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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1898)
THE DAILY A8TUR1AX, Sl'MUY MOKMNU, . Jl'LY .SI, UM8. Clearance Sale .bp Figured Organdies arid Dimities Bullerlck falterm it Nw Mi. Albert Dunbar, Tor. !Hh and Commercial Streets Astoria Steam Laundry WHITE LAUOK PERFECT 0KN SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. "GREAT MID SUMMER" -SALE-Every piece, every yard of fine Dress Goods stock will be sacrificed. Wash Fabrics Reduced to 4, and 7c yd. Separate skirts, suits, capes and jackets reduced; and Closing at Great Mid Summer Sale Prices. Ale Allen & McDonnell, AST0I.A1 mud. p. a: stokes J Clothing nnd Gents' Furnishing Goods I CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. 1 rrsrulur Km In fih and the cannerle I The. mrnhuiii yesterday reported n ars swamped, (very hewvy bunc In nil line of hhI, number f iwi'lo were In from the Tti a It A N. steamer T. J. Potter r ',unlrv ml th elerk. had to rustle to rlvrd down yeterUy loaded to the guard i lH)ll ttflpr (h,lr wtlllt, with passengers for North IVach. I I Contractor WskrileM. who was In th Captain Roberts, th wvll-known hlp ftly yesterday, reported that hr. epec ted cartntr of PortUml. la the city ,ma tl) onim.'tio work on the A. yesterday untf im visit M'nn ueacn 10- . A trvtebt ware house at the union depot day. Col E. C. Hughe. and Captain K. Hal-lo-k will liv In a lUy or two for flh trer trip on the south fork of the CUtt-kante. ground. The Pat Market Alt KINDS OF FISH AND GAME IN SEASON J7-a Commercial Htret. I THE PALACE luv K. 0hurn hn been promoted by the KijulUble I.lf Insurance company and given a larger territory. This will neces sluto hi NSng In IVrtland portion ul In th. county clerk t office yesterday thi time, with ht,lg,u.rt r t the Itn tius'.ar IV.rli k. a native of Oernuiny. d- pet In I hotel. cUred h'.s Intention to bevome an Ameti-1 cm cit'Ktl. VvI hlkey l both d.x-tor and t"nlv J (tetter looking than iiny d.nt'M. better Spbject of sermons At the lUpllst . tsstlng thitn all medicines, for general churvh today: In the niornln "Uh- f.mlly ue, noth:rc rpua! wh'.'kry. n,t trty." In the rrrnlne, "The Woman II.VHI'KH VJ11S1KY l t'r'-e"l'""ntly rreaoher." tho f.imlly hlikey. H.i'.J hy KoarJ & " . , . , Stokes Co, Al'ra, ire. In the police evmrt yeterJjy Ml Poe forfeits! K on a c ha ore of Jrunkennetw. trvm M .urc. Uit nnsht I John txpr n Hnel 13 for like of- were to th tft.rt that an exeiively j fens. heavy run of ohlrmok hil enterel the I In the CMtrt yertenlay Frank 1 "v,r- cannery receiw.1 .N.tit W tons !HtJtU wlvl eiumtnatum for larveny .t rwh. ml all hive more than they ran ! fre-en the Astoria flaming milt, arvd was ' "' I''ble that I heU to the (rnnvl Jury In the sum of II'V. 5 5 Only threw Jeep-se ship at left In rurtlanj now, and they will soon be oJ. rJ for sea. The stupe, for this season's crop will soon cwmmorKe to arrive, a very Astoria'5 Leading Restaurant Everything Strictly FlrtCloH. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. vwvruvvruwwtrvnnvnAnArin Heilborn & Son 23S5-. SPECIAL SALE Japanese Linen Warp Mattings. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland. the ilion.iito the pat tin kiys will largely uinJo gi0. Mrs. Fannie Aueton. Winvlburn: V. U. Mannlr.g anj wife. Ivnlaml; II. C Eaal- wKk. W. M. It. tvilrtrn. Ni-w Yrk; J I. Iwlu r.u.uu. ft t I I .. i a,,eani.ill larr. numbrr bln alrendy on the way. r ' ' " 7" " . " "'. , Cal.: 8nrent K. K. Hunt. Fort Cant-y: Congrvgntlonal crrurrh.-The mornlns; J,) Hlaj.l, Youngs Hlver; Janus Irwin, ! theme will be "The IHrheat Puty In the Tillamook; George Irwin. Tillamook: W. ' Master's Service;-' evenlns; theme. "I'D- . 11. Iwtlermm, I'ortktnJ, are resjisterrj at brruiJnl Heroes." All are cordially In- (he Murray. vlted I rrrwliyterlan chunh-Nlnth utreet. I- A fpeelal meeting of the common poun-, twern Iuane anj Ki hange, rv. Henry : ell will be held tomorrow evening; for the Marcott, patir. Henlces Sunday at II a- purpose of ectl! a street superintend- 1 m. and S p. m.; Sunday a- hind at 1.' 15: i errt. There are several candidates for the Y. P. S. C. E. at V prayer meeting- VI ! office but who la in the leaJ It Is dirflcult ne,iay at 8. Tixlny the pastor will to say. I preach a usual. M'fnms; u!)e t "A -- I Little Child Shall Them;" Rev. I. Itlakkan. of Everett. Wash., will ,,,.,. s.-ne Thine. We All Know " A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars anJ Jellv Glas?:3. S Prices Lowe: With the Fruit to go in them ig Than Ever...., conduct the morning services at the Nor Evang;ical Lu'h'-rn chun h t.j,lay. Servlos Wn at the uual hour. 10. C a. m. Rev. H'dden. (wstor In chante. will preach In Enslnh In the evcnlntf. Services at ' o do, k. The A.itorU b.ttla:i nine, being; unable to make a mui.h with the Ilwaro nine for this a!ernHn. have accepted a challenge , from the Fort Stevens' nLne on the War ! renton grounjj. which will be played thu afternoon. A team of the Astoria Football Club left yesterday morning for !ortland to play a match game with the bowlers of the Multnomah Club for the Feldenhelm r trophy. The game was loaMed yester day evening. George Antonvlth. ag-d 9 years, was A moot cordial lnv!tut.,n Is extended to all Mondar morning fourteen rarloads of Mlm"n. mhich have be'n hrl.l f..r the C-cetkt rate which the Southern I'aciric put Into effect thrt Sth. will go ei(t over the A. It C. Yesterday the Northern !" clflc wlrJ that It would also make th" fnnie rate, an.l this train tad will be divided lte.-n the to ruds A lire number of car are nlso hetnst held t go by the bouts and rail, the White Collar line having six cars already booked. Ciiptaln (-nrge W. P' Lloyd's sur veyor, was here yesterday with a div r and lni-ti',l the htilla of the Ilrlti.h iwilps Trnde Winds and Iiurlnton. which groundeil at the mouth of the Wll!nmt river on thr way down from I'ortland LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA drowned yeterdiy evmlng near Uenen-1 Captain IVnie rvporteij last nl:ht that Weber's cunnery. In l'pt-rtown. He wai no damage was done to efthiT ship. He thing with smaller children and goUl he had not Investigate, yet at to Into deep water. The mother of the boy ( whwt caused the vessels to stick, but that and the children saw him sink for th ft was probable that the recent freshet la. time but were unable to render tnjr had plied an accumulation of mud on the asalstance. The funeral will be heM to-' Willamette bur which would have to be morrow. removed. sat bee (dl HI How and Attractive Prices. AT 8 1-3 CENTS Per yard, th greatest assrtment of dimities in Aorla. tn plaids and Dower ed sflecls, worth 10 per yard. AT $1.50 Ladles black mohair srpnrai skirl, full wlihh, taffeta lined, velveteen bound, Just the thing for the beach. AT 35 CENTS Each, ladus, shin waists mad of good percale; only a few sties left. AT 75 CENTS Each, ladles white duck skirls, full Width AT 28 CENTS Each. Indus white summer corsets, every lody should hae a pair. At $1.15 A pair ruffled Bwlss curlalm with lac itinititlng. fKiiM.itiln new. AT 10 CENTS Each, ladle Jsreay. ribbed sleeves; vssl cream only. AT 10. CENTS Fair, ladles' and children' fast black eamle.a t'ose, AT 7 1-2 CENTS Yard Fruit of the I.oom muslin. Every, body knows this favorite brand, AT 5 CENTS Yard uut'leactird mtl.tln; t heavy Wright AT 75 CENTS liullew' night gown, beat quality tmtlUa, handsomely trintmsd with, lao an4 broidery. AT 49 CENTS Each, a lot of IaiIW undrsd klil Hovm, lightly ralttl, won h L(0 pair, AT 50 CENTS Each, children' whit dreassi, tvAf trimmed and well in Ids. For a good kid glove, buy Uio Matoott. W sell every pair sTUaratilssd; oo4rt, black. rs,l, brown, rei. whit, We are closing mil all our tailor halt t big reduction In prtcta, SHANAHAN BROTHERS, The Only Store That Sells Cheap. In a Woman's Care The Pantry Shelves I'pon th panlry thslvt should b found tslscted asaorlrasat 4 cholc groctrlsa. Hot Ut kl4 yaw buy at any it or, but ft uppty frwat, us. W ftr careful with th vMluy of good w bay 4 trust to yowr appreciation to bring ut rnw4 order and nsw customer. koss, Hit;(;is tV co. TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair weather, warmer. AROUND TOWN. SUNDAY. A spirit of beauty walks the hills, A spirit of love the lain: Th shadows tu-e bright and the sunshine fill The air with a diamond rain! Bayard Taylor. Two car of salmon and one car of cant were shipped out over the A & C. yeater flay. .laiut-ftl The Bailey Gattert took out four car louds of salmon Uurt night. 8. A Scott, the Eagle Cliff eanneryman, wa In the city yesterday. Henry Fleckensteln, the Portland mer chant, I la th city. Mr. F. . Fisher wa up from Seaside yesterday, teturnr.g In the evenlns-. The stMmer T. J. Porter will take up four carloads of salmon today for ship ment east. General Freight and Passfjiger Agent J. C. Mayo went to Portland last night on a business trip. H. H. Ing-alls report buslne as very brisk In Chinook Just now. There It a 11 WOMH'S HIM litVrVra 5f Of BUYIJ.G SHOES is a good wav if eho'a of a common .ene turn of mind A smart woman can generally tell if a j-hou fits her foot. This heincf true the shoe man who tries to delude the woman mnkw the blunder of his life and drives his trad to a ."tore where reliable shoes are sold and perfect flitting is performed. JOHN HAHN, Astoria, Ore. wVr'riVfViVr'mViiVVi THE OK IDEWT Astoria's Leading Hotel Meglcr 6c Wright, Props. $ toiD drinkin s colored tea Try i C ; hilling's lmot every ar'.M of wsarlnf app'' will last longer than If looksd after by a man. 8 m womsn neglect their frntwesr .Shoes of fins appearance, ra'.hrr than gooil qualify, attract ihm. Hut In buying shoes her It la !m pc. mil,; to mak a mistake. Th p-pe:irun-e and s:yl 1 all that th mot fastidious ouM d.slr. and th quality keeps par with both. Our prices ar regarded a wonder fully low by win buyers. Petersen & Brovvti MURRAY HOTEL F.,t id N'nlli Htreet. Electric Llrhts - Electric Bells Free; Sample Room-All Modern Improvements. WEEKLY RATKJI f. M. GUNS. Proprietor. X OnlyltQCSet Up The Born Steel Range KviTV 'lio I iiijir.iiiticil. W.J.SCULLY Sole A.ent. 431 Bond Street. Qeorg Knott was tried before Ju(ic Hughes yesterday on a charge of twisting , a hone tall ami the spilling of feed. The rase bet net trivial one. wa dlsmlis-d : and th cost taxed on th complaining wltnent. Chas. Kan & Co, ;Ui7 CO.MMF.KCIAL STKHirr. Muiuifiirturerf) of IjiditV I'NDKKWKAU ntul Wrn'i rs, t-to. Thf lowent ri'n in Astoria. Wo iil- curry a lino utock of Jainnci Fancy (SimmIh, lino Chiiuiwiin', Notions and Toys at wholtNile jirii'f. Gives Free Votes to his Customers (or the QUEEN . OF THE . . . REGATTA 1 Who Is -She? Herman Wise's Customers Get the best roocIh, the lowent prices, a free vote with every ioc purchase. Remember i "the Queen .AND- HERMAET "WISES, THE LIVE CLOTHIER.