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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1898)
1 -, , , - r. : - -v 1 " i i,.' , i..r.'',"? ' .," t, v.r, r ,.',, !. i',, : , : VV" . X ' ' THE DAILY AS10MAN, SUNDAY..IORXiy, AKilST 7, IBM. . J Call and See these BEAUTIFUL PIANOS at 576 Commercial Street, Astoria, Fischer From the well known house of ALLE Knabe I Each and ovory ono sold under a POSITIVE ANTEE and at pricos never before offered to the peo ple of Astoria and vicinity. Pianos on Eeisy Terms Old Pianos and Organs Taken as Part Payment on Good First Class and if you Intend at any tirao to fret a Piano, call and soo this stock and judgo for yourself. iAAAAAAAJKAAAAAVVlAAAAAAiAAAAArAilAAAAAAAlAAiAf Sp eciaL Holt ...Sale Wing Lee & Co. ('niuiH ii inl Stru t umr (VK)K-r'a I ry iuxU Store. OVA VriAAVAni UXAAAAAA VOnAAAAA Chas. Kan & Co, m: co.mmikcul stkt.kt. Maiuifrnttirrr .f I'NIHIKWKAK nn.l Wrii''i-M. i tc. Tin- lwt jinn's in Arioriu. no (airy it tint' txk of Jtiin'.o Kimcy (iivxlx, tine ('liiiiawiiii', Notitiiis ami 'l at wlioliwile j.riii!. Estes-Conn Drug Co, Leading Druggists of Astoria t IAAAA1ASV Try ProHtoio," a sure and (leasant cure for the Headache. . - T Jtv M fc c 1 1 y 1 jcv l j iw Moto I TIIOH. CJUINKAN. Proprietor L" " - I THE OCCIDEMT Astoria's Leading Hotel I Metier 5i Wright, Props. ; $W I'WW.J. SCULLY ' -: ; -j: Sole Aeent. . C. Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. ' Agent J. TRENCHAR Instruments... Peace or (liar No mattar whether It I paac or wax, I'nc lc Ham ftiunt hav meat, snd h "I hM l ha only on." "Ther ar othar." and III the Other W prnpo to look rtr. W hav jut htl our pick from a clinic lunch of export rattle, snd they ar tnt held for our trd. Com In and lorn cut from this choir lot IIOH8, 11IOOIN8 CO, Orlontnl CmHowIiIci nnd Toy. e in iip I rcclkice tock nnd Hcnrdlc of Col iaaruAAAUAAAntrVAAAAAAV I A .5 y OnlyJOQSetUp The Born Steel flange Every Ono (iimranttTil 431 Bond Street. Ct-mtotn House Broker. ASTORIA,- OREGON. W. F. iCn., ani Pncltlc Exprem Co'. Krell GUAR This Sale Lasts but ONE WEEK George E. Allan, Manager. I!'MM UK i n.MMI.I'.i IA1. KTIlKKT Hlrrrt lit nil- Tlii'l Ari. Tun l.oW M.'loulil lie'.l llltu, A.t.itti. .Suit. 4 -T.. Hi. i;il!'r.-'l hi-wldei-lng of in fri.-r. I ll rnrri-i In ! I'litfr ii At'lu Ik ii kid I'Ihi. l! In I1 1 fii t Wider In Hlillrly', r ial i.f r'o ird A Ht'.Krn' dinrr. luit tlio ni'itfr .f rr.nli (iimiIi lint l.t forgotten, r-i hilly by per .'in nlxiit to litilll nil I lint atrn-t. Tli Min'ln In mw ao low l) tit n-l-Int. In tlii- tirl k ImlMliiKa 1 ln t, with on exception, nil with water rvrr year. Tlii r illrimil trmk la IS t jboto the hno nl gride. Itoixl alr i( atmuM be at li-aat Jl feet, anil Eleventh street Udil Coinim -nlal Zl. tlirw fr.t lilulur limn thr (rrarni urmlr, luan U ft, birlunii or V fit. 1 1 y in h (rmlra tin- Inir irta auuM ' ratanl an irllufa cuuM lr uoil ami tln tiM-(ihr.a uf thr hllla WiiilKI b. l-. i. 1. Klrvi-nth atrmt. Mom Urxml. .Ill nruli My lir hr thuruiiKhfiir tu Ih. Vjit.r !ay lirl.lfa ami Iht rniintry road. "Mo ahnuld t. rrrliM-,) tu Vrt tlm (Tailra rlalit. If liullllri ar. mw litilll (k-dw tli. crailr mrntloiiM thf)' ah.iulj l con- tru lit an aa lo I"1 .'ally rnlal. J. Q. A. HOW l.l V. KltoM WASlllN'JTuN. I'ullman. W.ah, Aug 1 -1' llm MpI. AatorU I'roirrrjialv. Aaaih i-itl in, Aa- lorln, dir. -My dear lr: I linuxht -lth in. a I'lanl frmn th. rarnip-' irrir. that v.ry mui h (ra.nlilr ih c nm on ilantlrllon. Our hoi.iniat. I'.-ifnvir l'llr. atitlra thai It la a pUnt brought from Kur In Ui. ImlUat -if vrrla. It la wldrly ilialrlbutml li.n th .ut 'f Or. troll and Waahlncton. riie n-iti.e la Cupla Mra. NHami Juina m. In aK-ikn hnkln you fur your kinj tr-iiniont 1 1! w rr In AatorU aitn )ou. Your very imlv, H. II. NtLUU.N. ClfS AND DISl'l'SU IT. Han Krunclaao. Auj. .-hUlltor Aatorlan Mraara. Mr. or Mudam aa I ar no muiira aa vroprlHor, tltor. atm k-hil,l-.r in mora than I -hat I hava Inokiil lr for S y.ara, nd looked for long -and am waaur.0 la a furl, I. . a tlm tulilo of Ih. arrival and di-tutrturc ol train on that rallroiul ao loiax lime a comln' lut hh th.r. A a land oan.r for owr a avor of y.ara. and all tax puld lo dat.. It I prtm liNil, nl lntrral u uHl an Int.rcat In n vrlix Ipal, to not. your n.wa of awkly. all alniut trlpa to aome rvaort n the inwn by, and alamt flyara InudiM with aulmuti nolnn ruat, and Younga ljy bridge, etc., and from Wrmont to (.Nili puRlTV I I RiCHNrSS if Vv?9'W . ; ! wf&G& kaisers, is is fct wm i i a.. W. F. SCHEIBE, A full lint ot Pit. Tobacco, sod 5aiokrt' Arilclta. 1A Commercial Ht. The Pat Market Chickens, Butter and Eggs flloiays on Hand. B7-4 Cotnincrt lil (Street, A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars ami Jolly Glasses. With the Fruit to go in them Ik; Astoria Steam Laundry Luclwi f'iriilii nur i.iiimt. I kn'', U rmd fur l- ,il in'K .iii.l ri'rlty. W'dibl It nut In- kImi ii ii 'I i ly yuur bnur.) nf iiiiMin rif to itxikn a nup ,n roa yur !inl- Innliit'. from 'Jll. to tlin .u, n) .til. ui uly ah'ialiiK a tii.ip of Aat.rl.i, n., a . . .. utid w. W o h.iv. a iniii and pli'ito K r i .i .f A i"i la iH-forv u lx fore the r 1 1 M.ol .ia built. Htid n w a l K'h nnd itii- of Kmplrc, etc., wint w.ird I Moiibl Ilk. to am a m.ip of lm prm i-mriita iukI conteniiitlnl. 'ua It mi. I dlacup It. It. T. BAXK & BON. TDK ri.KAHt llKH (K TI1K KA KM. Aatiiibi, Auk. I -Kdltor Aatorlan. I h-ivn Iwik li Id to The olilnlon th. country la th. place for man. liuluuinn wninrii. .pk tally In the aummrr, and tluit opinion haa been onllrmi'd durliiK thn it Meek. I.aat Monday inonilng- I took the ati-am-er It. It. Tliompwin at 7 o'clock Vir Hka niokawa, fur n few day outlnc and to vlalt my old frliiula. Mr. 8. I'. Marah and family, who are now living at that place. I iIIm overril. however, that a part of the family. Including Mr. and Mr. Mi rah. were Jum now at their farm, omc two nilli a from the vllluKe. and that communl catbm I by water. While there la a Very good w-ugon road leading from 8kamo. kawa up the valley, I noticed mutt of the liualneaa of the plac I done In boat, l-'lulilng tiomt come and (o, milk 1 brought from the ranuhe to the iroamery In buHta. und mal craft of vatloua de- rlptloii may be Been navigating the wat er of thl queer little-village. After a ahnri ret we atarled r the farm In a email boat, the paaaingert gnd crew" con dating uf five young ladle (Including two vlaltor from I'ortliuidl, und myaelf. 1. of courae. offered to do the rowing, tout they would nut llatrn to It, and I oon found they did not require any asalatance from me. The ride to the furm wai very pleaaant the boat gliding through the water ot th Inlet, the bank covered with green trnea. the abrupt hill In place reaching lo the water' edge. It wa nearly noon whin we reached the farm, ind there wa only lime for greet ing and a abort reel whim dinner wa announced. I aat down to a good juuatan meal auch aa one only gel at an old fuhlinvd farm houe; fresh vegetable, milk, fruit, etc., to which I did full Justice with the appetite gulned by the morning rid AftiT dinner we all went out In the fletd to are the men hauling hay and putting It away In the tiarn, und to have a ride on the hay wagon. There I comethlng very attractive. emclully to, the younger peo ple In the hay-nMklng hualne; and truly thl wa almoin an ldial picture of farm life that perfecu July afternoon. The miudowa , the old orchard, the garden, aurrotindcd by a frlture of alder, maple Gunther's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor .... Manutactur. and Lalr In FINE CIGARS! ....Prices Lower! Than Ever ! WHITE LABOR rERPECT WORK SATISFACTION Franklin unit poplin, '-irnili.K the f .rm proper from the aurroutidlng foreata: the fine old miiple ahak' tre dotting the place here and there a If planted y the hand ot nian. and to make oil complete, the moun tain !r-arn running through the nu-adow on lia way to the Columlila. Among thn Inatltullona of the place I ilu i'hliue aaalatant. who ha been on th. farm fur yr and know how to do everything, from temllng the auxk or the g.iribn to the Indoor work. It waa lnter-ting lo watch him a he went from one thing to anottu-r. taking a much In-ti-n-iii In everything aa If he owned it all. The anlmul all aei-mi-d to know and obey hi voice, but he omJtlme found hi match among them. Early one morning when the dew waa yet on the graa. he undertook to remove a calf from one prt of the field to another, but the calf, feel ing a., me what friaky, made a cuddon break for freeoom, getting the rope mixed ui with John' leg In aome way, brought thl on of the Flowery Kingdom to tne ground aa uddenly aa any beginner on akate ever came In contact with th. glit tering Ice. When he oune along my way I made a caaual remark ataiut Che ImiJunt, but I could aee John' dkxnlty wa hurt and I did not prena the lubject. "Though I never fUbed nor hunted, nor labored In the fields, the day pused all too quickly, and aJmoat before I wa aware of It I found myaelf on the dock at gkamokawa waiting to catch the Gatiert on her way lo Aatorta. But I shall remem ber with pleasure my visit to the country and the kindness of thl hospitable family. 8. T. McKEAN. TO SAIL NEXT WEEK. General King Will Get Away on the Art ions Other Camp Merritt New. San Francisco, Auguat t Brljadler General King ha unnoticed hlu ti ttutlon of sailing with the troop on the trans port Artxona, which he expect will be ready next week. Colonel J. C. Iper. of the Hfty-flrst Iowa volunteers has received a telegram from Congressman Hume of that State, advising him that his regiment would certainly he sent to Manila. As soon as the news was communicated to hi com mand, the band paraded through the street of the capital. The quarterly report of the Manufac lurer's and Producer's Association shows that the war has caused contracts of var ious kinds to be made In this city for about S2.0UU.0OO. The ahlp Tacoma, carrying horses and mules to Manila, is detained In the har bor while repairs are being made to the engines used to work her condensers and electrh- light plant. Quartermaster Sergeant Wortharo, Company G. First Tennesee, who recently assaulted Private Neal. of the same com pany with a hatchet, has been sentenced by the second brigade court martial to pay a fine of $10 and to serve 20 days at hard labor. He must also descend to the ranks. OBJECTIONS AT MONTACK. ok o-i.i, ... . t7iiniivi m weary ouiuiers aiav M&Ve 10 u Find Some Other Place. New York, August 6. The Times say: There Is a likelihood of a legal contest growing out of the establishment of the new camp at Muntauk Point. Scott and Treadwell, of this city, attorneys for the Montauk tribe of Indians., has served notice on United, States Attorney Griggs that they claim ownersmp of the land and protest against dealings for possess ion of the point by the United States gov eminent with, the Long Island Railway Company. Former Judgo Scott said last'nlght that the notice was served "because his clients did not wish to be held guilty of laches by failure to assert their right at all times when their rights were Ignored. "If the United Suites government falls to recognise tho rights pf the Indians," JudKe Scott said, . "proper proceedings will be instituted to compel It to do so. The railroad hus no tlllo 10 this land. It hits been from the beginning a trespasser and so will bo the government also If It occupies any part of Montauk Point cov ered by the claim of the Indians unless the occupancy Is authorlxed by the Mon tauk tribe." 1IED OF BLOOD POISONING. San Francisco, August 6 Private A. H. I.oosa of Comiainy E, First Colorado rel nictit, has died from the effects of 'blood P'lsonlng following vaccination. He cu ll 'ted at I'lNfl-lo and was cite of the lo0 recruits of his regiment remaining here. TO LAND OWNERS. Notice Is hereby given that a committer ij been duly appointed by the Astorls Progresalve CommerohU Association tj oStaln nil Information possible regarding farming, dairying and stock lands in Clat sl;i county nnd tho lower Columbia river which can be secured In forty and fifty a. ro tracts. 'Ilio object of the association Is to In di co Immigration. Any person desiring to dispose of cer ts n lands or portions thereof will con fir a favor, on the committee by either ir. iking tho matter known or addressing at the earliest possible date as to tr.- location, quality and price of these lands. LAND COMMITTEE " Astoria Progressive Commercial Assoola-tlcn. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYKCP OF FIGS la due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califorxu Fio Stbcp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. Aa the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CAuroKXiA Fio Srapp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Call roB.iu Fio Stkcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the aatisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of it, remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ax ravxcuoo, cl LoriSTlLLC Cf. StW X0HK. X. T. Red, white and blue shoes are patriotic, but they make your feet look like the bom bardment of Santiago. Some Individuals are so fussy In rail way trains that they are even worse than those under the Influence of drink. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT. FOR RENT-GOOD HOUSE AND BARN nad four acres of land, near Clataop city siauon, snown aa in i.iiop rvitoraci Apply to A Tagg, tM Commercial su city FOR SALE. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT. COR ner Grand avenue and Twenty-ninth street. L'ppertown, lot 75x50 feet. Apply to jonn suit. vnti AAT.Tnm.Trtv srunnvvo art. . . . . , . . i HrM T?i-iht Glnahp Tl.l EVmiotH I .-. I Portland, Ore, LOST. LOST - THURSDAY NIGHT. NEAR Desdemona Sands, about M fathoms ot not. consisting of two papers of. machine knit and two papers of Stewart's twine In the middle. oiUnce old web. F'nder will please leave word at As'onan etnee. LOST-ABOUT 35 FATHOM OF MA- chine knitted net. buoy 1 marked E. K. around It. used aa fla buoy: hole on top and lead weight on bottom. Lost near tnestrtped ouoy jo. S. Emll Mattson. FOUND. FOUND-ONE PIECE OF GILL NET having about 75 fathoms In th lin. Owner can have iam by proving prop erty and paying expenses to John Jacob- son, at imore a cannery. GRADERS AND EXCAVATORS. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL KINDS of gracing' work dona with neatness and dispatch. Apply Eleventh street and Irving avenue. NELSON & GOODIN. HOTELS. STOP AT "THE MURRAY THE ONLY hotel In Astoria having every mod em improvement. Strictly first class RESTAURANTS. GOOD IS CENT MEALS AT THE Ris ing Sun Restaurant. MIDWIFE. MIDWIFE MRS. MARY MAKE. 791 Exchange stree.. MISCELLANEOUS. FINE CRAWFORD PEACHES RE ceived duily: prices the lowest. FOARD & STOKES CO, FOR FINE TEAS, EXCELLENT COF- fees, pure spices go to rices foa: Vtt 8TUa wu. TRY SHILLING'S BEST TEA AND baking powder. SWEET CREAM 10c A PINT AT THE Spa. CREAM10AND 15oPERPINTrPAR lor Candy Store. USE MAPLE LEAF CREAMERY BUT ter. Foard & Stokes Co., agents. WHEN YOU WANT FINE TEA, GOOD coffee and spices, try Foard & Stoke WILD BLACKBERRIES LEAVE YOUR orders for wild blackberrle with Rom, Hlgglns & Co. PORTLAND Howard ASTORIAN3 AT THE SEASIDE WILL tlnd the Morning Aslorlan on sal at th Palace Krstaurant at that place. FINE CHERRIES. RASPBERRIES AND red currant art plentiful and Cheap. See Ross, Hlgglns & Co. SALOONS. THE LOCVER-CNDER THE ABLE manag-ment of August Krati, Is daily becoming a more and mor popular re sort. The club rooms on the second floor are now an attractive fe&tura of the establishment. PHOTOGRAPHS. IF 8NQDGRAS3 DOESN'T MAKE your pictures you don't gel th best. PAXTOX'B PHOTOS ARE OK PAPER ot his own preparation and are guaran teed not to fade. A REGULAR PANTOMINE OF VIEWS depicting the life and history of Astoria, and souvenirs of the city and country at th Snodgras gallery. PHYSICIANS. DR. ALFRED KINNEY OFFICE AT residence. Commercial street, near Sixth. Office hours: Morning until 10: all afternoon until S; evenings until I o'clock. DR. O. B. E3TE3. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Special attention to disease of women and surgery. ORlre over Dan- leer's store, Astoria. Tele. No. 63. DR. JAY TUTTLE, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office, rooms i and , Pythian Building, 'ailhi Commercial street. Resi dence same. Telephone M. Acting as sistant surgeon United States marine hospital servlc. RUPTURE CURED. Manv txople afflicted with rupture 41 from no other reason than lack ot a malner that would hold In th particu lar location of their ailment. Dr. Bar ter retainer 1 positively guaranteed to hold, no matter where th location, and under all positions of th body, it ha cured In 95 per cent of th case. DR. J. E. BARTEL. Astoria, Or. MASONIC. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7. A. F. AND A. ' M. Regular communication held on ' th first and third Tuesday evening of each month. O. W. LOUNSBERRt. W. M.;E. C. HOLDEN. Secretary. AGENTS WANTED. Agent and canvassers to eU Dr. KUck'f Pocket Na Inhaler for catarrh, asthma, and lung and throat diseases. Sells easy for U. Big proats. Writ for sample and terms. Dr. Klick Medical Company, Cincinnati, O. ATTORNEiS. H. T. CROSBY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 46S commercial street. J. Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offle, Bond Street, Astoria. Or. PROPOSALS WANTED. OFFICE C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., July 21. 1 Sealed pro posal In triplicate, wUl be received hare or at office of quartermasters at Boise Barrack and Fort 8herman, Ida ho. Portland and Fort Stevens, Or., and Forts Canby, Spokane, Walla Walla and Vancouver Barracks, Wash., until 11 o'clock a. m., August 9). 1S98, and then opened for furnlsntng forage and bed ding therefor for fiscal year commenc ing July 1, 1S9S. Information turnisnsd here or by said quartermaster. U. S. reserve right to rejeot or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposal for Forage and Bedding at " and addressed to un dersigned or to respective quartermast ers. JOHN L. CLEM. C. Q. M. Office C. Q. M.. Vancouver Barracks. Wash., July . 1S98. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received her or at Fort Stevens, Oregon, until 11 o'clock a. m.. Aug. 9. 1S9S, and there opened, for furnishing fuel at that Post for fiscal year commencing July, 1st, 1S9S. Informa tion furnished here or by Quartermaster Fort Stevens. U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any proposal or part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposal for Fuel at Fort Stevens" and addressed to under signed or to Quartermaster Fort 8teven. JNO. L. CLEM. C. Q. M. LEGAL. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the co-purtnerstilp heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Gribble Smith, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debt belonging to and due said firm are pay able W. N. Smith, and all liabilities of said tlrm are assumed and will be paid by him. Charles H. Orlbble, W. N. Smith. Astoria, Oregon, July 21, H'M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the copartnership nereioiore existing between the undersigned under the tlrm name of Chinook Lumber and Furniture Company is this day dissolved by mutual consent, C. C. Wilson retiring from said firm. All dobts and accounts belonging to an d linn said firm are payable to Nils BUle or Frits Johanson and all liabilities of said nrm are assumed ana win u paid by them. C. C. WIISON, NII18 BILLE, FRITZ JOHANSON. Chinook River, Wash., July 15, 1SU8. Notice Is hereby given that, on account of my leaving the .state of Oregon for an extended period. I have this day appointed and constituted S. S, Gordon my attorney- in-fact to act for me and represent m In all matters of business during my abenc and until said power of attorney 1 by m revoked. M. M. WALKER, M. D. Astoria. Ore.. July 17, 1398.