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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0R1AX. Till'KSDAY MORMNU, SEPTKMHElt I. WW t. Is a -Wise Hani ! t WHO DOES TUE RIGHT THING AT THE SIGHT TIME... a a t S I i net. i o HERMAN The Reliable 1 TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair. AROUND TOWN. On kind thought apoken I worth two unsold. City couwll meeting tonight BenJ. M. Utt. of Portland, la In the city. Jacob Kimm, the Portland capitalist. Is lo the city. Tba steam schooner Grace Darling la duo from Eureka, today. Sheriff TVHlliuna went to Clatkinie yesterday on legal business. FlMh Commissioner McGulro and wile came down from Portland yesterday. I Sijnutl. Northwest manager of th Equitable, wa In the city yesterday. If tho awnings on Commercial street wera removed that thoroushfara would preaent, really, a metropolitan air. Aa excursion will be given to Seaside Hiimtar hv tha A. A. C. R. R. R- The far for the round trip is ht) cents. 61dney Dell the well known economist, who has ben In the cUy for the past few days, will return to Portland today. A. J. Johnson, tha botanist, accompan ied by Ir redcrlck V. Co-Ule, of Washing ton, arrived In the city yesterday. A full attendance la requested at the W. C. T. U. this afternoon. This Is the tanuai meeting for the election of officers. A schooner was reported off the river from tha cape yesterday, but was believed to be a lumber schooner bound for Gray's harbor. The Columbine yesterday took on a targe quantity of coat for the lightship and will leave out today to place It on board. Ueorge Bolster, better known by the eu phonious title of the "Buffalo Boy." was fined S3 In the police court yesterday on the old charge. Martin Franclacovlch will take charge today of his eld place, the Vienna restau-1 raut, S04 Astor street. All bis frienas are Invited to call. Tha work ef plankin Thirty-first street has been completed and the new thor oughfare Is of much convenience to the people of the East End.. Herman Wise, who has been visiting- at Knappa, came to the cMy yesterday to turn the office over to Mr. WcDonald. He will return again today. Miss Eunice DeYo ha resigned her po sition s a teacher in the public schools. Jt Is understood MUs laur Fox has been tendered the position thus vacated. The British ship Garnet Hill, wheat la den, Is on her way down the river, having let Portland yesterday. The Garnet Hill will lighter part of her cargo at this port. The Eleventh street sewer has been completed. It Is large enough to accom modate all the buildings that will ever be ereoted on the street and is a well built sewer. A moonlight excursion will be given by tho M. E. church on the steamer Mller. Friday evening. September 1. Friends of the church and the public generally are Invited. The West Shore Mills company have Just received a large lot of fir cordwood from EtelU, Wash., which they are offering at very low figures. See advertisement In another column. The Inwn social to be held at the resi dence of Mrs. C. Ji Trenchard will be continued Friday afternoon for the plea sure of the children. A cordiul invitation Is extended to all. W. K. Cuthbertson. Fi-llow of the Roy nl geotfTuphleal society of London, Eng land, urrlved In the city yesierday morn ing from AluHka. Mr. Cuthbertson has , apartments with his family Ht the Holden House. Testorday many Chinese who have been employed In tho cannerleB left for the bop fields. There is a scarcity of help end the Chinese have been pressed Into service. Two local firm yesterday sent ovir hi men to the Willamette vallry. j-, ...-t i.. tii.? i,in lai io bo given -by the Ladles" Guild of Grace mt mm p r' If you cr In deed, would any store ktepr r jrjvt you Greenback? NO!! Than, why ahoulo you pay $5 extra on every $ao purchase, whea It ha been proven 1000 Times Hut we can and do save our customers ao PEK. CENT on Clothing. Hats Shirts, Trunks WISE Clother and Hatter S "22223 SSSSisUS SL235T13S 22253 church lh'. evening- at th residence of Mrs. C. J. Trenchard. Th uvUU Ktven by the Ladles' Guild ar always and tvery on In asuured of a moat n- jovabl time. A canoa ctntafnln two coal. t and a bat wa picket up at Tuku ami Aunt a nil Mlevd th occupants wcra drowneJ. Sailing dates of steamer from Portland to San Framtsvo for September will be aa follow: September I 7. li 17. Ji ST. Snake River Leave Rlparla dlly except Saturday. Leave Lewtstown dally except Friday. Good Whiskey Is both doctor and tonic. Better looking than many doctors, better lasting than all nx-dlclnes. For general family use. nothing equals whUkey and HARPER WhUkey is pre-eminently the family whiskey. Sold by Ford Stokes Co Astoria, Or. Charks II. CauflWd. Lee Caufleld, Ore gon City; Ben M. Utt, L. Samuel. I. hood. Willis FUhr. Arthur Ma-Kenle. Portland; George H. Pease, J. B. Ktn, Chicago; IX A. cartnichaeL Cleveland. O.; r . V. covtne, Washington, V. C- are guests at the Occident. Elgin of the sailors on the revenue cut ter Perry left that vessel yesterday. It Is stated tha.t the rsptaln made a cut In th Wages of the men, who refused to agree to the terms, and their discharge foilowed. Some of the men who left went on the train to Portland last night. R. C. F. Astbury, Harry Bell and T. O. Wilkinson ot the Astoria critket team. have been thosen to play on the all Ore gon crlckit eleven against the Vancou ver, a C, eleven and will leave for the metropolis tonight. The match will be played In Portland, Friday and Saturday next. ourgeoo A. u. larmtcbael. U. 8. A., ar rived in the city yesterday from Cleve land. He Is chairman of the board ap pointed to select a site for a quarantine station. The other members ar Captain Kllgore. of the cutter Perry, who I re corder of the board, and Collector Fox. ine ooara wui bold the am of Its ses sions today. The merchants yesterday reported a largely Increased trade. Many people were In from the country purchasing groceries. The Increased business Is due In a meas ure to the demand for provisions by the vessels now here, exclusive of the Perry, vessels now here, exclusive of the Perry, and their purchases amount to thousands of dollars. E. A. Coe was In the city yesterday from Svenson. lie has been appointed ticket agent at that place of the Astoria line and came here to secure the neces sary supplies. Mr. toe Is a prominent candidate for postmaster there, Mr. Lee, the present Incumbent, having resigned upon his election to the office of county school superintendent. J. O. Hanthorn, president of the Colum bia River Canneries Company, shipped for his company, by the A. & C. R. R. R., yesterday the largest carload of i ilmoil that has ever left the river by rail, be ing W.Wti pounds. The car that this ship ment went in Is No. 1024 and was bui:t es pecially for the A. & C. R. R. R. by Bar ney & Smith, of Dayton. Ohio, and Is the finest freight car of the class belonging to any of the western roads. Three other cars of salmon were shipped In the same train yesu-rday for eastern points. According to Dyea advices under date of August 20 the Rev. V. J. Lyon, a well known Episcopal minister, wh drowntd in Lake Lebarge. ,. ,.n i Japan ese servant, Dr. Lyons was on his way to Fort Selkirk, where he was to take charge of tho Episcopal mlcxion. While going down Luke -Li-burse hid cano.- capsize and the occupants wire drowned. Dr. Lvons' b.idy -was recovered by F. A. Cleveland at the lower end of the lak, but the body of the Japantse was not re covered. Dr. Lyons was a prominent min ister of Gloucester, England. Tho corps wag taken In charge by the Canadian po lice mid burled near the piuce where it was found. New discoveries have been made at At lln lake. Alatska, and thousand)) have rUHhcd to the scene. The lake lg 80 miles in length and eight miles wioe. In the vicinity are many drled-up creeks, the ganuB of which are gald to bo wonderfully rlh. Claims there average three ounces to the man. Altin City has been laid out and had, on Auguitt 18, a population of 1,500, which wa Increasing tit the rate of 100 a day. Dawson prices prevail. It Is said by experienced miners that when the rivers are turned from their courses and the channels worked to bedrock wonder ful results will be obtained. The British ship Crown of India, which was In this port taut year, had a narrow escape from destruction last May. The Crown of India wiled frm AslrtA for Puft flcund, where she tMfc on eenro for Newcastle, N. 8. W. May It she eaiUd f.r Fan Francisco from h Australian r.trt ami whrn i.M) mile out was raimht In storm known a th "maltlsnd." (th ,u n ,vmvn' wlilT number cf other viii, 'ii ,h i,,,y ono ,o suiter svriov.s danwa fh dismasted n Ivfi tho im-rvy of fit wind snl waves, whll th ih',f vessel svudded away In .ifeiy, Knvip her in her ft. Th AnierV-an schooner OoMen Short, halllnr from JMn Franclc raimht In th !Mt storm, H.-r muster, Cfltaln rUs mussen, observing that th Cb of In ,U w In distress, held toward th shin and ;n:l'.ed thst b would Und hy. tin di so until ih r.ritlhr wss taken in tiw for )Mny. v.iHnm vornniu, me ni.ii. otof lhCron of Imll. dv tirmln lo irwnnl th hrlo m4mr t th OoUIn Shor nj rntil him with nmtoro cUl Uvkxt, on which won ln.'tfb4: "To 0itnn lumun, of th ShU That tM Sll t'y." CMtaln OrVhlll alv r'ntl Mra. RamuMn with a r-rvuy vU bni. tit Crown of ln.UV M(t-hrM mir ha nny wurm frlnU hr. h will b pRrtr.l (o m of hi 'P. Mr, V. R. Cuthbrrtn'n, F. R. O. 8., mlnlii nln'r of muoh irlnc, ar rtrisl In th city ylH)f f rm KVirt Ul Thwa w th Yukon, a!tr 1ltlni all lh mintage -llnlrlcl In Almka. Mr. Cuthtwrl- ton will ivfort tha rmull of hi Invwilg. lion r Uindan aynJlcat. In whi In trti h vHlti-il thJt country. Mr. Cuth lrton aay tha swU brltt of Alaska prorttabla to W"rk la a email on, tha rloht portion twina; tha Klotlk dutrict. H ay th min uvaiM on 8Uinon rlvr and otir aniall rlvra ar poor. Th mlnr holdln claim on th rivr think lhy ara don wdl If thy mak tl vr y. Ha aftr thl win'. tha country will ttJ mora thorvu(rt(y and It rAl valua dct.rmlnl. n rak harahly of tha Canadian oftl ckklK. and y ha nvr aaw auch rot ton tat of aff tlr. Tha lanauian rotu- and cuton official, whrn a utrtk l mad antl rcorlpd In th rciordor oittca. at onr Tnd out It ltK.iilon. a they ar IMTtnlKfd to do. and tk up avcrythln around It, 'hiv arriving on tho cn aft.-rward mut Wk what left. Sprnk- lna- of th iviMrta of utarvatlon In th u..ondlk dUlrlot. Mr. CihNrton y h.-ra will t c'.cnty of food, but Ir many pHil with limited meant will tuffcr, aa th nc-irtirtf of Itf ar aold at a hish fleura and ioor pple ctn'a buy .ith prlcJ fod. He M rivr atram cr wcro pAj.isl (lng up the Yukon ec twn rort Gt Thcra and iMwson. load ed with ptvvMon. Mr. CuihON'titn -i thcr wr 12) frh ca of typhoid fvr and dyntry at Dwon Ctty rHrtd I tha day bvfor ha left. Ttia people of th cKy M 4 ,UU r llttleaa and without JajnMUon and tna town prent a very unlnvltlnr appearanca. Mr. Cuthbrton spent many years mining In th Austra lian gold fields In th interest of London raptul. and th report he makes of the KlonHk country Is reliable and unpre judiced. Mr. Cuthbertson will remain In this city with his family about a month when he will proceed to London and re port officially on his trip. FOR APPEARANCE S SAKE. Shs was In great dllra. "What's th matter?" Inquired her brother. "Everything sevens to be AtcalnM me." the sobbed. "I fre. kle o tly mother says there's no need of my staying at the seashore more than a day or two." THOSE LOXO NAMES. Th phyl-!.in has told him th name of hi malady, but h could not spell or pronounce ft ten minutes later. "Hav you any Id," his friend In quired, bow your doctor make up h: schedule of change?" "No." was the answer. "But I have an Idea It Is at the rate of about l' a syl lable." THE ANGLO-SAXON CHORfS. "God Save the Queen!" some ng o free. And some. "My Country. 'Tls of Thee!" Then, like unfettered birds. They raised again with might and main The old unstudied, sweet refrain, Nor thought about the word. , RATIONS. "Isn't he a man of rsther luxurious tastes r said one girt. "Ye. I'm afraid he will never make a soldier," answered the other. 'I'm sure he wouldn't quail at the enemy's fire." 'No. Indeed. But I don't believe he could face salt pork as calmly as be could saltpeter." A STRATEGIST. Do you think that Spanish prisoners ought to be received with social eclat In this country? "Certainly." answered Miss Cayenne. In a tone of gentle sarcasm. "We ought to make It so pleasant for them that all the other Spaniards win grow jealous and try to be captured, too." Take Speeial (lotiee of This Ad. WE BEG TO NOTIFY PEOPLE OF ASTORIA ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS, ELECTRICAL AND GAS SUPPLIES, MANTELS, GRATES AND TILING, ANDIRONS, FENDERS AND SPARK GUARDS. ASTORIANS WHO INTEND BUILDING SHOULD BE SURE TO NOTE OUR ADDRESS AND WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Frank Holcomb & Co. 245 Washington Street - THE Seventh and Astor SHASTA MIXEKAL WATER, I'EITEK, NOHLE, KICK0KY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Day arid Night AUGUST KRATZ, - Manager juh work wklvdoxk... Astttrla'a Vron KnVUnt Postmaster R tire lo Private Life. Just SO months mso today Horninn Vl SMimied th diitu-s of poiin(ntr f thi city. Sine that Urn h ha labotvd un tiringly for the betterment of the service, and retires with the bent wishes of the peoplo of Astoria for future aiiccess Mr. Wise's solo aim wa lo belter the t vl1, and he succeeded so'well thsl Astoria now has Ih Nst pUlpped serhitd. Has postottl.e In th Cnlled Htate. Th department ofhclal In Washington placd great conndnoe In him. and this ssslnted him materially in sot-wring many onvn tence for the city. Mr. Wls has the thanks of the eopl for hi rrtlcletit ad' ministration of the affairs of the ortv. and retire with th uut.i. tl.m of know, lug he has fullllle.l his contract. Cliitrlrs Mr. Wise's uc.e. sor, I an pnterprinlnir and well-known young business man. He has rUled here for several yrars. and will k i up the present efficiency of lh offlce. The iltt-e, throUtih the rffortu of the retiring official. hs been relltt.-l Ihrouiih out with new furniture, ami l no eiulpiel alimmt n- well a the Portland V'lllce. It U nio.lel of ll.xv.ltli and creillt to tho city. Th hort halr that In noveU aliiy curl In graceful imdills on the heroine's pretty white ne k are tmuh riore ptom- t.i hang down In limrtltlc llHH'iie this wertlher. THE Ul'lKt. The rlei'tnt cffei l and perfec' safely with which ladle may um Syrup jf Fig, under all conditions, make It their favor. He remedy. To got the true and genuine article, look for the turn of the Caltfor nl Fig Syrup Co. irlntel near th bortom of th package. Fr sale by all druggist. OREGON BEATS THE WOULD. We will prove It tu you at th Sut Fair September to Ks. and you can see for yourself for the cheap rte of tin bar for rund trip fpim all points of the Southern Pa-fle lines In Oregon. You should personally beim Inteerstrd In this worthy suite liiKtltutloti. l-VST CHEAP EXCI USK..'. OF THE SKAsMN. On Sunday. 8ep;eniN-r 1th. the AstorU ik Columttbi lUver ruiroiiil will toll tl.kei. from Alrta to Snnlde and return .vt W rents f ir the return trip. This will te th lait g-ier(il seaside excursion of th season. Everybody should go. What la the use of there lWng such at tract. vey low-r;ed remtmnts In tlw shops? It Is too hot ( arouse sii IH l-tit ambition to make them up nfter they nre bought. NOTICE FOR IUD!. Bids will be received by lha county court of Clatp county, on or oefore the 8th day of September, K. at II Vcloek a. m., for the delivery In the court house yard of ii cords of Maple i r Spruce Limbs. 5 cords of Alder and i conls of Fir wood, the sam to b of good sound quality, full cord lengths, i nJ delivered before the 1st day of OcoJer, IK-i. The right Is hereby reserve I to reject any and all bid. By order of the County Court. H. J. WIIEHITY. County Clerk, M'CH.'RE LOTS. Two hundred and fifty dollars each; terms of payment easy. Lots 7, block 144; lot 7, block 145; lot 1, block 122; lot S, block U; lot S, block l'4. Address b, cure Astorian. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice I hereby given that there are funds In the dty treasury to pay all war rants drawn on the general fund and en dorsed prior to Manh 1. IK'S. Interest will cease after this date. F. J. CARNEY, City Treasurer. Astoria, Oregon, August 23, lhJS. THE ENTERPRISING THAT WE HAVE NOW Portland, Oregon 17 II. II, , ,MWIW, V.'.. ,,' V,v v-., '. s ' ' r; f v.-i v" . 'x .vjv.j '-I v - - f V" v ..; .V: o ' f .. ..' ...... LOUVRE Streets, Astoria. CHEAT Thursday, September ist. The greatest display of fall and winter hats at money-saving prices. The newest thing in trimmed and untrimme'd walk ing hats; miltary volunteer, Cav alier, sailors-arid Dewey hats- All the neesti;cbmbiriati6ris and rtrrrc Vai i pNaii UUIUIO. 1 display or SHANAHAN BROTHERS A1URRAY HOTEL rlof NBlh Hlreel. Electric Lights Electric Bells -Free Simple Room -All Mo Jem Improvements. WEEKLY IUtK F. U. OL'NN. I'roprteior. ROUGH SHOES FOR LITTLE GIRLS Hometlmeo, fwlally srrwHil time. th-y need them: giod, easy onr. but slron ami hnrd to wear out. A for the boy. O. ' ytnisi.thlie with you all the year through, for th boys am a tr. it tm on hrl, heart and MM-ketboik. but rlxlil here our sympathy tuk- a tractlcal turn. Have you seen our siieriai hoe fi.r b" s? Petersen & Brown. You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The only rnt-rato driiif store) where every article is lolil 15 lo Z) jx r cent. I en than the rrmnufactiirer' prir. Mere words don't tell it all. Hern are some price. Kememlx'r every Falcnl Mwlioin'. Tollut Artiolu or Drtijf is solil at rut rnti-a. Uur mail order buhinesa lias tril,le in a year, because everyone within Boo tnilci of FortlAtid can savo money y tradiDif with us. Ihir ItecrnUr Ctii nue rrice Irla-t 4llfo k's Piasters o 1:, f m Ayeis' Hriiiiarllln 1 mi vi (Jitrter's I'llls av ('aniorla . M 'r, Silt h KiiiiiMcin no 7; Huo'l sHsrssparllla () n, I'ulhi-'lCi-lery ('(miiimjiimiI I Hi 7K Hvriit) i f KIk ) m tin-Kim lllii'xl I'nrinVr 1 no m I'leiee 1 r ivnrllc ITe'i'rlptKm 1 UO ivi I'leree's ln leii MnlleiU l)l. eovery I (Hi m Pli"iw's Pullets J' n illlmiis' IMik I'llls M :i (Juliiliin riulm, or HiiKitr- ei;ili"l isiilnix, in iHilllrs cnililnlnic I'") 1-kihIii -n Quinine t.iiiulrs, or Huunr- cimtvu isiiiets, in homes vontnlnlna llsll'4 ifialn ,v, Qulniiie ( Hpmilis, or Huir- coined l.ii.leis, III Mrttles oouiHlirtiir Hi -rslii 4. Quliiliii' (,'j)ii !", or Hnifrtr- niiHlel islilcla, In Iwltles rontiiliilnv ii ((riiln U We Imy direct from the miiiiiiftu ttirorH In fiiiantitios. which Henurea tli VKUY LOWKHT TUADK KATKS. Thin cuntiles ua to retail at wholiMiile prices. Wo puy transportation charffns to As- foriaon all onlors for drills or pntont medicines amounting to W or over, wlien iiccompyrned by the cash. Uur photoifrsphin (lepurtment wi 11 in. torpHt you. Every new thinu in nbotoir. rHphy is in stock, and it will delimit Ins to hnve you cbII, whether yon buy or nut, Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Rate Druggists Fourth and Wanhitiutori, Portland, Ore ' r I nIVk'l.'llllVVJli'M. V. 'I "l 'I Ull ol IUU1U OCC . -i . i i millinery. The Bee Hive I In Just IVinjilcte Fall In Staple end Fancy Novelties Wo will lo jiWm'iI ti) hIioy tliinu kmh14 wlu tlu r ymi buy or not. The U-at ami clu'njH'Mt riitUriiH TJIK M'AU fT salodnly ... THE BEE HIVE ... See our new Fall and Winter Ladies Walking Hats. Albert Dunbar, Corner Ninth and Commercial StrectB. Looks Meat may look Ood,but Is It? Some people can tell food met wben they see it. They can say whether It Is tender by feeling it, but nine peo ple out of ten can't. If your purchase Is made of us you may rest assured the meat Is all right and If It's not the very best when It's served, it's In the cooking. . ROSS, HIGGINS& CO i ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY f ' - V. Telephone No. aa 'm ' Handles Only the Choicest Meats I ilUu 4l Commercial St., nsxt Pslsc PstsurM. f !. I' M".'M 'H.fl'IH'Mll'flll', 5i M tl 11j til CC i hi 1 1 Ivvocivnl a Kino of Dress Goods Good. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA OPENING It