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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1898)
THE DAILY A8T0R1AN. Tl'ESDAY MORMNU, Jl'LY 18;8. Clearance Sale rv OF igured Organdies and Dimities Butterick falternj at Kew rrlcM Albert Dunbar, Tor. 9th mi! Commerclil Streets Mew Astoria Steam Laundry KH1TB LAUOK rCKFECT 0KK SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. P. A. STOKES I J: Clothing I and Gents' Furnishing Goods CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. The Pat Market ALL KIND OP FISH AND GAA1E IN SEASON B7-4 Commercial trt. I THE PALACE Euv Astoria'5 Leading Restaurant Everything Strictly FlrtC1nt. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. wuvrtrumnnnnitnnnrtr H eilborn & Son Furniture and Carpet.. SPECIAL SALE Japanese Linen Warp Matting?. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland. "GREAT MID SUMMER" -SALE- Every piece, every yard of fine. Dress Goods stock will be sacrificed. Wash Fabrics Reduced to 4, 5 and 7c yd. Separate skirts, suits, capes and jackets reduced; and Closing at Great Mid Summer Sale Prices. Mc Alien & McDonnell, ASI0R,.An1 m. nerie. Their appearance in the river last vu at lca.t week earlier. The Iviiswtll fm played between the Astoria and Kort Uterena club at the Wartvnton ground wutnlay resulted In a vt-try for the latter. The game wa exWting throughout. The score wa 11 to r. H. Hughe of H. lluthM A Co., snlmon brokers, of San Krtinvlsco, I In the city calhnr on hi ol.l time friends among the cannrrymen. Sir. liugne hvi he I simply on n pleasure trip. j he h re tired from active bustle. An evening paper iuy: "Sajturday Mg run of i"hinook came Into th rtvw ami the fishermen had abitut all they could do to kirp them from gidng up the rivtr." Why didn't they throw salt on their tall and cutoh thorn? Th firm of NVIson A Godln have An Whiil the grading on ICighth trret ami are now open to private contract for ny kind of work In sr.uluig or excavating. Thrtr addrrsa ran t learned by consult ing the Astoria's olasliled column. Townsend. The rsrry la paint. J th rvgu. I.ttlon wiir color, and la In command of Ctiptalii Kltgore; her fivrmer commander. Captain Itillltpt. having teen ordered mat aomo time eg Lieutenant tfturdc. vant, whj will ( remembered na bltig on th Vvrry when statlohed here laat fail, la the only imi of th olil iifflii now on bodnl. The ivrry U auitUtrl with roplit tiro Kimx, ami gun pruotiitt .vn bxxitvl 1a part of tha iluUy ruttn of work arnniw th crrw. A tho tuiirla aountlint "ijiiartora" early yrto-l.iy mornlnf a crol of pfopl linot th ofk anj ai.-tu'.l th nun drill ii lwri ih little cruft. HUnk iirirlli:tTi wrr umI and the pr.n-tle .tt alout hulf an hour. The vrenW hia tevn atatUwi.M on the Souml lmo I14M111C hre laat fall, ami further than otvln orilora to pro-i-rot lo the tVlunitU rltrr It la not known how hut ie may rvm.nn or wht the net orvliT will t. The T. J. 1'i'tter. while on her wuy t nwa-o with pmwrtujf ra for Un IW-uh rot atuck at the hraJ of 8anJ lalaml SnturJay evening. She remained hard atrround until S o'odvk Sunday morning. whn he irot oft with the hl-h wnter. (STRKKT 8fl'KKINTKMENT LIS- Althoiuch Not a fainlidiUo lie lleorlvea the Nomln.itkit ami la Kleitetl. Tha Common t'ounril nn-i In Ul ae ln )'torluy rVrllttHC It the rlrodon of atrvt puprrtnW'tulent. to nil the -a-cam-y mnde ly the r!imtiin of l.udwlg Iwiraen. In the; aharnee of U.iTr llera-mun 'un. cllnun Molrr(iir. orrm.lrnt of the run- I'll, preanteil. llh all tho ooiinrltmrn The Pret counvll of the Improved Or- ,r,.t rso,v, Mr utn. The following aiilntUn fnm randl d.itea were rrwd and )J not ,.n file ami conaldeml aa nonilmitlona; John Aher. t-Mmlile. W. II. H'. J hn Weli-h. t'hri ' tlramma. Adolph J"hnn. I The flmt tall.t (.hI. J.ihnaon. I; Orimmn. John Wirt. Krr.1 Writcht. nnd tlnuniM. !. Wrlitht, I; H . 1. A It re iulrrl a majority of the vote. if the cum ll to t lo't. a utiil t).i 1 1 . k mi t.ik'n. wUh th" imr r-ult. A rivm w:i. taken .iftil "n the third t'.tllot the vto remained un. h inted. Af:i-r another re.-r Wrlirht rern-'d I J hn.n l ln .1 Vote The ll.tlKtLl'lurl .if lt W1l then wi'hdr.iwn nnd T!i"m.i I.invllie .i nominated. I n a oie l.'.mlile piee.l and Wrlk-ht 1. I.inv.lle w:i then e. i l.ire.l duly .-I.t ttl. Til" ntiini'il th n adJ'Mirtud. A. V. ALLEN der f Redmen v-onvnrw In I'ortland to lay. The f.tllow'.n tleleffatra from thla city left yrtrUy evenlnir to lie In at tendance: W. C. A. Itil. A. A. Cleve land. J. A. H'jti-hlna. Krunk Roeni. O. A. Mathenn. and Lee llerrln. A verdict of aivhlental drownlnir waa rvturnrxl yr.trnl.iy In the ca-ie of (5eonr Antovlch. who w.i drown'd near Lien- enwetnT' cinnrry Salunlay evenlnot. The tx.k place fn the afternoon ami the rem.vlna ere Interml In iJrren- ci metrry. 0'iiid whi.-key Is both doctor and tonic I'e'tcr looklne thin any doctor. bett.T !r. than aM mrdlcln". For "nr.i' famllv ue. noth!rr rpu.t'.a whlakry, and HARPER WHISKEY 1 pre-eminently he'.iy y. S M by Foard ft 3:ok' Co . Astoria. Ore. TJ-e if '.- f 'he ,d ! c-.n pr .-. KISHKKM AN 1'MHltKH !np ri h took a pir'V ! ': 5-- k-T- S : !ay to th. mouth river. The w.i command- ; (':irt.iin .U.ST'nn un, the imrr v ' . I i f t we've young men. Th--y .d a. far ,i the whlstllnc buoy. M ik-d M-n !! !(. and l'T...-i S. Mini of f.t-' "e1 l, r!j M, r a n vn At New and Attractive vtl ,ri y PJ irau. (r Vd 'lit.. Hit 'V I Prices. AT 8 1-3 CENTS IVr yard, lha grealatt aaortniMii of tllmltle in Aatorla, In ploJOa anj flower d efTecU. worth too per yard. AT $1.50 Iodlea black mohair aeporata tktrta, full width, taffeta lined, v.lretpan bound, Jut the thin for (ha bench, AT 35 CENTS luh. ladlra ahlrt watata made of l"d percale; only a fw .lira left. AT 75 CENTS Each, ladlra while duck aklrta, full Mtn AT 28 CENTS Each, Indira white aummer crei; every body ahould have a pair. ' -if' AT $1.15 A pair ruftlo.1 0wa rurtalna with laie liiinmln. fonielhlnf new, AT 10 CENTS i:ih, ludl.-a Jereay. ribbed alaevea; yeat otvam only. rr T 10 CENTS Pair, ladle.' and aeaiiilr.a lioao. ihllilrrn't faat black AT 75 CENTS (Allien' nuxM irowna, Jieei qualHjf muattn, hamlaoinoly trimmed with Ho and mm broidery, AT 19 CENTS Kach, lot of ladle' undreaae4 kid flovej, lllttly aoilei). worth 11.10 plr. AT 50 CENTS AT 7 1-2 CENTS Yard Fruit of the ,itm nuilln. Kvery Udy know, thla favorite brand. AT 5 CENTS Ka.h, rhlldrvn a white A trliuimM and well made. nloely For o,sl kid lova, buy th4 Vnot W l every pair tvarmnteed; oolore, black, re.1, brown, ren, white, et. Yard. Ullt'ledched Wright. mualln; foo. heavy we are rtoatiif out nil our tailor b M ble reduction In prli'- SHANAHAN BROTHERS, The Only Store That Sells Cheap. In a Woman's Care The Pantry Shelves t'pon the pantry ah.lve aoul4 b found elected aaortma of choke irocerKe. Not lue kind yeu buy a any lor, but aupply froai ua. We are careful wtlk th quedlty of rl buy ad truat t yr appreciation lo brine ua renewed ord.ra and new cuatom.ra. KOSS. MKKilNS H CO. ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... fruit Jars nnd Jelly (..lasses, rs; Prices Lowei ith theiruit togo in them Tlian Ever. L0WNEYS CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA TODAT'B WEATHER. Fair weather, wanner. AROUND TOWN. TUESDAY. Nature forever put a premium on real ity. What la done for effect la seen to be. done for effect; what la done for love Is felt to be done for love Emerson. In tha podice court yeterday Ed Kelly waa fined K for drunkeuneu. The United State eteamer 1'erry made trip to Fort Sieren yeaterday. The Infant eon of Mr. and Mr. Peter Grant died yesterday in Portland. The attention of contractor and build A party of blcycliau made a trip to 8eaalde Sunday, returning in the evening. Mr. W. It. Schenrcr is over from Long Boach viBtlng her Uter. Mr. A. A. Doug At ft meeting of the Chamber of Com merce lat night a letter from Senator McBrlde waa read, itatlng that work on ... T ' Home ! " Be it ever so humble There's no place like home." Home is true. It is the j natural relation between j man and woman; mother and child; father and son. i Schillings Best tea is also true and natural. , the quarantine ytatlon would oon be gin. Kdward iVyidron of Portland spe-nt Monday wltn hi aunt, Mrs. A. A. Doug- lac i. Bom At Vancouver, B. C, Monday, July ff, to the wife of W. E. MoCormlck a daughter. Mr. J. A. "iVilllamu and eon Ole, .of ancouvtr. Wash., ari In th city vlmt liiK Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Itedutn. air. j. ii. uranjion of Waco, Tex. who ha been visiting Dr. and Mri. Etea, re turned home yesterday morning. ers 1 called to the udvertintment of A - in looay Aatorlan, under the head of proposal wanted. A number of pasaenger came down on the Cjatzert yesterday find tmnxferred to the A. & C. railroad for Clataop Beuch. iir. KfrcKnorr and Mm Kerckhoff, of Los Angeles, Cal., are visiting in the city as guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tal- lant. The moving of the O'Brien building near tne Union depot wag completed yester day and It is now being rapidly placed In position. f ii E. M. Grimes, the genial proprietor of urimes new hotel at Seaside, wa In As toria today. Mr. Grimes eay that the eason is fully open. The work of moving the hed that pro ject from the lot occupied by the city hail building was commenced yesterday by Contractor McPhorlan. The collier Mackinaw 1 expected off the river today to tow to San FrancUco the Robertson log raft, which has been removed to Kinney' dock. Toule eaJmon have mado their appear ance In the river, the fishermen delivering quite a number yesterday at the can- 1 A Klnti:-h H-Iuthi m !i- l:v n ir Sand l!.in I wa rlill of I'-to and tlf'o n Mlnrnn l i! niKht. Thf man I. .-iik it"! In liy:iir fl"li and llv. In a n..w Ac conllnif to hi. mory thn-.. m.ok"l men entered ht hkIh 1 mt nlk'lu ntnl. puni -ln upon him. bound unit k i"V"l him. They then brgan a nan li of the -ow f'-r viduable. and found $1W. which th. y np- T.. .. . . .. .ri pnniruueu. i ney aio carrir.1 nwny u dramatic r- ltal at Warrenton Satunhiy evenln. und--r the autplc-a of the Iji- hu: a some "f the party Iw-ime mMnl. k they pu: a!ut thT. arriving home late In the eveniR. While an the way homo the !ikp f ,ii!.-.l her mam.ail on a trip (pile on I l,-mon. sarnl. teuring It badly. die free Heading Roim aoclety. Thla wa Mr. McKeun's e.i.nd recltul there this aeeon, and shows very plainly hi popularty In that community. HI pro gram connlsted of Whltcomb Riley' "Knee Deep tn June," OI4 Faeoionel Roe," Eug.-ne Fl-ld a "Little Boy Blue," "SeHn" Things at Night." and hla own character sketch, "A Ult of Nature." The Bioscope on Commercial atret I milmon. I The fluherman manage.1 to free hlm.ei and ru-me to the rlty. An nlkia wnrmn wns lx!uel and Sheriff William will go tii Hand Island thla morning to Inviwtlatate. A there la no clue It I unlikely the r)tlier will be arreeied. "Pd nlc ham" la a epertal variety tha the grocera are doing their beat to g-t rid of at thl season of the ywr. When a girl makes an asgnment of he doing a good business. Judging from the love hnr sweethenrt Is Immediately ap polnt. recover. A great sorrow will cause a to He wide-eyed and wakeful, while a man enn sleep, ay, eVen snore, on such occa Ions. Don't Judge a woman too harahly who talks to her servants; she mny lie so lonely that even such companionship I welcome. numler of people -ho go to ee It. It is In fart a first class show, at an aston ishingly low price. A more reaiastlc and life-like scene could nit be Imagined than the P.lack Dlanwnd expren trav eling at full speed. Another cene well a girt come In and buy a cent yeast great Corbett-Kltislmmona fight. Special features are Introduced each night, nnd one may go night after night without getting tired of the show. At Foard & Stokes' great emporium they have Introducer) a. n w wrinkle In modern stor-ke.-ping, which might be copied with much profit by others. When a girl comes in and buys o cent yeast cake, os so many do, ami stops at the door on the way out to collect a pickle to the man who Is In love with her will retiate, a clerk Is employed to sound a big gong. It Is amuilng to watch the effect of the alarm about thn time the Kint.e nilferer Ifll. the r.leUU f-.lrlu In her mouth. There are some disposition that despise I the calm of continued good temper, and The revmiA inllr iiani - .. x M ' 1. , . i . . - . i aun'iay morning, 24 hours from Port cltenvnt that It entails. The prettiest home run be mado to look like an ordinary tenement If the flies are permitted to swarm within Its precincts. The woman who shows her selfish side retain his aff"ctWin much longer than she who goe In for eelf-sacrlflce. J WOfllAfS Wi OF BUYIKG SHOES is a good way if she's of a common sense turn of mind A smart woman can generally tell jf a choc fits lier foot. Tin's being true the .shoe man who tries to delude the woman makes the blunder of his life and drives his tradfc to a store where reliable shoes arc sold and perfect flitting is performed. JOHN HAH N,; Astoria, Ore. aumruiuxmijxruiivw Oriental CurloHltloM r ; and Toys. We mtmt reduce stock and Sell RcgordleriH of CohI Special ....Sale Wing Lee & Co. Commercial Street near Cooper's Dry Goods Store. I Lruuuuuinuuvinnnuui nlmo.t every artl'le of wearing appa:l will last longer than If looked af:.r by a man. S.m wonun neglect their rotwr Sti ies of fine appearance, rather than k.i.1 guai.ty, attract thrm. I'.ut In buying ahoea here It 1 lm !'.;!. ,o to nuke a m'stake. The ap penrame and style Is all that th moil ra.'.ldlou could desire, and the quality keeps pace with both. Our price ar regarded a wondi-r- ; fully low by wis buyer. Petersen & Brown. A1URRAY HOTEL Fool nf Ninth Mtreet. Electric Llfhts-Electric Bells -Free Simple Room -All Modern Improvements. WEEKI.T RATES. P. M. (iUN.S. Pmprletor. Mia l4 5lt ' Mln - -l'.'J L The Born Steel Range l! i i v ( lm- i 1 1 .1 I'll 1 1 tl ' ' W.J. SCULLY Sole Agent, 431 Boni Street. Chas. Kan & Co, M,l C.O.MMKKCIAI. STKII.T. Munufiiclurew of I-ndies' r.'lKKVKAl: nnd W rapjt rs, etc. The lowest prias in Atriii. Wo aK carry a fine stK.k of Jujuiiu fi' Faniy (JixmIs, lino Chiiiiiware, Notions and Toys at wlmltmilo prict. E3ZER,Cl3ST "WISE Gives Free Votes to his Customers for the QUEEN OF THE REGATTA Who Is She? Herman Wise's Customers Get the beet goodn, the lovveBt prices, a free vote with every ioc purchase. , , .. .4, , , k I Remember; the Queen -AND FLJULJltf "WISE- THE LIVE CLOTHIER. till