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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1898)
TM HA1LY A8T0RUX, SATURDAY MOKMK& AtGlST il m TUUAT-f WEATHER HIS LAST-LETTER For Boys and Girls 1 Ho Ic n 'Wlflft''MJ Fair wtihr. gllV IJ M T 1 fail AROUND TOWN. WRITTEN HOME U -nu nt a pUno, All, M Con- wrvl trt. Thin la pncltlvrir th lant wwh of hi stir In A tort. 1VI Short Mill company hv Jut Clatsop's Only Son in the Manila wtnvtd a tare lot of fir cordwood from Sulla, Vh., which thiy ar offertnn At Fight Heard from. mS a vr low llg-urr. dvrtlMmrnt In nothar column. SATURDAY. Cn tiMljr word vr b unld, Or A dd unkind undone? D. HrUbol. of th Rorlt Inland road, tru In th city yerttrday. Mr. W. J. Strong and family hav gn to gi) on a vtalt with her Ulster, Mr. UcKcnil. Th A. C. ytrday took out l car load of almm for th at vt th Nor. thcrn Pacific. Frank O'Nell. traveling pan-er agent of th Nrthem Paflfle, returned to Port land taut night. Rom HKglna A Co. yesterday old W box of Oregon peachea. Evldenly Ore goo fnjlt U pwiatd her. Mr. M. L. llettlch, left for Portland yetrday with her children for A vlalt with her mother. Mr. C Norton. Mr. W. H. Barker ytrday took hi on OeoTg to California, wher the young an will enter th Stanford uni versity. A larr number of friend gath ered tt th depot to wiah the departing tudent good luck. Hop picking m tit begin about the flrt of j Augunt. Plker ar already preparing to lav for the hop yard to put In the aaaon. which lant about !s week. Th erop thli eaon I mid to be free from lice, and larger than for the pat two or tbr yean. Peter Anderson of thl city, a few day ago purchased 100 acre of lde Und nr Cathlamet for !oo. and will at once com nitno la nut In a Iran for fall fluhlng . It li believed more fall mlmon will be packed hli year, owing to the hort spring pack, than ever before. A well known carpenter and builder aaya that a building boom ha itruck As toria. Much work Is slresdy under con tract and a largo amount of building and street work will soon let. It is pre dicted that better times will reign this fall. vrtloularly If there is a good fall fishing season. Th entire miner" nu'tflt of cne if the unfortunate men who took parage on th Ulfated Stag Hound, was yesterday turned In o the Ford Stokes store. Th provisions, clothes, tools, stove, me dicines, ' etc.. were all more or less dam aged, and much sympathy was expressed for the unlury At th Presbyterian enure, services will be a usual tomorrow. Theme of th morning sermon: 'True Need and Va of the Sabbath. Evening theme: "Tru Influence of a Good Man." Tomor row this choir will be assisted D' Mlas White and Ml Halted, A most cordial Invitation Is uxtenJad t GREETING BEFORE BATTLE Lost (lis lift i r"t Dtyt Uttr. iid ii Edrl C. Toitg CUtM Coty rids i Hero. Ilm Laws, the mi6rr of the Eclipse Hardware Co.. says be never made a better Investment than when ha put up a Brtdge-Btiich stl fnr a re-uta prise. He ha ben so busy ever since filling order for stovts that he has k-pt th wires to Portland hot with telesrapn to orders and has bad to hire extra men. Th Columbine arrived In from Destruc tion Island and Shoal water Bay yrster day. She will set the bar buoy, which has been adrift at the mouth of the river to day, and on Monday will go to Tillamook rock to splice the cable conne-tlng the rock with the mainland. The cable is an old one and parted kome time ago from wear and tear of the we.-tber. Australian Jimmy Ryan, the well known pugilist, who has many friends here, U meeting with success in the east Thursday night he met Bobby Douglasd, At Louisville, and flnUthed him in It round. Douglass was looked upon as the coming welter-weight. Ryau will mow go against the famous Tummy Ryan for the welter-weight championship. Harvesting throughout Oregon stilt con' Untie, but the bulk of the grain crop is tow stored. The wheat crop is not as large a was expected, principally owing to very warm weather setting In the lat ter part of July, which checked the nil tng of the head. The crop, however. Is rood, as well as other grain crops. The fruit crop Is reported to be the largest in years. Contractor Lebeck yesterday finished moving John Kopp's house back on to tne newly graded lot. He also commenced the moving of Fred Sherman's house, wblch has to be leveled up on the foun dation. Today he will begin work on the underpinning of Wise's store, H ays there Is a large amount of building under way and a great deal of work in cuiitem- teniplatlun. At the Congregational church the pas- tor"a theme for tomorrow morning will be: "Jeeus and a Nobody." In the evening Rev. Sereno E. Blehop, D. D. of Honolulu, will add.-ess tin cinanepatioa on "The Moral and Social Conditions ol the Hawaiian Islands." The speaker will tell of things as seen and remembered bv him durln the pant sixty years. All are welcome. The report of the Cambrian Hill, In the offing yesterday afternoon, caused the hope to be expressed that she was one of the long overuue vessels bound to mis oorL but uhlpptnir men were disappointed. There are now overdue here the Fourth- bank, from Gerghentl, Sicily; the City 01 Athens, from Antwerp; the Argo, from Antwerp; the ClackmannanHhlre, from Newcastle; the Emma I'ascha, from Ant werp; tho Andrwla, from Antwerp, ana th 61am, from Hamburg. G. M. Hall and wife, Wlnlock; J. H. Bmlth. CrlKtlno Lorcll, Donald Alllnon, Winnie Elskamp, Miss Siler, H. Slier, Mr a. J. C. Simmons, Portland; John Oould und wife, Montana; Louis Wolf, E. Edln, South Bend; K. Welcome. Ska inokaw&i Charles Davenport, Charles Freeman. Fort Stevens; M. Wise, John W. Phillip. NelUa S. Pht'lips. Jessie Phillip, llwaco; A. L. Mullen, Baltimore, Md.: Ed Smlthson und wife. Mrs. Sar gent, Fort Cunby, arc at the Murray. The Damage that "cheap" baking pow ders do canndt be reckoned in dollars and cents. Schilling's But U safe. Th following, and probably th last letter written by Clatsop's only son who wa In the fight at Manila, which result ed In th surrtnder of that city, and who died from his wounds, will be read with Interest. Hi father, Andrew Young, and hi uncle, Benjamin Young, r well known cltlten of this community: CAVITE. Manila Bay. July S, IS. Editor Aatortan; Knowing that you would be Interested In hearing about the boy of th Oregon volunteers, now here at Manila, I will spend a few minute in the very pleasant tak of writing a short description of army life and It attend ant comfort and discomfort. A for the first, they are "nit." for the latter, they are not so bad that they could not be worse. We get enough to eat of hard tack, ba con, horse tnet and burnt coffee, and we get enough work to keep us busy moot of the time. While not drilling. mot of tb fellow ar writing letters home, or elsewhere, as every on expects to leave to take the town of Manila at any time. Another reason o much writing is being done I because no one Is allowed to leave our regimental camp for feur of spreading the measles throughout the rest of the camps. j Fifteen cases of meajles were reported yesterday among the Orvgonlana and as consequence, our corner of th encamp ment Is under quarantine, no one being allowed to cross the lines, either coming or going. The climate here does not compare with the climate of Oregon. From o'clock a. m. to 4 p. m. It Is about tt In the shade and after nht it begin to rain and thunder, which does not compare :th Oregon rain and thunder. The sun is so hot here that between ten and flfueh boys faint every day. and the hospital is full of boys ll the time. Dewey ha done a slick piece of work here, sinking eleven of the Spanish Ves sels, The Rena Chrl:anl is the name or the Spanish (tag ship, which is one of the hips that bad only one shot put through her, but that struck her In th stern and went clean through her. She wa the largest ship of the fleet. I was on board of her the other day and saw between five and seven dead Span iards laying around on the deck and one had his feet sticking out of one of her port holeSj ... te;ey Captured two large coaling ves sels and one large ship loaded with live cattle, bound fr Manila, but Dejrsy didn't do a thing bu; swing on to it. so we are getting fresh meat at the present time. There are all kinds of animals here, es pecially the monkeys, ahich are plenlttul and there are also snakes of all kinds. The Insurgents and Spaniards are light ing here all the time. One company of insuntents came to Cavtte the other day and they wer all covered with blood from head to foot, and they said that ihey had the hsrJet HkM yet. and the Spaniards lost 1") men and the lnsuren:s Vi men. Th insurgents have been capturing the the Spaniards every day between 25 and Pj). so we have between l.iM) and .0uj Spaniards in prison here at Cavite. There are now some S.W troops In the bay. but they are not all here In Cavite. The Callfornlan. OregonUns and United States regulars are ail that are here. The others are scattered at various placet around the city of Manila. They have the prisoners at work here between 10 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m.. when it is so hot that we can't stand the heat, so they are a great help to us, but nevertheless we have all that we can do. We drill live hours a Jay, betaeen the hours of j o'clock In the morning tu T:. and In Ihi afternoon from a o'clock to ":90. We are staying 'n a larf-'e t i-e building which was built In IT'.C, and there is not a stink of wood found on the bulling. The floor Is composed simply of square stones, and the sides also, but the roof is composed of Iron and tile. We have no beds of any kind, but Just pitch our blankets on the stone floor at 9 o'clock and stay their till i o'clock in the mornln;. There are some of the prettiest sea shells formed aJong the sea shore that the world has ever known. The city of Manila, 1 cannot say much about. We can see the city plain from here and one of the large! cities in the world, whi'h will be shattered to pieces In a few days. The second expedition arrlvd the lTtn of July with a larce number of troop and they were not fo dirty looking as we were. We lost ore man and they lost six men. I wl.'h to write a few lines of our trip. I can say that we had a pleasant trip. After boarding the Australia, May 23rd at Frisco. In a few minutes we found our selves out in the sparkling waters of the WHO DOES THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT TIME.... If on wert la need, would any ttor. keeper (five you SB Greenback? NO!! Tha, why houll you pay $$ eUra oa every $io purchase, whta It ha ba prove 1000 Times That we cat aaa do Me our ciutoaw 30 PER CENT i i i ! j Clotblo?. Hats Shirts. Trunks THAT'S Etc" Etc I HERMAN WISE s H The Reliable Clother and Hatter Girl's Overalls The latest tiling out. M Jo of tho lVt Quality of Fine lVilltnl IVniin. Sii fnxn four yearn to fourtwit yean. Prion -HX? pair. Boy's Overalls Mud of Kino Blue Twilled Denim. High M, wire hook iufUtlt'iT. Agfa from three to toil year. Price 25c pair, FREE TO LAPIES-AI1 tne lu.ues in- snip. After a sharp flitht of twenty mln. terested In the movement for a hu;her,ute. we succeeded In dispati'lilnx hm physl life for their sex. and all those with a hat.het." The shark, when land who wish to learn something voiwernln W;4S vWft, ,)y hunJv,u (f m cwuse anu irruiT... uk lu, M an UfIy i,H,nK t,rute. with ec cullar to women, are!, " set ba.k In the head and rows of .harp do present at me . i. -. iho teetn. Commercial street, Monday, Autrust 2. ! t- hjN-V'jl n Tbis is the Celebrated Bee Waist Made of tho Strougmt J. nns with Rlaitio Homo Sup. IortoiN. The only waist inndo tWt the hutttum wont eomo otf, Price .ri()c ench. Front Vlow Hawk View REAL ESTATE TR.VNSFF.U3. tirlme Qrov Land Co. to E. I. John son, lot I and 7. block t. orlmrs tirove. iv. twoorn to Jhon Stephenson, lot . block J. Shively'g; Nathan M. Kimball to Carrie K. Klm- Dil. east half of lot I, block J. First ad- at ! $ p. m.. where a health talk will tx given by Mrs. Helen XI Uurdick. under the auspices of the hyitlenlc deiwir'.ment of the Vlavt Comivmy. A great many fishermen who have been fishing on the Columbia the past season, ( left for Coo Bay yesterday to erm iite In fat! riMnd m-fclrh lr iKlUt a moltth h.r. Th.'.iMm.r Hu.nem. crossed out J1lon Ocean Grove. $li). yesterday and carried a number of wen ! D. Stuart and wlf to Mr. R. Hill, lot known fishermen from her and will land w. rramon; lo. h.m tmv . h-r wav 10 San' Kinney to H. A. Larsen. lot 23. vvnM..v, A the Huenrme is without ! D1K,,t ' Oearhart trk; f.J. u..r,. t.i rfv the men' itdn Dietrlck to Annie M. Koch. NV workJ their pass-ie and b,an by fln-! " iion si. township ( nortn shlng her. argo with lumber at the Clat-; '' . acres; j. sop mill, whleb she takes to San Fran. Cisco. The iS n opened ver' favorably I MJTH R FtR HII3. at Coos Bay and It Is e;cid more than an average rck will be pui up. i "to will e received by the county court oi natsop county, on or uerore tne S!h day of .'ptem.M-r. W, at II j'clwk a. m.. for the delivery In th rourt house yard of S cords of Vine Maple r Spruce Umb. 1 corls of Alder and 5 cords of Fir wood, the same to b of good sound SHAN AH AN BROTHERS T!1!l.Pi!y.H.tro THnt Holl Cttonp In a Woman's Care Attnt'on w.t -es:erday calle-l to the fact that the underpinnings of mmy bulld'.nss along the water front Is In a dantf-rous condition. Thl Is a matter hich calls for attention before It I too nxxMy fM r(riJ wxtt ,nJ Ut.Vt.rrtI ku tn s.rfvent erlon .a'.imitics. it la said thit among other bulMlnn whos foundations are very weak are the K. P. building on Commercial street, ail of the block on Commercial, between Fourtcentn and Fifteenth, excepting Ur. C.rant! house, the building on Bond street, for ,,.ih,!m.i hv f'orter. Hn.i several. .h,a .wt time au. on the A w"n-n move.1 is like a fountain trou- .... f.,.ui th orirl tiulldlrar had' hlnl. a very narrow eape from collapsing and Muddy, ill seeming, thick, bereft of beau- before the 1st day of Oc:. :r. 1MS. The right Is hereby reserve I to reject any an. I all bids. By order of the County Court. li. J. WHKUITY. County Clerk. falling Into the bay. The house wa Oiled wlrh stranger and only prompt action saved it from destruction. It Is suggested that a city Inspector be appointed to look after the foundation of buildings over the water. Dr. Duvall. the pioneer natural healer, having forty years experlen e, per:orm ing the most remarkable ?ures .c-r re corded slne the ii.stollc age. and for the past four months at his In stitute. Portland, is toklr.g his vacation In this city at No. 4U Commercial "treet, next door east Sherman's yvery, 2d floor, remaining here thirty days. whn he will return to his healing institute. Portland. Dr. Duvall is a minister of the gosJl and biings many t estimonials from lihysioliins and others aho attest to his wonderful healing powers. A professor of mathematlrs In the old Chicago Uni versity, testifies to the cure of which he was eye witness of an Invalid who a confined to his bed twenty-four years and had not walked a step nor evi n stood upon his feet for all thut, and could not sit up more tharf two or tnree minutes at a time. Ir. Imvall Is here for rest and re'-uperatlon and will trvut a limited number only of such that cannot lie rea. h'd with nr-dW Ines. All desirous of Dr. Duvall's l.enefus should avail themselves of the same wi'hout delay. Astoria Is awakening fr,m i's leth'-rgy. The dust of ages has fallen from the eyes of the people. A strong movement is now on foot by representative business men to tit up a booth at the coming Portland exposition and there exhibit the arts and resources of Astoria and Clat sop county. The salmon Industry In all its detail will be shown In an intelligent manner. In proper irou;li will be exhlb- ty. And while it Is so none o dry or thirsty ill deign to sip or touch one drop of It. Shakespeare. M'CLl'RE LOTH. Two hundred and fifty dollar each; lerms of payment easy. Lot 7, block Ht; lot block 14.".; lot 1. block 12; lot 5, block 13); lot J, bio. k M. Address 8. care Astorlan. almost every article of wearing appar. will tut longsr than If looked after kt a man. Som womsn neglect their footwear Shoe of fin appearanc, rather tba good quality, attract them. But In buying shoe her It la l- poibl to make a mitak. Tb a- pearanc and tyl I all that tb meet faaMdlou could dlr, and th fluaJlty keep pact with both. Our priest ar retarded a wonder fully low by wli buyer. Petersen & Brown. Ited the fiatchlnir of the ei;s and the migiity ocean, where tne noys commencea j(Jev,.lopm,.ril of , J1Jn ,,Hh Tn() method of taking and fanning will be TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice I hereby given that there ar funds in the city treasury to pay all war rant drawn on the general fund and en dorsed prior to March 1, IS. Interest will cease after thl date. F. J. CARNEY, City Treasurer. Astoria, Oregon. August 23. 1.SS8. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I 1 ASTOjftU. j Arrtr. a.m. n.m.l Portland and A.(Ha.m. tvn. :J :JU ton exprewi trainiU.H 19 14 ma Knpp. uiifton. IWeetport, (tobl and way (tauon. Leer. The Bee Hive IIh.1 Jiint Hm'jvtHl a Comjiloto Lino of Fall Dress Goods In Staple and Fancy Novelties Wo will l ihii.s(l to xhow theso c'mxN whether von l.tiv t-r not Tho hest nu. clunft ruttcni.H THE MiCA LI- fur .silo n!v n,' ... THE BEE HIVE ... See our new Fall and Winter Ladies' Walking Hats. Albert Dunbar, Corner Ninth and Commercial StreetB You Save Dollars ,By Purchasing Your Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The ouly rut-rale drui( atore where every article u iold lf to 25 im.t cent, let than the mannfacturer'n price. Mere word don't tell it all. Here are some price. Remember every Patent Medicine. Toilet Article or DniK in gold at cut rate. Oar mail order LiiHiiRa hii in a year, because everyone witliiu KJ mile ol rortian! can ave money by irauiUK niLll us. l:M l!:0S!Atorla, Beaaid nd I :u New Astoria ptisen ff train. 1:1) 10 FtrsKla train leate Warrant on for Flavel and Nw Astoria at T:tt :U and 10:S2 a. m., and 12:30, S:0fi and t U p. m and returning arrive at Warrenton at 1:01, 1:30, 11:06 a. m. and 11:40. 1:11 and 7:06 p.m. Train leave Boailde 7:00 a. m., 10:30 a. m., 4:30 p. m. dally for Aatorla. Portland train leave fleuld on Sunday at 1:10 p. m J. C. MATO, O. r, P, A. to think of the hom and (-ct"th'-atrs which they left lhlnd. In a few day run we arrived at Hono lulu with great chwra. There wre boats of all kindn which came out to meet uk with th( American Il.ig waving high and cheering for tho boy In Mue. Afti r we landed we were invited out to the queen's palace, where we had all kind? of eat ables und fruits. After leaving Honolulu the next day we found the oem not so rough as it was and we enjoyed the trip a little better. After a few d.iyn out from Honolulu we lotit one of our brave boys, whom we lelt behind In the mighty waters of the old Pacific. A few days alter tnis happened we struck the Ialrorie Islands, where the Charleston bombarded the fort and two companies of the Australia went ashore and captured sixty Spanish soldiers and ono small plK, which traveled with us as our mascot. I am sorry to say that I am the only representative of Clatsop county, al though there may be some boys coming behind. I will close this letter, hoping that there won't be a Spaniard on the lield when we get through with them. Sincerely yours, EDWARD (,'. YOUNG. Norway Evangelical Luthern church Bngjish Sunday school 9:30 a. m.; Norwe gian service 10:45 a. m. Text, Luke 19, verse 48. The Tears of Jesug. No servi ces In the evening nor nert Surilajr. snown wirn :Ln exhibit of all the par phanulla used In the business. It Is pro posed to make this the most attractive showing in the building. A line selection of Clatsop county timber will rIho be placed on exhibition. An "A.v.nria Day" will be made one of the features of the exposition. It Is a fact that every A.ito rlan, reganile.sK 0f every other Interest, should lend a helping band to this move ment. The Portland Industrial Exposi tion this year will be the best, most suc cessful and most largely attended of any ever held. Astoria cannot afford to be out of It. At i.'-'J) o'clock y-Kterday afternoon An tone Flsk, a well-known fisherman of the city, arrived at Hoss Hb-'glns & Co.' slip from a two days' deep sea fishing expedi tion. He had In his bat, beside many line specimens of salt water fish, a -pound black shark, which attracted much attention. Hp'iiking of hi trip, Kisk said: "We went out over the bar yesterday morning to fish for rock cod. We had only our rejular Columbia river liBhlng boat. While near the light ship today, i hooked this fellow on a small wire line and a small hook, which you see is still In his Jaw. He made a hard fight, lashing the water to a foam all about the boat. Several times we were In danger of being capsized. Finally we managed to get him alongside and then the tug-of-war commenced. Hy this time my blood was up and I determined to have hi lord-1 KeruUr Price lu 1". . I 00 AUcock' I'oroiK flatten Ayein' mr-aiinrllla Curlers filii '.'.' Ctorl :i' Scott's Kiiiiilslon 1 in lloo I'sntrsnpsrllla I uo Hnlne'i Celery Compound mi (Syrup i'f flgu .71 Oregon Wood I'mlfler I no Pierce's Favorite Prescription j if) Pierce'i Golden Medical lil.t- coverj 1 (i Our Cut-rate I'rlre iU III IV) 't f 7.1 Ol 7S W lit LUBRICATING OILS A SPECIALTY 187a 1S07 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... SE1 w 15 .'fj Pie ce'i Pelel U llll.iru' I'llik filln .VI (iillliliie Capsule, or -Ufrnr- coatvd Tablets, in bottles containing 100 1-grMin 1; Qii'ii Iiih ( upsulu, or Hugsr- coaled 1uldet, In h.ttle containing luogialn Xi (quinine CnpitulfS, or Nugar- coated Tiblc", in lstli coutaln ng li.n.'fgraln r, (iilillne t'Hpulei,, or Hug,r- costed Ttlilets, In lioitles containing lUOa-Kraln U We buy direct from tli miiiinfactiirfirH in quantities, which Hecures the VKRY LOWKNT TKADK liATKH. This enables us to retail at wholesale! price. We pay tranHportntion charucfl to As toria on all ordera for druj?9 or patent meuicuiea HmouniiriK 10 u or over, when accompanied oy cue cash. Our photographic department will in terest you. Every new tliini? in nhotoK- raphy is in stock, and it will to nave you can, whether you buy or not. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Rate Druggists Fourth andMorrison, , Portland, Ore SHIP CHANDLER! HARDWARE IRON AMD BTXETj COAL GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES LOOOERS' SUPPLIES FAIRBANK'B SCALES DOORS AND WINDOWS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS AND VEHICLES Looks Good Meat may look good.bat is It? Som e people cm tell food tneitwbeatbey see it. Tbey an say whether it Is tender by feeiine It, but nine peo ple out of ten can't. If your purchase Is made of us yon may rest assured the meat Is all right and if it's not the very best when it's served, it's In the cook In?. ROSS, HIGGINS&CO The Choicest Table Wines... For FaalllM AIM for Medicinal 4 Ooklnf parpoMa PriTwt Stock. Crttu Rr. 014 Hickory, Prld ot Kontuckr and Hrmttat Baa old California Braodl. Carlson's Family Liquor Store W TWELFTH fTRBST L0WNEYS CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No, a I Handles Only "the- Choicest Meats 4CinMrell St., nt PloR(itaura,.(,