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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1898)
THK IUILY ASTORIAK, SATURDAY.. MOKMNU, SKl'TKMIIKK , M 3, He Is a Wise Han 8 i WHO DOES TUE RIGHT THING AT . THE RIGHT TIME... ii rm ti i THAT'S a HERMAN Li The Reliable TODATS 'WEATHKK. Frofcablo ahowr- AROUND TOWN. 6ATURDAT. MIim host, he waa an PP' tr Wkh whom I took my insure. Fine fruit mellowed Juicily. He aav me of hl treasure. -Edwin Arnold. " Mrs. Frank Btoke many rnrnaa " be pained to learn that she U Quite UL Ex-Postmater Wise rteurned yeaierday to Knappa, where his family Is spendln a few weeks. Miss Clar Buchanan, who has been Ttrry Ul for several weeks past. Is now much improved. James Flnlayaon with . and Mrs. Nor tel's, syttn 50. were high at the A. F. C. - tuia yesterday. Mercitants report that business la 2D per eetU better now than during the corres ponding period of Astoria Is a common point only tn that H Is a stowing place period, as It were. Meantime the agitation goes merrily on. The musical deportment, as well as the academic department, of the convent school of the Sisters of the Holy Names .wUi open Monday, September 5. Measrs. Johnson and Covllle. the botan ists, who have txn viewing the agricultu ral Interest of Clatsop county for the past day or two, left last night for Port land. The West Shore Mill company hve Just received a large lot of fir cordwood from 8teUa. Wash., which they are offering at very low figures. See advertisement In another column. B. D. Sigler. of the Multnomah Box Manufacturing Company, of Portland. Is la the city purchasing logs. Hla 9rm ues only spruce, and hu trouble In getting It, wren in smell quantities. Mr. D. J. Moore, of Portland, who ha been at the seaside for some weeks past. u In Astoria yesterday, the guest of Mrs. B. S. Worsley. Mrs. Moore will re turn to the beach today. The ooard selected to determine upon location for the quarantine station, met yesterday at the customs bouse to discuss the ewral si tee under consideration. So tar as could be learned, no conclusion was reached. Good Whiskey is both doctor and tonic. Better looking than many doctors, better Uatlng than all medicines. For general family use, nothing equals whiskey and HARPER Whiskey la pre-eminently the family whiskey. Sold by Ford Stokes Co., Astoria, Or. John Prtxpatrlck. who wa brought from Look Beach to St Mary1 hospital Thurs day night suffering from general debility, died early yesterday morning. Rflatlve of the dectetsed will take the body to Port land for burial today. Deceased was 70 rears of age. and ft resident of Portland. J. W. Kelly left last evening for Denver, Colo., a a delegate to the National Ed itorial Association, which convenes there September 6. Mr. Kelly goes as a repre sentative of the Astoria Budget-Telegram. Attention Is called to the fact that the A tor House dining-room Will be reopened Sunday morning. nd will tncreafter con tinue to serve meals to regular boarders end transient guests art moderate pries. Cbrwn 4 Boggs, proprietors. The moonlight excursion, which was to be given by the "League" of the M. E. church yesterday evening, has lwn post poned until this evening at the same hour and place, providing the weather Is fav. orable. Tho Miler will leave her dock at 7:37 sharp. Shipping circles along the water front was quiot yesterday. nd with the excep. Hon of the Austrasla, whit-n proceeuea up, only the usual movements of local ship ping occurred. 'Four of the grain fleet that arrived wlliln the past ten days are vmn out a shSrtP anl are lying in the stream. They ere the Koekhurst, Cambrian Mil, Olenmark and.. Xiyelle. As the lb!)8 r-a- Right! most costly baking The powder to make is Schil lings Best but no money is wasted in making it. S4 if you wer la nteJ, wuld any atoro keeper live you Greenback? NO!! Then, why houU you py $$ etrt tvery $ao purchase, when It hu been proves 1000 Times Tlut we cm tad do gave our customer ao PER CENT oa Clothinf , Hits Shirts. Trunks Etc. Etc WISE Clother and Hatter g son for loading ha eoorrely bvun yet. thnr will lueiy b n-igM Mr fiirure. Peopie woo are now pay in ncwT.f ,fnllna nil lh theOTT that ItlCST r ! g-ettliw a telegraphic new report mould , understand thit the Astortan U the only I paper published In Astoria which receives a dally telegraphic report Inquiry at the jteletroph office will verify the truth of . this statement. . Don't allow the agitation for the fish- .cries congrew to die out. u means mic lions of dollars annually to the state of n .i . . M wHI.h will h .jjpjjj j,. The salmon Industry should be built up. and a fisheries con gro will assist materially tn this. J. H. Roberts. E. W. Crlchton. Ruby Watkln. Emma Bryan. Iva Bryan. Ctvas. Fisher. Portland; A. KunMadt, T. O. Hellbourn. Chicago; W. E. Osborne, Nw Tork: Mrs. T. Webster. Denver; F. Ma son. Warrenton; Mrs. A. H. JohnAm. Mi's P. Colbert. Chinook: EJirar J. Divan, Al uance. Ohio; J. 8. Hall. Fort Stevens, are at the Occtdent BJtanlft Covllle will go to Neah bay. Wash., shortly on an interesting researcfl He will go among the Indians there and determine Just what means of tilling the land were employed by the aboriglm-s be fore the advent of the white man. The ancient traditions of the Indian are fast fauine frmi existence, and It is the inten tion of Mr. Covllle to make a thorough study of Indian customs for the archives In Washington. D. C. The proposed bowling contest which was to have been held In Astoria today be. tween twuns from the Multnrmrah, Oregon Road and Astoria Football Clubs. Is off for a we-k. at least E. E. Millory. of the Multnomah Club, who arranges for such tournaments, wired yesterday that the team could not come toduy. a all the crack bowlers were away from the 'tr. The meet will be arranged for next Saturday. If possblle. It Is the Intention of the visitors to bowl here Saturday and spend Sunday at the summer resorts, The mouth of the river will be free from mines after today. The Mendell has been at work removing them for the past ten da- and expert sto complete the work this evening. It had been a matter of speculation for some time whether or not mines were really laid at the mouth of the river, and waa even publicly denied by some papers up to a short time ago. It Is oonvtnclnc proof, even if Uncle Sam should see At to withhold such Informa tion, that the Mendell hat been removing them for some time, and will take up the oable to which Is attached the last of the mines today. Mr. Frederick V. Covllle. the United States botanist, made an excellent sugges tion while In Astoria. He warmly com mended the action of the Progressive As sociation In holding the farmers' congress and expressed himself as being heartily In accord with the Idea of bringing prom inent agriculturalists here, "jf you de- olde to hold another such congress In your city." said Mr. Covllle, "you should secure the presence of Stcretary of Ag- riculture W llson. He Is a brilliant speak er, a well posted man and would be of great assistance to your enterprlflng as sociation In building up the aalrylng In. dustry. Mr. Wilson, I am positive, would be delighted to come to Astoria, an hi- takes great Interest In the work." The ordinance passed at the mating of the council Thursday night defining addi tional duties of the city attorney was a finely worded document, and on which could only emanate from the; brain of one versed in the Intricacies of law. Be fore It passed It was statod the ordinance wag Introduced with the consent, and, tr. fact the favor of the city attorney, who was absent from the meeting, it delegate pwer to th? attorney which should properly rest with the stref committee. This was done for the pur pose of avoiding lawsuits arising out of defective contructs and other matters p'r tainlng to public improvements. It was generally understood ihat thoso martters were already a part of the Uutlen 0f the city attorney, upon which he should pun before havir.g gone t.irouii tho regular proceouinrcs of the council. Tho ordi nance makes it comiUlFory for tho city attorney and the street committee to per form those duties, otherwise their expul sion will follow. Another peculiar fea ture about the ordinance, was that It was introduced and passed at the samo meet ing, and It is JUHt barely pwsin.e that not a councilman present, excepting Its au-i thor. mroufihly understood It. The or dinance raising the Halary passed the sec- onu roaaing and will come up for final passage at the next meeting of the coun cil. The committee of farmers appointed to secure Information relative to the estab lluhmcnt of tho proposed creamery will jaeet at the roorat of the Astoria Progres- slve Cniwr tol AasiWlatlon tOtUy. Three farmer wr appolnteJ to determine (he cxil 'f the tuilKllng end neorsry wi. .hhiery. and the number i cwws which ould be secured. Il t expoctid thy will alsu reimmeiid a site. Pino the matter his SMumiM tnngilile form treat Internet ha bern manlfentrd, and the success of th proed Industry Is assured. It Is a matter of vital Importance to Cltp county, and should be alven th luarty uiport of every farmer in this section. If the w-owrMv cwamery Is pi seed in operation It will not be long before oilier similar enterprises are lartea. This Is ih greatest dairying country In the west and the cost of feeding" Is leu thn at any vyh'r point. or rrow all the year around, affording excellent pastur. age, and thoM who r Interested In th creamery wUl be ctrtain to make tn ex cellent pront. It 1 understood th com. mltte has succeeded tn curing nearly li cow. This will glw th creamary a capacity sufficient to supply a large por. tlon of the local trade, and will have in reoult of keerlng at home thousands of dollara, which now go to San Francisco and rort;od market for butter and cheese. The Oliver aanda, owned by Bam Oliver, have been od tor It.fcU The purchaser wa Mr. Starr, of th rtllor Rock rackln Ca. Th sanJs hav oeen in iuiguot since the fall of v. the suit, undoubted, ly. growing out of th fact tlwt the grounds during th fishing season ta.M rear, netted Oliver, clear t XJne. ClOBiX Oliver held a title U the grouada from th stat of Orygen, and a suit waa (lied by Waimlnctoa aardea at th close of the season of thai year. The suit was based on the grounds that th swnds were within th Washington Una and the title hehl by Oliver waa Void. The com hu been In litigation since and has lvn de cldeil several tlmea In favor of Oliver, Ijiwults being exienlve and appellants having aaiple mns and being dotoT' mined to a-tn the rase, Oliver, It Is sild, finally compromlsfd snd rvltnqulnhed his rutnt to the grvunds for the amoun stated. While the case was pending I the courts Oliver has tlhcl the ground ervry season, doing fairly well. The niU Jut sold are one of the Ik ground on the river and one of th few grounds on the river on which the owner has made a fortune. The e.ime . n ,nat was the means of dragging Ollvr Into the court the Jim Cruw an.l. t-(v. nosit Krooktleld. netted the owner, Ch-t Woods. H'A" clear of expense. Vo.kI was reconl! as one of the bent and shrewdest slrnem on the river, and at th close of the rtson he sotd the Kinds on which he had mak this pile of nvmry In less than four months, receiving: a good price, and left th country. During hi short stay her several suits were fll-d against him. Including one by his wife. from whom he was separated. Every sea son r:nce that time these nnda, ilk oil ver's, have dn very lltue. in fact. It Is said enough mney ha iM been msile on th Jim Crow sands to Juttfy anythin like the price paid to Woods at Ihut time. The shining twenties yielded by tne sands to thftr owner that season at tracted capital and enhanced the value of s'.enlng grounds. Title were contested the snd office of both states were be. sieged with applications for fllmg on sands, deeds examined and several l.iw suits Aled. which sre still pending tn the courts of Oregon and Washington, their final determination depending largely on the amount of money behind the contes uuits. The money speot In thl way, It Is safe to say. would far exceed the most sanguine expectations of either of the rontestunts of what would accrue frm the lands la dispute. This has been th history of ail slening grounds with th xcer;in of the FI'.xpAtrtt'k - ground owned by the late John Fltspotrlck. an. now almost rendered worthli-s by biing dumiged by the frhet of 1. HlFFINMRRlHf MARINE MOTES. The Columbine leave up for Portland this momlng. The Srate soiled for San Fram lsco yes terday morning. The British ship Austroirta left up for Portland yesterday. The Oewge H. Mend) came up from Fort Steven yesrterday evening. The British ship Oackmannanahlre, coal laden, leaves up for Portland today. A three-moated ship wa reported from the cape at the litthuhlp yesterday even Ing. The Elder soils for San Francisco with freight and passengers tomorrow morn Ing. A tramp steamer was reported outside from the cape yesterday, but she pro ceedi.d north. The British ship Garnet Hill, lumber ladon for Japan, Is aground near the mouth of the Willamette, stuck on sana bar. It could not be ascertained yester- day whether she was floated or not, so her arrival here U uncertain. LA.ST '.'HEAP EXCURSION OF THE SEASON. On Sunday, Hevtember 4th, the Astoria & Columbia Klver railroad will sell tickets from A.-ilorla to Seaside and return at 'A cents for tho return trip. This will e the last general jH-n.iMe excursion of trie season, fcverybody should go. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice 3 hereby givon that there are fund in the city treasury to pay all war rants diiwn on the general fund and en dorse, prior to March 1, Interest will ceaso after tbh date. F. J. CARNEV, City Treasurer. Aatoria, Oregon. August 23. 1858. THK LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfec afcty -Ith v.-hlch lilies may use Syrup of FlB, under all conditions, makes It their favor ite remedy. To get tho tnio and genuine article, look for the name of the Cullfort nla Fig Syrup Co. printed near the bottom of tho package. For sale, by all drugglwts. OREGON 1JEAT3 THE WORLD. Wo will prove It to you at (he State Fair September 2 to 30, m, and you can see for yourself for the cheap rate of One rare for round trip from all point of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. You should personally become lnteemted In thi worthy state Institution. ,stV THE COMMON POINT QUESTION Lending tltiiens Vigorously I'ryc on the Mincincnt. INTERESTS THE WHOLE STATE Til Ittmtitt Couturci Csaaiislo. WW B l Rlgkl lit rrtMtl Dii crialttilei Asitl aMtrit. Th OregMnlsn hat sought to cMt an lnprelon that th mtentlon at A tori for a through common point railway rat oa grain fnro Walla Wa'.la tnd othnr In. trlr conunon point Is mere newspaper agitation, without ymithy or backing uy A.tortm pe,K In order lo ismlnce Oregonl-in and render at a distance Ihut this nuve nicut la responsive to public siitinirnt and has the united support of generally, the Am. Thin gUrs below a few expression from leading and Urlu. ntl H cltlsen who werv pproaihl al rind 'tn on th subjn t. It I the purpose of The t.i run tlnuo the ptitillrilllon of such Interview from day today, until II Is clearly demon stated that the people u( AkIoiU are n t only tiehliul this iliscu-!.in. In (hit ti Is their Intention to pr s it Muohmu:)- m an early and satisfactory -mu Iiih ii JUr5K J. II IV liliii: It Is remarkable t h it trie h -it pr . ducvm, iner. hani, ,in,l lciiiim tiieti ot eastern lris;on and ttr Willntieiie N il ley will u, low ihnnsi-lvcs lo t-e iiiIkIo.I by the oily loniiuea of the hnt and tl-oir dealers of INirtlan-l und the orc-oiiUM Why should the O II. & N i'oiiiimiiv receive the same to fr-iulit li.-it t.i Portland from Wull.i lla. 241 miles, rindleton. !l mill's. d.n a aater Ir l trade, that the Northern pacific Halln.a.l nrrlve for the name fp-lthl over thi i ascade mountain. 312 miles, to T'"mt or, IT miles, tn Hcattkr It is only 3i; miles, or 10 mllee furihi-r. watsr level grade, to Astoria. Is not the ). It h N Company xiiu to bring aheat to Astoria and doe It not leave It Job only two third completed, and then demand pay In addition for towing und lightering shift from Portland to finish It? Even l the Oregonlan's estimated cu.t of 15 cents vr ton to frrlicht wheat from Portland to Astoria In ships which 1 rhullrnir and call uion It for an Itemiird statement of Its estimate why should the wheat pro ducer pay even 15 cents per ton for hip's curto of J ii) tons, or t. hi n the O. R. & N. Compiiny ha alr-ndy ! n overpaid for this servicer The actual rrlce imiIiI by the smptxca of Portland to ine ship owner of Europe to send their vesiiela to Vrtland and bring wheat doan to Astoria Is mtu-er 71 rents per ton. in udlng towage, pllorage, ilfinnrnig und Inmirance, thnr 1t Is 1.1 cents; and I am astonished ihat tho (inr-niin rhoiid litor..iIly miike sin h a Uw-I le nient. the ppliii- r of c istern Ore gon hold thi-tr wheiit and , o-oi.-r it.- with those who will ihiriir h1iI; and I - . 1 thein ut Astoria. They will thu i n m-e that they run rwelve altliln 1 or 2 ',nts m r l ush. I for tli' ir win-it of (h,- prr-e now paid thtsr Cillf'-rnla neifc-'iN'rs. HON. f W. KUI.TON si.: "In Its efforts to have Astoria made a common point In the hlpnnMit of the Astorlan merits, uml I am ur It has. the approval and support of every citixen of this city and county. It Is a mailer of Importance to Astoria, of course, but it Is of Infinitely greater Importance to the wheat growers of the Wlilimctio valley and eastern Oregon. It se-ms Important. however, to me. that tho discissi in of this question should not develop into mere local controversy tte-n io clt lea. Astorians sre anxious, of i nurse, to see the commerce of this port Increased In every possible way. PortUnderi are Justly desirous that the buslnen and commerce of chelr port shall advance and prosper to the greatest possible extent. and to that end they naturally and prop, ly exert every energy. I tm very sure no citizen of this community would wlh to see Portland otherwise than prosper ous. The question Involved here, how ever. Is one that rise far above local ri valry and Jealousy. As I hove said. It Is question of far deeper Interest to the wheat grower than It Is to us. The ques tion Is, shall wheat, Intended for foreign shipment be delivered at Oregon's prin rtpul seaport on the same terms that like whmt ui delivered at thu sea port of Washington? If It shall t then the wheat growers of the Will amette valley and eastern ireron win THE Seventh and Astor SHASTA MINERAL WATER. I'EITEK, NOHLE, KICK0KY AM) SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQL0KS, WINES, IJEER AXI) CIGARS Served Dny nrttl INIulit. AUGUST KRAT2, Take Speeial (lotiee of This Ad. WE BEG TO NOTIFY PEOPLE OF ASTORIA ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS, ELECTRICAL i i r : ' . AND GAS SUrrlilUlo. MANTELS, GRATES ND TILING, ANDIRONS, FENDERS AND SPARK GUARDS. ASTORIANS WHO INTEND BUILDING SHOULD BE SURE TO NOTE OUR ADDRESS AND WRITE Frank Holcomb & Co. 45 WotsbinKton Street ... Portland, Or ego) GREAT - IWuIiIlW - OPENING Thursday, September ist. The winter prices. trimmed and untrimmed walk ing hats, miltary volunteer, Cav alier, sailors and Dewey hats All the newest combinations and colors. You should see this great display of millinery. SHANAHAN BROTHERS receive a .-tier price for 1h-lr alnat for il-s ran come Into and il"wirt from this wrt t a le cost than at Ta.'-ma or Senile. The A.tnrl-m lias nhon. and of course It can b d"iliontrtcd, that the transportation Hues can deliver wheat at Astoria i hcsii-r than I! can be delivered at Seattle or Tiwi. XMmt valid re, son. thwt, ran t i.fferol why thry should not deliver It here i-haply? In 'on tcmllng for Anuria Iwlrig nm.le a i-mtinion p..l- ae do contend In N-luilf ,.f the cniln iMSitt of (rg n that thry be per. mltteil to enjoy the l-tirni to which t"ey are Justly entitled by rson of the nat ural advurtiigra of their principal p.ut " t'AITAIN (IKolti'.K Kl.AVHI.: "Ity all iifxin 1 approve of tha stand th Astoitaii has taken on tho toininon ilnt rata It Is absurd lo y that wo are enitulrd to lr advaiit-ut' than are now ! wl by the In U'Oi'b ant .nirt. on the coast Wehavi the llni-M di--t Her hirlor ,n the Nor in 1'iu lllc . cist. an. I ..II rail ..inn- t: .11 w.lh the Hillside W'Tl l We I He li e "He ad- tillages, or t-tt'r. than I'ug- S und i.tts. so fir as a'ort g .es. and I - an sco no r'"-is n why we should n-c nj-i '.ha wumo advatll iK'S 1-y nil, 1 aMi In favor of carrv.ftc the n atter t re ibe llit'-r'at,- t .itiin.i-P i- .,tiir:.l-is.n ulid li(;h!lllg until we K" It 1 Sir inly l..dfu 'hat oii,-i th i tetittiis:.,!! iin,. rut in 's he i-i.tidnloiis t-rcValllrig at the m m'h of the rlvi-r itwy will not li.wt.iie t,, cur m our rightful du-.' TlloMArt THt'I.I.IS'ilKR. one of the West Shore Mm official, when Ititrr ;owed, ald. "Tin- Astorlun Is on the rlnht tract There la no more re.inon why Hie govern. nieiit should s;-nd millions of dollars oa the Columbia nfie Astoria In order that I"ortland should be an artificial sp.rt. than there Is for Aslorla lo expect an n- nmil aiirri itUm by ronk'res for the nstructlon f roads into the .Nolia'.em country. That the river should lie k-pt open for lighter draft vessels I wtne. thing that none will gainsay. The gov. eminent has rrwule a good safe harimr of Aatoria and for the whole tt of Ore gon. I rlvute i npltitl. risiiixitiK this, bus a magnificent rnllroa, from trnimcorrtliientiil onnetoii to Aalorla Thitt the people of the state an't of the greiit Inland Kmplr may reap tho rid- vantages of tht cjmlltlon, It Is due them that Astoria te msalo a common point with Seattle and Tacoma. The Inter-siate common e commission should lmmnllal'iy be appealed to and further, a united and vkxorous protect ngnlnst further apiiro- prhulons for maintaining a Ji foot clinn- nl to Portland should he made. Thero Is (Continued on third page) LOUVRE Streets, Astoria. - - Mummer THE ENTERPRISING THAT WE HAVE NOW FOR CATALOGUE. greatest display of fall and hats at money-saving The newest thing in The Bee Hive llltl JllMt Coinjiloto Fall In Staple and Fancy Novelties will In' j'li'ii.M'il t kIhiw tliisii' j;.mm1i wlirtlit r yuii 1'iiv or not The In st nml clii iijit IiitU m TI I K Mi CA I.I fur Milt' duly i ... THE BEE HIVE ... See our new Fall and Winter Ladies Walking Hats. Albert Dunbar, Corner Nintli nnd Commerclnl Street!. A STANDARD ARTICLE K ROSS, FIIGGINS & CO ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No. Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4 IS Commercial St., next Palacs Hcstsurskt. i Km-ivi'il I.iiii" of Dress Goods It Ii ll-ip htt tO QC standard artklc f groceries They ire more rellible and can he depended apon. Wc hudlc onlj the best (standard qualities, -other brands arc too eipc! flve, even thnurjb they sell for less, because they cost us Cas tomcrs. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA