM that wagon train could JiiM. Vf 'vmradv apd riil hdd this ' W'-oil f..Vrune lo lay In a lupply of thi ! midlrine for our pi-k-traln before we left In four caaea It ajbo (I I.N Kit A I. I'AltAI0 TALKS ON i:VATATI)N COMillHriluN. Hatlafled With Ann-rlean Comnilaalonere With hm Ilia Id latlona Are the Mt Frli ndly. h..NA8 C1T1, H'pt. y.-A j''.a W.TiDipe, and I knoi I (Tie H:r fium Jai kaonMlle. Ma., my: J lately itvtd life." - - ' I'uloiikl W. 1. Iirymi left Ut n iclu f-r The alove letter wa wrktan to the ! Wafhliif ton, having ' utnl a li-ave ot . tnanufacturera of thla meuli lne, the ' uUmi from (irner'tl I yfnterilay. He Chamberlain Medicine Co., 1 Molne, will arrive In WahMKln lotilaht and ex- .iTt to nii'i-l (Jvernor H'd' omb, ot Se- hra'ka. there. The two will aev Prenldi-nt Mi Kliih y and make a effort tn have i uie inir'i ,e"ra"n'i, ..'jiuni'i jiryan rein i Iowa. For ule by Char lea Roger. mint. n.utirJ out, Central Lvf In to NKW YORK. Rpt. 2I.-A dlapalrh tlin Itirnlil from ll.iv.mi myt: (Ipni ral Julian (loliaih I'arradn. C- .....1 I.. ... m. m. . ...I ... .1. U...I.I.I. . m. .. In ......... ... ... .... o, . , ... (ti-(. o.( (hf Tli,rJ Wi Uil ti r,. .,.,! ln. . una. hiiu iicpi'irm 01 iiir ni'iioiiiii 101.1- ' mlnaion. ha autimlttnl to an Intervl.-w foruieil a Htar reporter that he hid re-n-lvi-il n very Mi!tlve til'xrum from Wahlnatun atatlna that, aa imt of the Nvbraaka troop had uir.-iuly b'n mtiit- til another general reduction w;i made In the volunxer arm) . aoinetmiiK that I not likely to oitur aoon. on th xll y of the rniiinilelin. "A prinldrnt of the Hpanli-h comml- Inn," I'll d he. "It li Imp.., c to give you any detalla. but 1 have n ohji-vtloti to ie.ikliig In a iiueral way of the pr.i grra we are making. I think a arm linprrnlnn ell l-oih In Kpaln and the I'nlted Htalia a lo the dutb t and ncipe of the i o(iinillnn wirk. It I uaually rrferreil to a a .- v t omiulNKlon. Thla I. a inlMi'imrr. It aliould lie called the I ULA8tioW. Ky. Sept. .-Mr. William evaluation cuinmUilon. nWt w,d(.w. living reral mile from "All that imu-erna u I to complete ar-' hrrr ttu murdered by Jihn Franklin. AN KNHAiiKD HrBlUXD HIIOoTi HIS MOTHKK-IN-LAW. Family Trouble n Kentucky End In a Tragedy Ulooilhounda on the Tiak of the Murderer. THE PARKER HOUSE First-Clasa in Every Respect. BAH AND BlIililAHD ROOM her on-ln-law. Owing to the remote nen of the aceite of the tragredy, only nu aare detail can be obtained. It appear that Franklin and hi wife, who I Mr. Il.'l'' daughter, had par tel. Franklin went to Mr. Dole' houe to try to arou hi wife to re- THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel McRlcr tSi Wright. Props. Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and AESOLUELY PURE 9 Tbe North rtMlflo Brewery, of wbiot M.Jobn Kopp la proprietor, make, beei for dometMo and export trade. Bottled beer for family nae, or kef beer tnpplied at any time, delivery tl the rity free. NORTB PACIHC BREWERY NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED Four Hundred Different Patterns Wuh Sing & Co., MerclnUit Tailors, wcro never bettor nrepnred to servo tlio publio. in their line. Gents' Furnishing Goods of nil kinds. SSuita mrulo to order quickly. Xnrgo stick rciuly-mado goods. Cleaning nnd repniring. Rcmetttbcr, PrlccH Tpnlk. VVAH SINQ & CO aadCorn'rc'I St. i riiligeinrnl fur the evacuation of tne luluii'l by the tfpanlah. Hint I till we ure allowed to do. tnder the protocol there I but one peace connd'abm, the one ttiat meet In l'arl. Our relation thu far with the American commlimlonera have been niuat friendly nnd pleaaanl. Their ..iea 01 tran-arimg tiuine oy crre.pon. ,urn , h tu, hrr mother trongly ob rtence wa entirely agreeable to u. Jr, ,ed t0 h,.r don Kranklln then "Joint e..n. of the iomnillon are j ,.f( ,h, hou,e , Tagf but rvtumj ,uon neceary only when there I a dtaput. on ! afterward and ahot hi mother-in-law ome point of the rorretpondenca. it j through a window, everything continue. .. harmonica a I uioihound. have been telegraphed for It I now there w ill be no Joint aelon for I (t( lra, fc the tulnr. tomettme. I "We are doing all In our power to faclll late the apeedy evacuation of Cuba. No date haa been ettled on a yet M It la , Eup,RF CITY 8,.D. ,. Tm ImiKwalble to .ay whether the evacuation j LMnKE tm. Ore.. , ..... . 1 afternoon fire wa. discovered on the root will be completed In one month or four. , , . ..,. ...,. 111.,. . , . of the atore building owned and occupied The American cnmmllner wlhel , ... , rj r . ,, ... 0 , . , .. . by Mr. W. L. IHcknon at Myrtle Folnt U to try to arttle tha cae of the Comal I ' , .... .w ... ' . , ...h. t h. The building, together the one ad- .i.i ...... .. joining, owned by J. N. Phillips, wa. com Ideratlon we doc ded I lie rae wa entire- I ' . . ' . ' FIRE AT MYRTLE POINT. Special Rates to Theatri cal Parties A. J. MASON, Prop ASTORIA, ORE, ROUGH SHOES FOR . LITTLE GIRLS ly outnl.le our Jurudlctlon. Our lntruc from Madrid ierniltied u to ar range the term ot evacuation and noth- , Ing more. Wa did all we could In tne Comal cae, however. We laid the facta before tleneral liianco." J (ieneral I'arrado wua ankid If he haJ any Mr..nal feeling of hoal.llty or anl-, niolty niialiut the C lilted State, for mak- Ing war with Spain. "So, Indeed," he anwercd, wth a mle. 1 "In the t'nlled State, a In all countrlr, there are political panic. Spain ha poll tic and Mirte too many' of them. Tne party In power I often mlmakcn. Why hould they not be? They are human, you know, arnor. . plclely detroyed. In onler to check th. i flame a quantity of giant powder wa. i urd to blow up the burning building, a 1 the wind wa. blowing atrong directly over the bu.lne. portion of the town. Kvery winnow In Illnger Hermann'. three-tory I brick building on the oppoalte corner wa. broken. ,1 he Ion I. p.Ml. ! Hermann Nyman wa accldentully .hot by hi nephew, John Uuatavsun, thl af ternoon, t.uatavvon look down hi. rifle to clean It. not knowing the gun was j I. led, and the gun wa accidentally dl- I charged, the ball panning through Nyman' body, clone to the heart, Nyman cannot live. Party aplrlt In the I'nlted State brought on thl nd war, it wa. a mis take, nothing more. That I. all 1 can ay now. 1 Intend to return to Spain via New York. When I arrlva there I ahull be no onger aecond In command of the force. In Cuba, but jut plain General I'arrado, a aoiitier of Biwln. 1 .hall have more to aay then. Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Pricesj Something New W.J.SCULL.Y 431 Bond Street TROI.LBYCAR WOl'l.DN'T HOLD ALL HIS WIVKS. . Oood Looking but Aged New York Ger man Arrc aled for Marrying Too Often, leaned Toward Wldowa. NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-'-A trolley ear 'ould not hold all the women I have mar ried," conteaaed Charle Hocking, when arretted In Newark on a charge of swin dling a woman under promlee of mar riage, If hi own confelon. are true, he beat Itnte. the Chlcagoan. He Is 65 year of age, ha half a doxen nllne, and hiia aerved several term. In the peniten tiary In thl city and In New Jersey for .iiullliig confiding women after prom ising to or actually marrying them. Ho I. wanted In this city on a charge ot having defrauded Mr. Margueretta Duo. 508 Kast UOth alreet, out of VM. Decking la a stout German, rather good- looking and I well preserved for a man of tiS years. Widows have been his es pecial prey. "They ar. easy marks," he said. Ho advertises for a wife as a rule In a newspaper "personal," nnd after ar ranging and having an Interview wltn one who answers his personal, leads them to the belief that he Is himself rich. In various way, particularly by promise ot marriage nnd by making preparations tor such, an event, he Induce the woman to pan with money. To the detectives he laughingly ex plained that his game works successfully. because the women want to get married and 1 want tno women." Asked how many women he hnd mar ried ho thought for a minute nnd then answered: "A trolley car would not hold all the women I have married." ( Schilling's Best extract? have no end ,of flavor in them. Schillings Best tea baking powder coffea flavoring extract, oda and plt are pure and money-baclc ID For uli by Ross. Hlgglns it Company GIRLS ACCUSED OF ROBI1ERY. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. !l.-Leslle and May Jjrvls, sister, the former about 21 and the latter 18 year of age, are wanted by the police on a charge of burgalry They are thought to have left the city Monday on the steamer I'matllla tor Vancouver. Their description has been sent to the Vancouver police, who have been requested to arrest them on their arrival. They are accused of entering the house of Mr. J. C. Barrows and stealing various article and also of robbing a Mis MoGee. PRAISED BY M K1NLEY. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2l.-Presldent Mc Klnley today Informally received a dele gation of about a doxen member, of the Roosevelt rough rider reglnwnt. The president said: "Your record Is one or which the entire nation Is proud." MORE MEN FOR MANILA. WASHINGTON. Sept. 21,-The navy de partment -has ordered W sailors to be sent to Admiral Dewey", squudron ai Manila. Tho men will be sent to San Somettmea, especially school times, they need thn; food, easy ones, but strong and hard to wear out. A for the boy, O, w. aj-rapunixe witn you all tn. year tnroogn, for the boys are a great tax on head, heart and pocketbook, but right her. our sympathy takes a practical turn. Have you seen our special .hoe for boy.? Petersen & Brown. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave a.m. p. in 8:00 ii.lV 12:20 50 Astoria (Dalle) Portland and Atrla fii pre cam via hi, ion t'llfinn. Wetiort. fiatuka- nle, Uoble; connection at inn te tor tbe tail aud 1'u ei souua polut. Astoria Hratte and New 7: I'iria l avMHnrer in n.. via Warreutoa a d Flarel rrlve a ax. p.m. 4:20 All train leavlnr Astoria eolna to Sea side and returning from Seaside run on the Flavel Branch. J. C. JIAlO, G. F. & P. A. THE RUSSELL Compound Automatic Engine o far ' i : I ML Mi aV Ml a ft cn o o o o (3 () Arrested ! for not chewing PLUC "H don't chew Battle Axf yer Honor," "He looks it llZ?-: - "V. - . - .... UM - Ignorance ot the Law is no excuse. g m but ignorance of BATTLE AX is your misionune noc a crime ana the only penalty is your loss in quan- tity as well as quality when you buy ill any other kind of Chewing Tobacco. Remember the name when you buy again. oc o o p o 8 O o () o WW () ( () o () () () C) () () C) Q o o o o 8 () () () () ijiiii laWla.'--.l-i ,m .immtmfdlf m , , r r THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MIXEKAL KATEK, nntH. NOBLE, K1CK0KY AXD SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LigiORS. UIXES, BEER AXD CIGARS Served Day nnd Night. AUGUST KRATZ, - - Manager Pacific Sheet Metal Works Veretatle Froit MANUFACTURERS OF CANS spice and Syrup Lithographing on Tin .a Specialty. San Francisco. Cat. Astoria, Ore. Write Ut for Prices. .Falrbaven, Wash. runiTLniinniijnsfUVjJW The IMPERIAL Hotel S THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor Heventh and WanHIngton Sts. Portland, Or. VniVrVWiWrrViW. I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY T.l.phon. No. 33 ! Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4Jg Commercial St.. Bxt Palace Reitauiaut. Chas. Kan & Co, 367 COMMERCIAL STREET. Manufacturers of Ladies' UNDERWEAR and Wrappers, etc. The lowest prices in Astoria. We also carry a tine stock of Japanese Fancy Goods, fine Chinaware, Notions and Toys at wholesale prices. Astoria Steam -at -rttf T JUUMUU1 J WHITE LABOR TERFECT WORK SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. T V Strong and Economical. Write us for particulars. A. II. A ER1LL, RUSSELL & CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon, The Pat Market Flour, - Feed and - Hay B74 Commercial Street. SOMEBODY SAID. Goall around the Shoe Stores in the City, examine their Stocks and then come back to us; satisfied that we keep a better Line and sell at a lower Price than any of them. But if you wish to avoid such Trouble, come here in the' first place. Our Shoe Stock is selected with a view to pleasing, not us, but our Patrons. The result of trying on a Shoe hero will be satisfactory; the result of using them will be satisfac tory, and even paying for them will be satisfactory. JOHN H AHN, The Reliable Shoe Dealer