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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1898)
THE DAILY AbTORUN, THURSDAY MORMHQ, AUGUST 11, 1UH JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. . T.lephon No. , " TERM OF BUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. tnt by P Tr nl by mail, pr month M srrtd by carrier, pr month WEEKLY. . lent by mall, per year. In aavanc....00 roiUf fre to ubcrtbers. All communication intended for publl eafn.n hould bt directed to th editor. Business communication of all kind and rmilttajicc must b addressed to "Th Aitorian." Th Astorlan guarantee to It dvr tlser th lartret elrcuUtlon of any new paper piiblk-ned on th Columbia rtvr. AdrtWng rate can fe bad on appll aUon to tha buBtoea manage. . ... A pepufcr loa. h.. It. advantage, ou, th, ,Um ..Jlm Ik many good thing It cornea hlith. The ( yH,i. t th.n Mr. Hill was tn . 1 rr aeait bond. af. selling at 108. m.o.omlttal ui.hkI. and take eacvp MW I par eau onus '- - ti.ina l.i ..r,..r ..m. I.-. l.i.,..1 for fatur delivery. Tttl repreeeo' rfa that Urfa lataatora ara wtina -'""" I "Tou amy eay thai Svkana le the wort y for tbem aad at tblt rate the tXW..- oU !) ; fim the Atlantle to tha ' ft nlht tiaa bronght tha icorerement an iHe." Manluntnaea orooani ) a railroad olUclaJ of prwilneuo. la r- ad.hltoBeJ ftS.fWu.WO. or at leaat a part or (,.rrtUK ti ,h, miervlew, thus exprel If tha .-. bad b- ,h,hT;::(. boola to fb namaroua tularra la ao - aUinr larra fan. Tha trewary haa Utely Mbllahd ft atatecnaDl of tba enormoua . kvhor Uil.leJ la tola. a eJtpWaatlon o fee ttaia required, and of tha dlOralt ad Bijxwa? "rirloB to bo iwrforjnevl by tha nMt r.imranti. Tila vork on'.lr.arUy I woo:J nave b-en dona by th Mnk.n In- ntmlone Uiat took the bonj In bulk. tfiatntutrnt; the. afterwar,!. to cue- Urm re. ThoK'h the coat would h.ive wm out r,f the prtmlum. !t would hve been mu'h Wi :hn the tr-aury mit'. py tinder the preen: amnpi-mor.t. Of eiare all thl l worth while If the K.n.t n-cl y are !!Sa.-il widely amnc the p--.. ;!-'. h.i thl will le Actually the cim, 0 n api.r quite 'Jr. nation but m:rs err w.nt t f" exrerve ,.t rtodnc an entire army, .ftr r a aevere and 1 xh-iu!im; cump.i:n. from l! fever-ftriiki-n canip to a ?t 1."' tn:l way In order to roetore the men t health and vigor? There I. no u. h in- Hi nee tn hintoo. to our knowlelge. Oen- erl Shafter'a army I now beinf moved from Santiago to a health camp at M.n tauk Point, on tha eaitern extremity of Lone I -land. Ia place of twelterinf in tropic funahlne. drenvhed by dally down- pour of rain, tha men wQ have a cool, pleuant camp, twept by the Atlantic breeaea, with pea bathing and pure water, all of which will aid In their full re:ora tlon to perfect health. In dolnc thii the V'nlted 8twte a-t aa example to the world In practlca humanity. Thl fovernmeot hn, from tha flnit, endeavored to con- ' erve the live of It own eoldier. lntead of aacrtficln them by wholesale. And It "llWt IU bt done wlely. even thourh It Incurred , QUF.EN VOTERS. the clamor of the unthinking: portion ot . . , , . Vnioe i Ltrvbv ivetj lint voting 111 the pres. and public, which raved for an ,,rrt j,,. -atta o,ne-n will U cloeil Immfdlate campaign aiin-t Havana. Had ' ATeiitwmiay evening at 6 oVlm-k, where that been undertaken. It would have cott Totes fare iT.Ytu by mtrclian'n to thouaand of Uvrt. not only In battle, but The Fallot bJift will be re- . ... ojnel inimeOiately u all trson, at the from dlneaee. I: wa hurrtinlty to our own , , ,. rate of 1 ni blf i-ent i-r ri;te an.! cin troop, that dicu,ed a postremen, until tjm.f nnti .. wben fina the end of the mlny wwn; and It n .w w;n ma e jilt. ,ie.tialf IiH'k a thonirh Havana may be yielded ballot will 1 of a blue color. All white 'up without any lo of life. a the ref ui: ' tickt-tl beretofortr voted will be i-otio!el of rare negotiations. ASTORIA'S FRIENDS. Astoria friend are numerous. Port- ; land I f:tlrly running ov-r with affection 1 f , . tKi ,, V.v t Vi a nr. A C X af. V I fflciuU lie awake o' nights, flg-Jrlnif on what they can do for Astoria. In the I meantime, we still get the short end f It : In freight rate, and our efforts to r:Kht'an3 - t'-ve otra- this wrong are laughed at. The Northern Pacific run Into Gray's Harbor and Shoulwater bay. Lumber pro ducer there ahlp over the Northern to Portland, via Goble on the Ort;on side ot the river, where their product are taken over the O. R. ft N. to Extern poilt. at common point rates. Thus, the Wash ington dealer can ship lumber to the Eust as cheaply as Portland dealers, al though their lum-Vr comes several hun dred mile west of the O. R. & N. terminal point. The Northern and O. R. & N. are competing lines, but they exchange all bUKinen exrept that originating at As toria In Portland. Astoria doe not get the benefit of this common point rate. The O. R. & N., In fact, refuses to handle our lumber busl-J ness, A great Industry could lie built up here If we could secure the same rates as ana accorded the lnslgnlficent towns on Gray' Harbor and Shoslwater Bay. We get those rate on salmon, but no salmon Is packed In Portland. A matters now stand, the small Washington towns are being built up at the expense of Astoria. The O. R. & N. says It could not for a mo ment tolerate the lda of giving Astoria common-point rutea on lumber, because forsooth the Portland merchants, who prefer to aea Gray' Harbor built up rattier than Astoria, would throw their i business to other line. Tha Astorlan don not question the r-k-rht of the O. It. A N. company to refuse this city common-point rates; It U, however, an unjuat discrimination from which the O. n. N. ought to suffer, at nee Astort ha riven hundred of thousands of dol lar, to that company In past year, vve should patron lie our friends, mwwf whom the O. R. A N. cannot b counted. If that comiwny would rather dv) business with Portland merchant than with As toria, nil well anil good. H we should see thrtt n local business goes to It. Nc h.-tv a line to IMrtl.tnd. and It exchange buidmss wnh the Northern and the South ern. Thoee line Are enough for u ui patron lie them. A HARD OPINION. Of Sp-.k-ine. F.,preio..d by J. J. Hill There on Mmi.l.ty. Evening Telegram: Tha attention of the TcWr-tm was es pecially called this niornlnis to an Inter view with Janies J. Hill, whkh iHurtM ' In fh RikAn. I'h .,!.. In .... U.m.fuv It itpoa htm and hi enterprise at tSimkatie. - XJr 11,11 ..,.V.,.i.i . v. - .... .... 'ally oprlr lte lf to tha r-llro.U. It jwouiu tr letter l'ii!ilti t,l-"y f ery citJ t ljSir harmoniously with the line. ' a de..tJ aUat,ts. to 'Mi. Ttla apvllta wWI w IVTUnd a i u t0, 0h.r p)k0. : . . . 1 Cotuaxm vanHh is tonka j bcZH there ma' Or I1UV j : rj0t be NUnilLl ill it j Schi.'tKCS Best is XZT W b ' clone and is worth three times as much money. MonCV-baClC fc) for 1.1 Vy FREE PILLS. Send your addreaa to H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and eel free amp!e box cf K!n' N,wv Ufe A trt 1 i convince you of their merits. The pill r e-y in action and are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and 1 Elck Heavdacba. For MalarU and Liver troublea they hare been proved lnvalu- Jl7 10 fraa from arery daletarlou) (obctanc and to ba puraly recatabla. They do not weaken by their action, but by fitfnc tone to roautck and bowala fraatly Inrtforata tha tyatam, Ravular xa II oenta par box. Sold by Eataa-CoBjt Drag Co. The woman with pretty hair always find her hair a Ireroendou burden. CASTOR I A For Iiifkati and CUliren. Hi M Yea Kara Ahrajs Bougbt Basis tha Sip-attir of ; at the rut- ( ne-btlf cent per vo e, I By orJer of Iletrnita Committe. i The Individual who ha not the gif: of i ir.ib "werry tralloplnit'- feU that idt-u are like clothe l-KK!nir f r ilothe. . k,,., ,.v, ... v,,, About one month ago my child, which fifteen month old, had an attack of jdlarrh'iea accompanied by voroitir.g. gave It su. h remeiles a are usually glv en in such cases, but a nothing ga. n ''f, U a ysldan and u wa. under hi tare for a week. At th s time the child had been (tkk f.T u.buut ten ds ;ions 01 ine oowe.a everj- tnvive nours and we were convinced that unlees It soon obtained reHle-f It would not live. Chamberlain Cot'c. Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy was recommended, and I decided to try it. I soon noticed a change for tha better; by ita continued uaa a complete cure waa brought about and It is now perfectly healthy. C. L. BOG-OS Stumptowe, Gilmer Co., W. Va. For sale by Charlea Rowers, druggist. Posture la the very axis of physical comeliness. No matter how late a man and a woman elt up to talk, the man consider It ne'-e sary to sit up later by himself to stnoke and think It out. That tha blood should perform lu vlUt functions. It la absolutely necessary It should not only be pur but rich In life- giving element. The reaulta ara beau effected by the use of that ell-known standard blood purifier. Ayer's Bar- partlla, A woman never get on the same ex prewdon In antkiatlon of a good meal that seem to be a part of a man's ej4- curean exlstotice. Pears' was the first maker of sticks of soap for shav ing. Pears' Soap es tablished over 100 years. lelili! t AVcfictiblc Preparation fa As slmiiatlinJ UicriXxlflntlRctf uki liiig the S tonuiths ami Iknsvli of IVonv: DikostioaCbcctftJ ncssniut Ri i.ConUlns ncitlwT Ojnuin.MoiThic twr LTcrol. 'OT XAKCOTIC. ajar g)&MZZZrZZl A-aAa dU Ax Smi AWft JUk- r rJ0U.tWbvaa,.,L...tVU. NEW YOllK. How few of uae are aide to kill memory entirely If w forfet trouble by day It will crop up and ihj-m u by nlxht In dreama . M , , of tockiKidge. Tha Rer. W. B. Cbatiy, Cm., while attandlna; to hta paalorUl du-tli-a at Ellen ood. that (late, wn a attack- ed by cti.era tnortua He awya: "y j rhunce I happened to (et h Hd of a boltl of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and ' Dktrrhv Remedy, and I think It wa the meein ot a-ivlim my life. It relieved m at core." Fur le by Cturle. R.. er. drugrlitf. S"me of u are on to conviction, nut we M(fht hanl unlrwt letting any one con vince u. I BEATS THE KLONDIKE. Sir A. C Thoma. of M.ry.vlll.. T.X..I haa yet been made In tha Kl indlka. Fcr year ba Buffered untold agony from umptlon, accompanied by hemorrhage and waa absolutely cured by Dr. King' New Dlaoovery for Coniumptlon, Cough and Cold. He declare that gold la of llttla value In companion with thla mar reloua cure; would have it, even If It coat a hundred dollar a bottle. Asthma, bron chltl and all throat and lung affection ara positively cured by Dr. Kins' New DUcovexy for Consumption. Trial bottle free at Estea-Conn Drug Co. Regular alacSO cerif and COO. Guaranteed to cur or prloa refunded. The rlerks at the iu.:i -water fountains japr-ar to be the l.ulet fulks in town. Baa-tisa nti f i a ma m Han wan Bagn nfUtl To pleine a man If he n ,i;r,g. ii e, his age of yenrs tey..n.l what It in; If he Is old, cut off a full de. a,le from what you know It must he. BUCKLEN 8 ARNICA 8ALVE. THE BEST SALVE in th world for Cut. Bruises. Sore. Ulcer. Salt Rheum, Fever Bore. Tetter. Chapped Hand.Chll. blaln. Corns and all 8kln Eruptions, and positively cure Pile, or no pay required. It I guaranteed to give perfect aatlfac tlon or money refunded. Pric cent per box. For sale by Ete-Conn Dru Co. A wuman' demer.ur Ii largely gov erned by her attire. Let her re-allie that she looks well, r,rj nothiiig on earth can destroy that savolr falre that Is the very esitem-e of feminine hsrm. YOUR FA' V. Show the atate of your feeling and the state of your health a well. Impure blood make Itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, pimple and skin erup tions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appear ance you should try Acker's Wood Elixir. It cure all blood disease where cheap sarsaparillas and so-cahed purifiers fall; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. How very fw tr'inkn carry only wear- Ing npparel. Mr. John Mathla. a well known stock dealer of Puloskl. Ky., says: "After uf ferlng for over a week with (lux, and my physician having failed to relieve me, I waa advised to try Chamberlain Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and have the pleasure of stating that the half of one bottle cured me." For sale by Charles Roger, Druggist. A chiffon Veil often covers a multitude of freckles. i 1- III) For Infants tnd Chlldrch. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature The Kind You Have Always Bought. Kopp's "Bes 99 dcliciois drink.... 'and absclltly pure Tte Norrh I'ac ii' llrewery, 1 f litcL Mr.Iotiu K"pp i propriotnr, mukia loci for ibimK'ic au.l exmrt triulc. IVitt!el ber for family nar, or kef ber aujplicj at r.y time, .lelirery in lb t itj Jree. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Are renewed love affair ever a inert tirand new one, : Laxwrtant ksatr. cf anlfor i entor, hi a bawunfttl baa4-C0Trf for attlMr ; .TI -I-vrT:l- w-T-,' - -77. s may t aacuraa by a4af Ha-Ta T- abla 8loilMt Hair Ran war. On. e let your aervunt they ran rule you and authority la gone furever. Acker1 Dypapla Tablet ara aold on poaltlv guarantee. Cures heart-burn, ralaina of tha fnod. dlalraaa aflae aat. fl . . dyt. 0, ubltt immediala relief. S and W 1 cent. For al by Ete- Conn Drug Co. The wonnin In a white gown I a Joy In a dear nummi r' day. Inn ir.l full to ; detrle what mttn I whn )mu e h r on 1 a rny one wrthuut an umtirHln. OABTOniA. ! Baa A " TS.HMl'am Bct It takes downright plu. k. to nay nn'h. Ing of dignity, to refrain fnm .t-kl:; fur an explanation when two who have rami happen tj stumble arr uiw nf th . difference that charge the whole Imik of the world. Mokl Tea positively tures sick headache, Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink Remove all eruptions of lb skin, producing a perfect compieotion. or money refunded. E. nnd SO cents. For I sal by Esu-a-Conn Drug Co. Red. white and blue shoes (ire patrlotl.-. tut they make your feet look like -he Ij'.iii- banlment of Ranllago. We have used chamberlain' rn:gh Remedy In our h'ne f..r many yarn and bear che-rfij tintlmony to Its value as a nwdli lne whi h irfiould be In every Mildly, !n cou. and colds we ruive n.und It to be efflcartniia nnd In croup and wh'p'ng cough In children we deem It Inilli-pefis-able.-H. P. HITTER. 4127 Fairfax ave.. St. Ixmls, Mo. P'- sale by Chart Rog ers, drug-gist. A frolicsome dog can cure one of the blue In short order, even when such a condition 1 deep seated. Acker English remedy will atop cough at any time, and will eura the worst cold In twelve hour, or money re funded. S cent and 64 cents. For sal by Ea tea-Conn Drug Co. The Choicest Table Wines... For Famllla Also for Vadlclraa aad Coating Purpo) Prtvau Block, Cream Rye, Old Hldka-f, Prld of Kentucky and HrmttTW Hi sold California Brandt aa. Carlson's FamilyLiquor Store Ut TWELFTH BTRBA7T These tiny Capsule ire tupenor lo oaiain vi vofJaioa, Cubebe or Injections and CURE IN 48 HOURSlMJlj th tarn a diseases with- S . D.I. .an r - . . L out Inconvanictv". .WJ r t nrufl-uit. I At -JUHdlUBM ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA 1 RIVER RAILROAD. JUrrPrft. V - ?- - - - -i. a.m. P,ra rortiand aaa Aa-a. f-m. torta praa trama U M W.U via Kaappa. rilttoa.l Weal port, Jobla and way nation l:W IS l'Aarta. "ald n.l 11 110 t,l5iNw A torta paaaen- 11. W if at tralna. I rtraKtiia train laat Warranton for naval and New Aatorta at t 44 t il and 10. M n. m . and U 30. 6 and t M P m and returning arriva at Wtrrantoa at l ot, ;, II 04 a. m and i: I'V B: 13 knj I M p m Train Ie4a H'4:.l T.'M a m , I'M m i W p. m. daily f.r Aiiorl. I'ortland train leave on Hunday at 1:1 p. m J, 0. MAYO, U. K. A f. A WHITE COLLAR LINE tVlumula fllver and I'ufl Hound Nal gallon I'oinpaay. Wtilt" iVll ir llti t inter -l'le on ll.illev (l Ut.'il. I" J. IV.I'.'r and 15. l-U.iiiiti..ii It ,;..rl n..l ill 'V "'I'"". Klarl. Il " i. rin ivl. w, lle i. li. and NitllCilt!4. IUiIi v il'illrti"! . untie. t tl Ah.hI. wt'.'l utiwitn-r i'tiii'1 i' p Hi "tl M"'..liir ,Hlnrl.i m.l r'ri liii for IIW4.-I it nd ail IKilliU mi N.'rtli I ,'icu c. w hi''m: .(.. r 1 1 A .itt Teli'Pll.ill" N" 1" 11 ot'ivrr. I'li.l.lollt tIMt: Hill Kit I . I r. fi l".t. "d l'rr. A-n 1 I .nr. y l-iul'.rt l.a'i' K..t M ,11 T 111 Mitll W.if, HV-'l'li. ri I k 111. , V. !.. ' I' I'u 1 M l mi I I In .... I I ..'. "i ...iie l'i..--1 n. a 111. .. 11 Ait. 'I. tKll N Ml! MMIII' : ... !.! .. . i 1 1 ti I " tit in, . : .. . , 1 . r V , .... 1 r .(1... " . ' 1 i.i.i.ti 1 liiwr T' r :.'! W'l) latld ilk" 1 1 I I M diimflie Uoir. . ir.-.. .1 1 . . N. 11 , .; 1 .11 .'. M .! 1 . . r. v 1 1 1 a n 1 1 - J Ii. hill V11111. 1 ll rtf l 1 : , I 1 ti-lj, , - 1 l. I- ' 1 .lli.l 1. 1 f r hi. y.. ,,t l idlii .1 i:;t .ui 1 ilm: ,!lk llff . ll., I It.' .in - M.l, Mr. I . r i .t ,11... 1 mid rimr O W. LOL'NallEHKT. Ant Ae'or.a W. It. HURLnCRT. Oen. Paa A(t. Poruaad. Or. Tkkct lo all poloU ..EAST.. gaTi For Silt tyOR.AR Af cat. Astoria. Koi.Klti. l;wa. Through palaea and tourtat ileapa , dimn- and library obaenratlon car . vl, ....... ELEOANT VESTIBULE TRAIN. No. I Umltad laaeas PortlaoJ at I M p. m. No. I UmltH arrtva Ponlaad at W U a. as. Through Tickets -TO THaV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA- PieT04,kV PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERd. TOURIST SLEEPERS and TREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dslly to Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and othr Ku'ern c tl . HaggniCe che' k thrcgh vt desttrtstion. Union Dep'iti fit t rre. l.jwua: rates. Plntach Ilnht In all urs.. For rates and other Information Cill on or addrea a. w. Agent, o. n. & n. co Astoria. Oreg n. or J. H. LOTHP.OP, Oen. Agent. 135 Third at., cor Aldi-r. Portland. Or. Astoria Public Library ItEADIN'i P.OOM ll'.KE TO ALL Open vry day from I o'clock to l:K and I N to t:M p. m. ubacrtptloo rat tl par annum. W. Cor. Eleventh and Duan Btraata Soft's Nerverine Kills The gre.' remedy io ncrvoui pro traiion and all nervous oi i V.i aaT' generative .iOKr. AND Al ,t,U tnlNO. gani 0 diKisciof thr VI lhr sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Sort Manhood, Impotencv, Nijjhii Emi lions, Youthful Errors, Menial Worry, ex festive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead lo Consumption and Insanity, JJ.OO per tox by mailj 6 boxea lor 55,00. flQTTS CHEMICAL CO.. Pro: i. Clereland. Ohio. For sal by Estea-Conn Drug Co. Cla O la a nnn.nnluir.o'i. reni-.! fi.r itofi' ihi, ti pt maiori lne While, unnttnral ill. chr.e, or aur liilt.ininit l inn, irritation or ul.v:. tlllfl l,f III IIC Ii HI f, fh LrHEMBlCnEM")II.Cr bran-. N,iii-a.irlin(ei, -J moiai s7 iral.u. j rot arnt In plain wrper mi by ipr 4. arsal4, fo l fl.Oi. r I LutllM. t- T: Si Circular sent ba rjul t.0 jf ct'iibxl fll u at m ttrwuirf 3kfl 1W CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTKD. M'ntllrd. Iiiiiiu.iIIiiIi.v. a DralTlnaa rook untie oilier n I aiiplv, Mr, H.iniiiel Kl iiniin, r.uiitn aireel. l)llIUCNT,' rOH ItENT KH1) ttOt'ltIC AND IIAHN nail four atea (lf land, near C'laiaou t'lly atatlon, known aa lh Uataop iMainrno. Apply to A city 1, toi CainmerWal at., FOR HAt,15. ivn hai.i; -iini riKiioi.ii i-niM TiTti - "line nn. I i.Hikliiir 11I..11.IU. Mill Hold It it .u l III. 0 Mi l.rlltlill'l. II. .11. 1 ( , no M t.i It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i f a lialdrme. rx 1 1 h 1 . 1:-11 1 1 rei ii" a n m "1 ,t iV7"l 1 1 1 . nor tii.111.1 .iv. oun utid Tai'iu v niiiili aili'il. I l'1', fiit.' Apply i. John rimk roll HAI.M9.TON flOIIOONIOIl. All illv Itobert Hlovlir, 111) Ji'iiurllt Ul, I 1,1 WRHM, V'lV. I 1 iHT . III' A u it "p pm I'ATIIiiMH. I.' pU. Ik.ii uf ili ',.ika nun k... I "J i'. " orl iti Kiro, Hiitiil.i v lilalil lulttinii I.' utid I it i'Iim k, I'lnder pi. ip,. miiirn 1.1 i niiri.-i iiiiiiniiioin, iiii.iui k i uiilier I,i "ST Tlll'ltSliAV NlilllT N K A It lit.adnlii.iha Handa, at'iml aid rnlh.iina id net. .Miii.i.ilna uf . ,iiiN ra of inu. hint, knit and Iw.i ui(ii ,,( Hti'n.rl taliie In III., middle, i.tume .11. 1 ili. r mlr will ilea.i lintve Kurd at A"imn 1 ftl.e. LOST-Alltil'T U KATIIOM OIT MA. rhine knilte,! nat. buoy la mark.d la, K aruund II, ud aa flaM buoy! hole nn (.hi ltd inad watartl on bottuai. . lal Ilea luvairipeq uuuy io. . K111II Mwttaon. 1 w ' fl l'. Ki'l'MMiNK I'lKt'N'tiK tUl.l. N K I liarln- ainiut raihonui In iha Una. I'wii.r ran liae hiiii t.y pioTltif lnoi- 111 ail.l WJlll IJilUHt IO 1 t JBKV0' a-iil. at Nlinoia Caauory, IIOTKlJt ' ' uroi' at Tin: mi1 mi at. "tii 1- only liMal In Aor huf anarjr iii.kI. era amprutwitenl. Btiuily Alat vlaa l(Kt.TAritANTtf UH1 U CI! NT HKAU AT TI1K Kl I Ind bub llama urajit. Mli I KM yiDWlKK-UIIri Kl.iiaii4 Blrva UAItr MAK.K. m ktiscnu.ANMirn ,'l'ixi: ri:t r'i il'.li I'l'Ai Mfi lilk- I V.1 dill.) p'1. lllll ..rlt, j t- UI A Sli'Mtl f" Ui.u kim: ti:as, iixfKi.t.Kvr ct'ir. i tm, inue i! an 10 i-Arn a HruKi: cn ,TKV Sllll.l.lN.iS HIIST TKA AND i ta!l!K puMdrr, HrtHKT t llklAM A TINT AT TUB 1 ULAM l A N 1 1 lie I I. U I'l.NT. I'AU i.if I' M.ire. , I I'll M l'l II I.IIAK l ltKVll lit lit i -, tot I'.i.nd A S- ira Bli'iM WIIKN V 1 1 1 ' WANT IINU THA, iliiuli ,,jrt.c and i'U., try KoaiU A Hl.'kn Co. IILVCKI KHIUKS-LKAVK Vul ll ..r.U't. ( .r wild txn.ktxirrl.-a w.ih It '. II a. ii A i'u. lAHT.'lllANS AT TUB SBASIIm: Vt.l. nn. I tne .u.irniti: A.t..t.n un a; at in 14.1. o ttuuiatii at that place. riNi: i inir.iiiKs iusi ih iuuhs ani t-.l rurr.nt. are plriitltui and clteap. I.n tl:alli Co. JMUN.JN. TUB UUVBIl INtiBIl TUB AIU.B omiim-ninit uf Auna Krall, la daily tmiiinmi a mure and mora popular r "rt. Tha rluh rmmia n ih aximl D.-'r r- ri.iw an attractive feature uf th eatauilahnwlit. PlirHtOIANS. HI! AI.FItHD KINNEY-OKFIi'F, AT ra.leit.. Commwclal ureal, naar it xirt ninra nnuri: Miirnina unin tv: all art-moon until 1; evening until I o Cl.H k. Mt ii II. KSTKM. I-IIYSIOIAN AND Muramin. HMSlal atlsntlnn ia disraa of w.nnrn and surgary. uthi-a over tun i(er a store, Astoria. Tel. No. U liM JAV Tt'TTI.K. IMITHK'IAN AND Irtiirg-iin lifflra, r.oni t and . pyihl-a liu.l.Iing, Ml't i 'initnercial sir 'I. man d'ti.e same. Telephone X. Acting aa. . .iir-.. n United Htatr martn h.iapital aervlco. TUMI'I.K LOIKJK NO. 1. A. V. AND A M - lteular rumiiiunlcatl.ina held on lha llrat and third Tw-ir evening "f r .. h month. O. W, l,L'NrlHKIlUV. W. M ,K. '. Hul.DKN. U rtary. ItUITUIlK CURED. Manv tiD.ipl micted with ruplur dl. from no other reason than lack of retainer that would hold in th particu lar location of ihelr ailineftl. Ur. Har tal' r.talnar t iMiitive.y guaiam.ed to hold, no matter where the location and under all poaillun of th body. H ha cured In 1 per cent of th .aa. DR. J. ki HAIITEL. Aslona. Or AUKNTD WANTED. Afnis snd ranvassar to ll Dr Kllck PockM Nf lnhslar for catarrh asihmt. nd lung and Ibroat dlaa Sells av for IL Hl profit. Writ tot ampls and t.rm. Dr. Kllck Madlca. Company, Cincinnati, O. ATTORNKti. II. T l IloHllY. A'ITillNKY-AT-LAW, f.t i." street. j g a. nowi.iir, ATTOHNklY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Ollie. llond mrwt, Astoria, Or. I'ltDI'OHAl.fl WANTED, UVTKV, cTg. M 7 V AKCO U V E 1 1 ll A "it nn k., July II. lis ad p ro ll, main In trlillcnte, will be recelV'-d hr .r nl nlllci' of iiiiariirmiilfr at li.iU.. lltrrit. ka Hinl Fori Hherman, Id ln, I'nrtlund nnd Fort Htvn. tir.. and F'.ri l unliy, rtHiknn, Wnlla Walla nnd VitriRoiiver llarracks, Wash., until 11 o i lnck i. m., Atisrnnt lo, iv, nnd then op,. ihI fur (urnlslilna lor. go and bed dltiK thi'rfor for lla.-ul y.-ur rommnc- Init July 1, pitit. Information turnisnea h..r r ,v ii hi iiuitrtermnsiers. u. n. nsirvis rlKht to rejict or oept any or nil priipi.tuil or any part thereof. Unvi-lopi-s cotil it I ulnar prnvowil "hiitini I.- ,r...,l' 'ProniiMil fur Fori! if o and Hwldina nt " and auiresl lo un- i1.-rlKiii'd or to respecllv qusrlermaai ers JOHN li. CLKM, C. QM- LKOAL NOTICE 1H Hf.IIKIIY OIVEN Til AT thti co-psrlniTshlp hen-lofurn eilatlna tx-iween thn iindtirslKiii'd, under the tlrin nme of (Irll.hln A Binllh, Is tills dy illsmilviil by inutiliil consent. All debt i. ..i. ....) .. ,.tl , I , niilfl llrin am llAV- itbln W. N. Hmllh, and all Habl'llle of Hiild llrm urn unatiimm una win uo i''"" 1,y Chnrl,-. H, Orlbble. W. N. Hmlth. Astoria, Oregon, July 21, I MM. NTrTICK IH" IIKHICIIY C1IVKN THAT Iho copurinoT,il Imrntoforn exlwlng between Ilm iiniliTHlKtied under t lie I"' n.imn of Chinook Lumber and Furniture ((iinpiiny I this dity iIhhovimI by mutual eoiisenl, 1. ('. Wilson rellrltiK from nM llrm. All dnbl and iiecoiinls belonK n Ii, rttwl ilm, Hiihl tlrlll HI'll IIIIVIlllIll to NHS Illlle or Frits Joliitnwin nnd nil Ihiblllim of null) llrm aru usHiinied fi lid will u puld by thcTi). c. c. wilson, nii,h iiiij.I':, Fit IT, JOIIANHON, Chinook Illvnr, Wimh., July 15, lSi. Nollco Is hereby given Ihnt, on ncoounl of my leaving the tuo of Oregon for an extended period, I hava thl dny appointed nnd constituted 8. H. Gordon my attorney- in-fact to uet for mo and ri-prosont me In all mutters of hiinlne during my absence and until mid power of attorney I by m revoked. M. M. WALKER, M. D, Astoria. Ore., July 17, 1X98. riio'rtHiiuriis. IV "NnmillAHH )( IBHN'T MAKIB your irliltirea you ilon'l gal 111 beat, I'AX'IMNH I'llOTOH A II 10 ON I'AI'KK uf hi nwn iirrporall.m aiul art guaran teed not in faila, AHie 1 1 ' I , A It PA NTi lM I N W O V V I K w"5 ili.plcllna Ilea life and lilalory nf Aalnrla, and antivanir of ilia clly and country at lit MmtttirrH lulkry, I Ilk UM.V I'INlNil OAll ki'l'TK MOM I'UKf I.CNMTy TUK HAST, THE ONLY IIOl'TK TO I Ilk YKUiOWHIOM NAIU'NAI, I'AHK. I. .VK rtiKTLAND Ka.l Mall lid Klaina. t'lirliali. I'l'iiliullit. AHIIIVK. Ho. iKiiitli lei it. Miiiilpawim So. I Ali. Iileeit, (. lint la. la .vat,, V 1 tma,. ,11-1 Tl' HWIld, tllU bur, Hjvluiiti. It.,-ilinll H,U. Trail. II I'.. Nat l buu. II i KIm. IH IfNiSa, Hun.', iiaioiid,i llelmi. hi. I Mtil, Miu-I V u) r. V 111 A. M. naHila, kiiu 1 nr.. ilHtiaba, ChiiiiiI MliiOtJ fit. liuU.t:iili nit.i,w ,li mimon, aew trnk, I till-; (drlUil.H,-,, ,,,) and Mintli IlTXTI'to Uiiiiieapoiia. Uinaiia, Kaa)- CXy and (It Paul. 1 DAY to Mllwnuki- and Chi. aa. li DAYS u WaaJ.lna-t i, l lUUdalpkla, New York U Hoattvi, axkd other Eastern Kinta I vlli'ke llrn(h 10 daHJttattla of tkiiaia, Tor BkaiHitnaJ-car reu-rvartnn, tlokata, map Bad lull In'iirrtiallosi, call oa til C W "TONE. Aatorta A. I). CHARLTON Ami Aait'l I'aaa. I'urlUa.l, Or tag M irla,,B Nt., ,,r 1hlr4. whi-:n 001 N(i EAST i l' a Orst-rlaa Una In trllna batwaan allnnaaptilt. 8L Paul and Chlcao, and th print town In centra! wiaeonsia l-ullinan I'alai- Mlaeplitg and Chair Car In Bervlea, Th IMntng ear are "prat-d In th. In t.reat of It patron, lh. moat alr.ant Mrit.a imt Inaugurated Mnl ar cried a U eaita. To obtain first-class sorvl. your tlrkst should read Via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connections al Chi. an and Mil. wsuke for all aasl-m potnta For full Informa'lnn rail on your naaraat ticket agent, or will. JA. C. POND, (l.nsral Paaa. Agent. r JA A, CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wl. Oen.r1 M Rttrk .treat, Portlaad. Ora HIST , SOLTil LEAVE PORTLAND AtlRlVI OVEIUJiND EX- i'ltk-HM, for Hal.m. toMburg, Aabland, acramanlo, Ogdn, Kan Francisco, Mo. iava, Ic Ang.le. ui Pa so, New Or lean and th East. Ploaaburg paaaangtr Via Woodhurn. for Mount An. I. Mil varion. Waji Bclo, llmwnvlll. riprlng Ball and Nation.... Corvallla naaenar i oc r. w IRA, II IK A. Mi 'i P. M Dally anday Dally ssoept iunday rt A. M M M P. M M A. M paaa' ItS.B A.M Dally. IDally .scent Humlay. Cnnneclln al Han rranolam with Orel, denial Oriental. I'acino Mall and Oce anic sl.amahln lines for JAPAN. CHINA. At".ALIA AND HAWAII. rt'lMln iH-k.ts nn sale dillr btwn I'ortUivl, rlarramentn and Van Frsnnla ro. N.l rate 117 riral-claaa. and til M- oml-claa. Including .lr-r. liatr nii ut Keia in Knrn point ana Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu. and Australia. Pirn lie obtained from J H KIRKIAND, Tlck.t Agent, 1M Third t . It KOKIII.F.n. C. II M AltKllAM, Mansg.r. o. r. r. a. Go East.,. via Milling and th llurllngmn route, and you reach Omshs, Kansas City, 81. Louis, and all other southern snd southesst.ra cltlea half a day aooner than travelers who take any other lln. Oo at via 81. Paul and the Durlingtoa route, and you rid on th finest train oa earth th Burlington' Bt. 1'aul-Chlcago Limited. Oo cast via Ogden and Denver, and you st th wonderful scenery of th Ilockle. famed th world over a th most mag. nlflrent on the rnntiu.,,,, Ticket at offlcca of connecting line A. C. BIIELDON, ssoa mjs Imp- 1mm ,N:nna shop Ajr? MSt t filiiiliioni