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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1898)
k 1HK l)AJLViASTOttIiK:TUK0Ay:.M6MISO...fiEWEJIBtt 6. . 1803. OHontnf CmHo)HI j nml Toy., Specials '1 M ....Sale WingLee&Co. Coiiiiiicrciiil Ntnvt nnr (Voptr'i Jrv (toddt'itlorf, rjvjvunrvrvvjnrujrjunnnrutrw va6 wimhi ri(lMC lock strict Hell lgnrtllMM of C6rl Jtuuvivutruvu W(MN 'S tt!AY S' f OF BUYING .SHOES i n good wiiy if hn'n of it niiiwiHHi wiihh turn of mind 'A Hinurt 'OOi'iit; cnii jjt otrullyVll Ifa Mioo (if hr fiol. Tliin Ix'inn liiid tin' hIkk-iimii who (riV to dcltido the ufriinuii iniiki'M tin- blunder (f Jtirt lift; und driven hi ir.idf to it htoro wlii'in telmblt' MiorH iiw hoM and (ii rfcct liittinn in jicrfoinit'd. ' JOHN HAMN. Astoria: Ore r J aw The feoVn Steel Range Evay One 'Jitinrunttd. mw.J. SCULLY " 431 Bond Street. The Pot Market Fresh Salmon Trout and Halibnt H74 CoinnutrvlMl lrl. iueceived 1 tub OUAalUAR AND ACADEMIC Q RACKS J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE toiivent of tk . . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. i t.illB puplU rted fur la rhoel ! For reus, Wm ajddrws the Bupwtor INSTRU MENTAL uueio, PAINTINO AND VOICE CULTURE roRu A 8PSOA1. DKPABTUIM7 A. V. ALLEN ..Farley and Staple Groceries... V'ruit Jars nnd Jelly Clin!. 5 With tho Fruit top in thorn H .....Prlcen Lower! Than Kvcr..,. llWrViYrWrrrVWi THE1CI DENT Astoria's Leading Hotel I r! IaAaa fiAn fil ii Ha EMuVOUIII. UlUg bU. Leading Druggists of Astoria ' wuuuuvu Try " Pr4toitofM 8 sore and pleasant cure for , ,,. tbe Headache. C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, cMiom hom-c Broker ASTORIA, ORE nsur ance and Shipping. Agent VV. K. A Co., mill I'nolBo Kxpr-as Cos t i - W. F. SCHEIBE, wr- FINE CIGARS! A lull lint ot Pin, Twb.ce., nil imok.ta' Articles. . 47 Commtcdal !. r na Steam JUC1MI 1U1 WHITE UHOK I'EKPCCT WOKK vSATlSPACTIOX HIAKAXTERI). ,- V-i-t -J m. A. -A. J. B. VVYATT, Piont Nik 68 Aclorli, Or." Htirdwai'ei Ship Chandlery, ( VrbccricB, PrqyisioriB,- PAINTS anid OILS. -- v- ' ' ' 111 : ' w u " J f 4lal Attintloo Pl U lupplyltil Ik f THE PROOF f t)) poddtof la tn tit Mttet ud th proof of nqvon IS IN SAMPLING THt,' V1 "vutooiit dhtA't "wft rttw' (Mttonatntloac Oura'nm tUM tb tut IIUGHES&C0. TIIIIKW KKOIMKNT8 NAWKD. rrt 'Mihr Comnmnd Win i'l i Unrvlc In' Minlla or Honolulu, J i, " ... ! - Iritr I'nporu Iiriif'l' '(tnv nil Miller, now .In cnimri4 of th rwi hir, u a"yih Hut within. month thr of tht rl niml eiiium(iil t (hit 1'rinMlo will 1; , on ttilr may to Honolulu or Manllu. ' Thry lira lh Flrnl T'-iiik ", Klf ty-Hrnt Iowa, nnl Twfntlith Knnnuii, i Tim Hlih imrt H-vinttf llfi;niU rei ' rrx-nl h r 1 to nnmHTfl out, tlm Call Tiff) rvrf rt..n '"''VJ' Till!' hull oo HnkiA to Im InimirM out, un'1 Ihn Klith Cml laduu not fo!y to tlio orliflnolllv ami : forma will io mhniunM arrtBon duly Impllclty f,t tliu 'in Wlio tiiiii, but lv ,Tlil will i av tl. tlirro rvKlmcnti finmi-4 Winu Cttro (.ml Mtill wild hl..h It U 'avlll.l.i for vlc9 In Honolulu of Mu . "" K-,muU ,.rM.i-.- , . ., . cll,.ra ,.,.,., ,)fll,tlt ,,, wild Hum in Tun Hie o'-mn for milv inrvlrf, ' known to Urn tAi.rroiisiA Fio Kyhw Co. only, unit nt lnh to luireM upon All tli ImjMirlniice of )urclmiiln(r (ha truo ami original , rwriudy. A the yetiuiiio Hjrrtip of Flffn It munufncturd by tho CAMroimiA Fio Kvuve Co. fnly, a knowliMljr of that fact will Mht one in aroldlnjf tho worthlcaa Imitation iniiufucturd by other par Ilea. Tho high atandlntr of the Cam Fio hruir Co. with the modi cal profl?n, an) tho autlafuctlon which the ifi'imino Kyrup of Fljfa haa (flcn to million of fumllli-a, ruakea tho Dome of Um OaniiUny a jruaranty Of the cxcllnu of it remedy. It i far In advance of all other laxativea, aa It acta on tho kMneya, llvtr and bowetiMvltlioiit Irrltntlnir or weaken log them, and It t not (rrle nor oaunrate. In order to get Ita beneficial effoeU, j)) a rmaemtjcr the name of tho Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ti riuxciK. ci Lt UVILLK. K,. mc IT T0MK. H. T. Tlll'-r WANT TIIKIU I'AV. Hpanlih Tro-V IlnilXi- Tli'lr (nwi Jlol'iih-Mi f Tiny Iti'tuni lloinc-. I I'UI.K MONKY HUl flAIIlt. n lliinilrnt li'ill.tri for Kuh Miin on ltn l ntrox Kli-rt. HmiM frtnn WnthliiKtiin iyi: Al l'il It."".'"' Tlr niudry will ! I irl1iii il itnioiiK AmiTtiun willori u it nult of Ihr war with Hln. M.ire otic-twlf uf thl mount will ti xalil In cioriluni'O with that mo tion of lw pm- vl'llng for th r)iinTt of a bounty for .rr.Hi on bourd viuU of war tuiik In artlon. TIm ri-iilt will I turncl into tho trmaury fr illntrUnitlon ty the rourtt whlrh alittll upon vrwla of the riiviny iuiturd by Anidn mrn-ol-war. AlthouKh nol a penny of prim money Iwia yrt bri'ii turnnl into (ho (rrnaury, Judo AdviKtu anl hi chl'f ilrrlt. Mr. llanna, arc mx-agr In ronnl l. erlna th varloua cUlna for priie money which huva Imtr (IM by oltli-cr nnd mm ami In palnf Uon the varloua qurtona which hu arUen In tonmction with uih rlalma. Krom the oflklitl rpKrt of Admiral M n. tejo, comma nJln the Bimnlah fleet aunk at Manila, tbr were J.tTJ pvraona on bourd in ihlp of h command. The Manlh llreH waa of Inferior force to the American aquadron and Kear Admiral Ixiweyt men will et only liuu (or ewch peraon. it la ratlmaied tho uaarpgai amount duo the Aalatlc fleet ae the reault of the 8laniah forcee amounta to blT.loO. which ronerreaa will lie aaked to uppropr.ate dur liif the coming aeiilon. One-twentieth of thle aum belonKi to Itenr Admiral Dewey as commandcr-ln chl-f nd he will t hen-fore U t ITi richer tiSnn he waa before the wur. H Her Airmlrnl Smipaon hn reuliiiN) a anuic little fortune aa a reault of the war. Aa communder-ln-i'Mef of the North At lantic llent he will teet one-twentieth of every prtxe tit ken In north Atluatlc wo:, era. and one-twrntli:h of (he head money nllowid for the Veeaele drntroyel off San thiKO and In Cut'im porta. It la eatltnateo Ihivt he will tlnitlly revolve about Itl.")) ai hla allure of pnie money. In UvtormluliiK the amount of head money due oltUere and men It will I nrcexaury for the department to devld whether a vcaael destroyed la auperlor or Inferior to htr nntt-onlat. If the latter, the American hlp will be entitled to t-tXj for ttch peraon on bourd tho enemy. Of courae thla will awell the umount of pr le money due the rear admiral. , It 1 eatlmntcd that. In ludlinj the Mer cedea, unk by the Maathute:ts at the mouth of the harbor at SantniKO, there wore 1.40a peraona on board the 8imnlh lleot deatroyed by Hear Admiral Samp aon'a command, whli h was auperlor to the enoniy, and the amount of head money due the fleet will consequently nggr,xte Uowldea these alilua, Spanish men-of-war were sunk t Munxantllo, Nlpo and other po.nta nloiiK the Cuban coaat, the destruc tion of each of whlih mean prise for the otllceis and men participating In the work. Lutml officers of toe depart mmv: will be requited to determine whether mer. chant vessels carrying guns In their hold, Iko the Santo Domingo, which was sunk by the Kagle, come within tho of tho tmotlon providing for the payment of boimtWa for persons on Iwurd.' Tho result of these questions will bo to dvlay tho mljudhutlon of the amounts due to ollltora and men Interested, The navy department was notltled a few days ago by Judge Locke, of Fluridk, that ho would turn Into tho treasury the net amount resulting from tho sale ot the cargo of eojl on board the British tramp steumor Hustormel. The notlflcution was subsequently withdrawn by Judge Locke. 'too Restormel'a uuae Is the furthest ad rnnccd ot any of the prises. Owners of the greut majority of tho captured vessels bavo taken appeals from tho courts which have condemned their ships us prises end It will 1e many months 1efire the supreme court of tho United States Is abl to pass upon them. DEATHS AT CAMP BLACK. v NSW yb&lii iBeii. 5.-The death U an houhCed at Camp" Black", L. I of Martin Dunn, Twentieth' Kew York, of typhoid fevn ad Chtojrler Kosteri Tflrenty-second New York, of lock Jaw.- HAVANA. AugiiKt 1? -('rn-nm Vine of the Aisoi Uited I'r' .;-ljiat Hu.i'l.iy night a rg number of posters wife o r vulatd around town uud fastened al street i-orrii ra i aborting the Hpanlxh sol dlers to refuse to return to Haln, t nl-s they wore drat (uld In full all that wug due thorn. Many have not Uen foi fifteen months and they fully real lie how hopelena their cuw- la If-th. y return home. them to jwatl a day for payment. TI.e jHiaters wr the reaua jf the tils iillf.utlon of the ttoops. who f rl that they have bitin detehed and b'-truyl ly Ilia Bpaninh govermn lit. A further IIIustjiIoh of Ihrlr cif-t.s faction Is furnlnhrd by the "(Mowing In. cldunl: t.'upuln Btiwiirt M. Urlre, of General Shatter's stun", haa Hrn at the Hotel I'usujf here on leave of absence for sev eral days. One morning lust wiek a UrU truant In the Spanish urmy, drcmed In b s uniform, talitd upon ( aptuln Hre wl'.h a reqoi at to be tranaferrid to the Amur!- i all uilny, t; .ilJ he would be ,Uil lo av.c(pt even a atrkoantslilp i.p.,u.i ntii aa he winded to loavc the emp.oy of the Spanish government. Captain llrke explained 10 hl.-n tbe d:f- ncu'.tlea thnt luy in the way, expressed himself grulllled by the splilt tbe Spanish oilker had dinpluyed and ended the inter view by treating him to a bottle of iham pugne. whlth th Spaniard evidently re garded aa tho every day beverage of all American olllccrs, taelly procurable by the hundsonie pay allowed by the United States government. Such Incidents are, of course, tiltllng, but they show the way the wind Is blowing. An exchange of opinions with a number of Spaniards here In varloua walka of life, easily one of their rradlneaa to accept an Amerl can protectorate with good grace. In fact, ttie prevailing sentiment U one of animosity toward the Madrid govern ment. In whk-h they have lost faith. GENERAL PAN DO INTERVIEWED. He Holds the Politicians of Both Coun tries Responsible for the War. NEW YORK. Sept. 5.-Gcnena Lull N Pando. the former commander of tbe Spanish troops at Manxunillo, who ar rived on the Ward liner Philadelphia, spoke to the newspaper men through an Interpreter. When asked to express his views of the war in general, the general replied w-un a gesture of derision: Why, there has been no war. There are are 2eV.u soldiers In Cuba who have not seen an American soldier. My oo nlon is. uenerul pando continued, "that the -panlh und American soldiers were s.mply lnve.gled lmu a war by the poll ...lans of the two countries. The poll tiUuti made fools of the soiuivrs and sold th cm," Arktd It he believed that General should toe coui t-murt.aled, General Pando replied: "1 believe that In the regular course of stents, considering what has happened, ho will bo." Asked to txpluln the story whUh has been printed to the effect that he had lied from Cub with li.mXi.tM) francs, Gen eral Pando replied: "When I get back to my country I will get what Is of more value to me than the amount of money you mentioned, the re spect of my fellow countrymen." In response to the qucMlon ot his desti nation, General Pundo replied that he wit on his way to Madrid. He wished to get there, ho suld,' us quickly us possoble In ordtr to attend the meeting of the cones. Ho would not go to Paris, he thought. Asked if ho thought the Cubans could govern themselves. General Pando said that he thought they could. ACCIDENT TO THE IOWA. Water Rushes in Through tho Injection Valves to the Engine. Room. NE W YORK. Sopt. ' 5.-The Tribune says: An ucchlent occurred on the batllesnlp Iowa yesterday lt dry dock No. S, at tho Brooklyn navy yard, the extent of which could not be learned lust night on account of the reticence of tho officers at the yard. It was reported that the engine rooms of the Iowa were partly flooded by the entrance of water through an open sea cock as tho sttlp wua.belng Moated. As neur as could be learned from the stories allout last night the officials got ready to float the Iowa In the dry dock, woere she has been for tho last three or four duys, and tho valves In the coJsson at tho end of the dry dock were opened. The water poured In through tho valve und ut least one of the soa cocks or In jection valves In the Iowa'e hull waa either open or Insecurely fastened, so that the force from the outside pushed the cock valve back and the water gushed In to the hull of the vessel. , As Boon as those on board tho Iowa dla covernd that wwter waa entwrtng the hip a !nl was given to clone the cal son valves anf this waa done with as great promptness as possible. Meanwhile (here was aufflcUnt water In the dotk to enter the origin room of the battleship and It wa Impossible to promptly force th cock shut while th water was going In. As so"n po-sib: the cwks wr closed and an examina tion whs mad of Ih damage. Just who th damage amounts to will not be known until today. It whs said thai 'notiKli wunr was not let Into th flock to corn uny wher near floating th ship and that sho I resting on ber hel blocks tho same M she waa before th water wns turned on. Th pumping of the wa'er out- of the dock is a matter of only a s'.iort time l the officers d n would not Admit that uny H' (lI tit hud tiikTi place. WHITE NOT VET A MEMBER. Pence Comrnlsnloners to Hold Thlr First 8-snlon the Latter Part of the Wk. NEW YORK. 8-pt. S.-A icUI to the Hcra'.d from Washington says: II tun b stated on excellent authorl'y that Justice Whit ha not officially at- epted th appointment as mom bar of the fmct commission. The question I s'.lll open and this would seem to InilP-at that there I a thnc of the Justice accepting membership on the commission. It is known, howe-ver. that Mr. McKlnley ha several prominent men In view In esse Ju-tlce Whit decline. It Is tatd by administrative officials now In Washnlgton that th fifth member of the American peace cornmlralon will be hown th eary part of th present week and that tho first session of :he .nil body would be held in the state department In the latter part of the week to study the Important work before It and to receive natructlona from th preldent. President McKlnley will be In Washing ton on Tuesday and the cabinet meeting to be held on that day will undoubtedly consider a draf of the Instruction wmcn the preldent and Secretary Day have been considering since they left Washing ton. ' Aoilng Secretary Moore expe.i to have ready for submission to the committee all th data relating to th propositions which It I possible to obtain and a state ment of th clalma arising from personal Injuries or property losses In Cuba which have been submitted by American. It Is seid that tho French tmbassy has not yet Informed th tat department of th appointment of the Spanish com missioner. It Is not expected tha- th Madrid government will transmit thl In formation until th receipt of th name of American representative, which will be sent on Tuesday. In delaying the an nouncement of th name of her rpre sent lives. Spain, It ' said, desires to show that deference which should prop erly be paid the victor by th vanquished. Beside the Instruction to the peae commissioners th president will have several Important matters to dispose of upon hi return. He will nave to prepare an Instruction to th American cmbassa. dor at 8t. Petersburg n reply to tho In vitation of the cxar to participate In tb disarmament conference. While administration offbials w'th whom your correspondent has talked look upon th cxaj-'e proposition as qu yotlc and not directly applicable to the Vrlted State, still 'her Is ni u'Jt tat the president will Und ,t oca1 MMe to ai pmv of the cxar"s proposition nnd to Inform him that an American rep excitative will attend the control" . President McKlnley w.ll also confer with the American member ot the Can adian commission regarding its work and the concession it will mne in return tor equally valuable favvr. The Samoan question, which Germany Is trying to bring to life again, will also hnve to b considered. .at" CHARGED WITH MVRDER, A Woman in Massachusetts Murder Her 17-Tear-01d Daughter. . EAST WEYMOUTH. Mass.. Sept. 5.- Mrs. Emell Bate ha been arrested at Norwell, charged with th murder of h r 7-year-old daughter, Lottie S. rHlt, whose death under suspicious circum stances occurred it th home of the fam- y on August 13, 1S97. The Bate, r'rl on th day of htr death waa found sitting In a chair rh. her 'othes neatly burnd from her body and a bullet wound over her heort. On the table beside her was f'u-ul a letter stat Ing that sh would mke hr ovn life but he handwriting has since been doubted. Today It la stated that GeorgUinna Betf has confessed that l er mother made her writ the letter. Schilling's Dcst is com mon sense applied to ten celeii sola baViue. pom-.Ict tla,iLii extracts, and spices. The tea is not the best possible tea; the bakinci powder is; the coftee is not; he soda is; the extracts and spices are.- la For sale by Ross'. Higgins & Company , , -i m nis is non-Mimonoiji , 1 lrady tor Uouorrhwa. ' CUHEaX I 5Jleei Sparmatorrhoea, ' IUotl7k I woiiea, DDnatnral tin OwtatMd U eharzea, or any luflamma- iim u uri.t tloD. Irritation or nhuirk. lenoau Muiaa.s tinu of mncoijl nirin THECVtMS UHEHinr fM. brarrna. Noo-ajtrlugeut JIK(U'tl,0.f 1 SJOU by Irm,tml. m m . or annt In nlain wranner. W W W W W W W W W w, W w Xrf w v- o w w w ( ) SZ7 A - "j-. i o o o () C) () () () () () () () o o ( o o o o (J o C) o o o o u o o () o o () o () () o () C) () o o C) () o Everybody surrenders to Battle Ax There is no greater hardship than to be de prived of your and any one who has once chewed Battle Ax will give up most any thing to get it. JOc buys a larger piece of Battle Ax than of any other kind of high grade quality. Remember the name vhenyou buy again. Cb 4 a y f "W W 0 V W W V W W W a ( ) o C) SPECIA L SALE Japanese Linen Warp Mattings. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portlani. riAAruvuuivrvvvfvvrtAArnArvrtr g ThioS. GUI MEAN, Proprietor z waaningion bib. m. a a- a a m y -v-e-a 3vuAnnnjvvAruunrtfvrjvtnAAar 1T-.. CHas. Kati ifi Co, 367 COM.MF.RCIAL STREET. . Manufacturers of Ladies' UNDERWEAR nnd Wrappers, etc. The lowest prices in Astoria. We also carry a fine stock of Japanese Fancy Goods, fine Chinaware, Notions and Toys at wholesale prices. YtYiViYiYiYiYiYiWm I P. A. STOKES..... ! ' ClothinK wwwwwww; 1 and Gents Furnishing Goods 1 CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. 1 I "'J A CRITICAL Til IK , cnoicesi During the Battle of Santiago. i hT xpnm. prepaid, I (1. 00, or botUu, t3.74. Cirovlar H reuuea THE PACKERS AT THE BATTLE OF SANTIAGO PR CUbA WERE ALL HEKOKS. THEIR HEROIC EFFORTS IX uciTl'INO AMMUNITION AND RATIONS TO THE FRONT SAVED THE DAY. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 8, writ ing from Santiago de Cuba on July S3, says: "We all had diarrhoea, in more or Hess violent form, and when wa landed we had no time to see a doctor, for It was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with ammuni tion and rations, but thanks to Chamber lain1 Collo Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and keep our health; In fact, I sincerely believe that at one critical time 'this medicine was the indirect savior of our army, for it the packers had been unable to work there would have been no way of Retting supplies ito the front. There I were no roads that o wagon 1raln cou:d use. My comrade ana myseir nao tne good fortune to lay In a supply of this medicine for our pack-train before we lert Tampa, and I know In four cases it abso lutely saved life." . . . Th above letter was Written to the manufacturers of this medicine, . the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dcs Molnea, Iowa. For sale ty Charlca Rogers. Table Wines... l"or Tamil! ,', .,, Also for HetUoln! a4 Cooking Purpo) , Private Stock. Cream Rye, Old Hickory. Prld of Kentucky and Hennltog Ba. SICK OR VEIL. A Rl'SIt NIGHT AND DAY eoM California Brand! ' : v i'i'j1 Carlson's FamilyLiauor Store 10t TWELFTH STREET WHEN GOING EAST. - Cse a Brst-class Una In traveling between Minneapolis, 8L Paul and Chicago, and the principal towna In central Wisconsin. Pullman Palac Sleeping and Chair Car In service. Tha Dining can are operated In the in. terast ot Ita patrons, the most elegant service aver inaugurated, Meals r served a la carte. To obtain flrst-claaa aervtca your tlckut ahould read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections at Chicago and Mil wauke for all eastern points. For full Information call on your noai wt ticket agent, or writ JAS. C. POND. - ' . General Pass. Agent , or JAa A. CLOCK, Mllwaulte-j, Genera' Agent, ' 244 Stark street, Portland, Ore.