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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1898)
i't t i l t THE ASTORIAN bit th Urieii circulation of toy paper on th Columbia ftivir TSE DAILY ASTCriAN la tl,: I " " tlfjtst ir.3 test r:r ' ,: oa tfce c&!u?..t:i v.ut FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLIX. AHTOKIAi 0KE0ON, TIIOKSDAY MOANING, SEPTEMBER J, 1893- NO. 4& The Only nn n 1 ! ... IN ASTORIA ... til 11 1 Mi ! 11 La W U .4 . fl . v t- i1 Stove Stoi APT, DREYFUS THE MI PA In mi Our Mpclnlty: HTOVEH AND RANGES Wo know tho luninvM. Twenty yoari experience. If you want ft (i(X)D Htovo, nco tho stock at the gel ipse Hardware Co. THEY LEAD 03.50 to 0O.OOV "' ' Vive Cameras $5.00 and $1000 ritUTOCKAI'HIC GRIFFIN 6 i NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED i Four Hundred Different Patterns Wah Sing it Co., Merchant Tailors, were never hotter irt'arrl to aervo the public in their line, (n-nta' nirnishiiiK (ixxls of all kinds. Suits mailu to order quickly. I.arL'0 atctk rondy-tnado ctxxla. Clounincr and rejiairing. Itomctnbor, Prlcon Tnlk. WAH COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Logging Engine Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... .Manufacturer! for the Pacific Coast of the KOKCKTS KATEK-TIBB liOlLCR. Pacific Sheet .... MANUFACTURERS OF vSE ...CANS... Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. , Fairnaven, Wash. Write Uf for Prlecn. Full Line of Fall and Winter EVERYWHERE. ,i ..' I; ( .'. ..I i ; -( . 3 THE BEST ON EARTH SITI'LIKS. & REED. PlIOP f0p;U :oinnc AT- Foard & Stokes Co We hmc on hand the forgot and freshest assortment. I'resb goodn constantly arriving. I t 3 SINfl A CO 6j6 Com'rc'l St. ij Lowers Supplies Kept in Stock Hull! and Ropnlrcd. Metal Works spice and Syrup G Parisian Enemies Forged luO C J "( IK ). . V I j SENSATIONAL Arrests of tho Leaders of the Awful Conspiracy Follow Imprisoned Man May Bo Re leasedSeveral Prominent Frenchmen Implicated lieutenant-Colonel Henry, One of the Scoundrels, After Confessing to. the Crime. Cuts His Throat PAItlH, Auut Jl.-Tho arrrat ul IJiaii(nuitI-'ul:i 1 H.-nry, ' on , Ui UiK-ipry Umt h U th. U lh.r of M Kttfr mhlrft flgurrj in th Dr.yfu. -w, I. one f ihc ni"i nMt.)iU ilrvvlopim-nt in tha whole tit t)il rxirAKrtllnary nrtalr. Hrnry lui'l Itrn tlitaufimut th f tlip army aulnt lnH cjuart. with hutn ha foujrtvt a duH. Thl now i)rvrliimwit ) lo atM Ihe aM't of both llw iT'-yfu. anl .la """ riJ 10 I-ra' tU''Uy nullify the rvi- (Ulirt . )r,wu(um,i h) t a forsery. drum of licnriul. Ael'.rus an-! ll..lli.f- and a. a re.ult Wua cennured. while Ir and the declaration of tho minl.'.rr Henry' lll.iliiy ra rewarded by hi be for w.,r. M. C-vKiuc. In the rhumt.r of , ,n l'!lrMl Colo.H Plcquarf. .ucce or. It la now .Ud that Henry forged i.iUlle. Ill fact. ! le.ili. bellrvr the i tne letter with the express purpoao of turning iwlm thclr fu ve hi. tM-cn nied. and the arreal of Hrnry will lead to a revlnlon of tne trial of thejvlalon of tho Dreyfu case. The letter .rl...ner of Devil , l.lund. 1 written In bud French, a fact which It nppmr that a .oon a. (.'avirfn.ic aa- umed the oftlce of mlnlMer for war be charged the official lo make a thorough research of th Dreyfu cane, and It wa .w, . . . . . . rv' ai.l m. mi. nainful When he ' thl that resulted In the dl.covery of the,ry oal ww mom paimui. nen ne document showing that th proof of the j guilt of Dreyfu wn forgtd. Henry will , t tried ty court martial. When Colonel Henry w .ummoned to the ministry for war. and auctioned by M. I'avgnac In the presence of Uerutnl flolsdefere and other, he at first affirmed the Authenticity if the Incriminating doc- ument. but. when discrepancies were pointed out, he at first admitted adding sentence, and fliMliy confessed to the fabrication of the whole letter. It I nrrlrmed, however, that, while thl discovery hn not chunged M. Cnvalgnac's belief In the culpability of Dreyfus, he Is determined to punish nil the gulty par ties, no matter what their rank or poal- Ihm may be. Colonel Henry confessed to having com mitted the whole forgery, "owlinr to the absolute necessity for finding proofs niralnst Dreyfus." It Is understood that tho document In question I a letter which has hitherto been alleged to have been written by the Ocrnmn military attache to the Italian military attache, In Octo ber, Ksa;. It Is also said ihM, when the Interpola tion In the Dreyfus cose was coming on In the chamber of deputies, 'this letter wa secretly communicated to the court nmr- thil und was the chief evidence upon which Dreyfus was convicted. When Count EsteMnxy was Informed of Jl THE LEADING DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE OF ASTORIA Prisoner to .tie Isle DEVELOPMENTS lraintul Scene at the Investigation Situation m the Philippines- Strong Feeling in the Provinces Against Aguinaido Mrs. Botkin, Alleged Poisoner, Soon to Be Arraigned. th arrnt of (.'dlonel Henry, and of hi n-lmlMlirti. ho .xrhtlmid: "Till, li too rrlfylnif! KNPK.D IIIH WOItTHUESB CARt.uK. PAitIS, AuKU.t iJ.-Urutenant-Colone! Henry cmttnltt.! aulcld. tonljfht tonlsht by ruttknic hl throt with rajr. hkh he hud i-on-euM In hi. clothe. uwrlnic th.. Zohi tml henry auHl f.Jonel H.M.ry of fulifr1ng telegram. A du.-l Mlcw.,1. in hKh Henry wa. w.Mind.1. The nrt .rnr occurred In the rhntnbiT of diuile., hero Colonel Pic- ,mruyg,lg Colonel Plcquarf enort tojand 10 unble to obtain any relief expoae Major Kalerlmiy and to gel a re- 1 from tne tnaurRent leader. It Is addded flrat led It to be regarded a npurloua. It 1 wild that. If the' cabinet decide upon the revlalon of th Dreyfu case, M. Cavlgnac. minister of war, will resign, . The ecene of Lieutenant-Colonel Hen .aw (i wa almoal useless to deny fur ther, hi tongue grew so thick that he was unable to speak. It was feared that ue would have in apolepttc stroke. Af ter his wrest he was permitted to visit his wife, while on the way to the fort ress at Mont Valerln. She thought he retil ly had had a lit. He addressed her as n,y ,loor wftfi 'adding. "I am under ar- rest." The officer accompanying him was under orders not to lose sitfht of him for a moment, and therefore he could not see his wife alone. All three pro ceeded to his bedroom to get tho nec essary clothing. Henry then clasped his wife In his arms and exclaimed: "My conscience Is pure and free from every sting." Tho examination Is much commented upon. as going to show that rt may be pos slbly have forged the letter under orders from his superiors. Lleutent-Coloncl Henry wa a peas ants son. Ho wua born in Pousey, In Marno. In ISIS, and enlisted In a foot reg iment as his brother's substitute In He had n good military record for brave ry and tnexporablo discipline. He was a prisoner of war In ls.U. and was wound ed in tho Algerian campaign. He re tained much ot Vho rough and ready man ner of ft non-commissioned nicer. He wns kicking In education, sKke no for eign languors and owed his promotion primarily to his reputation for blunt, stmlght-forwardness. SOLDIER SENTENCED. NANCY, France, August 31. A court martlnl here has Just sentenced a prl- vale soldier to three mouths' imprison- Goods Now COOPER'S the Documents Wliicli Sent COME TO LIGHT AT THE FRENCH CAPITAL ment and Bv hunderd (rxnet fin (or .houlln "vlve Zola." AKKAIK3 IN THE PHILIPPINES. ,8lrw Feellnf In the Provlnctt ApUn.t Lead". AgulnalJo. """" j MANILA. Augxi. n.-The Iniunient. t tended mjulera wn In IM.i church th lite of the fcattleficid for the repow of th wula of the In.ur t nd Araerlmni ho hve l.t their Uvea here n'hlie ficntnir the Sininish. Accunllnfc to 8panUh advice., there 4 a atrons fellii in the province agalmtt Afculmildo. tecftUM the inHUrKenta' untlcU put Ions have not been realised. They are Ruld to have exhauated their funds and uppllea. obtained from the monasteries, that Aguinaido I. afraid to make his con tomplated visit to Bulacan, owing to the fact that he Is unable to comply with the insurgent' demand. THE BOTKIN POISONING CASE. Defendant Will Be RmUgned for Send- lng Poison Through Ihe Mails. 8AN FKANCI8CO. August t-Detectlve McVey, who came here from Delaware to procure the extradition of Mrs. Cornelia Botkin for the murder of Mrs. J. . Dun ning and her sister, stated today that John P. Dunning, husband of one of the victims, had positively Identified the Land writing on the wrapper as that of Mrs. Botkin. He said that Dunning bad iden tified the anonymous letters sent to Mrs. Dunning us belng written by Mrs. Bot kin. Tomorrow the grand Jury will meet, and the attendance of witnesses who will not give their evidence to the authori ties will be compelled. The Indictment, snould there bo one, will not be on the charge of murder, but on the charge of sending poison through the marls, which Is a misdemeanor. THE SPANISH NAVAL PRISONERS. Cervera's Men Ordered Released By Act ing Secretary of War Allen. WASHINGTON, Aug. Si. Acting Secre tray Allen has authorised Che release of all tho 8panlsh naval prljoners captured la the battle ot July 3d from Cerveraa' fleet. ' " ' These Are now at Annapolis and Sea vers Intend, Portsmouth harbor, . the officers being at the academy and the sailors at the Island. The condition of the men physically Is all that could be desired. The prisoners are to be returned to Spain tot the ex pense of the Spanish government. Thnt was the condition upon which our Diablo. government agreed to release them with out parole or other restriction. Admiral Cervera wa charged by his government with the arrangements for for the transportation of the prisoner. MINES MUST BE REMOVED. WASHINGTON, August 31. The Frencn amlxiJMidor, acting for tne Stanlfh gov ernment, has notified the state depart ment that orders hve been Issued to tha Spanish authorities at Havana to remove tho mines unu other obstructions to navigation In the harbor as rapidly as possible. NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Aug. JL-The dem ocratic state convention toduy nominated Hiram A. Sawyer of Hartford for gov ernor. The platform favor the initia tive and referendum, but la silent oa the annexation question. After warm debate a motion was passed to appoint a committee for the purpose of conferring with the populists on the matter of fusion on the state ticket. MUST PAT THE DUTIES. Spanish Customs Officials Tax Miss Bar- toon' ReiUrf Supplies. WASHINGTON, August SL-Mlss Bar ton will probably be obliged to pay the duties and fines Imposed by the Spnnisn officials of Havana upon the cargo of the relief ship Comul, if she detains to secure the admission of the supplies to Havana and their distribution. After consldera- ton. The officials hero have decided that uiKll the United States military commis sion, which Is to arrange for the evacua tion of Cuba, has discharged that duty, the administration of Spanish laws by Spanish offtViils must be respected, and they must be allowed to conduct the cus toms house In their own way. THE ANGLO-AMERICAN ALLIANCE. Mr. Gurdner Says It Would Make the Two Countries Commercial Allies. SARATOGA, August 31-The following abstract of an address on "The Proposed Anglo-American Alliance" was delivered before the American Social Science asso ciation at Its annual meeting at Saratoga today y Charles A. Gardiner. A.M., Ph. D., counsel for the elevated roods of New York City. 'Mr. Gardiner spoke of the tendency to national concentration in the rrcaent age, declaring that already three nations. Rus sia, Great Britain, and America, compris ing two races of people, the Slavic and Anglo-Saxon, practically dominate the Rpoke of the continual aggression Arriving Him a Life that ha for more than eight centuhe J marked the policy of Russia, and ha I spread her sovereignty over area in Europe and A.Va too vast almoet for human conception. Against this aggres sion, be said. Great Britain has admitted that she can, unaided toy som other great power, make no successful opposi tion. Attention at the present moment, he said, is directed to the Rusao-Britlth con test for supremacy In China. At this crit ical moment, he says, the powlbilKy of an alliance with America, through, con sideration of her interest In the Phil ippines, Is seemingly Great Britain's only hope of triumph. Said he: "Shall America keep the Islands? This question has become fundamental to the consideration of an alliance. Without the Philippines, the prejudices and environ ment of the past might control discussion, but with them an alliance becomes the most Important problem of our new world relations. "It has taken us nearly a century to push our domain across the continent and along a thousand tnllea of the Pacific coast by conquest, annexation and pur chase, Wtthln a hundred years we have expanded our territory westward over 3, ioO.OOO square miles further out to Ham-all. We own the Aleutian Islands, almost at the gates of Japan. In Samoa we have naval and coaling rights. An Island In the Ladrones will soon be r - Why turn back from tho Philippines? "It Is objected that the Islands are extra territorial and non-contiguous; but Porto Rico Is 1,000 miles from Florida; Hawaii is J.OOO miles from San Franclaeo; the nearest point of Alaska Is 500 miles and Its farthest point 1,000 miles from Seattle; and the Aleutian Islands extend not only t-M) miles from our borders, but into the geographical system of another continent. "It Is objected that military govern- (Conunued oa third pago The lorl U the higlmt er4e bating powW laawa. Actual tut. show it aces cm. airi farther thaa aay ether brand. Absolutely Furo -; KOVAl AK1M KVOOC. CO., M VO.K.