TI1E PAILY AST0R1AK, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTKMWCU 10, 18rf8 TntHY'Sj WTTHFH. Fair, ctH tain along Wanhlnnton ftonnt. AROUND TOWN. SATTRDAY. V can lve klmlly mwrch, And rM.ly, tirlplng hand to All and ach, lt'l trxxl thing (he Cnrncl Hill I lunv lr laxjen, Th. Htnte arrived In yfaicnUjr from San FranilK'o. Th. llrlilsh hlp OUrspool will Iev up tod jr fr Portland. Sheriff Williams went Knapp 1' hIrM on ofhYlal business, John Stuart Illtchen I down from Clif ton on a visit of a few day. Frank rctltt, ft well known saloon man ot Ilwaco, died ymerdajr of consumption Charlt A. Aleawv lve thl morning for Rainier, where h. will visit for a fe dajra. Lumber la not truing up, Th Oarnt Kill la ettlln lower and lower very day. Tn trial of D. MalaRamba. on chart of larcrtiy of a net resulted In a verdict of not itulltf. The uk Escort coaled at the. coU bunk ra yesterday and will ro Into commission on the bar today. Ttis NstloroU City, with freight and pas sengers from 8n Kmnclsco and way ports Is due today. Well, what's the matter with the Gur net Hill? Aren't those brnaclos scrapM oft her bottom yet? , Mrs. Strong; and family have returned to MrMinnville, after a months visit wl'h Mr. and Mrs. E. C, HoUea. Mr. Charles lltsltiorn enterMlneJ party of friends at the family rvM'noe Ism evening In honor of his birthday. Today Is the last day whlih water rales can be paid to avoid the penalty , or twenty-five wj additional charge. Vhe acceptance of the Eleventh street ewer was filed In the auditor's office yes terdy. TUs vx of the Improvement 1 ' L-on't lake the time to home when you can enjoy a fine merchants' lunch at I with luncn. It's a doctor's business to study health, doctor confidently recommend HARPER Whiskey. Sold by Foard Stokes Co., Astoria, Or. It's pretty nearly time th people ot Portland were getting- tired of paying taxes to nrnke channels for the benent ot few warehouse. A long-felt want-On Saturday George Bartley will begin eerTlng mercnanfs lunch at the National Beer or coffee served with lunch. Why not pla-t a lamp on board the Gar net HU1 for the convenience of the river boats, and let It go at rtiat? She d make a fine lighthouse. Mrs. C. C. Newman, a first class dress maker, would like to sew in families. Sne can be found at 13) Twelfth street, or Addressed at Warrenton. Miss Nellie Cutblnh died t the home ot her parents In this city yesterday, ol consumption. Deceased was 18 years of age. The funeral will be held Sunday. The Oregonian says the two dredges at that city will probably be operated an winter. Well, is that so? What for? The liver fills up as ftist as It la dredged out. The next time a Portland middleman comes down this way to purchase loss ask him what tie wants them for. It's dollars Ifl doughnuts be won't suy for shipment to the Orient. Presbyterian church Services as usual tomorrow. Theme of the evening sermon: "The Apostolic Benediction." Evening theme, 'Self-assertions. A cordial Invi tation is extended to all. Congregational church Preaching by the pastor, Rev. E. 8. Bollinger. Morning theme, "Preplexlty and Its Divine Cure," evening theme, "The Silence of Christi anity on Soma Things Behind the Veil." There will be the usual services at the Baptist church tomorrow. The subject ot the niornlnr sermon will be "The Mace donian Cry" of that In the evening "The Lord Giving Light." Come everybody. Norwegian Evangelical Luthern church English Sunday school at : a. m.; Norwtlan services at 10:45 a. m.; text, Lukexva, 11-1, "The Two Lepers. En glish service in the evening at 8 p. m., subject: "Joseph in Egypt" Appointments have been mode for rail way maJl clerks on the Astoria at ctjiuih bia River railroad. Those securing po-.itin-ui J M Howes, of the Portland Spokane run. and William J. Hall, of the Fortland-Huntlnglon run. Tom Barrows. Thomas Boyle, Westport; Jacob Frederick. F. Scheuaker, C. Curtis. H. f Cantor'. Fortt'anby: II. KreOs, .-.e balem: V. H. Fink, Chicago; John Bays. F. C. Rich, Kliivel; Jumes Brown, kn.'P pa, are at the Parker House. Attention Is called to the fact that the Astor House dining-room will be reopened Sunday morning, and will inereafier con tlnue to srve meals to regular boarders and transient guests at moderate prices, Corum & Boggs, proprietors. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Jr.. and Mr Frank Withers, of Dubuque, la., are vis itint- iut the homo of their aunt, Mrs. Will turn Douglas, at the United States tmoy depot. They have Just returned from a very cnjoyuble outing at North beacn v. ..a tiMn ni work for some days past making extensive repairs to tn McCluro school. A new sidewalk has been placed around the bulldlnp und the steps have received neeoea mw"". walk leading to the Bchool has m o been repairou. The Columbia. Iron works, which has the contract for furnlshlriK all the Iron work for the government locks at Lafayette Impossible!. If you'd pay your grocer $io a pound he couldn't sell ! you better baking powder than Schillings Best. $ mtiMi!. cn '.he Wir.'smetre. w:tl n an other shipment of gates, etc., taday. Nor mlle. Mctlrrgor Fstahnd hv ,n contract f ir the grmn ng at the locks. The channel of th Olumli a Is natural ly annul Ml feH deep. It cannot be nal" of aufilclent depth to a commodate ves sels drawing more than that without an expenditure which would not b Justified This must b painfully ip-rcnt Portland. John W. Phillips, editor of the Psemc Journal, of tlwaco, pjsed thMUKh h' city yemerday rn ru' to Portland, aherf he will visit for a day or two. Mr. Phil lip says the prlmr:c held In 1'" clflc county Wednesday, passed oft quiet ly, the republican tlvket winning In nearly every precinct. M. Oppenhclmer. of Portland, was a nasscnifer on the State frum San Fran cisco yestentay. He has been In the Klon dike country for the pat year and fre quently saw ninny Astortuns there and re ports all of them In good health. Ueonx Smith, he says, n an Intermt In several good claims and can clean up ptvtvlly 13,00. Several forest fires are reported to be raging In the woods at each side ot the Columbia by th river steamers. Million of feet of lumber at Martin s blult wer consumed by the flames, and several homes destroyed. On the Oregon slt fires are burning back of Wes'.port, Columbia City, and Uoble, and U Is believed mucn damage has been done. Charles Grady, a soldier from Fort Can- by. was arrested Friday morning by Of ficer Stettem and booked on a charge oi being drunk and disorderly. Yesterday CMef Hallack notirte! the commanding officer at the fort of his amt and re ceived a rep'.y to treat the man as any or dinary offender. His trVal will come up (n the police court todwy. Petitions to the legislature. r being pr-pard for circulation throutihout the county to amend the road laws so as to provide for the collection of poll taxes ajid to allow road districts M levy taxes for road purpose tut to exv-eed i mill, and ta aaiend the city charter so as to al low W per cent of the road money ivllict eJ In Ihe city limns to be used ey the county. J. G. Mcgler and wife. Mls Tyrrvl. P. W. Lansley. Kenmxn c. j. ai' -..'-. T. A. William. Portland; R. O. IJessorg. RroPkfl'ld: A. W. Guthm-in. C. H. Bell. CiHrado; A. a FRailiifc- and wife, tlwru U. Barnett nJ WTP. &a.em. Seattle: a. J. wsucr, ytw .( jv Christiansen. Fred 8. Kellog. in Fran eiCo; A B. FlU'sbury. Fort Stevens, jr Cit t JUS yrWn'i The second lumber raft built this sea son by the Inman-Paulson Company at Portland, for shipment to San Francisco. is nearly completed and will be ready to leave out the latter part of next week. Svune slight Improvements were followed out In the building of the raft, but In the main It Is constructed on th same plans as the one previously shipped to San Francisco. A report has been published to the effect that the Western Cnion offlce at Seaside ha been closed for the winter. This Is an error. The telegraph office of the As toria Columbia River railroad company ha been closed, but the Western I'nion offlce will remain open all win'-er. mT. G.le B. Johnson, formerly editor of rhe Nthalem Times, ha been appointed as manager, and will remain In charge ot the office hereafter. A new tug for the Borthwlck Lumber Company is being constructed near the A.torta iron works. The tug is to te about TO feet over all. J feet depth oi hold, and about 17 fett beam. The k-l has been la.d and the ribs placed, and t-Te m ork of planking will probably commence Monday. Among the bidders for the wrK of furnishing the machinery is the Astoria Iron Works, and it is Lkely that firm will get the contract. Swedish Luthern church J. A. EJlund. pastor. Services in English at 1:m a. m. Topic: "Were Not file Ten Cleansed 7 but Where are the NlneT' Sunday school at 12:15. Mr. J. A. Levin, the traveling home missionary of the Columbia conference, will preach In Swedish at 7:C p. m. The pastor will preach at the school bouse In Fort Stevens tn Swedish at 7 p. m., ana in English at 7:45. If do one else h an appointment there. .. The vacant lot at the northwest comer of Fourteenth and Exchange streets is used as the dumping ground for all the garbage in that portion of the city. The hole is an eyesore to a civllixed commun ity and a disgrace to the city, and should be filled up. Old mattresses, tin cans ant broken glass are piled high oo the prop erty, and the notice posted by the o"f warning the public that the dumping of garbage Is strictly prohibited, seems to e Ineffectual. It is a disease-breeding hole and should receive the attention ot the health officers. A correspondent asks: "Under what conditions dot Providence forgive pro- fanltyT' Really the Astortan Isn't very well posted, but It will venture the fol lowing reply: The good Lord will over look any profane outburst on the part of a ship captain whose vessel Is stuck In the mud. The disaster to the Garnet Hill does not necessarily mean that Cap tain Peterson has no chance of wearing wings in the hereafter. However. If he swears because his ship Is not at present provided with wings, he might be charged up with It. Ak the Oregonian. In the county court yesterday the pe tition t (Jus Gronnel to open a road running through O. A. Cole s place, argu ment having been concluded, the matter wa taken under advisement. In the mat ter of a bridge across Adair's slough, It being stated by Colonel Adair that It was lmjti;tjle to complete the bridge wit'iin the specified time. It was ordered that h time be extended, as aaked for, to the first day of the n'-xt r'-guUr term of the county court. Before adjournment the court was engaged in auditing bills, and tho apportionment oi futi-ls for the sev cral road districts will be made this morning. Postmaster McDonald yestoruay re eelved a letter from a farmer In Kansas who Is desirous of locating In Clatsop county. The letter contains many Inquir ies about the adaptability of the soil of this section for farming purposes, and tr.e prices of different kinds of farm produce. Tliey did not all intend to become farm ers, and inquired in the letter as to the probability of obtaining a position ft" .ichool teacher, adiilng mat a Kood many peuplo would like to locate In this section If tho conditions of the ountry were suit' able. Postmaster McDonald states that letters of this kind are received occasion ally from eastern people. Many of them u:;K to be referred to a real ts'ale dealer with a view to investing In real estate Postmaster McDonald turned the letter over to the secretary of the Progressive AsHOeiatlon. REDUCTIONS IN PHOTOURAi'HS. SnodgraBs, the Fotographer. will make caMnet photos for $2 per doien for few days only. Come early and avoid the rush. All work first class, as usual, - FINAL PLAN FOR THK IXVOPKRTIVK CRKAMF.KY. Fanmrs Wtll Meet M th Association Rooms Today to Deeld Fpon th Site for the Building. At I o'clock this afternoon the farmers interested In the proposed cooperative creamery will mevt at the rooms of th" I'Mn-r slv Commercial Axltloti f.r the pune of perfecting organisation. All the farmers interested will be In at tendance, and the plan of operation will N laid cut. The meeting will be addressed by Mr K. J. Seely. manager of the Albany Creamery Association, who Is one of the brl posted dairymen In Oregon. He will explain to the farmer the results derived irm practical experiments made tn Al bany, and will offer many valuable sug gestions. The creamery under his direc tion Is a most successful Institution, and the oMe. t of Ms visit to Astoria It to make the local creamery a success, rlls address promises to be of great Interest and assistance. At today' meeting th committee ap pointed for th purpose of determining upon a site and the cost of a building ami plant will submit their reports, as will al so the committee selected to determine upon th number of co which can be secured to supply th creamery. Nothing definite I known aa to what ha been accomplished by tti several committees, although they are ld to have met with much success In formulating tne plana Th site selected is within the city limits, probably along the waterfront, thu en abling dairymen to brliw milk her eitner by boat or rail without Inconvenient', It 1 said the building wtll be erected on the site of th old Hum cannery, at the corner of Bond and Fourteenth street. Th tarmer. It 1 thought, hav srcurcd between l,Sv and 1 cow. Th. insures the success ot the Industry. Recently, when Professor Kent al drcssed the Farmers' Congress In tnl city, he spoke at length on the danuge of Clatsop county as a dairying country, and predicted unqualified suces for the proposed co-operative, creamery". H laid special stress on the point that every attention should be given to cleanliness, saying thai upon this would depend to a gnat extent the success of th cream ery. Ha suggested that patrons be In vited to visit the creamery and view the operations, and. he said. If efery thlng U neat and clean, the demand for home made butter and checs would always exceed the supply. The excellence of the pasturage In this vicinity is another condition which will go tar toward making the creamery a b it financial suecrs. When Botanist Covllle. line government expcH. a nere I gSV' h had tWver before seed such a line growth of grasses and clover. Th pas turage here, untlk that In other sections of the country. Is good the year around, enabling farmer to feed thetr stock at the very lowest figure. Where other dairymen are compelled to pend thous ands of dollars for hay, those of Clatsop county can feed their stock on much bet ter fodder, and that. too. without the ex penditure of a dollar. Of course some bran must be fed to stock, but the big hay Item will not appear on the expense account of the Clatsop county dairyman. , V Indeed have bevn favored by nature. FALL FISHING SEASON OPENS. The fall fishing season opened at U o'clock la.it night. A large number of fish ermen went out. Indications point to an exceptionally good season, and It Is thought the river is full of fish. Th several canneries have offered IS cents a pound for steelhead and sllversldet. and this ha caused much dissatisfaction among the fishermen, who claim the can neries had formerly agreed to pay i cents. As to the Justice uf this complaint noth ing is known, except that the fishermen are not at all salitled. saying they cannot afford to fish for that price. How ever. In the hope of a rise In the price many are now fishing. The cold storage company. It Is said, will pay half a c tit more than the canneries for all the fish that may be delivered at U docks, an') this. If true, will doubtless have the effect of citus ng a rise In the price. The quantity of salmon taken will also have much to do with the price paid. If the run is good the price may not go above 2 cents, but If th fish are. scarce 1 rents may be offered before a month. With three exception all the lower river can ner.es will run. The Elmore. Hume and Cutting Packing Company' cannerle will jot operate. 0TTER5IWL, CHARTERED. The British ship Otterspool wa chart ered yesterday by 8lbon A Kerr, of Port land, to load wheat and wtll leave up the river today. The Japanese crew of the vessel will be landed at Portland, the cus tom authorities at that place. It Is under stood, allowing them to land. THE LADIES. The pleasant effe. t and perfec' safely with which ladle may use Syrup of Fig. under all conditions, makes It their favor ite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look fur the name ot the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co. printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druggist. OREGON BEATS THE WORLD. We will prove it to you at the State Fair September 'U to 30. 1SSS, and you can ee for yourself for the cheap rate of One Fare for round trip from all point of the Southern Pacific line In Oregon. You should personally become lnteersted In tb'.s worthy state Institution. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE It. E. SELIG Lesue and tfg'r Return engage incut of the pop ular Bittner Theatre Co. For FIVE NIGHTS Iieginning Tuesday, Sept. 13, NEW SONGS NEW PLAYS. NEW SCENES and THE GREAT WARAGRAPH Opening in the beautiful society Drama, ''La Hello Marie." Saturday euinly iiialineo for la dies awl cliiMren. ropular prices !( served seats, 50 cents, gallery, 2'j cents. Seats on sale Monday, Sept, 12, at Griffin & Reed's M'CLt'RK'S LOT. Two hundred and fifty dollar each: term of payment easy. Lot T. block lit: lot I, llo,'k I,".; lot l, block t3 l'l 4, block IV: lot i, Wo Ii4. Address h, car Ast.irlan, You Save Dollars By Purchasing: Your Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The t'lily rtit-iMlc lrt g Moro lioro every gi ticlo is sol, I 15 i 'J jr con I. less Ihnu lite tiKtniitsctiucr' pnro. More wor Is dou'i tell it nil. Hero arc "tiin rii-e.s. IJeim tnln r every l'lili'lil McHciiio. Toilet Artiolo or Pniit is M at cut rate. Our mail order business Ima trvlile,! in a yrar, twain orryoin within fttl mile of Portland ru stivo moiiry ly tratlitig with ti. Our ItrrwUr Ctit rate I'Mr I'rlce AlliHHk's Viiti I'laiirrs u l. o 10 Ayeis' eartapaiMa... I ( in Csrtrr'i I'ilU .it is t'asterla i, Swtt K inuUt i hi Ts IIimvi tSarsaparll It) ist Paine it'eiery ivuipi'uiid I tw s ls r! ef 'tg " Orvgon lilted Purltler ed i l'lntc t t'.v .rii l'rvrt'i'm j 10 f.rree't li4 Is n M-dlcal I'l" eiirerj I IV Stt Me e IVllvts Si llbsmi' I uk fills .'a) .i ijulntii l'spuls, ur Siitfar- Omtrl Tablet. In kittles rxtlnlM 1,0 l-gisl ','A tlU'tlltle tiaiulls, or MlKr I eiiel 1sli-ti. In NctUt Cuiitatnlnff tOJ 1 gikln U Uulnltie t iil , nr (us'r I eiiel Tahe(, In b.-Uic . 'roatatn i ln'J grain Ik Qittulue t'iu!i, or MK-r- e"ttd 1sl'lr. ! Iwittlr cinialuli i ui IgraiD V buy iltrtvl from tlio tunttti ritt-ttirs-r in iitlantitiea, winch s-ciircs tie, VKUY LlUVKST tkim: katks.I 'I'll is elistilea us to retail at luilesale i iriv. I We pay transHr:ation rliarge fi A- loria on ail or,lcrs (r JrukM or patent I n.eilicine amountiiik' to or over, a lien cvniMel tiy the rush. Our itulotrib:(t depurlnii'til will in-' UTTt you. Kvery new tiling in tidi-1 r'hy is in stock, nJ it aill .lelik'lit us' to Lave joti call, alietber m buy or imt. Woodard, Clarke & Company CutKdte nru(jijlts j Fourth anJ Vgsliiuslon, IVrtlmnl, drc Seventh and Astor Streets. Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL WATEK, I'CITEK. NOME, KICKOKY AM) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LIOIOKS. WINES, I1EEK AND CIGAKS Served Dny nml iNlalit. AUGUST KRATZ, - - Mnnncr Take Special Jlotiee of This Ad. WE BEG TO NOTIFY THE ENTERPRISING PEOPLE OF ASTORIA THAT WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS, ELECTRICAL AND GAS SUPPLIES, MANTELS, GRATES AND TILING, ANDIRONS, FENDERS AND SPARK GUARDS. ASTORIANS WHO INTEND BUILDING SHOULD BE SURE TO NOTE OUR ADDRESS AND WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Frank Holcomb & Co. jr-15 VVashlnitun Street A STANDARD ARTICLE ROSS, HIGGINS & CO ! LEATHER STOCKINGS! 1 Not leather, but wear like leather. BLACK CAT BRAND. We Have Added to Our Hosiery Stock the Famous Black Cat Brand of Hosiery For Ladies For Girls For Boys This stocking is knit double throughout with triple knee for boys and fine rib for girls. Give them a trial and you will have no other stocking. SHANAHAN BROTHERS The Only Place to Get Them. LOUVRE Portland, Oregon It Is always best to get a standard article iT groceries They are more reliable and can be depended apon. We handle only the best standard qualities other brands are too expen sive, even thou(h they sell for less, because they cost us Cus tomers. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA SOLID OAK TABLE Top 24x24 ONLY $2.00 Heilborn & Son TripleKnee "U ather Stocking Maw Wm THE BEE HIVE has a full lino of fall Millinery, walking hats and sailors COMPLETE LINES of mens', la dies' and children's woolen and cotton underwear, Ladies' wrappers in calico and outing flannel FALL GOODS coming in DAILY This Week 99c will purchase you a pair of our $1.25 Kid Gloves. Albert Dunbar, N. P. CORSETS TRY THEM. The Pat Jast Received Crate of H74 Commercial lrl. iiAAAATinniiAriAnAnAAAvninvriA THE PALACE Astoria's Leading Restaurant BverytHI-ng Strictly FlrMt-ClftMM, . W. W. WHIPPLE. Pron. i ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY I Telephone No. (JJ Handles Only the i 4) Commerclsl (.. S I - i J PU- Fast Colors. Everlasting Wear T,,e cheapest . . Market Choice flam-lOc per lb Y j Choicest Meats nsst Pslsos Rcitsursi.t. OnlyCOCSet Up The Born .Steeloge Every Ono (JiiaianUifd, W.J. SCULLY Sole Agent.. 431. Bond Street.