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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1898)
WE DAILY ASTOHUN, TUESDAY MOKNINO, SKITK.MHEK 6, M TOVLT WEATHER. AROUM town. li R. IWnrmon, th 8tnll lumberman, li In th rlijr.j ; , 0rs K. Trsl. Jr.. of Pan Francisco, b In 11 dir. ' Tom Pwr U li ksl up In th city JH. on vairanor chart. B. P. Blirlef wm to Kirappa jrtoriiay, rtuniln In th afwnoon. J. r. Knndy, a lumberman of S Franclsoo, It In th city. O. E. Wlthlniton, rhlr of th First Notional tnk of lrt)sn4. If In th city Jim Walker. Chrta Knutsen and Al- Wt Knulnon. wr ovtr from Fort 8t' rjt yrwtrrdajr. Q, W. Wilson, trapman of nwaco, w tn th city ywitprJty. Mr. VHlson will run two of hi trap at IInaco this fall Hun. Itn Trnitic has dvUp0 In crack boirfcf, anl nowd th xprt j r. C. men thine or two hut night. Th funral of "French Emett" w knj )trday from Pohl' undertaking ftarlo. Th lntrmnt s tn QwMWl It' a doctor' business to study hUh. doctor confidently recommend HARrER Wtilaky. fold by Foard Stok Co. Astoria, Or. Mis E'.tsKtwth WoCann rvturnrd hom Saturtfsr, after hsrtnc conflrtd a rtry urcrul alt month' terra ot achool at Bkaoiokawa, Th bonk and publlo bullitlnrs -r tioimi Vesterdsy, and soro of the union stork, n tiV a Holiday, lt llr IViy wa not olherals ornrd. F. M. Gra, of thla city. writes to frienJs her that ha ha located on th LHU Salmon river, and txprMt th Ull f that h has ruck It rich. A double suit of room for three or four itmtlpmen or a married couple, with or a-lihout board; also Hunt and plenum lns moms Iti "The Ruckfr Hou." Tti tl'Hl Shnr Villa Mnintriv hivi luat received a tare lot of fir cordwood from Stella, Wash., which they n offering at very low Brure. See advertlement In another column. On of Foard ft Stoke' hors started up Bond street yesterday at a lively rat and ran to the barn on Fourteenth (truet without damainc tne wagon. Ha was hungry and wanted his dinner. Orrin Belknap, of Ilsnsco. who was In jured In runaway aorldent Saturday. 1 rapidly recovering. Hi condition wa Hot as serious a at Brt reported, al though he is quit severely hurt. Th circuit court wlH meet &eptemoer Is. Ther are many case on the docket, th moat Important being that of Michael Zulovlch. who I now In th county tail. charged wkh having murdered a fishtr- near Clifton. in party or Klondike who wer wrecked on the 8tahound and Gi me ow k and who have be-n living in th city aim, left yesterday evening for tne (snake river country where they will tn rge In prospecting. Attention 1 called to the fict that the Astor House dining-room will be reopened Sunday morntne. and will tuereafter rnn Untie to serve meals to regular boarders and transient guests at moderate price Co rum & Boggs, proprietors. The second log raft built br the Robert. on Raft Company t his summer will be nnianei at Stella by the end of the week. It Is built on the same plans as the one recently towed down to 8a n Francisco, and is composed mostly of piling. The learner Progresso will arrive here on the 12th to tow It to San Francisco. G. E. Wtthlngton. Lena Riveara. D. P Leach, H. Shldy, Henry Lang. C. D. Ber ry, r . Brundes, W. M. Carr and wife. R it. Bingham. Mrs. ix V. Thompson, Portland; Mis Williams. Chinook: H. R. Robertson, Stella; J. F. Kennedy, George fc. Train. Jr.. San Francisco; V. U. Kourk and m-.fe, Lisbon. N. D.. are at .. Occident. Second lieutenant Johnson and Ensign Redden, Second division Oregon naval bMtailon, will resign their positions at drill meeting tomorrow night. Officers will be elected to nil the vacancies at the me meetinsT. As the naval b&ualtun is the only state organisation, it is the In tendon of the slat military board to maintain it. IKmuld Robertson, an old-time Astortan has returned from Dawson. He went to Alaska live years ago, and was quite sue ceasful. He has three valuable claims on the Mlnook river, and brought out an independent fortune in dust and drafts. He will leave for Nova Scotia tn a few days, on a visit to relatives. W. R Wallace, who bes been In the em ploy of the Palace baths for nearly two years, left yesterday morning for his home In Albany, where he will visit for ft short time. He will then go to Omaha, and from there visit the principal cities of the east. Mr. Wallace made many friends In Astoria and all regret his de parture. Georgo Bartley was Wtten toy his pot bear yesterday evening, 'ihe beer is con fined In the back part of his saloon, and he was going to feed it with some fruit when Just as tho door was opened the bur grabbed him by the wrist, sinking Its teeth to the bone, Inflicting quite a pulnful wound. The bear now weighs about 2U0 pounds and could easily dispose of a man if It fell In the mood, in short order. ; . Contractor Lebeck has finished the work of moving tho Sovey building to its new location o'n the north side of Commercial irect. Owing to the narrow streets, It was necessary to remove the awning, which will probably not be replaced. The building bow occupied by the Palace baths will be removed to the lot vacated by tho movng of tha Sovey building, rnd the buildings occupied by Charles M Donald and Wing Lee will be moved prc!ani to the lut adjoining the old Cros y buIlJ- "Which.;,,,- .. do you li!:c bes: grocer bills or doctor-bills? Use 1 the " w ho 1 eso m e baking powder Schil- lings Best. ' Ing. Work on Judg Tag building will then commence, Th Ueorg H. MemUll has completed the work of removli.g t.l mine at th m.uiih nf tha iiver. Sh laid ovr her Sundsy and went down to Fort 8ivn yeaterday evening 10 await order mm h. .(..iiinniMit. Th ther hu lren heavily mined with torpedoea, and th cwble and tanks which contained th explosives hv been stored away at tne fort, t.wciher with ih lecirlcl app Kim iimxi In soiun htvm oft. Th ei- pl.wl are prartlcally ueea, e'tt fr Immedlnw purps. and, whll th crnnirnt may hav occasion to mine Ihe riia ai i.inu futura time, nohtlnt but th 4pnrtu conne td with the explosives can b .ivel. Gambling la st a standstill, and ther t comparatively nothing Uoi at th ral houses. Dealers ar tx'omin " mated and many hav already left th city for few day after th do of the tlshing season considerable playing was done, but now a man who nukes diliar bt at craDS. faro or roulett looad upon as a dead-gam sport Th only playing that roouna to anything la don In the business portion of th city, wher aom nrattv stiff bets can M seen a rounce. olo and poker. A Urg numbr of Portland gamblers came to Astoria rur recsita. but ther bav all returned hom. business Is falling oft at th saloons along the Bowery. Postmaster McDonald gav an cur- alon ro Qrav a rivar ytrdy. Ther mtr aixtaen in th Daxiy. and they went around with all kinds of weapons, from innocent- linking bait boe to hug shot run. Th nartv rtslted at Mayor Berg man's nn ranch, when vry arrange- mnt had been mad for Us recepttoa Th sportsmen spent th day In hunting and flshln:. The- got a number of pbeaa ant, grous snd guall and several larg atHrui of Bh. 8nt"on shot a muakrst snd dropped It Into th pocket of R 0. Lee. Mr. Lee did not hav occasion to put h s hand Into his oket until h rm.'hhl th il:v. and whn he felt the soft fur of the animal a distressed ex pression overspread his features. It ita nt tike him long to throw off the coat, and the crowd had much epxfl st his s pne. A number of peopt were out of th city Sunday. The A. C. R R excursion t wk three coa.hes of passengers over to Seaside. A g""l many wetit out in the country hunting and fishing. Sportsmen my there Is fine grouse shooting oa Toig's river. Lewis and Clarke and along the John Day. Rabbits are plenti ful on Toung's river bottoms and out around Olney. Pigeons hav commenced to feed on salmon berries and are getting out of season. There Is good trout tuning abore Young's river falls, but more or 1-m ran be taken In any of the sxrvums. But little fishing Is now don s nee th gam season opened, as sportsmen are mors certain of a big bag of gam than b:g string of trout. Sportsmen who were out Sunday say shooting Is excel lent, but few having done any hunting yet and birds are not easily frighten. Last night's meeting of the Fuse Club wss one of the most Important ever held. Th attendance wu Urg. Th proportion of Haskell V Robertson, who k MOW cash and a free cite for flouring mill, was rejected. The creamery com mittee reirted good . progress, and the land committee thanked R C. F. Astbury for a map of CUtsop county. The mat ter of holding a wheat-growers' congress here was discussed at length. It Is pro posed to hold either one general congress In this city, or to arrange for a series of congresses In eastern Oregon snd eastern Washington, from which. dlvutes wou.d be elected to the gathering in Astoria. The Idea is to Instruct the wheot-growers In the transportation problem, and to ex plain the advantage of Astoria as a ship ping center. It was decided that tn secretary should confer with Commis- sl'Hier Hermann, of the general Una office, with a view to having him send an expert to Clatsop to inspect the coal de posits here. Nothing definite was beard yesterday from the stranded ship Garnet Hill, lum ber Widen for Japan, and stuck on the sand bars at the mouth of the Willamette since Thursday last. The Bowers dreage, Saturday last, succeeded In digging a nolo and floating the vessel. Jt Is believed much difficulty will be experienced In hauling the vessel into deep water, as It Is said the boles dug fill in again almost as fast as they are dug out The tides are on the decrease snd will continue o for a week or ten days, and have fallen about six Inches since the Garni. Hill got stuck. The Clackamananahlre, whli h left up the river, coal laden, 6unJny, draws a fwt t Inches and how she can ever reach Portland Is difficult to Imagine when the Garnet MIH draws t Inches less and cannot be huuld through with a dredge digging out a channel. Th Clack- mananshire will probably not reach the mouth of the, Wtllumett trerore tnis morning, but It is believed the G&ro Hill partly blocks the channel, making h Impossible for vessels to pas even If they could float. The Bbwers dred"r nas plenty of work on hand and win make a record for herself if sh succeeds In taking the Clackman anshire up. If the Bowers dredger fall In her task It would be well for the Port land chumber of commerce to use other, means of taking ships inland, when In a case of this kind no Jackscrew can be used, but It might act on the sug'-ntion of using hydraulic power. rloi E.aa; Two hundred and fifty dollar each; terms of payment easy. Lots 7. blurk m; lot 7, block 1C; lot 1, block 112; lot 5, block 130; lot 3, blotk VA. AiMr:fS . earn Aatorlan. NOTICE FOIt EID3. Blda will be rt-cMved by (h: county court of Clatsop county, on or oefor the 8th day of SoptemlK-r, Vi'j at 11 o'clock a. m.. for the delivery In the court hnuK yard of 23 cords of Vlro SIaile r Spruce Limbs, Zi cords ot Aller and r, torts or Fir wood, tho same to bi of ir&od sound quality, full cord leithn, i r; J ticiivcr'rd Derore tne wt oay or ;x:)3er, WA, The right Is hereby rmerel to rp'em any and all bids. Ily order of the County Court. h. J. WHKf.rry. County Clerk. Don't forgot that an ounce of sllen'-e Is h.-Mer than a p iund of ex: !inatl)n, THE LAUIKS. The pleasant tlfeu und ptrtec safety with which ladles mny ui o Syrup of Figs under all conditions, makos rt their favor ite remedy. To K';t tho true and Kwiulne article, look Jor Ui iurid of the Califor nia FU; Syrup Co. printed near the bottom of the package. For.siile by ell druuuliji;) OREGON HEATS THE WORLD. We will prove It to you nt the Btatn P"nif September i to Vl, Wi. and ynu can bko for yourself for the cheap rate of One r are for round trlr, from all points of the Southern Kaclflc lines in Ortg-on, You should personally become lnteernted in this worthy state Institution. is?' MARINE NOTES. M CLt'RR LOTS. Th Harrison rrlvd In 8undy from Tillamook. Th EUer wiled for fan Frsnctaoo Bun day morning. Th Columbia arrived In from San Francisco Sunday morning. Th British ship Clackmannanshire, coal laden, left up for Tortland Sunday. Th pilot aohoonera Jetul and Joih Pxitltser caai In from sea yesterday. Th steamer Blhaw arrived from Gobi yterday with scow load ot lum ber. Th schooner Dewey lumber ladn from Nehalem. arrived In yesterday morning and proceeded up to Portland. Th pilot schooner Pan Joe was launched from th marin way ytr day. after being thoroughly overhauled. ROUGH SHOES FOR LITTLE GIRLS Sometimes, especially school time, they need them; good, easy one, but strong and hard to wear out. A for the boy. O, we sympathise with you all the yar through, for the boys are a great tax on head, heart and pocket book, but right here our sympathy takr ft practical turn. Hav you seen our special shoes for boys? Petersen & Brown. You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs, Patent Medicines anl Toilet Articles of The nnlv rnt-rate ilrnir . V.A evenr article is anl.l 9 Mi .- - i r t ik-iv j - l LV1. lesa than th manafactarer'a pnr. ilere words don't tell it all. liere are i . u. . , . i ti j lairui Medieioe. Toilet Article or Drug" is eold at rat rate. Oar mail order bosinea baa trebled In a year, because everyone within 800 miic-e Ol forUaDI Can asm nmn.v k I1SU1UK Klbil us. Kernlar .- to 14 1 00 2S Cat-rat Prir f 10 IS n Allcock's Poroui Plasters . Ayer earpartlla. Cartrr'a FilU Csaloris Seoll limulaioo m Paln'a rir I'nmnnHiul I ra, .... yrupofKl. ,"o urttton bioi runner ) to eg i -mn:m rii'inic rrewripilOQ UQ aa fierce s Gol lto MnltesJ IHs- rleree s Pelleu j; Williams' rink fill ao Uuloln Csoaulsa, or Soiaf Ousted TsblaU, In amU coiitainlns luO lraln nm Quinine (.apiulra, or Murar- eid lableta, Id bulls eantAinlnv IUJl.rafn m Qsiuine Capaulra, or Surar-' eostalnins im.Vgrsin 45 Quinine Cauaules, or tlurar- cosled lai.iou, Id bolllM emtalnlnv Itii.WraU ki W bay direct from the manafactarerf iu quanimes. wnxn secure the VKKY LOWKST TKADK KATES. This enable ru to retail at wholeaaJe price. W'epay transportation charges to Ai toria on all order for drujra or patent medicinea amounting to $5 or oyer, when accompanied by the cash. Oar photo(jrs.ptiie department will In terest Vnll. F.VUPV una l.,'nn I- . L.... riphy u in itock. and it will delight Vis uovo you can, wnetiier yon buy or not Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kate Druggists Fourth and Washington, Portlnnd, Ore i7 1897 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... LUBRICATING OILS A SPECIALTY SHIP CHANDLERY HARDWARE IRON AND BTEEf, COAX GROCERIES AND PROV1BIONS FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS. 0IL8 AND VARNISHES LOOQER8' BCPPLIEB .' FAIRBANK'B BCALEg DOORR AND WTNnOWfl AGHlC0lJUn,J. fMl'LEMENTB WAGONi AWL VKHIt'LliS Astoria Public Library REAuIKO ROOM FREE TO ALL Open Try day f rota o'clock to f:M aad I N ta I Jt p. tn. : abaartpOoB raUr H per aanotn. W. cor. Klrrsntb and Duaa strMta.' Oregon Industrial Exposition OPtVJ IN ..Portland, September 22.. clom: October 22, 1898 The KldMt ami Greatest FiptxltioQ r hM la Hi Northwest, HOUlCULTURAIi id4 AGRICULTURAL rrodov-U ot Oregon and Washington will be dipl)ed in wouvlerful profusion, Inoluding tuoro rarietic Iliad M befor gathervtl tog In rr In un exhibit. Co!J. Sltvtr ml Broixi MeJili will N Awarded. Mirvilously Rich SpclmB$ fro a or Cold. Silver ad Other Mines. ..Bennett's Renowned Military Bani. Has W (! rr th . AgtouaJlng Aerial Feata and Acro batic IVrfoimancts. Very Low Rates on all Railroads- Admission Sfenta Children lu,V,nU MURRAY HOTEL Toi'l of S Blh !treL Electric Llthts - Electric Bclls-Frtt Sample Room-All Modern Improvements. WEEKLY KA1KS F. M. QfNN. Prt.ritcr. THE ( Seventh and Astor Streets. Astoria. SHASTA MIXEKAL WATER. t'EITEK, X0IJLE. KICK0KY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LIOIOKS. WINES, IJEEK AXl) CK.AKS Served Dny nnd INIultt. AUGUST KRAT2, - - Mnnau'er Take Special Notice of This Ad. WE BEG TO NOTIFY THE ENTERPRISING PEOPLE OF ASTORIA THAT WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS, ELECTRICAL AND GAS SUPPLIES. MANTELS, GRATES AND TILING, ANDIRONS, FENDERS AND SPARE GUARDS. A8TORIANS WHO INTEND BUILDING SHOULD ADDRESS AND WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Frank Holcomb & Co. 345 Washington Hlreet A STANDARD ARTICLE ROSS, HIGGINS & CO 11.1 " ' ' A5 I 0R1A JYlbA 1 cUinrANY i Telephone No. 32 Handles Only the $ 4 Qi"iinrclsl St., GREAT iliMHERY OPEHIHG Thursday, September ist. The greatest display of fall and winter hats at money-saving prices. The newest thing in trimmed and untrimmed walk ing hats, military volunteer, Cav alier, sailors and (Dewey hats All the newest combinations and colors. You should see this great display of millinery. SHANAHAN BROTHERS LWU V 1 BE SURE TO NOTE OUR Portland, Oregon It Is always best to get itfandard article ef groceries They are more reliable and can be depended upon. We handle only the bct Ntnndnrd qualities other brands are too expen sive, even though they sell for less, because they cost us Cus tomers. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA Choicest Meats nsxt Pslac RtaMrkt. p The Bee Hive IIlH Coiuilcte ... Fall Dress Goods In Staple and fancy Novelties W'y will ho jliH.Hil to fhow tluwv pxxN win tln r ymi lny or not 'Hio lcst nn.l h(np.t I'nttcrtix TMK M (,AIJ-fi.r aalo'only j ... THE BEE HIVE ... This Week 99c. will purchase you a pair of our $ 1 2.5 Kid Gloves. Albert Dunbar,, N. P. CORSETSTHY THEM. ' CRE cLir WW West Shore mills Go. ...Wood... Fir Cord Wood Slab Wood - Gut and Vine Maple and Spruce Limba ill , Astorla'5 Leading Restaurant Evorythltta Strictly FlrHt-Clo, .'.....W.;W;iWHIPPIBrProp.. . ' c ' vy 1 ' 1 KtM''iVt'. II Lino of Gunlhcr's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor .... - . - 3.75 per Cord - - 2.50 " Delivered r r Dr PA LACE-.