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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1898)
TIIK DAILY ABlWllAfl. ATCttOAY JtORMNU, SEPTEMBER , IfiM. saftMsWJ i innuiAuv uuuuiruu u wuuuuuiui uuuuuuju uuuuuuuu UIUVUVaao Orlotitrtl CirloHltiM 5 mid Toy, OAT ISpecial .'... Sale Va tmmt rviltico ntock nnd 2 Hull ReunrdlwPM of Cunt- j WingLee & Co. I ('oniiiMTcinlShwl nriir (!oiicr'H Dry ( io 1 .Store, jj tiuuuvunrmjinnvwuuiAruuu A WOOD'S tt!AY r OF BUYING SHOES. in a' pwiil.uiiy if hIio'h of n fouiuiiiti mid! turn if rninil A Niniirt woman run jjuifrnlly tell if a Mkm' fit Ikt foot. Tliin Iwinj; trim lltu kIhm' inim who trie to di'ludu the woman luiikci tin' l-liiiidcr f 1 1 in life ami driven lii UMilo to a ntoiv wlii-rc ri-linMo hliix- mo Hold and M'ifirt Hilling in I'crfmiiu'il. JOHN HAHN, Astoria, Ore fr - -', '; ' II The Born Steel Range Kvcry Ono (iiianiiilccil. W.J.SCULLY Sole Agent, 431 Bond Street. The Pat Market Fresh Salmon Trout and Halibut 7- CottitMcrc Iral Hrt. kaccivEO IN TUB PIUUAUY4 uiuuiua AND ACADKUIU OMADtd J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ... Holy Names ASTORIA, OREGON. lfllM pupils areepted t- t th. whoul ea, of 0llttg, Hrplnnlr Mil. tor rue, ux, eblrtMe th. Buparlorea INUTRU- MErTTAL MUSIC, PAIMT1NO AND VOICB CULTO B K FORM A SPECIAL. DEPABTMBNT A, V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jnr and J My (ln. & .. ..Pricc'H Lower wiin me mm iop in Uitin g rllOll ISver,., J r THE OCCIDENT 3 Astoria's Leading Hotel Metier tfi WrlgHt, PropH. ' r m r- n n ft- S3 I Esies-bonn urug y. Leading Druggists of Astoria .. UVUUVAAU Try PrcMtoi," a snrc anj pleasant cure for the Headache. ixxzxxzzxx y y y y y y y 2y y ir "BSC c. Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. CmmIoiii Hon ho Urokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON. Auiu (V, K. AC'"., mi 1 1'ni'ino I'xpr- ts Co .. tMrer and W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A Ml line ol Pima, Tob.cco. nil' Articles ' Tt Commorvlnl HI Astoria Steam WHITE LA HOW IT.Kl'UCT KOKK SATISFACTION GUAKAXTIICD. J. B. WYATT, Astoria, Orcg.r Phone No. 68 Hardware, SJiiip Chandlery, (irocerlea, 1 Provlion, PAINT9 and OlL. " ' " ' ' mM AlUatlpa pld to Siirplylni Ih pi THE PROOF of U. puddlnc to to th. Mtta ul th. proof of tlqaart IS IN SAMPLING niftt'N n aryuowat Uuut's Mt Our. H1 Hand th. tMt HUGHES & CO. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYIIL'P OF I7GS U duo not only ty t!io orl(,'lniillty aod Implicit; of the comldniition, but Uo to the euro mi.l nUlll with which It in manufacturl ly Mtcntillu iirwiMt-. known to Urn Cai ikouku I'io Svnt'i' Co. only, iml wo wlhh to Impn-M njxm all tho liiiHirUnw) of puri huiiliiK the true aud original riuiedy. An the flcDuine Hy rup of Flf In manufactured by the Caukomsia Via Hvhvv Oi. only, a knmk-d(fo of that fact will Kulht 0110 In aroldliijf tho worthlnu Imitation manufactured b.v othor jmr-tli-. Tho hitch tUmling of the Cam roKNU Via tiXHVi' Co. with the nodi cal profrwli, and tho aatlafactlon which tho irt'imine Kyrup of Fl(f haa (riven to mil lion of fumilira, make tho name of tint Onn puny a guaranty of the eaiit'llf m:e of i. n-intdy. It U far In advance of all other laxative, M it acta on the kkluoy, liver and bowulw without IrrliatliiK r weaken ng them, nnd It do a not (rrijHs nor nauiwate. In order to (fi t It beneficial r-ffecU, plcawi rrmi mber the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. a raAxriMo, cl Ml MTILLL li,. ntW VOUK. I. T. (f'ontlnuwl from Fourth la) no ilmil.i iif lh rwull. U t lh mrmlier. if luntrrH hii'.w to 'tint ril pun" tit aiirnprUt.Hii hv Ij.rn ni'l-. nd of the rrul ulluallun ml the muuih it ttl'iml.U. an. I Dipt will ! m h a hl rUrl will r"unil frum nt nut of I ho country to the ttier." I'ltKMIicNT VAN WHEN, of th. t hamtx-r if Omunrn.-: ' (.niii!y wni to ft! At"ru mli a loniiiwm (xilrit. birt Junl lnw llmi ot'JH may Im attained l milhln that In my own mind li not tllrd. tt .ram. to m, tmwrvrr, that ehould the mMttr Im brouiiht properly tefore lh inlerntate lummrrie tomiiil.alnn they could hardly r.rup. to tiik. action that would bring alM.ut th d.lrt result. W. have the bmt of tho arrrumrnt and I thltik It only prper to Immnliately aaM-rt our rurnti. "A. for the rhamlH-r of .inmrrce. 1 tan not areata for that txxly olrlrlly, but a an Individual wfll .ay thai the com mon point (juration ehould l taken b fore It at an arly m:ln- and vhtoroua ai'tloti IhniltuUd. It l h.mlly pr"Uil that the l'nltd State. fovernmot will nppror!te future million for th main Inn.ime of a drep-watT rhannrl up tho river If th. ltflUt"r are nmde dc iUulntnl with the real ltuatln her. If. a. thn AetorUn ayi, Portland haa for yeara. and la to.lay, ualna every effort to prevent this city frum gaining the right, that tHun- to hrr aa a common point and the only natural .oapon In Oregon, then I am In favor of fighting to the arid, aod the eooner It l commenced, the better." M-CM'ltE LOTS. climate, not trantlnat to keep Ihi-m wher tney muet die. Wa at th Woul did not vult to lH l. fvtr have lt run, We wanted to gave life. Now th. probi'-m aa to av. the moT live. xrniic W nuve nnver hul a foreign war lne I5IZ Tim 1'nlM Btate. haa no b'MPimi .i.u.a li wu not a dijnellon of uelng what u,. ..i in if iKM w tmd. We uid the trnKrt Uiat brought the roop down. "If 1 could hnv. md a fewr wea to 'Mlp the hoapllnl eh If" the condition, r.ould have Vm iMitter, If th. wnr had (i.ntlriiicd w would have tyd right there, fover or no revf. jne uoin end of the wur wdi uneapwted. It mad It an lnvtirli.Mii rulo io rend Ikimi 2T. it rut li-aa on a tmnarrt than ah hid I n.iight wi. Tt w a fHir view to Dike. "I urn antlalM with the Hinllugo enm- imlgn. When It I. fully undrlod, wltn all It. dinioiiHI".. It will recHv. It. Juat i,h. In military nutory, we were nur- rl.d off to r'ut. "iv iimded nnd could not tvivu itt-n our alona hark on board If we worrtMj to. V.'tntl the liiviialon waa plinnnl II r,n divtoiia tlul It mutt v n rueh aueh It wna, "And It waa a hu re- ompu t and un- i-iiilvoiiil. Many thing, were onrie. It la true, that w.'re fornd tiiit nn by the ex IgMK Ice f the hour, hut the m!;ni em ployed, even under aurh atri-H, proved to I... l iy thoawi. I W"a rompi'll'd to do 4 gnot mtiny thlnK. under difTH-ehi '.'Iri'UinMuiiiee woulu not hv; lieen too- Idered. "1 elxtd up the Hpanlard. torrcetly. Vr eaiimplc, at Han Junn 1 wa aur tney would no! corn.) out from their worka and .itturk ua. The j:i ny flgTit. 1 hoped, would Iw flnlahwl by 10 u. m., but It took until o'clock, and i rather feci ti'.w h wu for the bent. Iliwl I lud Mwion on the rlKht of the line we would have un doubtedly t'iken the diy of Honthigo thai nliflfl. In whUi we only tlie gjrrtaon would liave turrciidcred to u, whwri.. Idler, all the troop. In the region aur. rounding were ln-ludd The men utalie of Bintlngo on July 2 could have gone to M...n.i I'ufuln. I knew tho war waa over a aooii a ToraJ M'oke to mo about aurronderltig the troop" In the wntcrn province. 1 almoet Wl over. "We never hl on th ligntuig line at any one trme m'e than UVu mt-n, and with theee we raptured ZT.(M. "Nine Ui'maund ftinlrda were tortl tliil In the bl emnmrtej poaltlofi. I i-vcr Nw. Indeed, the enircmnmcn:. were of auih a cii&ructer that .helling with the guna we had did nH do them aerluua diimagc. Where a 13-lnrh ahell from our .lilpa dropped Into a houre in lh town It dcmolUhiU :he dwelUt g": but all the occupant were gone." "Did t'crvera". nicn help In the Bn JuanT" wua akl. to clear up a mooted (Hjlnt. "Vea. Indeed. He hud .i mm ashore frm hia II.-. i In the battle of July I. III! chief of Uff. Uuntwm nle. waa killed. 111. marine, and eallora alo ruffcred aevereiy. Cvrvera put thrm all back on board July 1, and on the hlrd he tried to get to e. Ti rtMinlard wire down to their lait i.i i ij rlue when thev .urrmdered. but they declined on the flrat day to actept ration offered Um. They KUi IBM AmxIcMi charity humlll.tted th.-m; but 1 no;l-d ttuit tru-y come urvund for th grub on the aejeond dey. "Why w your food aupply ehort be fore f)an Juan?" "I hud to an qukkly and ahove my men Inin I he neld bttnuae I knew they were growliMC Weaker and weaker every hour. We had plenty f rullona unloud.-d at the hore, but thnre ' only a Ing'.ct road, hub dep In mud. on which tney could b brought to the front, and If we had had a good evrmy we could have got the pro vlerun. where they wkate needed. "The ack train avd ua. They were Invaluable." MlMrm, H, Knrandlna, Lukeland, t:amp Mnad, and other minor, ramp., In prlvnte hof'tlx. at heme, ee Ui. Bl1. cmthw, ill. ;., Trnn.port. and hoardtnl nhtt, Vi. Total, J.2M. tMalh. ar. atlrlhulnd to the fo' lowing CAUima; Typhoid fever, SIJ. yllw fever, M. fry.eni.ry. a, MorilngUl. 47. Molarim 81. Pneumonia, U fut report' d a fever, V4. WIHlnTou allm Jit or dlagnrixl not if theng-urnr army 23 are tliaid; clnttetl I. imx'oimI with 1.7); Mired., third with 1"); Michigan, fourth with 91, and New York OfUi with 3. Schillings Best baking powder is only a little bet ter than two or three others; but Schilling's Best tea is twice as j;ood as usual tea. In cither case, your gro cer returns your money in full if you'd rather , have some other. t For mI by Post., HI?k'h & Company Two hundred and fifty each; trm of payment '. Lot 7. block lit; lot 7, block IV.; ;t 1, block in. lot 5. block ISk lot 3. block loL Addrra b. cure A.urlan. NtJTICE POn IUDS. Hid. will b. received by the rounty court of Clitp county, on or orfore ihe t:h day of leptem'jer. 1M'. at U s'c ock a. m., for th. delivery In the court hou.e yard of 15 cord, of Vine Mupl i r 8iruce l.lmba. tS enrd. of Alder and i cord, of Kir wood. th. aam. ti b of r.od .ounu quntliy. full cord length. nJ delivered before the lat day of Oc:.r, lKi The right I. hereby roene I to reject any and all bid. lty order of the County Court. H. J. WHKKITY. County Clerk. SHATTER ON SANTIAilu. Iiftereetlng View (rf thn U m-ml Plan mi J outcome of the Otnuuign. NEW YOKE, Sept. 1-The orll prints iui Interview wlm ( Simfter In w hk h hv I represented n ayin: "At Buntlago we hud to deal wlih things a. they were, not a they hould have ben. Of cour.e there w-a alckne... It wua inovluible In a aummor campaign. Hut ivobody w neglected The d-K'tors were .in roe ut flrt, but we had bm; load of them a o"n n they could got here. The doctor got sick, 1 ke the ret. They wore overworked nj ex huiuried, but their ablll'.y wa unQtiectu.n able, l.ot.k at the low prrctntnge of ibnth. from wound. It nevrr wa ow,r In any wur. "Wiiy, In the civil war 1 lay on the but tletUOd my.lf until maggot developed In my wounua, nnd wua right near by, not down In u malurlal ub-trvpcl coun tty far away. "The nitii who ordered a ummor cam ptilj,n In a fcver-liive.U'd country arc re .imiiKlbltt for the natural tiiul unavoidable ctiiincnuettce. "Noiiti of our woundtd wero allowed to lie on tho battletleld ua I wua In the civil war. N'xithlng of tho kind happvnea. An uethctlt were plentiful, "It wua th. heot that wa o dtodly, ujhI tho i ulna. Hlttlit lu tho of the moHt torrid heat a show or would fall. It would drench everybody without cooling the air. In a few minute, under the huh atncln, every uwtn would bo alcuiulng. Men or the mruiiKCxt cunatitutiun uc cunibed, "tuir HriH ca of yellow fevor developed at El Cnney. Hut tho army was rtpo for It and It spread lino a nralrlu lire. .Manv u man had yellow fevor who novor wlil now It. And, to toll the truth. It It not so daiiKcrou us heat attack that unac. cllnvated men have In the malurluu re gion of Cuba, Why. It 1 a common thing for i man' tetnperaturo to rlau rrom a normal state to lu5 In a few hours. I hut metans death In most case. ,,H can give cards and sratdes to vellnw fever in tho game of death. I would rathor haw yellow fevor. 1 tell vou w hen a mnn burn, up inside there' little hopo for him, "Our meat wore all unuccliinated.1 They ncvor hitd faced tonstant aun. Many of them hud never slept outsldo before they went Into ctinip. How could thoy bo moulded Into prober tiiilici-4.iI ivir orh climate and uch not bo done, - "Theae men you ce coming buck with thin bodlea and the yellow fever are uf. faring from the Dtirartt. ff i o the Sajitlago plateau. However, th0 cooi air ana gooa home care will cure mean. "Wo hod to choose the I vU-to hlp the mon north to a hculthy THE WAR'S VICTIMS. of the De'h on Cuban Dattle.teld and In Camps. CHICAGO, 8.Tt. 1-The Tribune thu nornlng print Ft tint Ice showing ihe nun.ler of soldier who have been killed In battle and have died of disease In camp during the wnr with Spain. The Tribune nil: Whll K om-r and men have been killed In battle or -ted of wound received there have died of disease In camp be tween 1.X0 and 2.0.0 volunteer and rcg ulur. The Tribune haa ecured the ramci of I.Jsi who died In camp or on trunn urts, or at homo utter coiuractlng malarial lever ut one of the camp. There I no doubt about the LSI whose nanus have been secured. Neither Is there muth doubt there are hundreds of dead whose num. tou'.d not be se cured on account of lack of record end the Inability or tho unwillingness of army nirber to furnish list of dead. The Tribune give the following etatls lit of dead In ech camp, giving In every Instance a full list of names and the nature of the disease. Tho rvcord by camp la as follows: Camp Thomas, Si Samlngo. 3... , Pan Francisco, TK. l"amp Alger, 75. Camp Wlkoff, Kl. Jacksonville. M. Tampa, 5J. - - 3 " ROUGH SHOES FOR LITTLE GIRLS II IM T 1. e-kt WVLJ' Sometimes, espocl.Uly school times, they need them; goHl, easy ones, but strong and hard to wear out. As for the boy, 0, we aynipotthlge w-lth you all the year through, for the boy arc a great tax on head, heart and pocketbook, but right hero our sympathy takes a practical, turn. Have you seen our special shoes for boys? Petersen & Brown. MURRAY HOTEL . Foot or N ntliBti-eel. Electric Lights -Electric Bells-free Sample Room -All Modern Improvements. WEEKLY RATES. ' P.'Ut. QUNN, Proprietor. The Choicest Table Wines... For 7axiUe Alao for Uedteast 4 CoUo PipoM Prtvau Stock. Crm Rr. CM Hiekmr, Pride of Kentucky and Bemttacet atee oH Cailforoia Brde. - Carlson's FamHyLiquor Store V TWELFTH STREET A CRITICAL TIME During th Battle of Santiago. SICK 01 VEIL. A RtSn SIGHT ISD OAT i THE PACKEI18 AT THE BATTLE OK SANTIAGO DE CL'kA WEKE ALL HEROES. THEIR HEROIC EFFORTS in (jcrrriNa ammi'sition and RATION8 TO THE FRONT SAVED THE DAY. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. S. writ Ing from Santiago d. Cub on July 23. ayi: "We all had diarrhoea. In more or llees violent form, and when we landed we had no time to ee doctor, for It waa a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troop, supplied with amraunl Hon and ration, but thanka to Chajnber- laln'i Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and keep our health; In (act, I alncerely believe that at one critical time this medicine wa. the indirect aavlor of our army, for If the packer had been unable to work there would have been no way of getting cuppltes (to the front There were no road that a wagon train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay In a supply ot this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and I know In four case It abso lutely saved Bfe." The above letter waa written to the manufacturer of this meuiclne, th. Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dea MMnts, Iowa. For sale by Charles Roger. LUORICATINQ OILS K 5PLCIALTY t7J iSoj Fisher Brothers ASTtRIA... SELL. SHIP CHANDLERY HARDWARE IRON AND 8TEKM. COAL " GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS. T)ILS AND VARNISHE LOGGERS' SUPPLIES " . v FATRBANK'S SCALES" DOORS AND WINDOW8 AGRICULTURAL. ' IMPLEMENT WAGONS AUD VEHICLES WHITE COLLAR LIN1 Columbia River and Puget Bound Nav1 gallon Company. - Leaves Astoria dally except Saturdiy at 7 p. m. , leaves Portland dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. , White Collar line t'ck'ta Inteir, hantrcAhln on Halley Gatert, T. J. Potter and R. K. rhompscn for Astoria uivl all way points, Flavfl. llwaco, 8eavlew, Long Lleaeh, and .tancotia. C. W. STONE. U. B. SCOTT. Astoria AganC President Telephone No. 1L ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. ASTORIA. Iixuiy.) a.m. p.m. I Portland and A-l S:4U 6;3ujtoria expres. trains via h.nnppa. Clifton. ! Won t port, Goble and I way aiationa. ' 6:15New Astoria passtin- iaer irviiiB, Arrr. a,m. p.m. U.U 10:55 8:30 (;40 U:SU Flrst-cliise tntln leave Warrenton for Flavel and New Astoria at 7: l:U and 10:U a. m.. and 13:30. B-.OS and a-RS n m and returning arrive at Warrenton at -.06, 9:30, 11:06 a, m. and 12:40, 6:15 and 7:05 p.m. Train leave Beaslde 7:00 a. m in-m a m.. 4:30 p. m. dally for Astoria. Portland train leave seaside on Sunday at f:30 p. m : ' ' , - C. MAYO. , Q. F. &P. A. Astoria Public Library i READING ROOM FREE TO ALL Open every day from I o'clock to IM . and l: to I JO p. m. Bubecriptlon rates SS per aanoro. W. Cor, Eleventh and Duaae Street). Heilbprn & Sbf55fei 6I'KCIAL SALE JnpiincHo Linen Wurp MntlinH. l Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland.! -X'.'.IMPERIAIw.notc! g THOS. OUINEAN, Proprltttor I 5?,VAitont8t. Portland, Or. truuvvvivriininAir J i. mm R'CHrjFSSL ) FLAVOR m-r mm Gunther's Celcfcratcl Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries ' at the Parlor.... Chas. Kan & Co. 367 COMMERCIAL STREET. Manufacturers of Ladies' UNDERWEAR and Wrappers, etc. The lowest prices in Astoria. We also carry a fine stock of Japanese Fancy Goods, fine Chinaware, Notions and Toys at wholesale prices. iutnAAAivruiAnArvrinaruiAniAnuv THE PALACE Astoria's Leading Restaurant Everything Strictly FlrtC!os, ' W. W. WHIPPLE. Proo. 1 P. A. SlUKbb C lot h 1 n g ; t and Gents' Furnishing Goods i CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. I ; - i . .-. . . .... kwWWff.WWmrrWW ijm eawinaa pawn mm. mim nin ! si ib.m iiiimai mini a: :.. r . n.. '. West Shore (Dills Go. iH.,t , n;-- n ". i-. i l"'.' ...Wood... FlrCordWood - - 3.75 per Cori Slab Wood - - - - 2.50 " Gut and Delivered Vine Maple and Spruce Limbs. fcv OREGON STATE riORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, .Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS HeauUr Normal Poone of three rear. Dea lor rear wholly pr(rnunal. j Iruiulu oapartment ol nine trades with yo children. .ustructlob and train nj In ?vm"at es (tiwedlah j tem i, and Vuoal M I'SlC for pu blie hoUikiI The onna diploma l recognised bf law as a &TATX UFK CERT1KICATE to fach. I t(ht expense. Tuition, books, board and lodging (ap. pmiluiaU'lT,;:.0()pr er. , Slutlfuu board 101 tuemsvlve. Ill't.Or) per fear Academic Rrades acceiitrd Iroiu hih school. Catalogue cheorhillT seut ou appllcati.iu. . Address P. L. CAMPBELL, Prcst'W, or W. A. WANN. Secretarr of "r,ul EAST ,u south Inl SSir MSS. Industrial LEAVE :00 P. M 8:SC A. M Dally except Sunday rt:M A. M iM P. il PORTLAND OVERLAND EX PRESS, for 'Salem, Roeeburg, Ashland, Sacramento, Ogden, San Francisco, Mo lave, Los Angeles, Kl Pao, New Or leans and the East. Rosehurg paaaenger Via Woodhum, for Mount Angel, Sll verton, West Solo, Rrownvllle. Spring field and Nation.... ARRIVE : A- It H:S0 P. W Dally except Sunday Corvallls pcaaena-er frt:M Independence pwsa'JtS:15 :50 A. M A.M Pally, tDatly except Sunday. Connecting at San Francisco with Occi dental A Oriental, Pacific Mall and Oce anic pteaniahii) line, fur . JAPAN., CHINA. AT "S i RALIA AND HAWAII. ticket on aale dally between Portland. Sacramento, and Ban Francis co. Net rate. 117 flrst-claaa. and 111 aeo- ond-clasa. Including oleeper. - Kates ana ucneis to eastern points ano Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu, ami Australia, Can be obulnd from J. R KIRKIAND, Ticket Agent, 134 Third el,, R. KOEHIJER, . . C, H. MARKHAM. , . Manager. . Q. F. & P. A. m Bl( l I a Don-powonom rj fmetlr for Uunorrhoa, n n n .IU. ' . i charter, or any luflanima- jnaw Mswka- lion of mneoo. Biin. :JltEUCHMiNtlk brane.. Noa-aatrlnguul. IV 1 cm(mtKTt.o 1 5 0,', b' rWa. . is,,; ,f " In Hat ,V VJ y I br upiM, Br.paiil, fcr Vi jjotl i. oo, or bolil4, i P Circular ul ea rwtuoat. Exposition OPENS IM , . , .. Portland, September 22 CL0SE5 October 22. 1898 The Finect and OreatcBt Exposition ever held in iheSortnwest. HORTICUltTUQSIt and ACRICUiiTUHSIi Product of Ort'tron nnd Washington will bo ttisplitjoii ju wouderfiil proiiiHiou, incluttinjr more varieties than ever tx-fore pntbered toiretli er In one exhibit. Cold, Silver and Bronze MeJals will lie Awarded. ' Marvelo"sly Rich Specimens from our Cold. Silver and Other Alines. .Bennett's Renowned - Alilitary Bad, Ha been ;;! for t!S tzzzcz. Astounding Aerial FeaU mad Aero. ' batlc Perfoimanccs. -' i Very Low Rates on all Fallroais- Admlsslon 2S Cents. . Cblld'en luteins !tv,'v.V e::.' ' t.