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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1898)
THK DAILY A8T0IMAN, TUKSDAY MORNING, JULY 2V 1898. THE EXCIXLCNCC OF SYRUP OF TIGS U dun not only t tlx .il"liu,llty ami almplMtyof ii nilliiiit(oii. lmt Uo tOlho cum nml wlili M hUh It la nmifmtiiir. l.y m ii-ntlll.t prm'twa etllOWtl t t, Al UoiiMA I'n, NVIII I' Co. Olll)', nil. I o wUU In till). I CM tll til thn Imimh tin,,-,. ,,f pur. lialii(( llin truu uii.l orlKliml A tlm jfnnulu.. Nynip of u iiii.iMifiiclum.l tln I Al.lriiHM a I'm hvitl'l' (.0. only, n Jhi,iwi.,ik,, ,,f i lmt fm t will Mini OIIO III IIV.I.IIlIK Dm Wfll-llill-M liiilUtlini iiiuiiufiK liirnl lV otlmr nr tie. Tim IiIkIi htumlliiK 'f the Cam ronxu Im hviu'r Co. with tliu miwll 01 lirofrMl,,!!, utnl the antUfuctlon which tin (ffimlun 8yrup of 1-Ik Iiai to million, f fBml(., mnkri th name of tlin Company guaranty of tba itxoll,m of lu remedy, It U frlii advance f Mll other lasatlvrs, M It nru on thn kidneys, liver ami bowels, without Irritating or weakening- tliPin, ami It tMt not grip nor cauM alo. In order to yet Ita hcnrftclal effect, -km rriiicmlirr Hie iiama of th Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. M riUftf lai'o. f.l tt urai., , kKW t0MK, , v , BALLOTING FOR REGATTA QUEEN Polls Were Opcncl Yesterday at Principal Business Houses Great Preparations for Annual Carnival. Who 1111 ! cin n of llin catnUal What f-ilr laily of tho in -t. ru Vmlie a ill have Uile .ll.!li.ill.!l.t lemur! Thn (-! (U ut l.arluls la now on. and es Mem. lit will nm high tut iuii Aumiat t: when th polka Mill iloee I'olla were ,ienel yeaier-lny In all the jrlii 1 Imeliirae boua.a of the 4 1 y Tliee inrri Iwlila give Vote lu rvery tiiiiiur liuikliat 10 cent pun haw. all.), although (tin commit tee Out iwt ! II nn y nf llin tore reledy, II Hue learned lliat lllli)' vole hud Wrf, mil. A person ran vol fur IHUin lln may , h'.e, U til llt uf tandilata will prolKiMy m large tt I" Cvnwrt ely r.',lmlM that !"') ta I -Ms will Imi . (. Aimig th'MM. promin ently mention..) urn Mr. Ilune-xi AUn. IM Klmoie. and illee Maul Hlmhton. Nat.r lH-f.H ll4Vo Itm ",lilc uf At"Ti taJdiii iiiiii h lnii r t hi an rvrnt. lor)ium in ln!--i-ir, mi.) riiltiin' ruin liili Th"t of tlm iin-n tiaiin ln at Oral In f n.H li' t.l idk U rrt!a llil. ) ii rr li.iw miv.iliK lliv lnl' Hul li ttm fun. I vurr.l in ami the n. . t 111 -wr mil) Imi nnrili .iiin.riini! f ir. Ttio I'.. i thui. I .,,m r li.,n liltrii (hi rarnlwil ninny f.itaMi- ti"tlia all. I A" turU im ,,a.utl i-f a I irn.i iiMni.l.iii. r frjiu lint .11) All lit" .iihta ! (ha in. 1 r, nr.- nuliitf nut anil will llil I lie mil) li.i.lla frm H.lll Kfitl' ir.a ll ulmr, I'iiki'I S'liui'l, aii.l Vli i mi Miii'ii fruiii tlmxi it'Untia will cnti t In thf uriviti t rowinc rm'' , i-r hold III III" lllral. AllUMIII 111.' Iliual Inti'rixMlilt frilllll'i-a Kill Imi tlln l'llllir ami In. I;. hi r.i.i. mi I. in. I nn.t w.itiT. J1uii.Ii.hI. ..f vl' will limkf tliu trip t) l)ii hni, In a A in ilt !!. I'li-aniiir-an-kiTa lit (irrtfuii mill Vh. tr tori will (I'M k In Atirl.t durlnif ro UatU wr,k. nml tiny will K nwuy writ with tin- inrnlviil. lt rv,riiiu Invito Ma frli-inla In thn wt-at to nlli'ii.l. llnlp to awt'll tlm BltiNnlaiu-i., fiar Ui'ii-aa la auml. gfi:i:NS ,MTK 1K)I)K. Many Kuvorlli' In Ilio Fli-ld and th 1'ollleiit (li'ltuiir rlplrtlnl. Vote of ton ami ti will help ihn r katla. Mlaa Htialo Klmoro In rwclvlng tiurniT ou Votra, Mr. J. It. It. voted !t -rtca fur Mim Hlixklon yrattirdiiy. l'ol-i'hind la llllnrnatinl In our m'ih- ola niul In our cholro. I Mlit I.i'imm la a grciit favorite wfth a, lurgo nuinimr of the nun. j IliUIK'tlllNT villi ri etltltliHl to 011(1 VlllC J for (ivrty lii-i'i'ttt purchiiiki, Thn Hint fiver. vtoa Hint nt Hi'rmnn j Wlao'ri wito for Men. C. V, Fulton. Ilnyul i'rthm-i". Aatorin, July 25, 1S18. ltullolliiK fSif lln' ijuii'it ln'iinn tojuy. Mra. (lorwlln, Who o irracluuHly ruin) lajit yi'iir, la olio of th loiulcra MK'Un. A cerliiln ilryKomla nii'rt'liniit In IniHtl Ing pretty hmil for Mih. lliuiUon AlliMt. Thn court will orilor furtlu-r IliMtm ptih llNhiil from day to ilny. Wulch thin column. VolliUf (it (Irlllllt & Hi'imIm, tin. Dm, Hlvo, Hhuiiiiluin'ii nml Ihu Hpn In procoi'illng hrliikly. llDiiiinii W'lno tukoa iii'hln In lulvortla. liur thn coiitoHl; othora nm oxpni'U'il to Oo llknwlno, Thn Klnnlnh HrothcrhoiMl are pxpcctctl to m-liH't ii fiinilhhito for qtioon nml then thoro will ho a tin- of war, In iiihlltlon to tho voloa you cant with your ptirchiiHo you may luiy uh many moro im you Uko nt 6 con la it vote. Tho niorry-Ko-roiinil-man wllii to nr- nuiKo for voto that ho nwiy liaao th" i lillilion. Thu vomnilttuo will Hot tumor row. Tho ciymmlttco la illHCtim-lna; tn uilvlsn- tniiy of countliiK And piiKilMhlng tho vto twice a wi'ck, or Uufly, or nut Until the 11th of AtiKiiat, ami would Uko to know how 1h propld fool tthmit tt. Uvery tlino you omko iurc-himo aak for ImllotH, ami vote for sonteonn, , If you hava no cholctt iloponK. the vota with out a name, The commlttoo rocolvc a til Clinili.y ('o"'r aaya Hint man Ii'mi iKht a IK) "ut fll In in In Atiiaka with, hut lllai'll til t'llln. Iimailan llidv hAn.l no HMuM III Alnaka; mtllllK hut flllah gf in yiniaxM, iii'Minn luvm ero olii'ri wi nln'lUUItn fi fluah thom. ' Ml'fll lil-rKIIKHT1 IS I'OHTf.ANI. riirihuiil, July 2."Thi I'orLhind torn- miitiw ut tlm Aat'ina rntfutM, if wnwni cniuiii'i ixivi.i ni. i Minn in i iiiiiniiiin, iluv Iniuln a laruu fullnrl Inn .if mini y. allvi r riiia nml mi'ii hiin.ll.i. Id Im (urn nil nvrr ti thn liiiiiuiKllitf iDiiiinlltin In uti I In itniriiylllK llin I X I ii l n uf til" r'K" II null, la lull. I mil Iniaiiitin lirlii (iVnr i.iii.lnii ririitviil ii 1 1 I II la i.-rl ii In thn Hint iluwila fl'ulll I'm I Infill will iilll'lnl. fl HH im ntiil hy pirn. fiutn ll mii in (ir'K'ni A C'llll.D ICNJOVd Th plrauni navnr, (mill ai'tlon an-1 I iiithuitf rffi'i t uf Hvrun uf lritt. whan In hi i .l uf a Inintlva ah.1 If Dm fuihur Of liuilhrr ! iiiatlv or h:lluua, the mnt uiatlfylnx rraulu follow Ha n; in that ll In thn tiral f.iiiiily r"innly known nn i.vrrv fuinllv aliiiutit liitvi, a linltln. iifai liiinl hy the fallfuriilii ITItf Hyrup C". 'I'lm lyre of thn Hint fly hy ulif t In Ki'lKTillly lit. out ll'illtllv the alo of IhiiiM, uf iluy line Km lmn niiiiilnuallw troubled with colic anit-cholera Infantum ln hit hirtn. aii'l all tliat w ruuhi do lor mm ill.l mil at.em In elv mrir llian lelntior ry relief until w tried Chamberlain' folio, Cholera anil Diarrhoea lUmedy. Him living lhat remedy h bil not heen Irouhlrd. V want to glvt you till! leatlmunlal aa an evident uf our (rati luile, not thai you need II to adverlli your nieriturloua remedy. O. U. Law, Keokuk. Iowa, for eat by Charlea K era, drugilaL 11 1 iipii-ili war cnrrpupondi'iii never ful I a lu iiink" un of the word "Imhruc lln," HKMAItK Altt.rC HKHCL'B. Mra. Mlrhanl Curtain, I'lalnaDeld, III., niake th atateinenl. that aha caught cold which attled on her lunge; aha Ma treated fur a lliolilll by li-r family phyelrlaii, but grew worae. II luld her h waa a hopnli aa VI, tlm of t uliauinptlon and that no inriiuiii could cuie lu r. Her drugglat luiigracled I'r. King New IMacovury for (.'oiiauinpllon; ah bought a buttle and to her dWlght found heiaelf bnientlrd from th tiral dee. bhe con llriurd i Uae and aft'T taking all but tlra found hnarlf aound and well; now doe hrr owu houicwotk, and I a well a el. a ever waa. rue irlul bottl, of Hit Oreat I'lBi-overy at Kilur-Conn Urug t o iJiriie l-tittlM Ui rent and II. Many giay dtrel coelumr are worn by member Of th tnolt eliiuelv let. TUB riosEcn UUMb I th nam of th only perfect traia i th world, now running every night be tween 8t. I'aul and Chicago, via th Chicago, MHwauk Ht I'aul railway ih pioneer road of th ot in adopt ing all Improved faclltile for Ih fty and enjoyment of paeaenger. AD lllua tratad l-amphlet, ahowtng vew of bean tlful wnery aiong th rout of th 11 o-ne-r I.lmlied, will t aent f re to any par on upon receipt of twonl poataga (amp. Addr Uearg II. Ilnafford, Oeneral 'aaencer Agent. Chicago, lit. It moat alwayi happriia that the nr-n who teik nioal aUiut dnmnatlc women are found the I'.i'l with (hrm. Annual Bale Over I.OJU.OuO lioxe. roil BIU0U8 AID ICBV0U8 jDIBOaDLII urh a Win. I ami rain In the Btomarh, (ll.lillnnaa, t'ultie after nina'. liad ai-hn. Iiuxlnnea. lmwlna. fluahlng of 1 1 "HI. Ian of Appotll-N Owtlvtane! Mutohn nn th Hkln, llt Chllla, turtm.1 HleT, I'Htflitful IrinanJ all Jmtvou and TreuihllntT rtonaatlon. THE riEST DOSB WILL OIVE lEUtl I TWCSTT HIICTE8. Ewsry gufforvf will ackliuwioxlg Uieiu to b A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IMHtn FlUAUken aaJlrect el. will quickly rator Kmualp to com ih'to hnalth. They pMrnialy rvmnra tiatructluuior lrmi;ularltia of the ra don 1 cur lrk Hradacho. fura Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion DUordcrcd Liver IN MtN, WOMIN OK CHILORIf Deooham't Pills are Without a Rival Aad ka-w U. LARCE8T SALE f any ratenlMrgtrlno lath VTorU. SJo. at ttll Drtic Store. THE PROOF of Die pudding la In th Mtt and lh proof of Uqaora IS IN SAMPLING That' an aigumant thaA'a clmlf demooiLratloa, Our wUI ataM tha taart. HUGHES & CO. EAST m SOUTH UlUnXN.-lNASoXI-; twv-: . "NS. a- - - -m V I cuiiiiiilaaliiti tin llin voim ihniIIi1 In Imllnt lxi it ml nut ollurwlai., in LKAVE TORTLAND ARIUVE OVERLAND EX riti:H8, for Biileni, Hoauliurg, A'hlnnd, ;00 r. M Bncramontn, Ogdnn, 9:80 A. M Ban Kranolaco, Mo- iiiv, Loa Angalo. i rao, Nw Or leana and th Eait. 1:X A. M Rotuburc pauenger i:30 P. M VI Woodhurn, for Dally Mount Angel, 8II- Dally except verton, Wuat Solo, except Bunday Ilrownvllle, Biirlng- Sunday fleM and Nation.... I7:M A. M Corvallla paoaongor 15:W A. M M:W P. M Indfipondonu pue' 8;iS A.M Dally, lliatly except Sunday. Cnniiuctlnir at Bun branolaoo with Occi dental A Oriental, Pacific Mall and Oce anic atoamahlp line for JAPAN, OHINA " . nr-iiinuov A1T(3 .'11 AT T ft AND HAWAII, Rcbata ticket on ula dally between Portland, Baoramento. and Ban Krancl ro. Net rate 17 flraUclua, and U o-pnd-clnoa. Including leeper. Hate and ticket to K"tern point and Europe, Alao Japan, China, Honolulu, and Aiiatrnlta. Can be ohtntned from J. n K1RKIAND. Ticket Agent, 184 Third at., R. KOK11LKR, C, If. MARKHAM, Manar. Q. T. P. A. Milwaukee L f ' THU ItAILWAT COMPAHT Operate tti train on tit famoua biaaa , fytm. Light Ita train ty Uotrlcitly thruga out Cr Um celehrated tlaotiio berth r4 lag lamp; Hun iplendldly ulpped paaangt troJn vry day km! night brlwetui Ht, Paul and Chloogo; th CIIICA(i'), MILWACKKIC ft BT. I'AUfc AIM operate tei.ri-liie,J vaallluM train, rarrylnr tU lalajt prtvata om pertmmil car, l.hrury liufTwt amoklng car, and pal' drawing room eiVpara I'urlor con, free reolinlng choir cora ow) th wry heal dlolng cor arvlc. For loweat rate to any point In lb United Hiale or Ciinada, atrply U ticket agent, or aldme C. J. KUDT. Uetral Agt, t. W. CAiET, T. P. A. Portland, iructm. . rillOMLV CININO-CAH HOUTR fHOM rORfUNUTUTIIK KAHT. rni ONLY KOI'TK TO J HK tt.WWT)t NAllONALfAHK. I,KAV I HJKTIMJ IaRUIVK. 1 nl Mail lor Kaiamo. I hi-lial a. ( 1-iiu.iil. No t H.,1,11, ni l,MoliO-.i i No. 1. AOrr.e.-l. Hi. mi l.. jr "in Krlte. V ., IOIU, I'orl Tiiwii-iu1, KHntia IKira, Hi. Kalir, H.eislailll H C TM'I. H I ., N -a "li, II. r K'.io, Mia I i i, ' . ' l-Miia, ouur, auai .una, II A.M. II. 1.-1.4. M. laul, Mm, I V UU I'. M nea I a, K Aliaa I iljr., niialia, (mineil M'un.,! M. Iiul.l lilio,Waili ; HiKton. rw trk, I'lill a.l-lilila,l,l..ii. anil all Kilnta taat and oiilti real I 1AY0 to Mliintapolia. Oiuoiia, Ko aa City ami Be ruL X DAYS to Milwaukee) and Chl-go. Si DAYS to Woahkigton, 1'hlladelpkla, New York 0k1 Itoetoa, ad other Fjtaiem potiata, nf checked thruft to dUoaUai of ticket. Tor (leeptng-car reaerratiaot, tick eta, map and full Information, call on or til C. W. ITONE. Atort. A. D. C11ARLT0IVt T Am'I '! Poo. Agent, Portland, Or ItS Murrieua u, tor Third. WHEN GOING EAST. Ua Bnt-claaa lln In traveling between Minneapolis. BL Taul and Chicago, and th principal town In central Wlaeonatn, Pullman Palao Sleeping and Chair Car In errto. TTa Dining car are operated In th tn- trat of It patron, th mot elegant rvlc ever Inaugurated. Meala art erved I carta. To obtain Brt-claa Mrrlc your ticket ahould read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connection at Chicago and Mil waukee for all eaatern point for full Information call on your nearest ticket agent, or write JA8. C. POND, Oeneral Taaa. Agent. or JAB. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, WU. General Agent. IM Stark street, Portland, Or. BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains BETWEEN THE tAST AND WEST Only line operating It own through train between Be Loul. Loulivllle, Bprlngfleld, Cincinnati and New York, via Washington, Baltlmor and Philadelphia. Th traveler over th B. ft la ptrmltted to catch gllmpie of the greateit scenery In America, O. PETER HARVEY. Paolflo Coast Agent, San Franclaoo. Room S3, Mill Building. J. B. WYATT, Phone No. 68 Aftorli, Oregoe Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Atteatloa Paldte Supplying SHI Astoria Public Library IN Third It. On. Aldw. PorUaavl. RRADINO ROOM FREa TO ALL Open vry day from t o'clock to 1:10 ' and l:W to l:X p. ro. Subscription ram $3 par annum. W. Cor. Eleventh and Duan Streets. Through EASTrANbfeobfnEXsT if V.'i-ViX- a ,mbiiv PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPERS and TREE HECLININO CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Kastorn cltloa . Il'iggxge chwked through to dtlnatl'm, Union Depot, tuM time, lowest rates, I'lrii..1i light In all car.. ' I 'or rales and othor Information call on or address O. W. LOUN8BERRT, Ag"nt, O. R. ft N. Cd. Astoria, Oregon, or J. If. LOTHROP. 0-, Agent, IX Third at., oor. Aid, Portland. Or. Go East... via Hillings snd th Burlington route, and you reach Omaha, Kama City. St. Loul. nd all other outhern and southeastern cities half a day sooner than traveler who take any other line. Go eaat via 8L Paul and th Burlington route, and you rid on th finest train on earth-lb Burllngton'a SL Paul-Chicago Limited. Go eait via Ogden and Denver, and you e th wonderful scenery of th Rockies, famed th world over th most mag nificent on th continent. Ticket at office of connecting line. A. C SHELDON, Emil Schacht ARCHITECT Room 317-318 Portland Savings Bank Bldf. Portland, Oregon. ye, W--.r jp p'Ji1-ii r J C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No. aa I Handles Only the Choicest Meats :g 4jCommerclal St.. next Palao Restaurant. W. F. SGHEIBE, A full line of Pipes, Tobacco, and Jmokeri' Articles. . 74 Commercial St. . . ' S-ri'-Va. V-jZmf . 1 - There Are Sales and Sales : : BUT : : OUR GREAT REMOVAL SALE Eclipses all Others Tn the extent and variety of the Stock offered. Tn the REMARKABLY LOW PRICES on all lines. Tn the avidity with which purchasers are availing themselves of the oppor tunities presented. DO NOT DELAY YOUR VISIT, A5 EVERY DAY SEES THE COM PLETE CLEARING OUT OF HANY LINES. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Keirular .Normal Couree of three Tear. r-eaior year wholly proft as.oual.f Trainuis aepartmeut of nine armies with 200 children .'netructlou and train ng in uymiiaitm (Swedish ijr rem 1, and Vocal Mualo for public schools Th Norma diploma ii recognised by law as a STAT! LIFE CERTIFICATE to teach. I.ijht expena. Tuition, books, board and lodging (ap proximately), i3S 00 per year. Studeuta Vioardtnf themeelve, Ilio 00 per year. Academic eradea aeceted from hlh schoolv Caulogues cheerfully aeut on application. Address P. L. CAMPBELL, President, or y. A, t M. 1 if t ry : 1 ii Cuatom House Broker. ASTORIA. OREGON Agent W. F. A Co., nd Pacific Express Co'. Msntsfacturep and Dealer in e FINE CIGARS! Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE The North Paoiflo Brewery, of wbiob Mr .John Kopp is proprietor, makes beei (or domcsMo and export trade. Bottled beer for family use, or keg beer ear plied t Buy time, delivery in the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Affords Buyers Exceptionally Good Oppor tunities for Economical Investments. MEIER & FRANK CO tml;Z iVl'rn'iVr'iVnVi'rViVmi 1 THE OCCIDENT I Astoria's -Leading Hotel I Megler Wright, Props. iiuiiiiiiiiiiiim J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the . . . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. For rates, etc, address the Superioress PUPILS RECEIVED m THE PRIMARY. GRAMMAR AND ACADEMIC GRADES ? NEW GOODS V . c . w 1. 1 j i-our nunarea uuierent patterns Wah Sing & Co., Merchant Tailors, were never better prepared to serve the publie in their line. Gents' Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Suits made to order quickly. Large stock ready-made goods. Cleaning and repairing. Remember, Prices Talk. 8 ---VAH g THOS. OUINEAN, Proprietor ? Seventh and 2 Washington Sts. RUvruvuiuirtrtAAniArtumruxr RUT I CHNESSl AND ja. a. . n, t, , OREGON, a INSTRU MENT AX. MUSIC, PAINTINO AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A 8PECIAL DEPARTMENT JUST ARRIVED fc , rfii . a rx a a SINQ & CO-636Com,:'st Portland, Or. Gunther's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor.... 8 vull