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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1898)
I , J .?. . t THE DAILY AHT0K1AN, TIIUKSOAY MOKN1MU, A! OL'NT II, 18!)K. Special tutruvinaaiuwurtvwuvvwuwinniAAiAiuuvfuwuw OrUnlnl CuHomIIn and Toy. Wj mMMt rtluc Mtock nncl Hsll RgMrdlMM of Comi ....Sale Wing Lee & Co. jj ('oiiiiih ivial StiH't nnr Cooi(t'h Iry fiinlsj Ntor:. tJlAUVVUtAAAJUlATUVUVAVAAAVlAniinJVVVAlV Chas. Kan & Co :IU7 CO.MMIHUAI. HTHIin. M'iini!i.dur.T-.. IjhI.iV UNNKltWHAU nrnl Wrapi ih, etc, Tin lowi'Mt prici s in A .-florin. W't alio cany a line s(H-k f .Jii'iiinM' Fancy (hhhU, lino CliiiiMwaif, Notion and Toy at wholesale price. Estes-Conn Drug Co, Leading Druggists of Astoria UVUUUVAAI Try "pi-owfoio," a sure an! pleasant cure for the Headache. 14vnvAvruiAuw 1 1 1 . ; in u 1 u 1 ; m nuwn-w uvwinru w uvltvauu loo nto IMPERIAL Hotel TIIOH. CUJINP.AN, Proprietor Portland, Or. Mevcntli mill w 1. 1 ...... ... w. . . . . n , , . . " r-m . 5 tltruvuniiiivuir.m'nnVkuvi'inririn iiitmWiitmiMiiMMwitnMtMMffMW 1 ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY! E 'I el.iliutt Ku .IJ Handles Only the Choicest Meats 41I CmmrtUl M.. nl Plr efv.ta4.rant. i -llllimilllMlim fl 0n435 Set Up The Born Steel flange Kvtry One (iimruntwl. W.J.SCULLY Sole A.ent, 431 Bond Street. fl MMN'S OlflY OF BUYING SHOES is a way iff.ln.-V of a common hoiiw turn of mind A Mimi t woman can unit-rally tell if 11 m fits her foot, 'i hit li'in Irui' tin Ui man who tries to delude the woman makes the blunder of his life nml drives his tr.ide to n hUru where reliahlo Minos are fold find n'lfivt flitting is J'elformed. JOHN HAHN, Astoria, Ore C. J. TRENCH Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. C.intorti Houno Broker. . ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent W. r. A C11., and I'nclflc F.iprr.s Co'.. .' 't f, V"" " ' 1 ' ' truxrvnnnnnruxruwtfxn THE PALACE Astoria's Leading Restaurant Everything Htrlctly FlrHt-CloHt. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. trtv Astoria Steam Y --v - -1 --- r WHITE LAIJOK , PEKI'ECT WOKK SATISI'ACTIOX GUARANTEED. nmnt lonltflit m1 pui.ic th following from Ofi! Hlmflur! Hanltiry r-iort fnr Aiifunt Totol (iiirnli'T (l k, i.m. Total number fvr c, I.OU. Total number tin cii, 233. Totiil number of f' vrr tm- r.iurnoil to duly, 31. j Demh, Aiivunt I, fourtn. HOT TIMK IN WAU.A W'AI.I.A. W'ulU Willis, Aiilf. 1V.-AII rnl for hut wi'iilhrr ulni e tlm Mtwunhnifitt tit itw wruilirr liirimii, (wiTiiy-ii'Vcii ymr k'i, with broki-n loly whi Dm imy!riiliirr riirliMl in. Th tuiirm H,ru'h to thU lii-rctofor. wik I'M, In IMI unl IH'M, Tim wmihvr oliwrvnr iilno ri-o-iri thl llin loiiMi'Ht MrlHt of wurm wmthifr ev"-r rworiliHl hi-ri, lh nuiiliniim tiinipioir ilurltiK ttin lint nrtii'ii ,)uy r.uiKliiK from HI to in. I lin lowint i'riiriitur ilnrtng Hint (mtIihI lirltiK ISO. KKITKIt'H IIIO MoltTOAKM. I ulriijfo, Auk. Two rmrt;if uKKr'' K"tlnK . .' wi-ri) lllnl nlili Hit- cm my rirorli-r toilay hy lvl '.. IaIIit mil liln wlfK. ' iTMl Ml 4 T Clll. THE EICELTOE OF SHUPOPHCS U du not onljr U tlm orl(flnllty tod Implicit of tlm cfitrililmitlon, but aUo to tlm cur ami nklll with which It U maiiufacturtid by m lctitKlu pruvcMn- known U tlm C'Ai.iroiiNi Vut Hvmv Co. onljr, mill wu wUh to lniiri, upon all tlm liiiporUnrn of puri-lialnff the tru anil orllnul renitdy. A the gunulne Hyrup of Fljf in ninufactuiv( by the CALironm F10 HtHvr Co. only, a knotvlKilvn of tliul fMrl will ! T,n mnniii- 't ilrnn lii fiivor ot alt one n avolillnir tlm w,,rfl,l,. NurUii.m-rn Moiiml l.l.v Intlori linltatlona niMnufucturi.,1 l.v,ti..r ..... ri l"''-r ru" " Ilea. Tin hltfh ntamlln of tlm Cam ruit.MA Flo HuM't Co. with the medi cal profnanlon, ami thu tatlhfactlon which the if'-milii') Hyrup of Fljfa haa Klven to iiiIIIIoiih of fuiiiilim, nmki- the iiume of tint ('oiiihuiiv a vnuruniv of tlmc.-,.ii..of llarriiinly. It U j ,i( i. ., ... Auk in -Th r-'imMH n. far In ailranm of all oilier laxative, oa It ai.'ta 011 this klilneyii, liver anil I ll-iywunl aovi-rnor. bowela without irritntln or weaken- ' 'vhr l'ltform l t.rl.-f mut ko.'h to n- It) If them, Ntnl It iim nut r. nor ri'",,'i In noiM-rvaiinm, illtnii-i.iit( (Mr liauwat. In oriliT to fit I In heiiefldul of i iinl ,11 wltti Iti 1 1 ii.i.if h' mi'iii 01 1'i'iw.w ii Klni,. pro-I I ionl ii-niui of ,,-.n. 1 Mi- plutform rf-j , ,i i iii n tin- titration ni Hi. IxiiIk iuhI I 1 ollllliu. i I "Hp iin- In fovor of ihi- ni.iliiicn.ui' r I of tin- pn-pii-nl xol.l Hlim liTil an. I nrr u ri ; nlli i,m,h. , l. I hf fir.: Mini uhtlni- .-l ioIii.ik,. nf fllvrr. In thu bunk wrt mill burning when in Morm City arrlvi-il hr. Thn for Ih firm tlmn the troopi lrrneil nf tnilr (lMnr. ' The nm w.r. extln ijliil after the ahlp hil b'tn In port a few hour. On boBH the M or Kan C'liy wrrt Vn mn nt the Mnho volunteer ami s detach ment of N'ebrenka volunteer. lil lMJlNa OF riATTI,KHII'8 I'ln by Wbl' h They Will Mike Over 17 Knot J'r Hour. M'K INI.KY AMy-UfillT. 'Ni'liritKkM I(e;.ubllMiie X(iin:.ii'i. li .vi-rnor I un'l KiKlorii- Hi. iJinfo I'l'itf irrn. i ffoetn, pleiiM- reinemlM r llnr nuinc of the t oniiatiy QUrORMA FIG SYRUP CO. I'lliX ll II, !. tot mi.l, ki. .irw I ttHK. . T. ir..ll,-til II. Hinnl.l.'l. of lb I'roaree hr A ii 1 1 .ri. pur. liiiw.l llir hrrt ioiy of lllr AKl'ill kll I'K.HIll llltlil for iti.iri. r of ib-llur, lilih will friim-u Hli'1 liilllK lip III Oil' "til' e II li. I AI'MIKAI. MIM.KK'U Kl.Ai,rtllll'. Hm U o. AiikukI Pi -Tin- fn; Hl.iire rii.i ii-.'f- r AllmtroM. f'rnirly tie- lt.iilili of MiIIit, h;i ln-r. ,.p,i'i,'l lo Hii, June ill, ; j.i I .-in . I a uri.i lll e.ill fur ItMt fori txloy. Hrvi-nl HKOit li have i'ImpskI kltii c mi Atm ri'-an H.iinlnp Ii.ik In-, n t.iioin i In iju.Ui-iii.iliin .iifr. Tin- AH'.iirocn Kill r- 111.1I11 coinh unlll ilie I r..ull, nulmUr. New ork, Auauet Pi, A to the Trlliurut from Wiiahlmtton, miyu. The nnval boiird of ronetructlon hai de ildnj not to nnke now d"iKn for the Imttlenhlpe Maine, MIourl and (hlo. but to recommend to Hcoretary Ihk tht the bid for thiMie'veioiil. be opened Heptem Wr I. Thin ni lion wan In ri np'inee to n mji'Ktlon proiioumlrd io the board a week HKO ..y the aeiri-tary, who anke-l whcthT In vli-w of the rltlclm which had been made n-aurdlUK the ep'-ed of tho vemielii aa orfclmillr de!Knel, It mlifht not te oetier to recall the circular Ueued to ahlp- l.ulbPra and delay the openri(f of Mde after Heptemlr 1. In order that new j,l tn could be withdrawn. Thla union by the board, while It ap parently favor, alxteen knot ehlpa. In rt'illty doea nothlnif of the kind, but 'Im ply emphatic the belief heretofore M prerl by a majority of I't m'mbi'ra that ahlpbulldi-ra ahould have an opr tunlty to declare whether they will be wlllldK to KiiarAitee a H-rd exi eeditia; 17 knot., which all but one of the ra'-m- Un of the Iward are confident nhould lit ohtnliieil under the original ape'-ltlcatlona. The only member whj illen:ed from the i.Vc:,loti reauhed wj K"itlne-r-ln-viilef M.-lvlll.:, w ho rulimHo d eleven com plete p!a of MiRinef, txti:iil-.ln lm- prini -menta upon thoee f ineil Into the or.xliml j. t, I ; throuah remr.cMon ' to ittci nml bulkhead. Taking advaiitatte of the opport unity of fered to ahlpbulidera by which they mUtit ubmlt alternative plana, keepir-.a; the I name welKhta Hnd Keneral arranKemerit of upace. C'ommilore Melville rhowed nine plana, all of which he guar-mteiM would Klve a !! ixc cilli: 17, t knot, with a refiurtlon In aorne Instaniei of one huiulrcl ton, of coal, but at the .ime tlm-.; a Kreii(i-r radlua of action. to land owygna. Nobles 1 hereby elven that a committee aa been duly appolntefl by the Aetnrla I'rorreiw(ve t'ommerouvl AawHrlntlon to obtain all Information ponaibl. recardlnf t irmlnnr. dairying and fto:k land In ClnU ip county and the lower Columbia river which can b aecrured in fony and fifty acre tract. The object of the aaaodatlon la io In duce Immigration. Any peraon deelrlna; to dlnpoae of cer tain land or portion thereof will con fer a favor on the committee ly either nviklne; the matter known or addreaaina; them at the earlient pomilbld data a to tlon. the loy:atlon, quality and price of theae land. LAND COMMITTEE Aworla Progrnlva C'ommerrtjl A.taoola-tion. J. B, WYATT, Aataele. Orf fkea. Na. Tu ltll ON U'Alt VKHSKI.S. (Continual from Klrt F ) K.iii 1' Ire, Aurih! l i -ll'-nry T. S..iit. preniili-m .,f the fiiloh Iron V.,rki. Ill J". .iln r 1,-iVe for ahil,ai jll, pre p.unl ti I on nil t'..iea 0f vcoeln .ile.iil to lc I111II1 by (hi- icnvi-rntni-nt. Tli-c Incluili- twi hitr'mr (l,-f,-iin vie "'In. io tui'. ll' i-lilpa. five t , r ; . I . . b't ilrniroyi r 11ml rmii t.irp.-Jo lio.itn. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Grocerieo, ProvlBiono, PAINTS and OILS. lMlel Atuatlea P4U1 iiiiiI Itl THE PROOF of the puddlna; U la th and the proof of Bq-aort) IS IN SAMPLING THE NEV "North-Western Limited" (2rnHCE!H'yTtAit.) between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, is entertainingly describeJ in an Illustrated booklet, which will be fur-: nished till on application to W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 2H WmiblDjtoo Street, , POtTLartD, OKI. That'a aa arrumaat that's oaak etnalre- dmonatratioa). Oar win ftand tho teal HUGHES & CO. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT u .i5"-3" Ify." r-CL' F. W. PARKER, Com. Afent, 304 tint Avenue, M ATTLE. WASH. AlKH.l'll Sl TltuS WILL l.iini tH battery, um.tlier rxpbele.1 at the j Mal.iie h.irtai k klllliia live. Tin- tr.e'l"1! turn.. I nut Jul In time to Me M il-ite f.,M .mil Hie liina-iAliie. The innim-cnui j .i..rn d la riii. nnd nn.'ll almla Hh Hie h ife. I.p.11 that the a.irrlmill U-lleV.-d the j Aim rl- iin rtny mid rt -t were i on- 1 lenirailua lire. Many rlpalileli hail pnUul) r pnh'J ! c.ii.e tmhtiint th-. linrtiieiit the Aiiicrlinini Ihk.ui. nut in.-1 liiaiirxeiila lia ulll'd and the f irt j A,n lc, AiiKUnt lu.-lt la now cer hate l- n rnnf..i.e.l frnin the liarmrka. j ,.,, ,(,,,, Ailolpli Uutro left a will, wnicn There h 11 little n.-hlliuf III otn. r ill- , tUr hil11 1(f A,,ri.y li..ui-n M. recti. ma The totnl Huilah are yj J( u, o(rereil fr proOa'.e proliuMy one hundred, but ninny lmui 1 w f,.w daya. have Ueii -rlnUaly .laniaKed. I Tlr funeral n-rvlce. which will be on Monday eveiilna there wa a furloua .Iirvilr w hpj ( 8liro jj, fuallnde In every illre. Hon. Telephonic j ,,.v j,.0, Mrto. rabM uf the Conareg-a-liiiilrle were eent out from heaOijimrtera i,,,,,,,,! mrm, rel. will officiate. The lo vnrloua ouiMMit. No annaer waa r--j ra-malrm will tr taken to (.aid Kellnwa celve.1 frim KI Paco and accurdlnaly j , ein.-tery. where the 4vmaihm will be xU4drin of horaemen haaieneil Ihither. I , rformel. Iater the aehea will be lo in the darknma and torm the ntrel(,rrn thr family piol at Cypree Un Hred and wounded two. I'M-el'ly te j cemetery, panic they Imagined that the h'-r--nien . , Were Amerlran. A few uch nlrht would drive the Span lard Inaide the citadel and there wouiu ) th ahaatly proniM-ct of prolonged de vaiutlon ami alauahter with the lnevit- NKW KLONDIKE MAP. New York, Auguat 10.-A aiiecUl to the Tribune from Washington. ay:: Tha rfW main i.r AkiMka nrwiuir.! hv able dealructloo of the town and II In-1 VruttttilT MlUry Klnc of th. ,po. habitant unlrw the American. ha.t.-ne.l.rHihmJ dlvlp(m of ,he eneral ,and to cloae In. ) office under the direction of Commlloner valuable publU-atlon and would buv. at tracted a large .hare of public attention burne.1 and the flame, driven by a trng gale, threatened th. whole of Manila, but they were finally extlngui.heil, mainly through the effort of the fire brigade, nrgunlted by the Hrltlah nirr. hunt, at Muni I a. The Itrltleh lonaul died of dy entry yeatenlay, hut hi remain, can nut je liurleii in the rroieaiuni cemeiery on account of th In.urgent. For four ifciy a typhoon ha raged. The .uliurb have been flooded, ihe trenche. awumiieil and the .and bank, dl.iolveil. IHnen.e I. niglng. Mere Infant, of 13 If It had not been laaued In war time, when even the mineral treu.ure of the Yukon lamln and the Klondike region are reganlet) aa of comiwruilvcly icht In tere.t. The aipearance of the map 1 neat ana great care nnd Judgment have been ex hibited nnd ihe re.ult 1. a work of hign and permanent value. KKi'T A3 PERMANENT RECORDS. year, of age are tnll.tlng. liny become ..,,.. officer and fight In the tr.fhe. The"' " v-.v.-.., new.iiiier aim aud what iney .njum . 1 n-nrxu. condemn aa a crime. Tlie llrlll.h vli-.-conwul. .uiiortisl by New York, Auguat 10 A apc-clal to tne th French who I. the dean of thei Tribune from Wa.hlnton. a.ia: foreign repre.enlatlve.. took the Initiative j The .ugge.tlon that tho hospital and In unomckil "feeler," looking lo an ar-, meiitcai, well a military record or an pending amice, but lha American' officer und aoldlera Kill.texl In the war are not to accept eiD'thltat exceit , agiiln.t Simln, be carefully preserved a .urrendi-r and the Spant.h will never ur-ia part of the permanent recorU of the render. The latter hope to endure until j war l iirlment In order to facilitate the pence I declared between Wa.hlngton adjudication mul janyment of further and Madrid. The hanlahlp. are contln- claim for pension It appear. I being ixilly prcMlng upon the native and tne favorably cotmlderej by the higher ottl- forelgner. the omdnl and the military can monopodia the food .upplle nnd though a quarter of a million of the popu lation .tarve, the fact goe. practically unheediM. The ten thousand Spaniard In Manila are lonlldenl of Ihelr aafety, Thoy lie clala of the demrtment. The phin auggeatcd I. .0 practical and easy of explanation at execution at a moderate expense of time, and wltlial la one from which the government and claimants for pension, will derive auch benetlt ttwit II Hin nirange nobody ever OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, (Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS ItMUlar Normal Course of three yearg. Lt.J Kaalor vu.r whollv nrofi Mioual.! Tmliiuig oeparimeui 01 nine ainues won aw cnunren. :n.trui-tloL aud train tig lu Oyinnaatle (Swediih iy ietn,.nd Vooal M-iili for puhllo mihiaila Thu Norma diploma U rocngiiliud by law a a t)T AT) LIKK CERTIHCATE to teach. 1.1, M exn-UK. Tuition, book, boiud aud lodging (ap iiroxlm.tely), llKS.ooiier yr. rltudimt board ini thenuelve., II 10.00 per year. Academic grades cooip'd from hl.h achoola. tlaiatogiie. chwrftilly tuiitou application. Addreaa P. L. CAMPBELL, President, or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Fwulty lleva that the .trong walls of the city 1 proposed It long ago. There appears now will resist W thn-e months and they ar to bo a fair probability that It will te resolved, rrgardlesa of the fate of the ! udopted und carried out, us no legislation women and children. flnMly to sell their will be needed lo set It In motion. lives dearly In wreaking their hatred upon the English, the American, und 111' j l'hlllpplnos. PERILS OF EXPEDITION. Heroic Fight With Fire on Hoard Trans port Morgan City. New York, August 10. Tne World's ad vices from Manila of August I, retorrmg to tho arrival of the third expedition from San Francisco, says: Never did nn expedition encounter more danger or endure more perils. On the voyage six men nml one officer died and tlfty more were taken sick. Typhoid nnd ; meningitis pWiyed hnvoe on the trans , ports. Two ilrcmcn went Insane and lb aped overboard. Hut a tire on one of the ships tvtis the worst peril of all. The diNid at sea were: RALPH 1IOWRRS, signal corps, of Los: Montreal, Aug. 10. Lieutenant Ramon Angeles, tiled juiy m do Carrnnaa. formerly nnvnl attache to kuni-;st v yonung uunn. i, Hi.niiiuti nmliiisae ni WnshlnKlon. who.illed on July Lu was supposcdw to have sillied for England FREDERICK III VK LAND, Thirteenth a week ngo, by order of the Canadian gov-1 Minnesota, of St. Paul. ernmcnt. Is here. He refuse to say where 1 LIKI'TKNANT SKERR. of the etigl- he hna been. Cnrrunin'a lawyer nya ho ueera, cst Virginia, died juiy .i, CERRl'TI CLAIM SETTLED. t'olonn. Colombia, via Galveston, Aug. 10 -Advice, received from lHrihagcnn to day say. the llalliin consul there, who has Just returned from Hogotii, reports that the Colombia congress has nulhorlied President Cnrot to settle tne Ccrrutl claim. The necessary vote was according ly added lo the budget, which was passed. The matter Is. therefore, practically set tled, only the manner and detail of pay ment remaining to be fixed. Tl'RNS VT AT MONTREAL ItKCKI'lTS MUTINY. . orty-flt-f. of 'he Ten:h Pennsylvania Rv fuwi Drill on Account of Scant Fare. San Francisco. August lo. Company M, Tenth Pennsylvania volunteer, composed of recruit, for companies C and D. now at Manila, has broki n out In 0en mutiny. Aftir Ihe noon meal forty-five men ' the full quuu of rlxty-tw., Informed the acting rommander. Sergeant Shaw, thai they would not drill on the .cant fare fur nished ihim. S'-rgi-ant Shaw reieirie,! to i.cut-nant-Cn'neI Harnett, who prompt ly arreted all the malconteul. L'p and down the camp they were marched f-r three hour. They had been, trl,Nil of their arms and w-;e guarded i 01 all side. I,y sentinels from otner com- panics. A court martial e ni3 Immln nt. ' SPAIN'S DILATi.'P.Y TACTIC?. I Senator Thur.ton Be.ievn S,aln Will ! Give Trouble on Terms of Peace. Chicago. August 10. Senator John M Thurston, of Nebraska, who stopped over In Chicago on hi. way from Washington to attend the Nebraska state republican convention at Lincoln, asserted that If Spain's answer to the t'nited Slates gave evidence of bad faith and dilatory tactics, President McKlnley would end negotia tion. "1 am afraid," he aald, "that Sjxiln will give further trouble and I do not antici pate any early or easy agreement on term of peiare. I am certain, however. that President McKlnley will act dec! slvely and end peace negotiations If he finds Spain Is acting In bad faith." "No peace will ever be arranged on any basis which would compel Cuba or Ameri ca to assume the debt which Spain has been pleased to call the Cuban debt, it wa not Incurred by Cuba, but by Spain !n conquering Cuban revolutions. I know ihat the senate would never ratify a .reaty containing a provision which would place thla burden where It never be longed. "Porto Rico will be American territory. The nature of the government of that ! land, Cuba, when It is annexed, Hawaii und whatever other territory may be ad ded, will be the result ot evolution. In :he first Instance the new Islands will un doubtedly be under the territorial form. The right of states may ultimately be given. I have not favored the acquisition ot the Philippines, but I do favor the re tention of Manila, iu harbor and the la land of which It is the chief city." Roomi 317318 Portland Saving: Bank Bid;. Portland, Oregon. ClBANS WIN A BATTLE. American Arm Sent to Cuba Used With Good Effect. New York. Aug. 10. The Cuban Junta In this city haa the following Cuban advices: The Amrtcan arm sent into Cuba on the last Xunet expedition on the steamer Wanderer have been used with good ef fect by the Cuban soldiers under Gomel, New of Cuban victories In the western province has reached here. gllllWiHt hns been to St. Pierre, Mlquelon superin tending the Cuban blockade riinnor. WHEAT CONDITIONS. Washington, Aw. 10. Tho August re port of tho statlstlcan of tho department of lure .now. tne ,10110. e I ' ; out from awrtll when Are was de STEPHiON RODDY. Twenty-third in fantry, of Dallas Texas, died July 14. W. D. KELLY, fireman of San Fran cisco, died July 19. JOHN STOCK E V I LLE. fireman, San Francisco, died July 14. The Meet of transports and their con vnv the monitor Monterey, wore three lions on August j. tooouiuii t me ai-... aboard the Morgan City. One of wheat. M.S. Is 1.5 points higher than last ft month, 9.8 points above the average of '7 ,.oal bunkers. At midnight when August, is..; K.B points noove me average , - - - , CaiXaIn Dillon nil me " - -.. - . for August 9, 1SJC, nnd 13.S points above tho average for Auguat for the last ton years. CONDITION OF SHAFTER'S MEN. Washington, Aug. 10,-The war dopart- assembled the crew and told them the news, Every man wa pledged to secrei y. Silently tho men coupled on the hose and steam pipes. Then they begun buttllmr with the flames In the hold. Night ana o.iv the heroic crew fought, but the lire MARINE NOTES. The Harrison arrived In from Tillamook yesterday. The State arrived In trom San Francisco yesterday morning. The Alexander lllack. wheat laden for Cape Town, moved down to Fluvel yester day and will go to sea today. The Columbine left up for Portland yes- . ,h. u'lll tnba tinof htaMA'Vl.1 of sand and cement for the Rock. -0. Vaflthflllt S RlVAl 1 y awai aa. aki w maa Let everybody be sure and ask to vote for Regatta Queen. It does not cost you anything and you can help swell the fund by Voting early and often. B I I I I . Jf 1 I X I Guother's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor .... PURii T I RtCMNfSS Manufacturer and Deal.r In W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A full lint .1 Pip..., tad 5aiofctr' Artlclt. 174 Commercial St. BTtaaiar Br. fellow tt.rt flila. Pa'a MANHnnn PFfjTnPFn lliimilWUU llbUI JlUU TUi woodenul guaranteed to en- e all aerroa dueue, .uch u Weak Memory, Lo at Braia Power, Ilesdache. WUelnlocM, hot Manhood, Nightly Hma. ion a. Ncnoaanc, all drwias, los of power is Gesa-ratlve Orgaaa of cither ex.caed by orer -exert ion, youthful error, exceaslT. na ot tobacco, opiom or MlmalanU, which lead to Infirmity, Coommptioa or lnD'7,Fta.he??ui'i ia TCTt Pock"- lao per box. 6 ky It, by "o"t Wil&ujn. Uod by all drafxiaU. kik fortt; tak oootbe. Manufactnred by the rean Medtdne Co., Pn. France. Lane-IXn. l.rug Co., dutnbatiag igeata, Tblrd. and YamhiU &U.. FortUnd, Ot. ESTKa-CONN DRUG CO., Aenta, AatoMa. Annual Salea Over 6.000,000 Boxes. FOB BTJJ0D3A5D HEEV0U3 DISORDERS such as Wind and rain In the Stomach, CihlJlness. Fulness after meals. Bead ache, Dizzlnesa, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costlvenes lllotchee' on the Skia. 0ld Chills. Dig. turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling; Sensations, THS FIRST DOSS WILL GIVE 1EIIEJ IS TWENTT atlSCTia Ewry sufferer will acknowledge thorn to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEGCHAJ.'S PILLS, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plcte health. They promptly remove obstructions Or irregularities of the ays tcm and cure blck Headacbe. For Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without Irri tating or weakening them, to dispel head aches, colds, or fevers, use Syr-r at . made by the California Fig o. .- OASVOniA. Bsars tht 1 m 'a' lwalfS istfi And hm lb. LARGEST 8ALE of any rateat Medicine in toe World, 5o. at all Dror fitoree. KOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS ThfT overcome Wskknew, Irrefro Urtlr and oiulaloD4Hcraue viyor . and baitUb "pain of men-ttruv ttun.M The are Mfts ' to (r Iris at womanhood, tiding d Yttlupment of orirans nd bodj. No knows rfmefW for women equals Ih.aa Pinnot Ark h n mllf n haw HV,f5imi nleft'ure. Itl Dfr tHtit ' hv mull. Hold hv tframrtata. tea- OTT CHEMICAL CO .tWla-A For 8al by KitM-Coun Drui Co. 1 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks rUA COPYRIOMTtl AC. Anron wndtng a .keteh and deaerlptlnn aiaf qutelilT ascertain our opinio frM whettaw an Invention I. probably patentable. Communle. tlnnamhotlreonHilentlal. Handbook on PaMaut sent free. Oldest auem-y for eeunng paten ta. Patents taken throuvh Munn A to. Moalv. tpn-iul notice, without chunte, in tu Scientific JHnerican. A hai.dtomoly illontrnted weekly. Iraeat Hn ctilatliin of any artentihe lournal. Terina, 3 a, er; four monlha, L Sold by all nawadealera, MUNN &Co.38,BrMd-'' New York rancb Oftlfj. ica X ("., Washington, D. C SDr. Williams' Indian Hlr. Ointment will cure Ullud, UleeUlnir and Itoaina- PUes. It abaorus the tumors. alluys the Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives Instant re. lief. Dr. Williams' IiidianPileOinte ment Is nrenared for Pi les and Ilea tng of the private- parts. Every boa a warranted. By drutlsts. bv mall on ra- elpt of price. 60 cent, and VI. 00. bILLIUXS 1A.TIFXCTURING CO.. i-ropa, Cleveland. Oliio: For Sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. Oil F IU1 II u I u THE PIONEER UM1TCL Ia the name of the only perfect train u the world, now running every night be tween 8L Paul and Chicago, via tha Chicago, Milwaukee ft St Paul railway the pioneer road of the weet In adopt ing all Improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of paaengera. An Uluaw trated pamphlet, ahowlng vews of beau tiful Boenery along the route of the Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any per son upon receipt of two-cent postage tamp. Address Georg H. Heafford. aeneral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.