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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1898)
4 TllE DAILY 1ST0R1AN, TUESDAY liOKMKG, SKrTEMUER 20, 18UH V." i vs JOHN T. LIOHTKR, Bdltor. Tslspuon No, d terms or icnaaurTioN. DAILY. flnt b mall, Pr W nt lr mall. Pr month rtad by Cirri or. Mr month WEEKLY. pVnt It mU. Pr rr, In aoenc....t00 Postsge fre to tubacrtbr. ill commiirUoaUoo intended for publi cum should b directed to Ui tdltor, puain communication! of J1 kind and remllianc muit t addrwd to Th Astortsn." The Atriai (UWiMMt to It s d Me tis' r lt burr rat cSrcvrUlloo of an n.wa- papar ubUhd on the Columbia, rtrtr, Agrertlslng rate etui to bad on appil a'jon to ttto bui(aca manager. lnstanc. Prndleton to Portland , Pendleton to Tacoma Pendleton to Statu Ivndlftnn to Astoria. , Walta Walla to Portland....... Walla Walla to Tacoroa.. Walla Walla to 8ettl.. ....... Mile. si M SSI J sa si ' us Walla Walla to Astoria...,. -V The Oreconlan aald on Sunday that the common point lumber rat U not wanted iy Astoria, except aa "a preliminary to foreleg wrneat down th rlror by rail. At other' time tho am paper he charted that tho agitation for a coav mon point at AMori la Inspired by Ham' mond and In tho Intereet ot hi railroad. How unfair and uncandld tnli "arfu ment" aicainat tho Aitoria common point la will occur to every reflective person when It la remembered that the common point on lumber was Brat asked of the O. R. A N. Company, and the common point en wheat can at present be granted only by the same company. How. then, can tha agitation for these concessions be said to favor tho A. ft C railroad or b de signed to force the O. R. N. Company to divide Its earning with the Astoria road. Doesn't the O. R. A N. Company maintain Its own water lino to Astoria, and would not any common point It could make to Astoria be over Its own line? It need cot. and probably would not, divide eoo penny of Its eco!r-s wlU.jne,A- C. or any other railroad. (B order .,t ranch common point at Aetorta. Statement showing: what tho farmer receive for wheat at Walla Walla, when It has to be shipped to Portland to toad bito ships, and what h would receive If tho train producers could ship direct to Astoria at common point rates: Farmer receive for 100 bushels of wheat, at Portland US 40 Freight charte to Portland at B-JO per ton not. t a co Value of Wall Walla wheat in Port land (as per price quoted In the Oregon'.an of Saturday. Sept. IT).. S3 W Freight from Portland, to Liverpool GJ shillings per gross ton) a a Total cost at Liverpool ST9 Jl Fanner receives .) cents per bushel. Va Portland. r If Astoria had terminal rates: Fanner would receive for IM bushels of wheat $14 81 Freut to Astoria at US) per net ton '. 0) Freight charges to Liverpool from Astoria (23 shillings per gross ton. same rate as from San Francnsco). 14 76 Tot il cost at Liverpool f79 Jl Farmer would receive, via Astoria. cents a bushel, a difference in favor of the producer, if shipped via Astoria, of OfcC cents per bushel. On io.000.000 bushels, the amount which It to estimated the O. R. A N. Company win haul Into Portland this season, the saving to producers would be. I? brought to Astoria at common point rates, J1.&8.000. When It Is considered that the Northern Pacific Is now taking to the Sound fully 40 per cent of the total export product of the Inland Empire, and that a common point rate to Astoria would Induce a very low ship charter rate at Astoria, with a corresponding Increase In the price paid tor wheat at the mouth of the Columbia river. It to not an unreasonable assump tion that nearly all tho Inland Empire wheat would come to Astoria. Thus, the Increase in quantity shipped from Astoria as compared with the 20,000,000 bushels to be shipped this season at Portland, wonld augment the possible saving on this ar' crop alone to fully the sum of $2, W0,v, It Is rtred that one county In Orel ton, tributary Xthe mouth of the Col- mbU, has 5,000,000 Kahels of wheat al ready stored for shipment' If Astoria had tha terminal rates desired, the additional profits to that single county, at 06.43 nt per bushel, on thlB season's crop, would amount to tho aum of $321,500. Cannot the Inland Empire papers see bow the producers 'are Interested in the Astoria common point question? niE COMIKQ LOTTERY AT SALEM. Tho senatorial question Is the one pre eminent in the minds of legislators ana 'liilcians In Oregon during these few re Untr days before the law-making will be convened. A very quiet but t work is going on, principally In and It U hoped, by the friends of each candidate to have everything cut and dried by the time the members from the outlying counties get together. It Is generally admitted that Joe Simon is not a candidate. It probably would be It his friends thought there was a chance for his election. Simon Is one of the most sagacious politicians In the state and never goes into a tight unless he sees his way out of It with success for his re ward. There are few. if any, who could do more for Ore ton in const thAn Simon, but the people are not yet ready to give their approval to h:s election. For that reasjn the lrgilior-mny of them friends of Simon will not now consider him a rosslble candidate. John H. Mitchell will have a llnser In the pie. and It Is becoming apparent that If he does not get his share, or more, he Will at least make his oppon""! n ,n' terewlnt time while they feant. It Is said that the republican forcea are so evenly divided that the silver forces will holJ the balance of power. According to tha offldnl list there are twenty-four mem bers of the llglslature designated as dem ocrats, silver republicans, populists and union. It Is rumored that Jonathan Bourne. Jr., will go down to Salem and organise this body of ssen, who will hold the deciding Totes. hlle Bourne may not have so much money to light with this session aa ha did In 197. he has an abundance ot executive ability and daring and will be la the thkest of the gght It Is possible, ot course, that the repub licans will get together In caucus and agree opoa a candidal whom they will elect without division In their own ranks. That Is what they should do. but the probabilities are nearly all against such action. Mitchell's friends at like I many ot Dolph s In 1SK, they are blind and deaf to everythlns; but the beck and J call of their chief. Either Lord or Corbett would be satis factory to the Portland faction, but both will encounter a strong opposition. Lord has made many appointments during his term as governor that have been unsatis factory to many of the republicans of this state and for that reason there will be strong opposition to an enlargement or continuance of his appointive Influence. There may be other objection to him. but none that should prove a serious hin drance, provided he can explain away his unsatisactory appointments. The objec tlon to Corbett will be mostly on "general principles." Rumor says that Mitchell will support Fulton for senator, and. If so. there are many more unlikely things than his elec tlon. Whether Fulton will want to run as Mitchell canoklate to. however, question.. . . But as yet there Is nothing definite to bo known. Onljr conjecture, founded on what political movements can be ob served. Is possible at this time. "Dark horses" aro always ready and it is as safe to predict the weather for next September as to undertake to aay what the outcome of the senatorial fight will be. . IT Death had to sitti the warrant fur ercrr vic tim that Le -tlaims as Uis . . I ii would be fewer prerra. ii ture deaths. J In the majur '-1 ity ot 5t men and .'.t! women siii 1 th e i r own J death war rants. Neglected health mean h. A man or worn an mar not realize it. but the little ills that thry neglect are simply the danger signals that warn them of the approach of big in? serious maladies. A well man or woman gets up in the morning happy ana clear-nraded and alert, both mentally and physically. They have a hearty appetite for breakfast. Thry go aooui mcir wora witn alacrity, and a flense of pleasure. The day's end finds them tired, but not fagged aut They still have me energy tor sn evening s enjoyment. At night they find sound, refreshing alum ber. They do not have frightful drrams during their sleeping hours, nor are they 'drowsy during their waking hours. They are not ill tempered or fault-finding. When men or women find their condition the op posite of this, they need a course of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It strengthens the weak stomach, corrects the impaired digestion invigorates the liver, and purifies and enriches the blood. It is the great blood -maker and flesh builder. It strengthens the muscular sys tem, gives Dioom to me complexion, regu lates the functions of everv vital orran and imparts both mental and physical elasticity and energy.. Medicine dealers sell it, and have nothing "just as good." " I had heen troubled for sereril years with spells of liver coropliint," write H. N. Dratis- neia. nq , or bweetupnngt, Monroe Co., W. Vs. "sod about two yean sno my health grave wsv I tried a doctor and itot wornesll the time. I hl s weaknns in my left side and limb, pc Illa tion of the heart, cramping; pains in the itomach after eating; nerves weak and no enerifv. I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and began to mend from the (tart. I toon felt like a new oerson. I am now enjoying good health." A pension has been granted to a Turk ish soldier, who. after three years service in the army, became 111, and coming un do medical treatment, wsb discovered to 3ears' soap responds to wa ter instantly; washes and rinses off in a twinkling. m a 1 v I. 'V-VlktA. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WIS ARE ASSL'RTINO W THE COURTS OUR IUG1IT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE Of THE NVORD "CASTORIA" AND TITCHER'S CASTORIA." AS OCR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHZR, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the Qriginatcr cf ... 41 CASTOR I A, -.the srme that has borne ami uo:s nov) bear 0n Cirry the fac-sirilj sijruilurtt f GU&$fffi&Zfa wrapper. This is thcorig!:;d "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes ef tie Mcthers rf,incrica jr over thirty years, LOOK CAREFULLY at tho ursppcr ar.i stv that it is tho hind uoit hive ctecys rai;hi rjf - on the and has the sujuaiurt cf 'tl&uu wrap per. No cfjo has cdhcrity from mo. to uso v:y nemo except The Centaur Cmmr,y cf n-hich Chas. II. Fletcher is PiesiJent. Do Not Bo Do not endanger, the life, a cneap suosiicurc wnicn some urugtsc may oner you (because ha makes a few more pennies on it), the in gradients of which even he docs not know. "The End Ypu Have .Always-; Bought" ' BEARS THE Insist on' Having The Kind That Fever Failed You. - - " MANHOOD RESTORED j"J tttn a! m immaum Drh th vats-tsui will miL-k l ttoael a Umoua tuus Of 4imm of tsxf -. Vn4ini W3 iMusiiMUun. iiMoraan isn tinti IMuf di-hnt. all lb burmrivC arwna. '""i" kkl;r ami Uim urinary orttnsof ail Uupunua rrsint iUHtkmil NMuMufnall weak ornn Tie rrtmta wtV'rn r pol rurro b l-ior Prtualllla. CVVIPKNEll'myknnrmlnrawiirMotaiip.raUuo. 9ioiriumut. a A wntlo tvrw rivraiii mwi rviumvj auOabos.wi luHHT . rue rasacircuiwaiMi irsuiDuaiata A4insPAVliaKOICiaKCr.aBosaiCBrrMicaa.Oa rrBaltH CIIARLE ROT.Ens. 4. OommenUI Ht. he a woman. Sick headacfta abaorntetr and prn-! enUy cured by ustatf MokJ Tea. A pitatJ ant herb drink. Curs constipation mad lnBcaUka. makes yon sat. sleep, work asd happy. BatM action guaranteed or or boost refunded. B and M eenta. For sais by EatatvCoaa Drue Co. In France the oxen that work In tha Held are regularly sunsr to as an encour agement to exertion, and no peasant has the slightest doubt that the animals lis ten to him with pleasure. - THE PIONEER LIMITED Is tha nam of tha only perfect train In the world, now running every algnt be tween 8U Paul and Chicago, vta tba Chicago. Milwaukee 4 fit Paul railway th wloneer road of the wean In adopt ing ail Improved facilities for the' safety and enjoyment of pasaesigera. An Illus trated pamphlet, sbowlne views of beau tiful scenery along the route of tbe Pio neer Limited. wOl be sent free to any PT son upon receipt ot two-cent postage stamp. Address George H. Hrafford General Passenger Agent. Chicago, III. The police commissioners of A'linta announce that they will awird a gold medal to the man on the force giving the best answers In fifty words to the query: "What constitutes a good pollceminT Experience Is the best teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case ot coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give Immediate relief money refunded S eta. and M eta. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. A sUtlMlcan has estimated that the av erage man of 'j years old has work-d 4.ijo days, has slept 6.1"', nis amui"-d himself 4 'Ml. has walked 12.W) miles has been 111 30 days, h partaken of meals, eaten liM) pounds of meat and 4.WJ pounds of nun, eggs and vegetables, and drank T.') gallons of fluids. Mr. John Mathtas, a w-li known stock dealer of Pulosid, Ky., says: "Af'-er suf fcring for over a weHt wi:h flux, and my physician having failed to rHieve me, I was advised to try Chamberlain's Colic, Ch'jlera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the pleasure of statin that the half of one bottle cured me." Kor sale by Charles Rogers, Drugghrt. A (lnherman near the Indiun rock Rangely lakes. In Milne, discovered a EUll dragging a trout after him. The gull got tangled In some brush near the sh're and wan caught by the guide, who found that the trout had a gang of hooks In his moutn, and the gull had one of tho hooks through its bill. The Rev. W. B.Costly. of Stookbrldge, Co., while attending to bis pastoral du ties at Ellenwood. that state, was attack. ed by cholera morbus. He says: "By chance I happened to get hold of aboitle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhooa Remedy, and I think It was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once." For szala by Charles Rog, ers, druggist. The morbid desire for details Is never more pronounced than when the curious world Ins.sts upon Knowing every particu lar regarding an accident. THE BURE LA ORIPPE CURE. There la no use su Sating from this dreadful malady, U you will only get the right rumedy. You are baring pain all through your body, your liver Is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold. In fact are com pletely used up. Electric Bitter la tbe only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your liver, stomach and kidneys, tone np the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They or guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at Esrtee-Conn Drvg Co. Only 50 cent per bottle. The public funeral of Mr. Gladstone was not expensive. Borne of the newspapers gave the cost as 135,004, but a competent authority says the cost was about $10,000. BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE! THE BEST SALVE In the world for Deceived. . of your child by aecrptint SIGNATURE OF "CUPIDCIIC" Thta erKt VfimfJ ullEinrr Ihf itffm-nr rwb ph tartan. UI qutrklrcwr ouof all nr- U grorrMive untu.s. surh u Lm Muib.l. to Hirry, Miuutaiins lrui, Vsrkwvi . 4 tr U or iu lit I'iim quk. ol.Kbtlnotr'ir.'kr.l Ira.ti w NprililirTh mj ImpMenrr. 1 riDKHE rifMMUitliiii, Itot Imn ahietjr per real aee teoirslert wttd II r-l dw not lowt a . imiaul4tre. . j Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Cetera. Bait Rheum. " I Forar sores). I Tatter. Chapped Hanls, Chilblain. Corns ami all Palo Eruptions. and poatttrely cure Pile, or no par re quired. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. ITke IS cent a per box. For sal by Estea-fonn Drue Co. It Is said that an ordinary caterpillar In. reasea U.tutf time In bulk thirty days from the. time he Is hsthed. That the Mood should perform tie vital function. H as svbsotutetr ncesary tt should not only be pur but rtrtt In life giving etemecrta. Tbe result are best sHected by the use of that we4l-koown standard blood purifier. A) ers' Bars pa rtus Tha last two descendant of Christopher Columbus are said to be occupants of a poor house In Ca.Ha. We nave used Chamberlain's Cough RiqneOy In our home for many yesrs and bear cheerful testimony 10 Its value a a medicine which should be In every family. In cougtu and cold we stave found tt to be efftcacfou and m croup and ough In children we deem 11 liullwi'io-aUe.-H. P. KITTEIt. 4127 Fairfax ave., St. Louts, Mo. For sale by Charles Rog ers, druggist. Th cabbage still grows wild In (jreece where It originated. Radishes are native lo China, hut have grown In Europe to: Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes at '& cts. For sal by Eate-Cnn Drug Co. The average woman believes more tn ever that the Philippine Islands are a sort of phllopena present since she ba learned that there are to be found there bamlijo opals and coacoanut pearls. O .A. STO XI. X -A. Bears tbe "ad You Hart Ulnar! Boi!!1 Bignatar of Some persons define frl"nilnhlp us the brlv:lar! to w-ur ttnotner womnn's clothes, order nnother's servants and K"n erally unst-t another's but then again the term has a different meaning. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful word written by Mr. Ada E. Hart. o Orotoo, B. D.: "Wa taken with a bad cold which settled on my lung; cough set In and Anally terminated In oon BbmpUon. rour doctor gave me up, say. Ii.g I could Uv but a short time. I gave rn)elf tip to tny Bavlor, determined If I coald not stay with my friend on earth I would meet my absent one above. Mr bus bend was advised to -ret Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold. I gave it trial, took In all elKbt bottle. It ha cured me. and thank Sod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottle free at Bates-Conn Drug Co. Regular s W cent and $L Guaranteed cr price re. funded. Flftwn years ago William Glen, of Powhattnn County, Virginia, was a dark mulatto. His color has been gradually changing ever since and now he Is white with the exception of a few spots on his face and neck. He says that ho has never been sick. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 25 rents. The g.-nulne has L. ii, y. on eath tablet. In the Island of Minora, one of the Philippines, the humming birds are pug- nuclous little creatures. Thousands of them frequently attack huntsman without the allKhtTt provocation, Inflicting tome- times serious wounds on the face, and neck. '' "- ' ) - j ftf " OABTOniA. Beaitth Tin Kind You Han Alwayi Bought A Beautiful Present In nrlT tn further Intro-liu c ELASTIC STARCH ( KUl Iron llMmlUhcniariu(.miirrr. I C. Mulilnurr llros.CtM'f Keokuk, lovn, haxrnViulol M U AWAY it lirniilllul present with Mihparkagpofnurt ti soM, Thrc prrirnliare In the forninf Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are ijxio Im hen In siif.aml rrntiilixl follows; Mines and SARCH (5ijfiwvsMrJXH! ' ftoAnstiaoeownt ' Pansles . and 1 nr:urltc. "J.CiTUOIrlOtrSBROrCf J Vluoswucs, (rHsXsr Theie rare plcftirrii four I t number, by the renowned pitcl tisl. K. LeRoy.i.f N :w hvf been choacn from Ihe very cholirst . fe ft I I aal ...(-..til- aril ubi ta in hi itu.llo 4nJ art now Th iicturr( are accurairlv re prtvlufeil.ln all the color ir4 in te, oritfinala, and arc rrvnuuncd' hv rmieiit criil . workTof art. Paiul plcturti art th correct tiling for Ihe home, nothing iur rasiini ihem In txsuty, rlrhnH of color and anliilr mrrii. ELASTIC STARCH ruivh. of vour Rnver. It N the best faumlry lurch oo the market, and it iM (or to ccnti a pjekje. Ak your griKcr for thii ilarth and iret i bcjuiiful h ture. All Crocin Knp Elastlo Starch. leeipt No Substitute. Newspapers In th .uth S4y tht the cotton cnp In Tens alons will be eju.l to a (Hiund of colon for every man, woman and child on earth. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tha Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bear th Signature of Irishmen of ail parties are pro.ecu'.in the movement for securing the r't r (on In Ir.lan.l uf t'sltt.- gold ernsnivut. which recently fjund Ihrlr way to th' ttritlsh museum. TOUU FAv Shows the atat of your feeling and tbe aut of your'Ji a 1. Isnpvtr Mood make Itself apparent la a P4 and allow oomplsioii. ptmpfe aad akM rut lion. U you are (wsUm weak aaj worn out and do net bav a svewldiy aasnvsr an you saould try Acker Itl wd Wisir U cur all btuod dtsea wher ce earaaparUlM aad so-osued purljw fall; Isnowiog thl w WI svsry bottle on a peatttv guars tee. The ramps to be vlslt'd hy the board ot medical olRoers named a few das sno are Camp AlKr. Falls Church. Va., and Y'tt- nandlna, Fla. Luxuriant hair, of uniform tolor. Is a tx.imirul hid cov-s-lng for either si'd may be se ur-l by using Hall s Vege table 81. Ulan Hair Itenewer. There sre some anniversaries tint we would r.i:hr fori th n remember. CJ IS 1? - XI X A. Bears ths ;4 ,y 11 14 :a Hm llairt To auk lo be excused nian. a. a mil cut to hive the servant chrin I. Ihe tun kneyeit "n 't at home " NoTI' i; OF KILI.Ni) ArirfWoMlNT. For th" impr ivemer.t of (irarnl .iven ie from Twenty-ninth street to Thlrty-'hl il !reet. and of time of ni'rllliK of 1 . n r .t of riiialltatiouif sibl asaemin.-n'.. Notice Is Is r-by K veil that the aj.nes. Hunt roll nmi i.nlt: the rpeeiii iu"ie,.. ment for the street improvement In i-iiy nt Astoria. Oregon, known and de g naleil ns the lm.rovmcnt .f lirunl uv. nun. from Tw. iry-nlnm to Th rty-:hlril street, been tiled In th. olh' e of 'he Auditor mi l I'.ilb e Juilgt- of si'd il )', and has been reported to the t'omnion Council of i Ity. and sa il roll Is now open for Inspection and will i remain unill Tuesday, t ( I'o il ly of i) vln r, IS", at the hour of lo o'c'.nck u. m., pr.or to wtiicn ham nine an oojw nous i" su,d assesstnen! nml Hd as.ei ment roll miihl be nd In writing with the aforesaid Auditor and police Judge, when, by v.rtue of a r solution ot tne siii.i i ornmoii i oum ii uu:y miop en a. a regular; tn-reor he.d . ik'i. wnn-h resolution a nt-.i tne thl, KratWt t ,,rcl.t (.(,,,1,. ffWtei sld Tuesday, tho Hh day of October. lV.v;,ni,r,)y , w ,.v,, nd ,na grll,i0.of ,h it tho said hour of 11 o'do. k a. in. of ml. I intervening- slncts to be a plan surfac oBjr, as ine time mr me review un.i nil- isaiion or siuu ussessment. tt.e nouru or, iviii.ioiauon lor .uu nss-ssmeni, w.u. n in. oi ..onoinnee niree.s anu rur.uc ways or me aror-sai.i Common Council and the Hoard of Asses- sorsof sal.l city, whl meet in the ( oiin. ll cnamoers o. in .. y nan. in me i ny or Astoria, Orcon. to review nml e'lual.xe louu iisws mofimiT re;.ori their actions to the said Common Conn. II. This noil.-o la published by order of the Common Council of Astor.a, adopted Hep temher l.'.lh, IVjs. II, E. .Nhi.HON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City nforesiiid. Astoria, Oregon, September 17th, X. NOTICE OF FILING ASSESSMENT. For the improvement of Thlrty-flrn street, from Franklin to Grund avenue,, mid of time of meeting of board of eiU il. Izatlon of snld aHHCssment. Notice Is hereby given that the iishcss- ment roll contaliilng the special assess ment for the street Improvement In Hie Ity of Astoria, Oregon, known and deslit- nuted as the Improvement of Thlrty-llrst Htncot, from rrnnklln to Orand av.- nue, has been flleci in Ihe ome of the Auditor and Police Judge of said cl'.y. and has been reported to the Common Council of said city, and said roll Is no w open for Inspection und will so remain qntll Tuesday, the 4tn day or uciouer, Wt. street to the established (trade thereof, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., prior to and by nlanklngthe same to Hi full wldtn Vnich said time all objections to between stdewulks, gutter end curbing, said assessment and said assess- and constructing gutters, curbing and ment roll must be filed tn writing sidewalk on each side thereof; suld Im with the aforesaid Auditor and Police provement to be constructed In accord Judge, when, by virtue of a resolution of ince with ordinance l.tol of aald city, and the snld Common Council duly adopted at th , Wild American Popples. IT. Lilacs nnd Irl3. odcrtJ hi tllC tint time to the PuMlr. Ituti. a regular nieetlng thervof held HopUmt'er t.'th, 14M. which resolution appointed lh aid Tuesday, (he ih day of tt. tober. i at the said hour ot to o'clock a. m. of aald day. as the time for the review and tual nation nf said s.seaament, the Hoard of H.jii ilisailon fur .aid a.sraameiH, wlilc board con.l.ts of th I'oinmlltee n Streets and I'uMlc Ways of th afrrsIJ ('ommon iiincll and the Hoard of Ae ir of said illy, will meet In th Council crmmUfa of lh City Hall. In the Clly or Aatorla. Oriii, to review and equal Se aid mrnt. and thrreaftrr rpir their uctloiis to the aal.l Common Cmiitci Thl. lion. a puhllahfd by unler of h Common Council of Astor.a, adapted Hep tember Uth. II. F- NKIJION. Auditor and IVIice Judge of th, Clly afore. aid. A.'.oria. Oregon, Bepniler Itth. IM. NOTICE lF FII.INO A8.1i:il!tMKNT. For lli Improvement of Twenty-ninth treat 'from Frank. In u Urand sv.nus, siul of tlm of meeting uf board of nUal Union of sahl ' Nerlfr I hereby g.trn Hist th .e. ment rvl) containing th siwlul M.e.a ment for the street Improvement In th city f Astort. Oregon, known and deig nated as th Improvement of Twenty ninth stre from Franklin to Orand avmue, has been filed In th cAlc of th. Auditor and l'ollc Judge of said clly. snd has bswn rep.rted to th Common I ouncll of said city, and said roll Is now open for Inspection and will so remain until Tuesday, th Ith day of October, it at the hour of U o'clm k a. m , prior 1 rtlcri said time all ohj Uona 14 a d saae.ament and said ase ment Mil must t flletl In writing with the aforesaid Auditor and Police Jii.lice. when, by virtue of a resolution of ihe said Common Council duly adopted at i r gular meeting thereof held H-ptvinber I'.th. s:ei. h.h resolution appoint.! ths aid Tueaday. the day of October, lS it th said hour of l o'cIih k a. m. of said lav. sa Ihe lime for the review and equal H it on of said u.aea.mrnt, the Hoard of Kiu il.iatlon for aald nsaeaamrnt. Willi n ixiard roii.i.n of th Conimlile on Htree'a im. I public Way of the aforesaid Common Council nnd the Hoard of A'.ea or nf s -Ud d'y, will inert In the Counc of (he City Hull, In the City of alorla, orison, to review nnd ripm! Se said nai..menl. and thereafter report their actions to the said Common Council Thl uotbe I. published by order of the Common Counill of A'tor a, adopted Hep O nil er litli, A. II. E. NELSON, Ainlltur and police Judge of the O'y afore. aid. A'l'.rl.i. Oregon, Hepiember ITth, K'V N.iTli'E OF INTENTION OF COMMON COIMH, of AttriiltlA. OHEOoN To K.STAHLIHH tlltADKH. Notice . hereby given that Ihe com nioii council of the city oi Astoria, Ore- g iii. ropnes to ratnbllsh th grades a oiihv Avenue at its Intersection with i'ii or iiooaon aireei. in sain cut. at ai and fe-t above the base of grades, a (;.ny Aienue tlinnnili which the buik-hctti rullt llt Un im,.r,,.,on wln ,m or ,on sirce!, at !'l fret ubov th base j((f unJ , ,hfl ,.;or.hfMj u,1 nt lt, t,.ril,.,.,l(pn wl(h ,,, 6th or Hobson Utreet at w f. et abov the base of grades between crossings, All(J lln,,H a remonstrnnce sljiied by the ow ners of tlir-e-fourth of tho proper- ly adji'tent lo said atreet and lnlrc ,,, ,hpr,.of n,rd wlh lhu aU(tor and Im,,,. jtl,Ul, wnn , (1vg ,Tom ,h. ,,,,. f ,ne , ,,ut),.tt,(m of ,h, no ,,.. wl,,.n t,,,,,, u)CUt(m i, be 0 i,..,,,,.,, 2(lll llHV ,. ,h. ,..,., council will at Ita ...rlleat ' oiivetiirnce or within six months uftcr ilotH istnbllHli tho aforesaid grudes by onlliiance. Dated Heptcmbor llllh, ISM, and pub llshed by uuthorlty of the said common council by resolution datod September 1st, 1WS. II. E. NELSON, Auditor und Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon, NOTICE OF INTENTION OP THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASTORIA, OR BOON TO IMPROVE HARRISON AVENUE, IIETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH STREETo. Notice Is horehy given that the com- mon council of th city of Astoria intend to improvo all that portion of Harrison nvenue lying hetween thu atrect crossing as now laid nnd planked at Eighth street, and the street crossing a now lull and planked on Seventh street, connecting said Eighth and Seventh streets, by irradlng same to the full width of said cost thereof to be defrayed by special 1 a adjacent hi and o'h.rwls Hnnts.i rr said Improveiiienl, wlilih lots), land and premises me. for III purp"ss ol M lllipriiVMiiinlit, lli'leli)' lliillldetl wlihlll a illsirii'i nsresrter to I'siini n rl.on Awim frtim Hrvstilh In KlnlilN fttreei Impruveinoiit Dlsirlil," and .ball enilirscs Ihe following iles.'rllil pnipertv, lo-lli Ja.Is 1, I, I and 4. lit block and lota t, , T and t, In I'loi'k ti all In Dial pari of i dlv of Astoria na laid mil nnd mcor.ted by John M''''l"r. and Mli'iulmt by I'yru tilnV, In t'lnlsop ruiinty. rron, NiV, THKIlKrliltK. unl.'ss a rtnon. trnnon slnd by Hi residents (if ihe city ownlii more limn un-hlf of th prnperty abov described, ahull be flll Willi Ilia auditor nml police Judy nf said i lly by th limn of the nesl rinlr " Ills' of the said common council r.ltw lust tlie Oiisl publlcailon of this notice, towlli Tlitirs.ltiy, ticiober mh, I six. ilio sld im pniveineiil is III lis mad s afui es.ild, llils nolle I published by resolution nr aid common council, passed at a rsiular inrellna thereof In said oily, on III 4th luf of Austuat, 11 Dated Hcplvmbvr U, I- II. K. NKI.MiiS, Auditor and l'ollc Judas of tlis Clly r Astoria, (iregon. CUSSIHED ADVERTISEMENTS ' WANTED Wanted" hvVan "and wife, i;. alilon on daily farm or creamery Man . I nrat-clss Imiler maker: woman, good , cook. Address, .Map siul wife, care Al- torisn. m 4TANTrn-IIOITHK V:HTAHI.r4HKI V )ra-ariy, rlihrr lady or geiill.niaii. of gvHHl church aisiiilliig. aa voire'pon. (lent and manager hi. Nd it leave vhimi. Malory imsj mat yer. ItnciiMa elf.ail.lreel slanie.t etiveoi to A I Kuler. Oenarsl Manager, rar Astorlan. iiAtME TfTtH PIJSIN KKWINU AT home; 1 U pr day, Jour months' work guaranteed; jtrnd stsmfwd em flop f r rlli-ular. Utopian Hupi'ly Co , T lftl and I'lltMrt trts, I'MudaiiiMi. pa. lalv Hand Imi, ms.U uf pollshwl rollsd steal, latesi Invention for mend ing cjulhliw, underw, table linens or heel and lo In ho.lary; child can Work peri.'! .Hit ts. ilraater W S4M1I tH4lpa.l lor en Oraaler Weal A1vrilaln and Novell Ity CiMtipany. IliaU wasning- ton tr, (MikUnd, v allfornl. a. LOST, l,oHT-rlMA.L IH.ACK mU. WKAHIMI unmarse.i .Miiar. ai at city Jail ana reiv reward. roil RENT, FOR ItK.ST-MAlXxiN Ht'll.DlNil AND lot i srrnin with br nsture n rlu. ling ci.m.oliallun . an, I liIIUr4 table of C. Ii. Palm berg, Astoria. r'Oll HEN T-'DFMtHAHt.E R'KMs! Apl up.Ulia, (IoihIiimii Huliuiiig. Toil HKNT-4K)Or) IIOl'BK AND II A It N nd tour acr.s of land, o.r t kaisop city siaUi. known a lh. Cln powuthi-. Apply lo A. Tgg, tU CuciMiirv4 (.. cur . rOH SALE. rl HAI.E-ttAUKlN HUllixNil AND mi i Warrenioii. with tr nil urea, in cluding lumbtnsiion p-x snd lulilar lain iintii.r uf C. U. I'alnioerg. Astoria. rt)R SALK-llot'HE ANI l.ol', COH nr Or and avuu and Twenty ninth street, t I'lTlow n. lui Utio fi. Apply lo J.shn Hull. KE1TA U RA K TS. OOOD U CKNT MEALS AT THE M Ing Sua RaaKauranL MISc'ELLANEOl'S. ir Yoi: wa-st kink mvuhki and rrawiiah call on o..rg Hartley at tn NtkBl. shir, all th dMcl of th hssus tin Ik found. lots or fink ahiilani citAWtoiiD paaicBe. cnsp. rf (, Hlslgins to. for riKE teas, excuu-ekt cor- lev, pur (' go la OARD a STOKES CO. TUT BHIU.INUS U EST TEA AND punt powder. WEKT CIIEAU ttq A I1NT AT THE P- IKK MAPLE I.KAF CREAM EH V HUT- ler. oaru tuog io.. Mnt. W H E N YotTvV ANT N K TBa7" KMJD coir and splea. try Foard s Blokssi Co. . SALOONS. TllE UJUVKR-L'NDEII THE AHI.E nwiisgfiisnt of August Krais, I doily bouining a rnur said mot popular re sort. Th. club room on tit sacond ftou sr now an attractlv f.atur of the establishment. . riirsiciANs. " DR. ALFRED KINNEY OFFICE AT reaioanca, Lonimorciai airaat, nr Hixlh. Ofllc hours: Morning until 10: II afternoon until I; vsmnga until I o'clock, DR. O. tl. E8TE8. PHYSICIAN AND Uurgeon. HMK-la attention lo dlses of woman snd aurgary. otn.-e ovr Dan ngur store. Astoria. Tela, No, b. Ml. JAY TUTTUC. PHYSICIAN AND tlurgnon. Ortlce, rooms sod i, I'ythlsa iiuuuing, uis vosnmarciai ureal. Resi dence same. Telephone let. Acting as sistant surgeon United Ulat.a nisrtn hospital service. MASONIC. " TEMPLE IJlHlR NO. ti' A. F, AND A. l lingular CiilultiUlilcatiloiis held 0 th flrat snd 'h!r. Tuesday evening of each month. O. W. LOUNHIlElllty. W. M.;E. C. HoLDEN. dciulury. ATTORNWl.4. II. T. CROSHY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, v .oiniiiercisi si rev l. J. Q. A. HOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Oltlc. Bond fltrt, Astoria, Or. M's Nerverine Fills t - TU - zm - rmiy for nervous pro. i. I rat ion and all ncrvoua J discairi ol (h ar fcnrllv or- 1.11 IdlMI. aan, n -j.L,. tt. tuch U Nervous Pmsiralinn. Faille. t Minliood, Irnpottncy, Nlghliy Enil. (Ions, Youthful Error. Menial ceulve use of Tobacco or CVfum, which lead to Coniumpllon and Inwnlly. $1.00 xrrnx by mailt 6 box for 15M iiii i o bPLniMi iu Kioci. ciaielanlOhlsv "Is M la a nnn-Mietio'ia reniiily f,,r il,. i, riUHKJf 1 !!.le..i. Hn.rm.toi h,: Whliea, unnatural il,.. rhargea, nr anr IiiIIhiii mo- linn. Irrllil..i. ... ..i Pr.ff..w Maualas. tl.m nf muootia n,-,,,' intcnaibiiismii nn, .nea, nun-aainnsmii OlHOIHMIl.t . aa, J. B. WYATT, PhonaNo, 8 Astorls, jjr.g Flm-flwcire, Ship Chandlery, OrooericB, Prrviloniy, PAINTS and OILH. S.sclal Attiatlon Pale to Supplying Ships SBsessmsitl . Upon In lots, snu prsmlsiM frnilnT and tuiilii ui"i. Jf?sr. IV U.I0UK AND Al l l.r"-f "old sy Uragglala, , j. C?r "" lln "raiiper. ' ciruuiar aeui uu V- " : vL:'l - JL-..-.1 - A 'AjjllJ