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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1898)
1llK,.Uin,fJlNTV,HUNi SiTlUlDAV, MOftMJ, AlOl'S'L 27, ,1898. Special I OrUntnl CmpIonI airul Toyw. j n ....Sale Wing Lee & Co. 5 ('(iinint rcinl Sticiil ii'nr Coupcr'n )ry (UiU HUv. thru u uvafuiAu i rw mm uin iaa; uinu 1 1 taaru i 1 tru u iu in i nn uxnn imu WOMU'S AY Op BUVINC SpOES in lmhhI wuy if rJin' f it funiinuii wnw turn of mind A Miiwirt woman mi lji lu'iully (i ll if 11 r.iM fit. Iht foot. Tliin Ixiilif tnto (lie Inaii win) trie l; ik-luilo tin wuimm iinikioi t!i blunder of liin life mdI driven hiH ir.iilv t" 11 Ktoro wlit rc rdialili hIhhn arc oM anl . M'ifrtl flitting ii I'lTforuiul. 5 f,4K Vt ' 1itAV 1 .1 Ml U MKlf.Ls'r Mi 1 A I III. . n nifiTrr 'r i 1 111 ii u 1 i r 1 iwv - JOHN HAHN, Astoria, Ore Set Up The Born Steel Range Ewrv Ono fiiiaranU'Cil. W.J.SCULLY Sole Agent, 431 Bond Street. The Pat Market Fresh Salmon Trout and Halibut M74 CommtrklDl Mlraet. RECEIVED IN TBS rKislAliY. OHAMUAIi AND ACADEMIC Q HADES J. M. THE SISTERS OF TIE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA, OREGON. pupil aampled tr Ihl iflio.1 e tl. .f paln. topirinl Vh For rwu. mx. addr. tb. Bprlorae INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC, PAINTINO AND VQICI CULTOBI rOBM A SPECIAL DEPART-! NT A. V. ALLEIS- , Fancy and Staple Groceries. Fruit Jiir nird Jelly iluwm. With tin- Fruit to go in then) .. Price h Lowe 1 Than Ever.... lmVMViWaViViVt THE OCCIDENT I JMcRlcr tff WrluHt, PropH. $ OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL M.nmoHlh, ,Orton A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Hwel.r Normal Cur, nl thro, reara, bailor year whoIlT mIih onaU Training, imparl mew ol nine .rade with chl'1ru iMtructliu. and train ti( In tlymnaatiea (Hedlh y irnO, and Vwaj Muala for public nehonla Th Norm. diploma ti reei.iitiet by law u t HTATl u .nurii,AI. WWII. Mtmli'uli bonTilIni IhvmHilirM. Illu 00 r Tr.r pmilmiti'l Tiilllim. bniiki. boud .nd 1m1.Iii i.,. i a, . . " ft 1 ! W pv, J ! . Arilm!c (ritdw cntrd Imiii hl.h ii.hnnlL ekUloguot rhuvrnair will on i.llcin. AdilrvM P. L. CAXFtlKLI, Pr.lwit, or W. A WANN, HocrwUry of Koul Kopp's Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE lb. North rnoiflo Brewery, of whlol Mr .Join Kopp h proprietor, untki Uei for domoio and export tTade. Bottled beer for family m, or key beor iupplied t ny tim doliwry ii. the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY J. B. WYATT, Pb.M No. .8 After!., Ortt' Hardware, ShlpChandlery (irocerieo, Provisions, PAINTS M4 OILS. ' kUI AIMDtloa Pill t. tupplylag ! THE PROOF u 1 of the pvddlofl I. n th And tfc proof of ttpm IS IN SAMPLING ThAt'a u rnMt that'! M Au1t-4 dmonatraOoa, Our. win lUad thv teat, HUGHES & CO. Oil country l,jr ih. Irty. )( la n'iw liking at'pt to Improve and fortify !' K tinrlror, and UW'i'i',liiiIcuni.i;unii nhow that WTitian'yduM iidt tlk thin Miirlae fi.u"h tht lh ,i 1liltnlHMtlld diVMl'l, tint In ml nklli( ivii.:., ('ffliriy wt"ii,'ii(j AiiMTivu. au. ,, It I. bll"v-'jj Ihtc M'u.n jnnlr, 4:fny III. O'Tiiinn KnviTniixiit lit m fVci-rJjfof .".lh puri'iKc at (llKllnw out liow h I nlVd irltitfn ffMd (Irrttt rUllntri wnuld 1 it k . tor I iIiIimi, 'J In. iUvll'ii wiul'i lv fi'-r. liniiiX Hi)' luxt Mtt.'l. kfid Ki4(lui.) iln v.oml. An (.ir nn Dm l'nili Hia I n iiii i rii"l, tli iroiiiHi:lnri to nnliinn On- fi'i.uji will nut !; loiml'li-r, .J f.,r uu In- it'll HI. On the iitlur lntnl, It l th" cinvu-tinri (J'-rmiiiiy hiul 'ni. m in ri.i. mi f.n,t llmt l"l tlm ii'liiiliilKl'.i'lfiii In t.ikf b!i PC tut Ihtt lliuni'll'ilv i H ; i.i M -r. of I'.ikh l'u-liui-1or uii'l r tin- r vi,f. rrii ly tlm tri my of IHT",. Cirri-iiMiiiili'ii n Im ivivi in ii nii. Iy . . l. '....... U.r.i... ... .1 t , . . I , it. i I lllr I illl'il fii'.i.'P nil1. i i ll illy ll.ili ili'iy .. y! " 1 W" WUh ' ,l"l'r,"' "l"'" ) l.-l to .-ilium frl. ti..n. K- . Mly tn i,i. nli ll'iii Miii' I. i.f il.u Li. iii i.; Ail a ii. -1 4 mi; IiiviIviiI In M llaiiiii' tt. r . i.ri'lu .ll.oii t mti'iii) On- iiiiinl' iiiir,i,iri..ii lit lU- ill.trl't whl'ii w-r! lill down In tin? tfmiy of K. Ill- Hint Jiimlir, m.'ui m "Hum ii'l'd -y itw I'nln d Ht itin. i.ii.,i, in invor i,r i-it. .iIImj Hi ii.iiri luil'. Th ronjt w.m .ft !)! iml..' tin? lTo.nty ut ii-riiilli O.rm.i.i. i.tid to u i J.oi tliviii to IiIkIkt mxuon. 'in.. Crr- j man fov.rniiiuit irinrti'd on the riijnd llml tl,; vncf Ju.ticc lud i'''i'.i hl( in- rifiy ut tin, i i.itij H(ai u ihnt IhuiiKh tli. mi Son if lh- Ju'SifB rrilKht li.iv. not lix'ii ulrlHIy In Mirnrdiinr nl'h ihc trcitf y. II rlml ir to m-tlon t.iken ly a form.r ihlrf Jimtln . hi, n. it'imlnat ! ii" i,Ttnmy, n I th..t In vl v i,t the nri-li-tit. It iii Kin to caiid, or II, triiv oukIii lo l. moiSlfiid tui u to pr Villi- lr H'n rontliiKHi' l Jt wi; mroiiKiy riit id. I mi.-d rimtvi iniltlfl to niti.i rjitii. lth j..ny. 'J-rmnny, In ri'ly. dmlitd thM If thr ir!-i nt tlitnt, th.- in-piit Motion of th i hlnf Jii.iU. oiiifht to t md. Out h lui not J" l.l'i) to conm iit to a mo ll fli.tloii of th Irmly ,y an rxchang. ot not. It i. thouiifit (iroo.iiilo that thr w hvr to m cwntualiy a new rvjmmlMrr THE EXCELLENCE Of SYKI? CF FIGS In duo ret imly t tnu oriolnullty and alinilltlty of tlx, eotiiliiiiuiioii, liitulvi tOllio cr mi'l aliill tvltli wlili h It ia maiiufnclnrvil hy acli ntill.) proii-HM-a Known to tun i a i iyiHixi a Kio hrhri' all tlio liiijxirlaiu'ij of pun-linalnir the truo ami orl(flnit r'iiirdy. An the Kfimlao Syrup ofl'lifiUtniiiiufmrtured by the Caukohsia Fio Km it Co. only, a knowlde of thut fact will ahait 0U lit aroldloi" the worthlcM Imitation manufnetured bv other par tic. The IiIkIi ataudlug of the Cam foniiiA Fjo rjrnfp Co, with th medi cal proi,,in, and tlif aatlafactlw which the irctiulnu .Synipof Flf hai glf.n to million of funilllri, makei the name of the Company a jruaranty of the ecf!!i-nre of In rfmedy. It U far la advance of all other laxative., aa It acta on the kldni-yn, liver and bowel, without Irrltatlnir or weaken In there, and It doea not irrlpe nor nauarate. In order to get lU beneficial effect, pleaae remember the came of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. MIUVILLE. K,. kKW T.MC . T. iiond ' fof tmwo tor t!i tiJithfuf Siftii- ntlit of 111. aaan. J i i i i i i, n . . .. lllPPINONMftRlf MARINE NOTES. The todny, Klrr !v- out for '(Wlumnnk THAT " l ltli;NII.Y FKKMNO." Will ll a Cold Ii.iy Vhn Portland n-ii thr MltMl rimmM. in rnim a n-w trcity. and if o, t I not roitri.A.Mi. Au.t Jl-hditor aioh. ml,ri,i,.,,i. that (.nnany Kill thm i-ro. n.-nrn rnna- i a aiamn- hi puim.ovi iHjM ,tie ,rl,n of ,an.U. Till In Ih. wm. d.y. .In.., ut.dr(l, ,-niuU wlU n,t ,,,,,,, to. III. Iimn-lna- l li.iiKliiK of l 'rr (.JrMt llil'.aln ,n. al n , tak. n a rathrr inunii! iiM i-oiurrn. ni n go.- on ,,,),., mtrmit In lii.moan frlr. ba lo mat in.i liiil. i iinr.oii..l.ii ih,,, I. , ,, ,, ..,.. ,, in, m.ii pilot and lli ii!iiih r. .t-n.Sn thr f 4 t of a Owi a.t.r hitmirl ill ovrr on til, Wa.liliMilon ahor. and Out pilot and old ttatrr IlirD ay llMt It would U a null. niHT to rut through from KIIM's. mak ing atralght drp ihannrl tu III " from I'oitlmid. uvoi.lliia- thn TonKUv Point tiof.tu. k, and thai rumor h. It that Ih' I nrl work of thr new Pun of 1'ortlnnd I dr1( will ). lo c ut through t hi. tiank I abov. A.lorka, I dr.lre to y: The Port of portUn.l romml.'lon would no dunht b. a I ail lo nukr thr channel mntlotinl. or any olhrr whhti would ulilm.tily tut off all hl..tia fn.m A.lort. and r Uv.t. for thry know thai in th near future Ailorla anil Plaid wfil got a Urae pr- iiUk. of thr (hipping whUh nj K'x to rorllnnd. nol Ith.lanJIng tn f u t thai the Ix'M'lr In Portland prrimd to In the future, In ih i.t.i, t. tnror. on the dl'Ie of thr t'nlt.d D'.ntr.. rlilh ul th very idm ot u-h a thing, and VA.Ii;illllI.T 8 CUiSE CAIJ Hi a Narrow K-4p from Drowning In Newport llarlior. Sr.'" P. Ft. I.. Augunt KI'lui-tt and luck v.-d William K. Vandrrldlt from lielng drowned In Newport harlxir, wbrr till h.lf-rati-r waa aunht In a (quail and went over, throwing young Vanderollt and hi raplaln In the water. Thry ruumxeij to right the llltle boat and ramlrel aboard again, but twl afterward .he waa capaifeU. The pair -lun to her and at la.t managed to ret h hurt, greatly eihku.l'd. Th. alarm wa great on .hurt when the alway try to Aaur. oul h"W It be liiipn..lhle. Hut let tia r nimit r hut all the nivl-' mill livera and harbor In Ih t'nlted tllatra art puhlh- highway of Ih hit. on. peril of young Vandrrblii wa hrt een ty the KilJien from Port Adam, and no one believed he would com. out of the quail alive. !r. Vanderhlit a well aa hi companion and improvement, lo .u. h channe.. ar ' i'"' -r" uun" aolaly Jiudrr t (.ontnil of th. govern. ! roD"" hm "ihu tnem mnt. Th. Port of Portland e.Knmia.lon lth llf nd hey w,,de on. more effort ar. permlltel lo work within certain rt ,h "'" "P limit, by the government , but It f"r 0l,,l'r r.ould r4lh ,npm '" will not be -llowed to cut tvw chan- n doing Ihl. and both got Into nn. which will rob Aatoria or ny other w" " toT NPo. IKirt of IU hippln(. Another fact I. ' K- Vanderbllt. Jr.. I an under- thai th. government doe. it. In Ita M,,U" rvrd unlverlty. During river and harbor work, di.rrlmln.t In lh ,limmr' wllh h, bt"htT Harold, he favor of any port to in ' Marble Houe. Newport nf om other, and I Jut a much bound . to keep a .tup channel open to A.torU i MIKAC'l'IOl'S ESCAPE. a II la to Portland, and It la the duty ol thr I'nlU-d State etiglhirr otfoer In chart, of th work In thl di.srlct lo pre vent any unfulr or Injurlout t-hanxe ot the chnnnel of Ih. 1'oiumliU river. Hut A.torU nerd nt ccn'-erned about any harm N lng done them by Ih. vaunted new Purl of Portland dn-dne. for that eo.tly ptrre of niehiinl.m lu. Ihroiiiih bad nninaemrnt and faulty ma chinery, proven to bv unothrr white e.e pliant on rhr hnd. ot that cori'r!on. Tho.e con ernvd will t-e thr taxp.ty-r of Portland. Jl. 0. H. Th tatm.'iit that the government baa pirmlllid ('.inland to work within cer tain limit In the rlver ! errnneoii S.n h permla.lon cotild only be procured by : art of fonurr... and no uch iul of con-1 gre.. ha ever been piui.t'd, nor can any be rvn.tltutlonnlly .i..ed, enabling the Port of Portland 40 oirry on OrvuKtrg or. other operation. In thr Columbia river. Otptaln Klk may have granted uch I rrml..lon. but he I. not the government. Neither he nor uny other government HKent inn t'ifllt aiu-h operillon. : FACTS KOH OUKOON PAKMKHS. SAN Klt.VNi.MSc'U. Aukiih: il.-Kdltnr Tho A.torlan Hate that the Nirthern Pacltlc rallriuid carrle. wheal from Walla Walla to Senttle, a dl.taiue of SC6 mile, over a mountain nearly Lim fi t hlk'h, at .the niino rale a. charged by the O. H. i N. to Portland on a de.cend- li'K Kr.bU' oer a dldtance of iU iiillee. In order to make clear the (onipailnon of thi'.o rate It may bo alated that the rail r i kuI emission la that It oo.ta a much lo elevate i) feot n to run a mile- on level truck. Therelore the lift of 4.1XXI feet re quired 10 cro.a the Cnacade nioiintalna Is eiliilviili lit to Jul mile, by level Hack. Adding IW mlie. to SOi w have tills re MUlt. namely: Thai the O. It. & N. ehargea it. much for freight from Walla Walla to Portland, Ut mile.. n Hie N. P. K. H. eliaine. for tho equlvnleiit of i2t nillca from Walla Walla to Sealtle. That Is the li. 11. & N. rate per mile I. sometuliiK more than twhe Ihe N. P. It. It, nilltv Child Kun Over Uy an Oakland Train Without ltecelvlng Injury. i OAKLAND. Cal.. August George la-rrl. thre. and a half year old. wa run oer by a Southern pa llic train on the narrow gauiie road In (hi city and craped without a acratcrt. The train wa. movStat down the grade ut ihe rut of StJ n an hour when the llltle fellow .tun.libd. He fell In front of the pilot of the eiiKim, where the .ettloti hano had been xi 'v.i.Iiik to lie. I!l. S aSy form Ju.-t tilled the excavation and Ihe entire train iMK.ed over him. He w .t.4 uih i.iim loll, when plekeil up. bu'. ..ion reco-.rn-d and l apparently a well a. ever. Th pilot .I'lionner Km J.e woa lak'-n on tin" Hmlin roint way. yeiormay io he ovi-rhiulcd. Thr .tiam arhooiiT Mueii'inii, with a Keiii-ral riirico. ro.'d out for Han Kran and way port. yetf.rdy, Th. P.rltl.h ahlp f'amt.rlun Hall, (.'up tain Kvan. OTdny. from Khanghal In bal lu.l, arrived In yet-rday evenlag. THB 1'IOJfBEfl LI-tJTti . I th. nam. of th. only prfci uwia th. worid, now running yery night b- twen 8u Paul and Chicago, rl th. Chicago, Milwaukee At 8t. Paul railway th. road of th. weat In adopt Ing all Improved facllltlee for th. aafet and enjoym.nt of panger.. An Illus trate pamphlet, showing vewi of beau tiful a-nery along th. root, of th. Pk- iwer Limited, will b. nt fre. to any pr. ton upon reclpt of two-cnt poaug. atamp. Addna. Oeorg. H. Hafford Oenoral Panarr Agent. Chicago. IIL V 94 aT rW Heiitwn a bon Furnitim ancl Carpet. SPECIAL SALB-Japnneso Linen Warp Matting?.. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland.! C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance anl Shipping:. Cualom Motme Ilrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON. Agonl W. F. AIJo,, and ranlfle P,xpre,Co'. Martul.cturer and cil;r in Oregon Industrial . Exposition OPEN W .. PortlanJ, September 22 CL0SE5 October 22. 1898 The Kineet and Greatest Exposition ever held in the Northwest. rWICUltTUBAii and flCRICUtiTUJIBL Product, of Oregon and WatiioKton will be diaplajed in wooderftil profusion, includmjt more vane tie than ever before gatberd ro.-elli-er in one exhibit. Cold. Silver aal Bronze MtJals win U Awiriel. Marvelousiy rub Specimens from our Coll. Silver inl Other Mines- ..Bennett's Renowned Militarv Band. rla h ewgag I for th Mat... AatouiKHni Aerial Feat and Acro batic PerfoimanctS. VerY Low Rates on all Railroals- AdmUtlooUCeoti. ' Children loCenta Th, Wll.I. UK WKUV.MKD HOME. Plr.t Illonol Culvary On Their Way To Chicago. CHICAGO. August W.-The hospital trnln provldeM for the Kim regiment ol llllnolii cavalry haa arrived at Port Hherldan bearing 131 troops. Of the patient, aboard only even are down with tyvhold fever. The remainder are sick wllh malarial fever end camp fever but are not In da -.?r. The hoMpltal train left Chattanooga at mldnhiht Wednemlay and wa. hurried north a. fast a. condition of the men would permit. These men urc the ad vance guard of the whole regiment of the Plrst Illinois cavalry that will arrive on several trains this evening over the Chicago and Kastern Illinois road. Preparations to give the returning men a hearty reception have been completed. COltUKTT I.KAVK3 EAST. The C.rout Pugilist Heady for His .Mat.n With McCoy. SAN KHANVlSi'O. August sS.-ruKlli.t Jim Corbett will leave tor ."ew VorK on MoniWiy. lie saya that MiVoy acted very man fully comvi nlng the poaiponcmioi of their nisagcment, but It Is purely a mutter of business with him he will try rate per mid nave ino i-imte.i earned on iiccoiomn to tho original plans, excepting that the lime- ot tho light will necessarily be chanced to it lutvr date, j Tho National club has sinned Prank .Mr- , v onneii to ngnt weorgo circeu in una m. llermnny Does Not I.Ike Our Occupation some time next month. A. MH10. TKOl'lll.R HHKWINO IN SAMOA. of Pago Pago Harbor. C.l.lCNN FALLS. N. Y Auguat LM.- I'helKilis, tlio glial Oregon iwcer, won Ihe 2:0S clasa (wee here today In straight Time, 2;07--i, 2:07. , 1 , . RO1T0N HOII.i.its. I OHHtiON PACKR WON NUW UKi, August 2.-A dispatch to the Herald from Washington .ays: Trouble la brewing over tho Sanioan IslnndH, which, tinder the treaty of lSim, urn governed uiltler a joint proieuioraip uy j,oatg, the vnlted States, tlermaiiy, ana urcnt llrltaln. i x Ck'tpmny hiid marked the Isluhd fo her own before the treaty was negotiated . but tho sc.hemo for ubsorblng them wnjr sa.N FRANCISCO. August, 2il. News blocked, chlelly by the Pnlted Stilton. ' has been? received here confirming the re who, by the treaty of 1878, had .ict-qulred' ported losa, of til steam, yheeler Sik'keen tho rlitht to establish a naval atatlon at Chief.,. The' letter further s that the rgo Pngo harbor and had virtually disaster j m? doubtvleae, oaused by an eativbllHhed a now protectornte over the ' exploston; and that the vrow and passen lalanda. ger. nuthberingarfj'-three' persons, were t'nder the tripartite arrangement Uar- probably lost. ... K many hag been a disturbing factor and ' ' ha. endeavored to procure advantage : SAN1 TliJliHO HAU110R. superior to those of tho United States I ,' - anil Oreat Britain.. Mr. Cleveland fuVorcd AVAaiirNUTdS", August 2f..-Tha oon wlthdrawlnt from" the Joint protectorate tractors for the1 San Pedro. Cal., harbor bnt rrealdent McKlnley la determined' 1p -lmprovemenlt hf'vp algiid . -. ajv. contract retain' all rights tn Samoa guaranteed to with tire war detriment and executed a MURRAY HOTEL Foot of N nth Street. Electric Lljhts-Electrlc Bells-Free Sample Room-All Molern Improvements. WKEKIT RA1E8. F. M. GUNN. Proprietor. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Sound Navi gation Company. Leaves Astoria dally except Saturday at 7 p. m. leaves Portland dally except Sunday ai i a. m. White Collar l!n. ticket. Inton hanireable on Palley Uatiert. T. J. Potter and R. K. Thompson foa A.'.orla and all way point. Flavel, Ilwaco, SeavleW, Long Beach, and .-ancoua. U. B. SCOTT. President. C. W. STONE, Astoria Agent. Telephone No. 11. THE NEW "North-Western Limited" (20th Century Train.) between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, is entertainingly described in an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished free on application to W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 1118 Washington Street, PORTLAND, ORE. W. PARKER, Com. Agtot, 008 Flrat Avenut, SEATTLE. WASH. ami's PENNYROYAL PILL? Th'y ovoruoui'j .VhIiiw, litvK Idtiiv rtrtncmU!iMl,llo)t-lll vivro ftnU lriith " mlitk ft mnvtru tloii," rt Nuvv.V1 to (rtrUnt wumnhooU. utUiiiar U-vt-lotmit nt ororifrinpftiid hwy. N't known rfiiteiiy fr nomvn iuU tliftii. ('nrml do h.i in-lltn t lv mH. SoUl tiy ilriicttl' 2 Wfttrrirm fin riiUm4,- For Raltt by Est-Conn Dru Co. him Dr. Williams' Indian HI, lOinlniont will cure Kllud lilecdiiiu aud Itcliinc iPIIls. It absorbs the tumors allays the lu-hlim at once, acta las a poultice, ifivea Instant re- llcf. Dr. Williums'ludlanPileOlnt mont lHDrooared for Piles and Itch lng of the private parts. Every box la warranted. Hy drutiRlsui, by mail on re- jelpt ot price. 60 cents and ft. 00. WILLMKS MN'IFACTURINB CO.. Props,. Cleveland. For Sale by Betea-Cona Drug Co. B CS ri m pa m B B k W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A full Hn of Pip., i4 aaitiktri' Aillvtct, ' 474 Commercial Hi. Astoria Steam Laundry KHITB LA1J0K rCKPECT WORK SATISPACTIOX GUARANTEED. tuvvnAAAuuxruvrxrvruuiiiA uwavo I T It fc 15 "- A V . i!2L - Y O rC I A JL-y "otei 2 THOS. OUINBAN, Proprietor Portland, Or. wrivrtfivuvrurivrifvi If you can't be Queen of the Regatta, buy your groceries of DeYo and Get a fine dinner set free. Guather's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor.... Chas. Kan & Co. 367 COMMERCIAL STREET. Manufacturers of Ladies' UNDERWEAR and Wrappers, etc. The lowest prices in Astoria. We aLso any a fine stock of Japanese Fancy Goods, fine Chinaware, Notions and Toys at wholesale prices. F2 35 I Estes-Conn Drug Co. Leading Druggists of Astoria uxriAAnvru Try Pretoi,' a sure and pleasant core for the Headache. t2i2i West Shore Mills Go. Wood t a 44 Fir Cord Wood - - - 3.75 per Cord Slab Wood - - - - 2.50 " Cut and Delivered Vine Maple nnd Spruce Limbs AAAJiAJxnjrurLruuun aruvuuvon rumuuinrvannnnnri THE Astoria's Everything nnrmnnnnAAn PALACE ! Leading Restaurant Strictly Plrst-Clas. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. rjiininjmnjuiijxiin ns P. A. STOKES..... ' Clothing A:;i:WAlt and Gents' Furnishing Goods f: I CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY". ( -