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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1898)
tr'WJ' Tin -gf1' I I r 1 v 'It THE ASTORIAN Ml thl UffMl circulation It iny paper oa th Colunbla Alvir Tie DAILY ASTORIAN Is tfci tiff est in J lest piper oa tut Colsffltu KlYir I lii. 1 J l. FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLIX. ASTORIA, OICECiON. THUJLSDAY MORNING, AUGUST II, IBM. NO. 29 FA r hi The Only Stove Store ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpwclnlty: HTOVEH AND ItAINUBM BASIS OF PEASE Ml El U M WITH Wo know tlio biiHiiuHM, Twenty yearn experience. If you want a UWl f5tvvf wo tliv stock u, (lie Eclipse Hardware Co. ..VIVES.. Miuiuniiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiummitiiiiin)tiiiminit:iitiiiiiiiiii)iiiiiiiniii:ti::.'!a ft li I.KAP KVKHYWIIKKK. If you nro 1,11 aM "lt'nK Mimnur yon will iuo i.: .CAMERA.. VIvcm 4 x 41 M 4x5 ffi B.OO 1 IO.OO I Tht' Utit CninriHsou tin1 iiinikrl toilay fur tin- money. Call or write fr eireiilnr. Griffin & Reed, Agents, ij luzi.'utit:iitnitinutiiiutiuuumtututtuututuniritnHttMitittutiiu!turunttitutv The Art of Prescrvlnf Frnlt It brought to perfeotloa wk you hav urh perfect Jar tad Jelly OIlMH M kP. Wa have ev.rything nareaaary for prwnrtD( fruit tad yagetablea Oranlt K.ltl.. Dipper, with all the frull end augar and Praaenraliaa Kurr. Poet wait ttll tha ra B prepared la tin. FOARD 1 STOKES CO. i I NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED Four Hundred Different Patterns Wall Siiij; A Co., Merchant Tailors, wvrv never MtT jrejarisl to wrve the ptil'lie in tlieir lino, (wilts' lMimisliiii (okhIs tf all kimk Suits iniulo to onler quickly. Ijirjie Htock realy inale paxls. Cleaning; nnl reairiiiK. Kcitiemher, Prlccn Tnlk. WAN SINQ & C06Co,,,st- M ft .1 9l COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Foundrymen Logiers' Supplies KtiaStoa UoBglnu BnglnoM IJullt and Repnlr!. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the I'asurnusscd ... M Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... French Ambassador and Secretary Day Reduce Terms to Protocol Ready to Be Signed. LIVELY SKIRMISH WITH THE SPANISH SOLDIERS, WHO CHECKED OUR ADYANCE Enemy Occupies Strong Position on Mountain Top on Road to San Juan Dewey to Living ston "No North, No South, but One United Country" The Department of Santiago Created Shafter Will Return-Peace Thought to Be at Hand Prizes Ordered Released Spreading Out the Troops Water ; for Montauk Camp Situation in Manila Astoria Regatta-A. & C. R. R. R. Sued. WAAIIJNflTON. Aug. lft.-Th j pMlmlB.ry roKoluilon. Vrk lr( tori) thr i'ltrnuOlon of h-. IvuncrJ ur. Mrf) l4n)r whm tin HKTfmrjr uf tl .tid th Ktem tilT Krrr. u tk thr t.rnm oxiti lili h ilm future ti.'imo.rf rr tmoy rr t.i rontlii'H'J. J rrwl tlw lo Ok fiirm o( a prni .1. TIM. iitwvl. li 1 Win. U y t W Itwlf a provUlue r tha itnuMlloa of'ho- Ull.lnk Urocral lirnrjr W. Lawton la asalRtted to offered tha use of four t.OOft-fallon tank Its command. ran to aupply tha camp with apring The i- aertltloaa are now krlleved Drlgadlrr Oenera4 Wood will continue water. dent hit. felt warranted In tumn till at- Fifth army corpa. t.atliid m the wln'tlon of the rnmnila Mloaer. to lwclirad by tlw I'nltwl 8tatm PKACE rs AT HAND. aUh ilreftltiir a treaty ct p. Bo fur More Trewpi to Be 8it to Merrltt at Manila, of Bantluao waa rreated tonight Major Vnlon Una and Lor Island railroad, h lnf by Linaler. aaalited by hla men, aawat two other setting wnicn naa oen jjto. up for loat The fhunea apread and deatroyed St acrea of barley, 30 buahela; and W acre of wheat, 1.000 buhla belonging to Ear hart brother. Peter Tecalo loat 1.WO buahela of wheat which had been threshed and covered ready for hauling to Pendleton. Linaler- and Earhart'a wheat, which waa headed, waa not threahed. Liaaler'a wheat waa not Insured, for the firm ince he ha been farming here, inwn io l aiivu,vd to anoint wtier tti nreal-,10 r,"nmnd of Santiago City. Oeneral The offer waa accepted and the tank winimwniwirw" 1 Ohirir lur In lhl rnunlrv with Ih will lmm,llallv Iva mil Inln pnnilltlon SO that the water can be taken to the camp tomorrow. TROOPS ORDERED DISEMBARKED. ran e g.therrj but one name ha. bren , .:.'.; "!,'' ,m. aaaaaa ' K avi va . 11 1 uw jrva , aaa.aa aaa-- iN.iti'ly I.-trvilia4-4j utMi. luunHy. that Wamhliuptnn. Air. H-aval officer ' noon Olonel Culver, conunandlng the I a ...! . t. .. ...... i'Vlfth Illlnr.1 vwH man raxalvi1 ftrrlp Pat tf .lattil atn.l U to 1 auMnltirO tu tke tiii- j He..t.rjr Iaa. bo fit (" the com a pUB11ir m j,. -dUawnhairk hla men and await further l.h KvinB'M Wrr lim lnnal Iki- '"" Mr- "oouioro. ihiu minimer to f nayul eatablbOXment to a peace ; oruen. IihU. Tht- firat ntcp to be taken "Will te Hir.-a ar.. .iflj.-d. tmt IV. ndmlnii.tnitlun'a !. l Mr. KukIU. .rmerl amlm-HU' prtr timdi' JiMliy w.i'l"r t", are ulna nx'ti:oie4. M a. tu l!i t out la ri-ary i.y a aiainiu lit. 1 l l.H.-vnJ ".lie w.ll lir'.r ut"l. ' 4'HAKtVii riJ-:Kl.Vr.l 8PAMA3CDS. A m.-lln. .. utnn.r.l l-t..n H.-t-1 Tw t, t- of Xew york Jurut 8inlnh r.-tuiy 1 i y i,t. iln- l"r. rn li Ainli.inun.Uir J iij;liiet!r l litll l lwckcd by Machine ,i! -fc i .if rf....iir;!,.'ni ilm nn.mitir to iuui r-.tinM.-r .rwiiu .1. in; of tin i,i iilfti re y W1 ..poii Iruin ' "t' rilny'ii runrorcni'r. Th-rf W r.n,.ii t.i t'tllrveth1 thi fpxill"1' n.ierT.nirlil will tvril.. tr'Uii iM-rliiW. wlr .!:,.!r nilJ II..U the rruh a. 11 nil nartwfiwnt in u ul the lina i' I'm.-, 'i'le K'reiic'Ji tnl.a.-ialur, ai'oin tunl.1 bj Tlilt'lKiut, arrival ul th atute ileurtnMn:i at 11 Y!ok, fi'iil uflr n run-fiTrno- Iixtliig lil'le'li mlnuli' Ull 8k" r tary lu-y, thu Utter ilrtwe lo f!i White Hon... to oanfer with ltu fr-ealilmiL fain- Ihin rrnM huM ra the dtlomallr tiwn (M'Vrlahird 1W by Jhe Aicl.t- d !roi .'ounto, IVirlo Itlcu. Auk. 10. 3'roop C of j N York iniraued a party f Mooing itmnlxti tMiglnwr., nftcr tha capture of Coitmo yevterday, a dlatame of four miles along tlioroaJ to .VJumlio. The Am-Tli-aiia wrv checked at Cuyon river. wh:re the Spiinlnrda ling blown up a brlilne and were .nulled Imm the 8pan tsh iNittitry on tho creacnt f An'tilte' .mountain. Tlio dl.mounted vavaJry re-' turned tkv) lire, reotilvlug no damage and, tinl.lltiK Ibelr poaitlJna. A battalion of tne Third Wltcunsln voluntet ra came to tneir tianlalituoi.-. Toda- Lionerai llson'it ..I'luiiui as rotiiut. ropalrtng the brUlKf unl riTiiunoltorliuc me onvmy'e poltluii. There ire formidable gorgva on cither jnlile aiiJ the Spantsh work are on the ..... i -uilrvc iiiy rtturn. j. retta of the mountain commanding tne rt.-r.,r r.nv .t 1 n ,l.k nwulerh.. f.,. ! rad. Tka Spaniards have w veral guna 'inountod. unumir tlom In-In it iw inachliu' Innlrut fti't'inrut to the rva: U,.;it imuk into the country from the tor- lfdo bou! destroyer Terror at San Juan. These poaltlons It will be dlttlctdt to Hank. All the men wounded tu yesterday' the retirement of the monitors from ac tive service. They ur an uncomfortable craTi and afford little opportunity for gen eric training. 0. nirl Menitt'a forces In the Philip pices are to be Increased fcy 7.M) trooi. nutv at Smu Krwci.o, which will be sent a soon us transports can be secured. Sec retary Alger said todiiy tha 2,uu0 trovs would sail as sooa as possible. The department lias not suRUient troop dilps at hand at resent to send the re ninlnlng S.iJ at once. General Mi-rrltt will have a for.T of l&QOO when those en route all arrive at Manila, and there Is no hurry for theTemalnlng troops. " hs'Pr named upon a protocol, em bodying rjr rop.wud Iui-bih for tb. Hi'S'- Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable ...Al Fruit .. .... .. sYrBp Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write Um for PrlooM. Falrhsiven, Wash. tuition of a tre.tty of hku'. Iiio)ikiii? the eva uatloa of CitUt mid irlo l!Vx, aim It U eajiti'tl tha protmaa will ex- ute.l. It eta it sU'te.1 that the iosih are precl.ely tloae liutl down by the vn-sl- lent In hi t;tnil note about n woik ago. It Is believed that ot'hlnc tut a .f e- for mallllea to I llapeMl of to tccune the niilllles n muin tot IUpo.eJ uf toeuure the olKiialure of the protooul" F.'rnwil algnaiures lo protocol wlB not be itlllx.vl lochy. Thl 1h d. ttelio. There l aJaay a piwHlblllty In a mft liat with the Bpanloh navernmwit thM It nmy rvtlre ul the bwt nioim'al from an Implied iiHreement, but M l scircely o allde. There must be a delay, possibly from J to 48 hours, before the next tep can be taken. It la n.Fsunu'd that te Kr.-n.'h amlKisnaliir abandoned the condi tion which the president was reputed to liuvo regu riled an unsatleliu-tory. It la believed the protocol curries within , Khtlug a 111 rccovjr. HBWEr ANSWER. Ttiunka CoiiKrvasmaci Lh livw.H.m for In troducing a UoMJutlon of Thanks. -Itlantu, Oa.. Aug. 10. Congressman UKrliiKHliin Af Ueorgi who Introdjocil the revolution in the holme thanking Admiral laracy for alnklug the Simnish l!e,A at Ma nila, has nknclved a A-ttor from .the. ad nttcU. Ailcr thun&lng LlvlTston for .the In truiluctlon of tho reuilutlou, Almlral lVaiey aaya: "It Is a aourvcr of addliional pWaatire to me. a Vermomer, that the mover of the resojallem was not a vra from the r.ortn, but e from tho fur south. This is one of tbe good alirii of tha times. "In the hour of danger Uere U no eeuth. no north, but one unripd country. May wo never hear of stvtlonulUm agalu. Tinro aro no lines drawn In the navy. I nood say It may Interest you to know that nr (lag lieutenant, Hrumby, Is a Georglun W birth and uppolntmeot." DEPARTMENT Ole SANTIAGO. Washington, Aug. It). A department Ot PRIZES ODEERED RELEASED. Key West. Aug. 10. Acting under orflt-r from Washington, Commoilore Remcy has released the Nirrweglun steamer Aladdin and Herat en, rtcently captured by tlie vunboats Hawk and Viking. The ground for their rcteare is that Sagua !s not a blocs, ded port. Hoth steamers left here for their orig inal destination. A like dlsposKlon will doubtless be made of the Norwegian steamer Franklin, cap tured by the Hawk while bound far St- SPREADING OUT TROOPS. Washington, Aug. 10. Adjutant General Corbln has Iceued fhe following state ment: The secretary of war has ordered one division of the First army corps from I'hnttanooga to QCnoxvllle, Tenn., itnd an other division cf the same corps from Chlikamnnga to Lexington, Ky. A divis ion of the Fourth corps now at Tampa has been ordoret to Huntsvllle, Ala, The Second division (General Davis) of the second army corps now at Manasses, Va,, hs been onlered to Mlddletown, Fa. The unvlsahlllty of smirching the troops from CTilckamauga to Knoxvllle and Lexington Is under consideration. The movement of these troops te In ac eordimce with the pliuis of the war de partment to break up the large camps and spreid the troops about the country. SPANISH SCHOONER CAPTCBED. Key West, Aug. 1C The auxiliary gi'n boat Hornet arrive here this afternoon with the Spanish two-masted sckaoner Sllva Maria, captured while running from Itut.ibuiMJ to the Isle ef Pines for f.iad. WILL OET SPKLVQ WATER. New York, Aug. 10. The problem or supplying Montauk camp with water kas keen solved. William T. Warden, on be- the army to be known us the departmeiM half of the Standard Oil company, tho SPANISH HOSPITAL 8HIP. Washington, Aug. 10. The following was lusted ly the war department tonight: Santiago. Aug. 10. The hospital ' ship Alicante, with 1.050 Spanish sick on board has Just left the harbor. The Luzon came In tkls morning and will be loaded tomor row. . ' i dHAFTKR. THE ASTORIA REGATTA. . Sun Frunclsco Club Crews and -Single Scullers Coming. San Francisco, Aug. 10. At aoon to day entries dosed for the Astoria re gatta, and Samuel J. Pembroke, mem ber of the board of governors of the local association of the Amateur Ath letic I'iU on, who had the matter in year. lt ft re destroyed wheat Held etwees Aduma and Athena, but the name and amount of loss are not obtainaole. GARCIA'S TROOPS ENGAGED, - Santiago, Aug. 10-Gorcia a occupied Glbara and It la reported that ha la ba-.. sieging Holquln with 8,000 troops. WITHIN THE WALLS OB" LAJHiA!...j Spaniards Stoutly Resist and tht Town J la Abject Terror. (Copyrighted JM by the Associated Preert Manila, Aturoat S, ia. Hong fcong. Au gust It The Tumor la current here that the Insurgents, fearful that peace will f concluded etween Washlngtoa aaul Mad- , rid and that the Americana will withdraw , from the Philippine, are conaeqaentlT the snore trenuoua In their desire and , effona capture Manila, 8nday night; there was a heavy bombardment with, heavy modern shell. It Is generally be-, llewd tn the city thai the Aerlana a slsted and the papers published lists ot Uatrtoaaa alleged to have been killed, In cluding some names of rank.. charge, announced that the crew from There h also a report that bxilf the Americans have succumbed, to, lever ano Alameda and South End Rowing clubs had entered, and that all arrangements had teo made, and that besides the crews, Frank DupUssca, Dr. C. C Dennis. Alex Pape. Coney Ochs, and thii mlsMtatement, with ocharaUke it, en- vnuiu-5a the Spaniards t maintain thetf. suiejditl resistance. (' On Surnluy many shots entered tbe ton. j ierul reached the citadel Itself and It J reported that some ladles were killed, l! There) was a frightful panic Inside tha Frank Wilson would go with their : walls, women and children shrieking In shells to enter Into the single scul, jZ "L: events. .r ASTOIZLVS RAILROAD SCED. Portland. Aug. lO.-WUllum Honey maj, E. J. De Hart and Hufrk Glenn today filed suit against the Northwestern Construc tion ciimiHitif. Astoria c Columbia River Rallroud company, and Central Trust company of New York far fcMUS and 113, WJ0 attorneys fees. The prlnclpiU amount Is claimed to be the balance due for matorVils supplied and labor pprformeil In Che building of the Astoria railroad. Battery B, Oregon Ugh artillery, was paid off today, about $2,000 to be distribut ed amonc; the trwops. New Manila uniforms of ujcht drab can vas have been issued to the battery, also campaign hats aad a few scattering blue uniforms. VERY HEAVY LOSS. Pendleton, Aug. . A lire started this afternoon In Edward Ltnsler Held, four miles eust of Pendleton, between Uma tilla river and Wild Horse creek, destroy ing three settings of wheat from HO acres being about 2.TU0 bushels, lnvessant Hgbt- 4 Continued oa tklna pago IktVKayal 1 tk highest n-4 hkl aawaW r ActaM teau am a Qamt JVr4 farther thaa r ""raad. i' FOVQEi? .Absolutely Purt aoriiio Kyuotn co., hiw vonc. ONE HDSDEKD DO ZEN EEGATTA MEN'S AND YOUTHS' Official Style Regulation Club Colors --- TO BE HAD ONLY AT --- C. H. COOPER'S THE LEADING DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE OP ASTORIA LADIES' AND- HISSES'