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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1898)
TIIS DAILY ASTOMAN, THURSDAY MOKMK, 8EPTKMI.EK 1, Telepboa No. . TEItMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. e,ni ty mii. per W gent by mill, pr month Curved by earTtor, per month.. . WEEKLY. Sent by mall. Fr aavano....oo Comae fre to subscriber. All communications Intended for publl ration frhnuld b directed to the editor. Jius'.ncs communication of ail kind anil remittance) must ba addressed to -'lit Astorlan," The Aetorian guarantees to Ita adver tisers the lanrest circulation of any news paper published on tha Columbia river. Advertising rate ran b bad on appll cat'oo to tha buelnee manager. 'jne srtlclo headed "Some Fact and Suggestions" In Tuesday's Oregonlan la a miT'Trt'wiittlon of tha issue between Astoria and Portland. There la no an tagonism her to tha fovrnmnl m proven' a at tha Cascades and tha Da Ilea, In th Columbia, nor lo aueh work tn the upiwr Wllllamett aa way b necessary to keep that river open at any stage ot water for light draft veet. Tha Ore gonlan well know that lb Aatortan from tta blrtb has always advocated thee Im provmenta. It la a part of tha Astorlan proposition that thaaa gremt waterway hail b kept open, to gather op tha pro due of Isolated aectlona and perform their Indlapenaabla office of regulating tariff oa the O. R. N. and Southern Pacific rotnpanle. Tha people ot Aatorla botve always been and ara now a unit on i tills question, and It la a matter of his- tory that It wm mainly through their ef fort that the government waa Induced to commence work on tha Cascade Locks and at tha end of alxteen years complete them. Portland, on the other hand. ws then and la now Inimical to tha whole heme Involved la th Cascade Lock Im provement, end It waa due to her under band dealing. In combination with the railroads, that the work waa hung up aa long aa It was. The Oregonlan will uot deny thla assertion, for tf It doe the As toriaa will prove u truth ro the satisfac tion of every intelligent reader In Ore on. Nor Is this all: It ts believed la Aatorla thai work at tha Dalle will not be under. taken, or. If begun, will never be com pleted o lone as Portland's Influence at Washington remains unshaken. The ob ject Astoria la striving for Is a common railway-point equality a deep water terminal with Seattle. Tacoma and San Francisco. Portland 1 striving by every mean In her power to prevent thla, be cause ahe knows Its effect will be to transfer the grain of the Columbia and Willamette valleys to Aatorla for foreign transhipment. Today, although right In the heart of the greatest coast timber belt. Astoria mills cannot send a foot of lumber to eastern markets because Port land compels the railroads terminating there to discriminate In their transconti nental tariff rate against Astoria. In her oposltlon to the use of federal ocscy In the Improvement of the lower Colum bia river, Astoria' protest merely goes to the new undertaking; of further dernmg the present channel, which 1 now under- going agi'.atlon at Portland. It I claimed at Astoria the project of creating and maintaining a X-foot channel to Portland I Intended solely for the benefit of cer tain railroads and a few shippers In Port land, tnd that It will tn no wise tend to the public advantage. One of It supposed effects will be to save Uie O. R. K. company from fcav Ing to divide the ranee now re- celved on grain produced In eastern Ore gon and Washington already twice a much as charged by other transportation companies for the same distance and compel the producers of Oregon and Washington to support Its water line ser vice between the see. and Portland. The people of Astoria contend that the appro priation of fedoral money to this end con fer not only no public benefit on the peo ple of the northwest territory the only theory upon -hlch suoh appropriation ran b constitutionally made but it operate to the positive Injury of the producer of Oregon and Washington, who must ship their grain out through tha mouth of the Co-lumbla. The Astorian has shown, and th commercial organisations of Aatorla will send to any Inquirer documentary proof, that a loss of over a million dol lure per year now reRulta to the producers of the Columldn river basin through the enforced transhipment of their grain at Portland Instead of Astoria. It follows thus, that every dollar spent by the gov- trnment In maintaining a deep channel to Portland goes Into the pockets of private recipients and contributes to lose a mil lion dollars each year to the Oregon end Washington farmer. Governor Black, of New York, who In vKtlf:ited tho condition of the comp of tlw New York troops at Chlcamauga prfc, yS !n fxn Interview that 'Journal Istio knavery" ha purposely misrepre sented the condition of ajfairs, which "were riot a bad a he had expected." but mat "th present tM of th hospital ottcM nevor to be prn.UU J to txi.-t." The pres may at time get sensational, and there are "yellow Journals" that ratten on the miseries of others, hut the a rem re dally paper, civnsl.lertng the press end strain under which it I edited and print ed amidst th hurry and bustle of modern .fe, is a dean and hn'.thy a not m stlnes, and a greater power for good in the nation than even the pulpit Itnelf. Itt editor and manager will compare favor ably tth any other els of business men a to uprightness of character and h.m ety of purpose. Many of the crying evils of the ikiy hav beon siamped ovit. or maila less offensive through the Influence of thene me Journnl so swevpingly dc nounced by Governor Clark. Weeks g Assistant Surgvnn Colonel Benn, reported to th department the had sani tary condition of the lAmp where our soldier are quartered, but no attention was paid to the matter. Now comes tnis later horror at Camp Wlkoff, where thr troop brought from the yellow fever d' trlct of Cuba to recuperate, find a worse enemy than yellow Jack. Bill not until the newspapers took up the matter was any attempt made by the war department to rhang th condtllona, and even now Secretary Aljrer I Investigating" Instead of acting. Colonel Senn, an oflVUI ap pointed for th purpose of looking after the health of the army, bad already In vestigated and reported. Hi report should have been final and Immediate ac tion had. Let the newspaper continue their good work and t.-- ureeley. Child. McCullough and Bennetts will earn the rratltude of an appreciative public. Th object lesson that may be learned from the good work being done by the su perintendent of street tn making the county roads within the city limit pass able I that planking our road for the time being 1 the beet thing that we can do. W must have roads, but w cannot have "ermanent roads until the grades ,. are finally settled upon. Get our rock crusher and get the portable saw mill but don"t lay macadam until the grade are fixed. Macadam tne road In the city where the grades are permanent and give the fanners planked road until uch time as the settling up and development of the county has finally established the position and arteries of travel and then ww can have smooth roadways which will make pleasure for city people and re duce the cost of transportation to market for the farmer. But let us do something with our roads at once, and mak a mar ket for our people Instead of letting there ro to Portland for their supplies, a many of them do at present. The Columbia river is not the only dis trict short In the salmon pack, and the figures given In yesterday's dispatches furnish Interesting food for reflection. Will not the general shortage raise the market price of the product and In a measure reimburse the packers for losses already sustained? Is the shortage an In dication that the fUh of the Pacitlc are uying out? Propagation and protection of fish may have to be resorted to more generally than ever contemplated. When will the call be Issued for the fisheries congress Now is the time to hold it and Astoria Is the place. If there ever was a necessity for such a congress In the face of a general shortage of sal mon on the entire coast, and on the eve of a predicted short fall pack. It exists today. The yonng man who starts in business life with a good athletic training back of him will be able to stand more than the man who has sot bad the same advant age. Nevertheless, if be overworks and nr (fleets his health, he is likely to fall a victim to some fa tal malady like his less lortunate Brother There is only one safe road for a man to tread in the matter of health. That is the road of eternal vigilance. No man, no matter how strong he may be natural ly, can with impunity neglect the little ill and indisposition of life. Thee little dis orders are what make the big ones. When a man suffers from headaches and losi of appetite, feela drowsy and dull during wak ing hours, cannot leep at night and is nervous and shaky at all times, he is in a dangerous condition. If he long neglects bis condition he will find himtlf a very sick man. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all medicines for the many diseases that are caused by an impaired digestion and insufficient and im proper nourishment. It creates a heartv, healthy appetite; it makes digestion and assimilation perfect ; it invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It is the great blood-maker, flesh-builder and nerve tonic. It is the best of all medi cines for nervous disorders and it cures yi per cent of all case of consumption, if taken in its earlier Btages, before the lunga are too far wasted. For chronic, bronchial, throat and nasal affections it is an tin equaled remedy. An honest dealer will not suggest some inferior substitute. Kev. C. M. U-inotid, (K O. Box to;), Ouanah, Hardeman Co., Texas, writes: "I write to say that during the late troutile between the Slates It became my duty as well as privilege to speak in the open air at niht, which procured slight hunorrhaifes slid loss of voice from which I hsd suffered more or less for s number of years, until that God-send ' Golden Medical liincovery,' given to the world by the inventive and scientific brain of Dr. R. V. Pierce, was obtained. After six bot tles had been used the pains and aches in my lung began to give way, and now I feel that, with a judicious course of life I may live many years. I thank God for giving to the world s man who has done so much for suffering hu manity. ' The air of studM Boliemkinlent culti vated by gome young men may please themselves, but it doesn't impress out- aiders one whit lv iTf -v w-' . r m m mi AMfclaUc Prfrurailvin for As similailng ftcrocdaiviKctf uti ting ite StoBudis Jiowcb cf rrcinclcs TKcslioTvCivcrful rts arui ItotXontalas nclifvr Owum.Morrihinc rvir YiiKtal KotNaucotic. Apafctt Ccmt Jy Tor C? WJp lion. Sour St33CCh.Di.vrh)ca, Yortns .Com-ulsioM.rovrish-ncss anJ LossorSUXP. IxSioak Signature cf new Tmi. tXACT COPY OF VHAPPCH. So few women acknowledge that -lr gray hair come from ac Instead of fright, worry, or something ! that turned It prematurely. AN ENTERPRISING DRUQGI8T. There art few men more wide awak and enterprising than th Etea-Conn ' Prug Co., who par no pains to secure I th best of Tarythlng to their line for mKnJ eQ(tomtrlk Yr, B0W 1 the valuabl agency for Dr. King's Nw Discovery for Consumption, tougna ana Colds. This la th woadtrful remedy that la producing auch furor all over th country by Its many startling cure. It absolutely cure Asthma, Bronchitis,. Hoarsen and all affections ot th Throat. Chest and Lung. Call at abova drug atort and get a trial botU free or a regular slsa for H cents and tL Guar anteed to cur or price refunded. Th visitor who is continually telling you of improvement you could mak In your house U not apt to be Invited to come again. Experience Is th best teacher. TJ Acker's English Reaaedy in any case ot coughs, cokl or croup. Should It fall to glee immediate rUef money refunded. X eta. and H oca, for sal by Estas-Cooa Drug Co. Canvas rhevolt is a new fabric used In ummer tailor gowns. PLATED OUT. Dull headacne, pains ta vartoas parts of the body, sinklnr st th pit of th etomacn. toe ot appetite, reyenanne, pimples or sores ar all poaltlv evidence of impur blood. No matter how It be came so. It must be purified la order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir ba never failed to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or any other blood dis ease. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The tinkle of Ice In tn pitcher ha a more attractive round than the finest ban! in the world. If you are thirsty. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tfca Kind Yon Hare Alwajs Bought Bears the Signature of It may be dear all day. but you can rest assured that It will rain If you go out In a white gown urui minus an umbrella. Mr. John Muhlas. a well known stock dealer of Puloskl. Ky., ay: "After suf fering for ov-r a week with flux, and my physician having failed to relieve me, I was advised to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rwnedy, and hav the pleasure of stating that the half of one bottle cured me." Kor sale by Charles Roger, Druggist. The condition of one's mills I very pal paoie thve days, when to wear glove ts ro add to our physical discomfort. HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good looks ar really mor than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all th vital organs. If the liver la have a bilious look If your stomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys ar anccted. you have a pinched look. B cure good health, and you will surely bav good look. "Electric Bitter" I a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidney, nuri' fies the blood, cure pimples, blotches ana Dolls, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Estes- Conn Drug Co. a cent per bottle. The truest ft rm of lonelines com when we are left to ourxelvea aftr Jiav- ing been used to a congenial companion. The Rev. W. U. Costly, of Btockbrldge, da., wlille attending to hi paatorful du tle at KIInwood. that tate. was attack ed by cholera morbua. He snys: "fty cirance i nappened u get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. r'h,,i..ra nH Dkirrhoea. Remedy, imd I think It was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once." pw ale by Charles Roar ers, druggist. Dirty white Is about an warm anA tivlv looking as can be imagined. White to be attractive must be toimaculu,te. OAQTOIIIA. Beantk The Kind Yon Have Arwars Bought 4 ft 11 Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature) cf The Kind You Have Always Bought. stsiTSM ee. mtrr. The taste of a well iced ranteloupe waa weecrfbed aa an Internal "tubbing. ' BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts. Bruise. 8ores, Ulcer. Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Uandi.Chll blslns. Corns and all Skin Eruption, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It I guaranteed to give perfect aalnfa tloct or money refunded. Price ft cents par bos. Tor sal by Ete-Conn Drug Co. A road traveled for the first time -nt so much longer than after we grow ac customed to It. That th blood should perform K vttai functions. It la absolutely momary It hould not only be pure but rich la life giving elements. The result ar beat effected by th us of that all-know o standard blood purlfwr. Ayr Sara parti la. lh blcycl may be going out, but I. Isn't doing half as much In that line a th blcycl lamp. We hav used CttambrtaJn's Cough Remedy In ur bom for many year and bear cheerful teatltriy to Its vJu as a medicine wfclca should be In vry rtuntly. In cvughs and cold w hav found K to be effloartuu and in croup and whouping rough tn children we dewn It ndaspens-abie.-H. P. RITTER. 41S Fairf av.. St. Lout. Mo. For aale by Cfi.irl- Rog ers, druggist. Love dig a grave for Itself a xxi aa It think It ran get along without perfect trust. Luxuriant hair, cf uniform color. Is a beautiful head-covering tor either set. and war be secured by using Hall's Vege able SIcIUmi Hair Rnwr. Well defined coat tiUI will b- s-en on costume designed for cnld weather wr. Dyjpepsla can b cured by using Acker' Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will giv Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes st ct. Kor sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. The ls advhe a man has to give tn. more listener he will have. OABTOniA. Ban th I Ui Hats Unit Boitflt Politeness is like nn air cushion; there may be nothing In It. but It eases our Joits wonderfully. Blck headache absolutely and perman ently cured by using Hokl Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cure constipation and Indigestion, makea you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or or money refunded. 25 anil SO cent. For sale by Estua-Conn Drug Co. Always look on the brlKht side-but walk on the sfindy sbU in this weather. OASTOniA. T m. if ..j u , ii . . ft n THE PIONEER LIMITED I th name of the only perfect train ir the world, now running every night be tween St. Paul and Chicago, via the Chicago. Milwaukee A bt. Paul railway th pioneer road of the wet in adopt Ing alt Improved facilities, for the afet and enjoyment of passengers. An Ulus trated pamphlet, showing vew of beau tlful scenery along th. rout of th Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any per son upon receipt of two-rent postage stamp. Address Oeorge H. Heaffrd. Qeneral Passenger Agent. Chicago, III. It Isn't the coldest drinks that make us the most cool. Dr. Williams' Indian i-lli ;fi 3 3 L Nointmenl will cure liilnu. I ill I n lllB.'.lti.K and Itchlnit i Ji I Bosi'iicK. iiiibsoriisineiumot allays the Itching at once, acta a rvtiilllfsi vIvi.m lnktaitt m Iter. Ur. Williams luninn File oint ment is orepared for Piles and Itch Ing of the private purts. Kvcrv boi warranted. Hy druiglits, by mall on re elpt of price. M cent and fl.lHI. WILLIAMS laSIIFaCTUHINS CO.. rropa.. i.ievciar.a, uuio For Sal. by jsstes-conn urug Co. JIOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Tiipy ovsreoma Weakness, lrrira Isrity and omlssliini,iticrease viiior sua bsnl.b " psins or mfi.truf' tloo." 7lwjrsrs"I.lfe Mavers" tusirlsst wonsnliaud, oIUIi.k d YH-.r-mcntof orirsns sni hiriy. Nn knows remedy for woman rual thin. Csnnot do lisrm Ufa ba ronies a plsasur. SJ1 per bos " Jr hy mull, slold by drusglsts. Vi.4iy iiroTi chimioal coui.Ius.i n u fO Through Tickets -TO T1HV EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPER. TOURIST SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other L'alrn Cllle , luggage ch kd through to destination, l'nkn IVpot. fvt tun, lowest rates. Pinisch light In all car.. For rate and oihor information call on or address 0. r, LOUNSllERItY. Agent. O. R. A N. Co. Atort. Oregon, or J. 11 LOTIIROP. 0n. Agent. IS Third at., ir. AUr, Portland. Or. Go East... via Hilling and th Burlington routs, ant you reach Omaha. Kanaa City. St. Louis, and all othtr southern and outhatra cltlt half a day sooner than traveler who take any other line. Oo vast via 81 Paul and th Burlington rout, and you rid on th Onset train ea eartb-th Burlington' St. Pul-Cblcago Limited. Oo eait via Ogdenwad Denver, and you see the wonderful cnry of th Rock). famed th world over a th mod mag nificent on th roniiuto Ticket at office of connecting line A. C. SHELDON. rug ONLY UI.MNU-CAS SUITS fEOlf P)krLt!D TO Till IA5T. MI ONLY KOt'TE TO UIK ttlXOS10V N A ' UiNAL PaftK. LatVI PORTLAND AtKIVt Ks.l Mad (or ka.sine. t'betlslit. I'vfilrmllA. Me. t Iti.utB e!.d,V1ooleH I Siaa.aiK.til. V .. toiu. furt Toeawinl, glie. tHirt. "P kue. ICas.tiid . C. Trait. B C; N. I o, H Ksvio. Mts-t )U.s. Rude. Ans.uiiiis.. U: 4. M, Hriru. t. -al. Mint VIM P. M np-1 1, ksium nyn Omaha, i uunrt luS. L'ul .i'uk-o,W a-sb ln;ti,. Srm Y rk, Phll l Ipb.t.B ialu. au'l a., pnluu bast J omb I I ua H to Minneapolis. Omana, Kaa saa City and St. Paul. tH DAYS to Milwaukee and Chloago. S DATS to Washington. Philadelphia. New Tork a-sd Boetoa, sad other Eastern point. Reggago checkrd lSrugk to dsaUoallea or tickets. Por ileeplng-er reservation, ticket. nap and tut' lnf rmatloi. .-all oa rite A. D. CHARLTON A-s't tten'l Pass. Agset, Iarlln4, SS M ,rrts.,n Si.. I nr Tht.' gfCK' Tl.kctl to all points VIthEBM -east.. i'. i Km. Kit, pw... Through palace and tourist sipi dining and library obrvii ,n cars ELEGANT VESTIftULE TKAINH No. 4 Limited leaves ai I p. m. No. I Limited arrive Portland at i a. m. vVi Jh HIST m SOUTH i-r. U.0O(h('vaTA LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVK OVERLAND EX PHKHH, for Halern, Roseburg, Ashland, Sacramento, Ogden, Han Francisco, Mo lave, Lo Angele, ;i Paso, New Or leana and th East. Roaeburg passenger Via Woodburn, for Mount Angel, Bll verton, West Bclo, Ilrownvllle, Sprlng-Oel-l and Nation.... .m p. M 9:Xl A. M JC A. M 'I'D P. Dally goept Hunday Dally except Sunday M M A. MJ Corvalll pasaenger I5n A, s Independence paaa' tX:iS A.I' M M P, M Dally, tDally except 8unday. connvctlng at 8an Krnnclsoo with Occl dental ft Oriental, I'aclrlo Mall and Ove ai'lc steamship line for JAPAN. CHINA. AI'.UALIA ANI HAWAII. Rebate tickets on sale dully hetweei Portland, Bacramento, and Han Francis co Not rates 117 first -clas, and U sec ond-clasa, Including sleeper. Hates and ticket to Eastern points an curope. Aiso japan, cnina. Honolulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. H ITDVIi Mil Tin!-.) isenr 11i rnVi.J I Third ARKHi R. KOKHLER, C. H. MAIIKHAM tiuiiii.Mv. a, T V . i ir X 11 1 1 11 sai. Manager. O. F. ft P. A flla J Is nnn-noisnnnns r.ntMlr for lionnrrl.iM JiJwt. Spsrmsiorrhiea! Wnltss. inBilmil ,lu. ehsrsxs, or sny liiHsmms lion. Irritation ur ulr,.r ertTtiu noisftta, lion of mucous n.mi i THeEvans OHtanoit Oi, brsnss. Non-salrlnDl old ky IsragglsU. or sent la plain wrapper ur siprus prspsl.l, to. 11.01. or I boltln, utulsr iut ou rouuo... lite ; 0m ar of 111 I aaf.rlAVS.VB WHEN GOING EAST. Dm a flrst-claaa tins In traveling ntwa llnneapolla. Si Paul and Chicago, and th principal town In central WlMuniln. Pullman Palaea Sleeping and Chair Car In sarvlca. Th Dining car a re operated In th In terest of It patron, th moil clegani arvtc vr Inaugurated. Meal ar erved la ert. To obtain flrat-cl rvl, your llukel hould read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connection at Chicago and Mil waukea for all eastern points. For full Information call on your nearest ticket agent, or write JAS. C. POND, Ueneral Paaa. Agent, or JAN. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis, Uener) Agent, Ht Stark street, Portland, Or. NOTICH tF THK I'ttMI'I.KTU'N ANH At VHI'TAN. rl lr THK IMI'ltoVi: MKNT IN THK CITY HI' AMTdltlA KNOW N AH THK "I'lHIITH pI'ltKICT, FROM OHAND AVKNl'K Tti NIAtl AR AVENUE. NI.VOAIIA A V KNIT. T. KKVKNTII HTUKKT. ANI HKV I.NTH HTUKKT TO HAY AVKNUK IMI'UOVKMKNT." Notice la heroby alven lo th public, U ail those Inierwetml and to all persons homsoevvr, that WlllUtn Nelion and YV. A il.Kulin, the contractors fur th street lniproenient In the City of Astoria dtslg rutted a th mprvinrtit of Klghth street, front tlntn.l avenue to Niagara 4enu. Nlngara avenue from Klshlh street to tUsetith trt. and tvrmh atres.1 from Nlnr avenue to the norm sl.lo uf Hay aenue. have conilileled th aforald liuprovenienl. according to Hie provision of IM-dlttalic No. li of the orllitaiuea ot said city, approved NuVetn tier 3'h. lwT. and according lo Ihe Cn tnc( for said Improvement, and renin. ,-ate of approval of the Work don on .il.t Improvement, signed by the City Itur veyor and Huprrtntrmtenl of atrevt of said i Ity. and by the Commute on tHreot and Public Way of the Common Council tliorwf. having on the day of August l-cw. tHn duly ninl In the ufflc of tn. Auditor and Police Judge of s-.l.l city, a provl.l.'d by Otilttwnce No. .-4 of Ihe Oillnn.r uf Mtltl city, approved Janu sr ih. KO. that therefore, the aforrealil Imptoxnient may Iw, by the Common Council aforeml.l. rltially ccitel at the neat rnulsr meeting of eald butly (ol io lug tho .Kite ui the rsplruiloii uf th pobllcalt.t of this notice. til. h meeting 111 l hrld m Thurs.Uy, Hrptrnitirr lVh t t tta. hour uf . p. m.. unless prior to Ud time oh)e tot to s.ld lin provemetil tw filed elth the Auditor and police Ju.lge of Ald city. 1'it.l at AstorU. trvgn. August 'lh 11 K NKlaHoN. AU'l'ror and Poll, e Judge uf th City "f Astoria, IKvs-on. N...TICK HP INTENTION Ur THE i iMUo.N CiH NCU. 1P THE CITT tP AdK.ltl.V. DllKUoN. Ti) IMI'ltoVK ilAlllirSiN AVKNUK. HKTW KKN HKVKNTH AM) Kl.illTII STREETS. Notice I hereby glvn thl lha Common Couti' II uf tha City of AstorU to improve ttwi tction of Harrison av- nu lying belwean Seventh and Eighth strvnts and ei'.erullng fiKn the planking At now laid on Ka-"th lrH to the strrei planking on Seventh atrvel a no alull, by gro.llng sold Harrison avenue to It full width, to th established gnul there of, and by planking some to a width ot ist-n feel on each side uf the renter lh.Tv,f. and mnstru. tlna! gutters, curtilng 4ik1 slJrawlks on ch thereof; said Improvement lo m constructed In accord, in., elth ordinance l.tsil uf al. ctty, atv.1 the it thervuf lo be drireyml by Ph ill aasmeiit upon tha lota, land ami pranilss-e fronting and abutting upon, a.lji, ent and utharolsw lonetltled by and ImpMvemeirt ahlch hs. lands and pr'mlrs are. fur the purjMs' "f "'J Improvement, hnrtil.y In. Iude.1 within a I. strict bereuft.'r to )m railed "Tho Har ris.. n Avenue from Beventh to Klkhlh street I mpr.iv until District," and ni lull rmbriie Ihe foi owllig ib-. rll'e.l pr..-rty. to-alt. Iils I. :. J. and I. In I lock i. and Wt I. I. I. and I. In block ". all lu Dial iarl of Ih Clly uf Astoria ..s 1 il l out .in J ri .it.lpj by John al v'lur. .iii.l Mtmr. by C) rus Dltiey. In Clatsop .'.. in y. i iregoii. N'i. TH KltKKi .11 K, unless a reinon, s.nnnl by I lie residents of Ihe lt ontiiiig more tti.iu uiie-hnif of th1' pr.i('rt)' ,ilivn ili'scrllied, shall be lil'd with II." Auditor iui.I polbe Judge of v.l u'y. by tin. time of the neat rrgular lii-e-t-l of the said Common Coun II following !lie pulillititluii t,f tills notice, to-wit: Th.irs.lo-. Hi.i-mber lull), tha kiI.I Itnptov. inriii will be imi.ln is Htoresabl. ti-.ti. v la pubilsh.'.l by resolution t s .bt i omuion Conn. 11, isissrd at a regu i r it t un (hereof in wild ctty, on th Hh i i ..f August, Iv'sv. II. K. NKlJi)N. ,tu r mid Poll' e Ju.lge of the I Ity of A oi .i, i ir gon. N' I'll' V. up I NT ENT I ' N OF THK ' "M.l' t Ot Nl II, OK TIIKCITY K ArtTolllA, otKlo., To IMI'ltoVK KI'JHTH HTUKKT. FltoM I lit A. VI) AVKNUK TO IIAIlHIHoN AVKNUK. Noil.e Is hereby given thut the Common i oiiio 11 of the City uf Astoria Intend lo improve portion of hlglnh street Iyli4( between linnd avenue mid H'trrl- hi iiv. line, by Krvulinr sninn to the est at) llsheil itrole, from lhn phmklng ns now to th full width thereof, and by con strintltiir on enh sldn thereof blrwitlks wl'h curbing, anil also u gutter connect Ing with lh gutters now constructed, to the south linn nf Harrison nveiiux, on said Klghth street, running to the north line of (Itiind uvenue; said Improve in. tt to be In accord- nine with or.lliiiitu-e I!1 of said city .inl tin. cost thereof to be defrayed by assessment Upon Ihe lots, land mid luetulses fronting mid abutting upon adjacent to nnd otherwise bonulltted by Hiiid piopoHi.l Improvement, Which ls, I'liula nnd premises lire, for tho pur poses of no 1.1 Improvement hereby Includ eil within n dlNlrltil hereafter to be called the Eighth Kirnet, from (Irmid Avenue to Harrison Avenuo Improvenient District, and same nltal embrace Hut followlilM described property, to-wlt: lols 3, K, 6, 1. In block No. NT: Iota 1, 2, 7, nnd 8, tn Muck No. kh, In Mint rt of the city or Aalorlu ns lulil out nnd recorditd by John Mi dure, In Clatsop County, Oregon. NOW, THKIIKFOHE, unless a remon strance, elgiiisl by the residuum of the clly owning more thtin ono-lmlf of the, properly nbovo descrllMxl, shall be flh'd with the Auditor and Police Judgo of said city, by Hi., time of the next regular meet- Ing of the nld Common Council following tho final piihiicttiUon of this notice, to-wlt: Thursday, Beptcrrvbor, 1KW, 'the mild Improvement will be nwdo a nforesnld. Thl notice I publlahed by reolutlon or said Common Council, passed mt a regular meeting thereof, held In said city, on the 4th day of August, 1SU8. 11. E. NEIJION, A u. II (or and Police Judge of the City or Astoria, Oregon. classified Advertisements WANTED W ANTED-AN KM'KltlKVCl.H Hlltl, for letielal oollseH urk. !' oillllin 1 1 lrt. VANTKIIN AKIUItlA. Kr.ri hTx nioiilha from Hist .f Hepiemlier, fur lilshuil house uf mil less llMII sVn rHiin. Il.uily staling pnilicuUrs. to "II,' car P. Ijvalcr A Co, AstorU, Or. WANTKD- IMXIKDI tTIM.V. A I'l It rapl i cook, iioiiu oili.'i' iie.ul apply. Mia, aUitlUtil Klinoie, :s) KlsiltHi slivel. rOIt RENT. " (Oil UK NT IM'HIIIAHI.K IHiuMH. Ap". tlpslitlla. (lullolllg. r'tHI RENT (KHil) IIOI'HIO AND II A UN Had four acr.a or imt.l, nar Clatsop i ity four scrca uf Imt.l, near Clatsop ity lion, known a III Olaip Posiorti.'. ly lo A. Tsgg, its! Cuminerclul sU, aiat Aim city It) II SALIC. IX.It SAI.K-IN NAII.'.ilTA. W'AH'il", gonil ll.HISO Ml. thirl- lota III (111 'It'll. Willi convenient uulliil..igs All In good old. I'. Apply to Mill) A. I.) in. PoirHAt.K-llnt'HK AM' l. T, Cull-n.-r titan. I hv.'ihio sii.I Twoty niiuli strwei. I'pperiow n, lot ;jW (vet. Apply lo John Hull. LOUT, Lt'HT-A I 'I A Mi i.N I HIIKAM'I CIS l ' lT Ins I tin piii M.ln r'rl.l.iv vvi.uliig I Iii It will be rawurdrd by IciMim m the Aa loiinu oltli . lAHiT-NKT-Almt'T M KATIInMs. I IllV IU,l ... II.. .....k. H...L&I ' I I ' 'l J C. ' off IVint Kit on. Ii) main. btnan II sn.l 1 u clock. I tuiier plwae rurn JilLi 'ilt'? Jill g1')""'. I'Q"!!'' 'Si' rOUND. KU'Nli-iHi Kl.i:i' ur S" M KM II Urtll net, In gud oli.1t I Ion tiwin-r can liava sam. I.) Siiilus u H. Haikllis, l.olig lieai h, Wssh, . J-0T STOP AT "THE MURRaV."TIIE UNLT ntel in Astoria having every mod ern tinpcoVMusiit, MtHolly Aral clas. RESTAl'HANTS. OOoiTis CENT MEALS AT THE Ris ing Sua Restaurant, MISCELLANEOUS HTTliOllAiW JIAH TIIIIKi; IIUNHItKD view in lo.k that Ii will II al half price. C.Mue early an. I gel nst dioK-a IK Voir WANTrNKMUHSKTei'AND crawllah call on Oaorga lurilvy at (lie National, whvra all ibe dllwi. uf Ihe season ran be fuund. UlTS or PINK AMIII.ANIi CRAW KultD po lloa, iheap, at Kuss, llls(llis A Co. rVR KINK TEAS, EXCELLENT COF fes. pur t4ce go to UAUD STOKES CO. TRY Hll 1 1.1 J NO 8 IIEST TKA AND baking puwder. SWEET CREAM IDo A PINT AT THE Spe. CREAM 19 AND W i'EH PINT. p'aK lur Candy Stura UHK MAPLE LEAP CHEAMKItY ULT" ter. r uard Hiukea Co., agsaita. WHEN YOU WANT TINE THA, NH1 oirTe end plc, try "otl a Stuk Co. YMI.I) IlLACKHKItHIHil-LKAVK Yi'UR oroer (ur wild b.ackuorrlae wua jua, IHggiBS Co. ABTORIANS AT THE SKArtlDK W,L find Ih Morning Astorlan on sets si In. l-wiace llaataurant at that pioce. ri.NE CHEllltlKS. ItASPIIKRRIKS AND rod currants ere plentiful end cheap, Mae Ruae, lllggins Co, SALOONS. ... -s- ... . THE LoUVER-UNDER THE AHLB managamenl of August Krat. t daily bamming a murs and ohw pupula r rt. The club rouuva on the hivdiI ft re now an attracuv feature of eetabUshmeot. MUSICIANS. DR. ALFRED KIN NET-OFFICE AT reeUIeuce. Commorclal atreet, near Suth office hour: Morning until Ik: II aternuon until I; evening until I o cluck. DR. O. U. ESTES. PHTslClAN AND .Mention to dlt'oaae Surgeon. Sp-lsl uf woman and eurgery, ortlcw ov tr Dan siger s store, Astoria. Tel. No. U- DR. JAY TVTTLE. PHYSICIAN AND gurgn. OfTlce, rwnt I and (, Pythla llullOlng. WIS commercial Ureal. Ilsau dt-n.e same. Telephone N. Acting as- istant surgeon United State mrln. hospital service. MASONIC. TKMP1.E IXtKlK NO 7. A. F. AND A. M lleguiar communications no. a on th first and third Tus.lsy ev.ning of each month. . W. LsUNiillKltltV. W. M.;E. C. HOLDEN. S.retary. ATTORN E l S. It. T. I IIOHIIY. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, ess. Coiuiiiprclal lrel. Q. a7 nOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. OSlre. Ilond Street, Or. piioTooitAPiia." " A RKHI i.AR PANTOM1NE OF VIEWS depleting Ih Ufa and htelory or Aatorla, and autivsnira uf the city and country st the Htiodgras gallery. IF SNOIMIRAHS DOESN'T MAKE your picture you don t get in beat. PAXTON S PHOTON ARK ON PAPER of hi own preparation alio ar guaran teed not to fade. Foil I'lloToH OF ALL KINDrt, Co lumbia river siwuvry ami r'itlu vieai nil on Hiuxlgress, ( and Coinmerclal street. i TIMI! 5CMI.I)UI.I!3 ! PrrAsT. Kroin Port land 1 Aaatyg Kv.t Mall 0 p. in. HMikitue H,er 1 p. in. I.nlt I1 e, ctiv r. K. Worth, ilinnhs K mi ls" i lly, el. (.null, i lil. 'int.. and ' s"l W I n Wall... H- stic. MImih-iiioII. St. I' ul, I'uliitli, .Xllwunkre, lilciiito nnd Kiisl, Pa.l M .ill V.'fi a. in Hpoksns Klver I M a. in. K out Aspirin OCl!AN MCAMAMIP5 All milling hales sub J.'Cl to chllllKe. ' Kor - ii Kriiiir.seu . Mall iiii, a, I.I, lh. ;.1,. I'or Al.i-ka -Klder Aug. II 'Jll. I Columbia River ' :.s m e Mo Htenmrr II p. m. To P'irlliind and ! TueATImr i s ui ui nu 7 n. m tin , i hur in.d Sun tin. in. Way landings, 7 p 111. Sm. Kroiu Portland. j . Klvsr. Tuei'Th"', Uregon cpv, Newb. rg and Hat, Hslein A Way IjumI's , W"Uh,.nui,Bd V""J P.m. hlllltlvsrs. Mo.,Sv'e,i, Oregon fit v. I lay ton, ft and Krl, Wy.Ulidliigs. I Mnii, Wed and Krl 7 a. m lues, '1 hur and Hut Mr Hlpurls! ina. m. i 5nsk Klver. Itlpurlstu Lewlsluii, l.v IWlstll 1 i'i . 111. Hun., lues. Mom. Weil ft Friday I . 'and Thiir. O. W. LOUNBUERRT W. H. HURLBURT, A,W" A,,0rla Oen. Pas. Agt Portland. Or. Astoria Public Library IlICADINO ROOM FREE TO ALL Open vry day from t o'olook to I'M and I 80 to 1:10 p. m. SuVee-iptinn rit! M per annum. V. Cor. Jtlevantb and Duan Straata. J