1 THE ASTORIAN hit IblUrfeit clrcalitloa'pr any paper , on tbi Columtli Rlvtr ' !'',, ' ii-i.4jae.';ir ti: - -.-t,...,..,.. ... :im " ,.,. TIE DAILY ASTORIA Is the bluest !inl test '.(seer oi tbe Coluratla River ,1 ; ' I' ' ' i t At FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLIX. A8T0UIA, OKKGON, SATUKDAY MOKNINO, AlOtST 20, 18U8. NO. 86 y Stove Store ... IN ASTORIA ... r Our Hpoclnlty: BTOVCtt AND ItAINOBH Wo know tlio InmimttH. Twenty ymn experience If you want a (i(M)I) Stove, tlio KtM;k lit the Eclipse Heirclware Co. REGATTA 1898 Official Regatta Badges Astoria Souvenir Books, Fireworks, Flags, Balloons, Festoon Paper. GRIFFIN & REED. V-V.V. V V VVV V'. -.VJA V- V. r NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED Four Hundred Different Patterns Wuh Sinjj k ('., Mi-rvliiiiit Tailor, wen' never lelter X ir-j urHl to NTe tlio ulliu in tlieir line. (JeiiUt' J Furni-liiiiK (!ixmh of all kimU. Suits made to onlcr ij quickly. Ijirjjt' mwk H-mly-iiuul" (jimmK Cleaiiinjj and rviuiriiijj. lcmoittlr, Price Titlk. WAM 'AVA AVV A'A AUWA 'A'A'AWA'ft.V.V; VA; , V COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Foundrymen l.ogultu IwiuIiicm lliilll nntl tcpnlrctl. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Munufinturm of the rasurpnscd ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Manufacturers for the Pacific Cuat of the KOHEKTS KATRK-TIHE UOILCK. 1 ,.l-c-r..-TOu mmmm) Foard & i Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF 5 ...CANS... Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Falrhaven, Wash. Write Um for PMoom. Full Line of Fall and Winter : V.V. N' V. V A : V : V A'sVft 1 s SINQ & CO6Com're'ISI. A Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock , - J PURE FRESH SPICES TEAS and COFFEE AT- Stokes Co We hnvc on hand the largest and freshest assortment. I'resh goods constantly arriving. Metal Works spice and Syrop Tin a Specialty. 8PEN8I0N, BUT Premier Sagasta Says There Are Many Before Peace Finally MANY PROBLEMS IN CUBA AND THE PHILIPPINES ARE YET The Surrender of Manila Cuts no Figure England Coaling Up The Patients and the Dead The Grand Welcome in New York to Sampson and Schley A Monster Marine Gathering Mail to Spain Renewed Troops Ordered to Manila Ex pansion of Business Resulted from the War Returned from Santiago Monitors Will 3e Sent to the Island of Cuba-The Cuban Policy Has Assumed a Somewhat More Definite Form. MAI'UII'. Aiurimt l.l!ra pnl..ih. rrmiirk mi.hi 1'y lr!Vr t:iUl on IhK diplo rtMitlt' ltMniln. nubile tl.c I'rmilrr fnllow: Yxtn I' K 'I l'lnl f vl. w Ihf pnnrnt tat of Mnit In tirlihi-r o.i. ti. r r. Iiui itirrrly imn.nn uf ho(lllt . In I'ulm. Im-.I'I"-!! fvmiinili.il thr- .tr many mlnr iritl"-nn. rtiiln nwiy nUinilim h r . v rrlicniy ivrr h ilrrat Anllllr. !ut Ih.rc HI l' m.iln a iur.tl .n f rliil'm nl all our ir.i"-ny. Thr r lnw. i.m. 1 f re th irt:'Uniil alTi-iHna" litT t uf Sirv.irl. Wti.r anl -n ihr ? JiH.ilr.i'.' In II .ivnni, wh.r a hinro mimlM-r "I rilmlii.il luvo li'ii r.n.lrinr,r,l l.y Siiii-l-li trlimiml.. hnt l l.i 1 l"in' l!h ili.-m' Th.-n I ht-m atr o' h-r 'Hi. M-n li.r hi. h h;iv t fix a lai 'f il: ui"n mi. I iMin-. iiK iit r-iarlli:s tin I'hllll P'm ii A. .ir.lU'ii Id ln!rn.iti"tnil Inw I In- mm lncin "f lic.!lii linn li.fn ami I tan .urrriidiT of M.inlln nucht tj hive no I'mil trtlccy. How vvl'.l lht i rinrlplo lx umliTKlcHxt ly Ihf l nltt-,1 Sial. ? Thin cau.fcj mmh onxli'iy," Tbff rd-niarka hav nil the a rum of IxMiiK oultienllc. SPAIN IN!ISTi MANILA I.S NOT vl'US MAI'ltlD. AiiKUnt I?. -The government hna reaulveil to lnit thai the capltul.i tlon f Manila, after the alKnlng of the pr.ciil, ahull have no effect In the peace m-tfiitliitlotia unfavoniMe to rtmln. In any event the government holda that (M pi illation, alaned by the commandera of the two forcra. don not rntall the aur render of the whole Philippine. ENGLAND ('OA I.I NO IT. XOHFVI.K. Va.. Auguat 19-There has been ahlpped from Norfolk In lirltlh hot loma, eventeen enrgooi of Pocahontas coal, aggregating 70.13 tona. They have gone to eleven different coallnit tiulona iH'lonKlliK to KtiKlaml and It hna ln'tn be lieved that Knglnml ni itCHklug coal nt.ittons In the event ol poaalble war. SICK T1WOP8 ARRIVE. NEW POUT NEWS. Va.. August l'.' Tho ateamer Ollvetto arrived at Kort Monro Ihla afternoon from ban tin go. having on board 2ia) patlcnta of the b'ltlh army corpi, Including K ottbera. While tho Olivette waa nt ca alx men (IUhI. IncludliiK Major Ortu-ad of tl-' Eighth Infantry. SIIAKTEK'S HEALTH REPORT. WA8IIINOTON. Augiut 1!. In his dJ-IHitt-h to the war doimrtment tonight con cerning tho health condition of hla troop tlenernl Slmfter report! the deoth of ten men, Sanitary report for August 19. Total mini her of sick. I.H5. Total number of fever eases, 915. Total number of new cases, 91. Total 'nunvticr of fever cneg returned to duty. 136. MAIL TO SPAIN RENEWED. WASHINGTON, August 19,-ruatmuat-er Smith today suspended his order Is sued nt the beginning of the war that during liOHtllltlea oil mull communication with Simln and her colonies waa to be C. H. COOPER'S THE LEADING DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE OF ASTORIA IT ilUi'.inlliitircl. At'corilliiK 1" th l-rm of this nrler . 1 1 r h ancl othe r m;ilU'i, niutti-r ail-dri-M"cl to pirKi.na cc-itiii'ti"! with the l'tiltr.1 Ht.itf fcirr. ot the HiltlM'Ine iKl.ktuI cfuUi. and r.irio IUc xhiill i-cn-tlmiic mil, j,., i tn th- fn!te. Si.itca ti..x: li- i,i-t:ic)(i' tat' a. All othrr ninll ad-iln-K.d t Ulnae lOoica afi.lll 1) ulijn ! I.. r.iim hfrrtnf,,re annminciil, n.iniily: Klrnt claiia nw'.t.-r. j .cut per i.uim--. I'.'iiiaJ card. ItiKl. J cvnti; .'..iil.l.-. 4 reiitii. (iicond and third cla in.it l r. I -.in for n h two otinc-es. K.un;h rliiaa mattrr. 1 cent fur each null, e K k-lMiNitlnrt fee. S renta. MuNSTKH MARINE A ! ' K E' ! ATION. .Vv-iiiy-Hv- Warshlpa OrJ'-re.l to I'.e ili tvous at Kort Monr. WArtlMNOTON. August lS.-One of the l.irRest Heels of warn tni ever a"mll'0 In n Amerli an ort will be brought to gether In the next few days at Kort Mon roe. Already i7 war ships ure under orders to rcitdi ivous there and orders are still hi lug Ismail, which will raise the total In the neighborhood f 70. Naval olllclals say It Is difficult to rea lle the extent of such a marine aggrega tion In one harbor. The movement of these Milpa northward Is due to the close of hosllltleg and more particularly to desire to get the ghl away from points M possible fever Infection. They will now be put In thorough repair and their crewa will be graduully changed from naval ml llOu men to Mlloraof the regular navy. TROOPS ORIEHKI TO MANILA. All Troop At 'Frisco Will Soon Uc Dis patched to I'lilllpplni-s. SAN' FRANCISCO. August 19. Battery A. Third artillery. C. S. A., under Lieu tenant McManiius. will emlmrk on the llumbuldt tomorrow for Manila. There Is a targe amount of freight to be sent, but Uu steamer will not bo delayed. Some other steamer will be chartered to take (he. excess frelgtit. The Arixona troops will depart Sunday as schluled. Anny uttkcrs herv believe that all the soldiers now gathered In this city will be dlsputched to the Philippines to help pre serve order there. The sick list at the hospital Is large. Onirics Mead, compony L, Second Oro gol). died of bronvhteal pneumonia fol lowing tho measels. this morning. THE ('.LORIES OK THE WAR. lira ml Preparations Mado nt New York for Return of Victorious Fleets. NEW YORK. August l;.-Rear Ad mirals Sampson and Schley and the six vessels of the North Atlantic sijundron Unit tire coming to this port are expected to urrlve some tlmo this afternoon. This Is iiivordliik' to navul olhVers'' reckoning, but l hero Is ti possibility that tho squad ron will not be hero until late In tho evening, or perhaps tomorrow morning. If it arrived off Sandy Hook this after noon It will be met by a flotilla of ex cursion craft and escorted up the bay to tho man-of-war anohnrago off Tompklns vlllo. As the warships pass In at Sandy Hook the guns at Kort Hancock will belch forth n salute. At Kons Wadsworth ami Hamilton more salutes will be tired, so that the arrival of the squadron will bo aiinouuneed to tho cltlncns of New Goods Now York, who are waiting to do honor to the returning sailors. 'I ne ottkers anil the men on the war ships are unaware of any reception pre paring for them, and Rear Admiral Sampson will bo Informed by a message sent down In a dlxjiatch boat a soon as he arrives. The lars will then have to be stir themselves In preparation for the parade which Is to take place tomorrow. If they have any doubt ubout what the public thinks of their exploit! In Cuban I wat. rs they will tie sutistled that New York and New Yorker arc well pleased after they have seen, what Is aw-iitlng them. Judging by the number of excur tl'rti aniers and tugs btlm; engaged tor tomorrow, the river will .'e crowded with lull kinds of craft, loaded with sight.ers. I who will cheer the tars all the way along Ithe route of the partde. A great many I steamers and tugs were hired for private txirties un,1 many not so,-engugvu will take on all who want to go on the river and follow the war ships up and down. The harbor police exjiect a busy day keeping tho river clear for the war ships. nt yet they have framed no regulations, but thiy will probably do so today. The parade. If the war ships arrive on time. Is to Btort at 10 o'clock from the anchorage oft TompklnsvlUe. The war ships will steam slowly up (tie Hfldson to (.rant's tomb where a national salute ot 21 guuns will be fired. They U1 make a wide circle and slowly steum back to the man-of-w-ar anchorage. The excursion steamers, It is expected, will wait for the war ships to pass by and then follow In tluir wake, making a long and picturesque procession. Every vessel will be gay with buntlnK. and It Is expj'.-t-ed that there will bs more ars and stripes artoat In the harbor than were ever seen at one time before. As the ves sels pa.'s Castle William a salute will be lircd. This salute will be equivalent to an announcement that the parade has started. Tho Texas, which haa ben thoroughly j overhauled at the navy yard, Is ready to j join In the parade and will be a-" i.t her proper place In the line. The cruiser St. I Paul will also loin the oarade: so will the antique monitor Nahant. which has been anchored In the harbor since the war be gun. The vessels in lino will be the New 'orlr, Brooklyn, Texas, Massachusetts, Oregon, Indiana, Iowa, St. Paul, and Na hant. Oeneral Gillespie, commander of the de partment of the east, was ordered j ester duy to have tho forts salute the vessels, and he In turn Issued orders to the offic ers In command at the forts. As the day Is to be a general holiday In this vicinity the river front will be doubt less crowded with sightseers. Every spot frxvm which a view of the Hudson can be obtained will be occupied. There will be crowds on the riverside drive and la the park, where the regulations of the park department prohibiting walking on the grass will lie suspended for the day. At the battery there will be another large crowd and on the piers and docks where admittance can be'obttUned, there will be thousands to cheer tho retmalng sailors. REVIEW OP TRADE. NEW YORK, August 19.-R. Q. Dun & Co. In their weekly review will say: The war, which brought no shrinkage of values while It lasted, has brought with Its ending quite a remarkable expansion. Orders and purchases have Increased In nearly nil branches, few as yet are of such a nature that they can attrfbue to the material enlargement of trads with tho lately acquired Spanish Islands, which Til EH Mil Things to Be Considered Comes. must come later. The failures tor the week are YA In the I'nlted States, against last year, and 17 In Canada, artilnst 3 last yeur. ATLANTIC AUXILIARY FLEET. . Battle Scarrtd Monitors V5eng Htted Ir Service In Cuban Ports. NEW YORK. August 13. A special to the Tribune from Washington, says: Tho navy department has decided to send all the single turreted monitors to Culm and Porto Rico for duty as perma nent guard ships In the chief har'iors of those" Islands. Preliminary orders assigning officers and crews from the regular navy to the twelve seaworthy vessels of this type are being made out and several of these formidable vessels will start for their new p-jots In a week or two. These mon itors which were built for service In the civil war. several of them bearing scars of conflict after 30 years of disuse, were reslored to excellent conultlon soon after the Maine was blown up. some of them being equipped with entirely new water tube boilers and having the benefit of extensive Improvements. During the war with Spain they have been manned by naval militia men and constituted the chief source of strength of the auxiliary naval force guara.ng the Atlantic coast. Orders were given several days ago to place them out of commission as soon as possible and return them to the League lsiand (Pennsylvania navy yard) until an other emergency necessitated their use. In the meantime, however, the compli cated problems Involved In maintaining law and order, partlcu.arly In Cuba, led to consideration of the availability of these vessels as guardshlps and the au tnorftles quickly reached the decision to utilise them for that purpose. The vessels are the AJax. the Canonl cus, the Mahopaca, the Manhattan, the Wyandotte, the Nahant, the Nantucket and the Pusalc. They draw only 12 feet of water and each of them carry two 15-lnch smooth bore guns In Its turret. It is intended that' they shall not only pro vide for the defence of Cuban harbors against exterior assaults, but their mag asines ure to" be stored with large quan tities of grape and cannlster for the pur pose of maintaining order ushore. Their Is no concealment on the part of the na val and military authorities to use this grape and cannister to command a whole some respect of the United States au thority among the Cuban insurgents and other obstreperous elements which will have to be restrained when the Spaniards evacuate the Islands, and the naval offi cers, who will be especially selected for these vessels on account of their discre tion and good Judgment, will have full authority to u.sperse any mobs which may come within range. In each of the ports where monitors are located there will be no necessity for a military gar rison. 1 It Is proposed to locate these single tur reted monitors at Matanzas. Cardenas, Sagtia la Grande. Glbura, Xeuvltas, Man lanillo. Guantanamo, Trinidad, Clenfue gos. Itahia Honda In Cuba, and at Ponce, tn Porto Rico. It Is also the Intention of the navy de partment to send the douliler.irrcted mon itors Puritan, Tcrrtor. AmphHi'ite and Xlmntonorrrah to Havana, Santiago and San Juan dc Potto Rico, perhaps two ot them being stationed at Havana. These vessels, while amon.? the most disagree able In the navy for active cruising ser vice In tropical water-", are considered Arriving Daily PEAO TO BE SOLVED more comfortable than any other type ot vessel when stationary and are altogeth er peculiarly fitted to meet te present necessity. CUBAN POLICY ASSUMING FORM. Commissioners Will Meet at Havana anj Arrange for Evacuation. NEW YORK. August 19.-A special dis patch from Washington to the Times), says: General Butler and Wade with Admi ral Sampson, the military commissioner) for Cuba, wit! be required to meet tn tUv&na by Se-ptember 11 according to the terms of the protoco4 of Augat-U. to arrange for the time and manner ot the evacuation ot the Island. As It has been agreed that General Blanco and his troops may take with, them the guns and arms In tho fortlllca tions. the arrangement! to be effected will be largely such as the United State government feels oo.iged to accept to. provide the means of preserving order where the withdrawal of the Spanish forces might otherwise lead to riot and pillage. There i s)Uil among the admin istration the opinion that by the Urn Spanish control Is withdrawn there will be a large body of Cubans, not all Inn surgents, that will he ready to give th soldiers of the United States something, like tne welcome that has been extended. a . V. ln TrL-t I) I .hit mi m nil f VtniP the task of the United States In changing; rule for the Inhabitants. The commissioners expect to give at tention to much more Important matters, than the mere indication of ports at which Blanco and his men shall embark. They will look Into the condition ot so ciety in Cuba, test the feelings ot the people In the cities as to tho Introduction of United States officers to take tempor ary charge ot some ot the functions ot the government and upon their report will depend greatly the succeeding move ments of the United States. Every attenmpt will he made to secure conferences with General Gomes, Garcia, President Masso and other leuillng Cu- (Contioued on third page.) Rm loyal Is tbe behest areas bakinf powser kaows. Actaal tutilhew It gOM tkkri further tbaa say uW brass! POWDER Absolutely Puro HOVAl BAKlNfl POWDfft CO., NtW VOKK, pa