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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1898)
; 1 ; i ! ! ; V 1 ' ' ' t arm THE ASrOPIAN has till lirgeit circulation of any piper on the Coluflitta Rlvr VOL XMX. The Only Our Hpuclnlty: MTOVI2H AND UAIMOHH Wu know tla Iiiimiio. TwiMily years i-xcri hit. If you want ft (i)()) SU)'', m) llio htock at I In; Eclipse Hardware Co. iiiiwiiiitiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitMiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii!: ..VIVES i u:.i v 1 1 : II ymi an k"111 "" 1111 ,l"lin: tlii4 Miiiiiin r vmi w ill m-ril n2 ! ..CAMERA.. I ;V1vcm 41 x 41 " 4x5 Tin Imi I ii iii rin i n thr maiki't lii'Iny l" r tin iu'iu v. Cull i'l' Willi fr rin uhilx. ,;:.;;in::u:iiiii:u;:;iiiii;;;ii:i;it;i:i:iiii:n!i;i;::iiiiiiiii:iiiiir.iiiiiiiti'.tti:ii:;ii::;i-.'.; .kiUMiifiiiniMiiM.Mfiiniiniiinhf'ifififiit'fiiiiii i l! S I ' ( 7P i V. . .mm 1 v i si' -rjr-f '! V.'-S i ,''M'"'','','ll''''v,''',', NV. . ..' N i 1. (AT- NEW (iOOI)S JUST ARRIVED Four Hundred Different Patterns Wnli Sni',' A (o., Mi n I. ant Taili-r-, win lu vi r lu lti i 1 1 1 'ii it . 1 to .mtt I lit I'tiMii ill tliiir lint. tii'iiN'' I. V I iiiiu-liiii',' (t.HHis cf all kniiN. Suns mailt iiiikly. I.aii Nt i k n aily-iiiiiili ami rriiiinii)4. Wcmcinhcr, PpIccm Tftlk. v , A A VA , ; :' ,s : vv A ; : : v. s : - COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Foundrymen Log ulna lmtlttcs IImIH ntitl Rcpnlretl. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Fruit CANS Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Astoria, Ore. Write Uh for PriooM. ONE MEN'S AND YOUTHS' Stove Store IN ASTORIA ... :: li Hi B.OO IO.OO Griffin & Reed, Agents. H 3 The Art of Preserving Fruit Ii brought la prfMiloii bQ you hiv. aurh irfwt Jar anil J.Hy (llanu at w. ktp. W. hr. .vrrythlni n-.nry for pr.Mrvlnf fruit and irrihl'a t (lr.nlt. Kttin. 1'lpp.r, with all I hi Bi u" trull and urr and rrrvalln ll;t lb rutb eotnet tlm. FOAFO & STOKES CO. . tt niutr ('lrilTlill ft . WAN SINQ & C0jACom''c,s'- Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock spice and Syrup Tin a Specialty. Ore. Falrhavcn, Wash. FULL ASSOCIATED PHKSS ASTORIA, OIIW.HN, SI!M)AV MORNING, Al'GLST 7, 1BD8. SPAIBB I THE OFFICIALS IN WASHINGTON Ikllevc Siln Will Autpt, lnt lldu Not Kcicivcil Offidiil Adiu. M'AMMI KITI.Y KI'.ADV TODAY kill ( i e So (Kniii'in tul f itrtbr r l!c" n'c In llit lni40di ill Mir t l iird uit rifiiiilii HcvimiI l'.i) lit Ki.l, M A I'l. I : . I' i u i: i . ''I' I .( '!" I'l I'' I ft' ' Alii. 't 'I'' ii: - II -1 l'k isn .iT Ii". l-i 'I t. viv w I.l Ii will U." ..: I'.'t l i'ii i i il' iiiui .1 t - -r r i lliii. I: i I 1 '.ii K "1 Lii'li'Tl ) i K:..im1-!i ti-i'ly l!! Kt'. ii il ii liirr i.'.,".!'"- l l i l'l Hi il .1 f r ! . , 'iil'IAI. W AflllN'iTuN VIK'.VS V.i!.'ik."li. A'i t -Jtt .i '. i.hI.iv Aii:i. i'l..r I' liil oii r -! 1 '"' 111.' l.. .il' ll til.' I.TMI. of " H ll 'll .il I riiii".l I., Kir I'm:. I .ai :. W I..I1 (!.l. ..ll 'll il".l I .- .I.. .I l)il jf:. ii...iii IIh- K.inlti K " i i'.' "' Ii4l li"l nlU'Hll'-'t Ah'l!nr or i. I'. ' .r I'.itnl t" n. tll.'r i i.ll.lltl"' -r I ' v 'lay lutlll( lllr (..''. . . k all uli-W'T I.'"1 'rn r-r I'll, .itlil I'.-'l tlll.' '-.-Il'ti: "f ni-n i.ui.y t r' v " ! ' ' ""' '"' ! '" .-rli II la .ill lliil ill r"!"" - i K ' I nil -Ii ! lal. .if ' :! il : : III.- ! j;, v 111 I an .".:' in. i.( if., t r :i !.!! It 'I ' . SI'AiN i AN.iV li V AN l'lM; ", . i.M. Hi ."ii. Aac. to 1 he Ami'! 1. an .. i li.-1 i.y tlo- I i i.' il - . In .'.:. .i'i. U w.i- i...: ..!!..' ' . ap t" ii. I ii.IkI.: : ' ocM 1. i.l.. I' t'.r 1 At i'i it 11 "i: M KI l.-i I K VN.-ifCI : pl..:t An r. ' ' 1 l "ll Itlall'l. ! . .1 111 4' ll'T'- W I ' h" lll.lM'l- l a" I'l ' .. .i i :- , '". - Tl... itiai ll'.e . . ', on 1'rl.l.iy and ' 1 tr i I'.-.l I-, th Int.' f r .T'. . a A'-U- k. ii ap !: ! -N . ,' Ii. ' .( I'll'. I. iul.l..i y i r ii- lo-r p.iir Th.- main !..ny ,.f t!i ('.-. t w.'l n :n .l-i lo ie i- nly for any kind of mil i'. nwalt- I Mi oi'l.-iH from Wasl'.liiKtoii. The i Sil. f m i-'i-r ..t arms, tlr At. ..f '.' 1. 1 : ! l.-.ili iit"K"ii, i otntnlt ted mio ide i-- (ei'.l.iy I.y sho 'tinii. TlM H. "Il lon has .irrlve.1 r. :u i'I.-i- fnii"es. l.l'-iitrn.iiit ('ininnn.i' r Mmv l oiillrms the previous reports o i in . tl"ll In this He. II, hi of the eislst. II.' s il I Ihut Naviil (.'.olrt v- . nil's, who has lo t ' Kiadiliiled, hut Is d'lni; duty on tin S.orploii. Is down with mal .tl il f m ' While the Scorpion Was off Minitull', with llie teiiii'i iMture at In'. d' i r s ' m n ernl iiiiir(i r" was vuuihUhI sii I. enl.. . I'aili t Ooiiil'i: rushed from Ids sU k Led l" his station, stark naked, hut Willi Ins sword Iniikled uroutxl his waist. 'I'tn plucky yoiuiK ottlcer will haw in l c ' nt home to rwuperale. )lol:Si-N AT l.ONO HHAN01I. The AdiiilrinK Seaslders J'lisent lllin With a Fine .Sword. I.oiiit Ilranch. N. Y.. Auk. It.- I 1' "teoani ll.ilison Is the hero of Latin Ki o h All the cues!, of the hotel nim''lil In the pailnrs when It was learned that l.leii teliant llohson was to be at! Ueach. Some one st.irted a popular sui'sci lptlati for a testimonial to Mill and II was unan imously agreed that a sword wn'il.l be the proper ihlmi. In a short time s:'"i was In the hands of the treasurer. The com mittee appolnte.l to meet the l.lciliellallt In Now York and escort him i.i l.otm Ueach pui'ehiKi.'il the sword for J-'T.'s It Is tieavlly laid with koI.I over han ile ami blade and Inu-i llneil w ith Imho ...e,l sllvu-. It was pfesetiled to the Lieutenant after dinner, before the K"e"ts, who crowded (lie piii'l'irs and ball rooms and made the walls rlnK with cheers, llohson received the sword cheerfully and said: "It Is with the profoimdest emotion that I receive and accept this heiuiiful token so spontaneously offered by (Ids gener ous uroup, 1 cannot mlcntiately express J my appreciation and my tlianks. 1 have Official Style C. H. COOPER'S i THE LEADING DRV GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE OF ASTORIA mi '11,1V lo say, .m loMC ' iari-cr shall I,,,, ,,!, ihu i tnl'li'iii mail in. d'irly . i.i-t ;.i il and mit r- nil this i.i'Imi. Wlon, t.irliap. I am fir nw.iy ',!.! in iirlr.ii m)' nrliK' Ik ijii' INI' -wmi. I i ii. ip. I I. ill Ii'l ln.'l III'' tld'nibl "f llilr i , ii will lncilr- r in for tny n.un- in honor. I Il.'.c in iir,; of yiH tint u p-cii lldr mmplr, iilieiitilti- the IK II. Iir I'd lit ill 111'; ?r..,t In. II' .i'i i ii"llili.K i.m i:i j i in- h.iiu i.l ) ,nr .i:i.r n' " 'ji'i; . ; i .-1 ( ''MT.i; Kil l II .gclu ' in. r tin' V. I.l; lioi. i.n Tli. A i . II. M olrl I ..i.n.'-ii Ii f i. Hi- :". ! I I : I. I 'I. '. : I . !. ir ; . I I .11 I II v. I !l I', j .!'.. ;.. I I- i l r ', t i '. I ii- .r .. in. i : i. ' U.i i . i. u ; .. . ;. ! I ,! J, '. ' . I i I i'i- i k.- '.l i . ...It: 'M '.' 1 .1; ' . ..n:i ii '. in. . i, . 'olnir I . i; I..- :ii:.- u I. . ii . .Mli ..1 :- I I ' i i. n. r.'lll. ( . .v . I.l : "I in a:iv . l-.i . of Hi- w ir. I... il.ilir. " hl- r 1 U . ht. .r. :h'V.. I..-I1I-! . r io i'i l.o il. i- i ..! (hat ri. ii". I' . .i ..:i .--:! ria !' 1 . I ii K to i . I.l I. "'II,.' !! : !. i a 1 1 - ! ! I.- i T .. I . at: li -.'II- I'll - I.-..1 i :; i: I'1. It i- :-'r. t.'u 1; ii.'i .'is. n S. n.ii I.- Hi f-H'-r of I" i lillVlil.A IS HitATIiFl I.. M ! I . . All. AuK f. h, ti-.-.; ...c I j tlo i:.M ..II..', . xt.-.' il In I'i. 1111111. i.f i Me l".o' ; liii.i .'.-.rn, Ala., in vi.-lt IL. 0 - n j.'.ii.i'. ,'i.' il li 1 1 1 i'i will'.-. mi- Ii . th k ) 'U tirv n. .;. h. ,.:t. also ttsei i. of 1 1 r 1'iiv 1 " ro f..r the kind t x!'r. - - i-;; -.lii'.l Ir '..- Ii-ic: anM voj ..11.' l: to . iy l:..;t .s I; Is. 1 I i' I.-', i :!. .iiks i a hi h I Co l:h I hi- i l 'I "t p. -.. r i I . i t r.i I.l'.. in.; sen-1 ' ' 1 ' ' !!. M v !.i :i 1 a:i: n- ri : al .: : t An.' 1 1 ..i, i- .-, 1 . 1 it , II. . t- i..n ;. .' ii- t ie i.. r. unt .. u la 'h :.' 11 : r n e t.i .i i f-..i . li v ii; !.,. oiai- : :i -i la.n. .;. 1, t nil l ell. I II t. V, . i.:. r n' , y law. I I fa. I . . . ro il." t i-:ui'iii'raiu t- o! 1.1 '.i:. iian; 11 .l. m. i:i 1. .'.!...i t ti : re i Mr !i. in I, , .1 ..1 , .1 .,. - !. 's, 1 t !. a,i iiiv I.l h irni' ; V. . . ; ..I.-.. :i... r: ,t -1 :.- . .. th. . Ity of !il- t : 1 1 .::. ; N. .V liiit. " il'.le. Au J n.. J. lii!'.. i'i'. f I. n: ;!ie lite.-t N. . r unel Linnon. . -pre-l... r.i if th. N..r:l.. ni I'.oi'i.'. ..! A I.. ,;. n. ei, i :. -1 .. i.t i..' Hie ( 'rcK"tl U . I i 1 ..'.Mi;..t en rvunpany., met i. t:.i ..iy t' nioi! ..iid held a t.-tic; I . y . . i.:.-r. fc. Ai Its c"t'.cl.,l ii they state, 1 i t..e nai',ini j- putsly foci il. Ai'i I.l" i.W 1 i..T.i.'.V Manil la, aui,'. '. - I nc lUMt.i'.i.. ii ex;eio:- il t' til" As. oil. i filial I.t colliu.l ti e to tlic Ai.uneda S' nl r Harte crew to p,.ril iip.ite In ll.eir at.iutal reiiatta, to be held Auk'ust b. iii, tin.l has been aceeptid. The Alaniiila oafsnun expect to leave on the si earner IVluuiW.i which sails on the l ilh. 'Fin' etew wl'l ho nvulc up s follows: r. It II old... k. how. . ll Hansen. No. J. A . We -ii. No. X 1-'. W. Ajers. stroke and captain. 1 i'l. .1.. 1 1 ins. n. c, xw aln. loell.e II. .Mill and S. J. I e 111 I lie. n.,ini LliillTSlIU' Nn. r IN I'lsTKliS-t. :;e ittie. At'!:. I' i 'aiuain lMtmar. of the sii. ui s. I.. 'on, i' S.UI..I, which iirilvcd to il. : l'r.u ls,o, ivpeits ihat l';l- i.v afo'i in, on he was lut'ornicd by Hie i .'pi. on el loth. ship Nit, (,;, ,,V I'matilla i.e. i!...t dining ine of the iircvious '.. .y 1'ie sip'.s lar,e "tiiut.hiooin'' an. Uor ..'..I 1. lathaina of , li ,l:i li ul I ecu lost o ,: i.a.i: TjdH was tlie only bc !. nwiis to the v .! and It was necessary ;a i,, t, .,m up to prevent her Koliiir on ihe feil. A Mcan.ei will be scut to her cs.-istanee. OIIALLLNiiK lvn AMKKK'A'S OI P. London. Aug. l!. to the Star the challenge of Sir Thomas Llpton for u face for Aineiicii's cup will be dispatched this aitunot'ii by the Royal .Master Yacht duo lo the New Yol k acht club. DOZES Regulation Club Colors --- TO 13 E HAD OINUY AT HE PORT. OUII pi? Kcunjiniutinn Kill Ik Made Ncics siir ami Conimandtrs Chanijtd, ISMi SOI TH ATLANTIC 1'LKKT Out !m Nut!i l'ieilii. limij tl.tiiilitil, Viik I'u'.e at td'.Ui or a I r.u i j - '.iii.i-io Kcpufl Hcallh (iiKid. kT A''!,,N'i',';' f-n '"" ! fv I I. ..;''! i' rtii.i i.t r. nl . i : ' -r V V any f.iMh'T ihiHHc In l!.. o! ; . , ! n .,f l!i.- . rn siU Jr..K. :. ii v. .4 .;!. li.i.l I'..- a tr.ut to ti'-'-.. i r-. in- r i.vt i..'K-n f -r :ii ' i '., - : ! .1 '.ellli fit ill ! n the comii.a-.'i- i r tl . hhl. s vi tl.U .j-iu.lroi:. j" vil I i t!u- hii'rt Hi. :n vv. Qii'l in tli- t.ln m i: Hi-.,- Admiral H.u..i'roii In diarse oimqu. nt.y t. U rather ii... uraai.r.'ii, :ii. .Ive '.his time, urn- It Is uri. rsl iod thai In thi - ,.. L.lnK r stored there mus- "r " f"n .hir.?ton. Admiral Baaip. ..:i expr. -sjn-d the h. that the p.-aee ne te ri-n, at.d r.'l:-' e n it.,ns win Corr.. to a .jul k eonclusion. ri.. i. .. f I- trif.'ition of the I'll '.led Seal.. S r iv il f..r. . and this will involve untloul.tcdiy iiii"iltn of pronioil .n of the four r.a- il , .:nn.a:i'!.rs of hmh rar.k now ,.n duty In i.'i.iiertion lth the North Atlantl.- nan.'-iy. Admiral Mimps n, L omm .- I re Wiitio'ii, i"onitnodore hi :.n l ; 1 f. ! j v. rati.".!'. re Howell. Tin' ii'-r'.h A.ll.'.ntle llc.-t s oh I'o i.'.-'.!s, the ni".: niinn rous and power ful for. ! iiiT comriiaiiiU-.l hy nn A.ii.-ri-i..:i a.iti.ii.'.l. S'.i.-h a KlL' i:itic f'Tce si-'ti! t he main'. 'IM' 1 on one station i:i thv -v. 1. "f .( JIV. Tile auxiliary vi.-.-ils ara! mi. niloi s. .i!:! h a:.: f .r kui ral t ri:li-i:'.t,-. will ' red red from co:i:mls.-l,.i:i ur.d I.- i.l i; p in tlo n.n y j .-.rdf, ;.r.d In coiire of titiu :!.. former will he soli. A sutliclent f..rr- cf tlu r.-imtniitK v y.-eis will :e rcaitivl 'ii the .N-,.r:h All anile statl n to noilnial:'. I: :i" tl'.e tr.osl l:n;rtant naval 1. "he others are to 1. illsttibu:-. d b-.'tween v..rl"UK olh.r ftatlon.-. the lVilfie. Asiatic, and S itllh Atlantic. The latter M'.'.icn. which was vacat-d completely j.;: prior to tlie declarati n i ( will he rehaMlltatisl mul, for the of the the moral effect likely o ensue, will re-1 is ve some of the most powerful ur.d moil-1 fi.i, i,, lhe Ani.rl.M., o .v It will tv posstUle. also, with the .hips at th navy department's disposal to carry out the long i-hi-rlshod project for th. crea tion of a now station on the South l.citle, I " the base prolubly at VaKiralso or . Calhto. ' ! HEALTH OF Sir.l'KON. j si oi created by the sudden deoth of the ... , , , ,. ,, .. ... ,,, trtiit ihaneeller was as deep as would WajJiinjitotl. Aug, B. 1 h secretary of ,,.. , have l eeti expected, and white there was tlie navy tonight mode uu'.Ho the follow- , ,.,. I(ktf tl general mourning visible ing teli gram frxMii Admiral Sampson: i :l p.erlln. ytt ihetv were'.e Playa. Aug. 6. The- marine bait.tlion Is evideu. es of w idespr.-iid sympathy. The In excellent health. The sick list numbers 1 publications and revelations which s: J'.. per cent. Th' fleet sargrons repart onlckly fallowed the dixit h of the prln.-e that they are in better condition for ser- have naturallv treated a sensation and vice In 4kls climate 4han they voro. when: ,u-,-p anger In government circles, and they tits, arrived soutli in Jt:nt The . theto are still theater surprises in the re hi il:h of the stptadron at Outiii: n uiio is ! scntnicit: mid attitude of the Bismarck f .lily good. The sick list numbers '! per family. cut. The general tore of the heauh o' tlic .ships" company has. fallen cor.sliU:'- ably since the first of July. This, however, Is not due to the prevaletne of any cits - ease, but Is probably due to Hie release from the strain and constant effort under whl.-h they so long lived, and to this. probably more than to any other cause, Is due their somewhat Imiwlred physique. I do not think It necessary to send the marine battalion north. Tlie crow have borne their privations In a manner bo- yond praise. Three ships' crews have not been ashore for seven mouths, and have EEGATTA I IM'ij (lirf-M rri'mihu In ft li-Illltiiitii i llm ate. HA.MI'HON. Jip'Ti-'ary l,riif utaif.l innli-hl II l i th biirfiiw; of the (lufiirtment to onlnr J i th.ifi! dtil(.i) Ii'inii nut ri'iiulri'l fur tin I1'' fc.-i'le. an H'ion an the xlKrrir lo of thf v..'ir will irrijt. SIAI'JA TEHKHX FUMTKD. I W.'ulilnifron, Au. G The Merrill Chap c.-rni'imy han Informal lh iiavy 1 ..irtrn. nt the wrw-kera have urn '. ...i .1 In flu'ttlng th Sjanlsh iruli'T Irif.iri'.u M.trl i T-. r'i'a. anil are alut to fur. h"-r unlcr h'-r own it'am Kn "r- ff,lk. : v, Tin- navy hux notliitiK to 4oi!:!i thin . '.) T' kr h.ivli.jf i"1'tra lo il'-llvi-r ny of th vm..-U of Orvera'a ! I!" t that in U hi irf- r""iveri.-il at .tMti.-if'. I i It In f iliy ex;-"'U-'J at t!i: n'ivy 1'-';"rt-l . n.'-n; m:'h in- ii.irl i 1 rei.t will rv'iulre ; vi ry !.. 1,1.. w; ri'i-ulm. Ii ivi;:j miT-rl ; r. it i.nly Ifrn !','. t, k:i-..1 .:;( I.r.-. hi;: ul" i rri.m i ir.'.ntli n..u.-rl"n In tin.. !J- k j iy f uli!! v-a'-r S i J t rj i.'u'hi. How i V'-r f ii Ir.-J will t ,-r. u'.uly l mud", f.,r ih ! i"-::'l:i!. r. ri...,n al-.tie Is strong enougn to v...rrmt th i '-.- r- of nir.--.. 1 i -'."'.(".' t i, j.ijt ih. n.: 1:.'... wr;U- -i-A-' f tl.iii. AI:KlVi;i. Kill. TI'.'jOI'H. :.-..n u' , r ? !.i;l-i:ly to Take A?-l'.-ft Action. - I'l 1 Il'-. AU7. C.-T! auxiliary . IIT h'i a.Tlv..! n'r.' Inm j.l U., j: ,, ur,,jr r.i,.r, , , as.,t !n tak- , 1:-' l'n:t-d -r-j'iim hnm from I S..:::i.vo. j ' . i-t, c;..oi!r!"h tlilnkn h's jhlp Is toot ix iiifr !hf harhor a i'l re will re aln h re ir.'.'.l the matter I settled. The :r m ;.,r: :;..r. Jaan ;irrvs tfta Santiago v.i-.'i troops and ; rivl-l ,n. anl prottkd . It. i'i ' T!. i t f.i.l remains h. re waltlnjf for ..i..m-mi.i io i.'.ni- ni:.r'ss:ve action on the arh co is: wi.hout lielav or In the j evn'1 cf j i-ue h-inir eoin liide.1 to imme- : dlap -Iy relieve the suffering Imposed by i th" riiior of the l.axka.le. j The l' h.- re ovured Jl'i1.'."! from tie Inf a --.a Hart i jeresa. which was I ilriv. n a.-'ivre at the time A.Jmlra! Cervera a:t.. .Hi-t..-l to ,-s-ape fn.m Santiago. THC YELLOW FEVER. W. s'il;:e; .n. Aurf. C Foil )w ir.g is the i ri ," rt of i ril Sh i"i.r f-.r Autrus; 5. I::.!.'.- p'.iMic t.T.U'ht I.y the war depart ment: -. .! si, k. r..:. T fev-r. : - J. I New e-.- s f -,r. I'.. - - of f, r return, d to duly, '!. I- Is Auii.-t j ;u-rr on. and i f.t u. i:UU!;i FA NT I'l.lCES. Weed Ord. r R-doc.d on ics- iii. s tf LHe at'Santi.iiro. (ler. ril Ne Santiairo. Aui:. ll Woo!, mili tary ti.v. ni'T of S;-.n-.l 'i.-e. this afternoon ailed a n:eet!R ..f the butchers anJ re tail i.r. vi-i.-n i'.c'i rs of the city with the ol iect of formulating a tirlff for the Mile of the re. e-sitit s of life for w hich the dealers have been charging ex-o-' it. 'nt r.,tes. All of th,- A'i!i"j were very Indignant at the Interference. The military has au tharlty in commercial matters, but Gen eral Wood gave (Sum until U o'cls.k to morrow morning to agree on moth-rate prices, under the penalty of the revoca- tlon of their licenses and the closing ot (heir shops. A permanen: scale of prices will lie fixed tomorrow. W I I'L" 5 PRE A D SYMPATHY. . Copyrighted. IK'S, by Associated Press.' P.ei-lin. Aug. (.. The death of Prince Bis- iitiink has, of course, engrossed puiillc at- i tentton thi-o.igliout the week. While It . cannot truthfully he said that the impres- , Tne etnp. rar bit nothi"g undone tnat ; could testuy to his p.-rsjual grle;' or j sense of the treattifss of the loss to Cor- ; many. His proclamation addressed t j i the imperial chancel!, r. prince lloheniohe, hac civ. n high satl-'fiictiou throughout! ! the loimtry. thi the whole Emperor Will- I t iam has shown groat tact in the face of ' I open rebulTs When the monarch arrived at Frled- rlohsruho. the ex-minister of state, Pr.nce Herbert, did not appear in uniform or wear h.s decorations, but appeared only as a private gentleman. TBe DAILY ASTOF:A!t Is tht tlffest anl test paper on the Columbia River I .1.. -'...!;.'.! NO. 2(5 GENERAL MILES' TRIUMPIIiOTMARCII Has Small Cnta()cmcnts, but no Losses to Speak of, oud Captures Towns. I SAN JUAN KKSOLYED TO TIGHT Coreiijn Cuntnli EndeaMirintj lo Protect T lie i r Citiztiit from H.irm Neutrnl Zone Id tie fNuliiiitictl. w AnillN'iTON'. Auk. 6.-Lato this fcernoon tile P.rt new. In a ilUi atch came to the war irtnu-nt from General Mile as ',l" lows: "i'once, Aug. . General Erooke report Haines brl(?a.Jij of the Fourth Ohl. and Third Illinois captured Guay amo yesterday, and had a slight sklrmlnh l;h the er...-my In and ab'.ut the v,vm. "The enemy's strength l estimated at ,alOUt S, but It Is not uncertain! If nny ()f them are Te?uUr. The reslotanc M 'not strong. "Private John O. Cordner was wounded in the knee; C. W. RlrTe, wounded In -both it gs. S elow t!ie thlsh; Lew WolcOtt, wounded In the risht foot. None are seri ously wounded, and all are of the Fourth Ohio. One Spaniard was killed and two wounded, so far as known. MILES" ARE RESOLVED TO FIGHT. ISpunlsh Commander at San Juan Refuse to Surrender the Island. Pcruc. Island of Porto Rleo, Aug. 6. i ttlt' d States Conut Ilanna has re . etvel Ir.rorr.utilon that the foreign consuls at S n Joan, tl.e ea-iltal of this Islm l. have advised the Spanish officers to surrender t the American irmps. Tlie Spaniards, however In reply an nounced that they had resolved to tight. TUc reiion the consuls notllied the com mander that they would establish a neu tral i .ne hetwten iSayamo and KB Petlra In which to (rather the foreign residents ar .1 their portable property to Insure their safety In the event of a bombardment of the place by the American forces. The consuls sent a similar notlllcation to Gen eral Miles. In spite of this brave talk it Is under' stood that the Spanish officers of minor ,1-iink have refused to fight or imperil their lives In the defense of San Juan. Colonel San Martin, who evacuated Ponce on the approach of the American army of In vasion, is reported to have bet'n tried by Court martial and shot and Colonel Pulg, who evacuated Guantha, where the Am ericitr.s landed, committed suicide ut Ult : ado. on the road between Adjutnnas and Ar. I lo, on the north coast, yesterday. Ot-neral Miles held a. council of war with his generals tcx'.uy and then rode away, going In the direction of tho front. A battalion 0f the Eleventh regiment ha been sent to reinforce General lloy Btone. i 'i ne American army is moving forward. in three columns. The United States trnnsport Mas.uhu st tts, w hl, h went ashore off the coast, ha been floated. Continued on second page. lb. Rorl is the highest grade baking powder katmo. Actual tetts show it goes one third further than any other braad. Absolutely Pure LADIES' AND HISSES' n IT 3 H3 CAPS