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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOIUAN, TUESDAY MORMKG, SEPTEMBER t, IHiiH JOHN T. LIOHTBR. Edliof. Telephone No. N. TERMS OF 8UBBCWPT10N. DAILY. Stnt by mall, per year gent by mall, per month Bcrved ly carrier, per month, WEEKLY. sent l . Pr Tr- w aTnc postage fr lo ubcnbr. lint for th larat trad they cao aurely command, and then making mn the vtiitd!c hiw completely Itx'r are equliu.ed to mn'l th nw and l.-iiprovm condition upon u. Th large dewier wbo hull first announce hi comlse prepar ation for th rarg Nil trade that I coming and who shall how to th public that be understand anJ Invite the .Id of rroWlty thai la coming, will reap !h richest harvest fwra what la now .ertntn to be sen son of unsure""' u'l activity and prosperity. All business con.lKl.wt are nr favorable. Let iulr,es m'B me?t them In I he bread. progressive startl that may merit and me shall n have a m.l ms ceffiil anJ emturln business tide Umh ua. All communications intended for publi cation ahould be directed to th editor. K... ).. communication t all kind n.i m!ttnri muni ba addreeavd to "Th Aatonan." The Aatorlaa guarantee lo Ua advtr User tha laraeat circulation of any na paper published on tha Columbia rtver. Advertising ratea can ba had on appli cation u th businea manager. i Vrr : - : . ... i . . : -1 : ASTOUI.V8 .VKW EXTKKPRISK. There la reason for Astoria to congratu la: liaelf on the result of the effort of the Push Club to ecur a modern cream, ery, now almoat assured. It U auch work that nuke a community grow and thnv. and If th people tand by an lntttutlon 1 of that Wad and stand, by each other tey cannot fail to meet with aucveaa In build ing up their county and advancing their Individ uJ Intereata as well Look at the great reaulta achieved In the Qraode Ron.le valley! A magnificent euar beet factory la wboirt to "be opened there tor operation, when but a little more than a rear ago the proportion ww Drat put la tangible snap. The farmer piedgid themselv to raiaa a certain quo! of beet per year for Ave year. The citlxcn of La, Grande contributed liVAV. Three carload of tha beat German d were Imported, at a coat of li cent per pound to the farmer julle an net nM in Itaelf. Expert were brought from California, and a moat modern fac tory wa erected, filled with Si car load of splendid machinery. Every detail w carefully covered, no mistakes wi made . and now 10. acrea of bea are about to be turned Into S.toi ton of ugar, The growing of beet ww o ucceiful that an, expert from Germany say be neTer In all hi experience; aw a better first crop. What pluck, energy and push have dona In the Grande Rondo can be accomplished in Claiaop. Here we have every attribute of a dairying country our climate, U. and general condition art unexcelled for butter and cheese. Al w want Is organi sation and unanimity of action. We want a creamery that will produce a standard butter and chelae ail the year round J hat will bring the teM price on the, market. Only scientific method will tnawer. and the beat of every thing tn the factory. We seem in a fair wiy to got the first plant In opera ' tlon. Let no mistake be made and have nothing done In the way of construction except under the direction of expert. One creamery will start annother and In a f year Clatsop county will have a reputation and established price for H butter, a has Iowa and Minnesota today. The same thing can be accomplished for our lumbering interest. If built up on the game line now being pursued by the Push Club In regard to the dairying busl-nesH-common ene, hard work, and union of action. There i no enterprise based on business principle but whet will be made successful when puished by such methods. rn ami children -vl ;v-:Jj a K ' and ; ',;V- I . -iMe ' -.V-sO- i Atvi ' " i the in . .1 stinciive cry of fi evr ry nrave man . 1 in mnmrnl rf V peril, but in the everv dar con cerns of life men .ho are onliua nly brave kind fontrl periln of trHiV and diee tht ever har.e their familien. A man entrvcd with lii own a-f-tirt e !,m ft. T lift how hatd hi wife iswxiTking and that per haps he ta breaking down under the strain aad hecominit weak an J sickly: incapable of do ing the family wotk or of looking aftrr the children. It i jnt as mnch a man' doty to look after the health of his family from day to day at it would be to give then the first thought in moment of shipwreck ot It doea trnt coat ny-r'? TT:- thing more than a few minutes of time to write to tn. R. V. Pierce, chief m consulting phvsician of '"'i the Invalid' Uotcl and ' - w"' Sargical fbstitute of Buffalo, N Y., who will give the btt proftwionsl advice free of charge with tactesttuos tor ioetpraoir home-treatment whereby any of the family who are weak and ill may be put on their feet again well and strong ami hearty. For thirty you Dr. Pierce ha socce. fully treated many of the most obstinate and apparently hopeless case of severe chronic disease. His medicines are known throughout the w hole wot Id (or their as tonishing efficacy. Hit "Golden Medical Discovery " is the mot perfect remedy fVir all weak aad debilitated conditions of the system. It give power to the digestive organism to transmute the food ini tnuv cular flesh and active energy. His "Fa vorite Prescription " is the most successful medicine ever devised for the delicate ail ments peculiar to wximen. Hi A Pleasant Pellets " are the best mild and natural laxative for constitution. 1 j 1 n li wz:jjLir ANvCtliUcIWaMttonrtTAs ling the Stoiuchs ar.l lm3,vis a IVcinclcsDii nc?sartdvLst.Ccntj!ns ncuvr OjpmnLMorpriine ncr Mhcrd. OT N.VltCOTIC; it l 1 J Si For Infants nnrl Children. fiThfl Kind You Have Always Bought UlO - aWsslsy Ini fm- Apcrfi-tfKMncdv forCofBriM- tion. Sour Stocuch.Uijrrrsxd Worms .Ccmtlsio.ns . f c rish wsj end Loss or Sleep. TacSinaW Signature of pii.;. 'MLwk pfig I tXACTCOrYOrWHAPfgR. aBatstsatKBstststttttWstttssssVBsksSBBBsM : W The Kind You Have Always Bought. A Beautiful Present j v . . . , ' In onjrr to further Ininxlu. CLASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron UrandUlie ntitnulm tm -m I t. Hnl.mKrr llrtu Cu.ul Keokuk, low ,i. Iuvp ilc. WiM In tllVh AWAV a lrtmlful tiietrnt wlih eat hMik.ic nl Urvh Ul. The()rcMniiirelnlhelorimil Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are iiuhrsj in ac,;tn. nrc entitled hi follow i; Lilacs nnd Panslcs and nrgurltf. CT3 Vl laws r: Ilaushtlnesa 1 often merely a cl k for teltlshnrs. There are cn thing that money can not buy. but bow many of u car any thing about them? TO CURE A COLD IS OSE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All aruirgist refund the money if It frUs to cure. S cent. The gtiulne hi L. B. Q. on each tablet When tome men do you a little favor they expect a due bill for It. CASTOR I A For Lafut and Children. fta thi Yea K2T8 Alvajs Bccglit timeral Uerrlam. conmanillng th ! partment f the raclrt.-, fivn been auinor lied to enlist a tKitt'ilion of tnrm:ry tn Hawaii to aid In -urrtoti duty. W0& Mt&mm lit ii r -. 1 f j v 1 n l 1 1' --J li - . J s. -jxifTrrjoKbyct Kiwww wnAkttoij . a 1 if i.f 1 WilU American Popple. Lilacs and Iris. i Thew nr pkinre. dmr in iiumbfr, liy the frfiowncd pastel artist, New Voik, luvr lici-n iliojcn fnmiheverytholrrt uhn t.i in hi tu.ll .m l 4re now otfcretl fonhe fifnt lime lollis public. The I'irliire re acruratrlv rr.nxluretj In all the colors ul in lha oricinul. ami arc nniiuiW'l ly competent critli s. work of art. Panel picture ru tha torret t thinti lor the hiniie, notliiri; ur passing uicui in oca my, r nm.ii hi color ami artistic mrril. tmr of tnee picturrt will I ifhon j.iv with eji h ' M kiif nf purrtusril ui y.'t.r rm ef. It ii the test Uiimtrt starch on the nurkrt, jii.I ii tsii.l lor locrntsu p.u kawe. Ak twr grocer lor this surrh and get 4 biMiit.tiil pirtiirc. , , ( III Crocirj Km? Elastlo Stzrch. ieeipt Ko Substitute. : i iw iiiivsi hi iipinr mm arusiir mrru. ELASTIC STARCH Boars Ui Signature Acker's English remedy will stop a cough at any lime, and will cur th worst cold In twelve hour, or money re funded. S cent and W cent. Kor ai by K.te-nn Irug Co. Why doe the woman who affect th broad A drrv It to the wall that she makes fan rhyme with fawn? OABTOn BtarsOa f M In KwAtm Bpstsii, sf 7W ,W-T The self-made man Is seldom satUfled with the creation of other people. Acker's Dyspepsia. Tablet r sod oa a positive guarantee. Cures hean-fcura. raising of th food, distress after at tturor say form of dyspepsia. On lit tit tablet gives Immediate relief. S and H cents. For sale by Eatesv Coon Drag Co. Philosophy doesn't prevent the his of escaping air from a punctured tire. NOW FOR fcl'SIXESS. I'hlladelphia Times: The full season Is aboirt to opi. and. units all Indication ore at fault, it must be one of the most prosperou business seasons of modern time, ine country never was in a better condition for ub stantlal business advancement. The credit of the nation is accepted throughout the whole civilised world as second to none of the enlightened and progressive governments; the balance of trade never was so largely In our favor; the gold reserve In the national treasury Is hijther today thatn any previous high water mark; the crop of the year are most bountiful; our long depressed In dustrie have very generally been quick ened into activity: labor a a rule finds steady employment at fair wages, which are likely to Improve, and the necessaries of life hava never been a cheap in the market as they are today. The war ha opened up new and per manent demands i.pJn our lidustrie. More than 100.000 men will te drawn from farm and ehops and buslnes places of the land to enlarge the army, and fully loOO.OOO.OOO have been or will Le expended by the government in p'jsecutlng the war and maintaining tne province we have conquered, every d llar of which 1 paid to our own people. We are to day buying much less than usual from abroad, while we are selling more In for eign market than at any time In the his tory of the government. Indeed there Is not a single feature that goes to make up national wealth and prosperity that this country does not posses today in a rnnRnlcuous degTee. Our commerce. Industry and trade have been to long depressed that our Dusinesa man hv cotten out of the way of ag gressive business direction. They have so long struggled against adverse business condHlon that they are low to appre ,vn ih now inevitable business Im- nrovement and they hesitate In reaching out for K with the energy that now would brlnir wore than generous compensation. tvhllo commerce and trade muwt speed ily and greatly Improve, It can fee vastly hclDed or hindered by our business men meeting it half way with a generous wel come. Th huninefis man who waits for the prosperous tide to swoop down upon him -in k itt hMnl In the race. The hre-wd men In business circle will set their houses In order t once by provld ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling Incident, ot which Itr. Jobs Oliver of Philadelphia was th subject. Is narrated by him as follows: "I was In a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eye sunken, tongu coated, pain continually In back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physician had given me up. Fortunately a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitter;' and to my great joy and surprtM th first bottle mad a decided Improvement. I contin ued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." So one should fall to try them. Only SO cent per bottle at Este-Conn Drug Co. Why dos the person with the tO'St voice always sing the loudest In church? Ur. John SU&la. a well knowa slock dealer of Puloaki. Ky.. car: -After suf fering for orT a week with Oux. sad my physician having failed to retlev me, 1 worn advised to Uy CbaxabarfaOa'a OUe. Cholera and Dtanrfeoe Risstedy, and bav the pieuur of staUasj that tbe half of on butt! cured dm." For al by C&xrlea Rogers, Druggtsr, CrB line a suit hares t the i ai as praraar thry had la Jnt. an4 wOl soea b aprdeilbw inw sense 81111. CA.STOXIX.A.. Bssntk yIh " toon laffi ftfatta af fiome f th featber boa trsat bav seen service af the- tarasaora luok even worse than a returned soldier with camp fever. The man In a oUUr'a uniform a timet mor attention on Commexcinl street than one In the very newest creation wf a Low- ens tiBir. Luxuriant hair, of uni.'irm cvl'jr. la a beautiful head cov-rlr.g for ei;her s-x, and may he se ured ty u.!ng Hall's Veite table Si' illnn Hair R-nfWer. The artujl eot tn Hiiln of her colonial and foreign wars from Mori h. IS. In An. gust IV. rxeeds $!", with a ! jof over ! Uvea NOTICE OF THK COMPLETION ASP ACCEITANitt OF THE IMI'KtiVK ME ST IN THE CITT OF AJIOlUA KNOWN A3 THt -ElilHTIl STREET. FROM C.IUNl AVENUE TO NIAU ARA AVENUE, NIAilARA AVESCK TO SEVENTH STREET, ASl HEV- KNTH STREET TO HAY AVENl'E ( IMPROVEMENT." Sollc Is hereby lvew tm Ik publle, Ut sll tbiw Interested and it all persons wbamorvr, that Wllllaa Nebon and Vs. A. Good In. th contractor f the trvl baproTeaont In tbei'Rr Astoria dewta aatad aa tha Improvemvac af Eight street, from Grand avenue U Slagara aveanw. Nragara awenuw fra Etgbtfe ireet to Seventh street, ami tieventh ueet from Niagara avenue to the norta Id of luy avMiie. h s vs. ciunpleted that af ores IJ Improvement, scomllsig to th rrovistoM of Ordinance S I3at of the") ordinance of said city, approve Sovem- J her Mk Wl. and according t tbe coa-I tract for said Improvement, an4 certlrt. rate of approval of th work done oi. aid Improvement, signed by the CUy Hur styor and 8utefintrnOnt of eirrei of' said ry. and by lb Committee unntree-ts I and rwbiic Way of the Common l "Uncil thereof. hv'n on iheMh day oC Juut, in the olTKi inn Kxt salJ tUy. the OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, ,C1 rag art A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS hasnlar ISormsl Teune ol thrM ream. taliir year hollr iriifrional.l I Mliuiis dtarimiit ol nine sissies with JU0 ehllilrett. .iitlrorllou sti'1 train n In Urmuaalie i&oeduh sy sui . sitil Vuval slutle hir nulillc vhiaili Ihe .N'orn'.a dlplum is rsriiiisv4 by law aa STATK uri. i. sn i ir ii. j i R vt feara. t.iht (imumj. Tuliloo. bwiaa, board aud Mt log lao pentitusieiri. 'wgo tr sr. Htudetlla boarillnj tliemwleS, fill) Oil per year Ars lenOr (radsa eerice Irets hlsh k huiil. t'ataloUM c kmrftillr sent ou vril'lli'U. AdilrM I. L. f'AMrHRI.U Prldul, f W. A WAfX, "eeftrv of fwul Mr , ft $ituw Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLIELY PURE Tb North I'aoilJo Urewery, tf wblob Mr Job o Kopp la proprietor, make boar (or domes' lo and riport traJa. Bottled beer (or family na, or kw beer lot piled at auy lima, deliwrjr la tba riij (re NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY The Rev. W. B. 0t!y. of Stokbridg.l aa du; uled ii li a. Ell-nwood. that atatt. ... attack- arorhtad by Ordlnnn.e No. of th. . , ... . ..... .... ..... I Urdlnacca of aold city, approvs J in chance I happened to of Chamberlain's Co! Dia:rtve Remedy, and I think It was WHITE COLLAR LINE Ctitt if the City of Ar!a ln'.s twtiiiprwe th-t portion of Kllvh ri'ti ltn! ttw.-ao lirir.d avnntio sti'l H irr" by gru.l:n sime ti.llu eit.i.' "" grsd. from ;h t.l.u.klng us CstustMa Hrrar am Fag! Vunq NaeV I. .1,1 t.. Dm full aelrti th-reof. and iy e. ti-! gallon Company. lar on eu. h side :hi-mit .lk - urtiinu. .in.1 j!m .1 miller cifinri!-i leaves-Astoria d.illy enept Hatoxaay ,i.. - ,,,i fni. iw s""". now (.onstruc'en. w - - the mean, of saving my Ufa, It ..lleved j - uf lhe line f II ,rr . avenue. n ! ; .XTaL' "" meatant-e." For sale by Charle K.-1 MMloa ut lhl. nuticr , ,hU m-eili : o the n.nh WTil.e c..Br line frk... Inter. hangrabU T. druggist. 1 . . Thurs.Ijv SeitmiH.r liJh. I lu ,,f ''"" a, rue. no lniiirvi--i on Itnlley utsnrt. T. J. I'Piier and K It unless .us M ... ni- UIUIT ui emu uu, -i-i " - i Z l'haZJ "y 6lh' lM- therefore, ti.a Hon -id "Id ' 111 taaruw-eat m.y br. by .he C .mrn m '" -!'.C'. J.. 1 CouncU aforr-wl.1. Anally acoeptaa at th. " 1 n.erl t l nmslruried In t vvaai ui iiiai miur i i . ,u it . in.. m hi - . , u The serrsrrt who sinifs at hr wark may I -rtj- l Od time objection to .ilJ Un.;"" W"B " ".". i."; or uawi ru. jtihrutta. lie 3. I'jv to herself, but sha is atH. to mnKo! hrnv.m,ni nli-il alih the An.llior and' od Itia cuii tner.H.f ,i I lUrriynt 1 ionira'.a fur Asiortu and all wy pusnia. 'I, llwaco, Henkw, IWa, H, and believe that there ur plrte t-t-(r even than "home, swaet hvme." The woman who Is proof agiinst lit tery has th whole world at her command. Mokl Tea positively ure sick beaAacee, Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink Remove all eruption of lb ktn, producing a perfect completion, or money refunded. S or ij cent.. For sale by Ea:es-Conn Drug Co. Authors, as a rule sleep very little, but they provide lota of slumber for others. OASTOTIIA. Beamtl rfA fa Haw !ar loft To listen to another woman's convoca tion frequently teaches you what not to say. PLATED OCT. Dull headache, pain In various part of the body. !nklng at the pit of the stoma, h. los cf appetite, feverlshneas, pimples or sores are all positive evidence of Impure blood. So matter bow It be came so. It must be purified In ordr to obtain good health. Ackers Blooa Elexlr has never failed to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poison or any other blood dis eases. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Eates-Conn Drug Co. Don't fall to keep an eye on the friend who offers you sugBeations at the expanse of another friend. THE PIOSEER UM17CI I th name of tha only perfect trala ta the world, now running every night be tween Bt Paul and Chicago, via th Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. Paul railway - the pioneer road of the west In adopt ing all Improved facilities for th saety and enjoyment of passengers. An illus trated pamphlet, ehowlng vew of bear). Uful scenery along tba route of th Pio neer Limited, will be sent tree to any per son upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address Oeorg H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent. Chicago, m. BUCKLEN 8 ARNICA SALTS. THE BEST flALVR In U wer!4 for Cut. Braise. Sore, L'loer. Bait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Haads.Cbil blalna. Corn and all Skin Eruption, ana positively cures Piles, or no pay rquir. It I guaranteed to giv perfect attrac tion or money refunded. Pfic S cent fr box. For sal by Eatee-Cnea Drag Co. No act of a man. no thing, (bow mw h lens the man hrnisrlfi is extlmrilshed w-T-n It ilm.ipf.mrs; through conldT4 b!e time It still visibly works, thooifb one ind vanNhed. Carlisle. the Mood should perform K vital functions. It Is absolutely nceaary It nhouid not only e pure but rich In llfe Klving eu-menta. Th results are bent effected by the us of that wvli-known landard blood purifier, Ayers' Biirsana-rlll I'oilco Jy!ge of said Ity. Dated at Astorlj. Or-'Kun, 1 1. E. NULsKjN. Audltur and Poll, e Ju.Iko ofi the City of A:oria. OrvKou. NOTICE OK ISTESTilJil OK THE. COMMON COCSCII. OK THE CITY OK I AMioKIA. OHKUON. TO IMi'UoVrl ilAKltlSoN AVENLK, HKTW EKN SEVENTH AND EIHHHU HTREKTS. Nulli Is hereby given Ut tlui Cominua Council of the City of. AstuiU ln.iiia to Improve that portion, of liarrlon ave nue lying between tu.iujih uiid ElK'Uli street and extending from the pliinkJK a now Wild on M(hlh trrt to. the ireet plunking on Heventn. street ua no Lik.. by grading and ll.irrlson avi:u to. Its full width, to the established grude there of, and by bunking, aamo lia a w idth if sixteen feet on ea.Jt side of the centor tliensjf. and constructing gutters, curbing and sidewalks on )ich sl.le. threo(. s-ild lmproemerK to Ixi consiri..ted In isccord ance with ntto.e l.luL of said Ctty. and the coat thereof to lie deiruyed ' nechxl ajutessme.'it upon llu; lots, lnuds and premise fronting ana abutUag "P" siin'iul auweaiUiierit upon lhe luts. bind August Jith, l"Tmiw Irnitltig and .lUnitr.g upo'i, auj.ii'i'i n ni iiii:-rai nen.-M;iee i- i Mid peopimea improvemer.i, win, h luts.) hinds and priHi'lses are iir :ii pur-. V. ft. aVOTT, ('resident. C. W. "TOMK. Astortu. Agsnt. Telephone 2Vi It j so af wilit In pmvnment M-rliy jud-i led atfhii a .It.irt.a hre..,'i. r to ini". Go East... ers. druggist. crushed t death by falling It feet Into! adjacent to and, otherwise IwneJllted by a crevae In the Valdel glacier, Alaska. sa d Improvement whlra lots. Wuda aud I di .anises re. tor the purt'osos of ald We have used CfaamberUln'i Cough Improvement, hereby Im lude.!. wlihkn a Kemedy In ear home for many year and ! district herwulti-r lo I mi called "The Hur bear che-rful teatimony to lis value aa a; rison A v anus) from Soventh to Eighth oiediclna irhir k A k. i mvfru emllv. street IniDnavemunt Dlntrt. t.' and wuiiu In coughs and colds we have found rt to' lwill embrace the foi.owlng d-acrnwd be efflradou and in croup and whooping! property, ua-wlf. Iat 111 abd 4. In "ugh ln ihildren we deem U tndlapona- block . and lots id.", und S, In bl'n k aWe.-H. P. HITTER 41 Fairfax sve., aS. all In that part of tha City of Astoria St. Louis. Mo. Foe uW t,v f h irte. Roe- as laid out and rrd. d by John AlcOiirn, and extoodea uy t.yrus oniey, in ii.n County. Oregon. NOW, THEHKFOHK. unless a rmon stranc. signed by the residents of the ctty owning more Ib-an ona-hmf of the proxty above dmcrltied, shall bo filed with the Auditor and Poll a Judge of nld city, by the lime of the next regular meet ing of the said Common Coum II following the final publication of this notice, to-wlt: Thursday. BenU-mber lilh. INrt, tha wild Improvement will be made a aforesaid rm,iy ....tif-A Im rtiihiiuheil hv resolution of U1U .U'I,'""" ' I lar meeting thereof In wild city, on the th ' day of August, 1108. 11. E. NBI-SO.V, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. What on mrth would our house lllto If we h.j no scrap toakets? look The feople of the Isle of Pines are starv :. aud the r-:ort they have been fttriilnhlfig Cuba with f'jod Is thus proven falKe. REMARKABLE RESCUE, III., Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalnafleld, make the statement, that cold which settled on her lungs; in was treated for a month by ber family physician, but grew worse. Ba told bar he wa a hopeles victim of consumption and that no medicine could cur her. Her druggist suggeseted Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption! she bought a bottle and to ber delight found herself benefitted from th flrat do. Bbe con tinued It use and after taking six bot tles found herself sound and well; now doe ber own housework, and la aa well a she ever was. Free trial bottle of thl Great Discovery at Eates-Conn Drug Co. Urge bottle. M cent and IX NOTICE OF INTENTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OK . ASTORIA, OREGON. TO IMPROVE EIOHTH STREET. FROM GRAND AVENL'E TO HARRISON AVENL'E. Notice U hereby given that the Common the F3M! !tr t. from Hrwl Avenu t Uarrl'on Avenue t:i.',jm is, n; Dtstrl. :. via miliar aad th Durllnsion row, aa and ama shu.ll eniiir.u e t!ie fo.lnwr.u I you reach Omaha. Kansas City. BC Loul. described property to-wlt- i.o.s L , , and all oaer southern and 0UaB)atra 1 In blok No. sT; Ii: I. i 4 ml h. In iltl a If a day oonr thaa t ravel rs t.Mk No. w. In that iirt of tho city ot I who take aay other Ua. AmcIu a laid nat and rotor led 'jy,l G wi via Bu Paal and th Barllngtaa M. t'lur. la Cl iis ip i.'oun-.y. or uii, route, and yoe rid on tha Dnaat trala oa NOW. TUKRKK.'KK, unless s rmon.- ertlv th Burling ion1 Bt, Pawl Chlcag strum, siued by re.l.letus of tn;Llmil4. ctty own'.ag more I'l.ui oi.e-lu of tle , Go east via Ogdea and Denver, and ya property abv des, r'-J. shall be flld i th wjndsrf ill scenery of th RoeU, with the Auditor and l'"U' e Jii.'g" of iM : fam4 th world over a the moat mag riiy, by tha tla:e of the next p meet. 1 nlflcent na the coinini,k. lag of the snld Commo Conn 11 following j TVkt. at offices of connetlag Una. tbo final pulill.-uitlon of this no'dce. ta wit: j A. C. SHELDON, Thiir4ay, Hit"mlier U.tli, l:r, I hit "'' - Improvement wl I lie inado as aforwtld. This notice Is puIiIIhJixiI l.y resolution o sold Common CouncJ. p..m u.t a refill a meotmg thereof. hd In saUl city, ow th 4th day of August, l. H. E. NELjS. Auditor and Poll' a Juiiga of th City or Asrortu, Or-gon. CLA6SIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTKD WAS I'KI'-I.MV'lM VTIM.V, , aiiiiuci In lltll SI reel Mrs, A lillllll Kinioie, am W A STICK - A ni, Aii'ly I'OMPI'.THST M'MMIJ it rttaivns li.i.llll house, Itilt ItK.NT-A ITSlllHllhli llill'NIt ion trill) I' . u I I'll Adofi's I'., A.toihn nfllle " rtut'itKNT. t'ull ""it EN r-li:Hlll.ll,K Itt'O.MB. Af'. tipaUlt. iloiiiliiiuii lloli.iliiK, KOIt l(KNT-IOl Htil HlO AND MAUN iiuil lour acrea of ..n.l, near Clalaop ciiy aiulloii, kliowil a III Clatsop Cost. MM. Apply to A. Tsiig, W Cuinmsr.lul at., cay roit HAI.IS. Vi ' U MA I . V: 1 10 1 H I : ASH I.HT. cull, m r liniii.l hk iiiiu and Twumy .nlmli 1 1. mil, lot i.'-t Ii" I Apply un't. I I'l'i'i hit Hull to J llu 1 KM, gTOI' AT "THE Ml'IUIAV,"Tlli: ONLY houl in Aaiorl tiuvlng iy ru Improvement, riuivl'y rliit clssa. RICH I'Al'HANTB. IKK) 1 II CENT MKAIJI AT THK Hid ing Bun Itsetaursnl. ' MIHCKLIJINEOUH. HNid'OltAHrt UAH TIIIIKi: lll'NMIKH la III ti k Hint be III ae al half pijie. Come early and mi ij.'l.e. V UI' WANT r INK Ml HHIiiJl A Nl) rrallh mil on ilnf" iiliy al National. wlii'U all Hie di'llcaiie of th sitfiotoi can Im louri'l iXiTH IK riSKAHl M.. Nl i It i W roiuJ peachva. i heap, J ll.i'a. lllaH'a A Co, FINE TEAM, "c.s ruAl Folt (, put Mea go 10 EXCELLENT COF- If OK KB CO, HOT TEA AND TUT "HII.I.INU'a taking powder. aw-iaer cusAM i p. CltKAM to AND Uu PKIt PINT, lur Candy aioi A PINT AT TUB PAH- IIU1- t'HK MAI'LK LEAF CIlKAalEKV lr. Foard Hioks CJ i agent. WHEN TOU WANT FINK TEA. ihitlD coffee and pne. uy truant a Hiuka Co. WILD II I JCK II Kit H I Ki -1 M A V E V OU R order for wild blackberris with ltua, lliagia Co, AltTOltlANS AT TUP KAIDB WILL nnd th Xlorning AslorUn oa l at lb Palai Iteaiautant al that piac. FINE CH Kit It I EH. It AMI'MEIIIHE AND sU currants ars plantiful and cheap, gee llosa, IHsslna Co. gAUiONH. THE LOlVKII-lNliElt THE A II 1. 10 iiwnasMiiciil uf Auiuit Krata, la daily Iwvmiitf a nwre and mf popular r-s-prt. Tha club rvma on lha acilid flixir ara n.i an altravtlv (ealur of til establishment. I'HYHICIANti. Dlt. 'ALFRED K INSET-OFFICE AT rnl.loii.o. t uniiuervial airaat. Dear Hum om. hours alorniivg until II afternoon until I; svsmng uatl o'clock. Dlt. O. II. Eark'M, PIIYHICIAN AND Margooll. Mpoctai atlsnll'm to dlaraaa uf woman and urry. nffl.s oar Daa sigar alor. Astoria. Tal. No, U Dlt JAY TCTT1.E. I'MYalClAN AND ttur.anii omca. ruuma I and (, I'ythua Hull, litis. UIV t onimarctai tirael. Ia. done sam. T'lephuns s Acting i aiatant surgaon lulled Mtatea marine hoapilal avivlo. MAHUNIC. TKaili.E'ljOlHIE NO 1. A. T. AUD A. M -llraular cunimunlmilona hid oa tha rtrat and third Tureday evening of each month. U, W. lAlLNHIIKlllt t, W. M..E. C. HOLDEN. gairaiary. ATTOHNEta. II Nj ltd i II T ClliiHHY, ATTuHNKT-AT-LAW, 4a ComaMuial irwl. Q..iJ!P!'1 af LAW. Oflte. Dead irt, A Men, or. PHtyTOtlHAPH. A It Bl l.AH PANTuMINK OF VIKWg depleting lha life and hlelory of Astort, nil aouvrnira of tli my and country at th ttrMHlgras gallry. IF BNOIMIII ABit IMIKKN'T MAKE your picture you don I get th baal. I'AXTnN H PHtiTiig ARK ON PAI'EM of his own iirepareltoa and ar guaraa not to fails. Full I'lH ill irt i IF ALL KIN I 'I. C- lunilila riler aivnefy nnd nsatla leS. s'l on tn.Mtsra. (i;h and t oiiimeti lal ireet mm. Dlf 1ST. liMi! .km:iH'i.i:s If. . fortUnd Through Tickets GsLcli Ticket to all poInU ..EAST.. Sale by OH. 4 R Afent. Astorli. llOUEUM, Through p.lan aad tourUt lpra dining ami library observation car. ELEOANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. So. i Llmttsd Uaves Portia rl at I' p. m. No. I Limited arrive Portland at If. a a. m. EOlir Williams' Ia.l"n t-ili -V niii.o:,t wnl i-.:e Hili,'.. "Hieeilwif snd ltebl:, I'iUs. It utiinri, ll:e umo niiuya tne licliiiiit at once, ac 'la a Poultice. Lives llr.tint i . lief. Ir. Wli Ittuw iiiil -inPlleOti i ntettt l nninared for Tne. snd Io n Inif of the private ptirts. Every box wurranten. ny unngtiits, hy mall on ru jelpt of prlie. 40 cents and gl.00. kVILLIIri .1ilfllFCTUnlKG CO.. Prop,, ;ievti"d.Vt": For Sal by Estea-Coon Drug Co. 3S -TO THkV. EAST AND SOUTHEAST i -VIA- mm PENNYROYAL PILLS Thfjr ovarrom Wtalinvaf, irrrn Unit and otutuinMAncrmtM vigiir mi uanlah " pulm ot renatru' tl'n " Tbtiy arti 1,1 r triflit womtflhoixJ. siiiJlfiK d VMiopmrnt of orpin And buvly. Ko k nnan fmrl . Wtifnaia aviiiala fy; thfm. CavitfioC tSo hnrm-ltr tW Aromatf) ft Dlearirt, ! m hjw 4 V Pl -H. Ht muII. MM b 4rvmwit9 Tor Bi by EitM-coiui yruf Co, aicro PULLMAN PALACE 8LEBPERB, TOURIST SLEEPERS ana TREB RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern oltlea . Baggage checked through to destination, Union Depots, fast time, loweet rata Plntacfe light In ail car.. For ratea and other Information call on or address . O, VT. LOUNSBERRT, Agent, O.R,N, Co. Astoria, Oregon, or J. H. LOTHROP, Oen. Agent. US Third st, oor, Alder, Portland, Or. hikmie i m. in, i i Ki.t 11 I ale. rnv r rt Mail NV'oiih, Oimilia Kun- p. in. ' "v. -I lmiIi, . iiIi hk., t a 'an I a Will., Hi sin.. Mlllllr.Hilt. 1,1' i 1 ii in I It. .llllMan). -. ' bli o and Inn, ' UUI Alt,, rin IICI.AN IKAM5rtll5 All palling Iratia ti,,l i Ji-i'l l.i I'liniiiff . i For .i i Frmian'ie "I'll a, i ), in. Koi Al,.,i loiiinilila Itlver Htraniera To I'lrtlitml and Uay Laiidlnn. I '"ui I'orU .ini Willamitt. Hlver. j aslem A ttuy,i' ' Aaaivt M Mll '.M a. tn Ninkan rlvef I us a, ni. I Ml I' I Ml 7 p m Tu. , loir d Mm a. m I Moil. Wed ami Frl a ri lu a p in Tur ATlmr I l in. ,sal p in. I ne. Tour ml Hur and Yam . . . lit 111. a. , .. Tu-. .1 hur Kivars. thl nil "ll'lfll ( It., Iluyl ) IjiioIIiik. t.V lllSI'is l l''l III. Mo'i Uv.l A K'Msv .n.kt Hivsr. Itlisirlst i l.i' II ,) n m. i M Wed. ft ai d Frl 'l.VU'WlitU I t , III. jHlill., ' Ilea, ami Tlnir, Hollliig dales of slniiioTH fn.iir Portland lo H.ui Fruiiclsco for H. ii.iiilr will ha iih rollows: Huptiinlier a, 7, 12, 17, 2;, 27. Hiniki. Itlvei-I.euve itlniirlu ,t.iiv ..'ri. Siiitirilii)'. Leiivu Lewlniown dully PXr..,, Friday. O. W. LOUNIIiEnRTi W. H. HURLDURT. A"nt A,U"r"' 0n. !. Agt. Pvruaad. Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lv, ASTORIA, (Dailf. a.m. 8:40 Arrtra. a.m. p.m. U:U 10;4 U:tO 1:40 PtnjJ.. Portland andia. t:u toria expres train. iZ .""nna, ciirton. Welport. dobl and aiaiiona. gill sj!r,a'.S?,M ' -1". A?toria passen- train. tSZ I7'r" Warrantoa for Flavel and New Aston, M V,a ,. and, 'nl 12:a' 5:06 P- ' 11:00 a. m. and 12:40. 5:i snd TM p.m. Train leav. Bea.ld. 7:00 a. m 10:20 a, m.. 4:a p. m. dally for A.toria, Portland' train leave, eta.ia, on 8un(U- ftt p. m ' Ji C. MAYO, UiF. aVP. A