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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIA N, SUNDAY MO KM NO, AlWST 7, ltH gaily gldtovimt' JOHN T. LIOHTER. Editor. ' Telephone Na, . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. nt by intil, per year ' Sent by mall, per month Ssrved by carrier, per month .100 . .M . .60 WEEKLT. lent by mH. per year, In Poitig free to tubicrlbtr. All communication Intended for publl cation should be directed to lh editor. Buslnrs communication of til klndi and remittance muit b addreed 10 "The Aetorlan." Tht Attoritn guarantee to Its adver tlrs th lirml clrculitlon of any news ptrr publlahed on tho Columbia rlvtr. Advertlelnf rates ran bo had on appli cation to tho bueineea manager. Whatever fffet the war with Spain may ve upon the future of tho Ameri can army, It la now (trnerlly ponileo that It will five the Vnlted SuWa ne ol the lariat aa well aa one of the moat Actuate,! !y tht vincon:r.:a!-l .!.;re to modern navlea In the world. The -I.Moty t the ,lty hy the ... provr. ,he me at Manila, followed up by that at Sn-U- tropli hl; !! '.he he ,-.mnot go. haa revolullonlied .-n-: h-n.!le to S.m rr.n, i. o .vi-l Ihis-t !-un.! tlment and converted many fornn-r orpo-jpon-. Th'4 a win could e ahinsd -u: o; jienta to an Incrooao of the navy to the.AMort.i. M,: IVrtUnd w..n:, t, ore her oplnlona of th. lr con.tliunta. Many of , h'n ' r t.w her thorn havo changed front and are now rph.a el.-h-re. champion of the movement for 4 ra naval force. The Ornsonlan bee th wrholo question In the preaent controvery with TortlanJ. v .ihU nn m A.tnrt nnda any!. , - - - - fault with Portland for apen.llnc own naourcea In tho effort to maintain her aupremacy over either Pum Sound or j Aatoria. That la not tho Point at l-' The trouble 1. that Tortland la fl.h tin, the natural adrantafea of Aatorla, with , .... - ' Aatorla la not playing- tho baby act in tw"""","",i 1 iter commercial rtghta between tho United State government and Portland, aha la protesting agalnat a wrong that ongre would be very quick to remedy If It un deratood the altuatlon. It l : ropoed to put a atop to thla mlauae of federal money to maintain Portland' a "auprem cy" over cornnK1al rt-la who ore dependent upon their own unaided rr ourcea. Major Clark of Mlaaourl. the greateat authority on river Improvementa In tho country, haa atated that the money appropriated from time to time by con greoa for Columbia river improvement, bat been granted under a misapprehen sion. Ho My a there Is no public neces sity for further Improvements In the Col umbia river; that the government haa built at an enormous tipenae greater than It has expended for any other like section of the country- ftno barter at the mouth of the Columbia, and the peo ple of the nonbweat mut find their way to ship at the river's mouth and cease to expect the government to send ship 110 mile Inland. With a railroad down the tank of the Columbia to Astoria the farmer in Idaho, Eastern Washington and Oregon can load his grain on a freight car and aend It by gravity Into the hold of the export ahlp waiting at the moutn of rho Columbia. The rallnad must bring their cargoes to the ships at Asto ria, or elae spend their own money In get ting the ships to their terminals In Port land. Thla I the glat of the whole mat ter, and Astoria propose to stop at no legitimate method which will Hob nlxe the Columbia against the passage of deep water ships to the railroads In Port land. One of these methods and the most practical one, l, it I thought down here, to put an end to the use of any more government money to build up Port land at the expense of Puget Sound and Astoria. There is nothing small or mean about this; It 1 legitimate commercial en. terprise, and Astoria Is acting precisely as any other live and energetic commu nity would act under like circumstance. We aire not crying over natural condi tion that cannot bt helped, neither are we complaining of Portland' superior enterprise and prosperity. If there Is money enough In Portland to keep the Columbia river open to great hlpa of over twenty feet draught and no legal ob jection can bo :i.ed to the V it of Port land's right to alter the natural courses of the river, ship may continue to as-end to Portland, but It will not be with the aid of taxe wrung from the people of Maine nnd Texas. One-third if the squandered each year In keeping the shitt ing sandbars of the Columbia open would Improve the natural harbor at the mouth of the river o as to make It arcesslMo for the largest naval vcfsvls. Hut wheth er Astoria gets any federal money for tho Improvement of her harbor or not, Asto rla'a bus-lnesn men will oe that Portland's rullrouds extond the common point on grain and lumber to tho mouth of tho river, or else Portland' tax ayri) must pay the entire expense Involved In curry ing ships 110 miles Inland to meet the rali mllroads at Portland. THAT "FnrENDLY" KEELING. The Oregonlan say that Portland I deeply Interested In Astoria' welfare; that. If the city tiy the nxt rm M great. hh, Portland mil I twneittted thereby Portland professes a frl-nlly felli for Astoria, and hir lea-ling journal A tori mi (ire la cm lit thinking o'tfiw""' rnrtlnnd hn the smne "friendly ' fil ing for Astoria that It had for ft. Helen avhen tho latter town made a I'M for u premmy. About forty year Hg. Mcimora stopped nt St. Helens, iwc.iuiw 'here 'a not auffliknt water at p.r.l;tnd. tino tiluM In ivTsi or l"i'i the St. Il.l'im wh.irf. the only convenience for o.fin or other ateamer-a, av.ia burned t i the v-Mter'a edit' Ask the oll-tlmer of that p.ace i-h.i burned th wharf, and they will till v It vat the aotk of IVrlltvl. That city paid men to deprive S:. Helen of her only convenience for steamers, ho; Inn there by to in. In nn advantage which cor.l.l not he ovfrwm. Portland ha the .ime ' friendly" f. cling for Astoria that she al .'.r St. Helens forty years eav. The only difference I that the s.ilm.m Industry hi built A- torla up. Of course Portl.ind. to read the Oregon!-1 n, wants Aat.'rta to jrow tj a great city. EXCLUSIVE MKRir.W COXTKOL. jChloago Journal. j , , communication to ii.e Lo.-.!cn p4ll Gr.phi ,Itoln ... -,.... oti ... ..... . ucrni ffoiiyury lowarj tne l ii'eu s;a' a, i Bfr'Slr Ge-'nte SvJvnhJtn rUrke mak. ih! ' tciM ,.em,Bl ..,t u fof ,nt,wu morM I hat ,ny ctn; conn,!tllf ,h, At,4ntlo r by tho I'nited Statea, rtd hatevcr attitude j the European powera may take, foreign I Interference In -entrl America U out of j tho queation. because the nt-r.,t. of tre United Statet and Great Bnt tin In the j future canal will be paramount.'' However clone tbl wrlter'a t.uch wttn the mlnltry may be. there la tittle doubt that hla word reflect the feeling of a large part of the Brltlah public at thl time, as far aa It has any feeling about ithe subject. But Sir George Sydenham Clarke has gained wide recognition In En 'gland as an expert on naval tactic and the defenae of the empire, and If he aao apeaka the sentiment of the British gov ernment regarding the canal he open new and Important possibilities. If the Salisbury government feel a Sir George Sydenham Clarke writes, now 1 the time to abrogate the Clayton. Bui wer treaty and obtain a right of which ' that treaty ha robbed us lnce 1C0 the riht ,0 -lu.ive American control of the Nicaragua, canal. It could be din wltn out cauatng friction or unfriendliness or exposing u to of bad faith, and kt would remove one of the great ob stacle to the construction of a waterway we sorely need, both for commerce and the national defense. THE VALE BATTERY. Washington. Aug. . The war depart ment Issued orders toduy for the ljm: battery of the Connecticut artillery, known as the Yale battery, to proceed to Porto Rico. The battery Is now at Xlantlc, Conn. It Is recruited largely from Yule students. THE EXPORT OF MANUFACTURES Largest Ever Kn.n In the History of This Country. New York. August . A special to the Trfbune from Washington, say: While the United States exportation of agricultural product during the war have been wonderful, surpassing In value those of any preceding year In the history of the country, and Is thus attracting universal attention, the exportation of manufacturer Is. when considered In de tail, equally Interesting In its bearing on the general commerce and prosperity, both present and future caf the natlona. The exportation of domestic manufac turers In the fiscal year 18 Is t down by the records of the bureau of statistics for the treasury department as t. to 44i. which Is nearly ;2, '), grei'er tf'Sn In any preceding year In the hnwry of the country. This Is especially interesting In view of the fact that the Imports of man ufactures during the year were abnor mally small. In addition to this, it is reasonable to suppose that the purchase of manufac tures by the peopk of th.s country m the prosperous year Just ended were uriunu ally large by reason of the Iv.r-i-e i earning and the further fact that during several preceding yi-ars their purchases In these lines bad, riecau.-e of the jinan-cf-il depression oeen llgnt. For these tw.j reasons, the- srri.iHi.e-t ',i Importations cf manufactures by the ;,.;o ple of this lour.try. It I r'-u,., to suppose that the h .trie d.-m;n..j jj,,,,-, rhe manufacturers wJ(. i;--..i,;y ;t reducing to some extent the af .n-. ,n which -thi.y had formerly i,..e Klve to an Invasion ..f r,rcs.i rn !. I:i addition to Una it h.., f,..,,,.,, soriw- tlut the iiiMcied custom rivs. adopted a y.-i.r at"; "Uld in .t re duction i.f tho iiur'hav of Arn-r;cn Koods by citizens uf o:h-r na-on, out this expectation .is not real.zi.d. In view of these f.uts. the large expor tation of manufacturers, in the jus; ended h, to s:iy the leust, a very noiarii... feature of tin- ci, miner. of this remark able year. The total exportation of manufacturer for the year, as already Indl. uted, In U, 671,119, which Ih more than double that of a decide aK, almost three times as muc h a that of 1M, more than four times as much as in and seven times as much as In WA How much the centennial exposition had to do with the awakening of the taste throughout the world for American manufactures and products which were there exhibited, will be difficult to sy, (SiOfel ID) TH E WASHING 'but It l an ln:eretn fact at leaat In ihi v year. ibTSt the extvirtatlon of manu fi-t JrM for the firot time touched V, . ' line an.l alne that time hi on. atedlly forward until K It rrached .N.- vl.S. Of nrli-ultur.l Imp'.emcnta. the eip,r- tatlona of the fl.i yer 1 were ' aalnt K.4j.l?, In lvv. they went to lirrat ltrltjn. t-rance. lirrmanV. ltrlttan xrth America, Central and South Am-r- loa. HrltUh Eat lnMra. (.K'eanlca and even to Africa, while tho great grain flia of Rul ai,o ,!rw largely uK.n even to Africa, while tho great grain American market, In thlo line. Car for street and trunwiri went to u part of Europe, lltlna. Japan and the r.ast Indie. Uraiii. to Cuba, to Central America. Hawaii. Mexico and Africa, the value of this class of exportation for the year amounting to American cotton goods went to every part of the world. China, British America, South America and Oceanlca being the biggest purchusrrs. the total exports of cotton manufactures for the year being CT.4.i against W TT. In 1W. People In Africa, China. British Eaat In die. Cuba. Australia. Japan and Mexico aa well as In all (arts of Europe are rid ing American bicycles, the exportation for the year belrsr aaralnst leas than C.' In the fiscal year of 1V. Th exportation of copper and manufac lure thereof has Increased enormously In the last few years, being fJilsOSTl In the fiscal year Just ended agalnat U12.- T5 In lv. Of refined mineral oils the exportation during the year amounted to tSl,tn In value against MT.iHT.eS In In. The value of this year s exportation or oil Is slightly leas than that of the preced Inr vear. which was IU CJ.lsS, but this Is due altogether to a reduction In price, the number of gallon exported being S.W.WJ greater than In the preceding yeur. Every part of the world aco-ptd and used American Illuminating oil, more than U.'.mj.w gallons golr.g t i Africa. 30 imvm, t,, Britiuft Australia.'" to China and 51,.'stj to Japan. The largest article or class of article Included In the list of export of manu racture Is manufacturers of Iron and teel. The value of this single class of export In lsti was r.h ir. against I3u. 1 M in 13 an.l llT.MJwt. thus showing an Increase of 3 per cent In ten years, while, curloualy enough, thl ha been the corresponding decrease In the Imports- - of manufacturer of Iron and steel, which fell from 4, 'KM' In '.km to t!2, 13."iI3 In 1M. Don't expect Schillings Best tea coffas acsla bat "if pow4r 8ai.i 1 f eairact nd ioti to turn the world upside down. They won't; but they do take some of the wrinkles out of living. For sale by Koss. Hijgins & Company 4 f H ONLY tII.s.,-CAE ROUTE FR03I FORrU.ND TO THK EAST. THE ONLY KOt'TE TO HIE YELLOWSIOKI NA'IiNALPAKK. LKAVE 1-OKTLAND AKKIVk. I Fait Mai, for Kalarna. t-'liehal s, ('eiiiMlla. No. 2. 'vnitti herd LMouU-wauo No. 1, AHerieen. )itii,lv I'-otna, leattle. vietitrb., Port Towovcid, Khenie 'ourg, rti .k uie, Kisttlaud iH. 0.: Tmil, H. .'., Ne. ioa. H. : Kh!o, Miv-I iMiula, Dune, Miaconda,' Helena, nl. )'in, Mm- 5: 00 F. M A. M neapopl, Kaunas City, Omaha, Connia, Miuf,( ht. laiul-.Ciiii aco.W nib-, Ington. New y,,rk, I'till-1 ad-iphl,Hototi, and all! pollitu Lat and .-outli esut, I "Ala to Mumeapolis. OmahaT Ki sua City and Ht Paul. thi TMY3 to Milwaukee and Chl.-ago. 4' DAYS to Waahlngton, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and other Eastern points. Baggage checked through to daotlnatlM of tickets. For leeptng-car reservation, tickets, map and full Information call on m write C. W. BTONE, AtorU. A. D. CHARLTON ' Uea'I Pass. Agent, Portland, Or 5S MorrlauD 8u. Cor. Third. W0 BEST POWDER MANHOOD RESTORED -k MTKi-niSN DKVU t... Aanui. Aatoct. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, .Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS rtMuUr .rm t'oitre of thrve team Sastor year who!l pnf aa i:iai.f rmiuimi QMirtment ul uiie i. with .WchiMnnh .tiatni iiH ai,. trsin nt i (iymna,! e tlati - rem , and V.. a ,M lc Nir imlihr v. h ,! 1 1 he Nnrma i.ltnia la fr,"He,l hr n a, a TATI UFK CKRlUH .VIi; u t.h. iht tio rxiltloii, Uixka, tvud and lixltlng iai pmnmalrlr.. Utaiprr ,ar. iiiilenl hoiinllna liirnuelvra, IIm.iT per rear Acaileinte reitr aTeii. 0 I rum h'li nhoolv t'aia.ncuca i he, rn;l tu u ai i'licall. u. Ad.trral i. U CAJII'llELU I're'llent, or V. t. ii r H-," '' 1 ! How few of ue are able to kill memory entlrelyf we forget trouble by vl.u It will crop up and m . ua b n!k!it In dream. The Nov. W. 11. Wt.y. ..f S:.vklr!dke. tk., while attending to hi du ttesi at Elbtiw-xuHl. that slate, waa at: lik ed by chalrra morbua. He mi: "iy chance I happened to gel h"ld of a !!le of Chamtterlam's Colic, t h.d. r. and I'fcirrhoea Kemedy, an.l I think It was the mettn of vlig my life. It reltewM tne at orK-e." rVr ante by t'luirle It s; or. drugglM. To please a man If he i jourg, trr.i hla age of yeura leyot,d what It Is. If lie l old. cut off a full devade from what ou know It must be. Experience Is the beet teacher. t's Acker's English Ressedy In any cae ot coughs, colds or croup. Should It fall to give Immediate relief money refunded. S eta, and SO eta. For sal by EiteS-Cvnn Drug Co. If men only knew the harrowing dnutt women frH when they look over a menu they would order !hemarve. Thl doubt Ve not mrxn In regard to what they srould like, but what they feel thetr eacorl can afford. Sick headache absolutely and perman ently cured by using Xoki Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, make you eat. deep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or A woman never get on the some ex- preaMon In anticipation of a good meal that ero to hw a part of a man's epi curean exlsteftv-e. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. Tbs Kind Yoa Hare Always Bought Bear the Slgnatora of The ImllvMual who haa not the gift of gab "werry galloping" feels that Meas are like clothes begging for clothes. About one month agu my chlM. which is fifteen months old. had an attack uf llarrtuwa accompunled by vomiting. I rave It such remedies as axe usually giv en In such cases, but as nothing ga.e n lief, w tt for a physician and It was under his car fur a week. At this time the child hael been ah k fT ubuut ten days and was having about twenty-flve riers- tlotis of the bowets every twelve hours, and we were convinced that unliws It soon obtained relU-f It would nit live. ("hamljerlaJn's tHlc, Cholera and hne JU-rnedy was rcmMnendd, and I decUlwd to try K. I oo noticed a chaxga foe the better; by Its) continued usst g complote cure was brought about uA tt m now perfeilly health. C. L. llnn'JB, Sturrsptowe, Gilmer Co., V. Va. For sal by CharlKa Roap-rs. druggist. rosture la the very axis of physical comeliness. A wiman'a demeanor la largely gov erned by her attire. Let her realise that she looks wHI. and nothing on earth can destroy thai rfiivolr falre that Is the very essence of feminine charm. THE SURE LA GRIPPE CUKE. Thar la no uae suffering from thl dreadful malady. If you will only get the light remedy. Tou ar having pain all through your body, your liver Is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold. In fact are com pletely used up. Electric Bitters Is the only remedy that will give you prompt and UMXfi relief. They act directly on your liver, itomach and kidney, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at Estes-Conn Drt'g Co. Only Ht cents per bottle. No matter how li a man and a woman lt up to talk, the riin coio'l'b-rH Ii nwes. iry to sit up later by hi rriH-l f to smoke find think It out. OAHTOniA, Bean th j4 "8 f-ir(1 ''',J Hai8 AWr? B0UW A froll''soni ilog cui core one of the blues In Khort order, j-ven when such a ori'll'Jon deep Heated. playp:d out. Dull heartache, pulns In various parts of tho body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, feyerlshness, pimples or lore are all positive evidences of Impure blood. No matter how It be came so, It must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Kb xlr has never failed to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or any other blood dis eases. It Is certainiy a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co, ( X A Beautiful Present In ot.lor to further CLASTIC STARCH (Klat Iron li,tmli.tlifitiaiml.i liner. I C. Iliilniij!'r llrut.Ca.iil Keokuk, Iowa, li.tvc il. t'il mUIMs AWAY a licuilltil rrciit with C4i ltu k.iK oli.itiholi, '1'hcse rrit'iiUarc In the lonuof Beautiful Pastel Pictures They arc ijxio Indira In siic.aiul ittc ritlillrtl ai (ollowi: Lilacs nnd M T . S. SAROHM Pansles nrg;uerltci. 'fiowMlsutooasar' ax aeaai P tw tar aa eiaa fYiOua a. km Thcic ntv pli turca, lour in nuinl'cr, I'V thf rrnownetl p!rl artist. K. I r Kov, o( Nci oik, tui- lrcn 1 hoarn (ruin the Very chohrat ulr. a in llH atildio all.! arc llo clli icil lor ihr lira! Illllr to llir I'lllllic. The 11. turn arc a. . ur.tti U rrprmliu r.l 111 all the minis ucl 111 the iri;in.i!i. .nl a'e roti. uiue! h lomprirnl rili a, works ol art. I'.ialcl ii t urc .trc the ivrrnt tliiin; (or thr home, hothint; Itir- utasiiik' lliclll ill I'r.oitv, 11 lwie o t nc id tln-ac n lurra will In- unrtt ,i t 11 Ith c.ii ll .o k.l-c ( pun h.iac I I lout vrm-rr. ll i thr heal l.uuulrv atari h onihr in.iiki I, anil la vl.l lor i ' 1 1 t:M a .u k u-. Ak nur griM'rr lor this atari h .mil k,'ct a li .i.iiiii I u ti.rc. All Grociri Knp Elastlo Starch. Iccipt No Subttltuti. aX Bt'CKLE.VS ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE In the wrorUt (r Cuts, Irulses, Sores, Clears. Salt Rhsum, Fever Sore, Tttter, Chappl IUn1a. Chil blains. Com and all 8k:n Eruptions, anil poaltivtljr cures Piles, or no par required It 1 guaranteed tj g:v parfect satisfac tion or money refunJeu Price S cen's per box. For sal bjr Cstas-Conn Drug Ca I The woman with prrf'y hair always rtrela her hair a trenwrnloua 1 urJir.. We have us.! !'iiamlr!ain'a I'oish Itetnt'ly In our home f if many yara atul bar cheerful li-atinmr.y to l'a lalue xt a nieillrlnn which aiu;d be in every fwnliy In cuugtis and -ll we have found it to I efficacious and in im ii and who -p.r.g cough In 1 de.nn 11 n, .!.;. -1. a iJle -ll. IV ItlTTKR. 4'.:: Farfu ai . 8t. Imla, Mo l''"r ! by l1iirt.a lt"g-i-ra, drUKglat. It uikea dnwnris'it plu. k to say r.o'h. Ing of dlgnlry, to r--frnti fr mi aaklr g f or an explanation when tw, who hive tared hnpiwri to stumble .i.-r u'u. of n differences t taut cr. irige lite whole o..k of the world. A NARROW ESCAPE Thankful word written by lira. Ad E. Hart, of Oroton, S. D.. "Was taken with bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough et In and finally terminated In con- sumption. Four doctor gave m up, say - lug I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined If I could not stay with my friend on earth, : I would meet my absent one above, ily huaband waa advised to gat Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took In all I eight botllea. It haa cured me, and thank God I am saved ami now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottle free at Eatas-Conn Drug Co. Regular s.xe W cents and IL Cuarentead or price re fund ed. How very fr trunks curry only weir ing apparel. Mr. John Muhlaa. a wall known stock' dealor of Puloakl, Ny., says: "Af!er suf fering for over a ee wl'h fl ix. anl my physician having failed to Mv m. I was advised to try li iniie-rl iin a l olic. ' Cholera and Diarrhoea Horn-ily, an.l lime the pleasure of slating that the half of j one bottle cured me." For sain by i.'hir Rogers, Druggist. A chiffon veil often ,v.-rn of fni-kles. mul'liu.le oAHToniA. Are renewed .,v.. :ih brand new one . tT ilr ever as sweei ' Luxuriant hair, ;f uniform color, I a b-Huilful head-covering for either (ex.. and may be eecured by ulng Hall's Vege- , able BlelUin Hair Renewer. ! , oee let yoor .cmmh k.,.w Uo-y ,.,n rub- you ami aull.otl'y i K,,M. forever. That the blood ahould perform Its vltai furctlona. It Is abaolutely neceasary It should not only be pure but rich In llfo- glvlng elements. These results sre bean effected by the use of thst well-known standard blood purifier, Ayer's flsrsa parilla. 1 i The clerks nt the so.ia water fountains aplnar to be the buiv,t f,,k In town. Dyspepsia rnn bu cured by using Acker" Dyspepsia Tablets. Oni little tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxes at 'St eta, For sale by Kstes-C'onn Drug Co. OABTOniA, Be th. Vou Han Always Boujjht Wild American Popplc3. 'S, r r Lilacs and his. v.. 1 SO waiasi II lillT'l "1 1 l "I rtll't M1U' 111 1 1 . ELASTIC STARCH ui'or and arliatic nu-ril. Kopp's "Best 99 A DELICIOUS DRINK.... amd ABSOLUELY PURE Tb N'rlb Veto llrewery, of whiob Mr. John Kopp it proprietor, make bet (or Jooiee'tc eipuri trail. Botllet her (or family nse, or keg beer U ptieJ at any tltun, delivery in lb rlly tree. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY 1 J. B. WYATT, ftteaerte- ai Astaets, Oeegaa Hardware, Ship Chandlery. Grocerlei. ProvlHloriB, FAINT8 and Ol L. syailat AttsaUsa Bal4le 4iiiUi 4 1 THE PROOF as? thai pKVlla aa as 4 IS IN SAMPLING Thai' an aifirni t thaa'g tsasslTw daaaesKtratlasa, Otrtj wOl tussl tk. HUGHES & CO. 1 LUBRICATING 187J 1897 Fisher OILS Brothers A SPECIALTY A (TWl a SELL HIP CHANDLERY HARDWARB IRON AND rnCEL COAL OROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES LOOOERsV IUPPLIES FAIRBANK S SCALES DOORS AND WINDOWS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WAOON8 AND VEHICLES The Table Wines... For Families Also tor MedlelnaM aoa Cooking Purge sw) " """ Private Slock, Cream Rye, OM Hlcfcory, Prd of Kentucky d HeraltMgw; CaJlrornla Bratidlea. r l.,l Cn Wl 15UII 5 T dlHHy LIlJUUl OIUIC US TWELFTH STREET Emil Schacht ARCHITECT ' Roomi 317-318 Portland Saving Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. lav. AS Arrtre, p. m I Portland and Aa-la.m. t.m. N.4i t.lOlorla eapieaa irnina'II U 10 04 via Knapita, Clifton. at port, nobis ami way station. 1-0 IMVilAalorl, Seaalds am! I Hi I 40 I UiNaw Aaturla paaaun Iger (rain. It W Flnat-claaa (rain teals Warrenton for Flavel and New Aamrta at T so I II and 10 M a. in., and It 10. and I U p. in. and returning arrive at Warrentnn at I 01, I 1. It M a, 111. ami 13 41). 1:15 and T OS p m. Trnliia leave H'-aaliln 7 no a. m., U:W a. m , i.X p. 111, dally fur Aaturla, Portland Iralna leaves Heaalil. on Sunday at I W p. m J. C, MAYO, (I. V. P. A. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Itlver and Pug.t Hound Navi gation Company. Steamer llalley (lalaerl leave Astoria dally iri Kiindiy, J p. nt. Iav.s Port la nu dally, except Sunday, 1 a. m (lataart lick. is gmul nn sieam.r Thomp son. Thumpaon lick. I good on Uats.rt. V. II Sii'lt, preald.nt. C. V. Blnlia, Agent, Aslorl. timi: .1011111 1 1 l ron r.iituiol l'rt Aaaita a,.,. I all I all I 1 in f I .. . XUI p. Ill vi 1....... ...... ro at I l'l, h oi.l I lil. a.. and al ' " Spokane "l'" Wslla, Mj.i.ane y, cr, HI I' oil, M" k" - .. ... III! utti. U !...! ' ''" ' I lib mtu and a. I, I in a m. r bin A.l.oirt (h,i:an sti:Miiu, AM aul'iln Palra ml. )r. I to 1 bange. for sao r rane.a.-.. xll ug. a, U, a, I, . r or A u.a - I l.ler Ail. . .1 a int I nn t p in t'uliimlHa Itlver Hlaaniati '.S Ml el Mil I . m 1 u A t'hur I p ih. Ht I i p 111. tiiea Tlitir sod Hal Tura, I bur To Portland and and Sun way In.llna Kloaa I'nrllaiid Wlllaaeetl Hlt.r. llrroll I'lu, Mrartiera Sara .'ll, Med and t rl Salmi A Ij.ii.I i . , VVlllsaaall. a- , ,, m slid "el lire 'n Itf, iNtilmi, A a. d I rl Ma) 11. .III. t. l.i Kliatrla I 4'. a 111 Moo. Med A I'rlda .a.s.,. ':;; ltlrlalo lal.loil Nun , on. od Tliur, a W. LOUNSMEHRT. Ages I Astoria. II. IIUKLBURT. Oea. Ia. AgL Peruavaal, Or. TlakaU lo all point ..EAST.. For Sale tyO- R. A N Afcnt. Astoria. ll. KOUKIW, tlwseo Through palace and tourist sleep, dining and library observation ears ELEGANT VESTIHUI.E TRAINS. No. Limited leaves Portland it I H p. m. No. I United arrive Pertlaad at 1 u Through Tickets -TO THsV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA- ICT0' PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS, TOURIST SLEEPERS and FREE RECL1NINO CHAIR CAItS -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Kastern elite . Haggag checked through to destination, Union Depots, fast time, lowest rales, Plntsch light In all car., For rate and other Information call on or addrvaa O. W. LOl'NBIlEnilY. Agent, O. R. ft N. Co. Aaturla. Orm. or J, II, LOTH HOP, On. Agent, IM Third st cor. Alder, I'orilund. Or. Astoria Public Library ItEAMINd ItOo.M I'HKj: to all Open rery day from t o'clock to I N Subscription rates 13 par annum. W. Cor. Eleventh and Dun Btraet. V William's Kirliiou Diiio J Htm mi r-mml 1,1 ,l.,ni.l(. f t. j K lillll'Vkl II I ,1 I e fi T j ", "iiiiui. mi,,. JTliU Ili'jfli'cU'iI your riillicy,,' v,.l . . Hilll fit'll Hat' kl-li ...I ti'irt 11 in I caiiNi'd wllli v.'.ur Killlll'VN llll.l I'll, ,1,1 1 11 . J m I 1 .1 1 1 " ""VU Villi V piilim In tl,o lls ai.l... WIc.irroii.nA vim uilu'i'iy nil- OIOI rn Men 41... i J. i .1 ...... ... ... ,11U ,,. ,.t.K.,.,.v iinilcr t. nt fn.oiiv 'i'.... j.. ' . . ' , " ' ' I I'f'l.ll'IlT, fli slropuHNi.rln.iy Villll H y s III Ih Will Ilium.. ....... II, . . ., I " in" to llll) HIV I'liwil tirrfiiuM, ton.! uj, Uu Mstorn, nnil ion bo ii w,i . ' .. ( IVll.lllUu llki,i lb, ... 1 nil! (Ilia fte. w i.i t '. i i a i ii r i it ii ; 'rw;a, nr ai,r h,llami. I "ii, lrrllail..n ,r ui, ... . ."" "' '"""nil" iiiViiT rHlEvAMaCHtMmai flq liraima. Niin-am,!,,,,,,", toiRaman,o,r j y "rnggiau. i. A ?' "' In Plain wrapi-r. as Circular a.m uu r,iuiaf.