T .-j V THE IU1LY ASrOftlAN, TUESDAY J101LMNU, At GIST (V 18M WIM',wll"'M'lii'M''l','IMI'lw past! f ile Is a Wise flan p e 8 I 5 U WHO DOES TE MC11T THirvG AT THE RIGHT TIME... THAT'S ! Etc"Etc HERMAN M L The Reliable TODArS WEATHER. Fair -ihrr; stationary tetnprreture Jong the coast AROUND TOWN. TVESDAT. J. W. Cock. the Clifton cnnrrtn. U la the city. lire. McCul'.oucli and daughter Stella leave, for Portland today. The ship. Can Maxkwiale expects to leave up for Portland today. Frank Woolsey, agent of the Pacific Coaet Suamshlp Company, U In U city. Preildent J. J. HU1 of the Great North ern Railway Company, will arrive on th ouut tomorrow. j The Georce W. Elder will be placed on the San FrancUco-Portland run about the tint of September. Wa Frank Schmidt, a native of Ger many, waa admitted to clUienshlp In the county court yeeterday. Ul IuUa Dlrnle and MIm Anir. of Cathlamet, are visiting- In the city and roftxercl t the OccWetit. If -ou waat a piano. e AlUn. vs Com mercial tlret- This 1 positivny the lat week of his auy In Aktoria. The annual meeting of the board of dl reotora of the O. R. & N. Co. wUl be held In Portland on Thursday next. The case of the tug Miami, libeled Sat urday last by credit'., will b settieJ and the boat released in a few days. Patrick She and Mrs. Shea returned from their honeymoon trip to OUif'jrn'a Saturday night on the A. & C. K. K. The merry -go-round, the laal of the tide shows to lev this city, was ship- j ped to Saln 1 nigtot, leaving only ; numerous small boys to mourn its ios. A moonlight excursion will be given by the il. E. church on the steamer MUer, svirijiv vrninz. ember I Frictids of the church and the public generally are Invited. Tt West Shore Mills company have Just received a large lot of Or cordwood Irom Stella, With., which they are offering at very low figures. See advertisement In another column. Mr. French, of the Arm of Daniel D. G. French & Co., tlnpUte brokers of Chica go, Is in the city on bulne connected with his firm. Mr. FreiKta Is accompan ied by Mrs. French. Flh rommlssloner Little of Washing- ton, .has appointed W. B. Donaldson sup rlmendent of the Chinook hatchery In pUce of Mr. Blackwell. Mr. Donaldson Is j a reiiident of Chinook. j The ateamer T. J. Potter will be contin-. oed on her trl-weekly trips between ron land. Astoria and Ilwuco until and Includ ing September 1C leaving Ilwaco on the last trip up river September u. An Impromptu party was given laJt j evening at Kerney's hall by the Missies i K-rn..v am! Mina M. McCann. The even-: tag wtu pleusntly spent, dancing, games and refrefhments occupying the tiwe. Tlie frlwids of J. M. Brownell, who has been the day clerk at the Imperial hotel, Portland, ever since its opening, four and a half yeurs ago, will be pleased to learn that he him been appointed to a very nat tering position as day clerk an the Hotel Portland. Captain Thomau, of the British ship ltockhurst, which arrived In Saturday 52 days from Yokohama, spoke the BrfTUh Ship Penlhsella Angnst 4. from Shanghai to Hoya! Rouds for orders. The Penth sella la llnted for the Columbia river to loud wheat. Postmaster Wise and family leaves for Knappa today for a few days outing. Mr, Wise renurna this evening to make ar rangements to turn over the postofflce to Ms successor, Mr. Charles Donald, to morrow evening. Work will soon commence on the new Page building on the corner of Twelfth Five Flavors of Schillings Best tea: Japan, English Breakfast Cevioll , Ideal Blend Oolotigf' . All money-back. If you were In need, would ay store keeper jive you a Greenback? NO!! Tbta, why should yau pay 1$ extra 04 every $io pwrchate, wketi It baa been proves 1000 Times Tkat we caa tmi tto aave our cuatoaer PEH CENT oi Ootntof. Hats Shirts. Trunks WISE Clother arid Hatter 'and CommeroHU. and completed before I minT weather sets In. The building will be three stork hlfh and tike all buildltws .-.-il h.v Jixire Pace, will be hand somely finished with all modern Imprwve ' ments. ! Good Whiskey is both doctor and tonic. Better looking than many doctor, better I tasting thin all medicines. "or general 1 fjmili- uu nuthlns eauals whiskey ana I HARPER Vhtk-y Is pre-eminently the family whiskey. Sold by Ford Stokes ! Co.. Astoria, Or. A new postofflce has been petitioned for by residents in the vicinity of Larson s station on the A. A C. R. R.The postofflce department has not yet been heard from but ft is probable the petKlon will be granted and that the poetoffloe will re ceive the same name as the station. Amorvg the passengers d"wn from Port land last night by rail were Lem Howe. M. Foard. C. F. Briggs. F. Gunn. L. Sl. F. D. Wlnton. wife and daughter. Aug Krotx. J. If. Maneell. E. G. Miller. Ed Norton. C. A. Truesdale, J. H. Srymour. E. Stone, manager O. ic C. E.; Colonel John Adair. Edwin Young, whose lat letter giving a deecriptlon of army life at Manila ap peared In these columns a few days ago. died from fever at that place. This was made known through a cablegram re- iceived from the commanding offloer at Cavite by Hon Benjamin Young, an uncie of the deceased. j L. S. Doble. J. W. Cook. Frank Wool j sey. A. B. Hammond and aon. E. S. Jack json and child. C. Parke ponton. A E. Lovejoy, Wm.. Smf.h. F. Kolloch. J. K. Kollox-h enj wife. Portland; C. F. Wil liams. H. H. Woodruff. San Fiancisco; N A. Marrs, Ilwaco; M. A. Polfe. Chicago; M. S. Sho:k. Hubbard, are at registered at the Occident. The funeral of John Pallo, who was ac cidentally drowned in the fishing boat race during the regatta, took place from Pohl'a undertaking parlors SumHy after noon. The funeral, which was largely attended, was under the auspices of the Finnish Brotherhood, of which deceased was a member. The ourial took piece at Greenwood cemetery. Two teams of Portland bowlers, one from the Orvgon Road Club and the otner from the Multnomah Club, will arrive In the city next Saturday and play a match on the alU-ys of the Astoria Football Club. It has not been decided as yet how many games each teum will play. No trophy will be offered, the match being a friendly ne between the clubmen. In the police court yesterday J. N. Mayfleld was tri:d on a charge of ped dling without a license and was fined 110. He was given the privilege of leaving the city or fighting the case in the courts, as the ordinance governing his daea of goods is not very explicit. The defend ant is partially crippled and his stock-in- trade comtlsied of cora puilers and other wire work. A rumor Is afloat in the city that the O. R. & N Co., the Union Pacific, the Ore gon Short Line and the Astoria & Colum bta River Railroad Company have passed Into the Vanderbltt system, and that the papers covering the combination have al ready been filed with the secretary of si-ate. If this i.t tru-, Astoria will be made the wertern termnliil of one of the great est railroad combinations ever entered . .... The picnic given by the Redmen to Svenxen lint Sunday was largely attended and ell report having an excellent time. The steamers Mlbr and Eclipse and the launch Claude B. Hanihorn were charter ed for the oooauion. Uriubler's orch"stra enlivened the day with rnuHi'.-, and danc ing and buuiry riding were Indulged In. EverytMng good to eat and drink was there In plenty, and the party returned to the city about 7 o'clock, hiuh In spirits, but a little dusty. A coroner's Jury wan nummoned yester day to enquire Into the d-uth of John I'aJ lo, who was drowned during the regatta. The Jury, In aworiunce with the evi dent e, returned a verdict of accidental drowning. The memWs of the crew of tho Cambrian Hill, who picked up the body In thu river, were present. They will be given the rewards for the finding of the body by the Flnhcrmen's Protective Union and the Finnish Brotherhood, which amount to $75. Dozens of people are leaving the beach es on every (steamer and train, going out of tho city and in another fortnight nut few will be left on either Clatsop or Long IWth. The warm weather is about over and light ovenxxitg can now be worn comfortably ait either of the beaches, and by another two weeks few win be left of the summer throng, The seaaon has been shorter than usual, but a larger crowd than ever 'before visited Clatsop. Clat sop's rail facilities' aa well as Its attract ions will count In future, and next sea- sun will throng th.re own lurner lhn this year. County Jihlne Uray and ConUi.lmei Peterson and lwt, who have been through the Nehalcm lnie-tlnt ootmiy numy rad ar.1 bridge, retwrt the val ley looking In nne condition. Crvp have eew umifU)!)' (artre this )r and th farmer six w4 hy. ThfT hew slirvfr ..! S3 lU'-em-rtry w between Jewvll ami (Jiund Itoi'lds. Tl extennlon of the wd frm tliund Ituplds to Ulcle will be settle. by changing the tha pritoed lnu, which UI Ih done at the October term of the county counrt. A verv hirire and enlhuslanlc gatm-rtng of the rroarelve AMvlitlnn held l usual weekly meeting I Ht nkht. Among other subjects that ome up lor discus- Men w the Hour mill or'oilon, ami a imml(te was apntAl to Invwrtlgwie.aikl I tunied to the seritent, nying; the relbiWIIty of the parties ami also to, sssist in raising a subsidy. The foloa. nf are Itie wwmltlee: 0. W. Lv'uns-, berry, J. N. flrimit. N. O. Van PtHett. K tnrouan the bixly. 1 knew I was badly A. Taylor and W. L HoW. In discussing hurt, but feet no pain. It waa Ilk be the advantages of the mill prominent Mg struck over the shoulder wtth a club. dairyman said (t wvuld le a big adxtint- age, a the offal of the mill would rurnisn rhnin feed for ihe eattle of the surround- ing farmers. A communhMtlon came be. fore the meeting from Henry K. Uosen, on of the Omaha exposition commlsalon- era. stating that he had received a cHy ', of the Astoria Astorlan souvenir edition and asking that VM be sent to him at Omaha. The association ordered th said number of copies. The following gentle-, men were elected member of the assocla-1 tlon: W. a Ooeslin and U. J. Kinney, j I' AN el'sll UlPPllMC MRkIIJU nil I I i , v JT- The British ship Yola left up for Tort, land Sunday. The Columbkt oreel out Sunday morn. Ing for iMn Francisco. The British ship Dun t rune. U' tons. Captain Wlnten'Mi, S days from Yoko hama in ballast, arrived In Sunday. The British ship Oan Muvkentle. Vj ton. Ciuitaln Currle. Jl day from Shang hai in b.illst. arrived in yesterday. The barge Wahlrtukum. rock Mden for the Gray s harbor Jetty, arrived down Major GemnU Ciunmandlng I. 8. A." the Fanny. The r-k banc Washougal. arrived from Gray's harbor yesterday In tow of the Astoria and left up for Washougal In tow of the Fanny. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. R. Hlgclns and wife to Wm. C. Winn!, lot M. block J. Bay View addition m Att-irt.4 t! t,i I.ncrtU C Rothnvk lots 4 ..ji hi.wi, vi.. ,.i.tm., i.i..ra jj-,, ' Am OMver o W R. Stirr tldlind ' known as the "Oliver Sands." In section 3). township north, nnge (; 11. i Otlver B. Wirt to Ella L Morton, lot 7, block i'.. Adair's; ;..0. SPANISH IM'LLETS FLEW THI-K. Lieutenant Haines' Account of His En-g-.iirerwnt ax Prto Rb o. NEW YORK. August S -Lieutenant H.iln.-s. comnamdlng an artillery platoon under Cajitaln Potts. In l'oro KI"o. was witureled on August 11 the d ly the war ended. He Is mnr in St. Luke's hospital In this city. Talking with his brother. Captain Jenkins Hnes. who was at his bedside, he said: "The cable r-rardlng this affair was very confuting. It si-.ke of Lieutenant llain- being 'struc by a str.iy Mauser bullet. Not serious." This was mislead ing, a it might lead one to suppuee my battery was no in action and that my wound was an accident, whereas se-enl other men Were wuunded ani two kllleo. "I was sent out in advance along the San Juan rud to rind a position from Which we could entll.ide the S;..inish icml tlon from whlt-ii a heavy lire h.l been re ceived, the 8ianlsh volleys coming with remarkable regularity and precision. On the morning of August 12. Captain Potts! was onlered to proceed up the Sin Juan road with five Inch guns for the purpose of sh'-HIng thei Sinlsh trerw hes at Aso-! manta. "Four guns, which Included my platoon, were moved Into position In a Held near the San juan rd at a range of 2.') yards, the fifth gun berg ietn aheud l' yard to our rtsrht on the roud. "Just before we came Into action the enemy ond ,,n us with five v!b ys and two three In howtrs. This hustenM us Into action. We pli k-d jp he rjns'e Immediately ami did splendid ,r o tlce. The two howpxere were soon nilen el and the Sianiards were seen running from their Intr'-m-hmen:. Then we slackened our fire and shortly after we did the erv-my took heart and beifiin to return. 0'iieral Wilson sent me with a mm ome dlstan'-e up the rood In advance of trw rest to try arid entll.ide the enemy. I proeedud up the mad on horseback alxjiit Di) yanls and found a company of WIsioiiHln Inf intry In a bend of the road, which formed a cover from the Sunl.h lire. I p.ied beyond ;hem ami the gun was uiillmtynd In the next turn In the reid. iiy nvri lay down by the pa-le to escape (he Spanish vol leys, which were coming up the road In our front land right. .Some of my men told m! the enemy were advancing within Sn yarlx In for and th.-.t we must get out or lose tfw gun. Take Special (lotiee of This Ad. WE BEG TO NOTIFY THE ENTERPRISING PEOPLE OF ASTORIA THAT WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS, ELECTRICAL AND GAS SUPPLIES, MANTELS, GRATES AND TILING, ANDIRONS, FENDERS AND SPARK GUARDS. ASTORIANS WHO INTEND BUILDING SHOULD BE SURE TO NOTE OUR ADDRESS AND WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Frank Holcomb & Co. 345 Washington Street "Th ftrln thla tNia was vrv heavy. Hawmra wmlnt lu jatwm -with eaoh valey. (h w.rw, sniuUl rwvs ,rv Min fr luck anyhow and I couht eo n Hnnlanl lUHirwr thaif f W yartla, rm, him run ih mm mil We Wt no soonor .Ion this than th nrt au.Mrnly tm-rvasM si. flprvrty that fl un 4,MlM , m ,orv( hauliM th (KII,k w K,X, ,(rn In the ral hr w r i,vin.i iw tha rMlhi 6m, mil vimVIv tv Jtf m,y jrv.t MiviHWn 0lnt ( (h ah.'ltrred position of the wmy. Tha tlr ronilnued Uh notvonoas, inn from mir niw lamMon wt hrouitUt nous in view. 1 haJ the gmi Hmmnlly tmlnct Uv.m It, I sotvrnl KlMiiitirti there viitM of K mul fiU er tain It Wna not empty in very nrt shot landed falrlv on II side, and teneiratlng. burst Inside, eni- ing tnina nylng. The enemy broke inner mat was hh1 we. now give them ' . , "As 1 turned something atruck m I pawed my hund to my ld and brougtit u away run of blood. "The aenteant saw me and ran to my Kle. They've gut ma this lime.' I said. ami n vui wi arm .rwund me and led me aaw- and me lie down." UCTlfeJt AT SANTIAGO. nUno Nvll Kult Hinlh Tariff at Isavana. NEW YORK. August !-A dispatch lo n Herald friu Sajiltago d CuW say: , 1 v,,Bn,i Hlanvo baa sent a cable n General Torwl. asking vu dvr ihv' bvn i'"" l Bnlago. i view ro recutattng th tariffs at Havs t At th reiiueat of th merchant, t hM lOIj.. II . a. .. : , tAS me- duties ith a avana. merchant, Cua- tiwna tVlle.ir LionnJdson ttaa aked iOeneral Lawton to deild whether or not ' duty puld on good entered at Qie port of Ktnfliigo shall te refunded n tran ' shipment to u h ports aa ttnfur. and M.insanlllo, which nre stilt In po I session of the Sioknlurds. i Plans are being piepuml and urvy ; made for a street sewerage scheme In tfimnio. I rw the prisoner haing no counsel (i, nenil Wilson has del ill-M M ijor Wal ton. of the pay corps, to act In that i-j puclty. This Is the first trial of a civilian by a mlltuiry court slm- the occupation of '.he Islands. THE ItiPES HEALTH. NEW YORK. August A dHpatch to he World from tndon says: "The lHilly News' Home corrwimiioVnt M) no xt ttMllrtf, llt tntf m i ivnt n that the .pope hud recovered from his Indispo sition. I v "llwautlona have, of course, been aug meiutrit ami he Is surrounded )' every rir.. 11 Is not olHwd futlKUes. i hi audience hw been suiended, and pll- grtmoges. imiudlog Amerbw, otS-tied umll October." NOTICE FOR BIDS. Bid will be received by the county court of Clatsop county, on or oefore tti Sth day of 4ptem'j,r. 1XS. at 11 j'ctock a. m., for the delivery In the court house yard of S cords of Vine Maple i r Spruce Limbs. S cords of Alder and S cords of Flr WooJ- ,h 4tn l, of good soun quality, full cord eiths. nj delivered before the 1st day of .Ksojer, y.-i. The "f" la hereby reserve I to reject ""' nnJ bUI''- OT,irT ot th l'"anl i'0"rt- J WHEHIT. u"'y '''rk- MTLt RE LOTS Two hundred and fifty doi.ar each; terms of payment easy. Its 7. block 114; lot 7, bio. k lO; lot 1. bl'Hk ir: lt j. blork If; lot 3, bliH k I'M. Address s, care Astorlan. TREASl'RER'S NOTICE. N'.rtb-e Is hereby given that there are fund In tho city treasury to pay all war rants drawn on the general fund and en dorsed prior to March L IK. Interest will cease after this dute. F. J. CARNEY, City Treasurer. Astoria, Oregon, August S, ISA. The Choicest Table Wines... Far raaallaa Aiao tor Iae4letae4 a4 Ceaktac Pwyease Private Block. Crm Hr OM Hkfeavr, Prjd of Kentucky and Hermit! sold Callforrta Braae. Carlson's Family Uquor Store 1M TWELFTH STRJUDT 187a 1897 Fisher Brothers LUBRICATING OILS A SPECIALTY ASTORIA.... SHIP CHANDLERY HARDWARE IRON AMD BTEE7L COAL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES LOOGER8 SUPPLIES FAIRBANKS SCALES DOORS AND WINDOWS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS AND VEHICLES Portland, Oregon For B fir .,t 1 Urn Girrs'Overailsr'S.i'Z Host Quality of Fine TwilltHl iH'tiini. Sixw from four your to fourtot'ii 'vu I'rifo 40v nir. A I Hrtnl View SHANAHAN BROTHERS The Only Hloro Tltnt HoIIh Clicnp MURRAY HOTEL Fuol i)l , stti Sllrct Electric Llfhts-Electric Belts -Free Simple Foom-AII Modern Improvements. wekkly RArw P. M. ill' NX. PniTin..r In a Woman's Care almost sy.ry artlcla of waartng appar will last loor than If lookad altar 1 a man. 8otn wom.o aclct thttr (ootvsar. Shoe of fln appearance, rathsr I has good quality, attract tnam. But Id baying shooa bar It la l posslbl to maka a mlsuk. Tba pcaranca and style la all that the aeet fastidious could d sal re. ai the Quality keeps pace with both. Our price) are regarded as woadr fully low by wise buyers. Petersen & Brown. You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs. Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The only cut-ntti ilrug storo where every article ia Bold 16 lu !" iht cent. 1..... ti..n 11.. n.nnr.......u .. icsn IUIU lunuuiDi.linci n fiiiciT, Mere wordH dou't tell it all. Here are some prirra. Ketnembor every I'atvtit Mediciuc. luilut Article or ilruK in kiM at nut rntrs. Oar mail order uiiHim-Rt hns trel)lc in a year, becaase everyone within 3oo rnilee of fortlADil can lave money tv trading with ua. Our RsriiUr Cut-rat" Prli'B I'rlnn All'ix k's I'oriua I'laati-ra U IA in in Ami Hsrsiiarllla I IX) r,u Carter's Tills ih l'i Caiiorls A i Hcott's KiiiillsliM I i TH llriu'i sHariinrll a I in ri Tnliii-'sW'Isrrt'iimpotinil I 01 7s HyriiD 'f KIk U) ;i OriKnn llliMul I'liri'l'T 1 IK) hi Tir: s rivnriti-rri'H'riillin 110 m Tl.-ri.e's licit ten M.-lli 11I Ills- povery 1 m r,! PI i'o's rollut 21 n W HHiinm' I'mk Tills 'al :ti Quliilim Csiiilc, or Hunnr- t'liiitoi isiiloi., 111 h'llth'S pimtilnlnK lim 1-kihIti 2.1 QiiIiiIiik ( apsulM, or Muifsr- Ciati 'Inlili'ls, In li'Htlcs roiitulNlnit llUl i Kinln V, Qiiliiinx Ciii'il"ii. or HiiKxr- ciiati'il Titliii-is, In Imtt'i's coutalii nil lis! ll Brulii a (juliiltiu (,'kihIc, or Huif r- noNicii isiiii'is, 111 ijititlcs CMtitMliiInK HMfrKraln 'i We Imy direct from tho mftinifitctiirorH In nuaiititieH, which Hccurcs the VERY LOWKST TJtADK KATKH. This ennhleii m to rclail at wholennle priren. We piiy trnnnportation chftrjfftH to Au to ri a on nil onlera for dni((( or patent m on u: 1 1 u'S nmountiiiK to V or over, when accompanied by the chhIi. Our photographic- department will in tercut yon. Every new thinif in photon rophy in in stork, and it will lelilit na to have yon call, whether you buy or not. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kate Druggists Fourth and Washington, Portland, Ore oys arid Girls This is the Celebrated Bee Waist MaJo of tlif Strtiujjost Jontu with Rlatu llono Sup. jxirti'rs. Tin' only wuist iniwlt' tint tin- lnittoiiM wont come oil". Prii'o 'V m h. The Bee Hive Hn Jvit Uoct ivdl a Coinilctc Lino of ... Fall Dress Goods In Staple and Fancy Novelties Wo will 1k j'lriiM'il to j.how tin-no ijikhU wlit'tlicr you luy or not Tla Lrst nii-1 rlicajt TnttrriM TH K Mi'.LI-fiir milo'only j ... THE' BEE HIVE ... See our new Fall and Winter Ladies Walking Hats. Albert Dunbar, Corner Ninth and Commercial StreetB Looks Meat may look gooltnt is it? Som e people can tell good meit when they see It. They can say whether It Is tender by feeling it. but nine peo ple out of ten can't. If your purchase Is made of us you may rest assured the meat is all rfght and If It's not the very best when it's served, It's in the cooking:. ROSS, HIGGINS& CO f ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY i Telephone) No. aa 1 j? Handles Only the Choicest Meits I ... 425 Commercial St., mat Palace Rtitaurar.t, C rj. f II 1 1 '', -Boy's Overalls M&tlo of Fine llluo Denim. High uiU wire h(Hk nunjtf inlfrn. April from tlirw to ton year. Prlco 2Ro jir, A A llsiik Vim Good. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA WW?- i