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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0R1AN. Til U USD AY MORMXO, SElTEMBBIt 22, lUM JOHN T. LIGHTISH. Editor. Ttlrphon No. W. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent bjr mH, pr year Sent by mall, per month Ssrvtd by carrier, pr month WEEKLY. ttnx l r mull. Pr year. In aovanc.. l'ostags free to subscribers. .t00 . . .2 0u An efimmunlcsttons intended tor publl rstlon should b directed to th editor. t..Ln. comtnunlcallona of all kinds 4d remittance must be addressed "Th Astorian." to The Asiortan guarantees to Its sdver ttsrrs lbs lara-rst circulation of any neas taper published on th Columbia rivr. Advertising rate cn M hd on appli cation to the business manager. Miles, lMUnc. rndlcton to Portland Psndleion to Tscoms Pi-mitelon lo Si attic Pendleton tJ Astoria Wall.. to Portland.. Wall Walla lo Liconia.. Wall Walla to Seattle. ... Wall Walla to Aatoru... pi t'S J. rji ..Ml .Jit One- of the most nttuMe snd leist rto- Herd events of tho ev.-r.tfMl tiroes Is th' Zionist congrvs In Pub erne. It Is re marltshle as the first concerted movement nf thv Jes toward Me honiff of their tin cvstors. nn.l sRnines th most singular racial fTort In the history of the world. Tho sultan of Turkey Is pleased with th ended. Rich Jews are contributing Uh (rally snd already 10.s-'.s hi boon ratse-I. li.for anotht-r half century has fl.ipse.1 IsiMiral prophecy m.iy be and the Jew. for twenty centuries an irtvt over the civilised earth, will V rv Stored to h.f native Zion. American furniture manufacturers hav a golden opportunity In England if they all study the nurkc: and make the En r'.lfb styles of bedroom, parlor and Jinlns room pieces. This U the verdict of Con sul Jarara Boyle, at Liverpool, writing t the state department. tp to the present time. Consul Boyle says, our furniture takers have Insisted on sending Amer ican styles to England Instead of attempt lii( to eater to tm established taste. The result has been that American furniture bas never become popular. Canadian akers, on the other hand, have studied the English market, and have a food and grovlnc business across the water. the Tnlted States merchants are ilo- tnt hand over hand in the fijht for trade sritb their BrtUsB eouslna. This is Infalll ly abewA ty th great decrease In ex ports froiM England and the tremendous ktniM In exports to that country of ar ticles made by us. According to the bu nas of statistics the Imports from Great Britain during the last year fell off S per cent, while the exports of manufac tured goods to England Increased 13 Per cent. In round numbers the exports to England were five times as much as the Import from that country. The articles we bought most extensively from the fnlted Kingdom during the last year were ale. cotton goods, linens, silks. worsteds, woolens, tin plate. Jute manu- factures. cutlery nd textile machinery. Onr chief exports to Victoria's subjects were bacon", beef, corn, live cattle, wheat, raw cotton, wood and timber, leather, hams, cheese and lard. Under the limitation Imposed by law, the coming extra session of the legisla ture can last but twenty days. Governor Lord's reason for calling an extra session Is understood to be the public necessity for disposing of certain desired mat ters of legislation from the lack of which the state has been suffering for a long time, and which It Is thought advisable to clear up and get out of the way before the regular session can be convened. This being the case. It is apparent that the senatorial contest should be settled at the earliest possible moment, and the main business for which the legislature has been called together despatched as early as practicable within the constitutional limit It is Important, of course, that a senator should be elected In harmony with the financial policy of the administration and scceptable otherwise to the largest possible majority of the republicans of the staie, but the matter of the senato rial succession should not be allowed to absorb so much of the extra session limit at to haxard or Impede Important matters of public business for which It 1b really called together. It Is now apparent that light will be made to prevent & caucus nomination, and that, even If such noml nation is made, It will be by too few re publicans to make certain the election of the candidate agreed on, without a repe tition of the painful scenes and disgrace ful contests which have characterized the last two attempts of that sort. For this reason there Is a growing feeling throughout the state that since there is safe joint ballot majority In the two branches of the legislature, and no other than a republican can be elected any way, It would be better to abandon the idle form of agreement upon caucus noml- nee nd tuk the matter directly before the whole of the legislature, to be "-ere settled without delay, 'llils Is really the constitutional theory upon whi.h senntor Is elected, and pnst experience I" Oregon hn clearly demonstrated the utter useicinea of the ciiu-ii as a party ex pedient 10 Insure harmony of art on, even where the l.!llatre was doner and th rlk nf rapture by the oj'posl'.lon much more Imminent than It on he at th.s time. Without ihe. Intervention of the .autus and the P.sht nh!. h will !nc H iKy be made and protra. led ,i; t:nt Us n tnl nee, the matter of the selection of a s. '.J tor can lie dlipoed of almost Imme t'. U -ly and the etia ses on will more certainly perform Iho ni rl.'ti coiist:tti:i:'.g the vtl' vne fr It ronven'toti. n.l without which II w II he far better, from a p inv alid piiMIc standpoint. :r It hid n t bovii called. The people want no more r.iucu liutddh or n-i it r1 l ,e.-l-.-. k. in ! It !'.l so mrd with the nun. or m t of men who may be js.;ionsih.e It them. iriti.h ri;i:ss a.i amkkio.v. CMcaeo Times-Herald: The Krnt and American peopl have heionie t etter ai .i'.iatnt.-d w thin the last yAt than In the pre ,!. wc century. Uev. X. I. Hl'.lis. who bas returned to his ecmceiMtl.'n !rm i vacit'.on ,cnt .V. road. sas that am -TV the t!URtf wh-eh n"ot lmpre.. h!m wli'.Ie away was I'.-:-gland's sympathy with and en: hits! ism for America in her recent battles and vic tories. ITtvleus o the late war EnglarJ manifested but small Interest In Ameri can whien Jl" ill. its accounts for In tart by the paucity of American news '.n the rttitUh pre. The ltrltlsn ed.lors In turn accounted f r this by claiming that Knulands lnter'.s In Nfw yei'. in l, Australia. Kyp!. Afri, and In dia roals su.'h demanis upon the'r s.'ice that little Is Is ft f r American new s As a. resMlt. the EnclWh pe-pl as a h le have Nrn profoundly Ignorant ef p:;i:c men and measures in th's country . Put the recent w ar has wrought i won- 1-rful chance in the attitude of the Prlt-1 lsh press cone rning the puliiicat.on of news fpm America, snd this rhanso has been acompaniej by a deci le,! ch.ane in eilltorial p.!lcy. Instead of the usual fiur or five Inches devoted to intili-n. e from America, the British papers have contained dally from four to five columns of American news, the amount usuauy given dally by American papers to Euro pean doings. "Instead of regarding Americans as 70.- OOO.OM people, whose affairs were to be commented upon from the standpoint of disinterestedness assumed In treating of any alien race, the British press has of late expressed an Interest in American affairs second only to the Interest shown in the affairs of the British eraplrt The voice on the eastern breexe bas been constantly audible, and the outstretched hand across the sea has been plainly vis ible. There are many reasons for the changed attitude of the British press and people. The patrician class In England, heavily reinforced by an influential female con tingent from this country, the growth of American trade and the frenut-nt sharp competition of American and British manufactures: the cordial reception ot British literary men and their writings In this country have all contributed to arouse British interest in American af fairs, but the most potent of all Influences In this direction Is contained In Joslah Tatnall's famous sentiment that "blood is thicker than water." American achievements In the war with Spain did more to stir the hearts of the British public and generate a fraternal feeling than all other causes combine. From henceforth the British and Amerl Ican people will know and understand one another better than they have In the past, and the press of both countries will be the mediums through which the bonds of fraternity reknit In the late war will be strengthened beyond the power of any or all nations to sever. A woman may be beautiful, a woman may be stylish, a woman may be a saint but If she doesn't In some special way appeal to the one special man, her life and his is bound to be a failure. 6Iok headache absolutely and perman ently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and bappy. Satisfaction guaranteed or or money refunded. 25 and (0 cents. For sale by Estes-Oonn Drue; Co. It is always amusing to have a doctor prescribe mental occupation to a patient whose, bread, butter and oceaHlonnl piece of cake are made by brain work. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia, Tablets. One little tablet will glva Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Pears' was the first maker of sticks of soap for shav ing. Pears' Soap es tablished over 100 years. i I iibbl; !L;- - v.-. - J i' ,kN cc ir tnt Jc IVp.i rulcn for A s -Slmtoliutf Cw fixx! iiivtUoCuki itu: S nudvs ami 1 Vwc Ls of rrccwlcs tycstionX hcrrful ncs aivt PvcM Ccnl-I ns rvltlvr Opium.Morphiiw nor Lr.rsl. KOTN.VliCOTJC Uw '''.''.' A'.'. .faun A.1 -fti-SHitS . .njMiJUi,.r.... W .l,s ArvfYl Iu.nv.vlv- f v v;; I fion. Sour S(o:iv.i'n.'r.r.-tva:d. Worms .(Ynvtr . ..V onh ncrs :.M Loss or Silts. irc'.v dv.k. -.Lk, 1st V - letn:ir,:l..n. s w . ii i-:.s-w. fife MANHOOD BKTOREDSS .1 W "7 fSf k yJ JJJi. M p .n of famous r rereii fiomui, oi l qu..i,r cure "a ef mi i. r K ' 1 . Sou nf a.v e ef li e t. iue ,.r. i(, , . u f..l XI e In--! ft V . .Vif V. I'" :n.m I i 111 l!ie II . -wiiimal .ie: ,.,. Nnf, Is i i.n, A l '". T Mfs-- V mpies, VtiUiresa t itarrr. J.roi.iv V I sr r irrrs a;i ta h..f n.n,.i lm i ii r masj u-, luc I Si lln kilneesan.l III nr..,vv,r tnsul aU la;; uriiKfc ' I rlllssi: sirenjrmenasrei leoorva sniao wess ,.. cm s. Tue r-in ii.- n-rs are rot run-., be l e.fs .s ititsv ninety psr cM are t- nt te! w'lti Mlwlltl. IT ft I'KN t. SI thtxiiT ktton retn.nlr to e.rv Mliou. movMik.i. i, i -. r. .-. . a A ffrltt-.. rursni.- rtea aol IT. .lev n-.uni .. s: x i-.s. s is t nul eiiAll tK'rc.M vi vUru U0 a boi . ui f-.r f iJJ. Ii' inaiL. t.i and t,.sou.utiiai. AJiml WAVol. JSKOlt IMt tOP.O. a OOS. fan 'raiK-Lo.(l r ClIAKt.K.-t IliiHlirrt.-. ;j Commercial 8t. A prairie fire moves taster than say boroe can run. No matter bow speedy your mount may be unless too bare a food start of the fire it wall yom. It is the same vsy writh many diseases. Tnless yo pt a fair suit, joa cannot possibly shake them off. The only hope for anyone who is threatened with serious disease is to start in time, and seek safrty before the dingrr closes in about him. The beat tbinr for you, if you feel that your furl bodily enenry is lackinf, is to seek the strengthening;, power -producing; help of Dr. Pierce's Coldea Mtdical Dis covery which confers upon the digTSUve onran that keen test of appetite snd as similation which transforms the food into nourishing, health building; blood, active muscular force, nerrous enrrpr and rug ged endurance. Do not watt until dyspepsia spreads into "liver complaint" and that turns into bronchial trouble which finally venrts into consumption. Io not rely upon the delu sive stimulus of malt eitracts and sarsapa rillas and oily compounds; do not allow g drsjifrnins; drugyist who seeks only bis own profit rather than your health to foist any boom " medicine upon you. Insist upon the remedy which is backed by thirty year of steadily increasing sales to attest its constant usefulness snd popularity. The experience of Mr Val Rurkard. bring at 6s Mohr A . Buffalo. S V . la men is. his own words: " Pitt wrrks ago I your adme snd took two bnftlrs of Dr. pierce OoWtn Medical Ducorerjr and also tseo rials of I'el lrta.' 1 consider myself mtirels curtd as there have been do eruptions since I finuhtd the last buttle. 1 think it is the greatest remedy "n the globe for blood and digestive disorders. My ap petite Increased wonderfully and I hare also gained flesh I would like rrerrSrjriy to know the true value of De Pierce l medicines as 1 am confident by persistent use they will cure all ailments fcf which they are reoimmrodtd." Real, old-fashioned love, the kind that eomes but once and comes to stay. Is tne rn-'ht kind, nnd all others are counterfeits. TOUR FA. R Shows the state of your feelings snd the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, pimples and ikla erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not bsava a healthy appear ance you should try Ackers Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap saraaparlllas and so-cahed purifiers fall; knowing this wo sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. A woman may profess Ihe greatest friendship for you. but ahe Isn't icolng to give you the address of "a Jewel of a dressmaker" whom she has discovered. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of To many housewives the taste of their preserves Is of secondary Importance to the attractive appearance they present on the Hhfcives, Luxuriant hair, of uniform color, is a beautiful head covering for either ss-x, and may be secured by using HaM's Vege- table Sicilian Itulr Renewer. Life Insurance Is a great comfort to those who will benefit by the death of the Insured. But fire Insurance has a per gonal significance, especially when the en gines dash up In front of your very door. OABTOniAi Boars tu ) Il Kind Yoo Haw Always ttnM Biffnattir V JT, m Tor Infants and Children. Tiio Kind Yen Hav Always Sought Bears Iho CI 111 I It sio; s I l,n i r .'sir i oic l !' r. n , . i. k. w :.s-l. if i.i eh--Ve i fl,' ... .rtnl.,rrl o t .! l"-?y--?!fM"M''' Manv wom.n fall t. see the harm In their own, until sme .-th.r woman manifests betrer eyesight In that jln? That the blood should perform Its vital functions. It Is absolutely neceassary u should rt only be pure but Hi h In life giving elements. These results are best effected by the us of that well-knwn standard blood purifier, Ayers" Uarsapu. rilla One nerer realties how popular cer tain Individual or corporation la until an effort is made to catch them on the phone. THE PIONEER LIMITED Is th muse oX tb only perfect train In th world, bow running every night be tween St, Paul and Chicago, vta th Chlcsgo. Milwaukee Bt, 1'sul railway th Won err road of th west In adopt ing all Improved facilities for th safety snd enjoyment of passengers. An Illus trated pamphlet, showing views of beau tiful scenery along th route of th Ho mer Limited, will b sent free to any per son upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address George H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, III. Photographs of dead friends fade less quickly sometimes than the memory of the same. Experience Is the best teachor. Us Acker's English Ressedy In any cas ot coughs, colds or croup. Should It fall to glvs Immediate relief money refunded. 23 cts. and 50 cis. Kor sal by Estcs-Conn Drug Co. The lack of sympathetic companionship is too often the cause of bitter strlle wl'h youn- married people. THE SURE LA GRIPPE CURE. There Is no us suffering from this dreadful malady. If you will only get th right remedy. You ar baying pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, hav no appetite, no life or ambi tion, bav a bad cold. In fact ar com' pletely used up. Electric Bitters Is th only remedy that will give you prompt and sura relief. Tbey act directly on your liver, stomach and kidneys, ton up th whole system and tnak you feel Ilk a new being. Tbey ar guaranteed to cur or prior, refunded. For sale at Estes-Conn Drt'g Co. Only 50 cents per bottle. A small country church can give more entertainments in one year than a li.rge one In a city would think of In a decade. BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Feifer sores, I Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Very few men feel conversationally In cllned when they arrive home ut 2 a. m. but their wives always do. OABTOniA. Tka V .mJ U... II ii rt Beanth A "B M"a 'WJ Mipi No woman can be accused of vanity who writes her autograph directly across the face of her photograph. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Oroton, 8. IX: "Was takwn with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set In and finally terminated In con sumption, roar doctors gav ma up, say ing I could lira but a short tlm. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not slay with my friends on earth, I wovia maet my absent ones sbov. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dlaoovary for Consumption, Coughs aad Colds. I gav it a trial, took In all eight bottiaa. It baa oarad ma, and thank Mr 1 The fJ Von Hav8 .u!flhvavs OouuliL (od I am saved and now wM and healthy woman." Trial bottles fres at Kslea-Conn Plug Cn. Itegular slse W cents and II. Guaranteed or pries refunded. The greatest uud br tel nf a ' devotion Is during a woman's Illness. Til 1'l'llK A fiil.P IS NK PAY. Take l.avithe lUonto Unlnlne Tauleii All iinitiillsts refund the luolley If It talis lo core. '.' cents The genuine lias I.. II g mi e.i. h t itilet ty next week organdies t will ll be overcoats vt OABTOTtXA! 8r (ZtAfffi&t The man who gitiiMr lc iue Ills wlte i iw.n from li'ioe never llilnKs of the oilier l.'o of ::. win ii lie n c(t or a foin.iitu's Jaunt. notk'i: v 1'ii.iNu a!h-:ssmi:nt. l' .i the Iiimtcv. inent ef TlVrU -tlfst from'.Kilii to (Ir.uiil ,i.m.', and "f time of liv llim of board ot njuil. i it .oi of said assessment. Noll e Is i,.!o m llle rtsfs in. :il r - -1 1 c nit mi! ihe pedal . s. for tb. s. of i i' I u Hie lill; ft. Oil I'l has been ii i itl'I'li'V elllslll I.I the v t: know n and det g. e:iienl of I'hll t -Irsi kiln I iliaud .in. .1 In the ottV e of I !., in:. ti. mi.'. Auditor and t . I - - Judge of sa ol . I y, and has heeu tep'rlnl to Ihe Coniiilon Council of said city, and said roll Is now n f.,r In.spr, ttort and will so remain iiu'tl Tuesday, the lilt day o? I'd r, m a! Hi,- hour of I' clo k a. in. pr or to elrch - tl.l time ,,11 ..Medlons o .i d aH,--Hn.en. and said I'll itv. s( !e tied. In wilting w'.'h Ihe .Ifotest'd Auditor and (Vlleo Judge, when, hv line of a r-siaitlon of Itie n d t'oinni.oi . 'o'.ncll duly adopted a: i r. rcular ii.i-rt'lng tliere..f held S-'pletiit'er ! :h. lv whl. lt re-dutlon appointed the said Tu. -I i . ihe I Ii d iv of to,., r, ei. al the said hour ..r 1 1 o'. lock a. in. of s it I iv, as ttie time for I lis- rrvlew and ril .1 .' on of said .i"esment, the I'oard of K.ii .1 s i ion for sild assessment, wnlcn ! . ir I consists of the Commute on iS-vee's nnd Public Va of the af rrsil, . llltnon Conn. 'I iii, tile lloard of Asses, so: s ..' salt eft y. will meet In the t oun.! , ' am: ers nf i!ie . py Hall, In the City of V.iot.i. i.r-uion reMrw and e.ptal le -t:, .is,, .otiiriit. and t lie I,, if;, r r,-pori the.r a, t,. ns in the said Common Council Th's i..;i. s puMlshe.l by onler of lh Cotntiion Council of As'. 'r a. ad 'ptrl (tep t. ui'i.-r I'.th, cs I II K. NKI.S..N. j Audi'or an I I' Judde of th, t'lly I aforesaid. lAsiorla. nr.ijon, S-j.'einher ITlh l.'V j NiiTH'i: i'l" I NT K NT l N t'K fi'MM" N O'fNfll. l' AST.. HI A. i.U:i.N. j T) i:STAltUS:i lilUfU. i Notice Is h-reby glvrn that Ihs com f mon council ot tn cry m Astoria. ir- iron, proposes t. establish the grades at Hney Aeltun at Its Intersection lth jth or Hudson street. In said lit), at 51 and feet above the base of grades, at Hay Avenue through which th hu k-head runs at Its intersectiun with said "th or llot.son street, at ) feet above the baa of grades snd al the line at Its Intersection with slid 5th or Itobson street at ?) feet above th baa ot grade: the grades of all street crossings tT-s lei thereby to tx level an. th grid of th Intervening streets to b i plan surface between crossings. And unless a remonstrance signed by th owners of thresvfourths of th propr. ty adjecent to said stris and Inters.-. Hons thereof be fl.ed with th aud.tar and police Judge within ten days from th data of the final publlcati'n of this no th. which flml publication will b on town, th :ith day of September, l-ssi. th said common coun 11 will st Us earliest convenience or within a x months after said date establish the aforesaid grade by ordinance. Dated September t"'.h. liVs. nl pub lished by authority of the said common council by resolution dated .'rlnilier 1st. 1. It. E. NELSON, Auditor an'l Pnllr. Judge of th City Of Astoria, Oregon. NfiTK'K UK :f'i:i,TIN K HI 1 H Not;ie 1 hereliy ulv.n that, th under, slgtn-d Committee of ill Common l oiiticil of the City of Astoria, Origin, will on Ualurday tho 21th. day of sVp'timlier. lot. at the hour of ten o'clock a. in. . at the oin. w of the Auditor and Poll, e Judge of said c ty. receive and open sealed bids and pro;oala for ihe ronstrui Hon of a c "t.tln Improvement In said city, designated us the Improvement of Kxchanxe H:ri-t from Ninth to Tenth fltree:, .n tnat p.rt of tho City of A orU as Uld out and re corded by John Mc lure. Sal work shall be ''.instructed ;ir or. .rig to the plans ..lid specltleullons for sil l;ose. w nk. n on file nnd op.-u for Inspection In t'.e oftb e ut suld Auditor ir.d Toll. Jj.U" N i bid will be considered whli It said eX ' il tio amount staled in ttiq estlrra.e for sa.d lin provem. nt, now on file In s.ild olflce, or which shall b ifrerftit In form fr mi tin: form specified In and rd.ins and s;,. clllcii tloris, and said bids shall l,e goVirin-d t)' the provisions of the orniti.nce m re . tlon to the Improvement . f said slrn-t, approved Keplember, b'.ts Thn rlKht to r.-j, t any arid al! Id Is Is hereby reserved und this notice Is puli.lsh ed by uuihi.rliy of the ordinance above referred to. I mi led at Astoria, Oregon, September 21st, W8. C. C. UTZINOKH. CHARLES .JOlJi.AUlA JENS HANSON, Commit tee on Ptneis and fuldl.: Ways of the Common Council of thn City of Astoria, NOTICE OF FILING AHHErfrf.MKNT. For the Improvement of Grand avenue from Twenty-ninth street to Thlrty-thl 'd street, find of time of meeting of board of equalization of s.Jd assessment. Notice Is hereby given that lite ass'-s merit roll containing tho special nsm-as mem" for the street Improvement In the city of Astoria, Oregon, known nnd deslg mi ted us thn Improvement of Grand live nue, from Twenty. ninth to Thirty-third street, has been filed In the ofll'-e of th'' Auditor and Poli'-e Judge of wild city, and has been reported to the Common Council of said city, nnd said roll Is now open for Inspection and will so remain until Tuesday, the Ith day of October, JffiH at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., prior to whlchi said time all objections to suld assessment and said assess ment roll must be filed In writing with the aforesaid Auditor and Police Judge, when, by virtue of a resolution of the said Common Council duly adopted at a regular meeilrig thereof held September 15th. 18S, which resolution appointed the said Tuesday, the 4th day of October, 1KM, at the said hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said duy, as the time for the review and equal ization of said assessment, the Board of Equalization for suld assessment, whien board consists of the Committee on Streets and Public Ways of the aforesaid Common Council and the Board of Ases- sors nf said city, will meet In. (he I'nunell cliainliela of Ihe t'lly Halt, In llln I'll)' of Asloila, I iron on, to review and siilitl'ss said nssessmenl, nnd llterenfiei' repoii their actions u Ills said I'liiilinon t'liiiucll Tills llollis Is piilillahi'd by order of the Common Council f Astora, ndopird Hep lelllber K'lh. IMW, II. K. M'.i.HUN. Auditor nild Police Judge of I lie City aforesaid, Astoria, tU'cgon, September ITlh, v. NullCli OP' INir.NTluN die TIIU I'HMMiiN fiU'Ni'll, HI'" Till1: CI I V sis AMTOItU. HHKilHN To IMI'HDVK IIAUIIIHi'N AVKM'I'l. UKTWKKN hi;vi:m'II asp I'iuiitii h i ui:i;Tn. Noll, Is luoeliy given I hot Ihe coin, iron council of Ihe city of Astoria Intends lo improvD all that portion of Harrison avenue I.Mllg between h slloet crossing as now laid and planked lit Klglllli slleet, and the street crossing as loivv laid and plalikml ni) HeVeiilli slleet, connecting s.Cd IdHhUl llllj tfevenlh Sireds, t.y grading same lo I In. full width of stM sliei'i to the raubllahsd grod tlioioot, in I by Ihs iiiiis to lis full WdlU helWeeil s'dew.ilks, S IK lot and clllMliil. and con.irui iln gmiei, nrhmg B,i sidewalks on f a. I sldu thereof; said t tit pr iveinent to be constructed In sooord ance Willi ordlitaiin d of said city, li the Cost llieieof to be dofiayrd by special assessment upon Ihe lots, lands nnl 1 premises fronting and ..butting upon, a.l In. iil In and otherwise beitellird by said Imprvii . nu'iit, which .t. Int. Is nn. pieiu scs nr. for lli purposes of said lnipr,. lenient, luirbi In, Indcl wlrliln dlsiriil h. te..f(er 10 be cnlb il "11. liar ilsoii Anue fioin Seventh lo Elghih Street Improvement lls(rct," and suns shall lb following il.scr'b.d propei'lv, lo I. ot , l. J ni, 4, In block and lots (. , 1 and I, In block s? all In (hat part f th city of Astoria s laid mil and recorded by John M' .'lore and extended by C)rus Olt.ey, In Clatsop lolllilV. Kregoll. Now, TIIK'lll'.IMKt:, unless a remoti signed by ihe residents ef th city uniting mot than one-half of th ..oi,.ilv l,,Ve il. s, nl"d .hall be filed null the and tor and ml. Iw.lto of said city by lit time of th nr it rulsr meet lug of Ihe said common council following th final publication of this notice, towll Thutsday, tu-tubrr flh, Imh, the said Im PI i euteiil will be Hindu afufs:id This node is publtalied by resolution of sild coiiiinon council, passej at a rgulr uxetltig therov.f In said Cly. un th Ol day of August, 1.S91 I'ated Hepteintusr U. lis. II E N KI.Hi IN Auditor snd I'olb Judge of tho Oil ' ol Astoria. Oregon N' T. K 1. 1 KII.IN.I AHHKM-IMKNf Kor the improvement of Twenty. ninth sitct from rrankdn to Urtnd avenue and of time of meeting of luiiil nf rii4. it. 011 of s ild asrssmnl. N'.ithe Is hereby g len lhal the .issi ss uti'iit roll containing the special m ut f ir the sirert liuprovenient In iho city of Astoria, orrgun. known and desig n.iied s th Improvement nf Toenty. ninth stres fr'nt t-'rankln to lirsnd avenue, hat tieen filed III lh uftli of III Auditor Slid Police Judg qf sstld rlty and ha ln-en resirle, lo Ihs Common t ouii. ll of said city, nnd said roll Is nw men for Inspection and will so remain until Tuesday, the Ith .lay of October. IK. at th hur of U o'clock a. in., prior to which said Urn all ob linn a to said assessment snd said bsms mnt roll must b flle.1 In writing with lh aforesaid Auditor and Poltc Judg. when, by virtu of a resolution of lh said Common Council duly adopted at regular mesMlng tbrf bld Sntmir Uth. IV'ei. which resolution appdntd th said Tuesday, thw 'h day of (.k lolwr, 1MI, at th said hour of I'l o'clock a. m. of Mid day, as lh tint for th review and iual liatton of said swment, th lloard of Eijuslnatlon for said assessment, which te.ard consists t th Commute on H tree is and Publk' Way of I has aforeaa. Common Council and lh Hoard nf Ae s irs of said city, will mt In lh Council 1 hambers nf the City 1111, In lb t'lly Of ..storla. (irisgon. to review and jill'S said assessment, and Ihersafirr report their action lo the said Common Council. This f.otlc Is published by onler of th Common Council of Astora, adopted Heo- t.-mtier I'th. s:- II. K NKI.MuN. Auditor and Pollc Judg of the Cny aforesaid. Astoria. Oregon, Ss.ptember Uth, K. Oregon Industrial Exposition OPKM5 IN ..Portljnj, September 22 .. CLOSL5 October 22, 1898 Tlir- Kipest and (ireat.'Ht Kiposltion ev held tn lla Northwest. HORTICULTURAL mrj ACRICULTURA Proiiucts of Ori'ifou nn.l Wnslilogton will Is- 'lis(i!ut. in wonderful profuxlou, including more varieties than fVef before irnlliureil togeth er in oiitf inhibit. Gold. Silver and Bronze Medals will te Awarded. Marvelously Rich Specimens from our Gold, Silver and Other Mines. ..lli'iineifs Renowned Military Hand., Has htsa (ngaged lor lh season, Astounding Aerlsl Feata and Aero batlc I'crfoimancta. Very Low Rates on all Railroads- Admission i) . , 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 aOTl'S PENNYROYAL PILLS JfTt-4. Thry ovu-mii Yf autumn , Ii p. trv jfrVa, sviiii uMiiiaii un ilia in riiriiairita. "ffirml wnmanhocMj. Jtiuinir d ittiitiii of firtfim no iojf. ns nattl sslnail Fn) WAmefl suiimla th fin. Cantinl tiu hrni-llff Im- ronies a lllsasnrs. SI per bos K0TT CPIKIOAXCO'-iU-.o.' WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Rlvsr and Puget Sound Navi gation company, JlHlley Ontiert leaves Astoria dnllv ax. com Htinday, nt 7 p. m. Leaves 1'ortland dully sxeept Sunday at 7 a. m. Whlta Colhir Una tickets Intsnrhanffenbla on Ilnllsy Uatzert, T. J. Hotter and R. K. i nonipson lor Astoria ami ill way noinis, Plavel. Ilwaco. 8avlw. Lonv lleacn. and Nahcotta, , C, W. STONE, U. B. SCOTT, Astoria Agent. 8 " Xtef rresiasnt. Teiepnone no, u. CUSSIHED ADVOTSjMENTS WANTKU VATI'I-IIUl'HK I'MTAIIIdlsHKI' W Vr..r. .. .". Vllli-sr Ude r gen Huail clii.reh V,'""'-u'llT"i ,,.t and nw.n..a.i here. Need , esva h e. y isi llisl 1 . ' ! , a a ...If ..ddllM...,! sM.tuped v. Mop.. I i A Klder, llenei.ll Manager, cars Aslorlan, I Ai.ll.K Vil Mi'llK t A 1 1 S I ' " TIIKi 'i . ha'nd la...!,, I...;l. ,,At lolled l eel. lalesl nv Ion for '" i clo.hl.-.. ..,id..ear 11. j M -ol heel and le In bo-I' D. ' '", woik II. Iierfeel .-..".: "" I ',' for IM eenl. l 'er A .v.," 1. and Novelty Company. 1'"-' f " ... sireel, l Yhikhin'l. . '..Hfo' iir. i.osr, e.i.iriiiHi: !'..MI,AI""'I. i.iiM I' A i. i'i... Iri.l.i- leave at 1'. A, slole and Hie H' . 'i'l ' ' KOIt IlKNT. ..,, ,.;NT IM'HIIlAllli: II.m.MH A I'. ii,l..lis. tl.n.diii.'il liun-li'fc. Pull HICNT-llliOU Hot HK AM IIAUN lisd lour . r. s of I ii.d, in sr t'laisop t liy sullen, known us His fisisop iMaiolflc. Apply lo A Tg. i''J Cviiiiiier.lal St., eliy ' PUlt H.U.K. koii H.u.irii..t,m: am; i.'r. '' 1...1" lllilll, uvilooi nn. I !- sireel. I I'l" I ! o, .,, ,i (,.. I Apply to Ji'llll Hull. Itl.rll'ArHA.N IH UiH)i il i'l-: NT MKAlJi AT TIIK Hl lltg Sun llesiaiilaltl. MiHi'i-:i.l.AM-:ot'H. ir ..c u a r i im; mi f"4 ai , .all c.l .l..oi,e IMiliey ' Ncilciiil. when- .ill ilio il-II. J' I' s of tUS serfsoii ih.ii l-e fiiulld l.tll ls Ml I' INK AHIII.AM' I'll I 'UI iiae'b.s. .heuii. J 1 1 lllss.'is A " i-uii i ini: tkas. i;.v 1. 1. 1. Lsr t or- lees. ui silca a' lo ri'Aill' A HluKM I tuy Hiiu.i.i.N.i i'Kr t;a and baking Hidvr. m i:i:r k a tint at tiib Moa. i mi: juai'I.k i.kak cukajkuv hl'T ter. r'oaid Jk Mtofcea l.'o , sgonl Vlli:N Vl'll WAST r'lNK TKA. IXHI i-ofis snd sillies, try Koard A Si" Co, HAl.lK.)NH Tin: i.oi!VKit-i'Mi:it tmk ahi. luuiiusninenl of August Krals. Is dally In-coining a ntofa and ni"i l'luir ro sort. I hs club rooms on the sn.l fl'r are ii. i an allructl.s featur of lh ratabllslitusi.t. lirtlll'IANri I'll. Al.ntKK KINNHV-iil'TI.'K AT rswldeili', t'oniiiiarclal sireal, nssir Muth om.e bouia. tlorning until W: all afl.rii.ieii until , ttemiigs un.ll I u ilo. k. iit. n n kmtkk, riiVHiriAN ani Hiirgein. rli'c tlenli"n lo disraaa of Monisii and suigsry om.-si m.r )aB- cl slots, Asl.ilis. Tile. No. U I'll. JAV Tt'TTI.K. I'll VMIe l AN ANU bu.gesm I'fnie, rienns I an.i s. ryniaa lliilldlng. Ul'a I a ri iw deni same Tsll'h.ins H Acting sa aistsni t'l.Ksd Htstsa niarln busiillal anviio. UAHuNlC. TKMI'l.K UllHlK ND T, A t. A'U A. l Itssgular ma lie . I on the nial and third Tuesday stenlng ot aeh month II IV, l.ol SrllH-lllU. W. U .K. C. llOl.l't.S. Hsvfsiary. ATTHlNr:H. II. T. CltiiMMV. ATToHNI.'r-AT-I.AW, 4 Coninnsnlal sirrct. 0- A, POWLIlT. ATT0HN1C AVI) rOCNSKUOR AT LAW. OfHea. Bond firsot. Astarta. Or. William' Kidney Rills Ttaa no rniinl u tliasiajirs of tltssT I RUltwrs aui I riimrr Driratis. list VjriKt nrifUvtstl your 1'Ulueys? lis 1 fh-ia and rausr.1 tmubla with yur , tKUm-vs and llln.l.ler? liars you1 pall) In tho loins, nii, Wk.irT.iitS I sixi rimlcU r? a Ca'.'.y au penrauoj t.f tho fnco, rs.-s:iallr ' ..n I... II.. ...... S i. , i.,s.s s t-M , . irei v,s", v .is' ay slri josa urine Y Wllllatn's Kidney . I'llls n 111 tnitiurt new lifts to the dlv tf i'aso oratis, tone up C..3 system A land mnUoanrw man ut you. lly . mnil W cents i;r h t. ' Williams Mro. .!., I'mtts, Oralaod. a f" M IS mii r-'U-l? f.f l,..l..,t4. r . . . 'o-t., la I m I si s. LJ shli-si. as i a I i I 4is. f ass s MiMisis. h, in, ifrtuiia ur !' Snssast SUMSL ll. a . f In It nm I n. Vl'Mitmfis-itri ' on ssiin..i,i s-empnn,o I 1 "I mml4 h l Vi u i rr'-"' y Irraiitala, j A of la slsia rrfr. dWM t' it'. S"sill M PyW Ii in, .r J l..ik, . i' t i trsulsr s.ui ui - J. B. VVYATT. fhsa Na. Aslaels, Oraga H nn.l wore, ShipChnndlery, Orocerleta, Provlnlons, HAINTM and OIUH. S sslal Attsatlo fsiat Is lapply( tk SS Astoria Public Library KEADINO IIOOM FltEE TO ALU Opsn srsry day from a e'oto,, to ( H a m t i s p, to. ubMrlptJoD rat- tt par annum. W. cor. BlTntli god Duan trta. EAST m SOUTH LEAVE POltTLAND ARRIVB OVEni.AND EX l'HKHH, for Hiilom, Itosobiiig, Ashland, Hncramentn, Ogd.oi, Han Francisco, Mo- iavs, Ixis Angeles, il Psso, New Or. nans snd ths East. Roseburg passenger Via Woodhurn, for Mount Ansel, fill. 6:00 T. M 1. A. M n x A. M I SO P. M Dally xoept Sunday Dally icept Sunday ysrton, Wist Hlo, Iirownvlll flnrlng. 0I1 and Nation.... Cnrvallls . . n-.n k. mi ?4:H P. M Indepondenc pass' Itsilj A.M 5:60 A. M Dally, tDally except Sunday Connecting al Ran Yanols,w T s dents- A 0ati7Vicin7KuTnd snisj fl nlo stei JAl-AN. CHINA, AltHi' ItAT.TA i r HAWAII. nebabs ilefcat. ..... ... Portland, B.cVm o" ,'nd BaS vZT OO. Nat rate 117 iil Ji.".0 .lrn0ls- ond-ela... including sleeper ' ,U M0" ir..i, t'ckfU to Eastern points and Of innaf Cfl 'wt xl - u. M . g f, a,