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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1898)
I THE DAILY AHT0K1AN, : THURSDAY MOMINU, 6EPTEMI5EH J, IR'.JH. , r " Orlntnl CurlonltlM 5 nnd Toyta. Special ....Sale Wo tmiejt rwtlMC Mtock nnd Hell lgnrdliM of Coil. Wing Lee & Co. 'oniiiict'i ial Klri'ft nur Cooici-'m lry (IoimIh Btoro. iif WOMfl 'S IUAY Of BUYING SHOES u ii pxnl wiiy if mIio'h nf u cihiiiiioii mciiho turn of mind A Hiiuirt woiiiiiii can Kim-rally ti-ll if n h!ioo fit lior foot. Thin liciiij; truo tin1 slum Until who trii'M to 1 1 1 1 '1 o the woiiuiii iniikf'M tlin blunder (if 1 1 iff lifo iiml ilrivcH liin trade to a hUuu whcru rcliulilo hIkm h nro hoM und perfect flitting in performed. JOHN HAHN, Astoria, Ore K J J - h. The Born Steel Range Kvery Ono (itiaruiitocd. WW.J. SCULLY 431 Bond Street. The Pot Market Fresti Salmon Trout and Halibut H74 Commercial wlr?t. ) RflCUVSD IN TUt PRIMARY. OHAMUAR AND ACADEMIC QIUDKS J. M THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the . . . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. hrdle upll aeevpfd for Hi fho.1 Hk ll af p.nlu. "piubf Mb For raua, eux, addraaa the Bupartoraaa 1N8TBO- MKNTAL UU8IQ PAINTINO AMD VOICI CULTUEI FORM A SPECIAL DKPABTklNT WillAliNUUML'' THE EXCELLENCE OF SYKUP OF HGS la duo not only to ! orlf Inallty and almpllulty of tlio comtilinitlon, bulalao to tho care ami 111 with which It U manufactured, by wU-ntlfla proceaaes known to thw C'AlirojtN'A Flo Hruve Co. only, and we wUh to Impn-aa upon all tho Importance of Mircliiihii)(( the true and original . remedy, At the genuine Hyrup of Fltf la manufactured by the CALirux.iiA I'm HrnvP Co. only, a, knowledge of that fact will awilkt one In avoiding the worthies Imitation manufactured by other par tie. The lilgii atandlng- of the Cam forma Flo Btki'I1 Co. with the incdl. cal profvaaiun, and the ealiafactlon which the (frnulne ftyrup of Fl(f haa (fiveo U inlllhma of lamlllce, makes the oaine of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of It remedy. It la far In advance of all other laxative, aa It acta on the kklnrya, livrr and bowels without trrltntlnjf or weaken ing tliriii, and It doia not gripe nor naunrate. In order to get It beneficial effect a, plnaae remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA nG STRUP CO. W tMktVfCa, Cat LetUTILLC. u,. xew Tens. .T. no h.r nttoa I. W cwn ir.ln. lnln tn lil. aov.rnnintit; apiln ennnot, Hfiil th mitlvM are ni npMt i.f If rul. "I run conceive no rcma to alve ny, ut or lint, lit DliHuloii ilriKlo f"n i,t the lrrliory. It would . Ipmmi In Dint irr,iiirilon the grnntfut pHirtunlty 'r(Vil''iir. tfVf plncwl liifufe ih na-ll-n, With lh l'lilll'lii'H, lilr'ifi-ii, Ku- Ml 0 1111,1 MllWIlll OUr p'lKHIl'Xtlotli will r ii h in r' th I'uclll':, ofld tig corn iiirrim will liin'uniit tliw I omiiifrcif A Ann rlitt In e Inner d'are tlion of miy iilhrr niillun, Tlie I'nclllc llm'lf will niir pro-wnlm-ntlyj our inrrlliry wlJI Ihiuii'I H on two l'lr; our Miifi'U will lot Ha DurfiKV, itii'l with (tin oceiui iiimi Hit truiln In our p-inf-iixloli, our politic I ir 1'imliiHiu v will lit- a.nuriM (itnotiK '" llnll'lllN .f ti wurlit. "Hiii Ii In tlin IiImuiI j.Ijiic ut llilrrii llnmil ri-lml'iiiK utiKti wliii U iiIumh ll I" wIkh to iIIhiuk un AiiK'O'Ann'rti.nn ol linn' ." I'rofi Mur ('JIncr tin n ciIuIiiih1 Hit tic illil ii n( mum n ulll.iri'o u tint wiril I iiiiiIci-kIuinI In Kuriii- nillllnry rO iiirliivrliliut a nirnna Kimintrci'tl ul ilnii'd pruirtli'il by mi iirlilirat'.'m tiwily wlil li W'iuIiI, In liU mlliiiatlin. Iel iff lis- urn iinlvirioil Jii'.u o Hi. in uny ilirr one luliiK tlmt roolil ! liiii'JK'H itlxmi, IIb tlifii wmiI on In tiw (hat America h.ul mortt irulliri y tn? murkrii oiitnul ilinniKh Cn-ut liiluln ifT.irin thun ny other notion m 'irmt ltrltaln hem. If. Kor lheiM Kret lieneflln, he l;l'l. Amerw. Nhutilil Klve nifiM-tlilnJ In return, anil nn iilllilhre liilih un he miKKeHeil iJld make th. AnaliiMion mc maeteri of the wiirl'l. nA lew U tli. itilvnt.iae of Ami-r. Im Hum of UreKt llritnin. htvn no rillcl Improvement, ovwr their prMwMenra and were mtnititeilly tnfeflr j In type to the hciivy WKrll imw tullil' liK In Great Krltitln, France, Germany, mid HuHla. Th'y are of 11.0 tons dtn pliicment, draw font (urrylntt I'M ton. of rowl, and tiav prottcUon to thiir vital, only In the form of a K'j-lnch rnior telt. Their dinlgn J!ed for the onllniiry 13-Inch rlllo and thuy were not to Ut rejected hy lh navy If their ped wh. oii.VH IJ knot, ulihd'igh a penalty of I'.'I.W) (uarter of a knot wa liniim-d for ny reduction ltwtn 14 and li'.j knot, and at the rut of 'hfm a uuarlcr of a knot 1Hwisen W, and 15 knot. L'mli r th. clrcutrmuiiiea 'if yeatcrrtay'i action of the navul board Ihikv.' alow tntttleahlixi will prvtmOly bn a!,uniloric(l alloanthur unlin. the dliliitniiiil r on TlHimdiiy take inlviintag. i,( B'retary Ihik' 1'(m1 for higher thin wnf I ul flmt cont"m,latcl, and thn kiMMMti provided for ly conxre.a fur tho hi:il and rr;iu hlnery of the Vemwl. may o lured tut upply to the eoiopretienalve naval pro- grain whl'h cormervatlv. intimate. Indi um "til invulva an outlay itiproxlma- Heilborn S Son Furnitur and Carpet.. I SPECIAL SALlv-Jannneso Linen Wurp Muttingi. ! i 5 Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portlanj.i unnuiriuinnntnuvinnuiru ThcJMPE R I AIw.Hotel THOH. GUINHAN, Proprietor nn.ninKiuii m a a a a 'V- a e A. V. ALLEN 3 ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jurs iiml ivy lilaswM. With tin-Fruit to go in them ..PriceB Lowert Than Ever,,,, THE0CCIDOff I Astoria's Leading Hotel I McRlcr WriRHt, Props. THE VICTIM OF A PLOT (Continued from Flrel Pale.) lueiit may have to lie maintained for ymt: contrary to th. aplrlt of our In atltutlon, lut military guv, rtimi nt cxlated In th. aoothrrn atatc from IVJl to IsTo, and In Ala.ku from lf4 to lsM. "It I. utijm led that colonial or territori al jruwrnnmM may exlat ln1 fliiltcly whll. atatrhoud I. contemplated In the i on.iltullon; but rtliik ha. been terrl ti,ry for 31 yeara. and Artiona and New Meak-o for 11. It waa year, before WlMonaln, and SI year before Montana otH-ame .tate. It la ohjuted that the l"k habitant, era alien race., habituated to other tnatltutlona and forma of govern ment, but Florida when acquired waa peo pled by Indiana and HiutiiUnU; Ixiulalana oy MiuinlanU. French and nrroe. alien pun ami Inalltutlona etlated In N Mexlio end Arlaona; and Alaaka had In. dUna on th. Yukon and Huaalana In Hit "ll la objected that we will abrogate hie Monroe doctrine; but that U'k trine, freed from Ita luademlc cubweba. la th. non intervention of Kuropean power In mat er, relating to the American continent. fta i-onveTM la non-lnlervrntton of Amerl- matlera reUtln- to the buropeun intlnent. int haa nothing to do with Amerlivn Intervention In AU nor with li-Klrtnute rxpanalon of our territory in he Cirli-nl. If we are abruf ailng (he doc- Irln. ll mux be becauae the Orient l i luatvrly for Orivntala, and not for Kn lih and KuMliuia, and ciennena and reiuh and llollutitlfr. who ore all there now and f.iat auiiroiirlatlna tho Orient to ft MlMi .' .'i ll n.iJ y 3 aJr , - i I I I mr - at taw OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, .Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS KetiuUr .Normal Coon, nl three rer. fealor year wholly prote. onal. J 1 ratiituat beiarinieiil ol nine aiailea with JOO children .iiitnii llou and train ng In (lymnaatie. (HwedUa j ttimi. ami Viaiai VJimla lor oulillo aehmla Th Norma diploma It rwogolied h law aa a MTATI UKK CKHI'irli.'ATK to teach, l ight npriiH. Tuition, bonki, board and kxtgtiif lap- proiimateir), i.ou iwr wr. Himlrtii. Uoarillni llteinwlvea, lllu tOper year, Aeadeinlp (radea accented fruin hlh whooli. ttetaloguea chevrhilly Miit oil applloaUou, Addrvaa P. iL. CAMPHSLL, Pre.ld.nt, or W. A. WANK. Bnerelary ef Fviul Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. CMattom Hommo Broker, ASTORIA, OREG Agent W. F. A Co., and Pacltlo Kxprem Co'l. Manufacturer and Dealer In . W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A lull Una ol PI Mi. Tobacco, and 5moker' Artlclaa. Commercial tit. Astoria Steam Y eTw -el 4 eam r WHITE LABOR VERFCCT WORK SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. B. WYATT, Phua. No. 68 Aetorla, Oragee Hardware, Ship Chandlery, GroceiieB, ProviBiono, PA.INTQ and OIL. . . .. .. f eeclat Attaetloe PU te Bupelylni Iblp THE PROOF of the pudding la la the eattat fta4 the proof of Pqeorg IS IN SAMPLING That'a an erg umeat thajt'a ea eloalre-e demoaatratloa. Our win etand the teat HUGHES & CO 1!AUK liKI'OJOKU IX.iT. HAN FHANl.'IJJ'.'O, AU(fW Hl.-Tlu; Kriwh bark Pierre Cornell., which left K-in Franclaco Fi'liruiuy 21 for Table bay. 1uia been poat'd at Uoyd'a a rnUitlng. Yhe mlaalng veaael waa commanded by 'antuln Lrlouuet and manned, hi a I :rew of alout S auh-otflcera and men. FIFTEEN WAHIPH. Plana for tha lllg ll.iltte6lp Will He Ke- gun at On'e. mmt w V HOW AHOt'T CAMP "WICKOFF? tpURITT I rtC"2lS, pivgr Guather's Celebrate! Chocolates anl Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor.... hemaelvea. "Finally It la objected that we will 6, Involved In etilanglliiK aliUncr. and dc- Hrt from the precepta of Ihe farewell ad- ri'; but 8Mi, provoked coiutiiuoim rouble ut our very dor for a hundred earn; Mexico and ventral and South Amrlu tiuv. had revolutlotia without number; Oreul Hrlttiin bound our teril- ory for Ihouaanda of mllea; and yet f"r century we have avoided rnlanKllDK al urxea, rthough both propinquity mid rovwiitlon rxlata. 'The nutlona of Kurope are today con- eiitrii Iliac their energlra on the eluiica cf be Pile I He. Kngl.ind punhe, through the uiMdlan railway to footer her I'ao.tlc nule, HiinkU la bunding u truiia-liltvrian road for the numc purPoae; (.hnnuny and France want porta nnd trading ureua. Ot all the nation atrtiKKllng lor the tunic of he 1'in I III our a la tho only one ntltltd to It. lniilon and Paris uiul Her. Un and 8t. PctentbuiK nro on the uthcr aide of the globe, but we Have a I'nclllc coaet line of l.uuu mile. The Philippine. metuia our ultimate aupicmucy In tho Pa cific. They ure the tNi.teritmoat boundary of tho m irkoia of the On one aide ia I'hlnu, on tho other they look uct-oait to our own ahorca. Stretching l.ium mllea from north to aouth und tmu from cast to !, 'they form a natural .barrier between j ne euat end the PhcIIIc, Scattered over OoO.UoO (uurr mllea of the ocean' aui fuce the whole vo m iircw would verve ua an otitpoat from which to protect and de velop the llitereat of America. "Facing the Pacific und Indian oceaiig la more thun halt the population of the globe. Kxcludltig North America, tho for eign commerce of theae peoples ulretidy uinounta to t:'.Ki.tH,tKH) a yeur. 'lllatory ahowa thal w-hutover nutlon control this commerce, control tho U-ude ot he world, 'the atuke nt iutiuc la atu pondou. Nothing lca thun un entire und undivided control of the Philippines would give ue u boae adeUiito to our needs. Manila bay, or even Luxon, for a navul and cvallu stutlon, would be too perilous und costly a possession with ull the other is'oind purtlUoned and gnrrl soiled by Kuropeun powers. Let li"B land's experience with India und Chlmi tie a warning. India, conquered ujhI gov erncd, hits been u mine ot wealth. Chlmt, exploited through the trading posts, Is a burden and a coiiatan peril. "We wunt the Philippines, not Manila, Just as England today needs central China, and not simply Hong Kong. We own the Philippines by right of conquest, no other nauon doea. We ere In posses. NF.W VUHK. August 31 A apecial to tho Trlbiino from Washington soya: Th. noval board of e";rla under the Kvncatliiii of Hecretary Iing. have unanluioiialy aftlrmed their action In re rummendliiK a comprehenalve program. Involving the Medy conaiructlon of 1J warahlpa aa outlined two wetk ago and directed the varloua bureaua of the navy oepartmrnt to roceel with the prepar ation for actual plan for the greateat construction ever undertaken In a Ingle period by the I'nited 8tate. Kver alnce the adoption of the program by the lionrd on August li, the member have devoted themeve earnestly to the knowledge gi.ilned In th. war with Spain and the-necessity fur vast aea power im. posed by the possession of distant Islands ami liicrcui-d American commerce and they litiran upon th. detull yesterday wKthout modifying In kny Imimrtani par. tlcular. lb. claaaea ol vessels which were determlnttl ujon aa essential for the nyy her4fter. Th meeting yeteday. . demonstrated that the tnembera were more thoroughly than ever convinced that Varger. ahd. with hVgher stored and much greater com endurance thaa any now In the Amertmn service wre absolutely lndlieisllile and ought to be begun with aa little delay as possible. The general program, a originally laid down, provide for li vessela, of ehlch lx were to b heavily armored llne-of-battir fighting alniw. six to be small protected crulsera, and three midway between these two extremes. The three battleship were to exceed U.ou) tons displacement, with a minimum speed, with ull etore and coal aboard of lsv, knots; there were to be three first clas armorft cruiser of 12.1M) ton, or one third larger than the New ora ond- the Hrooklyn. with 2 knoa apei-d and a coal endurance of at leas' 1'i.uoj knots; three semi-armored and pro tects! second class erasers of a highly Improved type; and !x 10 knot protected cruiser of I5t 'ton, sllfchtly sujierlor to the lietrolt class, with the remarkable steaming radius of 13.IM) knots. The b.xird further determined that all ships should le sheathed with oak and copper, to make them coniaratlve'.y Inde pendent of dry docks. As a result of the meeting, practically establishing this program as the udopied j policy of the navy for the Immediate future, the work of designing the three battleship will 'begin ul once along the following lines: The displacement la tixed ul 13.5o) tons upon a uiuughl of r, f.-ei when the ves sel Is loaded, and at that draught a min imum speed of 1!S knots I to bo guaran teed. Coul bunker spaco for between lSim and !.iKt) tons of fuel Is to bo provided in or der that a steaming: radius of ltUUM knots at a 10 knot speed may bo scoured. The armor Is to cover tho entire vessel In the form of a cuirass. It will be made after the modification of Hurveylied process, and Is to be 12 In, he thick un;iilhlp., tapering to live Inches ut Ihe uow und stern. There will bo tour li-lnch rllles of extra length tor smokeless powder, mounted In pairs In two turrets, the lat ter being ot tho elliptical balance typ?, with sloped fronts. The battleship, as well as tho other v-jmcIs, w1! bo iQiitted with water tube luibrs .'.mi twin quad ruple engines. As soou ;,a ihe ulni.a tor these butf.eshlps piOKtojs sUlllcUtuly the detail for the big iiinmed irt.tsers will be taken up by the construction officers, it Is a peculiar coincidence thai the plan for these "big battleships arc begun al most to a day with ihe 11't.nlng of bids for three battleships uion which con tractors have 'been figuring for the last three months. This competition will close at noon on September 1, and It is almost a foregone conclusion that the Cramps, the Scotts and the Newport News com pany will euch uttompt to secure a ves sel which Is practlcully the duplicate of similar battleship now being built by each of the llrms, although the proposals ure expected to develop slight modltlca Hons which will give Increased speed and endurance over the Alabama, the Illinois und the Wisconsin. These vessels, which were authorized by the last congress, have given rise to considerable controversy because they ,menil Poynton Report That Coudl'.lonu at Thotnae Are Exaggerated. WASHINGTON, August 31. -Secret ry Alger today received a report from Gen eral II. V. Hoynton upon the atate ot tt- fair In the hospitals at Camp Thorn. The report t dated August . The g'.ernl report that he visited nil the hospital In the cum p. wlthoj. giv- isjr notice of hi purpoae, and adJ: "Iiellevlng the death 111 In thia camp to afford an exceiuenl aianaaro oj wuu to mmsure he condition to health uml hospital em-ice. a mil report obtained of all the dentha In the camp. and It hospital alnce It eawfciment In the middle of April rast. "The reault ehowa the total dea'b list to he XA up to the 22d of thle montft, when the breaking up of thla camp be gun. Between tneae aaie. niciuuui regu'.ar end volunteer, fulljr Tl.UiO troop have been hi camp In Chlckamauga park.' The report take up In detail the first 111 iMimanent noapnaia. ixriurr i Sternberg, and then ataU-a with the great est mlnuteneaa the exact accommod.itloni afforded by each. The report eaya both hoapUals are pro vided wUa all th dellcacie nei-essary for the alck. and la every way tne ho.pltal are ' admirably conducted for field hoa- Chas. Kati Co. 3C7 COMMERCIAL STREET. Manufacturers of Ladies' UNDERWEAR and Wrappers, etc. The lowest prices in Astoria. We also carry a fine stock of Japanese Fancy Goods, fine Chinaware, Notions and Toys at wholesale prices. .utiAAuuvruvuiAAfutriAtAnvrinr tAAnnrwinnnnAAiAnnniAnnArvvp THE PALACE aeiaawawee Astorias Leading Restaurant Everyttilnff Strictly FIr4-Clo. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. uyuvnnnnnnnvinrijutnnn iruvuivnr P. A. STOKES. A CRITICAL TIME nlinla The' report proceed to treat the whole subject generally, follow: In two of the hoepltaU opportunity occurred for dlacoverte of what un doubted originated' many of the Ben. satloraU torie which hive been printed over the country to tne effect that th patients lacked sufficient food, and in many cae had been on the verse ot During . . .I..n T n . K u r, m-hr h. eonva I lescent tyiAold patlente were found of Santiago. many of the men were constantly asking for food. and. a a matter of conse quence, were as constantly denied every thing except the lighter form of food. which can alone be aafeiy admlnisured to raE PACKERS AT THE BATTLE OF Clothing and Genta' Furnishing Goods CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. th Battle SICK 0 VCU. MSB NIGHT SD DT recovering tnold patient. Thl elood throughout the hospttuls for care alone. as 1 perfectly understood, oan the live of the typhoid convalescent be saved, and haa been distorted Into a report which haa been enroad throughout the SANTIAGO DE CCLa WERE ALL HEROES. THEIR HEROIC EFFORTS IN uUTTINO AMMUNITION AND RATIONS TO THE FRONT SAVED THE DAT. Oregon Industrial Exposition OPENS IN ..Portland, Septemfcer 22 CLOSES October 22, 1898 The Finest ami Greatest Exposition ever held in the Northwest. P. E. Butler, of pack-train No. t writ- . I . . r. . i .. j ..Ka Tolv M iirv i,hi th. rxLtient. were 'oeum imr iroro oniamnu ' I .. . . i. l nr says: an naa aiarium iii. viniant fiirm and when we landed There has been no lack of perfect rood had no tlme to Me a doctor, for It was In the hospitals, and competent cooks , cage 0f rush and rush night and day to ...-i.,. i. v. h.n oreient. nd keeD the troop supplied with ammunl- . ,inn re!onx. but ithank to Chamber- the only reason for depriving patient ci hi. nA Diarrhoea what so many of them have clamored for Remeuyi we Tere able to keep at work lu.s been the necessity or ucn aieung as and keep our neaim; in rati, i nnwiru believe that at one critical time tnis .,lu.. wn. th. ln,llrr.t mtvtop of OUr 1-ndoubte.lly there have been serious fQr packers had ,been unatlie Inconvenience, and at times of the . work there would have been no way g:eii.;est crowding there was a lack rf KetUruj supplies o the front There . I . A Bn t p a t m.' j iTf n iPMin ituui 1 convenience, and full attendance, .e - - ---" "- ' MarvelQUSlV Rich Specimens frOffl OUf which go to muae up mat pain ion- fortune w (ay ln a UIp,y of ,nls , cold. Silver and Other Mines- dlt.on of anairs wnicn, as eery iein mrtucine for our pack-train nerore we leu know, Is Insctiareble from field hospit- Tampa, end I know In four cases It abso- . .v, n .nn. Mutely saved Hfe." a.s oi grii ru.., ,u, ta the trned exirt themselves to eecure tm ,anufacturerg of this meuiclne. the oemfort of putitrtts. Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Sj for from believing, as a result of Iowa. For sale y Charles Rogers. mv observntiona , tnai aieaicai omcerai HORTICDLTURPIt a'ad flCRICUIiTUHBIt P.olucbt of Oregon and WssliiDton will be di8plaeil in wonderful profunioD, inoludiCK more rarietiea than ever before gathered togeth er in one exhibit. Gold. Silver anl Bronze Medals will te Awarded. have been heartless or negligent, I Re lieve that these officer and hospital tt- tomiaiv.s as a whole have exerted them- Ives to discharge their duties faith fully." ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Men have a great belief ln the comfort ing qualities of food. If a baby cries th.y declare It Is hungry, and If a woman Is in sorrow they think ull she needs lo iheor her ud la a good dinner. uur icmon extract is thirty times as strong as thi average. Ridiculous! your money tack if you don't like it Schilliiws Best Leave, ASTORIA. (Daily.! Antra. a.m. p.m. Portland and Aa- h'.vi o:J lona expiess imuia via tvnanoa, ciiiion. Weatport, Ooblo and way ttauona. i 8:j0 l:05!Astorla, Seaside and1 6:la!Mew Astoria paisen Iger train. a.m. p.m. U: iu:t U:80 5:40 tea Colli oiU baking powder fiavoiinir extract and aplcei are all money bade Ftrst-clasa trains leate Warrenton for Dave! and New Astoria at T: S:15 and 10:62 a. m.. and 12:30, 5:05 and 6:55 p. m. and returning arrive at Warrenton at :0a, 9:30, 11:06 a. m. and 12:40. 6:15 and 7:06 p.m. Train leave Seaside 7:00 a, m., 10:20 a m., 4:W p. m. dally for Astoria. Portland train leavea Seaside on Sunday at 6:S0 p. m J. C. MAYO, O. F. &P.A REMARKABLE RESCUE. U For sale by Ross. Hlgglns & Company YOUR FAi R Mrs, Michael Curtain, Plalnsfield, 111., makes the atatement, that she caught cold which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she waa a hopeless victim ot consumption Showe the atate of your feellnga and the and that no medicine could cure her. state of your health aa well. Impure Her druggist euggeseted Dr. Klng'a New blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and Discovery for Consumption! she bought sallow complexion, pimples and skin erup- a bottle and to her delight found herself ttnna. If vou are feeling weak and worn benefitted from the first dose. She con- out and do not have a healthy appear- tlnued Ita use and after taking six bob ance vou should try Acker'i Blood Elixir, ties found herself sound and well; now H curea all blood diseases where cheap I doe her own housework, and la aa well aarsaparlliae and eo-calied purifier fall; a he ever waa. Free trial noiues ot knowing thla we sell every bottle on a thl Great Discovery at Estes-Conn Drug noaltive guarantee. Co. Large bottle 50 centa and JL ..Bennetts Renowned Military Band. Has bee. engage for th (eaten. Astounding Aerial Feats and Acro batic Performances. Very Low Rates on all Railroads- Admission 25 Cents. Children 10 Cent WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Bound Naet gatlon Company. Leaves-Jtstorla dally except Saturday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets Inter, hange-able on Bailey tJatzert, T. J. Poller and R. R. Thompson for Astoria and all way polnta, Flavel. llwaco, Seavlew, Long Beach, and Nahcotta. Q U. B. SCOTT, Astoria Agent, Presldont. Telephone No. U. LUBRICATINQ OILS A SPECIALTY 187a ?97 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... BHTP CHANDLERY HARDWARE IRON AND STEEL COAL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES LOGGERS SUPPLIES FATRBANK'S SCALES DOORS AND WINDOWS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WAGONS AND VEHICLES