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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1898)
TUB DAILY AST0R1AN, SATUMaV tiMMM, fiEPttMBKlt , 18HH ally gtoriatu Telephnns No, St DAII.T.' inl by mail, per rr t00 Bent lr mail, pe month .M Served by crior, pr month WEEKLY. Bent by mail, pec year, in advance,, Postage fre. to ubct1bere. U00 All communication Intended for publl ratioe. should b directed to the editor. l'u.:n(H communications of ail kind and remittance mut be addressed to TJ. AHtorUtt," Tli Astorlan guarantee 10 It adver tiser the lnrct circulation of any news paper published on th Columbia river, Advertising rate can be had on appll' cation to lb busina manager. , Apt.wta harbor I a freeh waft harbor the only ine on the entire Pacific, coaM. It 4 arceesKile to the largest ships and 1 but three hour's sll from the open road. trad. With a common point on rraln tnr th O. R. N. and A. C. rsB- road thl great harbor would swarm with vessels seeking charter at the lowest compenulv rat on tk Facine coast. The resuK wonld be that Walla Walla wtieat would fcrtar almost If not quit a much at AtoW aa la San; Franctsco and a lots of Snore thaa one million dollar each year would be wrM the eastern Oregon and Washington grata growers. Foreign tfp, owner have such aa In terest In this common point proposition 4bat they would not tend their ships to Portland If they understood the situation. It frequently happen that ship entering the Columbia river are purposely com pelled to tow up to Portland before they wn obtain an offer. Nor ta this all, through arrangement with the towage companies, ship liner and other, defers of various aorta are contrived so a to mak the ship departure from Portland correspond with th full moon tide neces sary to enable them to ret down the river on n or S feet of wuter. Th expense of alt thl demurrage and loss of time can ho totally avoided when Astoria 1 made a coo mo a point. Astoria ( opposed to "any" further ap propriation to dig out tho river between hers and th a R. X. dock In Fort, land, because th federal taxes flat hare bee) annually enprnW that purpose f buk h w ' - k . 11 w Aivwinnfjwl to mora tnoncy than, would hav ufflced to nay the freight at regular railroad rate on every ton of wheat and floor brought down th river during these year by rea son, of och appropriation, without any com pens Bon to tho producer or geneiul public In the lowering of rate elsewhere. In fact, the farmer of Oregon and Washington have received exceed-: trg one million Collars less per year for their produoe In direct consequence of uch misappropriation of public money. Why doesn't tbe Oregonian take tip thl point la the present controversy and show the error of thl statement, if R can? Sine tha maintenance of deep water channel from Atoria' commodious har borone hunJred mile tnland to the O. K. N.Cotnpany' terminal in Portland beneflt only the O. R. ft N. Company end a few wheat broker and shippers In Portland, and Is. furthermore, a disad vantage to tho producer of the north west territory. In that It Is by reason of the maintenance of thl deep water chan nel that th O. R. & N. Company Is able tt exact from the grain grower twice as high a rate for transporting: hi pro duct to a point one hundred and ten mile from the seaboard a 1 charged under In terstate commerce regulation by other rallroada for tho transportation of like products from the same grain-growing region to the sw board proper, and from which said point of transportation by the O. R. A N. Company the grain grower must still pay two additional tolls to that company and the city of Portland, In com. binatioc before he can get hi grain to the ocean for transhipment to Europe, U 1 claimed 1n Astoria that the expense of maintaining thl deep-water channel should be "borne wholly by the O.' R. & N. Company and Portland, and that the government become an Instrument of ln- And extortion to the extent of every dollar contributed by It to eld In maintaining thl deep water channel. General Weyler again, bobs up aa the military dictator of Spain end rroposes to deliver ber from trouble and save her honor. May Castile be delivered fr.m such fiend. There Is still some gold In Klondike end Astoria got portion of it, tut the hard ships endured In securing the yellow dust ar. not worth the candle when there are good mine t home. Spain want to transport the remains ' of Columbus from Havana to Madrid, It wuld ecm moot fitting that the ashe of the discoverer of America should remain on American soil and under the care of AncriiiM at the lately ir-oulred eastern outpost of th country. Through th death of Kink Mallctcoa of Samoa Uncle 8am stand a good chant- of obtaining noth(T coaling station In chln acros th Pacific. W ar rapMly taking out plact la th W with th other "power. " The report of rebellion In China and otfier disturbance In th fsr east, wher soon there must be mlllrory operations or greater or Irs magnitude, and where all the power ara interested, do not argue very favorably for Ciar Nichols' peae propo(UXkn, la view of the well known ueahgns of thai monarch lo strengthen te terminal points on the Psotllc of hU strent Slberlsn railway and maintain hi naru) atHtlon in eastern water. Will th 0r be the first one to Uy down arms? Letters received from Alak say tbt mny proipct$r fiive sbsn.lonej their teorvh for iril aiul are latl:if cnu clsima, '.''' C . . A desperate looking nun, wtth two drawn revolv. ers is not a pleas ant pet son to meet at a lonrlT rniM-rid. Moat men will go s long wav out of their roail to srotd such an encount er. The same men will reck lely neglect their health and court death i the gniseof coanmp-' hAfi nr aeime nttlef1 I equally (kul dis lesjie. One-siith I of all the deaths each year are due to this most fata of maladies. I'nb'l very te cent years, coo sumption was considered absolutely incur able. - It tf now known to be curable, i TW. fi m (V nail fUi r It k K I demoortrsted that Ir. Pierce' Golden Mcdtcat Discovery will cure oK per cent. of all case of consumption, if taken in the I earlier stages of the disease before the lungs are too much wasted, alo brunchuiv asthma, larrn iritis and. all disease of all tae air-passa;ea it act airectiy oa toe lunjrs, driving- out all impurities and di- ease fenns. It soothes the couch, fsci'.i- gh. tatr expectorstioa, thus thoroughly clear- in the lungs. It purifies and enncars the blood and tears down, cames oa and ex crete old, iaerc half-dead Uwues. replacing- them with the new, trm, muscular tissues of health. It is the great appetite ! .k...... ki. .1 ak . K...1.1. ' erve-tonic and restorative. Thouunds who had been given up to die have been restored to complete, robust health by this marvelous medicine. Do not buy from un scrupulous dealers who try to fore apoa you something beside what you ask br. There is noth'av 'J take the place of it. or, which is "jra a good" U "Ooldea Medi cal Dv.-.e.ry." - road the gnp, which left me feriina misef- Ve oo treDirth and a couch." writes Mrs. ; Mavnard.of East Lyne. New tmdoa Co.. Cooq. " As some ofsr aiaitlv died wtt h contain pOofl. I was frirkteaed. I becaa taking Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Dttcwrery. After taking the secoad bottle I felt. anKh hette. and am sow weU." Dr. Pierce1 Pellets core conaupaUoa. A telegram from Newport New say it 1 rumored that th cruiser Minneapolis, which Is at the Norfolk navy yard, will go to the Philippine. ' TO CVRE A. COLD IS ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. J5 cents. The genuine hss L. B. Q. oo each tablet. Under the personal direction of Ardmlral Dewey the navy yard, arsenal, forts and barracks at Cavite have been re-estab. llshed. AS ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than the Ete-Coiin Drug Co., who (par no pain to secure the best of everything in their Un for their many customer. They hav now the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This 1 the wonderful remedy that Is producing tuch furor all over the country by It many (tartllng cures. It absolutely cure Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat. Cheat and Lungs. Call at abov drug (tore and get a trial bottle free or a regular alxe for M cents and IL Guar anteed to cur or price refunded. OABToniA. Bsarith Ita Had V-a Haw Alsrars Bcaga Bigsatsr cf The report that the quetn of Dnmark Is serlounly 111 is denied in Copenhagen. Bi-wnarck's personal estate, It Is said, amounted to about t3,&W,W0. Experience I the beat teacher. Use Acker's English Reaedy In any case ol cough, colds or croup. Should It fall to give Immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and SO cts. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Gertrude Hall, member of a suicide club, killed herself with gas In New l'ork. PLATED OCT. Dull headache, pain In various part of the body, sinking at the pit of the aioroacn, toss oi appetite, leveristines pimple or sore ar ail positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how It be came so. It must be purified In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir ua never failed to cure scrofulous or PflCAT Ticket to all point Un.,irfiH ..EAST.. MT:,iAForSaletvO.R.AH Astoria, Vy, : C. l. R00 K0UKK8, Ilwse. Through palace and tourist tleepert dining and library observation car. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 Limited leave Portland at 1:11 p. m. No. I Limited arrive Portland at 11 L William's Kidney Pills f Has no enual iu diseases of the f Kidneys au! Urinary Organs. Ilat e 1 you neglected your Kidneys? lia ve 1 yot overworked your nervous By- , 'tem and caused trouble with your j Kidneys and llladjf? Dave yon1 v pains In tho loins, Bueback, proins, I Una bladder? Have you1 a Cabby ap jt pearance of the face, especially I cnuer me eyes t xoo frequent de- A sire pass urine ? William' Kidney V I'ilta will impart new life to thedi cased organs, tone np tha system and make a new man of yon. By T wail 60 cents per box. .. S iv u.uAs ara. uo., nona., Cleveland. O. k AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. CTJ ARS ASSERTTKQ W TUS COl'RTS OUR lUCirT TO TIISEXCU-SIVB USE OF, THE WORD CAStoS" AND "imUER-S CAST0R1A,- AS OUR, TRAnrTxiARK. ' . DR. SAMUEL FITCHEW cf llywms, Massachusetts, w$ the originator cf "CASTORIA;1 tho s-vo that has borne cni. Cots no:o, besr : cn f VCr the . This is ihowsw . CAaTORIA" which has been used in the homes cf i,w others rf America fir over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY' the kiml you c cfeeyg H'7. an per, Ike Centaur Corn March24,l$9S. ,1 d has U i:f::t;TT6VV wrap. , AO CM r.GS GXiienttJ fan me to WW ; nama txtvr.t : ; Not Be Decoived. - Do not endangvr iHa li'.af your.cluU by. accrptin a deap substitute which soma drugjjist may offer ya (because he nukes a few r.iorc pennies on it), the' in fcUknts of.whjch: even hcQ& not know. "Tho Kind 'You HaVo 'Always Bought" BEAR THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having Tho End That Never Failed You. n uus tr I typhillHo poison or any otner wooa aia- ease. It U certainly wonderful remedy and w sell every bottl on t poeltlv cuarantea, For sals by EatM-Cona Drag Co. The losse of cattle on th California nmhea are teas disastrous than has been expected. Luxuriant hair, cf uniform color, I a beautiful baad-covarlna' for atthar aat. and mar b secursd by uatag Ball' Va-a- abl BlciUra Hair Rati war. Stranger war rigorously excluded from the funeral service of Ptinc Blimtrck. Dyvpepata oaa be cored by aaiag Acker Dyspepsia Tablet. One little tablet will gtv Immediate relief or mooey refunded. Sold la handsome tla boxes at eta, or sal by Es tea-Coon Drug Co. The queen regent of Spain want Pans as th place for the ftnal pence negotia tion. OABTOniA, sWitk f M Km iwm Bcagit CftstBie f Toung King Alfonst of tipain haa re gained bis health, the measle having left him. Biok headache abeolutaly and perman ently cured by nsteg Moki Twa, A pleas ant herb, drink. Cure cosaUpatloo and Indigestion, make jros eat., deep, work and hapy. BaOa faction guarantee or or money refunded, 8 and. M ccDta, for sal by Eataa-Cotut Drug Co. ' Nine hurelred tons of Ice. tha gift of Mls Gardner, of Long Island, lus arrived at Santiago. THE PIONEER LXMJTZD la th nam of the only perfect' train w th world, now running every night be tween St Paul and Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul railway the pioneer road of th wean In adopt. Ing all Improved facilities for th safety and enjoyment of passenger. An Illus trated pamphlet, showing vew of hfwit tlf'il coery aiotig th rout of th Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any per son upon of twoxent postage Ump. Address Georg H. Heafford, General Patsena-er Agent, Chicago, lit, C.ara Loesche, aged 19, was shot and kir.ed by a burglar wh m she surpnued In her room. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Tfes Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Prince Hohenlihe, (jerman Premier, has iiued an official proclamation of the death of Prince Blsrmrk. Mr. John Mathtas, a well known stock dealer of Puloskl, Ky says: "After suf fering for over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to relieve me. I was advised to try Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the pleasure of staling that the half of one bottle cured me." For sale by Cbariee Rogers, Druggist. A smokeless powder factory 1 to be es tablished at Cleveland, 0., by a company whlrh has a government contract. C Bean tha Eljrtutar V. A8T011IA, Hind lot Wtn Nrars BccgM Admiral Dewey expect to be able to rave two of the best Spadilwh crulers which ho sank in Manila harbor, HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good lnnk ...n ., (., LV--ii more man sain ceep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all ths vital organs. If the liver Is lnactlve,you hav a bilious look; If your stomach is disordered, you bav a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys ar affected, you have a pinched look. Se cure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" Is a good Alterative and Tonic. Act directly on th tomach, liver and kidneys, purl nes the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Bold at Estes Conn Drug Co. to cents per bottle. The Colifornta Raisin f;rnp.- a.iivia. tlon has formulated a Dlan tn nnnt tne raisin product of the state. I The Rev. W. B. Oostlv. r fl.j,hriit Ga., whiU attending to his paetortaj du- ti M Ellon wood, that state, was attack-1 y uiwiera morbus. He ay: "By y, cj icfi Mas. II. Fletcher is rivsidc;: t a " smut. chance I happened to get b4d of a buttle of Chambrlaln' Colic, itinera an,l Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think It th mean of sar.'ng my life. It reHrvrd me at em-e." ror wit by Churles It s; ers, druggist. Certl 1th. Mes try In t k-et Nuk .it the poll m the ttouth African republic the power he lost by the ran. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE la th world tor Cuts, Bruise. Bores, Clrers, Salt Rheum, rtver Sore. Tetter, Chppl Uands.Chll blaln. Cores and all Bkln Eruption, and positively cure Pile, or no pay required. It I guaranteed to glv perfect aattsfa. tlon or money refunded. Price rent per boa. For al by Etee-Conn Drug Co, Francl Murphy, the aell-kauwa tem perance advocate, has been appointed chaplain of the Fifth Pennsylvania regi ment. That the blood should perturm Its vttai functions, rt hi abeolutaly necessary It hould not only be pure but rich to. life giving elements. The result ar beet effected by the use of that all-know a standard, blood purifier, Ayer Sam parUla. . ' Frank C. Flemmg, of Chicago, was crushed Co death by falling feet into a crevasse In the Vsl.les glacier, Alaska. We hav used ChamberUin' Couch Remedy In our hn f jr many years and bear cheerful testimony to It vaiu as a medicine which should be In every family. In couirha and c4d we have fourd It to be efflcauious and m croup and who p ng rough In ihlldren we deem It tiupr.. aUe.M. p. KlTTEIt, T Kalrfas ave.. St. Luula, Mo. Fur sale by Ch.iii.-e H 'it ers, druggist. The rieiiple of the Isle r.f pine nr s'arv. ing. and the rvrt that they h.n h en f jrr.liihlng Cuha i:h food la thus prnvn false. REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Pl.ilnsrteld, III., makes the statement, that she cauxht cold which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse II told br she was a hopeless vlrtlm of consumption nd that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggeseted Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption: she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from th first dose. She con- WWWHWMWeyCtgOmMleCe A TV 1 ' TTV i a m I I Attt vn k liuAe. iaA In order to further ininnlute ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Ircn ! i Ilran(l),triemamil;ictiir r. I C. liubihKRr Brii.Coof Keokuk ( 1 Iowa, have derided lo 01 VU AWAY a beautiful i.renent with J ! each package olEtarthsiIJ. These prejcuisare in the formof Beautiful Pasfel Pictures ... i They are 13x19 inches in sie.and are entitled ai followi: .trr. - Lilacs and Pansies. if ttw.i Panslei and narffuerites. J MQUUHHOCOOUMf'' Of Alt OlMt ITAUta ,,icaoa "!i r. jfiiBiKfirn nr nf 0 Thete rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been rhosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to tne public 1 he pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the originals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art Pastel pictures are the correct tiling for the home, nothine sur. passing them in beauty, nrhness of une 01 tnese pictures will be given away with each oarkatre of purchased of your jrrocer.' It is the and is sold for. 10 cents a package. m gtuu gc a ivuiuu tiui. I All Grocort Kup Elastic Starch. Accept No Substitute. I aaaaaaasMtssssilssststacasaaaae,,,, Through Tickets -TO T- EAST AM) SOUTHEAST . -VIA- PULLMAN PALACE BIJCRPERS. TOURIST SLEEPERS an FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Ksstsrn elite , Baggage checkail through to daetlnstlS. L'nH'n Ihpets, fojat Ume, lowest rat Plntsch Uskt In U ir.,' t ' ' For rates ami othr Information call oo or addma U. W. LOl'NSUEUHT, Agm, O. R. ft N. Co Astoria, Oregon, or J. II. LOTHUOP, Oa Agent. IS Third .. tvr. Alder. Portland, Or. rug only DtMsa-CAh koctk ru H0KftAM I0TIU IAST. THtOM.T KOL'TK Tti UK Ygl.U)WS1iiM SA'NALfakK uttvg iiihriv.NU I akkivi. Mail fr kaiama. Chehali. I'elitrAllA. No. 1 Hiuittl Ue d.Uuuieauo Sc. 1. in. cueeu. ii fUil I a i.Mdiis !. Vt. toil., rirt T"n(,il, r.iuu- hi or. -"i. i.4i, r. K.wlai.d ;H. 0 h f.; Sei .ad. H l'. Ka'tu, My-I laottU. Iiuue,,, II: A. M. Helena, ft. ra'il, atin-l V (V f. V Ba l a, k ir,a ity Omilia, ('.i-ain-u 1!uB. Lhii i tii. a-'iW'h i liitt.n.. haw Y"fa. I'hll l ..r. B-t.ii, aa.l a l 1M1U tJt sud -OUth'l .ji I I DATS to Mtuneaeoli. Omaaa, Kaav aae City and St. Paul IS DAYS to Milwaukee and Chi), (H DATS to Waehtngton, PhlUdsipeia, New York arid Boaneo, aat Other Eastern polDta Beggsg cb.-kd IVi1l to dttit1s) of ticket. For atoptng-rar raaarf aOOBS. tin hats, ira and full Information, salt aa r nt C W. tTO!CE. Astoria. A. D. CHARLTON Aaa't Oao'l fa. Ageat. Portlaad, or tSt Murvlaoa St.. Cor. Third. tinned It us and after taking six bot tle found herself sound and wall; now doe her own housework, and Is as well aa h ever was. Free trial botilra of this Great Discovery at Eates-Conn Drug Co. Large bottles SO cents and tl. 'lim.Tiil Merrum. cjmrr.inil-.g tn.. i-. irtnunt i-f th l'.n !V h. vt .i:n..r. to etiliBt a tat'ilion of inftTi ry t:i 1: iw.ill to al.l In it arru.m duty. YOVR FA i-'hows the fa,te of your feelings and tn ate of your h-ulih a well. Impure b.noil mak-s Itae.f apparent In a pile an.! a.illow complexion, p'.mplea and akin er i: If you are feeling weak ani worn rot and do not have a healthy a'.pewt imc you should try Ai-ker's HI hI E ls r I- cures all blood where chap ! .tiMinriii!ia onl a-caie.j pur.nera S1 Knowing this we sell every L.:tl un a (oaluv guarur.Tee I no iu-tu.ll com to .H.ntn of her i ol in i I loretk-n w.ira fr-.m ilon h. f. A i-1 It'ial lk'.iH. i'X.'e-l It '.''!, .".. 'I ) '.",.) vf l'h n Ion sj - fc. Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. 9 0m I f r) sis , rir nness 01 color ana artistic merit. ELASTIC STARCH color and artistic merit. best laundry smirch on the market' Ask your grocer for this starch WHEN GOING EASTi: Use BraUlass line In traveling between atlansapoll. St Paul and Chicago, and th principal lwnl In central Wleoonsln Ptlsce Bleeping and Chair Cere Id service. The Dining oar are operated In the In Israel of Us patron, th most sUgaul service ever Inaugurated, alsal are served a la ert. To obtain first-claas rvle your tlcksl should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Dlreet eonaentltma at Chloagn aud kill. waukee fur all eaatarn polntA rr full InfnrniaMun call oa your nsareat ticket agent, or writ JAt. C. POND, Oeneral Pa. a. Agent, or JAS A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wla Oenarsl Agent, ' M Stark street. Portland. Ore NOTICE Or TIIK! COMIM.KTinS AN't Ai'CF.PTANt M tF THE IMI'llOVK MKNT IN THE CITY H' AMTtUtlA KNOW N A TUB "F.IOHTIl Hi'ltKK I', FltnU tlltANO AVK.M'U TO MAO AH.V AVKNl'E. NIAtlAUA AVEM'K TO HKVKNTII MTREET. AND HICV. f.NTII STHKklT'Tp HAV AVUNI'lf! IMPUOVKMENT," ' N'otu la hetvty tlvrn to the puMie, to all thoM lutrrvateit ,aiid lo sll paraoiia nhiitiisix rer, that U'llllatu Nelni iind W. A (loo.lls. the 1'i.ntractors for lbs street iniprovattiMil lu lb City u( AalotU drain tmted a th Improvenunt tit rlighth tree!. (Mm Orand avenue to Nlogara avenue, Niagara avenue front Elghiu :ret to Seventh atreet. Sud hevemli a'.rext from Niagara avenue to the nor in aula uf Hay Vue, bav i-umiaiad the .iforvaald lmprwvemnt, accitritliig in th provlalotta of Or.lln.inie No. J, Jul uf th orilnancaa uf said rlty, aiiroved Novem ber Ji'lh. snd at-ctirtiiiig to lb eon- ;nut for anIA Improvement, and rertltl-i-atea of approval of th work don un a.ild luil'rovellnwil. alsned by the City Sur veyor and MuHrl!itiitlent of sueeis el Aid . Uy. and )y tha Corunilitee on Htreeia ii.l Public Ways uf ths Conunon Couin-ll thereof, hav inn oa the )ith ilsy of Ausual, xn, Ixwn duly tiled li the oftlte of the Au.tUor and Poll.- Ju.lgs of said city, s pMVIdol by l r. Hun lire No, ,VA of th Ordliuius uf MM ilty, approved Janu ary ih, Kd, that therefore, Ihe aforreal.l Iniprovemrtit inay Ur. by Ilia Coinuion 1'i.iiiull aforeonli, finally scoited at tha neat resular meeting of said body fol lowing the dm ot the taptrwlloii of th putilUatlon uf thla iiottoe, hLh nteetln! will tw held on TUuraday. Seplt-iuter li'H. Iw. at Hie hour uf ;. p. ni . unlraa prior to euld lime vhjeclliUM to ..lil lm- l-rovement be ItUd with Ihe Au.lltor and I'o.lce Juils of said i Ity. luted at Aaiorlj. orvit, Augual 'Ui. 1M-V II. t NKUON, uUir and Pulli Juds uf the lily of Astoria, r gun. NOTICE oK INTENTION OK TIIK COMMON fOt'NCw. nK THE CITY iF AdiOltlA. litlii)N. TO IMI'ltoVK IIAIttltStiN AVENl'E. HETWEKS SEVENTH AND KUiHTII STREETS. NotU la herehy given tttut the Cotninon t'uumtl of thaj Vity uf AalotU to Improve tho4 rtloi uf Urrlan ave nue lying between Seventh and Klahtn rtnxH and atarwllng frXKU the planking now Uld un I3iihth elm lo the a'r.ei piaoklng on Seventh at reel as no wull, ty grwillng said ll.vxrion svwnus to Its full wld.ti, to lb establlahrd grtul there of, and by plunking some to a width of slsteen feet on fMch sida vf th tattler tlu-rexf. and luiiairuitliitt gutters, curumg an.1 alOewulk on euh aid thereof; ld Iniprwv emeial to t voiiatrui-ted In ai'i'urd am with t'rlliianie l.vut of ul, City, and the coat tiiereuf t. be deirB)ril l-y epeclKl aaaeanment Upon the lota, lamia an.) premier fronting ami alniltlng upon, .1J nt to and otherwise briieilttrd by .i .1 Improvement whlrh !:. Inmla and premlx-a are. lor the puriMiar uf said Improvement, h.irnby In. hnlej within a t herwtftrr to be Called "The llitr- rln Auuun from Heventh to Kill lit h niret-t Impronnunt Ihtr.-t." ond same enilimce tha fot, owing diairlhed property, to-wit: Lot L I. 3. and i In liloi k 'K anil lot t. t 7. ami 1, In bm k v all In that purl uf the City of Aaloru as l.idl out and recorded by John Alri'lure, .nil eatemled ly t'yrua otney, In cuteop County, On-aon. NV, THKUKKtKK. units a rmon irame. alKtinl by the reMnte nf the ilty owning niore llt-m one-haif of the ,,r0Krly ttbllV d.-rlld. li.ill tin (11 . with the Auilltor und Poll, s Juilue of el'y. by tho tUn of lite neat retfuUr lluet lint of tlin auld Common ( oun It follnHing the final pulill.Mtlou uf lIUs unlive, to. alt Tliura-fuy, Ht-pt. mbi-f l.ith, lw, the s ikl Hot r.,Viin-nl wl.l loi mode is nforesiild. 'llil notice la oiuiIhIh-.I by rc'lutlou . i. 1 oimnon Council, juieaed nt a resu 1 ir mi-et.t.ii thereof In aul.l ilty, nrt Ihe Hh l.iy of Annuel. K4. II. IL NKlJloN. .oi' Ir- r 11 Ml Poll o Jui)e of Ihe I lty o: Ax'.oiu, (rigon. SuTiri: ol-' INTKNTION' OP Till- I 1 1 '.'.l.Mi i.n ( (11 Ni IU Or THK t i rv or AHTiltlA, OllUloN, TO lill'llOVK i:i'.HlH STRKKT, PIlDM OHANIJ A V P.N I I! TO IIAitlllhON AVr.Nl'K. Notice la hereby given ihtit thr (,'ommnn ,i'. 111. ui or 1 11 e i ny ot Aatori.i mtenuii to Improve ih:it portion of high h a-trwt 1)1; dr. 1 ml an nuo luttl Mnrrl- mm uvi-ii'ji', t- k-iiIt- tiirrti to tho 'ntuti luiieii KH"le, from ih.i plunking ua now lnl'1 to tho full width thereof, nnd by ci.n 'rui tins 011 taii-h aide thereof sldewiilks with 1 iirlilng, and hImo n gutter contiert itig with the Kiiiti-r now construcled, to 1 In- Houth Hue nt liarriwm nvcnuu, on said Dl.'htli atreet. running to Ihe north Urn- of Unind nvi nue; s-ild improve iip-nt lo l, 1 onstrtidted In nccord- nnce with ordinance IW1 of auld city uihI the coMt tli'TCof to be ilcfntyi-d liv ii-cf :mcKniont upon llitflotH, lutul nuil preiiiNea froiillng nnd abutting upon, iulJ.-ii-Mit to nnd ollii-rwlao bem-lltted by a.ild .iopi)Heil Itnprovetiient, Which lots, 1 - in I x uiiil iP'inlMcs nro, for tho pur poHi a of wild Improvement hereby Includ ed within 11 illMtrlcit herwtftcr to be culled Hie KUlilh Kireet, from Clrond Avenue to llarrlaon Avenue Improvement Dlnlrlot, nnd aiimn nlwill tunbruce tho follownlM described property, to-wlt: i.oi 3, K, i, 4. In block No. 87: lot 1, 2, 7, and 8, in block No. Kg. tn ftlmt sirt of the city of Aalorlu um laid out nnd rocordud by John McCltire, In Clatsop County, Oregon. NOW, TllKItKiamK, unless a remon atrunce, elgnod by tho residents of the city owning more than one-hnlf of Ihe property ubove dcscrltwd, shnll be filed with the Auuitorand Police Judge of wild city, by the time of the next regular meet Ing of the snld Common Council following the llmil publication of this notice, to-wlt: Thursday, September, IK, the ld improvement will be rondo as aforesaid. This notlco Is published by resolution of said Common Council, passed tut a regular meeting thereof, tield In ald city, on tho 4th dny of August, ISttS. ' 11. E. NELSON, Auditor end Police Judge of the City or CLARIFIED ADVEBTISEMENTS van ikp .TVrJryKi.y". gin Apply M-V Kiisniel A lOnl Ininre. 111 till T:is hi h alreel, FOIl ItliVh'. i t ill II I :NT--I 'IIMI II A Ml.K IIOOMH. AP. iiiitrs, tlooiliiMHi lliiliiiing. KOuTlicNT-tHKIIl IIOHHIO AM" HAHN lia'l JoSr scree uf lnd. tie sop City Ullun. known a th Oata-P Post. (tl, . Apply to A Tagg, 4fc I'oniiiisf.UI el.. city IMIl HA 1.13, FOU HAI.K llorHI. ANI'1.0 , , V IIOl'Mli ..... . . ... .11 tier tlininl nveimn nim V,..- Slleel. I ppi I ton II, l-U iW fo' Al'I'ly lo John rlilll. IIOTEIA TOP AT "Til 11 Ml'HHAY.'TIIIC ONLY ,..ul lit Astuil lisvlng ev-'y i'; nt linixoveinenl. Httlully flret el It H8TAI' HANTS (KK)l 14 CENT MICAlit AT TIIIO Ing Sun Keetsuranl. MIMi'Kl.l-ANUol'rt NOl'OHArW HAH TH II KM II I M'"'-1,, vl s In W k Hot ' "V ,"'""" (illi-o, i Vine ran) ! ( t it li"li i'k vtr want i im: MI HNI.M A N I ' nittllll .all on ilemse IM'lle) at III Nailnlial. wlii'M' all tl' il'll. ail' ft Ihe aeaaon itin I. a luuiul. LtTi'sTT K i IN ifA M 1 1 1 . A N I ' i ' 1 1 A I i ' It D peuh.a, i lump, at ltoa, HIsgH's A to, Poll FINi: THA. ICMII.IiNT CO!1- la.-, put le go ! ' ' , ARl ft ST'OKKS CO. THY MIIII.I.INUH i Mi' 1XA AND A "liS'P AT TU B baking puwuar, SWEET CIIWAU liKi rip. CREAM lo AND Uo VOX PINT. PAR- lur twsdy snore. liri K MAI'l. k! LEAK CltKAAtKIIY HL'l lev. ) oarvl j gmkae Co, astUa VH:N YOU WANT FINIS TEA, HHI eoit. and pie, Uy tea"! Siukae lilCICIiHllltirjt-LEAVE YOUR neiler fur wild kiackbemeo with Howe, HlNgiB ft Cv, ASTOliiANS At'tUE "WAHIDK WILL Had Ik Moraing Aatoiiea on sale at Ike Palace Iteelawtaat at that vle. nNVciiEituiri. iiAHi'iiKitint; and red currants are pUrttlful sad cheasv He Ho. a, IHsglli Co, 8AUH.N. THE' UiL'VEIl-lNt.EH THIS A HUB nMnaeuinl uf Ausuot Krla, la daily b4-uuiiiig a HHr and itr popular r ort. The elub roouie un the o.l B' are Bow an aiirwoU (mtur uf the eelaliliahmelit. PHYSICIANS t)IL ALKItED KINNKY-oKKIi K AT raal.laut. t.'oaimervlal street, near Hiaih om. hura klornma until l: all afteiuuun uutll . ei.miigs unill I uiiu.k. IHt O. II. rjrrE. PHYSICIAN AMU Htirgeoti. dwla altantlon it illeraaaw of women and suigery. uttl.a o.r lao l lf atura, Aaturut. Tale. No. U. IU. JAY Tl'TTLK, PHYSUi AN ANU gurseoo. t'tTlia, room ami . PytiUS) llulldllig, Ul Cuttinieretai lrl ltl ilcn. aanw Talpbina M Actin aa alatant aurgeua I nited Slat. marts ho.pltal s.-rvle. MAS.NIC. TEMPI. K UilxlK Nik 1. A F. AND A. M Regular cuuimunlcaiu.aa held oa tha Oral and third Tu'a-'ay aveeiog of each month (I. W, Nillit.lUl V. W. M ;E. C. lluU'EN. aWerst.ry. ATTOIlNEiS. II T CHoHlir, ATTokNEY-AT-LAWj St ComitKwvloJ sirrrU J. Q. A POWLBr. ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLON AT LAW. Orfee, llund fltreet. Astoria, Or. " PHOTOORAPIIS. AR KiTiTa IIP A NTtVxt I N K 'o?" Tr.Vt t tUlik tlng tha Uf and history of Aaloria. and aoiivenira of iba eily anil couatry at Hi Snodgrsaa gallery. IF BNOIKIR ASS IHIESNT MAX! your picture you dun I gal the beat. PAXToN'S PHOTOS ARK ON PAPER uf hla own preparation and ar guaran teed not lo fed. Full PHoToS OF Al.l. hIM'H Co. lutnbla river nrr an. I ijita le. .all on HtxxIgrtiH, (ith anU ummerrlal alrvets. 0 I YI.MU XMIlOl I I DsraaT. ; tint. I'.. tun. I Asatva Km Mull 1 p. in. Ll lkr, 1 eu r ft ! , WoMii, Oio.iia kan 1 t'dy, t I ii'il.. I I. !... i , ' ni Ka.l Uall ' ) a ni Hpokane rijcr a p. tn. W,' i, HU, ,nr. u . , Mii.iiK.i.iili. It p.iii, Hpokane ImliHi. .Ml:.,a,., '"' I f ii. mii t K4t, I )- m. r em Aiti-tia OCIiAN itCAw.MIIK Ail iillli.K I'.l. ui. J- cl t . 1 linitir-. Pr . K(mi " ill IK. , I I, l. ,1, ' I or A I i-k.i 1 1 r iiir. u ."i. 1 in Ml 7 p m Tin , luir a il Mm s a. tn Mnti, Meil (Oluniliia River Hti-amera ' rl M 1 p in Ti.-.i'hiir ' P in. )si 11 p 111. 1uev Tlllir hint Hat To pirtlutut and V, uy Un.linn. r lotu C.rtl ,i.,. Wlllemeti. kiv.r. Uiei-oii r Si wi, ,j smI Krl J" in A Wiiv l. o,.' 7 , Wlllam.lN and Vein- " 11 p m. Mn...U... a d Krl """. ami Mt ""' ' I'avimi, 1 -I.iiiIiii. I.v lllpit-la' 1 na 111.: Mo tt i-, A K IiIht 5n.ikHlVer. ; lj,j,,,,u Itlpnriatn l.i-m.i,Pn. Knnl."'" ... ml Tliuri HullliiK ilnii a f atnimera from I'riliin,l to Hun I'riiiii lKco fur Hi itnmhi r will tu. aa rollowa; 2, 7. I;, 1; i nniiKc inver- l.euve Itltmrl.i except piiiuruiiy. Leave l,. wiowri dully except 1-rPlny O. W. IiOUNBUERHT, W. It HURLBCRT. A,Wlt A,,orl Oen. pa. Agl. Iortian4. Or. Go East... via nilllngs snd th. Burlington rout and o ilNJo 1 iiiiB : em., fc.ii soum.aatero cltle half s day sooner than trav.l.r who tuk any other Un. lrvtrs Oo .t vl 8t. Paul and th Burlington rout, snd you rid. on th. nne.t tf " Um.tedth BUr"n"lon, B'' r-ul-Cmc". Go east vis Ogden and Denver, .,,d you r ' S r1"1""" 'cn of the RockC tamed th. world over ,. th. U0 2 uincent on the coiutU.h M Tlckrts ot onico. of conn.otlng ns. A- C. BHELUON, Astoria, Oregon. )