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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1898)
i THE DAILY ASTORIA N, TUESDAY MORNING, JILYI26, IHU4 gaily &otcaimt ;ojin t. lighter.. EJiior. Telephone Na, M, TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. tnt by mall, per year Vent by mall. pr month ... -' rvsd by carrier, per month .WOO , .w WEEKLY. Snl br mail, per yr, in advanc., Poetag free to ubrrlbr. .12 00 All communication Intended for publi cation should be (Erected to the editor, Duslnee communications of til Muds and remlttancce must be addii'sc.! to Th Astorlnn." - Th Atnr;n guarantee to In a.lver. tlsir tha larecst circulation of any new.- paper published on tha Columbia riit-r. Advertising rule can l had on appll atlon to tha business manager. The gambler ?r foolish t- clow down (heir huslrmw out f fear of the men nist (gating th. movement against th.m. Let them auhmlt quietly to .mat. d' - mand Jury trlala, and every man proee- oted WSI b .ccultted. So vlla 1. th, maracter of tha men who art atlrrln, up tha agltwtlon, and ao wen la thrlr mo- tlv undewooa that no mlncter of tha CO-peJ. tf called t. wm-. urx.n a JuryJ pjuo., whU.h ,r ftlt ouU ot fcr a conviction under tha rtf. (n uJsn , j,. rumalance. ni fac hla w m anJ h c4l, rubllc fitment In thl. country t. aome. 1 m qulck,y tknea. and oufht to be. aupertor to tha j w tj am ,h ua,,,, arwy letter of th law. Thla la on. of tko L.A wk,K-l.brw rlflea. Nra Inatauce Tha men who are reapon- w . powder for army elHa for the prewent cruaad aralnat , navy. ramhlln hv themaelve been runty of Th w,rk on ,h fly nrv s,:tihlpa mora and worw tnfractlona of cMnmon decency and tha law than any ordinary gambler In Aatorta. It ia not tpx-tcil tht Spa.n;h ovr inly In Torto Klx cn he d- :royrd without n) f.iihitri:. The t-a:!ri. a". Sn Juan will makff Jfsr.t: defenae, but Admir.ti S im'.n bua had 'nie v..l aiJ!e tartirt practice at S.intiaio. sr..l un ItM It l dwlly determine! that the har bor l t0 umall and ti djncro-ji to r.k eur bwttleehipa a brUk Nmhntai-nt would douhtlcaa d'troy the rtlrtc.'.!o. and force the walls cy to capi:u!ate. Ther will he perfect c-oprat!rn be tween the army and navy at Porto Rifo. writ fore N'lnf tdnjuate to rwpldiy carry out the aggressive movementf planned by General Mile. San Juan la Mid to ba the mt perfect specimen of wailed town In thU hemisphere, and tt reduction or aurrender la certain to be fol lowed by th apeedy capture of the eat Ira bland. Whether the wall of San Juan can be battered down or not. the army will doe tn upon tne town aa It did at San tiajro. With Mile and Brooke hemming Id the town wKh an overwhelming fore and Sampson eending a shower of shelis Into Ita atreeta and fortifleatlons. resis tance will mere!y invite complete annihi lation. It la conceded on ail hands that th conquest of rvrto R:co must evime be fore the wur can he ended. It Is Spaln'i flihest Island pose.'..n. The vjje of its forelcn traje tn 1W amountrd t' -C.lje. It has heAl;hf'.jines of clim.i: and unsurp!"-J prtU'-t:v It ;s the mt valu.ib'.e ti the Vnited S"at frm a cMir.tto'rcial a:i! strirs:c ,,.ir..l','C.nt. Hie overthrow cf ;-m.h rule i.t re is one .if the c t.'! tu t-. ..f f rrr. .-.:. r.t p-v. Vlcnh rn-l".i.l; v ?.is. th guns, the Kst arm-T. are r- n i:r-r:.' nt J sny navy thi.- .'.j: t ut thry are r. it the uVtvrmttmr.ia of 1;-t ry in .1 iuul tattle. The one factor !. :.! ih- dgbt ! the man Khi".o the gun I'ewey maamifloent victory In Manila tav was tnigiie In that the en-my' fleet a. .tnni hRHteil. and heavy land t attor.. s.l. rn .d, irhlVe he lot not a sinstle man. The world looked tn In astoninhmi nt, unl when ii wught it trenth dwiared this wjj a lucky aoi-ident. whtoh by n mean cvuld gain happen Th-n Cervera tried to run for It, and Sihley wls d-str yed h:s vessels utterly- replica of Dewey' e..f. t,. ,.,. to,. i iii ...i led ar.d. -kee! on I . . i tn-o wounded. The world again 1 Aroertcan war veasela. manned by Ameri-' can gun nee-, are the best In the world. And the wrould-b friend of Spain among European continental power acknowl- edge hai Che Vnited State has dv.-l..p-d "lerr.ieTe creation. Into a flrat-olas naval owner, for whom j 0.51, Dyspepsia Tablet are aold on a their rewpwt ha ao vastly Increas.d that1 poalllve guarantee. Cure heart-burn. I ri!ir.g of the food, distress after eat U!k of Intervention has died away. The j ,n(tor orm of iytptpt. 0ne vfc-tory in eacn cas 1 to be ascribed to tablet give Immediate relief, a and SO i cent. For eale by Est'-- Conn Drug Co. the superior intelligence and alertness cf 1 I J.o-k Tar d.-a babiew are trem'-r. J')U!y the American gunner, ate absence c-f s,,,j u!lir .;h Juvenilis at present. casualty In Kith American fleet was l-e-I I Luxuriant hatr. cf unltorm color, 1 a aus of the ab'tice of these qualities beautiful head-covering for either aex amt ng t-he 6piin gunner Tllcre i n i toldlor, or sailor, or artilleryman, land or i ava!. up to tho average of the American In education, tn'.eliase'noe, quick common 1 avnse, and In ttravery. sne man who can afioot oftenet and etralgtitest win the ea-flght every time. Lurope may cpy ur vtasel and our gun, but sh can not duplicate the men behind our gun. FUUH PK hi PA RATION S. Toledo Blade, The war I not over. Spain Is not ertnf fcig toy Un of coming forward wth a Ttqueat to know th termt on which w are wtlltnt to grant pac. She it beg ging In European capital for friend to aH at Intermedlarle and protector, and ami her Idea of th termi which h will "ax-cepr are urh that w cannot glv th-m a moment' consideration, Th fact must not be lout eight of for an Inatant that, whti no European tv tKm will take, up arma to all Spain In tha war. the fact la certain aa any future ex nit can possibly he that when It cornea to making tretjr of pence, It will not tw with 8p.iln nlon th.-sl we wM hsve to .l.fll. The ,,bil.itce or power" r'"v hi Iwn o long In tiiiasahle c-i"'l ''' "in ,r s.n.e th..'e M t'.v pewe iu t-.-n'.u.i .1 jviii trio .vt I"'"' -':,' ;!"-r f"'r u ( ' tf ,llV v,,y miv that . ii.m'.v pro. f, affivtiiii; Sp-i'tt r.iiiire- wio be -mad wl.h.uit eli rm.iny. an.l I5u! . and Fran.' tr Ir is to pet some advantage f ,h(,n)(wlvrtl l;, ,ho f.,r cist. And they will do all they can to antago y p ,ion j, c( Mng hJknJ tn lh WlM-, ,f. faJra. w w Jo ,f w pu,h pw. SVl ORy ,0 prvwcut wr with Spatn In a vtforou manner to fu, nJlnr but t0 rrerrd shouM be ruhed nigtit andday. , We rrolb!y :'.! not need to tight; but It Is of the best importance th t w-e sh -uM J be i.v'y to fjht. ar.d thst Eui-e- ;.,v..v".'y " : rl - iU j r th.;t we .ire r .!-. Aid .tt no m i, .;.! iitip.'r:'!ce. We mil h-ive n treji'.y like that of !' I r whi.-h'M 15 "' i to the Ut r. ar:y h iif 4 century n -r 1 k tht of Shimon v.-kl. whi. h dcprtvrd J ;xAn of a linif imt: of the fr.:r. of ie msr w;th Ohitu; nor ! k.- that dictate,! by the " concert of pi-er" w ru.-h clo.-,l the ' Turkv-Orek war a ytar ko. We must be ; in such fishttrg shape 'hat no attempt 1 along such lines will be made. " It Is better to spend a hundred mUUor.s ; to prepwr fr wsr and thus preserve , Peace thn to have wr with one or m we , i European countries wheh wrlll cost ten ; . . times aa much, and ten of thousands of ; I Atnerteaa r.vtf a well. Buy Alum at druggist's, arid baking powder at grocer's. Use the alum externally; put the baking powder in your cake. 4;. For vi'e Yy In I'h'.r.a to si'.ute anyone by ukir.g or.e 9 h it :s a il. it rate !rrf,j;t. 1'trsor. troubled d arrh-ei w 11 be mte-estt J !n the cf Mr. W. M Push, vlerk cf HJte! V 'rrance. I'rn .. dnce. F.. I. He.y: "Vo? seven'. yeir ! ttie t'-n s'.rr."t a constant sufferer d.arrhea. the freufn: at acks tvtr.p.e-.ely rr. "t.Mi.rg r..e and renl-rl'g r.e ur.St f -r my dutl at thl hotel. Ah'ut two V' rs a? a traveling sale.-m in k.nlly Rue r..e a bott'.e i.f Ch-imt rli.n's t'ol c. Ch ilcra an i DLtrrhoe Hemt-dy Mjih : n-.y urpr s anl d-.-.:yht its ef-i-x:t were immediate. Whenever I f-.t symptom of the 1 would fir'iJy myse.f against the ai'ack a I- w d.sis of :h.s valuable nmejy. The re sult has hern very sat sfactory and al most iX'tr.plcie rel.ef from the affl.ction." Kjr sale ty C'harle Hogers. drag U It was y-r pi. in Klor-n.'e. the first grand op- ra was r -!-.!o..!. KOBRED THE GRAVE. A tart'.!r.g Incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Ph.ladelph'.a waa the ubject. j is narrated by him a follow: "I waa in a most dreadful condition. My skin waa almost yciiow, eye lunktn, tongue caied. pa.n cvntinually In lck and s;iVs. no appetite gradually growing SULieu.e-fiftUuailT is . , ., , . - r by day Threw physician'1"" AJv'-f' h announced that after t.)i,rrhoa Remedy I wa completely re in, up. Fortunately a friend j w;, hlJ n golJ at the regular ,,.vtj an(J , a few houri w . l0 T r.-,,...- .nA . ! rrice. 11.50 per copy, the profit on which r,.um. mr n,k m iU,r. i .mcerely weaker day had given advUed try: . . . . ....'wrjouid repay him for tn street anv.unt mr great joy ana urpne tn nrtt Dotue i made a decided Improvement. I genua- If ued thr i,M for three weeks and am life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one thould fall to try them. Only H cent per bottle at Estes-Conn Drug Co. The French blouse 1 seen on many of ' securm vj using nail ege- able Slc!l"n Hatr Rer.ewer. Tie mar. ss. ' 1 s on tick. always pay.i a.h o.'t'-n Pears' A toucli is enoucrh for cleanliness. That is why it lasts so. aaa imm .- . - r ii as AYcccLiWcftcpjrdt'wnfiTAs slmilHiiMVnvJ.rhi'.u-OuU linj; Ihc Siorwbs ami 1 owb d IYomotcsPkost;onCNTtril' iis pivl Pwt 'or.!.iins Mtiwt Djuiim.MiyUiiu ivr M.r.crai. OT XAMCOTIC. Apcrfecl Remedy forConstipo- rion. Sour Stonuch.Diarrtaxa. Worms .Convuls to ns.rextrish nrss and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSur Sifntur of ia.. ..U:.J..U.,v -Ji,' I tXACT COPY Cf WHAPPtB. ?UIPPIMAPIUC ' . J pfjl Vt" Jjf, I -T- lile Title for jj!. 1898. hu.h wtk U'Wwataa DATE a a. r. w. Friday , St. .. Sun ... Mon. ., Tue. , Wect. .. h.m ft. h.mR. h m ft. h m ft ..T 1 !1 C 1 10 S i 5 00 4 41 J J !f."j.Vl U 7 4ill ! 4 v I ') lWTI T x 1 1 I 40 1 J ... usit irtiiuu ism ... 1 04 4 s I T i5es ... T' t io 1 1 lUtl ! '.! UI I .Inura, . im I Sat. ... I Sun. ... ,Sun. ... Mon. .. Tue. .. 1 Wed. .. Ilhur. IFTL .... ISit. ... 'Sat. ... Sun. ... 'fun. .. ... t ion: 4Jaji'uu:i9 ?! i'.'II'X 'J!, ! " .'.'.'.; . . . '. U 11 .'."v."!."." '.'..117 i i i 7 1 1 : Li ii J 0 "Psuii it"ir iu)!! .'.'.14 10 4T $ 4 7 t 4 li 4 $ 4 ft. 4 1 ...1J U ! 1) 10 Jj 7 I i o4 1, ( 1)1 4 1 j iiai)t ;'U,4 '.'. V '.'.'.'.''.'.'. U Ti'i'jg'o'j I'jeVo .'.'.1: a i 7 ' .. Mm. .1 IS; o 1 TulT. jTues 1 0S7 li-'7I 7 S0 1 7 V-1 4 wd .? 1 p ; : 14 7 s 7 o 1 : jo .'. .11 14v77i347s JliiJJ ! .. h i r 7 3 3 ! 5 IT 'j 4 r 1 1 Thurs. .. Si:n. .. Mon. . Tue. . Tu-s. . IVrJ. Th'ir Kr. ... Sjt. .. S .J t Sen. .. ii S" ! S 11 1 l t- ! 1 . . . . ... ...... . ...n 4 jts s : ('.cm 1 1 ...; .... ... 11 ? 27 .. r 7 a 5 ! 7 "4 J 11 1 j II H 1 4 l ;j t .: , 4 ; -j " 1 IMI ') .. .V '. ?: i 7 .1 5 I4il J 15 4 I . it :i j i r " 4 o 4 j t :i i i ti u s 4 i i ..a MAPI.NE N0TLS. i h. 1' i'. lir.-.-h ' Tn.!- V Tn-' te. t:. 1 arr; in t . ! In S-in- .! .v n-.'.rr..r f r- r.i f TV - h r..-r J in-- :Tl '-' t'l I ' ! 1 -.1 1 t..n mill. . A i art; . r .it 11 .irriv.-.! h- Ki,i- r-v.-r. i .---r I'. to ' -r: S i t:- v. r ! i f.:rr..itK In the etr..rg. The I'.rrt.-h hip I,iur;... u-iom vi-t'-rlay with 1., valj'-d at tl.C,. i!" n n. ro n c. ar- ! at the Ltifh. Is of I Th ,-arvo of th.- Hr:th '-ark I'-nrhyn eontast of -J.171 bushel of wh.-at v.ilu'd at t-i:.""'. Her des'tr.ation i I.-.n-l n, Sjuth Afrtc-a. A GREAT P.OoK FREE. X Jl 1 A'4WM JJfc - I vW .e . I ). amer . neceisltating my leaving my business, When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, X. MVI Mr c. A n,rCi 0f nar4 iiro., Kin Y.. published the first edition of his great ( rait)e, Ohio. "After taking two or thr- work The People' Common Med- , a,- rhamberla'n a Colic. Cholera and - - ..... i m,"'rf exp-ndej ln pro-Iuelng , Jltrlbutt the neat ha.f mil- j llon free. Aa thl number of conlee ha already been told, he I now giving away J absolutely free, SjO,sjO copies of thl molt , complete.lnteree-llng and valuable common sense medical work ever published the recipient only being required to mall to him. at above address, twenty-one (H) .-ne-cent atamps to cover cost of mail ing only, and the boe.k will be snt post paid. It la a veritable medlml library. complete In one volume. Contains 11 'i ' pag'-, profusely !ilu'.rat-d. Th free el K Ion I precise',)- the same as that sold! tit II 'J. except only that the books are! in strong m.mila, paper covers instead of loth. S' nd now Ix-fore all are ghen away. We &r- m used to to-init ert.-r-a;n.el that cnsl-ler It a Kn-van.e when the shadea are drown h-ng t-nough f ir wln-ii.-w .j.--.e r to have a char-co to th-ir ware. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tbe Signature of - After a shirt h.u been to the laundry about three times It Is pretty well done UP Acker- English remedy will atop 1 cough at any Urn, and will cure worst cold In twelve hour, or money rt - funded. S centa and M centa. Fur sal by Eatteav-Cottzt Drug Co. 'OP i; For Infants nnd Chtldrcn. The Kind You -Have Always Bought Bears tho Sismaturo The Kind You Have Always Bought. El I CABTOniA, I Bears Us "J U Clif t lit B,l j 8-ftuttr. O , ZL$1-- " M mv 1 1 1 ". i: I ,' .-n.ptre it frv.r f I'V ir. .1 '" ..- i t , I ,!:! i Thst the IUkkI should perrorm It vttai futittons. It Is absolutely necessary It snouM rt"t only be pure but rich In Itfe gltng eltnirnla Thu results are beat r(T-cted by the use of thlt tell-known stan!rd bl xn! punier. Ayer (Ursa partus. S i -n t . !r..-( .i iii m love, un!s It t nun's. CABTOniA. The best way to destroy an enemy Is to nxike a friend of him. Bl'CKLEN'8 ARNICA 8ALVE. THE BEST SALVE In th world for CuU- Hrulee. Sore. Ulcer. 8a:t Rhsum. Fever Sores. Tetter. Chipped Handa.Cbll- blln- Corni nJ :1 8" Eruptlona. and Positively cures Wee. or do pay required. It la guaranteed to g:ve perfect aal.sfac- tlon or ony refunded Trice Z centa Pr t01- rot , b Estes-Conn Drug Co. 1 It Is a peculiar f.i. t a'.'h rm. . .. , . , , the growth of hii.r Is greater on ur.e sld" cf the fn.T th.m .n the "th. r. It , s.iid i!e on a til. h a ar. r. ri e. r ii'iit ka : Shows the s" "f yu-ir f e.irg ar.d the state of -,-. i r health as well. Impure blood m.vk: s .'" f n, r' nt in a pal- an I sa. low com pi ti ; npl' s an I sk n ipj: ttor.. If 'J are f. ei.r.g weak and worn cut sr.) d'i r-it hue a heulihy at " nee you sh",i.i try A- k'-r s HI -ol i:.U r It curia .... in .1 .!-. where ih-a; s;. is at; I i d fat.; kr.on.r t! t i,iry i tti- j ...;. a i ...r ,r.-- X t'.'in! pi..r ii.'i'l I a t m : k n.- rn y t h 1 1 .ir-.g.-r. Mokt Tea p s.:lv- ly . urea ui' k h'-ada- . In!!g-s:;in ar. I enstipat.-'n. A .leiightful hert) drlna P.emovea all eruptions of i th kin. pr.j-lui .ng a perfect corn; lection, or money rerun. 1-d li and i n-nts. r'ur i sale ty Eti- "nn Drug Co A man tnits n's j-i lirm-nt -n Ininn-s tmi'li i.n.-r thin h-r opinion -n th-o)ogy. i "During the hot weather last tummer I had a severe attack of cholera morbus. . . a i. . a ith 0P bowel trouble." For aal. by cbuit, Rofer,. dru;lt. A man never ktv.w how little account he 'a In this World until he attends hi own wedillng, CABTC) IX I A. Bantl AlfAV HlJtwrl Boc Bifaatan of When It comes to revenue a woman can k-ttt a man uil hollow at the game. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Sound Navl- gatlon Company. Steamer Bailey Gatzert leaves Aetorl dally, except Sunday. 5 p. m. Leaves Port lana daily, except Sunday, 7 a. m. Gatzert t'.cketa good on temer Thomp son. Thompon ticket good on Oatsert. U. B. Bcott. Preldent. a W. 8iqne, Agent, Astoria. cr tr t7 rr xi ti u ti IT IT IT 17 TJ TI T 1 TJ IT tr IT TI TI TI ,gr IT IT Repairing TJ TJ TI tT tT T 1 TI it tT General Jobbing TJ T1 J c 0RKWrrz - TJ IT TJ ' gy rr No. 441 Duan TI tj 1; t; TJ TJ K K K BlTtt- j 7 7 ry t TJ TJ T J TJ .(7 (7 17 17 TJ TJ TJ TJ ' 1 -------'--1-iri-i-i-irj-i.n.ii. " 3 t tt . ij ill A Beautiful Present In tmlrf tn rurthcr intrmlut CLASTIC STAllCH (Flat Iron Uramli.tlir inniuil.i. tuirr, I i.'. Milliliter Uroa Ca.ul Kcuklik, lnw.i,liar dcrlilril n lllVli AWAY kbrntitKul prtacnt with c.tcli.K'kitk'0i4 atari liii'M, These ptrirntiarc in the lotmtij BeaufifulPastelPicturos Un V nrr I IM'j lin In s in iir, ami urc ctiiitlril ,11 (ultowi: Lilacs nnd 'SVAROH ritiitmocooiv ' f 1 ,,..)-' '-'in , Tansies nj Harsucritcs. 1 a t' i" wicv to I ui six ilAUa. rjCrfuBINGtRBHOft 11 M0aua, Thcsf rare picture, dmr in tiumlwr, bv thr- rrnownrd pattrl artist. K.LcKoy. ul New York, havr N-rti thuarn Irnin the very cholfrst ul'jci tt in hi stuvlio ainl arc now llcrnl lor llir litit time In the luihlic. 'I ht (Mi tare arc an uratrlv rrprmlui ci in all the ulot uacil in the oriL-mjU, 4ml arc rtinuntft) hv fotnctcnt irltii , worki l art. Tastcl tiii turc arc the correct thinit lor the home, nothing iur- paMtmt them In nciuty, ri hncs ol tine vi thne picturr will tc ititcn away with c.u h fa. kJk'e 'f ur h.iclol our crmer. It U the he it Uunilry it.trih on (he market, anl 11 toUl lor u cent a pai kft. Aik our jtrmer lor thii lurch and f-ct 4 beautiful pit lure, All Croein Klip Elastic Starch. Accept No Substitute. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lear. ASTORIA. Arrtr. tDwll-) am pmt Ihtrtland and Aa-a.m. to. i SJ y tori i r;T. . in in It K1 ji I via Knstifa. Clifton IW'eetpiirt. U.iM and' jway atallona. I S i: '. r. S vn.t- an! n 1W ii N'v As! ru panrti- II i ger trains. i Itrst'Ctase trains leave Warrenton for : F!r and New Astoria at T J li and . !' a. tn.. or. l i: X. I anj t !j p m and returning arrive at Warrenton at I .. ; 5 It a m and U ! 15 and ' p m I Trains leave S'.J t nj a. m., a m . I J) r. m. da. ly l-ir Astoria. JVrtisnd tra'.ns leave !-ii.0e on SanJay a!,l.) p. m J. C. MAYO. l. F. !' A TIME 5vrti:0lLE Kr-'iu I'oMUnd Iirt Aaaisi Kt Mail S p. ra. I j I ' I jf, I rn v r It W "rtt.. ilina!ia. k 4 I l , l I.. Mil.. 1 I'O sud t est. l..t M .:; .-" a. in l-pokme W I Wall. Spo'en l-'kail I a m. y.rr ; p tn. M:M'i. , -t P oil, l'u ith. M i wa'lk'e. iii. .w and U-l, V.tiTia IK1I.N MtAM.sMII' :l -a I l. .i.l. , . t ... . I, ill. .-r, y.o -.1 I ro.e .. .. -..I! I- ! e. I ' U I- 1 1 "-i t'l.t-iiiih'a Itiver ".a tin .eiiiiera . I, I,, i' "'ur T-i r.r-un.l n. I i .1 1 1. ir , i ' i u'.ir : (. v. , . l:-' I'.r'ltlit , ,, 1 'Si: I i' i in v mi ., W illanst' Vler. i ... i,,,r l. -! I n ?,-'! ' ! V. h i. r i " 'I " " I - I. -ui A .ii 1. I . , W lllan-M a4 tin). iii. :, ' ' '" hill kl.rrs. t . , '"'ir ii i it . I'mt' ii. A 'I ' W l l .i ill I. K l-a-'n , ,-. , , 5nk Ulvsr. I Mo . A ! lilieirtato !.. ; v- .i I I e l-in ' I to. -. 'I... I tie. a "i r on. Q W. LOL'NHHklHHt Agent Astoria W. II. Ht'RLRTRT, Oen. Pw. Agt. Porttaad. Or PrfCAT TLiket to all point BBrrflr. ..EAST.. ,. For Sale tyO R.A ForSale tyO R.A H 11 BAH-'i Aient. Astorli. I' I', I, sac Through p-vlac and tourist sleepers dining and library observation car ELEOANT VESTIBULE TRAINS No. 4 Limited leavea Portland at t p. tn. No. I Limited arrive Portland at UK a. m. The Choicest Table Wines... roc ratnlllea Also for Medic lnl t4 Cocking Purpowee Prlvat Stock, Crewm Ryw, Old Hlckerr, rv!) of Kentucky and Hermit: IUa oM California Bravndl. Carlson's FamilyLlquor Store lot TWr-LTTH 8TTIBDT VatllioevtSa I 1 el no u Dlllav a evilliaill 0 leiuovj .ei y f Has 110 crjiinl In (IIm-um-s of them f Kiilnoj a ntal Urinary Oriuns. Have V ji.U in"(,'lit;te il your I'iilui-ys? Hart- T yuii ovi-rworKvu vonr ni-rvinih a.vv m K-ir. titiil cnusi'd tnuililo with yoiir Kii'm-rn nml Illiulili-r? Have votiT pains !n tin) loins, nldc, bnck, Tuins J and Mndde-r? Have you & HuViy ap- pt-arunco of tlio f.u:o, er.claily jiultT tlio ryes? Tno fniin-ntiie- I siro pawt urimt ? William's Kiduoy . Tills will Impart new life to the div I i-ase-el orpans, tone up tin sy.'.tom. unil make a new nan of you. Ily mnil fto cents per box. I 1 Williams Mro. Co., Prop.. Cleveland. O. 1 For Saiw by Ete-Conn Dr t. tHMMmttttttWiWUWH Wll.l American Popples. t , ' Lilacs nnd Irii. lUtKXaa'l ( rn iiursi i'i iisiir miu riiiiiii nirni, ELASTIC STARCH color ami artistic mrrit. 1N71 I897 l.l'RKICATINU OILS A 5i,i:CIAI.TY Tisher Brothers ASTORIA... . SICLIe. BM1P CIIANPLEItT IIAItPWAItC IRON AND ITKKL COAL CJIKX EIlirill AND ntOVIHIoNII KI.OI R AND MILL rKED I'AINTH. Oil. AND VAHNIHIlEi LCKiotu' ei rrum rAIHDANK'S SCALES tOOHS AND WINDOWS AultlcrLTtMlAL lUI'LEalENTS WAGONS AND VEHICIJCS l.H.iAI. Notice la hsretiy given that the partnsr sh;n now and hretfure silsting between tisorve Johnson and J. U. Ilughsa. at torney at law, and known undrr th firm nam and style of Johneon lluehe. has th e day been dlseolvsd by mutual consent, ilr. Johnson will con tinue the business, Mr. Hughe retiring therefrom on assuming th dulls ( Jus :. of th peace, OEOiotr: JoIINHiiN. J. M. IIUOIIE8. Astoria. July I. ISM. Ijtnd OtTlce at Oregon City. Oregon. June 17. IM. Nut. re Is hsreby given that the following-named settler has Died notice of his intention to make final proof In support of h i claim, and that laid proof wilt be made before the County Clerk o ciatp 'ounty at Astoria. Oregon, on August , K't. v i : William llos. II E. IKK f r th S'tilhwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 14. township ( n.. r 1 1 srl He names the fn'.l.iwll'.g Wit-r-.eai'-s to prove Ills continuous re..leii' e ui. .n nnd cultivation of s.ild land, vl : J It J-hltson, nf Jewell, Oregun; J. T. liutk. of .Seaside, oreg.m. T. L Krser. f Astoria. Or'gn; II lliirke, of Heasi.le. i ' r son t II AIlUlS II. Mi HEM. Ilegtatrr. I ,S' -; . n 1. ier.-!.- given that. n aci ount of rin i'.t;n the state of or. nn for an 1 . !.-'!.! -.1 1 :i -o I have th's day spp i nte-l I m. I i- itii'i-'it.-.! H S Cordon my attorney I 11 -f I. t 1 act f .r mo mill r-pre-nt me in nil matter of tiii -in- during my absence 11..! win, 1 niiil i-mcr uf attorney la by m revok-.l. M. M. WALK Kit. M. l. .''. ria. lire, July 17, s'J. iNuTI' ll M llllltHIIY (1IVKN THAT the i ( irt nere.up hir"toforo ejliiig letw.-iti tte nn-ler :an. .1 uti'ler the Arm nime of 1 lunoi.k Lumber and Furniture i '. ( in 1 1 1 r. y I. ill." '1 1 v ills .Ived by mutual .oinnt 1'. C Wilson retiring from said firm All ib-lits and munis lielongliig t 1 m l t'o- n il'l tlrin are payable to Nils tii!e ..r Krns Johansoit. un-l all lliblll t ea of li t firm uro nnuined and will be paid by them. C, C. Wilson, Mia Utile, Frlia Jonaneon, Ch:n x.k River. Wash , July IJ, lsyt. NuTH'H M IIKKKIir OIVKN THAT Dm 'o-:irUii-rnlil) herelufore silsting between the undersigned, under the tlrin nume of lirll.t.le rlmlth. I thl day itiovei liv niuluiil consent. All dehi beloiurinu to ami due sold ttrm are pay able W. N. Htnllh. and all liabilities of .ilit firm nro assumed and will be paid by him. Cherle H Orlbble. W. N. Smith. Astoria. Oregon, July 21, l'lt')'()H,I.8 WANTED. Office C. Q. M , Vancouver Barraeka, Wash., July . IK. Healed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here or at Kurt Stevens, Oregon, until 1! o'clock a. m., Aug. i, ISM, and there opened, for furnishing fuel at that Post far fiscal year commencing July 1st, ISO. Informa tion furnished here or by Quartermeeter Kort :everi l H. reserve the right to reject or accept any proposal or part thi-nof. Envelope containing proposal should ne. nuirki-d: "Proposal for Fuel nt rorl Stevens" and addressed to under s.gtieu or to tjuariermaster Kort 8teven. JNO. L. CLEM. C. Q. M- il l l' i: c. (J. M .VANCOUVER HAH- 1 ... k. W 0I1., July 21, k.:v Healed pro-p.o-.ils In 1 riiln ,ite, will he ree-etvi-d here or nt oflii s of imrtermiiter at Hot It.irr.i'ks ini'l K'-rt Sherman, Ida ho I'ortl.ind nnd l-'ort Htev.-ns. dr., aJid Fort I '.itiby, Si.kane, Wiilhi Walla unil Vinioin.-r llurrai-k. Wash., until II o'i loi k .1 m , AmruHt Si, an-l then ' ri-il for f urnlnhiiiK fiemge nnd bed dime tht-p-for for tliO year rommi-no-It.g July 1. iw Intormiition tuniiwiert tit ro or by h.iHI cunrtepmnst-rs t;. tt. reserve rtirht to reject ir Be-cept any or all propoMil or any part thereof. Envi-o- i-ontalnlnr prr;oiMJ eliould be m.irke.1: ' Vf-nmil t:iT r""rage and lied'lliiK at " anil aMreeei to un- ili-rnigned or t n-sjiee-tive quiirtermuet- JOHN L. t.LKM,, O. Q. M. itliTjTTviiL. iik itKcKivnu at the store of a. J. Hpeiarth for th con-strui-tlon of a frame building until 1 o'cI'm k a. m . Huturday, Julv . W linn and specification can te een at ame plce. A. O. SPEXARTH. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTKD WANTIClT- KIHMT t' I. A H H M 10 A M ir.; no otlii r newl apt')-. Mia. y. A, Koiiinaon, I mi IIhiiiI ainmi. W A NTIOI ("-Kl'lt Nlrtll KITi t 'H WK X. Iiik n'lims Aililrie. elHiluit price, M, Asliirliiii nllli'0. 1 WANTOIv-dtitil) tlIRL W IM ('((OK lnii iimi niienJ liiiusewiiilt, Apply at f.M I'-tBiihlln avenue, coiner ltlti el. rOlVit!CNT, Kor Itent-A pent l-room cottage, or- nt'r mnill anti iniiriauii eoeeie. Inquire Ul llond or 414 ICacliaiige street. Kelt HKNT- Ul'OH lit l'MIJ AND II A It N iimiI lour iii les uf I Mill. II' nr t'lnteiip I lly eiallull, k 110 nil na the .'loie.iji I'lieiuitlce. Apply 10 A. 'I sag, 4x1 tuiniiiuiiiiii at., ciiy 1'iilt ItKN P - HIX-ltiMiM foTTAilll Mltlt nuli'r, mi I i ciri li ir.i., and Ji'iome. Apply l.i Hlli I Hi" II .V, ililng, Ki'it ham:. " ' ri'lt MAI. I: H ItnnM I'lilTAili: WITH u, 1. n I n. Itili uinl Ji'iiime. Al'l'lt In H 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 Tliln I'i'lt Hi.i: l.i iT .1 HI.iu'K :i M". liu.. . a 1 lioi. 1. In!. ..(!.. 1. r..r itiv slum nli.Mil.l Ih. (t vi ,1 1 ,l,. ,, s i Iv .nit . ilmn.l i iiiiiiil M'iiki'1, htxir nili eirert, Nn it r 1 .111. 1 11, al , uf .. . IIKIII I'll) . l.i 'HT, l.tiHl'-AliiifT 5i r'ATHOM . MA. tints kniitrd ltd. tuiiiy is marked IC. K. arviund II, used as IUm buoy , liolu mi lt Mil. I lend Hrlglll nil liAltuill. la nsitr lliealrlped buy .No. t. Kmll Mattson, I.OHT l..lV H KNAMKI.i:i7 bliHti h. ul with mall at Asiuiihii ulttcD and rtxlv rori. I'UL'Nn. rtt'Ntv-oNK rir:n: tr uii.l wkt Having about fathoms lit the line. tiiier can have same tty proving piou erty and twytng eipeiisee tu J.ilm Jacob son, at Klniuree l aiiiisry, rili'NiA (MW-rilK HAMK i'AN liK hml by proving uwntTaliiii an.t 'lig for illla a.tVertlMlllllll 1 111(1111 u( As lorlun urtti'v. OIlAI'Kltrt ANI KXi'A V ATi 'Iti4. " KHTIM Ti:t4 4JIVKN iN ALL KIMK of sra.llla eioik ilonn xllli aihI Ol.Kii.ti AptMy Klevetilti strei'l and Irving ateuue. Ni:i.n A 't'" i I N . I IIUTICIJ. I Tor AT 'TIIK Ml-lltAV."Tlli: ONI.T ii'iji in Asioria naviii vtvi iii.hi. eru lini'rutviiieiii. nuUu nisi cl. J ItLMTA I'll A NTH. JOKH' IS I'KNT XIKAU AT TIIK III I Ing Hun Itralauraiit. Mlint IKH. Mlt'VMrll-MKH MAIIV I. . I'lt'SS Silt'.. mam;, Trt Illl'Tl HK Cl lllll). Mativ tK-.'ple altliitrl villi tuft.n die (i-in no ..iliir r'ii lliaii ink of retainer lhat woui.l li..l, in the orn. u Ur location uf iloir a.lmnl. 1'r liar, tel a lts. tier is ios uva.y guaims4 la bold, iw maitrr licto ilia o. ntuui and under all iiillon ,.f me tKxIy. It has tuie.l tn per mu .-f tli ' I'll. J. K UAH I hi.. Astoria. Or. JINK DKAI.EHH. U Vi'f HAVE IIIDEM. Wunl.. rt'llH". rags, bottles, lead, braia, iv'per, sacks, or any kind uf unk ( -r sai, ship It It II VI, Id s'ourlcciitb street, As toria. Oregon, or writs him and he will all at )"ur place and get It. lie pay rash. MIHi'KI.I.ANKul'H TltV HUM. LINUS 1IKHT TEA AND l-aklng oider. SWEET CIIEAM to.- A PINT AT TilE Hpa. PEACH PLL'Mlt. 11 CENTS HAHKET, aA lie To. I ItKAM II ASH li.' lor Cwndy Itiore. I Hit PIN f. PAH- I.AIH1K CiiNHIUNMIlS T UK l'i:M plum at le Xo a. HTItliTt.V I't'ltK IIAK1NH 'uW'lKII. lie; per pound I'o I'l l. I UK MAPLE LEAK CIIKAMMIIV III I lir i'Mi.l t, Hi.-kr 1... aa-nt WHEN Vol' WAST UNE TEA. l U I M-rteo etui splees, Irjr Kuatd & H'.ok WII.O HI.i KHEItltlErt LEAVE V'l'll I i.riler. fur it il l .i.t. atH-rru s ;ih lt .a. ) I lata" A 1 1. I A.-4-'lllAN.-4 AT THE MEA!4II'E WILL llli.t Hie M UhlliK A.l.ilUili "II u o at til I'uU.e It. Inuiuiit at I 'i ll piui e I I V i: 1 1 1 lilt It I I'M It SMI'HEItltlllS ANIl I i.-. iiiiian'. ii.- liii'i(il ult.l cheap, I a Rota. II cfc-ins A Co. 1 l.i Mil; 1.1 a imhjW Thia t iic !..: hi. 1 10 l.i ...ur .li'ii'-i for pi reri-s flurl.a IC.-S'-l". ilrilgglst. Odd I'el.ows' l.uil'llng. w 11 v N"i' 1 si: h M.VAMiiO coiiitr. nil"! Iimi f .r .it routine-" It uata a j i f el Hue 1'i.lnr III". plat I reive. I a ..ll."ll prlci-s ltlll the I r. a. h of all. THE l.olVill IM'I'lt THE AIH.K I im nt ,,f Auk in Kr its la duly i l.i" "iitlnit a iti'-fe a 11.1 morn iiiiilar r- 't-i 'I in- i hiii f.-.-ui "ii thii tM.iit.t floor nr.- n- nu ,ittr.-Uo fe.iiiiro of the I'Slabllslllllellt. I'll'-ToiillAI'IIH. I K HNdlnlllAHtt I ioEHN'T MAKE your pletups ).iu .!..' I get Ilia best. PAXToN H I'llolort AltK (IN I'AI'KU j nf his on jiii-'.ii.iioii aiiil are guirJii- I teeil Hut to fade. A It l-H. I I.Alt PtNToMINK OK VIEWS di-pli ting the life nnd hlatoty of Astoria, and sniiveiiira of the i lly and country lit (he Hiioilgrnes gallery. PHYSICIANS.' 1'lt. ALEREK KINNEY-oKKIi'i: AT resldi-nre. Ciiiiuiii-Tilal street, neor Hlth (iirtie hoiiia: Morning 1111 1 1) 10: all nfti-rnoon until I. evening until i o'cloi k. lilt. O. It. EHTEH. PHYSICIAN' AND Siirgwm. Hpei-lni atteiitimi lo illsioiae of Miirna n aii'l surnery. othv nvi-r lin iger atore, Astoria. Tele. No. Ill, OH. JAY TCTTLIir PHYSICIAN ANI Hurst'o.n. onti-e, roortiH Ii nnd ll, Pythian Hiilldlnir. M'i Cmiiiiieri-liil atn-el. Rietl-il.-nce smne. Tiiihon 11. Acting n siatnrit siirneon I'niieil state tnnrlna hospltlil service. MASONIC, TKMPLK LOI M IK u. 7, A 1', AN1 A. M-It'uiiliir e 111 in 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 him held on Hie llint nnd third Tiie,ny evening of e.u h month. 11. l.ot NHHIiltll V W. M ;E. C. Hold EN. Hii-rnliiry, AO K NTS WANTI'.Ii. Agent and canvasser to sell Ur. Kllrk' Pocket Nye Inhaler for catarrh, asthma, and lung and throat disease. Sell ar for 1. Iilg profit. Write for ample and term. Ur. Kllck Mdlcal Company, Cincinnati, O. Ari'oltN 1-1 1 H, H T Cltortltv, A'nollNllY-AT-t.AW, t l OIIWIHTl I'll Htli l t. C. C. DROWXR, ATTORNRT-AT-LAW. Oundarann Building, Aitorla, Oregon. J. Q. A. BOWLDY. ATTORNKY AND COUNSKLOH AT LAW. OUtca, Rond Street, Aitorla, Or. fl'N 44 Is a nfin.mitHitwiiia le .... a ' . -'. 1". -ii'iiiii 1 liii'a. liUIIKaXl ' t. Heimal..reli,..' Will lea, iiniialnrsl ilia ehate.a, nr Sim Inllaiiiliia. lre.-e,.-U ll-'ii, irrllallun nr uleara- I . . I " ni" en us mam I THiEs tag OhI vmiifla uiania. N"ii tairlns' ul tneasMTl.0 f J eii sty isragglsla. 4.1' a if" sent In plain wrapper, fp-I I'' Prws. prepal'l. t.. VI fl-. "r I linVlle., J.T.V Circular Saul uu rsuusal.