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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1898)
Tfl UA.iV ASTORIA N, 8 ITU klU Y ' MO Kl LN Q, AWJlitiT 7, 1HM " iOHN T. MOIfTRR, fdltor. Tlhe No. . I or lUBacwpxioN. DAILT. f nail, pee year KM i V mall, pee month starve tjr carrier, per month to WEEKLY, feat ay wall, per year, In ovane....U' Itag free to ubcrlber. AH iimunlcatlona Intended (or publl aaitt ahould be directed to th editor. IwiMM communication of all kind mm! wnltiaiwa must bo addreaeed to T7i Aalorlan." Th Aatorlan guarantee to It dvr Mrr lk lanreet circulation of any new o publlahed on th Columbia river. Atfrerl'mng rate ran b had on ppll aatx to th buetnea manager. The Ort-gunlan attempt to ridicule th awltloo a.umed thy AatorU In her io mand (cr tyr J"t rights by an allien main teattota from Washington, In hick the attitude of this city la char artartaed aa allly" and insignificant. If JLatorUaa ar allly, why doe th manor, attract the attention of Washington of rial aad army ofB-er? Why, also, doee flat article aiteenpt'to ahow that Aatorla' eM CQ have the effect or working at: limit further appropriations for th 1m aateimnt of the harbor? Doe Portland ara ear representative In congreaa? VrTC maybe ah doe. But a aenator la am t be chosen, anj Aatorla may have awvMttttna; to aay about hia selection. Surprijlug aa tha development of elec trlcili or practical waya haa been during Umt h twenty yenra. it nnulrea a ata- j ttMk-al exhthiUon of th aubjo t. partlou- j larty on the Anandal aide, to furnish an ' adequate picture of thla progreM. A re mt examination of the aubject furnlnhea j jataM Uitereytlng dotalla. For ln.tnve. It i Mated that aa recently aa lv-4 the total i lareatmni In elmtrlcal app.lark-ea throcghout the I'nlted ctatea did not ag- i Tregmte muvh over tl.ON.ik. while at the est tint the total capitalisation of aaectrtcaJ railroad, lighting and other uocerna put It down aa fully fl.Suw.UOu. Ttat UV miles of electrical railroads hark exist today In the United fitatea I .1 (Mui a capital tut ion, at Ita par walaei af about IMOO.OW.wO, while the elec- ' asTC mOTiey-back gOodS. trie lighting atatlona and planta In the j Pwraalakr aMairr ara believed to represent an In-I Feraalefce ent of fully tM.m the capital! Koa. Hifgini. & Company tMTvtre la (he telephone business and The holiest or all holidays are those H to, namlftcation. beln, pUced at not"ilpl br 0nrl?, T.Jt ( The secret annlversarlea of tha heart. fc than IMO.OClO.MD. i When the full river of feeling overflows. mm mmmm mmm I Iongfellow. B I alleged that California ahlpments . . ' var to th Orient are fallta, off l . cwaaaqum.n' or Uia high price of grain. ' M Sua. tjuf cheapest and crudest possible . torm i food atulTa can be told to ad- . , waauge there. In spite of thla. the Ore- Soaiaa boasts of Portland a ahlpmenta of "v ou radical cure. The start of ao - . called "female complalnta" may be rr tne orient Let the farmers or wy f.(,ht th)nJ lndetd n may th,lt ,n Oregon and Washington Inquire Into the he beginning some small hygienic mea- ... t sures would stop the trouble. Certainly for the., large sh.w...nT. of ,hlj (lme a fcu Qf (he rtf h, Bed,. iorUnnJ flour to the Orient and they wiil cine would stop It. When the trouble be-m-j u..i . t crres worse It Is hard'-r to cure, but s'.lll nd Utile cause for b .aaung on the Part cin c,Jr(, Ur j.,..., Favorl f the Orgonian. The literal fact Is. the Prescription 'H positively cur- any de- , r. . . .... rang.-mer.t of this chanct.-r. It may be Unaers of Oregon are Wing swindled out abll,)!uIe,y WW uy,n aordj , ,, 9T rrom tl."J.yv to C.w w every jear on relief to a woman wh.jee na:ura4 rood--a:y , , . . , , , has k'Tt her from consulting a physician. tnnr trups of whnut In onler that Port- , ' , . . ... , . .ut i Send jj jj n j.,,.nt surops to World a buds millers may furnish Hour to the Diapensarv Medical Association, Buffalo . M .... , , tM N. Y.. and receive Ir. I'lerc.-'s lt page rleot In competition w th rice. If whe;it .... . "Common Sense M-J cmI Advise-, pro- fcmglu In the Columbia river basin ' fusely Illustrated. aVxnght the price It should, as compared ariih California wheat, our grain would BT to Europe Instead of to China. Query: Be not this fact suggest the possibility f a mill- wheat pool lumohve in Ore. g"B, designed to depress the. price of wheat ao that the mills can -handle a fcrger portion of the grain than If ft tnuld reach the European markets? NoUody In Astoria objects to such Im jarovenicnt in the t'pper Columbia or Willamette river aa tniy be ne -essiry to Imp them navigable for river steamers. Th uttenipt of the Oregonlans to so con taroe tho opposition to appropriations by rta federal government for the artl Hcial creation and perpetual mainten ance of a twenty-six foot channel Irom Astoria, 100 mile Inland to Portland, la a cheap trick to en. hat the sympathy or excite the prejudice af Willamette valley and eastern Oregon awple agalnttt the Astoria side of tthe present controversy. Astoria haa always oaatended for an open river above Pott land, on both the Willamette and the LV jtambla. It Is not the purport- to close Kha river between here und Portland, but. with the completion of the railroad to jiMurin, there U no longer any public kBL-eaaity for a elilp chunnel to Portland If the government should never appropri ate another dollar to the Improvement or i Columbia, "below the mouth of the nctamette, the river, would remain deep extsagh for all vessels of commer:lU ne- erxky ibetween Astoria and Portland, Jfart as ft was a thousand years before ghere waa any Unitd States government c the dtswery of America by Columbus. Ol'R GRAIN SHIPMENTS. . X glance at the flKiires for the -shipping sat ton IS9 7-98 ' furnishes Interesting' ln Carmation and food for reflection. The totala of wheat and flour shipment, re duced to. rujahel, ahow the following: Columbia river '.ISM.IW ruitct Sound I.M.5ol Via Canadian Pac. R.R. to Orient. M.'Xi Local consumption ?.i.m Seed .iUM l.oe by fir t:.w Stock on hind ' MUtO Totiil production, Ooliimhl.t river boKln ST.WtW The tdilpmeirt from tMllfornl.i during the a.tme pt-rl.M wore i;,:rVI tiih'l Iimi, including flour, of thi. n hnr rvN of flour to the ll.iwuli.m Nl.tivU ii.l "e-Wi Kirroln to Am. rlca wore (hipped from the Cloumt'l.i ilvor to S.-in Kranclwo nd rlilpid there nn.l tlsht fully belong til our iXlr; figure. The elilpmen's of lViUVIK biibcW wtuMt .itiil fl iv the I'oliiml'l i rher for '!. l norc toe urgest In ten Vcir p.tst. 1'lic mrat priU'h to th.'5e figure being the mui of 1VM . when the ithlpmenta rea. hH 1J TS .u.hel, Ona hundred nd thlrty-elg v.'l! cleared from the OolumM.i river durtng the 'SI-!S aeaeon. Including ton ateamem, which carried thla ahMt and rtour to ' foreign ahoree. The uhlpmenta to China i and Japan airsr.gAtc.1 Jit.iaS barrel ol I flour, or a Urge lncre.e In Oriit:U tnl- I flc. The outl.v for the cropa of JSW W ha Oregon and Washington la eicellent and conservative eatlmotea place the In crease at W per cent, or Hbout 41 to million tyhela. The total of ahlpnw1 - of wheat from Oregon To Cal:Cr.i i w.ia SltTSJ centals and fVZ tarr:ls of flour. The highest charter rate paid during that aea.on waa 4oa, Ihe loweM Us $d. and the hlghext prii-e of cash wheat In the Portland market waa 11. In May, IS! and the lowest cents. In June, The sweetest sound our whole year round: "Ti the first robin of the sj'rlng: The song of Ihe full orchard choir Is not o fine a thing. In each land the aun doth visit We are guy whate'er betMe; To give rKm for wand'rlng Is It That the world waa made so wide. ethe. I Money -back dealing is ; organized honesty safety. if you prefer it Schillings Best laa coftae Wkiag pom Art favoring wired aad epH"s Loose clothe and downy cushions bring only a neatatlve sort of comfort to the wonlin who ,UlTerin, with some de. rangetnent of the organs distinctly fem Ictne, Soma dothea and aome positions mtkt ,ne plQ lnd th. dixKnfort aeera Perhaps the nerve are moat af feoted. and thla In turn disturb the di Nolhln, wll, ever completely r Ofl pitying jod '11 1 well-form d spirits rise. Fit for the toilsome bus ness of th-lr days. To free Oe Kro.inlng nation, and to give Peace flirt, and then the ruls In p-ace to live. 'owley. TELLOW JAUNDICE CURED. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for Ita relief. It la with pleasure we pupllsh the follow ing: "Thla la to certify that I was a ter rible sufferer from Tellow Jaundice for over six months, and waa treated by some of the beat physicians In our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Blttera; and after taking two bottle. I waa entirely cured. I now take great pleasure In recommend ing them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. I am gratefully jrour, M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." Bold by Estea-Conn Drug Co. Fame Is an undertaker, that pays but little attention to the living, but bedixen the dead, furnishes out their funerals and follows them to the grave. -ol ton. Pears' To keep the skin clean is to wash the excretions from it off; the skin takes care of itself inside, if not blocked outside. To wash it often and clean, without doing any sort of violence to it, re quires a most gentle soap, a soap ' with no free al kali in it. Pears', the soap that clears but not excoriates. All soi of store sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people use it. It. 'fineTfiPiA AM'Cc W'lc lVepardtion for As -slmiiatinjj ihcFiYJ m Itcv'uU tiitg (he Slom;u:iis ami 1 VmcIs ci rromolr s Digestion CU-crful" ncssatvlIVst.Contdlns nciilur Oinumiorphinc r.or MuwrJ. JiOTN All CO TIC. jTi il i'V ti - ApofrcfRnvJv hrrotifvv tion. Sour Slortv.ct.I)idrrrx,a Worms .Convulsions rVvvnsh ncss and LOSSOFSLEEI". TteSintl 5ttmlur of NEW YORK. MflNHnnn I have siH-d much land and se.i. and mingled wl:h much people, but never yet could And a st't unsunned by human kindness. Tupper. TOUR FA e: Show the atate of your feeilngs and th tat of your health as well. Impure blood make Itself apparent In a pale and allow complexion, pimple and skin rup lions. It you ar feeling weak and worn out and do not bar a healthy appear ance you ahould try Acker Blood It cure all blood diseaaea where cheap aaraaparllla and ao-caned purifiers fall; knowing thla w eeK every bottle on a poclttv guarantee. Earth's crammed with brawn. And every common bush iflr with Ood. Hut only he who sees takes off hia shore. Mrs. Browning. DISCOVERED BT A W'uMAN. Another great dlacovery ha beta mada. and that too. by a lady to thla country. "Diseaa fastened lis clutch upon her and for seven year ah withstood It severest test, but ber vital organ were undermined and death seemed Imminent For three month ah coughed Incessant M T. T W W ---"- V V ITi.'Tll.S T 1 tXACTCOFf Cf WRAPPCR. iP 11 flD ft ly, ana coma not sleep, nan nnauy ata- covered a way to recovery, by purchaa-J,h,. ing or a DOttl or ur. King a ew covery for Consumption, and waa to much relieved on taking first dose, that! h alept all night; and with two bottlea.) na oeen ansotuieiy cured, tier name is Mr. Luther Lutx. Thus writes . C. I Hamnlck Co.. of Shelby. N. C. Trial bottle free at Estes-Conn Drug Co. Regular size Kc and II -0. Every bottle, guaranteed. If :h n.m kjk arxl-. iu a ma of. e 'n f.-ct t hi. k. It would ' '.ne. minute In nt.-ltlnir It. ' osTcni. Baan tha AllM f ;ll Karl litirs B03ltl Biftar of Apk men's opiniona; Soto now shall tell How tra le In. rean.- .i ... :h world gx- well. -Pope. Mokl Tea positively cures sick beadaone. Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink Removee all eruption f the skin, producing a perft-ct complectlon, or money refunded. or '! cents. For sale hy K.t'es-t'onn Irug f'o. In fifty-four caes out of cr.e rcrdred the lefr (eg i, vr .ni;er th.m thu right. We have u.-d ifh.iml'Ti;iln's Cough Kvmedy In our home fr many years and l-ar cheerful tent.miny to its value aa a medicine which huu.d be In every family. In coughs and cob! wc have found Irt to be efficacious and In irvup and whooping couch tn i hlldren we deeirn It tndlnei- aWe.-H. P. P.ITTKP.. tlf, Kalrfag ave..l St. Louis, Mo. Kor aale by Ch-le H"K era, druggist. Jarring Interests of themselves create Th' according music of a v.cll-mltt siste. -Pofe . Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet ar sold on positive guarantee. Cure heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eat Ingor any form of dyspepsia. On little tablet gives Immediate relief. and SO! I'. . r aula Kw Ct&a- rr.n rinij. rv. There are about four lards of very (lose sewing In a lilies 10-butlon glove OASTOniAi Bears the lh Kind You Hart Always Bought There is hardly a woman living but pre fer havlnK a photograph that Matters her to one that can honestly be called a speaking likeness. Mr. John Mathiaa, a well known toc dealer of Puloskl, Ky., gays: "Afte suf fering for over a week with flux, and my physician having failed to relieve me, I was advised to try Chambrlaln' Colic, Cholera and LfajThoea Rxmedy. and have the pleasure of stating that the half of one Dottle cured me." For sale by Charle Rogers, Druggist. A man never appreciates hli home until he has left It and even when he gets back again he doesn't aeem willing to stay In M ri I IIP lmrl Vni! Unirn Always Bought Bears tho isnaturo The Kind You Have Always Bought. wmm By watar Dr. Peaa. lellaw Nera fllla. tiuiiiiiwww iibWIVIlbV Thia wuuOetlul iemn guaranteed to cut. airam.8aduea, ,.!,. week Mrmor. U-T Braia K.r. "dache. W.kel.laeaa. Loat M.ahoud. Nvghilyli E8TEO.CONN DRtO Cv.. Attita AatorU. It Is said that a girl h.ia no lmrtani -e In women's eyes before ..he grta marrteu and none In men'a eyr afterwa-d. Ttie Rev. W. H. Owtly. of StockbrUlge, wtill attending to his pastorlal du tie at Kllrnwuod, that atate, waa attack ed by cholera morbua He say a: "Ity chance 1 Itappened to get haj Uf a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic, Ctiulrra ami Dktinhoeu Remedy, and I think It s the means of saviug my life. It rellrvrd ne at one." FUr aale by Charira ll ere, druggiat. To wait In a lawyer oiMc vie hour 's to see all lyies of humanity evidently burdened with all typi-a of trouble. OABTOlllAi"" Baaiata ll) Isi Km Hm Unn BsvzM Why Is It the young man of goody- goody propensities always wiars a white satin bow tie In the daytime? Luxuriant hair, cf anuorm color, la a beautiful head-covering foe 4ibr sax. and mar b smmrtd by using Hall' Vr able BlctUm Hair Ranewer. Th nlll of Wttl( ,lllf ,hu ,,lKhI, frm tr,,Ury ,.iir ,,.,. Jlm, a :a ,. UM-:nM(,,g as the name ..f , to the i i.urtmn dweli.-r. Acker English remedy will top a cough at any time, and will cure the I worst cold In twelve hours, or money re. funded. 2T cents and W cents. For sale ,y Kies-ronn hrng 'o. Jlmy a woman who N very a o.-l .,..k- nit; wun ner hat on I put.- ilin.T-nt vih.'n hM rnHiv thin "ii.-.-'im-n of mill. nry art, and thn r. v.-t.- I- .iNo .ippllr. al,l-. That th blood should perform It vltai functlona. It la abaolutely neccaaary It ahould not only b pur but rich In Ufa giving element. The reaulta ar bi tfTecttd by th use of that ll-known standard blood purifier. Avar's Barea- partlla. The cucumber, to be h irmle.n, mint undergo irelng btfure c-vmg, my n culinary authority. CASTOR I A For Iafanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of flreen wood hisses and splutieis when hurnlng, because of the Inrue iimount or water contained In Its libers, wh i'h Is changi.Kl Into steam by the hi-in. and bursts off In splinters. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA 6ALVE. THE BEBT SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruise, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chaoned Handa.Chil. 'blaln. Corn and all 8kln Eruptions, and i positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It ! guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bog. For aale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. ,. tf...,u wr i.jru 'ilia in ll'iro an" nirawe us oak. It Is well iidaiifd ''"' panelling and curving, 'nil Is destined to be much In favor with chun-h build ers, owing to Its rich deep mahogany color. A woman can forgive n man not loving her, but ahe cannot forgive Ills lovlrm , someone clHe. ilott's Nerverine Pills Th grea rcmcriy lor nervous pros tralion and all nervous Aaam of the generative or- U ukiTand An tu lini. lini. Mn, ,, tcz, wch ai Nervoui Prostration, Failing or .oat Manhood, potency, Niphtiy Emi. ions, Youthful Errors, MenUl Vorry, tx cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1,00 oer box by mailt 6 bom for J5 00 fam CHEMICAL CO., Proc? Clwlinftlo. tfr 1 m T. 'IS-e-ita' m A Beautiful Present ' Inor.lertolurthcr nitr.!ucc ELASTIC STARCH (Mat Iron llrantlUh-Miiamila. lurn, J l lluhiitrr Kokillti , lo4, h,nr iloi M 1; AWAY a licaullltil prf aenl with cat lii.ik.icil si.mli sM. I lirac piracntaarc iit the loruml Beautiful Pastel Pictures Tlicy ate ljxl) Im lin In mf i m r Lilacs and Panties. Panslei and narfucrltei. - - ' rgiiftaxooi la-flAf'.JJ-,' w.r.W"- Itf Ml !! Mi "!l CifuH6EH iSoiC9 j222 Thcue rare pit-turrs. Imir in tiuinlwr, ! the frnowncd rtrl artist. K. LcKoy.ol New hr lci n rhuacn Inuiiihc vrrvchnlcnt siill'H li in liii siipIio ami are imit- ollrrnl (or the hrsl tittirto ihe inibllr. 1'lic loctiirrs are accurati-K rrprolui r.l in all the ndnrt uartl in (he orik'in.iU, a nl arc irin.mnc. by iinirirni rrltiis, works ol art, f.Mtel ttii turci are the corrrit lluni; lr Ihe liontr, nothing iur-nat-iimr tlietn in hcjuty, ti line) o( ml or and artistic ntrrit. IfeS ELASTIC STARCH .un h.ucl o( ur Krucrr. It ii tlir lct launlry start h on the niarkrl, ami is aol.l lor Uicn: 4 (utk.igr. Atk your gnct lot this itanh anil K"-'t J Iw-.uitilul picture. All Grocin Knp Elastic Starch. Aecipt No Substitute. lL Tkts to all po'nl ..BAST.. For Sale fey Oft. -A Afcnl. Astoria. C. I' HOtiKHM, I Through palac and tourist lap(a dining and library observation car ELKO A NT VESTIBULE TRAINS No. i Umltad laavaa Portland at I p. m. no. umiioa arnva roruaaii at is t- a. m. WHEN GOING EAST. . Cm a firat-elaaa 11m In trailing tMtaraaa Ulnnaapolta, It. Paul and Chicago, and th principal town la ootr4 Wsonaia Pullman Palao glaring and Chair Car la Mrvie. Th Dining emn ar oparaud la th la trt of It patrons, th moat laal aarvlc rr Inauguratad. Waal ar acrvvd a la xarta To btln flrat-claaa arvUa your ticket bould rad vta The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct conaartloa at Chicago and Mil wauka for all aa tarn point- Par full Informa'ton call oo your aaari tlckal agant. or writ JAJ. C POND. OaaMral Paaa Agant or JAaV a. CLOC. rl-auk. wt Oanr Aftat, ' M Btark strMt, PorUaad. Or nu tM.y uimni.-cak koi'TK rii . luk.Mi T Til " in:. ' OM.V KDl'TK If .HI -iIit)Wi;'-. Na i4Ni.pkK P)lKTl.A: K ' V ra -i i4 . f i t rn. I ileli.,. IV '' .14, ft it. 1 nollltl be ,1 iiobl-VMUl .No. I Atl Meil i eil I' tllil 1. -OlDiC He ,tt B. i HI-. Kl.t Ym T . u--.i l. KOeu- iiura. sji st -no H.leii4 M. C. rrvl H ( .. N- kiii. II i , K..o. il..o .IUU. Hill'. ria." InU. Ill a. M , lele,, ,t. . J( u. , , e, , . neap I a. K ' t) . OmaJia, imn.-'i H'irf.,l .It. Lr'lll ,i: III 4g..,W .i , tlnglon. ew V Tk. I"nl :il Uinu.H ..ton, ano ipoluu h-i s ol ui.ii. I art. I PAIa to Aluiipoli. ornana. Kaa aa City and M. Paul 1-4 DAYS to Mllwuuk and Chk-ago 44 DATS to Waahlngtofi, rhlladalplila New Tork a Bostoi, aad other Eastern potnt. Bagg age checked tuf h to deattliutta-9 of tick eta. Tor sleeping-car raservatloos, tu-keta, map and lull Information, oalt oo a writ C W PTWr, Aaorl A. D. CHARLTON Aaa'l Uao'l Paaa. Agaot, Portland, ftr S5S Morrison Ht., Cor. Third. Beware of Imitations - I. MHa euNSA'S aoria, faun, votnc Astoria PubHc Library READING room free to all Open vry day from I o'clock to I and I M U t M p. tn. . Bubsorlptloa rates ti per annum. . W. Oor. XI anth and Duaa Itret.' alc,aml arc t ntltlcil uitullowi: m m m - - Wild American Poppica. .ft Lilacs and Iris. 3 l 7 i Through Tickets -TO THB- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA PfLLUAN PALACE LKKPKIUI. TOL'RUT LKCPEM aad run rscunino chaim cam -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastarn cltla . Ii4gtg etrkl through to destination Cntron Dpot. faat tin, lot art rataa Pinta.-ti light In all ear.. Fur rata and othar Infortnatloo call os or lJn O. T. IJCNSUERRT.' Afn. O. It A N. Co. AatorU, Oregon, or J II. LOTHROP. Oan. Agent. IB Third t.. cr. Aide. Portland. Or. Go East, v:a Illlllnga and th Rurllngton rout, and you reach Omaha. Kansaa City, St. Loul ant all othr aoutharn and outhatr cities half a day toonar than travaler ho take any oihar line. Go eaat via St. Paul and th Burling ton rout, and you rid on th finest train on arih-th llurllngton's St. Paul-Chicago Limited. Oo eaat via Ogden and Denver, and you e th wonderful icsnary of th Rockies), famed ihe world over aa th moat mag n'flcent on th cohoh-m,-. Tickets at office of connecting Una. A. C. 8HELDON. SOUTH LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVS OVERLAND EX PREHd. for Balam, Ilosaburg, Ashland, Sacramento, Ogden, Ban Francisco, Mo lave, Lo Angeles, fcl Pao. Nw Or lean and th Eaat. Roseburf passenger Via Woodhurn. for :00 P, M t .K A. U t:K A. M l:N P. as Dally eacept Sunday Mount Angei, on Dally eicapt Bunday verton, West Sclo, nrownviue, npruig OeM and Nation.... t7: A. M Corvalll paasenger Ifi1 SO A. M HM P. ill Indepandeno a a. 'Dully, tDally except Bunday. Connecting at San Franelaco with Orel dental A Oriental, Pacific Mall and Oce mile ateamahln line for JAPAN, CHINA, At'MiRALIA AND HAWAII. Ren! tli-Uela on sal dally between rorlliind, Hacrameaito. end Han f rani-la-co. Net rates 117 flrat-claaa, and 111 ano-ond-claaa. Incliullnar slrener. Rate and ticket to Kaatern point and curope. Alao Japan, cnina. iionoiuni and Aimtmlla. Pan ba obtained from J. H KIRKIAND, Ticket. Agent m Third at. R. KOEHI.F.R. l, ii, aiimiiAin . w ' n w a. o a Managen. a. F. P. A Ills Mb aan-imannoiti rnniailr fur Uomirrliu., J llliml. flBaraiaturrhiea ,.J Whltm, nnaaloral dli. U ahargna, or any InOanmia . tloQ. Irritation or ulrer' latwIM. tliin iif m u e o n , Birm .THltMSlfolWflllOi). wanaa. Mn -aatrlBgenr BMiai mj afra aglau. or aunt In plmln wrapper by aipreaa. prepaiil, fu Sim. ur S bnttli-a. S'.TA Circular sent va rvuoa,, I illiii lite J ioN-T -ril (O arnNttPiArfx r VtJslla, laliataari aV Oaafa M at awKlil f PttftaM V0lrl0ltl,O,J aaa a- CUSSiriED ADJTE RTISEMENTS "V ANT K I) wTnTkIi-Tn ' ATultlA." ' V1 " HIX month, from il-"i f H.-fl .f. a fir hl.hH.I liolim. of not I Hull --n room. It. ntallng I'"" I K-uljira. In 'II ' cat I'. . A.lolM, HI',' VVANTKM l.MMI.I'IATI I.V. A l'll(l'. olu rook none oilo-r n I m-i'lv, .Mia. Maiuilel i:iiiiol Iff l'-lth all'd. trt'11 IlKNT. KtHl KICNT-tKX'l' IKH'MIC AM) II A It N nad lour acr-a uf land, M-r l lalaop i'uy aiatlon. known aa (ha Uaieop iMaioltl. e. Apply lo A city Tsggi 4u i.iiiiiiiivriial t. run HAI.IC. Tult HAI.i: IN N " 'I'TA. WAhll, M IliilIKO lll.ll HO.-e lots III S"'bll. Will) (.OHI'tlli III .Ml I I'll ll.l 1 llfc-.. All 111 S,h..I ft .HI Api'H lo M H . - . pull M VI I IH'I "i: ANI' l."T, i "li ner iioi" nd I'w nimh su-i'it. I ii'iii"n. bit l'"'1 Apply to John Hull I, I ,K HAI.K iTi'N HlIK M iNi:il. At. ,i , i(..iieit Hioiiir, jtu IpouiiIi stra't, 1'iUlUiid, ura. l.t'HI'. TiHI-V MWIi'M' lUICAM'l flN ('I'H l, y Ida .,ii.i.l.- I'll. I.i) rli'lllllS Miller Hill I'v irn inliil I') WaUi'ti ill III As 1.0 l.lll ultl. iv l.uHr-XKI' AIH'I T If I'A rili'M ti IV I'.lll of III' mills ItH'rhiMl ' J f ," nit P'lliil Hun. I.i nlalil. b( IS mi. I I .. . I", a I hi'lel i."nu return (,. i hm njKlil'Hii lio"(li s iannory, LofT TlirriHI''V Vl.'.IIT. NT..UI'llloll4 HHI'Is. sliolll ft flllloltia HI nt loiislaima "f l" i'-I"-" ft liu- hltla ami and i a. i papers r Ml" at t in in lh ml. Mil-, iiimio wi'l wro r-ti.lar will plruie lv.ii ,i old el A mm i HI. . il'Nl. I 'i M ' M i l l: i up Mi xii Pinii llel. Ill so'il r.oiitll I. 'Ii iikii. I i.UI lltta .llll lit appHlna I" kill" l.'Hl lira. h. li Kul .vn n.N nu: Hiiti i:r m itiN'i Hit. rrs hm a -1 . i nu. i ll ins. in.oi nn lli n.ioie ..r ' l ii Itoili iir tail luv a tine I') upplili g at Aunu oitb e IU-TM-. TOP AT "TIIK WrilltAr.'TIIK ON1.T hjul in Asiori bxing every mod era liripruvwiirni. gulcily Orel utas. ItKUTAl'll ANTa). OOOtt U fit NT MKAIJ AT Tilt Kl Ing Hun llsataurant. MIMi KI.I.AN:OV' jiN"I";iivhs 1 1 vm i iiiir.i. iii Mi.r.i' .l In slo h Ih-tl It will 'I al 1.411 Jll. I '..lor : 4li. I trl Mist .t... IP It M WANT HM: MI'HHl lj AN1 lIMNIIall i A 1 1 .01 lie. -rile ltl.r al loi. .ill Hie .1' II. a. I' of li twll I'f loltli'l UiTHnP PI. MrJ AKIII.AM' i HAW P"lti pedl lle Ihejp. at !( , IIIIIIS A I J. pmt 1'ixi: tkam. kxi ir-i.i.ivN r cur" fes. pur (.' la Pt) A 111.1 A MlUKPg CO. TRY HIl.t.INi) Ill-T TKA AND baking puauer, iwKKT CHKAU I A PINT AT TUB ape. CltKAM IJ ANI IJ. Pfcll PINT. PAR- lor Candy gior I gK M AI'I.K I. PAT i Ilk-A-KIlT lit,' I irr Puard A M'.okta Co , agwla WIIKN Vuf WANT PINK TKA, iMmjU io(t and apuaa. try Poard A Mtok C. IIIJi'KHKKItlKrt I.KAVK VoL'K uiJera (or i:j biatktm wuh It-wa, lliggtna a Cu. ANTiiltlANM AT TIIK UKAHIHK Wll.t. nnd th Morning Aalora un sai at lb Paiac Itaalauiant at that p . PINKCIIKIIKIPJI. llANI'llKllltIM ANL rd currant ar planiilui aud cumD. Ross, lllgglris A Co. XlAJOSI. TIIK l.ot'VKIl-l'MiP.ll TIIK A H 1, 16 nnagixiiani of Augual Krata, I 4 If Iw-uuiing a ntr aad rnor popular r ort. Th club roai on th uti.l (I e r now an attracUv ftur f e eatabllahnirril, I'll T II K l A Na). I. Al.PlttI' KINNK.Y-4'KPIi'K AT raldn. ConuncUI a4rt, nr Hum urn. houra. it orning until t, all aftarrioun until I, tan ngs unMl I u elm k. Mt. I). II. KMTKM, PlimiCIAN AND Burgeon. Mix-vial (o dlt"a uf aonien and aurgary i m ot r I'an S grr a ami, Aaur.a. 1le, So. I'll JAY Tl'TTI.K. I'll VHH IAN AN1 nurimri tltllie. iona 1 anj . pritiUA Hiiililing. uJl r.uiiiiirn sal nri tu ilrni sani". Trlrplwtia H Acting aa- iaunt aurseon t'nUtd Hlatrs marin hoaplial n ,co MAHi'NIC. TKMPI.K I.OIHK NO :. A F, ANU A. .M-Ieauiar i 'iiiiinuiileatl. ma IimTI on th Ural anl Hur l Turt-lay veulng of raih nt'iiitli W i.iit.NrlllKHItt W M ,K. '. llul.IiKN'. lr.rtary. AlTuRNKia. II. T riluHMV. AITnltNKY.AT.I.AW. M Colli m.-n lal a'.reol. J. Q. a nowi.nt. ATTOMNKY A.Sli COl'NiKUOR T l w ontee, llond Rtr!, Aatona, Or. PHOTlKIKAI'llrt. A It Kill I.Alt PANTdMINK of VIKwi orpii un im tn, n.l hiatury of Aatorla, and amivemra of iho liy and country at in ctnoilgraaa gallery. IF SN'olMlltAHtl Dnl-HN'T Miu-r your plcturrs uu don't gt th heat. PAXTkN H piiotoh auk ON PAI-P.H of hia un iirepuraiioii snd ar gU4ran leed not tit fail. P HI I'lli I'll H up All. kiviim fit. Iimilil.i rlM-r a t ton ,lhl r..,.,Ui Xr, ill ..ti Hn.lKni.., r.n, ,lh, l oinnier. I.i atri-i'ta. 0 TIMI! M:Mi:ill!.!5 I Khun l'oitlii, I Dr.raT. Aaatvg Kli Mull M p. m. 'l.ih I . " r. I-1 Wiirib, (in, nil,, Kim Ka.t Mull 7 Al. in V, ''"' "' ' .i r lili-im.. m , t,, Hiokiini. ; Wla Uslln, Mi,,, ,. ' H,,ep MlnneaKi,m ',,. i l. III. ! I'l'lillh, ,MIIMi,l,ee, j ' lll' IIKI. II nil KliM, I I " atut Anlonil I lOCIiAN KTI:AM.tMIIA Hpokaua Klynr I A a. m. -iniiNK uai,., ,, Ji'i-I tin lilltn,.. . ror -ti l- riihri.i i,. . jJ'lljnu.H. ,, U, ' ! for Alii ku i l l'l'-r Aim. ii ."j, a in el nu I'olmnliii, uiver ' p. in. '.liifi Mo I H p in ii:!!r T?.. :.!".: and niHiniera Any Landings. t. in. 1 Kr" I'oril.nit i . " "" Moil, Weil WHIamatis mv,V v. 'M 'V.'"' K-.W; 7 a.m. W"I7'.J, " Yam-' w p n. l,ea,'llmr'ft ' Wlvara. Sl.Ti Wd and Hat 0H'Koii Cltv, I Htyifui, A and Kr" I; ' " y'l.HlllllliKa, i '.v U I .iii I . '''' , - I', a in I .natapv,r l.r I i wl.ti, ..1 H""'"t'"'.'Wl,. ti?Xk, - . iinilTliur. 0. W. LOUNflBERRT, W. H. HUKLBORT, A,-,t A,,orl Paa. Aft Portiaad, or.