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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1898)
THE DAILY AST0R1AX, TM'KSPAY MORMXU, AKU'ST 11, 18.8. 2ND INSTALLME.NT OF Wise Sayings BY Herman Wise The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. If you Aon't rtA our saying,, you miss mxn food radlnf, irood sdvk and rood Barfalna. From local hotel; "Not responsIHa for diamonds, bicycles or other TaJuablea kpt tindeMhe pillows; they slhould b d- ixittd In th safe." Ovw 1,000 Suit to IMvt from at Her nut Wk'l lr; suits from $5 to $35. Trial of Uw suhj U txprariv; you ca try on on of our Suits f nothing. Irony uf Pats 4mndor fl,-i!ey sent Ovara's IWt Vi th bottom of lh ; Chlf Stockton Intends to mA Cevera's 0t up In lh lr during th Reftaita Dlcht Parade; TVhy l tho Tt'rru such a rrat uc ounl Dtrtuw Mr. Wm. Goslln la rnnu ont. H Is a rrduat from tht mviir S.ld Colas of Rustler. "Ise's Hat Department la eorapM; th tat shapes, th pcti!iit shade. A drawing; combination Wise's Vlen Shirt and Irwr. How many Mile to Porto Rico? Thrt only one Ml!, and Pln thinks t ii too many. There's on, clothier who knows how to tak car of bit customers Herman Wis. th Reliable Clothier. Thcre'l soon h a rhong in th UkI , roatoffle. Ther will b a rwd looking, ' TODAT'S WEATHER. ralr. AROUND TOWN. REGATTA ED1T10X on sale at the business office at 10 cents per copy, ready for mailing. a.--- . ... THURSDAY. j r--w. - Out of the thadow of nlftt. The world roll Into light? It Ii daybreak ever)"wJi'r. Uongfellow. Ttie bonded warehouse wa clofvd yes terday. Mra. F. P. K-nl.ill and Mr. N-lon Troyer are vltlr.g In Pn!nd. A C fine w impoaed on Matt Kanees In the police court yeeterday on a charje of drunkenness. ; Captain J. A. Johnon. of the Point Adms life aavlng crew, was tn lie city yesterday. Manager Krati of the Louvre reports having lust re'-elve-J a car.oaii oi uio i Hickory ' whisky. The creamery meeting, to take place at. 1 o'clock Saturday, pr- miw to be a very; Interesting onv, Tnoe at Beaside wlhlng ihe Aftortan will find It on sale. freh every morrdr.t. t the Palace restaurant. m" " ' Mlsi Laura G. Humbel arrive-t In the tlty from Portland yeterday on a visit with her mother. Mr. T. O'Br.en. Jame Davla waaadjudfted lnah In tR county court ytiterday .nd waa taken to Salem by Sheriff W'illlaroi lat night. lllfe. When coupled with this Is the f-i-1 An eaamlnatlon for clerka and carrier .ow,nlp of congenial spirts the flow of 1 will be held at the postofflc-o between Otto-j pPaj(ant conversation and ei'-hanire or! ber 1 and 15. application for which will : rjht thoughts over the dinner In the Close Bejitember 1. ( wood little else Is to be de'lred. The ; " " j care of life are forgotten nnd unalloed: The hlpment of froren salmon and , ,,Mure ruiH, one ,)ay a, ieast. Try I pickled salmon from Astoria this season. and pa. a vl, t tv,e fountain of youtn! Ii estimated at WW tons, or J tons of eacn. i Bn,j (1,jn., (orcn ,),at the steamer MlP-r; This was largely hlitied to the eastern. w(il )eavp h.p at 9 -,-r. xy,n morn-; CI Uet. ' Ing and thas tickets can i e at 'jr.tfln , 4 ' u R.-el's htore. ' The West Shore Mills company have Just i , received u large lot of fir cordwuod from Stella, Wush., which they are offering at very low figures, another column. See advertisement In Nes was received last night from Point Adaris that the body of u man had been found floating near that place. Coroner Polil, on receipt of the news, chartered a boat and went down to Investigate. Harper whisky on your sideboard proves i-.fu t ..ner.tet Tt uriiVnri lllo!h;it '"' '""c v" ' you are doing yourouiy to your jun. ajio to yourself-keeping the tlnest wisky ob tainable. Sold by FounI At Smkes, As toria, Oregon. Mr. 0. AV. louiihberry returned from Portland vesterday and t-roiivht with him nine more regatta .rli.-s. presented by th- Portland committee. Among the lot were,,,, iwu Mwwni'c M....Mu.n u.. gold mounted pipe. koUik, hunting oat. box Indian Kldn-y Cure. AV. Snyder, Chinook; T. Condon, F. W. Monroe. Marcus Ronl, ip ii-t.rtu 11' U. M. Mimtelll. Mrs. H. Alvlri, F. A. Ken ncy, Mrs. F. A. Kenney, Margaret Ki'ii tiey, Miss llrey, Kdna Ourran, J. Ii. Mul lay, Poftlnnd; James T. Lee, Svensnn; Wrong! The tea-business was taken up by the wrong end roast ing tea way off there in Asia and letting it get stale on the way here 1 Not Schilling's Best. pieaoant yours fellow In piac of thai homely old cuss. I At th ratf Herman Vi U nve-iv'.r iVw1 nvw, h mux Intend to fit out , v.ry man ami boy tn and around Astoria. I W don't agr with MoKlnley protec i tlon on ahT, but w rather Uka him for ! prtctlnT th Oulwn whom the Span'" have slaisyhtered like stWp, Nrw ssv-k f 8.cks, Nevkwev.r, and sun. dry neeewarles fr rntlmn at Wis . Wouldn't yvu rather deal with a cMht'r who I ur-to-lat tvth In running hit tore and buyw hta stock. If you want ' fresh, nobby pxl. tmde with Wis. Vle'a la the lightest jtora la Astor. You so what you're buying, j Why la Herman WW like a towpiw? , llrotuw he can nxit n.toiy. I Wlae'a CVyhea maemble the l'hllinin ' X"edltlon. There I (.Jwieral Merritt In I them. ' Of oiMirae you're no Siwiiird, but if you'd IHX one of VIt ;yllb uit. ou would be pr(wntahle at any court Ita better to av rxri by trading with Wle. lhan to be bom wl:h a cock tail In your mouth. W dn't took aa funr.y aa our Ad would tndtewte. but we do feel that we can At you out better than any oM utort in town. 'R"metnter the name,' HERMAN WISK. Th Reliable Coheir and Hattrr. LOWNEYS CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA ' Fred Proeden. Jr.. Bol; Silaa B. Smith ' and wife, Idlewlld. are reflatertd at t(e I Murray. 1 The county court yesterday called for a (vmniunlcatlcn from the PivjTesMve Aasociation Wfore taking any further action In the matter of purchaalnc the 'mill for road purpoe. Mr. W. J. Inical; examined the mill yeterday and aay that It l new and Jut aulted f-T the pur pose, and that at the chMp price of fcw the county would make nvney by the deal and could afford to tarow ;t away when through with It .;" Sound aalmon rinnerles hnv had th'lr first lare mn of Uh durlnir the ii. 'Some of the larse'.t'jtlor.s have ha'! j catches up tn fl-h dilly. and If the. j run keep up the park will be a f:r ne. t T.e movement of tih. h wever. is nearll i two we-ks !;iter than t)'.ii!. "n the .'-! j I'jmMa. (he ae- k's k h.i !n mti.-h !arer than ear!l-r In th lw.titin. Sut ! there is sti'.l a large .!i r--pan- y f-.m ; I what would b termed Kvd years. We? j i . o-it Trade. I Mr. P.oUert R. R:u-r.l. Bn- ril ag-r.t Tor the Paiflc Coast, head'i'iarters San Krat'.- o, ard Mr. A. j. IJ.irk-r. a'-nt. P"rtl!nd. f'-r the i.'h.-iif.i u:..l acent, Portland, for the Chlf.nro ,v Northweterr. Railway Co.. were In th lty yent-rday. Mr. R. h:. who has been ith the Northwestern f .r It years. ;i on ,hls annual trip over his territory, and w-ic the p! asare of a ride down th "o;u3iia. He stated that the Northwesm think a Prat de-1 of Astoria. To.iay Is the 1a nr..l 9 o'clo- V j . tne e'VPnt whi, h ls t0 the ; ! future of the week. The ojtlnat i urW 1 the ausplres of the ladies' alld of (irj..; (, raUrch. It has become faytht tht what-) ,vef the ru;11 urd-rliiSe. It & s-K'ess, ; Unl thin will pNVo ho exception to the; l"jl. A da wl'.h nature, spent on the j I t,.iiika of a beautiful trout stream, where I rn! of the runrjin W4ter blends with j jtnat bf the br,!g .rf, a ywlr t0 on. , ; Conner Pohl held an ln'jui-st yesterday i 'on the body of J. H. Hallock. who was found tlo-atlng In the riwr Tuesday morn-j ' Ing. Josejih llalleck. father of de':-ase,j. , arrived from Castle Ro k In the morning and George llalleck, a brotb-r. who H i employed In a logging cump at d'hlatnet. came down In the evening and was pres ent at the Inquest. The father tf the un-. , fortunate man I'ieritUlw the bly by the. clothing as that of his Bon. aged 21, arid, a school le.'ii-h.-r by profe?lon. He Mtatel ' the young man left home aliout thru- ' weeks ago. and had about Ji" with him. j I Me bft for Vancouver anil slopped ..ff at K.ilama. where h. i olle.-t' d l from tin- county treasurer, lie was T-rompariM ' by a yohtiir man n.imeil :unie. He j ur.ifi home frr.m ':t -.'i-e u.eii..r ix.. ..,.ur,.,J a Jfjl ,n lhe ..fliUth.. ,1,,., , ,,,.,.,., !t MltTVl.mU ,. WI,,,,. ! hlJ hn,.h,.r , r(lIh,m,., ,,,, h;, ! , w ,lch In a reifUlere.1 i.i.L.ilo IV... ' j Ing hist mother to keep It until srn- heard. i rum nun. jus urotner states In: nod Oeen s-eri l.v .in rif(in:tlnf :i ro l-'rl.l-.i.' !..- ..i : ' " ' ' "i II,...,,, ,.oin, on W.r,l tl. tJ,.i...e '111 .was the last that wis ,; 0f him. I I Kulion made .1 careful examination of'tfie body but could find no evMeU'es of. foul Iplay and In his opinion death was due from drownliisr. The Jury, after hearing 1 the evidence, returned a verl'i' t "that P i ceased c.imu to his death by drowning on lor about August r,." The remains will be j conveyed to Castle Rock today, where the ; burial takes place. NOTICE TO UVEKX VOTERS. I Hoxes at the various business hounes are now open to receive voteK. At one half cent per vote. Iiallots will not be opened until Friday morning. Hy Order Regatta Committee. Just Received for Fall of 'O Plush Copes. Novelty Cloth Jackets. Novelty Cloth Capes. High Novelty Fur Collarettes.; Standard Wrappers. Thi'so UoihIu Arc Marvels Sale at Very liMsoiiablo I'rioe. - Them at Once. Helta McDonnell Have you seen our two-clasp chamois Gloves, with em broidered backs? Albeit Dunbar, September Delineators West Shore Wood Fir Cord Wood Slab Wood Cut and Vine Maple nnd Spruce Limbo. The Pat Market Fresh Salmon Trout and Halibut R7-I Commercial Htreet. FISHIXO SEASo.V CISKI. R. -m.trk.i'.: Year rt Pa in Miny K.-peot j k of .m on. i lose the seas. in promptly on account ot ,. . future lell.ul hi. I shall pitrol th- river The rt-hirnr "-a-on ,1-e.I at mldnU-ht ,nn(l(ht nn. nh,.rm l1 ,., n,Mng ia.t r.U-ht. only aUut h .lf the tWhtrtf )(. ,, , ( ,,;lt, , n. o!h..r t!eet sailed out to the sr-unds yes- , kjm ftf (.r f foi,ii(1 w)h (.-h f ter.!ay evening, although .julte a few """...nd the men arrested and dealt th ac ere taken th- previous nlKht. Most all, iiril!n(, ( Uw , h , fr (r. the fleh-rm-n are lad the seas-n Is en j ,, w., Jhl,,C,n ,h ,.om. as It had been disappolntinK In a r-t , mM,mr f (,th ,., hlv ,., llrrM1, mar.y res;e , ts. At no time during h- sea- ! Jllrl,,1Klln ow.p , rtV(.r An. ,.,lB,rp, -m as ther- anythlr.a- like an averu r,)tm,, klrHf nrh on hf, n , piimmUi. ......a . In July was sucnetr.lnr phenomenal, nnu aevral up-river P.ohermen money. 'hich Is the unly r-: made tin uveimiig i" ture or '.he pa' seasoo. A well known fl-E-rman yestenlay In jeaklr:g of the sentiment amonf the flsh frrr.en In regSM to flhng nf.-r the close j! the season, said : "The Eshern.j3 Want to quit after the1 tentn. even If there was no law against f.-hlng 'hen. This talk of .ontlnalng the season Is r:.!lculous. as th- fish are on the.r way to the spawning ground, and If Pish Commissioner M'-Oulre did not en force the law he would not be doing his duty. To slaughter the salmon when they are about to spawn, and then ask state legislatures for apprprlations for hatch-erle-s Is too Inconsistent, and no sensible person would think of doing It." A carefully pre-pared estimate of the pack of the season shows a shortage of about J)." cases. During the past few days 5 to Z't cents was paid for flub, and It was statei yesterday oy one cann-r man that ir the men went out urter tne pith he would py 1 cents. Parkers have sold as mu'h as they did last year, but ; buyers will be short. In making the est!- mate It was explained thiit It was a very d.rflcult matter, since i mm h nsh is packed In half-pound tins, eight dozen to the case, while the standard of measure ment Is the pound ctin, four doz-n to tne case. The figure for the neu,n given be- loW Will, it way: i!..I, not far oUI of the Cas-s. 3VV") Pi,.V) S. Elmore Columbia Packing Co Antorla Packing Co., M. J and I'tiioti Co-opeaive Klnm.-y Packing I'jW llcVW ii isi Co A. I'.'io'h Pm-king i jo 'P-orge & liark'T Norm Shore Eu.-ek i i::.'ssi iiPimiii. tborn .-: i i .iiinern i- ., J. i 1 1 n -ml Ii. A. i-'iaborg I :7 vsi H,'SI K.issj S'e.l l.dinavlalt Pa. kllg 1 o '. J. W. t: V. Cook Aberdeen i'l.'SSJ P. J. M'-'Jowan 11. li e hii. rt Pa i king 'o ;.' Pillar 7tok H.'ioo J.''. Megler n.'rO Warren Cathlami-t; ll.WI Warren (Cascades) ;,oi)o y:am Hu JHcH Pac). ume eking Co. ... Total XI-VA1' There was a r'-port current yesterday that one of the Astoria i-onncrlcs had pur I'hased 't.Vt) cases of wilmon from an up river packer, but the rumor was not veri fied. Htate Game and Fish Commissioner 11. Ij. M'juire arrived In the oily yesterday for tTie purpose of enforcing the closet season. When questioned by an Astorlani - r,r.":;zr"- .mail a copy carried out to tho letter, and belle ve rhut of the Regatta Edition of most fishermen want to observe the law.!,-, lot.irisin'tn unn f,'o,,Io It would be a very ior showing for can-1 nerymen and merchants to petition for legislation In aid of propagation of fish of lVauty nttl W11 1U otTenvl for . Intending Havers Should See ZSSt&JSSm Cor. !ih anl Coninit'rcial Si reels and Pattern are here. (Dills . Go. 3.75 per Cord 2.50 " " Delivered and th.'lr protection an. I th. ti t ini anund ! .it tut kill the flh Just m the sp.twtdtiK tltiiiv Here Is n telegram I have Just P'i ! VI-.I i 'a-hli h states that It Is very important to ,.osed ami the owners i.rose. ut-d ut Wanhlngton amierte that I may find running will b- prosecuted, If have to an, mi,,,. thr n.mpiai,,,, mys,.f. Tti-re snuuiii bfl unanimous acti'n ill twin stafi and Joint law. for the propagation and I proteitlon of salmon. I hear It rumored here today that the Pillar Rick nnd rath lamet canneries will close promptly, but that other Washington canneries will con tlnue to puck. "Ai to the trips. It has alw ays Ix-en the custom to permit such trupn as were down before the closing hour to be lifted at the next low tide after the closing hour. No change in this repe t will be made this year." FAVORS CREAMERY. Yesterday one of the members of the Progressive Association received the fol lowing letter: John Day, Augunt 7, 'in. Deur Sir: In answer to yours of the jtn In regard to number of cows In tills VI- ,.ny VoU a n,t 0f ,,ime, Whi, h In- riu,n w, mll h cows. The number of cows ,.an l)e ,u1)1p,j i( nijl tr t,l,..l. and all live wn, a m(. un, u n,,f of tne raneond tatni f the Progressive Assoi latloii can establish it creamery at Astoria. It j will do more for the benefit of 'latso county than any nther Industry, as It will rurnlsh a cosh market for the farmers main product, make business that t h community con earn monoy to pay taxes and good roads and all public Improve mi nts will roilow as u natural t otise- rjuence. I remain, jfry respectfully yours, HOWKI.L I.KWIH. Another ettT 'if same date and tenor from Chris Peterson promises !'ol cows. The prospects of the crenmcry never wo re better. H( M'lARI.K. "lie sewing circle i,f the Hwedlsh l-utn- ern church. I'ppcrfown, will give ;i so l iable batnpJay. beginning .,t h p. m, Al the same lime many fine articles will lie nold. The reg.Ht.i commit tee yesterday ar ranged the program of events and will publish It today or tomorrow. The prizes will bo llxtcd on the program. Never ln- C.'l"" i fore has there been presented on a re S.C'igatta program such (in array of attract Ive features. The ballots for queen will not be counted until Friday morning, and the ballot boxes lire open today for votes. ;ut one-half cent each. There will be Y. men from Han Francisco who will enter skiffs, outriggers, single skull and barge races, Duppuse, the famous single oars mini of Han Frawlwo, will row In the In ternational contest for the Portland tro phy. ,, , , , . v. ' , iae ueai uduertiserntnc ever published of Astoria. ...For Boys and Girls.. "Mascot" Kid Gloves Aro the Best Every Pair Guaranteed Woar Only the Mascot and Have the Best Wo Havo Them in All Shades SHANAHAN BROTHERS THo Only Hlorc Thnt Molls Cltcnfi Heilborn & Son aFr... Sl'Ki'lAL S.M.K Jn'tiiiti'ii W'urp Matting. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland. i P. A. STOKES, s . . . i V.IUlllltl'' nnd (icntH' Furnishing (hkhIh CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. Clearance sale of broken lines of I sAtnr nrt A sP1iIaIam' OLa.. f than cost. Childrens' sandals, 25 35, 50, 75c and $1. Ladies' 50,75, $1, $1.25. The prices are such the goods cannot last long. Take ad vantage of these rare bargains by coining at once. THE BEE HIVE You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs. Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The only cut-rate drug- store where every article In sold IS to ll'i r cent, less than the muntifuctnrvr's price. Mere words don't ti ll it nil. Hero are sume prices. Henicmlier every Tuti'tit Medicine. Toilet Article or Driitf in told nt cut rates. Our mail order business has treliled in n year, tierailse everyone within Mull miles of rortliind can save money ly irauing with tia. Our Keioilrtr Price . II .. I 11 Cut-rule 1'ilie to PI i, 'i Allcix k porous Clusters Ayeis SNrsnparllla Carter s Pill ;! I'i (,'aslurls '.'i .'.'i Seoll s KiiiiiNIiiii . llimd'sHsrii.tiarllla i'nllie'a Celery Coin pound Hyruti n( Ki(W Oregon llloud I'm liter Pletce s K4'urlte CrescrlpHon I'lcn e Cnlden Meilli Hl dis covery I i I "I I i VI I no 1 no I ! Pleri'e IVllels ' l Wlllisnia' I'luk I'll a VI .11 ipilnlne Cspsu e, or niigiir- coated 'Islilnts, III bol lies cunt tlnliig I1") 1-gniln n iiiiiilne I iiiules, or Muv.r- ciuiled Till. Id", In bottle. diiitiiliilng Pal '1 griiln 'pilnlne Ciipnules, or coaled 'lal'lets, III buttles coululli'iiu hXl .lKniln 1 1 'Jiiiulne Ciipiules, or H ur r- coaled 'Islilels, In bol l ie. coiitslnlng ion .'i grain .'' We Imy direct from the iniiiinfitctiirern in iiiiaiililicH, which Hecurea tlm Y LOWKST TKADK KATKH. This cimlili's iih to retiiil at wIioIchiiId Iirices. We pay tniiiMportation chaws to Ah toria on all ordera for drills or pittcnt inediciiieH iimoiintliiK to f5 or over, whitn ii(,'c(mmiiii'd hy the ciihIi. Our iliolo(rnihi(! department will in terent you. Kvery new thing in photoif rapliy is in Htuck, and it will delight his to have you call, whether you huy or not. Woodatrd Clafks & ComoaflV "uvvul4 w,v4 "w " 'J Cut-Kate DriKjiiists Fourth and Morriaon, Portlnnd, Ore. Wfyite Military Caps Gold Brnld mill U. S. In Gold UcttcrM LotCHt Crnzo of the MCfiHon Looks Meat may look good, tut Is It? Some people can tell good meat when tiey see it. Tbey can say whether It is tender by feeling It, but nine peo ple out of ten can't. If your purchase Is made of us you may rest assured the meat is all right and If It's not the very test when it's served, It's in the cooking. ROSS, HIGGINS& CO. A. V. ..Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jim mill Willi (lie Fruit Jelly (JliisHCH. to go in tllClll If you can't be Queen of the Regatta , buy your groceries of DeYo and Get a fine dinner set free. In a Woman's Care almost every art). ) of wearta tpptrfb wilt last loflftr lhan U look.d afta kF man, : ttu ,.m wom.n nrglect footMr. jDhors of fin appearanra, ratkwr Isao quality, altrart th.nv Hut In buying shos bar It H tsa- pou'.b,. to makt alstaks. Tks aa- c prsrama and styl. Is alt thai th MM llous rould, ,n4 Ik qualtty eps pr With both. our pru-es sr. rcardtf aa wosm fully low by Petersen & Brown. A1URRAY HOTEL Kimt i.f N nlfi slre.l Electric Lights - Electric Bells -Free Sample Room -All Modern Improvements. WKKKI.T KAtKn K. M. (.VNS.fruitritlor. Good ALLEIN Pricen Lower! Than ICver