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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1898)
THE DAILY AVrPMAX. SUNDAY MOKMNU. AK'il'ST 7, IIWI, 2ND INSTALLMEiNT OF Wise Sayings BY Herman Wise The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. If you An't rl our Mylrura, jrou ml ptannnt young Mlow in !! of that om good rcwi dinar, rxxl advW and fol llarffslna. From local hotel: "Not rtuponalble for dlamonda, tolrjrri or other valualdea pt utnlrr h ptllowi; the jr MhouM t d poalted tn th Mf." Over LOW Bulla to Mrt fr.nn ( Her tnn Wtae'a mure; auKa from 15 to IS). Trial of law miK ti e xpenntve; you can Try on on of our Sum fr nothing. Imfijr of rte nwxlor SrWejr wnt Crvwa'i f)et to th bottom of the : Chl-f Stockton tntenda to Cevera a homely ohl cum. At the rotf HTman Wlee U rwdvinit fliola now, he imiM InWnd t. lit out every mnn and lv In ami around Aatorto. W don't nrree with McKtrtlf)' proKv tkn on nhet), tut we rathe like him f'r ptvlertfr the Cutaina, whom the S.nlh have aUuithteriM like irfieop. Sew atork of S.H-ka, Xwkwehr, an.1 nun dry nvwrir fw jmlK-men at VI'a. Wouldn't you rathor ,t,-l lth oMhtrr who Ik up-to-dat. tmih In wnnlrur hl ar iuhI buying hu mock. If y.u want fivwh. rowtby pd, trd l:h VIe. fleet up In the air during the IteKt Wlne' U the lightest More In Atvri. nltht I'arade Why I tha ReratU auc rrrat ue ea? Dn-auee Mr. Wm. Ooalin In nre. denL lie la a graduate fnmi the im-ipor. gted CoHege. of Ruatlcra. "Irt'i Hat tVfarlment l complete; the, latent ahapee, the prettleet ahadea. A drawing omnWnatKin VIea Woolen Bhlrtu and Irawer, I How m.iny Mile to Torto Rloo? There's You e whait you'r buying. Why la llTmnn Wb like a atovrplpf? Itrcaum e can Anybody Wlw'a Okuhea rwmWe the Philippine fX"e.lltlon. There Ik General Merr;!t In them. Of OMirae your no Prvanlard, but It you'd fOX one of WI.e- atyllvh uit. you would he pret4t at any court It better to WW rvhra l.y trad'.ng with Wl!e. than t W bom ulth a cock only one Milea. and Spain think he I ooj uU in ',ur mouth. many. We don t look .i furmy tin our Ad woul.t Tliere'i one clothier who knowa how to Indicate, hut we do fvl that we cm tit take cAre of h; ruatximer Herman you out 'letter any M :r in town Wli-e. the RellaWe Clothier. j Reavnnh.-r Hi,, name . TTicrc'l Piwn 1k a rh.wg In the local i HEItMAX WISV:, Potoin.'e. There will I a gyxl lokirg. The R'-IUMe i"!o;h.!r And ll.nt.r. aMMHaHHaiBBaBaBaaaHMH LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA Specials for Today j Tomoprow Tailor made Separate Skirts. F. W. L. 2 Clasp Gloves. Ladies' Plaid Hose. Summer Corsets. 2500 Remnants to close, re gardless of cost. McAllen & McDonnell, ASTORIA and PORTLAND I ASTORIA AEAT COMPANY ? Teltphon No. )J I Handles Only the Choicest Aleats f :? S Cmawrvlal St., nt p.c Rtttauraat. i IHHUIUIIIUIUUUIIIUIUIIIUIIUIUIIIUIIUIIUUM TODArg WEATHER, Fair weather; cooler. AROUND TOWN. vJ SUNDAY. Tha trn gatea Of glittering parl i "her tfc morning waUj, rt'lde open whirl, , ate Gray. 1.53: Mrs. W. O. GvMwlln. c.t; Ulna Norton, CS; Mrs. Riljp.. 7; , ReeJ, ri Methodic Churrh-To.Uy th Rev. E. B. Mitchell will picn bnh morning a-U ever.k.g. at 11 a. m. and p. m.: Sunday school at 12. J'; Epworh league. 7 p. m.; prayfr meeting Wednesday at p- m. Have you seen our two-clasp chamois Gloves, with em broidered backs? Albert Dunbar, ...For Boys and Girls... WFite Military Caps Gold Brnlcl mul V. S. In Gold Letter Lntcnt Crnze of tho hcuhoii "Mascot" Kid Gloves Aro tho Best Evory Pair Guarantood Wear Only the Mascot and Havo tho Bost Wo Havo Thorn In All Shados HllilUlltllliailltllllllllMUMUIIIIIIIIIIuiUll SHANAHAN BROTHERS The Only Mforo Tlml HvIIm Clicup Cur. and t'oninit'rclal StrtTis September Delineators anJ Pattern are here. , liar, The county court adjourned yesteroy on:U Wednesday next &.me of the u-rlver arlners closed down tor the caon yesterday. The Ga:'Tt tfok out two carloads of iln"H last evir.i for the aet. Yesterday the railroad had out tn et ears ct salmon 1vunJ Jvr te tvist. tar.wr on your siiWr-ArJ prove your tasre Is correct. It irwvea aiw that you are dcr.nar your duty to your gur; ftn to yours-:f lumping .he tim-et wh:ky ot Uiindiiie. 9-,id by Fimrl & 9: ok-. 9, As toria, Oregon. Friday tvenir. August 11 th l.idl-s Aid society of the Norwegian anj LVmiah M. E. chun-h, l'-!r A.storU, wl'.l have their annu-il auction In the basement ot the ihurvh. Ke i.r.irn, takf and orf-e jaiU U scrve.1. All are cur lu'.ly .r..:e-i. An --arr;:.';.i::fp. ui;i t-e h-ld in c.'y The lUmn hti ow. yetrd,y K-r 1-1-,,.. h CUMvni, ,..rvu A!: r ,r, ,.v, lamook with g- n-ral roerchandite. jJr!ilr t i e ..,..,, h...a;., ;i;,,.y ,-, .. .. I "; r - the I-,- .1 c.-.-m A iiritlSQ u-.ra ur ir," -mi ..c ..... fl , was shut out from view of the look -out at the vti. No description of the vessel Is given. It Is reported that the plans for the Page huildlnc in the south en corner of Twelf:h and Commercial stress are ner ly completed by Aroht:l t'ergus-.-n. and work will pimmfTirt by S ptemttr L Tne building lil I l'xl'i. twi slurbs and will be provided wi'.h every convenience fit "l I'O 'S ?rvur.d ri'KT anfl oiT.ces on the .-c-:-nJ (! The work win te d--ne by tl.e day and rKt by ion:n.t. yeatcrday, thoufch'. to be the InveKaJ-U. in'SS all 1 11- f-.rr.atlvn. Georgw Thing, whos dnth was aa- Ia the police court yesterday tt."cKr The ,.ret,t iarfl ire r.j.,.a:i(! ,ir un,j tnc Grll'cnMdt was f.m-J JJ for drunKe.-.n-ss. . uiV h.,v.n)f tfla... i Thursday nu.rrlr.i j tv 1 1' I t Sir. K. U. Gabwrt. the editor from Ore-1 ,he fJ:l j.i-.l.d f l:ic .ipv..,rth but.uir.g. goo City, and Sirs. UaWitrt, are at u rlt Ur ..r..-,...., ,es-.. rd..y that th twacb. I the pile driver oul-l be m-J from toe , . ,,. middle of the tr-et. The Camera club will enjoy an cut.ngi at Oiney today. They will leave out In, .venl'r jounced In a l-iesr-ph di.-iHh 'n es- ni .g. J teMay s l.-ue by talliug from a seuSoiJ- General Freltrht an.1 l'lisscger sert J- j '"g a Hllsboru, is the father of H. il C Mayo Is woverlng 'rjm hii recent 111- I Thing of the firm of Sherman ic mini. nes. He waa reported as much improved , and Is an uncle of Mill lioiarth. As soon yesterday. ! a l!le "ctldent wcurre-1 Mr. Thing re- 1 crive.1 a telegram conveying the sad news Rev. W. C. Uolllngsheod. pastor of the an'' he I'ft at owe f-.r Hiisboro to attend SL E. church, being absent from the city j the funeral. today. Ilev. E. B. Mitchell will conduct! the services In that church. I , rllruiJ VV W that In their opinion the rduc:lns In writ biur.dimesenifer rates from Chicago to the I'acifk: coast would be still heavier Theme at th Congregational church to- ri.iv "tlti Rwn In thy r:ar,l.n llil Jesus." and "The Old Need the Ned of!!han yeterd..ya dlpa.tches. Today." All are cordially Invited. At the Presbyterian church services are: as usual. Theme of the morning sermon: j "Things That Keep l's from God," even., lng theme, "Affitiliies." A cordial lnvlta- j tlon Is extended to ail. lietween the Canadian Pacific on the north and the Panama Steamship com pany on the south, American rallpxids ure liable to aufltr heavy losses before the dose of the year. Coroner Thol was n'JtlfUd yestrJay that the body of a man had been tcund A cannery warehouse will be erected h n"r T'llamoo. He,cl. me ly the Columbia Klvr Canneries cm- or"n" ! on th n pany on the site ot the recently burned UIT "t,- havl" ,ne Tiriitv In 1 IriiMfir, r-um.fri. Th.. I.... I.. ....... Columbia cannery. The building wlil be iQxM and two stories high. The following services will be held In connection with Orace church' today: 1 Celebration of the holy communion at 11' a. m.; children s service ot Op. m.; even ln prayer at Holy Innocents ut 7 p. in. body In Clatsop remrtery. Tru- U.)y was badly ciw omposed a il con 1 r.ot i.e identi fied, but Is thought r,rbabl '' '.v :l at or Patrick DonoKhue, who was drowned here aiout a month ugo. A ve."-l was retioru-il from i.'ie 'ape about 7 o'clock ye-t-ril,iy a.- lylr.K -l-is'-In to North nch and In ''.i-rter -.f golna "" ashore. There was a h.-avy fog -it tbe Much Interest was manifested 'eitr- time, with a lich: wlril from th.; v:..t. flay In the counting of the vo'.e-t up f The tug I'.eil-f, w hi- h w-nt out In ;he date for regatta queen. The leading candl- .ifti moon, was ri.port.-d as -m t dates now ctand us follows: jl.r-n Maud miles to the k,jt h ,md t-jo Pr . ff o Stockton, ",'A'j; Sirs. Harrison Alien, of'; n-f. X, ,..r ,.,.a. - Sirs. S. Normllcf, S.I23: Sliss lle Hoss. could Ik- ol,tai:..i, -honiy .v--r Hi- 1,!K3; Miss Winnie l.cvc-it, 1,711; ilifs Ous- e.-.-l .Irlf.'d .-iroui.d .'.'ortti it-i l .u.-i There were many popie In the city we terday who came by Ka: and train ft'-nt ail the outlying dls'.rU-ts f r the Satur day shopping. The st'-rs w.-re bu all day an l the clerks of the le iding lishrr.-nts a- arc-iy had tlnit to In th evvr.lng the Saturday special of the A. ,v t. arrived ! tx c.iv-h.-s. f.i:r!y w!l J':!'.e.l. with -.--: i.nn l f.,r S I, an-i a many re . rt ir.s t.vir-!-d ih. tt F, rt. M. .!-n O. H Snab-i ind wife. ' I.hti-h il. i; Jir.-l ; ci'or,:e AI-I-rs. (' ill'he!!. F cir-e'i. Port l,nl; It. A. Un.ler. l-. k-o: II. A. H in--n: i'!!-s M.-.-h 1:1. A. p.illarl, II. ". 11 an-.-n. A. Voung, ri.irbs 1.'-. K. P. P-irkr. il'y; Mrs. J. Harris. I-i ir-l city; Mrs. Wefn. St:s KfhV H'Jll. Mr. '. II .'v, Mi-s Jol St.-wart. J is. K. Smith. Ui tiraridi-; l. i. Hos-i, Sklp aivn. are at the SI array. Ccd-.nel K. ". Hughei, the lly lisher man, and Sir. Harney Cob-man. of I!ote. Idaho, his guest, return.-.! fp-m a tinning irlp yesterday wi'h about l"i dog.-n line ;w kied trout, w: 'c". with hi. u-.'3i gtr. eroslty, the colonel comm'-rv-rd to dls trlinite amongst his friends. He siys he returru-d nrxiner than he antl' lrati.-.J, ind could have had many more flsh but his friend got tired so tire. he ould .lot eat his meals so that out of consideration for him he was Induce. to return to the city. Th colonel la always accommodating. Lieutenant Sherman has not yet made the appointments of all members of tnc local division who will comnb-te the crew of the torpedo b-nt Davis that la to lak-? her to San Francisco after the p-g-i.ta. Every member of the second division Is anxious to go, but It will be necessary fcr all hands to now something of seaman ship, and must be reasonably certain that they will not be hampered by snslcknesa on th" trip. Slany of the memners ure now nbsent from the city, but there will be no trouble In picking out six tars to man the Davis. It Is evident that the lower Columbia river cannery men are at war with eacn other In a strangle for the share of the fish to be obtained during the short remain-!' r of the li.-hlng reason. The llsh ing i-.aon i-Iop'-h at midnight of n-xt MVoiii-sday, tho 1-nh. Friday night ,1 te.. gra.m was r.--lve.l from llwa'o i. - t Heorge li.irk' r bad offered l'2 ns. f ,r lh. the pri' for the se.non having b-ei, I, At tr,j.;.i-ht last night Kl-:.or.- -o. t'-l a noti... at all l.H llsh r-'C'tlv- f-'tl'.is .-.r.d tiir s ows In liak'-r's l!ay "ff'-nr.g .' . ems f ,-r f! Already i.i-.-" luive !.n book'-l for tin; Co lumbia, salllnif toni 'rrow, on the ij-.vnt rate to New York. The new rate, whicl was rlr-st ublshed by the O. It. & N, s.'vnis ja be tukltii tho greater share dl the trattK'. iHeilborn & Son Furniture and Carpel.. SP!.t l. I, S. I.I! J;i !un n I.iiicif Warp Mattings. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland. In a Woman's Care OIR COUNTY U'AtS Vhat the County an. I City People Think of the Question. IT IS WRONG to put "cheap" baking powder into your husband's and children's food. Schillings Best The matter of '! county roads Is at tracting much attention lust .: it' sent There Is evl-l.fitly .1 d.-termltiatl-.n jo fae good rad that will enable the farmer t' market his produ-e and b. his trading with the least po-dbl. ex: ne, .u-,l -.h -r -Is also a movement to hue a few s ' 1 rw) In and ii'-ar the cpy f -r drUlug pur- pose. Yest.-rday Sir. John I.-a'iy. of O.r.y. was It: the ,-st v. ,ir..t t 1 in A 11 n 1 ;' sentattve, In .)!'Ulng '.!. r-ul ., ,! 1 hu 3 all: "U'e want that t iat hu ' n m-.ntl m-d In tin. .it..rt 1:1. 1 an ii : ' of the r k . rtisl'.'r aN 1, b--t in my matl-.n It Is t-.- -..ty f.,r u i l'.' '!' t!.-t the s-iw mill nrst. I", ink l.n r ! ' so as to make th'Tl) piMi-'tv, a'i-1 t'-'ll K. t a r... k i rustier In a few jciri ai..l 1:11 prove -.lie t.-ir.por iry roads grid ;a'iy wl-n ma u'lam. "It Is a fa- l that I 1111 cotiii.ig ;) t w n most re.-ulariy, atoul utice 1 w-k wltn n:y team, r.'-w. but it ,s jHi a known f.n-t that n man :l riving ov-r the r-' ids Is not fit for work the re'.t I iv fr i-i tn- shaking up ht gsts. With good r ads th'-re would bo dozens of wag. 1,1s to t-iwn to every one that o.mes now. ' One of the Lading merchants yisterday evening, of the, utore where l.eahy was trading. (stnmentln on the ro'id question, aid: "We want a saw mill for the count.' nd a roc k rusher for the city. Let us build up our city streets and roada on a perma neni lasls first. Improve In like manner the cunty roads In the city limits, and make the town a desirable plai to live In. Afterwards we could loan the rock crusher to the county for maondamlalng th roads, and If needed we could borrow th.-lr saw mill for work hat might be needed In the city." A lady standing by, who does a great deal ,f driving, u,nd who la well known In society circles, spoke up and her sen sible Ideas to the discussion were added; "I know that we need city and county roads. If wv exiwct to attract either farmers or city people her who are ac customed to some of the convcnl ices and pleasures of life we must have ocUr streets and roads. I was out driving the other diiy and went over the new bignth street road to Youngs Hay. 1 could not help but notl' that while It Is a good road now It will m good for nothing In the winter. Thero Is one plure, where the road goes through a cut, that the first rains will cover It with slides If, Imbed, It will not bo made lmpuani;. What Is the of spending money on streets lo have It wai.-d? It wlil be Just like th pipe line road, which, when llrst bulit, w.i.h a good road mid a beautiful pleasure drive, now It l.i Impossible, to uho It. H the banks of the ut referred to In the h.t'h-li htreei ext' ii:-io!i bad been h al'b-J tin; (ill would have heen held Intact. The road around .Smith's point should lie niaf 1, this would give us a drive ot four or bee, rnlleH. Hood city arid county roads, 1 know from exp' i I'-m c- in Call fornl a, find the cant, are tin; main fact ois In a I'ommuiiiiy. Tln-y attract people of im-anx, and attract the live farmer who wains to be m ar murket. Again, drlvlnc? makes business for tho liveryman, the bla'ki'inl'h, iiarne-smak-r, feed man, car rlage mak'r and a host of employers. I ay give us good roads." P. A. STOKES "!.. il-J V IOI 1 11 Il 003 mul liciittV KumiHhli.jr Cioodn ! CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. I 4 if il Nlltll llllllllllllllllllll, """""'"lllillllKMIIMIIIIIIIIHUIIUIIIUI is pure and true. It UAL K.STATK TitA..sri;itH. II. A. Owens Adair and John Adair to J. It. (jllsirap, lots 3 and 4, block 3, and lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 9, 1'ij II, 12, 13, II, V, and 1'i, Murk 5, and all of block 7, containing four lots, Ilanstead addition to Astoria; 1,W0. II. M. Cake -t al to It. P. KabJ, tnc south half of lots 1 and 2, block '), railroad addition to Ocean 'Jrovc; $'.. TO CLKAN.-iK THK BYSTEM. Effectually yet gently, when contlve or bilious, to permanently overcome, habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without Irri tating or weakening thorn, to dispel head aches, colds, or fevers, use Byrup of Flga, made by the California Fig Byrup Co. SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE ! 15 and 122 cent Lawns, - 10 cents 10 cent Lawns, - - - 8 cents. 8 cent Lawns, c cents Best Grade of Calicoes, - - 5 cents All Summer Goods at cost to make room for the large line of Fall Goods now on the way. THE BEE HIVE almost every aril ! of w.arlng apprt will last longer than If look! aftar by a si an. flonit worni-a n'glert thtir ftaf. Hhoos of pun at'prsranc-a. ra hrr than good goal ty, attract them Hut In buying- abacs hr It la taa po.aibio lo make a m'.slake. Th aa pearanc and stylo Is all that tha moat fs.ttjlotia could de.lre, and the quality keeps pica with both. Our prices ara regarded aa wonder fully low by wi.s buyers. Petersen 4 Brown. MURRAY HOTEL Kind el Ninth Htrrt. Electric Lights tlectrlc Bells Free Sample Room-Alt Modern Improvements. WKKKI.Y RATK-S V. M. OUNS. rrnprl.tnr. You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drags, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of The only cut-rato drtirf atore where every article w sold lf In T jr cent lean tban the mnnufucturur'n priee. Mere wordu dou'l ti ll it nil. Here rc some tiricea. Ileuiainlicr every I'liti-nt Mcilicitic. Toilet Article or Druif in golil nt out rate. Our muil order htiHincH Iiiih tri-lilc.l in a yeur, Ijecauae everyone within il) inil'a ot rorllari'l run anvct money I .y IradniK Willi us. Our liffiilnr t'lit-r.itc rri'- I'rlii. Allcoi'k'fl I'orom I'iiiit'-rii u I', u pi Avhik' fnraiiirlllii. I do 1,1 fiiftcr'n I'illi 1 1 Caatorla i, S'-otl 1 l-.m n I tl'jn I no 7;: i;..i.'l Mir.,irll' il l'uIii.-'iCi.rv('iiinpoiiiii oi r. Myrun of KlK ') !r, in-ion r.lood I'n, ill. -r I mi m li'.i' i-h Kvorlt'. rr'-"' rlpii'm 1 m in rii-rcn'n fiol Ipii Mi-i( ul i- rovi-ry I "i i.'i 1'ii-rri. a l'i-il-1 2 1 l", Wllliimii' I'ink I'll in :ti ' V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l'niM'o"i or "iMg'ir- ('o.iliul lalilnt", In liotili'ii i-oiit.iiilriK I'Xl I-K'nlil .'.1 Qiiiiiifip (.iipmil'-n, or Woirr- i-o;iiil J jti.j.-TH. in ll'itlll-l r-oiiiiilnliiK no '2 xriil'i 'uiiiim- iipiiili-i, or i-oii'c"! l.i.i'-'i, in initi'in i-oiiIhIiiIiik hi) .'i-Kmlti r, 'iiluiin- (ji.-iil-, or -1 1 k r - roHti'd lalili-tii, l'i i-Ohl'iltdi'K PfiogrHln V, We buy dlrwt from the tniiiiiifiu:ttirflrs in tiunntlticH, wiiicii Ki'Hiri'H the VKIty liOWKST TltADK liATKH. Thin cniihloH uh to retail at wholi'Hitle prute". Wo rmy trunHiiortiition eliarKCH to Ah- toriu on all or.lern (or druifH or piiti-nt DieiliciiH'H nmoiintinK to f r or over, whun auc'oriiianie(l by the chhIi. (jnr plioiOKrAimm ili-pnrtmttnt will in- tereMt you. Lvery new thlnK In photon r.iiiliy in in stock, and it will delight nit to have you call, whether yoti buy or not. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kate Druggists Fourth and Morrison, Portland, Ore. irtvrnuvnnunvuuuvut For vnur Picnic Lunch vet .A. A. i-i. . - j . m-- Till Boiled Ham at DeYo's 139 Ninth Street, bet. Bond and Commercial. All grades of Staple mul Fancy Shelf (iroccriu.s. r ruiu ami I'gctublcs. i tnvnAAuuvuvuvuuuvtAAAAviAAum inru A WOMU'S ttlflY . Of BUYING SHOES i.s a tfood way if kIic'h of n coninioii wiihc turn of mind A smart woman ciin mncntlly tell if a slme (its licr fnot. Tli i.s leiii true the mIioo man who tries to tlolmli; tho woman inakeH the Mumlcr of his life and drives his trade to a storo whero reliahle shoes arc Mild mid perfect flitting i performed. JOHN HAHN, Astoria, Ore inuuiutnnnuiJiAAnAAnAJxrwinn THE PALACE Astoria's Leading Restaurant Everything Strictly PlrHt-ClnnM. W. W. WHIPPLE.. Proo. I 3vuuuuifiruwuuvuuuiiiAru u u .