The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 12, 1898, Image 4

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rut Ion'
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"Th i
c! .
Wise Sayings
Herman Wise
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
If jrou Ann't rwl our Mylrurs, you
Kn ooJ rm.lltus, god aOvk anJ j
Bargains, i
From looal hotel: "Not rpnlll !
for diamonds. Moycloa or othr valuable I
krpt under h pillows; Uiry hou)d b it-1
poalltd In the 11." J
Ovw 1 Mo Suits to 8Hx-t fin at Htr-
msn Win1 stor: auKa ftvm K to P.
Trlsl of law suh It ptvntv; you can
try on oo of our Suit f.r nothing.
Irony of Ft-Ominidor ScWf w-nt
Ovara't iwt to tfc bottom of th :
Chief gtocklon Intends tm oJ CVvra a
flMt up In th air durlr the K-irt
HUrM Parad; fT
Why li th Ro-atta Ui-h a grat u-.
o? HoiauM" Ur. Wm. Goslln la pr-l-1
iwit. H li a irraduat frn nvWnr-'
fcted OolW of Rustlers.
Hat IVparttnent l oomplm;
Um WteM shapes, tn pr"'!'' hJ.
A drawlna: .mblnatn Wlufi Woolen
Phtrti and Prawera. I
How many Miles to Porto Rleo? Theret
only on Mll, and Simln thinks he I too
There's one cfilhler who know how to
take rare of hi customer Herman
Wise, the RrtlaWe Clothier. 1
Thcre'l sn be a change In the local
Postcffloe. There will be a food looktr.j.
ft v
Beauty tn the heart will find its way to
tht face.
onsale at the business office
at 10 cents r copy, ready
for mailing.
Sargent U W. PeirJsIee of Fort S'ev
ni w In the city yesterday.
P. J. Meaney la Improving ard iloaly
( alnlng atronsth after h j recent lllm-ss.
Mr?. E. C. L- wis an l Mrs. C. S. Wrtsat
are j jylni; Mrs. Fr:r.k ThM)au'.t. of d Jn
ahlne. Wa.-h.. a w k'e v.slu
The firewrk for (he mar:r.e dipUy
during the rra:: hive arrtvJ ani ar
In charge of C'lur'.es Stork'.jn.
One of the county oBicUls was sii Buy
ing nke medicine yesterday. Evidently
there Is a flshing trip on hand.
The Uditi of Grace churvh guild j ester
day syent a delightful day at Bear creek,
and returntd in the evening on the Mller.
The piling for the Youngs Bay bridge
will probably arrive Saturday, and the
contractora will commence work the first
of the week.
The West' ShTe Mll'.s com.-any have Just
received a large ! t of fir cordwood from
Stella. Wash., which they are offering at
very low figures. See advertisement In
another column. '
Contractor Clinton yesterday evening
finished driving and capping the plies for
the foundations of the Spexarth-Bracker
building on Commercial street, next to
the engine house.
The markets are now full of fine fruit
and vegetables. Grapes, apples, peaches,
pears, plums, melons, tomatoes, corn, egg
plant, all contribute to the table and
make life worth living in Oregon.
Harper whisky on your sideboard proves
your tate Is correct. It proves ftlsothat
you are doing your duty to yuur gut and
to yourself keeping the !lne.t wlsky ob
tainable. Sold by Foard Ik ritokes, As
toilu, Oregon.
The members of the county court win
visit Silde Sun. lay next lit the purple
of examining the bridges and county
roads at that place. Before returning
ih-y will visit the Nccanlcum, Lewis and
Clark. ai:d other places.
The official count of tho vote for re
gatta queen will be made at 6 o'clock tms
morning by Chuirmuji Imnbar of the can
vas?ln board. There Is much excitement
over the outcome of the campaign uml the
race i. still anybody' victory.
Friday evening, August 12. the Ladles
Aid society of the Norwegian and iM.ilsn
M. E. church, fpper Astoria, will have
their unniial auction in the basement ot
the church. lp cream, cake and coffee
will be nerved. All an- cordially Invited.
The services at the Baptist chapel car
are of a high order and enjoyed by good
audi, rices. Tod iy at 3 p. m. all the chil
dren in tho city are invited to a special
meeting to be held In the car for their
henelit. There will be services each night
of th present week beginning promptly
, The tea-business was taken
up by the wrong end roast
ing tea waybff there in Asia
and letting it get stale on the
way here !
Not Schilling's Best. t
pleasant youinr felkw tn of thai
hnny old cuss.
At the rate Herman Wise L nvir.n
1.-l now, he must Intend to fit out
every nn and boy In and atvuo.1 Aatorla.
We don't (rree with MoKlnleya rrotec.
thn ivn iOiivt. but we rather like htm for
prvuei-ttne: the itwna wh,m the Siwnin
have alauchtertM like ahoep.
New atock of S.-k. Xivkwwr, and un.
dry nwArti,a for Bveitlomen at Vte .
Wouldn't you rather doal with a oKyhter
who la up-to-date, both In running hli
atore amt buylnit hla a took. If you want
fwh. mby hI. tmde wtih Wlae.
Wle'a I the llhtet jtore In AatorW.
Tou aoe what ywi'r buytnj.
Why la Hermnii Wt like a atoveplpe?
Reoau he can mw anjHiy.
Wlur ilothea nwiiiMt the Thlllppuie
e"vdUlon. There la Genral Merritt In
Of course you're no Spaniard, but If
y.Hi'd IVN one f VI attl!n ult.
you woiiM be preantaJle at any court
lta better to anve rtohee by trndinf
with Wlae. than to be born with a i-wk-tall
tn your mouth.
We dn't look ai funny at our Ad wouM
ImlL-ate. but we do feW that we can tit
you out better than any old itore In town.
"Re nvtnber the n;une."
The Reliable Cloihvlr and Hotter.
' at S o'clock. Let everybody come lut i'nJ
see the church on wheels.
The rich man's whiskey is Harper, be
cause It is supremely delicious. The poor
i man's whisky is Harper, because such
; good whisky hlp him. The family whls
i key is Harper, because tt Is pure, pleasant
and strengthening. S.Jd by Foard &
1 Stoke. Astoria. Ore.
j The bids were opened yesterday for the
j construction of the grand itand for tne
regutta and the contract was awarded to
W. Miller. The bids were as follows: .
T. Boomer. C; Julius. C. O. Palm
herir. W. Mil'.er. 11; L. IMrtwIg.
ills: S. M. Oosney. ITT; J. C. lenega.
I1T0: E. Gustafjon. J'.TO. j
Mrs OVvcr Petersen died at her r""!- ,
.'.:n-e In I'pper.oan lat evening. She w is I
72 years of ace ar.d was siitr-rimi from!
lr.-py and heart trouble. She leaves t'.
t-tn. Oi.if and Jasper Petersen. Th- f'J-j
r.eral will be frm the house at 1 o'clo. K
tomorrow, and the interment will tikej
pl i c In Greenwood. i
Coroner rohl went d )wn to Point
Adams yesterday to bury the body f u:id
drnwr.ed by the l.f saving ire. The
!.".;-. whi. h was badly deeompos-d. was
that of a man about feet tall, light hair,
had en a blue sweater, blue overalls and
red striped pants and gum boots. The
' remains were buried In Clatsop cemetery.
The following naml buoys have gone
adrift from their positions on the coast
of Oregon: Alseya river buoy, a tlrst
dass can. black ar.d white perpendicular
stripes, letter A In white; Sileti river
buoy, a second-class nun. Mack and white
perendcu!ar stripes, marked "3tletx
river," In black and white letters. These
buoys will be replaced on their stations as
early as practl. able.
Captain W. P. Whltcomb, St. Helens;
H. M'Connell. Wise; H. Gray. C. E.
' Frisk. Warrenton; E. E. Hunt. G. Wara,
' Fort Canby; W. H. Griffith. Garibaldi 8.
Oliver. L. Andrews. Cathlamet; C. B.
Trescott. Judge Alex Sweek. J. E. Stuart.
Grace Dow. George Knight, W. M. Cllne
and wife. Portland; Sidney Thorne. Hld
ney Charles. Chinook; J. A. Austin anl
wife. Wocxlburn; J. D. Baker, Oregon
City; K. M. Harl'k. Mrs. May Foster,
: Kalama, are at the Murray.
The tx-glnnlni? hint bwn made for learls
latlon In the rtlfht direction and the Pro
gressive Association will probably secure
the co-operation of the people of Wasn
Ington In their plar.s. Tlie thing to do Is
for all to stand together, secure adequate
laws and sufficient funds In order that
the Columbia may be restocked yearly
with a plentiful supply of fish. To this
end the energetic commissioner !s spend
ing every nerve and should have the sup
port of the people In his work.
Alex Gilbert tells a good story of thfc
fast service of the telegraph line between
Portland and Seaside. The other (lay was
the tweuty-llfth anniversary of the wed
ding of Collector Invll Dunne and Mrs.
Dunne. The r oll'-ctor was in his office Iri
Portland and his wife was In Seaside. He
thought he would wire her the congratu
lations of the day, and dl' tated an elabor
ate and elegant message, which was duly
sent to the telegraph ofll' e. Twenty-four
hours later Mrs. Dunne at Heaslde re
ceived the following: "I have t.'l. send nie
IT more." Evidently some other lady re
ceived Colonel Dunne's congratulation
It wis reported last evening that not
withstanding the close of the flhlng sea
sun several of the north shore c.'nr.erl's
were running and Intended to run as long
as they could get fish, and that a K-rge
number of fishermen were out on the
river. Fish Commissioner McCuIre pa
trolled the river yesterday with Constable
W'lckman and up to a late hour had not
returned. Several fishermen who ' imc
In during the afternoon reported that Al'--
Gulro had arrested a large number of
i seiners. The canneries who are reported
, lo have decided to pack arc also said to
I have offered C cents for fish, advising the
! men to look out for their own safety, wi'i
that they would be responsible only for
' themselves.
At midnight laBt night Fish Coinrnls
I sinner II. D.McOulrc and Constable W'l' k
l man. and Deputy Keegan returned from
patrolling the river. Mr. Metjulre re
; ported that they had patrolled about W)
miles during the day and night. Keiners
Martin P.yan, Frank Cook and Tomj
Craln were caught fishing and arrested.
Just Received
for Fall of 'OS.
Plush Capes.
Novelty Cloth Jackets.
Novelty Cloth Capes.
High Novelty Fur Collarettes.
Standard Wrappers.
Theso Gootls A iv Marvels of Bounty uml Will Ho otfoiotl for
ShIo ut Very Itaisouablo rrivw. Iatetiiling Buyers Should Sco
Them nt Once.
McAlteDfi McDonnell iSZZSZw
Have you seen our
two-clasp chamois
Gloves, with em
broidered backs?
Albert Dunbar,
September Delineators
Clearance sale of broken lines of
Ladies' and Children's Shoes at less
than cost. Childrens' sandals, 25
35, 50, 75c and $1. Ladies' 50,75,
$1, $1.25. The prices are such the
goods cannot last long. Take ad
vantage of these rare bargains by
coining at once.
The Pat Market
Fresh Salmon Trout and Halibut
K7-t Commercial Mtrect.
Tl.i-y w-n- r-!
r:iz i:n . t' ,ii';x
,i: 7,.ji thl jf:
Hshir.B lu 1! ik
nn thi Ir own r" "if-
IT III Jll llf.' ir.lltne.V roUI't
ni' .". tr..'S I uri'l
r It.iy. nnil the nuniir
were taki-n .mil w.irr-ntH tr thr owi.frt
will l- urn out at on. At nrth h in"
a numlwr of flhfrmtn were out, but thoy
re v.ry foxy and ilropix-il inh atpl lifts
ovt-rlioanl wh'-n thf- .i the patrol om
Ini?. thus avol'llnif arrant. When one man
a board"! he wis uk"l to K and
p'.rk up hU net, hut refused. He .ild he
nas ti.ihlnic for Cn-orKe & Murker. Ills
net w.m llxhed up and hrouiflil to the city,
where it was plared under Kuard all nk'hi.
Mr. M'tiulre ay that he Is noInK out
.iKiln today and will keep up ihe work
un,.. Illegal fishing Is stopped. He means
An interesting story was told yesterday
by one of the boys on the Bailey Gatiert
of an exciting race across the bay yestcr.
terday afternoon with the Potter. He said
they started out of Pillar Rock about tne
same time with the Potter a quarter of a
mile In the lead. "We put on full steam
and Captain Johnson, who was at the
wheel, determined to overtake the Potter,
which was being steered by Captain Mc
Cullough. The sight was a beautiful one.
The smoke rolled out of the stacks or
both boats In heavy volumes and the
water was lashed to foam under the
wheels We soon overtook the Potter and
ran alongside of her, there being but a
few feet of blue water between us, then
It became a matter of nip and tuck. Pas
sengers waved their hats and handker-
chiefs and the excitement became Intense,
Ibe boats were now so close together that ,
the suction was very great. Three times
'lie Potter hit us, once breaking our
fender. We rather Imagined that Captain
MeCnllough aided the suction to give us
a rap that would have a tendency to re
tard our progress. They then commenced
to i row J us out of the channel and finally
ran us over Into shoal water near beacon
No. 2. Hut even then they did not get the I
best of us, as the Caizert was Just as
good a runner on dry land as In the main
channel. We soon got over the rands
Into deep water and ea-slly ran away from
them, winning the race to Astoria, where!
we st'pped at one of the Cppcrtown ran-;
ii-ries to unload freight."
A. I'.
i oumy
Hammond and wife to Clatsop ; ' n"'1 regarding fishing should be on
(trip of l.xnd 30 feet wide In see-! forced. The people who will support the
township s north, range 'J west; l. j proposed measure have u right lo crlll
A. Uowll.y and wife to Clatsop t ' "') condition of affair and see that
S. i.
strln of land 1(0 feet wide in mi-.-I
township 8 north, range I west;
II. C. Jeffers and wife to Clatsop county,
lip of land ,;a feet wide In section ), j
township north, range 9 west: II. ,
The farmers tlitoi)ghoilt the county are
taking much Interest In the proposition
to establish a co-operative creamery In
Astoria. They realize that the dairy '
business is the greatest Industry In this
county for the farmer ant that when the
ere.iim.Ty business Is reduced lo a science, ;
their Income from the business will bo so
enlarged us to make them lair prollts and
make It an object for others from the east
to Join them In the business, it Is con
fidently expected that within a hort time
there will be ten caws where there Is now
Mr. J. C. Ryerson, of Elsie, was In yes-
for. !ih and
ami I'uttcrn arc here.
i. rOuy irnl :,i'.k in in Astnrlui . i rl'T
Ihur hit) li.. ly in iu i . t r t of tl..-. .uaii
tu-li vi-.l 111 tin' ip inn ry T"i .i:'.i
th-'ln'!lvl i-i.irator. "VV.. .ui! k ""
fi.iC to l!h th. irri'ii'ry anl
work f ir Hi' m. V an nit.n.-l in
i iri-nt i.TMor l 'r illir t
h"Jld be i hH-lK.! He U .1 K Jod III -t II p r
sonally, but has been there So long ti't
he Is II pet of the nullity court all I d
not give the attention to our n ssit.e
that he should Without roads we are
h.ind. upped. mid roads we Intend to hve
If the county court does not umpt ttie
proilt!on to purei hae the mw mill f ir
road purposes It will make a great mis
take u nd Jeopardize the Intcr'-xti of tne
entire community. We tire with you on
the creamery and we want you with us
on the roads.
Vesterday afternoon the Foard It Htokes
Company re. elved two sample, boxes ol
separators direct from the Hvenska Cell-,
tnfug Altle lloliKet. Htoikholm, Bwedcii.
They are the smaller slxeg of Ihe cele
brated Umpire style of separators, patent
ed lit Hweden and largely used throughout
that country. The Hwedlsh farmer be
lieves In modern methods.
Protect the Fish, Regardless of
Tho Astoria Progressive Commercial
Association Is much Interested In this
question and very anxious that Commis
sioner Me'iultc should promptly closo Ihe
lushing season. The association Is Ihe
prime mover In the effort to secure at the
!n,.xi session of the legislature tho passage
of u bill for an appropriation to aid In the
propagation of salmon nnd to furnish the
means for Ihe more elllcient management
of the llsh and game department of the
state. The lack of funds has greatly ro-
tarded the splendid work being done by
'Commissioner Mcdulre. Tim magnitude of
the commercial fisheries of Oregon do
mands the strongest support of the peo-
.pie at large. It has been frequently shown
In these columns that other slates do
more financially to protect, us well as
propagate ibelr gamii llsh than does Ore
gon to protect and Increase Its great com
merclal flitln rles. The Progressive Asho
iiailoti feels that 11 any progress Is lo
lie made in the way of securing the
needed legislation, the laws which are In
,""" n"r '"'allng all around. If the
r"'" cnmoiiK is lo tin preserved II can-
not be done If fish are laken Just nt
spawning time and a majority of the
",irriH 'roje.i. I he Association H strong
'"'imi mm even u me season Hap
pens to be short nnd Ihe packers urn be
hind with orders the law should bo ob
served in order that future seasons may
be prosperous,
'Die sewing circle of the Swedish Linn
ern church, Cppertown, will give a so-
dablo Saturday, beginning nt H p. m. At
the same time many line article! will be
of ihe lle$uMa, Edition of
the Astorian to your friends
The best advertisement ever
published of Astoria.
R egatta - Specials -
Every Sailor hat in
to bo closed out at
Ladies black brocado mohair
skirts, full width, lined with
good taffeta. Velvet- &. -n
een bound, only h" Ou
Ladies all wool colored ekirts.ful I
width, best lining, well made,
volveteen bound. Cp-r.
only 2.50
Tli Only HIopo Thnt MoIIm CHonp
Heilborn &
Sl'KClAL SAI.K Jiiiuusv Liiit ii Warp Muttin.
Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland.
. m
fine! licntH I iirniHliitig ChhmIh
West Shore
Wood ...
Fir Cord Wood -Slab
Wood - -
Cut and
Vine Mnple nnd Spruce Limba.
You Save Dollars
By Purchasing Your
Drags. Patent Medicines
and Toilet Articles of
Th only cut-rale drii stum wbi-re
every artit-lo ia soM lrto!i'i -r pi nt,
less tlinn the maniifnriiiri'r's prire.
Mem words don't tell it nil. Here uro
soniH pricrs. Hernetnlter every 1'iitciit
Medieine, Toilet Article or Druif is sold
at rut rules.
Oar mnil order Ihihuichs Iiiih treliled in
ii year, iM-rmtsn everyoiio witliiti IKHI
miles of rortlNim can save niunry ,y
traditiK with us.
Cut -rati'
tu lu
I'.f i"iliir
l l'i
. I M)
A l! in k ii Pnr'UH rimti'n
Ay.'ii' rHriiimrl'lii
r.itliT I'liii
f'llit.irlM ;',
S''nli' Kiiiuhlnii ki
II'mhI'h ssrunpitrllls i in
I'iiIim-'ii tN'lery t'ftiiipiiiiiiil im
Hyriin f Klf, i
liri-Knn HIimmI I'uijlliT mi
I'lt'trM M K-virlti' l'r"'rliiliiii mi
I'ler'-e's (il lull Mi'illi iil ih-
mvery I hi
1'lc en l'nli.
Vi IIIIim' 11 ii U l-illj ,t)
ijulliliiii 'Hnulni, or Miur
cuiili"! 'Inlilnl, In hoitli'M
' 'in! ilnlnu KI I kiiiIii
(iinliiM t hiHtilt'R, or
Ic.llC'l lllhit, in li t I J i
( uiiliiliilnv HSI kiuIii Xi
islnlne 'ii i.Miili'H, or Hiiu'.tr-
I'llllll"! Tllill'lH, III llllltM
ciiiilnlli'iiu i' l-Kriilii ,-
' ti Inl in (,'niiiilf'i., nr hiitr.r-
I'llHll'll 'l.llll'IH, I" llllMll'1
1'niitnliiliiK imi'iKraln
We Imy direct from tho imiiiiifiictiiri'rH
in ipiHiititicH, wliicli Heeuri'H the
This ennlilt'H uh to rotail ut wholeHiile
We puy trniiH)ortiition clinrjfen to Am
toriii on nil orders for ilriii or pntent
medicines iinioiinlinu to 5 or over, wlien
iiccompuiiieil hy the cmhIi.
Our photoKMphio dcpartniciit will in
terest you. Every new thiritf in photou
nphy is in Btock, nnd It will delimit iih
to have, you cull, wlietber you Imy or not.
Woodard, Clarke & Company
Cut-Kate I)rii((lsts
Fourth end Morrison, Portland, Ore,
tho houso
almost half
out at
Lot 2 All
out at
out at
and Carpet..
mills Go.
3.75 per Cord
2.50 " "
Meat may look good, tut
is it? Some people can
tell food meat when they
see It. Tbey can say
whether It Is tender by
feeling It. but nine peo
ple out of ten can't. If
your purchase Is made of
us you may rest assured
the meat is all right and
If It's not the very best
when It's served. It's In
the cooking.
...Fancy and Staple Groceries...
Fruit Jars uml Jelly (iIiinnch.
Willi tin; Fruit togo in tltcin
If you can't be Queen
of the Regatta , buy
your groceries of DeYo
and Get a fine dinner
set free.
Wo aro going to closo out evory
Shirt waist wo havo in Stock at
groat reductions In prico. We
placo thorn in throo lots.
Lot 1 All our 60c percalo Shirt
to be closed
our 75c porcalo Shirt
to bo closed
Lot 3 All our $126 percalo chani
bry blouso front 8hirt
Waist to becloeod nr
In a Woman's Care
almost avrry aril Is of w.rlnj apparai
1 will last lonr than It lookoj after br
, a man.
dirn womvn li'flfcl f'
Klines of (In apprarsnr. rs'hor tbaa
(uixl qualitr. attrart th.m
llul In tiilvtfltf ah.MA hr It la tBk
I to mtk a mtstak. Th ap-
prsrsnr. anj styU la all that th mo
fattlillitus rouM and th oallty2
kpt psr with btith.
Our pr!r sr. rfM a woa4r-i
; fully low by wis buyr.
Petersen k Brown.
Kih. ol S'lnlli St trot
Electric Lights -Electric Bells -Frto
Sample Foom-All MoJern
K. M. (ll'XN.I'rnprlo.
..Prieen Lower
Thnn ICver