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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1898)
N error;! toiler?. hTi! "ni !!::; ft T (ill I : Will b'J uabK; Uj pnjlCuiio'A. fV WtfcrfVA a ' .' TBe ASTOKUM bai tni Urttit clrcuUtloa of iny pipf 'V on tb Cotumbli Five t l I. " la. li. lb. TIE DAILY ASTOftlAtftl'tt!., tlffest nl test p2;';r oa the CoJumVi ! :m FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL XLIX. ANTOiUA, 0KEG0N, TUESDAY M0UN1NQ, SKITEMLtEU 6, M8. K0. f rl I ll I TO'A J WY V kVJMLI K fliJI ) 1:1. The Only Stove Store ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hp.clolty; BTOVE& AND UANOCH We know th buHinoH. Twenty yean experience If you want (i(X)I) Ktovr, nee the stock at the' Eclipse Hardware Co. THEY LEAD EVERYWHERE. 02.ftO to 06.OO. Vive Cameras $5.00 and $10.00 THE BEST ON EARTH I'MOTOtiKAI'NIC SUTUKS. GRIFFIN & REED. 5, .. ' V ..'JlTt-' i Thlogs come bit may again I end the farmer Is happy it ' ' w Prosperity Is witf? us- You will think so when you see the superior quol- Jj; ity of our ROYAli CREAM FLOUR It cannot be equalled for Bread, Pastry or Cake. fOAKI) ft STOKES CO A HORRIBLE RAILROAD WRECK AT COHOES, t Y. Railway Train Crashes Into a Trolly Car Laden With Returning Excursionists and Eighteen are Killed. MANY OF THE VICTIMS WERE YOUNG WOMEN THE SCENE WAS TERRIBLE Headless Tronks and Unrecognizable Bodies Scattered Abont Ten of trie Injured Will Die American Forces Under General Brooks Occupy Sdn Juan and Are Warmly Received Spanisa and American Soldiers Mingling Freely Alger-Wiles Controversy Corresprndent Whelpley Shows That General William R. Sbafter Disregarded Orders from War Department at Washington. c UlloKH. N. Y., 8111. .-An ! Illln iliiaitcr occurred In thin were the traimed corpse, of to coined. The passenger, of th trail) suffered no ell y tonight. Bhortiy before I Injury tirept lh ihork. wVI'h-Ii irollry ir ot the Troy City The majority of th phmatgn cn the Itallway Company aa uru'k by ihe trolly cr wne younc peopl. Thfy In- nli(lit-til prclal of the Ivlairurc & HJ'l'i at a cnln at h wt ami of eluded many omrn. The iir- mm plwvtl tn tX'- niul vjs?-a: v.ctava uva.v. v. v. :a : v. v. n va: v v v . vvw NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED S ' ' 1.. ' " A Four Hundred Different Patterns Wnli Hiiitf A Co., Mori limit Tuilors, wi-ro iicvir ti tter" rt"iiureI to wrvo the puhlio in their lino. (JoiiU' Kurnidhiiij!: (JixmU of ull kinds. Suits mmlo to onier quickly, tairgo tok rcmly-iuailo jjchkIh. Cleaning ami n- miring. Ilotnottibor, PrlceM Tnlk. VVAH SINQ & C0 6cm,,' st. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Foundrymen Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock Logging RnglnoN Ilullt nnd Repaired. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers or the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... .Manufacturers fur the Pacific Coasbji KOHEKTS WATEK-TIHE KOILEK. I he HuiLon river ItUHt, hlch t -onnnoii tnkrn to m nrlshbortnir mlllhrd. Many lh!. rlty with Lanrtnft'uri;, and Ha lnd'of thpen wire unrwognlrablf. Ileadlo.i nf huninri frcWht wna hurkd I'Uo the air, f w(.m-n. with .iy aummflr dr, bathid KlKliirn ot th U paairrwr ra arn ilmul. tn thrlr own and tha blood of other; and at Irn.l ten of th rrmulrdir will ill. , Umln. without trunki. or any means of Th oara nirln tha rtly fnmi Iin- IdrntlfyinR to whom tnry blnnge,; wo liiKliurn wir i-rowilatl with imhhk hhi th mrn'i and mon'i hmd. wllh rruehed and returning fr'tn a picnic at IUnnaurra rtlpl'Tti-d fraturra. bodle uilatifd and IMrk. n j)lur rr"rt nrwr Troy. T!ii lliitteneil. Theae lights constituted a car i-.tma over th hriilci- a!iut " J' aprrtarlr most horrlljlo to behold, ii'. hnk. laden with a merry Krty "II The enKliiw atntel that he did not see ;jl. frsh from the enjuynient of the the car until ho waa upon It. He tried to ,.iy. prevent hla train from atrklng- the car. The crossing where the sivid.t.t orcund but hla efforts were fruitless. He waa la at a grade, and four truck, of the l. me mlnutra late and waa trying to make A II. Itnllroad. which tuns North and up lost lime. and Americana mingling; freely, fratern-j The Insurgent newspaper printed 1n me King and ixchanglng buttons a aouve- 8;uilh language appeared here today. RELEASE OK DRETFUS KOW SEEMS PROBABLE. nlrs. Already many of the American aoldlws are buttonless. Spanish flaga new at Cnyey and Caguaa, but, aa guesta In J Ihe ent-my'a country, we showed no col-. Retrial of Hia Caae Would Devetop ors save live cavalry guidon. ' J Perplexing Situations, Which Our stalwart axridlen and j HI. Release Would Avoid, hi.r-. muse .ele wond- to the na-1 pARjg (n h Uvea, who are accustomed to men of email lnet u nut rr(!ir,ie( M definitely settled. Both M. Brisaon and M. Cevatgnac are believed to be playing for the presidency of the republic. There Is rumor tonight, that General Zurllnd, the new minister of war, will ad vorate the -mere annullng of the Dreyfus Judgment and sentence; aa the safer way out of the Imbroglio, rather .than Involve stature und nimble-footed little ponlea. SHArTER DISREGARDED GENERAL MILES' ORDERS. Algfr'a Sratetnent That Shafter Was Kenignlsed aa the Commander of Our Force. Wa. Cntrue. Ing all sorts of awkward revelations. H.mth at thla ixtnt. iJi the Two ttnuks ftf the trolley roJ. The tracks of the street lines run at a1 I THE AMERICAN FORCES NOW OCCUPY SAN JUAN. i Pacific Sheet Metal Works ' 1 ' MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon a txtq spice Fro Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. , Falrhaven, Wash. Write Uh for Prlocta. ara.le from the bridge to the point where, the t)isaatir took place. In consequence iirst of Feeling Prevails. Spanish and of this fhrt. and the frequent passage of j American 8oldler. Mingling Freely trains. It has twen the rule for each motor j Troops Were Receh-ed. ear citndtirtor to .top hla rar and go for. ,, ward to obsene If the railroad tracks are' SAN JUAN. Porto Rico. Sept &.-Mior clear, nnd signal his oar to proceed It General Brooke, hi. staff and escort this no trains are In slhi. It cannot be 'afternoon entered Rio Pedraa. one of the certalned whether or not that rule was arlsrocratlce suburbs of San Juan, where compiled with on this occasion, for all nc wiu fstabllsh his headquarter, event, prior to the crash are forgotten' (jonenj ltnntke ha accepted the hospl by those who were Involved. tnllty of Captain General Maclns, who The motor car waa .truck directly In graciously offered him the use of his the center by the engine of the train, ' private residence at Rio Pcdras. which wa. going at a high rate of spied, j Tne, natives who had the newa of the iiie accident came without the slluhtest comlnu of the American. lined the warning. The car wa. upon the tracks be-' streets, their face, showing thetr pltvis-1 UNSETTLED CONDITIONS KANSAS C1TT. Sept. 5.-The Star thi. afternoon print, an article from It. spec lil war correspondent, J. O. Whelpley. toui4ilir on the Alster-Mlle. controversy. Th article My.: "The statement made soml -officially from Waahlngton that Major General Mile. wa. not In command of the Saatia. go expedition up to the time he left Tam pa 1. not borne out by the official record, of the war department These record, prove that Mile, not .only conducted the preliminary action with Garcia, but wa. then recognized by the war department a. the general commanding. The detail, of General Shatter's actual equipment and movement wa. not left to Shafter, but the general plan wa. devised by Gen eral Mile, and direction, were Issued to General Shtifter, but which, after leaving Tumpa, the latter entirely Ignored. Gen eral Shafter left Tumpa wllh full knowl edge that he wa. subject to order, from General Miles, and up to that time the war deportment recognized this tate of affairs." The above Is shown, according to the Star by thrca telegrams. fore the train loomed In lght, and no urPi nlihuugh there were no dcmon.tra power on earth could have saved t. The tions. mtmwin evidently waw the train up- j At Intervals along the wny Spanish sol- nronohlng, n. he reached the track nnd ,n,.rs of the civil guard, presented aim. onened hi. controller, but In vain. With oa our troops passed. At C'ayey and Ca. a crash that was heard for blocks, tha Rlas the Spunlxh commanders received engine struck Into the lighter vehicle, j general Brooke with marked courtesy, The effect wa. horrible. The motor car and the Alcades paid official vtalts. ex parted In two, both sections being hurled ' tending welcome, for their towns. At Into the air In splinters. The mnss of hu- j cngim. where thousand, of Spanish reg- mnnlty. for the car wa. crowded to over-, uiurg nro stationed, under command ot the ceremony was flnwing.-wa torn and mangled. Those In Colonel RodrlKuei i Ihe front of the enr met the worst fate, j pretentious. Th force of the colllson wa. there ex- Tho Spanish buglers gave flourishes for porlenced to the greatest degreo, and I Major General upon our arrival. Houses every human being In that section waa. have boon set apart for tho nceommodn- klltnl. The bodies had been hurled Into the air. and their headless and limbless tlon of Gonoral Brooke and staff. The In fantry and mvtilry companies camped In trunk, were found, In some cases, CO teet tho outskirts of town and were visited from the crossing, The pilot of the en- by Sanlsh soldier.. There wn. no dls glne was smashed, and amid Its wreckage play whatever of Ill-feeling, Spaniards IN THE PHILIPPINES. American Authorities Havo Much Trouble With Native Laborers, Who De mand Excessive Wages. MANILA, Sept. 5. There have been several Inbor strike, here, the demand be ing for excessive wages, ecuuse the American authorities In the early exigen cies of the situation agreed to the ex truvagunt demands of the laborers, It has boon difficult to return to an equit able basis. - of these strikes caused a suspension of trafllc on tihe tramways of Manila for three days. Copies of tho new tariff have been cir culated hero, but It has not yet been en forced. Pending receipt of Instructions fim Washington, it Is estimated that, under the American tariff, there will be an average reduction of one-third, as compared with that of Spain. Ivrifpiva np nvu. win MEET AT CINCINNATI. Tlilrty-aeoond ' Annual Encampment At tended by Thousand of Grand Army Men Demonstrations . CINCINNATI. Bept S.-The opening duy of the Thirty-sectind annual encamp ment ot the O. A. R. surpassed expecta tion In the attendance and the uooesa ful progress of the events on the pro gramma of the first day. During the La bor Day parade and other parades es corting prominent arrival from the depos to the hotels the city presented an un u.uully brilliant appearance, with Its elaborations decorations, which are dis played everywhere. Excursionists have been arriving by thousands for the past two days, 'ihe large Music hall was tilled to Its limit at the naval camp Are tonight, while recep tion, aid reunions were going on at other places all over the city. There will be tig camp fires every night this week. There is a notable absence of old commanders. States cruiser Resolute, carrying tha Cu ban commlslon, started this afternooa for Havana. 4 i HEALTH OF THE TROOPS. SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. (.-Two pa tient. In the division hospital have died since Sunday morning. Private. Oliver F. Mock, company D, Flfty-flrst Iowa, of Pinal meningitis, and Jacob Ebert, com pany A. Twenty-third Infantry, of ty phoid fever. Six patient, have been taken to the hos pital. Of these two are suffering from mahirttl fever, two with measles, and two with mumps. Twenty patient, bav. been dismissed to their quarters and one dis charged as cured." " Tharo are now In the hospital JI5 pa. tlents, to are out on furlough, I are In other hospitals, and I are Deing cared for In private residence.. ' BATHERS DROWNED. BUFFALO. N. T.. Sent i -Frank and John Mane, IS and 17 ytri olu r" pectlve ly, and George Grot, II years old.. wr drowned while 'jaihlng in Lake trie. There was a neavy sea rod the boy. were caught by a re.-eliiig wave and car ried Into deep water. TWO MEN DROWNED. Their Boat Caught In the Niagara Fall. Water, of NIAGARA FAJLLS. N. Y., Sept 5.-M. B. Marvin, of ' Buffalo,' and Constable Macken, of Lewiston, were drowned In the Niagara river at Lewiston last night. The men were In a small .kit and de .plte the warnings from shoce, rowed up the river until they wire caught in tta boiling water of Niagara's rapMs, and their boat upset. SAME OLD THING. LITTLE ROCK. Sept 5. Arkansas to day elected a full corps of state officers, 100 members of the lower house of the legislature, 16 state senators. loctU officers In each of the 75 counties, and voted on the adoption of two important constitu tional amendments, as well us the ques tion of liquor licenses In different coun ties. The democraltio state ticket, head ed by Don W. Jones, Is undoubtedly elected, the only question of doubt being the slae of the flemoeratic plurality. FOUGHT A DRAW. NEW YORK, Sept. 5.-Mysterlous Billy Smith and Andy Walch fought a 25-round draw before the Greater New York Atn'. letlc Club tonight, and it was one of tho fastest and fiercest fights that has ever taken Jlace here. OFF FOR HAVANA. NEW YORK, Sept. 5.-The United The loyal is tk behest araae wsklaa aewaer kaowa. Actaal testa show it tMrdfartWthMaytarkraa4 , PS. m F0V0ER Absolutely Puro OVAL MK1NO OwDCf) CO., NIW VMK. Full Line of Fall and Winter Goods Now Arriving Daily C. H. COOPER'S THE LEADING DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE OF ASTORIA i -S 5 5 M , "i l rn ftd iu. .ra -t wt e