f TUB 1A1LY AST0R1AN, SATUKPy MORNING, AIGIST 20, 188. THE WEATHER FAIR 1'OrtTDAND. August H -For Washing. loo and Oregon, fair weatW, warmer wet of tha Cascade, cpt Btationsry tetipomture along tha coaat. For AsinrI, fnh- weatheT. ITIIE OPENING DAY A SUCCESS AROUND TOWN. 8ATITDDAY. Th marguerites whiten tha md; Tha ox-lov Illumes the wall; 71i Wuelwll, tha ragwort, th reed, Run rlol and reign over all. Ii H m rrtta I iomi r. Everyone U now uMlor, or- Mnli guard. Did you see the Chlnea drajron nl the ea serpent? Vlnor Beno, of Qulncy ctmp of me A. A C. raflroad was In tti cy jester- day. UIm Clara. Davta, of the lallca, ta visit In In th cHy. ruest of Mr. J. T. Ughter, Charlla OrkwKoh U confined In 8t. Marys hospital, suffering trom lung fever. Assistant General llseenger Agent A. Tv rh.rkon of tha Northern Pacific, U In tlendanco upon tha regatta. Mayor Hers man jreaierday signed ll the ordinance! paaaed at tha ineetln X tha council tha previous ntgltu The Foard A Stokea company haa placed large light In front of the tor which (a n ornament to that part of the city. Mr. Snodgrass, iua photographer, re turned from Aberdeen. Waah.. yesterday. where he has been on a business trip for soma month r.ist. Miss Llebe, c.I ihe Dalles, the Missel Botefuhr. Bcrttu and Daisy and Mr. Botefuhr. of I'ortiand, are Msitori U Lie city, tba gueic.a of Mr.", M. Foard. The Ballry Catsrt bruugnl down an other big croud of vtslors yeterday af ternoon, and the accomtnodatljna of the dty are taxed lo the utmost to bouse me strangers. The" auanitT Uetshaw arrived from Coble yen:erU., bringing a bare with lumber for the conJunH'tlun of Hnrlh- wick's new t'J about 10 be bu:it by Dick Leathers. Anyone who la short of smile bedsteads with which to entertain visitors cr friends during the regatta remember that Foard 4t Stokea Co. baa the Central hotel (took of furniture. The West Shore Milla company have just received Urge Tot of fir cordwood from Stella. Wash., which they are offering at Tery low figure. Se advertisement In another column. The O. R. A N. steamer Harvest Que In addition to the daylight hourly excur Ions, will also run at night, participating In the parade, thus riving every one an opportunity to view the fireworks from the river. The acoundrels who list evening; tnutl laed the Chinese dragon during the par ade should be rounded up by the pillc nd made to do time. This was the gen eral sentiment of those who knew of the occurrence. Business was practically suspended at all tne public offices yet-rday. The court tiouse building was closed and will re main so till after tna regatta, unless some urgent business his to be tranictd in ny of the offices. Despite Shottrs.the Ktgatti Program Amused t be Crowd. VERY INTERESTING RACES GrtatMt Skiaait Haul at tie Coast SpUatuid RokiijCoottM Pcucta Cali- foraia Ttias Fisk Moat Ract Tie rtradt aid Ball. W: Bwedlsh I.uthcm church Swellsh ser vice at 10:Sti a. m. English services at p. m. Topic: "From Darkness to LiKht or the Marvelous Chnnpe." The Sunday school will resume Ks work on Sunday, . September 4. at 11:13. A correction is neceiry oo the time card for special and resulnr traina of the A. A C. railroad on regatta dates. All trains, excepting those lavlng Astoria for Seaside at 11 p. m. and 12 p. m. will run on Flavel branch. Commolore E. S. Edwards has Invited the Manila guards on his flagship, EI Hurd. this afternoon for a trip around the course. A detail o the Oregon naval ba- tallion will be on hand to receive them. Tfcey will leave on the trip at 1:30. C O. Terry, of the Short Line. Portland, Vic Schilling and J. H. O'Neil, O. R. A N., dty and traveling paaserurcr agents. Portland, and Jack Mansfield, general agent of the Rio Grande Western, Port land, took In the regatta yesterday. The entertainment at the Louvre dur ing regatta promise to be highly Interest ing, and of an attractive order. New peo ple, new facea, new songs and new instru mental music will make up a whole which will please the amusement loving public. Astoria's little street car company has done what Portland's hist lir.es never did. All the care have been handsomely decor ated with designs In electric lamps, which makos a btuutiful display at night and add to the attractions of the city during the regatta. The Manila KU.'inls. Oregon navul ta talllun, ujid the First regiment band, O. N. O., were entertained at luncheon by the Emergency corps at noon yesterd-iy. Tables were arranged In tho Porter b-ilW- Ina; 't the oocuslon. and were plentifully supplied with the best. Surfmnn No. J, John 8. Clark, who has boen with Captain Stuart of tho Fort Can by life aa vlntr station for the last five years, Is now promoted to keeper of the Yaqulna. Bay life savins station. Keeper 0. S. Wecklund of that station Is tr.ms ferred to koe-per of the Point Adams sta tion. Mr. Clark is the sixth mnn promoted under Captain Stuart since he has been In charge of government stations. HEN the early dawn broke Into daylight yeaterday all Astvxliirm were greatly dis appointed to find the ever present. Irrepressible, but wealth-giving rain on deck at a most Inopportune time. Great preparations had been n Je for an elaborate openlnat of the regatta but the principal event of the morning, the cor onation of the queen of the carmvsl lud to be deferred. The people gathered at the grand stand In crowds and the mng nlfioent First regiment band was equal to the occasion. Fine music caught the at tention of the fun seekers, and soon the water sports and races eonvnencd. The flagship Columbine. Vice Admiral Richardson, took her r'ace opposite the grand stand; Admiral Day's Mrrilp Sad'.e B took her position and the H0 Hoo and El Hurd. with various commit tees and distinguished visitors aboard. In cluding the governor and his staff, t'over-nor-elect Geer and pny, the PortUml committee and guests, BriarsJIer General Beebe and staff followed the Judgr" about the harbor. Hundreds of small craft doited the bay, and all from the flagships down were gai'.y decorated with flags and buntlrw. making a lively and beautiful scene. The first and most Interesting event of the day was the barge race between the San Francisco South Ends and the Al i medas. In the start off the Alamedss lost their rudder. The boats returned and the Alarnedas agreed to row mi;h ut a rud der. There was good water and It was slightly rainltV. when the itvt was mode at ll:5u. The South Ends had a little the best of the start and In the first quarter mile nulled over two laps ahead. Poth crews had beautiful strike and nearing the first stake-boat the Alameda rained perceptibly on the South Ends, turning the stake-boat a half length ahead at 1!:4:2. On the home stretch the Alemedas came along with a beautiful stroke, crossing ih line at U:"4. foUoweJ by the South Ends a few seconds later. Time lO.'A. In the Indian canoe race between crews No. 1 and No. I the contest wis very close. No. 1 being the winner. In the boy's swimming race, f. f. a.. Tommy Ross was the winner. After luncheon the Columbfa river fish boats started on their trial of speed with eleven In the rce. This race occupied the balance of the afternoon, and owirr to the light breejn whirh came In puff, the tin was ne-xssarUy slow. There were eleven prizes f r this race, r-inctn? from 71 poults 1J Kn:x tw:ne. from Honeyman & M. Bride. Portland, and IV) cash, first prize, nnd a 1.4 Brllge-Beach r xm raraumuaTknEmri I He Is a Wise flan I WHO DOES THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT TIME... If you wert In nttJ, would my utorc. kMper rIvb you a Greenback? NO!! Thn, why should you pay $3 extra oa every $10 purchase, when h haa been proven 1000 Times That we can and do aave our customer loPEHCENTon Clothing. Hats Shirts. Trunks THAT'S Etc"Etc- HERMAN WISE The Reliable Clother and Hatter S 13 I The Reliable Clother and Hatter p Regatta Cloak Sale JockctB, Capes, Fur Collarettes, Children's Jackets. Without exception the handsomest ever displayed ' west of New York. ALL ARE SAHPLES, which means "perfection," and there are hundreds of them NO TWO ALIKE purchased from the largest house in the world the H. B. Chatlin Co., of New York, for ' cents on the $1.0. A safe guar antee of a select style at less than manufacturers' cost. 470 Commercial St., ASTORIA 161 acd 163 Third St., PORTLAND - Regatta - Specials - GREAT BARGAINS IN SAILOR HATS Every Sailor hat in tho house to bo closed out at almost half prico. GREAT SHIRT WAIST BARGAINS Ludios black brocado mohair skirts, full width, lined with $150 good taffeta, Velvet een bound, only Ladies' all wool colored skirts,full width, best lining, well mado, volvotoen bound. only $2:50 Wo aro going to closo out ovory Shirt waist wo havo in Stock at great roductions in prico. Wo place them in three lots. Lot 1 All our 60c porcalo Shirt Waists to bo closed out at 35c Lot 2 All our 75c percalo Shirt Waists to bo closed out at 50c Lot 3 All our $126 porcalo chain bry biouso front Shirt Waist to bo closed out at 95c SHANAHAN BROTHERS Tlie Only Htoro Tliot Hull Clico P In a Woman's Care IMllen & IWeDonnell TO CLUXSE THE SYSTEM. KfTei'tuully yet Rently, when owstive or tllloua, to permanently overcome habitual conntlpitllon. to awakvn the klilneys ;nij liver M n healthy iu-tlvi'.y, without lrii tatlrtK or weukenlnir them, to dlnpfl he;ul Rohes. colds,, or fevers, use Syrup of Fi.x, mado by ttifc 'Cull.'linila I'V Syrup Co. Dear Madam: Your grocer is authorized to pay you back your money if you don't like Schilling's Best bakTh j powder. No questions asked. Saa FruicUco A Schilling St Company teol nine. -.nl r-rif, donri tri Ste'on Int. The winner cros- d the line after golr.g twl- e around the four-mil course In 4 hours and 5 mlnuti. havln tartej at with all th others from anchor, was No. 11. Eml Mattson. El more's cannery. No. 9. J. G. Talvtte. Co operative cannery, was setond In the race Nos. It. 4. 2. 12. 1. 1J. J. 1J. and 1 cam In In the order named. The other sailing rac-s up to a late n-ju last night ha4 not been decided by the Judges, but It Is known that In the White hall sailing race the Ceo la was first and the Antlope second. In the catboat race it is UeJieved that the Outing was first. The sloop race. 9-fxters. the Naiad w-as the winner and In the sloops f. f. a. the Pearl came in first. In the net-throwli contest Victor Wil son carried off first priie and Frel VI-k man aecond. Th tub races created much fun. The first contest waa won oy Thomas Mc Hugh. T. Sklbbe second. ihe boys who scaled the greased pole and droppl Into the water from Its end bavinx lifted the flau, were numerous, not one missing. H;bson was first and Sklbbe second. The high d!vln exhibition was very in tertstlng and the participants showed great skill. The duck hunt was won by the duck The swimming match for men was prob- bly the greatest exhloltl m of man's skill In the water ever seen on the Pacific coast. The contest was between Pap and WoMj. of San Kraru lsco. Their move- ments were grace Itself and the rapidity with which they went through the water as marvelous. I'ape was the winner and both men were pulled into the s'ake boat In an Jmo.it txhausteu condition. Thy wicond tub race wan won by Sklb be, Hobson second. TUB EVK.VlN'i ENTERTAINMENTS. As the ski's cleiir-d and the crowds In creased with the arrival of the evening boatH anil traiui excitement In the dty became Intense while the land parade was f jnn.rj?. WraMi anrl children, and men, too, were, running hither and 'thither seeking the best places from which to view the American-Oriental display of patriotism and Ingenuity ol di-slgn in art ami mechanic. The procession s'ret hed out In length something over half a mile. It 'a heid wl by thcl-'lrst r'girnent lind of Port land. ,'il pbyi-s strong, than which there is none better in the northwest. The Ma nila guards came tw-xt and the handsome., w II (Irill. d Amazons, as they were e ort--d la the line of march by the naval re serve opts of Portland and Astoria, -.tiled forth rounds of applause. The fol lowing divisions and orders appeared In the procession with various floats and bands: Governor Lord and staft", Port bind committee, queen's chariot, (,'hlneso military company Captain rieid Hack, Jr., Clilti"se band, the Chines-; dragon, car ried by 4S ChititSe ttthlettn, the Hni Men In costume, on floats and drags, A. O. U'. W.. Alien's prize piano, fire department, sea sepent, tmrrled by Innumerable boys, the bear In a chair, and thu iHittleshlp Oregon. Grand Marshal Whcrliy made a record for himself. The ball In the evening wa.s attended by l.&iO ieople. Foard & Stokes hall was beautifully decorated with flowers, bunt ing und hags and the music was most ex cellent. The governor and staff and Ad miral Dav nnd siufT were among the guests. Tha queen prmlded over the fes tivities. The fancy dancing by tne little folks under Professor Beggs called forth the loudest praise. The Scotch dances by LOWNEVS CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA aimost every art!' la of wearing appara. will last longer than If tookad afiar by a maTI. S.ime womn neglect their footwear Shoes of fine appearance, rather than good quality, attract them. Hut In buying shoes her It la ! possible to make a m'staka. Tha ap pearance and atyle Is all that tha dmsi fastidious could desire, and tha quality keeps par with berth. Our price are regarded as wonder fully low by wis buyer. Petersen & Brown. the others deserve the highest commendation. SECOND DAY. 9 a. m Single shell Burrard Inlet. Portland Prize Medal. icij-skirr raci Ir. Kennls. ;. (ns. L. YV. Pape. of Sin Fran1.tco Trophy cup. :. 40 Indian tanoe race frixe I' IJOUble SCUll Melals. Im:3i Whitehall. Dulling double, two or more to enter t. PcVtHaj-ge r:ire Alameda vs Burrara Inl Priie medal. Punt race Prize Ii'i. ttfVnr v.tvf vati HWimminff race Ikivs IS and under Sl-daJ. Marine diver Prize. Oreed poej. Tub race Vi.Ui. DINNER. I p. m P.eceptlon of the qtieen of car- nival: proelamatlon by the mayor: r ep tlon of the admlnil: arturess of welcmie by Hon. C. W. Fulton. l' Ui n m .k aft tit,:t f Ill ntr r WW H- round course, rac ing sails, no race unless ' nxea. made in four hours or less; nylng start. lug; scalp dance by Indians; A. F. ('. hull. Aumlsslon lo grand stand Z cents. SUNDAY. Ornnd regaxta excur.on to Muslde Tmlns leave every hour of the .lay. Italloon nscensuin at Heiie; lilcycle rldlnr O. N. i lind concert: clam cho' d-r; regular llsh dinner ot the lieach ho tels. RETL'IlN TO ASTOKIA. Sacred omi-rt by O. N. O. Iwnd at Ushers opera house, vocnl and Itiwtrn mental music by memlxTS of the Manila ruartls and singing by Astoria s sweetest Voices. MONDAY. Single shell race, prize medal. Punt race, prize V. Four-onred snell r:ue. prlzo mwbil. Ihill'Km ascension and parachute Jump oy I'n.riwMur Kariston. Ilarge rare, prize rnclal. Outrlatgera skiff race, rtrlze medal. '.'lay pigeon ahoot, pnzea ti, 5 and hunting coat. t lay pigeon shiKtt for boya. prizes to be LUNCH. I.UNCH. Field sports at Van Dusen'a Entries close tit R p. m, August rounds. '). tit C. r.l,,rt.' et, K.i. ti t-a Mfilllnir (.anon twine and IPiu: send. P.rldge : !'." Vird .Wish. Z3) yard tltish, quarter Hich .Superior range, value VA: third, fniio run, hair mile run. running nign fisherman's outfit, consisting of gum- J'"" '. "coo jun p. no.n vun, ui yttr.i boots, oil skins, sou'westers and lamy hurdle race, putting U Hutid shot-prize shirt; founh. parlor lamp; fifth, chest of """ .... , . V-a and megaphone; sixth, piece of statu-' ' thlnese and ary; seventh, case of swamp ron nit er; . - ghth hands'me souvenir spoon mmu.i -" a, k of rlee- tenth, box of bittern and rose I heelbarrow r.;. prlzo U. n ...--7, niw l. I hr'-e-i.ggi Indians, race, iirlzo xn. Trick bp ycle performan- Finn nntlotml soort. nrlze 113. Football, llwaco vs. Indians, prize .music uy u. ?i. u. rn'i. Mrs. W. E. Coman, Miss Comnn and Mrs. Dom Zan, of Portland, came over to I attend the regatta from North lieach. Parties having rooms to rent should not fall to call at retfatta huadquartcrs early I this mornltm and r'rglster thnlr names. ar; eleventh, four cans of copper paint, No. 1 ' . A. MenilrP kson. No. 2-H. Witt. No. Wj. Kletsck. No. ,-John liurgland, George tic Iiarker. No. li Aug. Hiilstnim, Cook's. No. S John I'.ell. Elmore. No. S J. (). Halvttle, Co-operative. No. lo M. Tlovlmu. Co-operative. No. 11 Kmll Mattson. Elmoc;. No. 12 Charley Wilson. Co-operative. No. 1.1 William Johnston. No. H C. H. Mwehf-m, Mcgler. No. 22 'leorgo lt kman, i.uttlng. No. 2! J. Jackson, Hilar Itock. No. I'hllilti MacDougal, Hume. l ir, p. m Whitehall Malllw "neo it- around course 8 hours or p-ss or no race umbrella, va Pie lltt.rj. lirst orlzc J'J'i ; sneond prize, ladles silKj Uaptlt services will ho Itld st tho No. z-Antlo. lohurch tomorrow as usual, excepting the No. 4 Max Warren. stend of 7 p. m., and tho 8 o'clock nvango- !: p- m.-'at lemts Once around the,iH.p. B.!rvlce. whit will bo held In the our4 a flours imie l.lTll' ca oonn nmj arry malnsMlls and 'enall but no Jib. .No. 1 f.iufie. Prizes I2 and f 10. No. 2-Outlng. No. S-Star No. 4 M WatTi-n i p. m. Sloop 'is- imp iirnit two an i. nnd I No. 1 ''urr. No. 2-Ariel. No. 4 N a lad. No. r Agnes. No. 7 Unknown. No. 7 Unknown. 2:13 Sloops, f. f. a Twice around the time limit 4 hours. Przes !B, chapel crar. Manage Jngues of the our I will preach morning and evening. -n. jcursion are now on nam at in net d a half hours. Prizes fr trp- and 123 No. 1 White Wings. No. 2 Undine,. No. it ''oliitrtbla. No. 4 Pwirl. 2:) p. m. Mnrints tug of war. Prize $75, Ilwa vs Iniiian. 2:43 hi fo wiving capsize drill punt races; Kwrmmlng rficen; greased pole; high dive: tub race; chlneso barge race. EVENINO 7:30. Grand marine pa rude; naval engage ment; extiioHlon of search lights: bril liant display fire works; destruction of "Tickets for tho Sunday Soasldu Ex cursion are now on italn at tl ket ofllou on t W cents I tbJtets will not bo honored for pannage, until Sunday, the! 21st, but ant placed on salo In ordur to prevent a runh at tha Depot on tho morn-1 (lng of tho 21st. A lo.it child, a little girl about 8 ycre old, was picked up on tho streets last evening by Mr. C.fE. Johnson, who took her to his liome at No. 73, corner of Ba- ond and Duutie streotii, for the night. The child waa unablu to leir her name, be tween tha sobs w1ikjU.cn.mo every time the sil)Jcct wa mentioned, but was of I cive at tho rioting hour yrtcrday. bum noii doling Ihe day txtug nt a standstill Audll.ir and p.ilb-r Judgn Nels.m rale. the windows nt his oilier In the i Ity roil building and sat nnd listened (o thn strains of music and chatter of the mon key wafte.) on the brcx" from the sur rounding streets. City Attorney Allen was nbnent all uuy on Imperative dudes con nested with the regatta, while In conse qtlcnce the cases of two old offenders ar rested for drunkenness th previous night were postpone, tin further orders. Presbyterian church. Ninth street, he twe.m Duutie and Exchange. Itiv. Henry Marrotte, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. ami 0 p. m.; Hunihiy school at 12:1.".; Y. P. H. C. E. lit 7; prayer nvortlng Wvlnesduy at 8. Theme of Iho morning sermon totnor row: "Never Man Spake Like This Man.' The pastor hns been requested to repeat the sermon "A I.Htlc ' Ii 1 I Khali Ij-.n) Them," and will do so tomorrow evening. Special music has been prepared for both services; the choir will be assisted by Mrs. Taylor. Miss Hobson. and Mrs Me. Muhon of Portland. A most cordial in- Vltatlon Is extended to all. All seals fri n. THE MANILA GI'AICDS. The Manila guards have i nine. To the boating of the drum They arrlved-kei.p It mum They are h'Te. And tho town Is at. their feel As they man-h along the street And the loud huzzahs that greot Arc slni ere. They have come lo kIvo us battle. And of broken hearts that rattle After each flirtation, prultlo Will be heard. Hut tho cost must not be reckoned When a dainty hand has beckoned For a man who llddlcs second Is absurd. A national orgaulz.ulon Dike, this representation Of cho fairest of tho nation Is Immense. If with ono you chance lo nine Don't forget a little, wlno Or a crawfish dinner linn Hang expense. Tho "National" Is tho place For A quiet lunch In enso You doslrc something at moderate ox ponso Georgo riartloy Is tho man to see and don't forget tho number, Clearance sale of broken lines of Ladies' and Children's Shoes at less than cost. Childrens' sandals. 2!? 35, 50, 75c and $1. Ladies 50,75, $1, $1.25. The prices are such the goods cannot last long. Take ad vantage of these rare bargains by coming at once. Have you seen our two-clasp chamois Gloves, with em broidered backs? Albert Dunbar, Cur. 9th in J I'omnirrclal Streets September Delineators and Patterns are here. Looks Good Meat may look good,but Is it? Som e people can tell good meat when they see it. They can say whether it is tender by feeling It, but nine peo ple out of ten can't. If your purchase Is made of us you may rest assured the meat is all right and If it's not the very best when 'It's served, it's In the cooking. ' ROSS, HIGGINS& CO. TUB SAfRKD OONCEHT. At the sacred concert to be given Hun- day evening by the First Ituglmi-nt bund O. N. 0., Miss Alice Wood. Miss M.iv rtzlnger, and Miss Ousslo Oroy will sine tho "Flag .oong." Mls Jennie. Snyder, of tho Manila brown hair, light eyes and had on a longlJrunras, will sing "The King mat Has white dress and straw sailor hat. I Never Known Defeat," Tho Misses Hobhs ana I'h Ity, of the Manila guards, will sing Deputy McLean was the sole occupant Jennie Curtis were particularly good. All gnlsh Wt; ke walk W jubilee slng-of tho custom house and wa. glad to (Continued on page three.) ''fr-'-1 . -r lV ar'3 A ' 1 i II 14 lust the thing H ICR $1.00 ; BICYCLE t-jf PARCEL REST. For sab hy it J Columlitn Clcctrlcal cl Repair Cat 533 Bond St PATENT APPLIED FOR