INK 1'AILY AS10K1AIN, HATCKOAY. MOIIXIXU. A I '0 U.ST , Call and See these BEAUTIFUL PIANOS at 576 Commercial Street, Astoria, Fischer Froiii the well known house of Each and ovory ono sold under a POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE and at prlcos nover before offered to the peo ple of Astoria and vicinity. ' , Old Pianos and Organs Taken as Part Payment on Good First Class and if you intond at any time to pot a Piano, call and soo this stock and judgo for yourself. r tlAAAAAAlAAAAAAAilAAAAAAAtAVAAAAitrVAAAArUlAAAAA Special ....Sale Wo ( iiu iiu iciitl Stit-vt iifar ; uwvaaaa vaa avtvaa vATvvwvu Chas. Kan & Co Mil COM.MrKCIAI. STKKKT. Manufacturer of IjhW UNDKKWICAIl ml Vriiin'ii. t ie, Tin1 lowest 'l'lit' luwott iiImi carrv a mix mh'K di .iHimiit sc rancv tnvms, uno ('liinawnri', NutiotiM ntil '1'ovh nt wlRiJvmlw jirim r rUVVUVrVVVI UWUWfWU IA lAVLfWTUV UUnAVfVIlWUUVfVAJlAnfAp T"tc 1 i v 1 h-" CV THOH. OUINOAN. Proprlotor HevenlH nnd WAnHlngtOrt Ht. irf rjfjruMnjrunjjnnjfW THE PALACE Astorla5 Leading Restaurant Everything Strictly PlrHt-ClnM. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. lAAAAAAAtAATlAAAilAAAAAUAAAAAAJUVUVAriJVJU L. TurnppinniT d I MlLUUll ULUJI Ml Astorlas LeacHiig Hotel JVlcslcr Wrlghi", Props. si , cijpiLa J Ms 1N3TRU- ... 'esHHereMSr MENTAL RECEIVED THE SISTERS OF THE primary, convent of the OlAVlVIAft lit at VOICB AND ... Holy Names culture FORM A academic ASTORIA. OREGON, special 0BADKS Fof rfttMi 0tOi gdraa, tne Superioress DEPARTMBNT i .....'.'... . . ' ' Pianos on Eeisy Terms Instruments... Peace of HJaF No matter whether It If ptare or wr, ; i I'nilo Ham must hav mat, and he "l fit tti only on.." "Tilers are others," j ami It lh. other we propose to look after. W hAV lust hsd our pick front! a (hole bunch of export cattlt, and Ihrjr re Mm httd for our trsd. Com In and got mt cut from this choice lot noM. uiaaiNS co. Orlentrtl Cwrlostlllew nmt Toy. tmittt reduce Mtock find Hell RognrillcHM of Coul" WingTee& Co. CiKijicrH I ry (!khN Storvi lAAruwwvnjiAfvnuvvvarivruuvb irkf prict in Astoria. We Only The Born Steel Range KviTy Ono (iuarantwtl. W.J. SCULLY Sole Agent, 431 Bond Street. rC 1 A Ulffi $35Upj I Portland, Or. 3 1! s uvuinnnjvuvfc Knabe Krell This Sale Lasts tut ONE WEEK George E. Allan, SPAIN'S TIME HAS EXPIRED (Continued from firat pag.) the lr:' l I iK.ri 1,y Ann!l n tr""p on t..,! .hi. . The Amrl kiii who In,!,. I ! urr utmidily 'Ulil,K f . . r r, I :,.l tlnlr wit- posit hum ntc .1) li.ll, beyond iiiu ill). No iite fourt itf HiiiiUi,t ITU i Kin ountrrni mm in. un am) iil; r wuvlng ur all of tin' iiHsiihuritig town (Mir lro"l' art being wei-imel sery where with rMliutUmin. TI11TO Wat a llt'.le iprimuwy ut Oni-rul Wilton' t litsiu,uartrr yet'.rrdty ! ItowiNln I'liilronlhe, the fir wt lovil Jul appointed by the l'nltisi Ftie w,it rn i Int.) nnV. lu required to itnir 1 lrKtun to I tin In In) flute, nn long II," Islihd wit ii,r, l,y hrr troop. aiwl to 'Tti'Jlm- all iWHIty to cery for elite prince or N.u ni itn, anil prti uUrly Dip iMpii rrKrllt itinl the king of 8Mltt Tit. ottn w admmiter,l tiy Colonel i . flout. Ut. jud. advoiat of Mllet' ttaff. Thlt It tlio nnt time In the history (hn fliltrl Htnte h Judgct of i foreign tlx! h"'ll' ut conquered curt try. have sworn to support dm imistltu I ,n of tit. United Thlt iii nJI that Wat demanded from the I'orto Itbant. I'AOO IIAItllnU To UK fTII.IZED. i tlrrtt Ntvtl n,l (.inniiT, I'olloy the I'm I fU- InauKurattd. In Chti-iiKo, Auiutt V-A tlxvUI to the from Washington ttyt: "The pn nl.lrnt tuut n 1U1 0 make liraiMh-al ut of Amrr1rn rttlht tl ro ruirtxir. Htmo, un,l the mt.iljhnii nl of fully UIol naval ctullng ttatlon there will he uitilrrtuJo-n at orue. With thlt vlrw Ovll Knidnrrr Krank ' ClxiinlxTi. now on duty at the Niw York navy yard, hat Uwu ordvrnl ro Waahln. ton for contulmtion with the auth,irttlt prior to ili-iurtlnn itfit werk with ottlilaJ liiatrut'tluna ejxl full powt-r to carry out the lntrtant iToJect. l-tio r-o la tn wily harwr of any valu. In the fUtnoan itroup and the on. (ntliliril ly naval ollloera of aiwtwly traa ttrugi-tlo tniMirtanre In the 1'acMc ocran trian reurl harbor, Hawaii. Thi derlalon to Ulllli. the ootuvtalon H'urd by Admiral Mtri. tw pniy-tlvo yrart tr', Blvlnjt tha I'nlttwl 8mtn permanent own- erhi f the hartMr. ImlUatei auffl- clently the admlnlttrailon't appreciation of the vaatly eitrndi) uphrr of Amert- cn Interetl In the I'luifio. It It the In auvuratlim of a itrnat nai and commrr clai policy in that direction, due In irreat mraaur. Ki the reaioniltiltlei Incurrvd In Atlatlo water. few oviaiia have ien dltclowd re- ardliiR the mnlntalntnr of i naval e tabllthnivnt at Aimoa. it It known, how ever, that Civil Kntttneer Chamoert will ettlmate for the benefit of connrvt the approprlatlont rtaentlal to the making of a rirtl'Clftat naval bate at Pairo !'iuro. In the moantlme he will tuperlntend the conttructlon of a wharf with an outfit ot automatic ivallnf machinery, tlmllar tn the modern plant now being tnttallvd wt Dry Tortuat. . Thl preliminary work la rendered po tlWu through two appropriation hereto fore made by congrra for naval nation In the Pacific, which provide 4 balance of ISO.iXW Immediately available. One of these, amounting to K00.000, remain out of itn appropriation of recent date cpei'l fylng no particular locality for It ex penditure, although at the time It wtu I underatood to be Inte-lided for the prelim : Inary Improvement of Pearl harbor. Kawull now being I'nlted State territory and euro of elaborate Improvement and furtlllcaltont in time can wait, It I The Pat Market Chickens, Butter and Eggs Always on Hand. K7-I Commercial Htrcet. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY : Telephone INo. aa v 5; I Handles Only the Choicest Meats I -5 5; 41$ Cmmcrclul St., next Ptliv Rettaursnt. 5: Astoria Steam era -g ! r m r WILEY Ludwig llii,i(lif. Klille the urgency at U.itn'M It j I.TWrjtlte. "Aiw.hi r Vr'.'fi r mult. uni-ipi'mli d "t .1 t,m i- thr'e linn that niiiount wnich ., p. .11 1-. ut the ill"i,.i of the caet'U He iii.ri' i1i.hi liftifit y.irt imi. Ou: f , Hr l.itt'r appropriation, S.wh totit of cl I ftn tent 111 a ti'h'MiinT from I'hlb'b l !hli mi l lui'led nt 1'ago Pago, where lii'la w-n, built over It. Motl of thl furl h , nlreaily hen utrj ly AniTlcn ( .iikM;'. On account of the dlftb ulty of i tniiip'rtiig It from the thore to thf lilpt !' iinaiit of mnull lighter. H w .hit, iI.h ,m. ,!!) hi nut popular with nival ofriirrt ut a batr of tuppIPl, al- tlmugh eery unVPu report from cum iii.ii, 'left v. ltli!g lite htrVir wat enthu l.oiti' In rvoiiiineiulailunt of lit Ini. pr,ABin nt end niulnienaiK c' hy the Unit- r, Htiitet. "The great advantage to bo gained by t l,o pottettlon of tint ttatlon are evident fruin gUnce At the nap of the Pacltlc Keati. It I attuuted exactly 4.1 mllet fi,m Han Krncl,o tjt mllet from V,klviinu, tho illtam between Yoko hama and tiaii Frani Inco being iX'l mile, pagu l'uo It 2t mile, from Honolulu, the latter American port bring juat about the tamo illmanie from Han trancltco. Thr Inland of Gum, In the Ladrunet, 1 b.irn!y j. 'ao n,ll from Samoa and Manila In Jum .") mllet axuy. It la underatood Hut one or more of the American gunlxiat now on duty In Cuban water will Marl for Aantoa aa toon a the block ailv It ralM-d. going by way of (.'ape Horn, an,! will dlKpUy the American (lag there until releaaed by othr vettelt. Ihete gunboat were built specially for duty in th IHrtrtc. Itut were detained on the rxixrrn ott of the I'nlted State wften the mt tgan. One of them, he Helena. accompanied the Ongun on her famou rulte from Tallfornla 4o Cuba and will : the flrat to reach bafltoa." A01INAUX) COM t NO TO TERMS. He PPTKite Certain Arrangement to Merrltt. Which Are Acceptable. New York. August 5. A dltiwtch o the World from Manila but by way of Hong Kong. t: Agulntililu l 'leroniln; -nore friendly to the American. He ha mde two propo- ltlnn to Onera) Merrltt. which may olve the Inmirgrnt prowim In a manner tilgnly atlvanlageout to the United State. In the tlmt place, he atk the comman- der-ln-chtef of the American land force to permit the native troop to march through the ttrevt of Manila when the cHy lurretulert. UeneraJ Merrltt apear Inclined to con vent to thlt. It would gratify tho vanity of the natlvet to let them Indulge In what will teem to them a triumphant march a victor through the capital of the enemy thev have been auccettfully combating and bejlcglnf elnce the wiping out of Montejo'a fleet. At the tame time the native troopa. Wing thu axmyed In line and under direct order, may be more eatlly controlled and prevented from ex ceane. Trill I considered a highly Important ropoition, a pnatlble key to the whote eltiiaiKm on the laland. The native tronpt would, of rourte, be constantly under the eye and direct order ot our men. It Is believed that they would be obedient And eaally controlled under tact ful commander. The American troop now occupy the trench,' In front of Malate, a suburb of Manila, which waa constructed by Agut- riHldo, Tha rebetl withdrew to let our men take their place close to the Spanish line. The Attor battery, supported by a bat talion of the Third Infantry, la now In position at the front. Its guns (elng planted wUhln a thousand yards of the Spanish line. Father Dougherty and McKlnnnn. the former being on General Morrln's staff, have gone to Manila to hnve an Interview with Archblahop No miledd, of the archdiocese of the Phlllp- lnes. and to point out to him the futility of rclaiK' to the American troop. WHITE LAliOK rCKl'ECT '0KK SATISl'ACTIOX GUARANTEED. Franklin Manager. THE EXCELLBfCE OF SUP OF ACS U due not only to the originality and Impllcity of. the combination, but also to the care and skill with which It Is manufactured by acientlflc process known to the CALrroRXM Fio SrBrr Ca only, and we with to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Fio Stbcp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitation manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cam roam Fio Stkcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the eioellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as It acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it doea not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S! FRANCISCO. CX LSTUTILLt, Ky. KCW T)RE . T. MARINE NOTES. The Mantanita arrived tn yesterday from Taqulna bar. The Talfu sailed yesterday with a cargo of general merchandise tor Vladlvlstock. v.. The steamihlp Mogul moved down to Flavel yesterday to take aboard K) ton of coal. The Columbia arrived tn vetlerdsv from San Francisco with a heavy freight and pasaenger Hat, TO LAND OWNERS. Notice ts hereby given that a committee as been duly appointed by the Astoria Progressive Commercial Association to obtain all Information possible regarding farming, dairying: and stock lands In Clat sop county and the lower Columbia river which can be secured in forty and fifty acre tracts. The object of the association I to In duce Immigration. Any person desiring; 'to dispose of cer tain lands or portions thereof will con fer a favor on the committee by either making the matter known or addressing them at the earliest possible date as to the location, quality and price of these lands. LAND' COMMITTEE Astoria Progressive Commercial Associa tion. Dyspepsia can he cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded, Sold In handsome tin boxes st 25 eta. , For sale by Estee-Conn Drug Co. A stuffy room In a summer resort hotel and twolve hours' Illness convinces the most anient vacation tourist that there is no place like home. OABTOIIIA. Bean tht VOM Hw Always Bougtlt There Is nothing that makes a woman happier than to have her realise that "there are others," to care for her, even though one 1ms decided negatively on that question. Beware of Imitations torn dukcan'I to, aatm, niw vomc ALLE5 That the blood should perform Its vltai furctlon. It Is absolutely necessary It should not only be pure but rich In llfs glvlng elements. These results sr. beau effected by the use of that ell-known standard blood purifier, Arer's Barsa partlU. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT. FOR RENT GOOD HOUSE AND BARN nad (our acres of land, nar Clatsop City station, known as tb Clatsop fostonV. Apply to A. Tagg, til Commercial at., city FOR BALE. FOR SALE HOI SE AND LOT. COR n?r Grand avenue and Twenty-ninth street. Uppmown, lot ,ixM feet. Apply to John Suti. FOR SALE 20-TON SCHOONER. ID. drett Robert Stoebr, MO Fourth street. ruruanu, Jl e. LOST. LOST - THURSDAY NIOHT T.AB Ltesdemona Sand, about 3)0 fathoms of not. constating of (wo papers of .machine knit and two paper, of Stewart's twine In the middle, oiiance old web. F'nder will please leave ord tt Ai'onin CJKe. LOST ABOUT IS FATHOM OF MA chins knitted net. buoy Is msrkrd E- K around It. used ss flag buoy: hole on too and lead weight on bottom. Lost near ineampea ouoy rso. g. EmU Mattson. FOUND. FOUND-A SEIN. ABOUT FATH omi, which n be hod by proving prop erty ana paying ror trus advertisement. John Oman, Fort Stevens, Or. FOUND ONE PIECE OF GILL NET Having about 75 fathoms In ths tins. Owner can have same by proving Prop erty ana paying expenses to jonn jacoo son, at Elmore a Cannery. GRADERS AND EXCAVATORS.- ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL KINDS of graaing: work done with neatness and dispatch. Apply Ueventh street and Irving avenue. KELSON 4k GOOm.N. HOTELS. 8TOH AT "THE MURRAY THE ONLY hotel In Astoria having every mod ern Improvement. Strictly first das. RESTAURANTS. GOOD IS CENT MEALS AT THE Ris ing Sun Restaurant. . MIDWIFE. MIDWIFE MRS. MARY Exchange atree make, ra MISCELLANEOUS. FINE CRAWFORD PEACHES RE ceived uuuy; price the Iowt. FOARD 4 8TOKES CO. FOR FINE TEAS, EXCELLENT COF' fees, pure spices go to FOARD A 8TOKE3 CO. TRT SHILLING'S BEST TEA AND ' baking powder. SWEET CREAM 10c A PINT AT THE spa. CREAM 10 AND 15c PER PINT. PAR' lor Candy btore. USE MAPLE LEAF CREAMERY BUT ter. Foard tfc Stokes Co., agents. WHEN YOU WANT FINE TEA, GOOD conee ana spices, try iroara ft oiosef v.o. WILD BLACKBERRIES LEAVE TOUR orders for wild blackberries With Rosa, HUjglns ft Co. ASTORIAN9 AT THE SEASIDE WILL find the Morning Astortan on sale st the raaoe Restaurant at mat place. FINE CHERRIES. RASPBERRIES AND red currants are plentirui and cheap, See Ross, HlgKlns & Co. SALOONS. THE LOUVER UNDER THE 1 ABLE management of August Krats. Is daily becoming a more and more popular re sort. The club rooms on the second floor are now an attractive feature ot the : establishment. THE FASHION SALOON. 2S0 ASTOR street, Is where the Hneet brands of winces, llauors and clears cn be found. The ccieirtwd Kopp's. Ice coid, olways on tap. The lutewt vomic songs remdcrevl at the nightly concert. SUND & NYLON D, PHOTOGRAPHS. IF SNODGRASS DOESN'T MAKE your pictures you don't gel the best. PAXTON S PHOTOS ARE ON PAPER of his own preparation and are guuran tucd not to lade. A REGI.LAR PANTONINE OF VIEWS depicting tho life and history of Astoria, and souvenirs of the city and country at the Snodgrass gallery. PHYSICIANS. DR. ALFRED KINNEY OFFICE AT residence, Commercial street, near Sixth. Office hours: Morning until 10: all afternoon until 5; evenings until 9 o'clock. DR. O. B. ESTE3, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Special attention to diseases of womon and surgery. Oltlce over Dan tiger's store, Astoria. Tele. No. 52. no t i v miTTt v PHTOiniu iwn a . a w - a j a u U a..i-- a . i a, i Surgeon. Ollice, rooms 5 and 6, Pythian BulUlins, W14 Commercial street. Resi dence same. Telephone . Acting as sistant surgeon United States marine hospital service. RUPTURE CURED! Manv people afflicted with rupture die from no other reason than lack ot a retainer that would bold tn the partlcu- . lar location of their ailment. Dr. Bar ters retainer Is positively guaranteed to hold, no matter where the location and under all positions of the body. It has cured tn 95 per cent of the cases. DR. J. E. B ARTEL, Astoria, Or. PORTLAND Howard MASONIC. TEMPLE IDOE NO. 7. A. F. AND A. M. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. O. W. LOLNSBKRKY W. M.;E. C. HOLDE.N. Secretary. AGENTS WANTED. Agents and canvassers to sell Dr. Kllck'f Pocket Net Inhaler for catarrh, asthma, and lung and throat diseases. Bella easy for SI Big- profits. Write for sample and terms. Dr. Kiick Medical Company, Cincinnati, O. ATTORNEYS. H. T. CROSBY, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, 43) Commercial street. J, Q. A. BOWLBT. - ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Omes. Bond Street. Astoria, Or. PROPOSALS WANTED. OFFICE C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR racks, With.. July 21, 1X4. Sealed pro poal In triplicate, will be received her or at office of Quartermasters at Boise Barracks and Fort Sherman, Ida ho, Portland and Fort Stevens, Or., audi Forts Canny. Bpokane. Walla Walla ami Vancouver Barracks, Wash., until 11 o'clock a. m., August 20, 1x36, and then opened for furnishing forage and bed ding therefor for fiscal year commenc ing July 1, 189&. Information turnlsoext here or by said quartermasters. U. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposal for Forage and Bedding at " and addressed to un dersigned or to respective quartannaab. er JOHN L. CLEM. C. Q. M. Offlce C Q. M.. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., July , 1891 Sealed proposals, W triplicate, will be received here or at Fort 8tevns, Oregon, until 11 o'clock a. m., Aug. I, 1S9S, and there opened, for furnishing fuel at that Post for fiscal year commencing July 1st. 189S. Informa tion furnished here or by Quartermaster Fort 8tevena. U. 8. reserves the right to reject or accept any proposal or part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for Fuel at Fort Stevens sod addressed to under signed or to Quartermaster Fort 8tvens. JNO. L. CLEM. C, Q. M. LEGAL, NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT the co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Gribble Smith, is this day dissolved by mutual content All debts belonging to and due said firm are pay able W. N. Smith, and all liabilities of said (Inn are assumed and will be paid by him. i naries n. unooie, XV M Rmlth Astoria, Oregon, July ZL VSM. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT the copartnersUp heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name ot Chinook Lumber and Furniture Company is this day dissolved by mutual consent, C. C. Wilson retiring from sakl firm. All deibts and accounts belonging to and due said Arm are payable to Nils BUIe or Frit i Johanson and all liabilities of said firm are assumed and will be paid by them. C. C. WILSON. N(l B1LLE, FRITZ JOHANSON. Chinook River, Wash., July 13, 1888. Notice Is hereby given that, on account of my leaving the state of Oregon for an extended period. I have this day appointed and constituted S, 8. Gordon my attorney-in-fact to act for me and represent me tn all matters of business during my absence, and until said power Of attorney is by me revoked. ' M. M. WALKER, M. D. Astoria. Ore., July 17. 1838. Civet 11 n! nnnl RomIs I list ISUUUIIUI wuim OF ASTORIA, At Attnria. In the State ol Oregou, at the close of business, July 14, ussd. KKsoimcxs. Loan and discounts... ...l2ll,4fij 07 Overdralts, secured and unsecured... ...... 4,4. Sfl V. 8. Bonds to secure circulation........ 12 KO 00 Premiums on U. 8 nomls. .. 9o0 00 Stocks, securities, etc . . 5,7s 12 Other Real hstate and Mortgages Owned 9,139 67 Due from national banks (uot reserve ajtents) .. 3.VDM 66 Due Imiii state hanks and bankers 87.0U7 60 lne from approved reserve agents... 125,.M Vi Cheeks ami other cash Itemi 128 IM Revenue tamiw 677 (HI Notes of other national bunks luo IK) Nickels and cen'i 66 W LAwrci, Mosky Reserve in Bajk, Vis: Specie H9,'.HW 00 Legul tender nolo 610 00 vu.iiu oo Redemption hind w th U. H Treasurer (o pefCUItf. uf Diroulntiuiil,....,, BC2 60 Total UAHH-ITIK9 H Capital stock paid lit Surplus fund ...... I M.i'ind M 10,000 oo 86,723 09 tnulvided prollis less ex- . lensesai:d taxes Paid National bank notes out standing 6,&V) 00 line toother Natlouai banks.... l'lvlilends unpaid 1,000 00 (nniviuuai deposits sud- Ject to check 1175,922 98 Deinai'd certltlcaUi of d- foit 45.47:1 M Cerlilled check 26 9S 1,123 79 rotu! M M "30,iiJt 10 State ol Oregon, I ... County of Clatsop, I I, n. s. tionlon, uusnier oi tneanove named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment Ls true to the best o( my knowledge aid belief. S. 8. (iOKIHJ.N, Cashier. Hubser bed nnd sworn to Def re me this 2.lrd dsyolJiy, ltu, ar.Al.1 v. HOEi.uo, Notary l'ulli for Oteguu. , Correct Attest : JACOB K MM ) W. K. Mc(',RK(iOn DUector. J 0. IIANTIIOKN