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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1898)
TIIK DAILY' AHTOKIAN, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1898. mm TWHCOUXCE OF SYRIP OF TIGS Uduo to tho originality and impllolty of (do ooml.limtluii, ,t wllte cam t.u.1 UII with which It in njnufoclur, l.y aolcntMii procmuwa known tlm Cai.ikhinu Viq tituvr vo. only, kutl wo wlh to luiprrM upon il Mi. Iiiimi tonoo of piireliaalnjr thn wu toil orlKliul rxmmly. At th. pnulno Hynip of Fig U manufactured oy th. uuroNNiA Fm Hrttui Co. only. a kii.mlcltfo of that fad will Ut on lu T,i,tllf tho worthleM Imitation manufactured by other pr . Tho hltfh kUtuliiiff of tho Cam IMmu liu firmr Co. with the mMll 4l profrwlun, anil the aaltafactlnn which th vrnulne Byrupof Fl hat B1i to million, of famlllm, mtUet the baino of tli Company a guaranty of Uia vivrllriiin of It riiily. It U far la n.lmicD of ai other laxative, M It a.-L on tho Ithlnrys, liver am) bow.l without Irritating or weaken lof thrm, ao.l It l(x-a nut grlj nor nauM-atr. InordertojfrtlU beneficial fferU, pha rrmeiiilM-r the name of the Company CAUrORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. rnaat iMe. ci Tolls Opened Toinorrow Murolmj and lldllutH Kcadjr. COSTl.NT Al KI'.ADY COMMRXlT.I) will M ini'tlnr iinvilty In tlm ''M ru in Unit will Mltrxi't nit only tlm Bltnritlwi nf fi nt iw ' I . Imt ninny hniiiii Ipi"1'I"i wli'i hiivn ni'Vfr ttniM miiia of tho p"r- funniifii'. llii.y Mill id vii, ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Vinlii)r Juilgn titty mul AriliHc-l llouati.n, wMII I "(Hi I Ml-tor K ClllVtiill, Via lir.l thn Hlin ir llm iii-w rmnny lirllK nt'iiMM Ykiimh I In y. A ininilxr of tort li-e wtn ill'lvi ll nil tlm nit lit Ilia '' lir i'lir nf tlm it lu w, linn ill", til f.wtt luotr, l"iilri'il It nil-ilk" of A t.t'H li'MitHl llliiniir In ilrlvo l il f'-ffl.' 'i'lm ll 12 fii, Willi tlm luiiiinnr ilriiptilliK 3l f''li tlm plln niity mink 2 In' Ik l ft IIiiik, Tlm win iiniKt at lofin-ti.iy, nliowliill lil.mill.1 f'liiii'liill'in fur thn filer, whMl will rniili' 42 iilli'H to iiii'irt III" lini"li nry nml Iron -wirtk. AinmiK thn ilmimni tiimln nt th A. I'. W, ntinl Mao niMttliiK tu 1'ortluml Dm otluT 1uy wm an mwii'liin'Ml Id ) iiiii.ihull.iii imikliiK ull oltliT" In Ui urn nil Mk (li'cllv. Alwi all ihimIIiI" iiiiwii tnimt lm rliaii In Iho ih1h to i'IIb rtviinra lnrir iTiinmn ItiMii to o Into (xdirt. Tlm Annrii an flu una i.r.lirrit ilrnint mi lm Hnr of all miliiihlliiiita Mi. It U a iniio run Unit (iiw-fiiiirlwntti nf tti" volfrt of Of ami r mniiilMiia of Dim A. U. IJ. W. Innina Itm wmUm A. It. ru, of War- ri'iitmi IxxIko No, It, aiHilntil OraJUl (loliln, tlm fmnili im tn lm urnn I "!. una of Ilia l' m li'nrix-1 ilurtna lh rmi-nl Kniirm" rmivMitlon w 0n ary vnlim of clnn milk f'-r family ub. ir. NVIwm, iltirtnc hi oliln Incurs. lillilimt a nim-ltiwii of dirt Inki-n from or- ilMiary milk tiy a iM-tmraKir. which u mor cniivliii liwc ttimi mwny wonl. N' only (In MM)n illallk to t mora llin ihi-ir Hik of flirt il ii Ho M'. hut thla ctlrl l full of dltoajp.lirt-'iJiia' Krm: llllkinrii who wr inrrit wrr much tin- in wi ty Diiuiilly dlvldivl, (.nirpt thnt th Vlainyii inunht nun oiim, 'I'hln (imiinii niriilrd thnt tliB llrooklyn foiiKht ivwy Klili of thn MiHinlnli Hiino1ron In turn arnl Iwvlnl nmirly twlin timnjr flva-ltiili hnlU a nil of I ha ottew vrpon'li rtWl i'lifht-mi h oiu-n nml na nmny an all othr kind cnmhliKxl. 'Ilio Inwa cono-a next with nlxht fourlm1i utii lln, flv of whlnh wcrn ill n lit I'd In 1h hint vcaa'-l out of thn hiiilmr, thn Almlriviite Oiiinm1i. Th tfli-lm h Hhi'lla miiKt hn illvlili"! nmonw th four vi-aanla llrlnw Ihi in, al thmwh two iIim'nI In flu) Vli'iiyii unilouh Itilly livliina to Did liriMiklyn'a llt of hlla. WANTKO TMICIIl I,OH 1IOOKH, Oltli'wa of Cpvi' r"l-t llnvn a t.'ontro. Vnray With MiliUy. UiiHiiturtnmo Ituy, July B '."orr'-aiin-dimi-ii of tha A' lutinl I'riHia. Wlo-n A'l- mlnil Cirvum and tha othnr oftlcera of thn ll'rt of HHitn wrro uhout to aull on III HI, I"UW rtaiiiM'ri (if Wnc It wna dlaMiVxri'il by lki I,lf utmiunt Jniiina II. Mnitra Hint tha oldrrra of 111" 4 'rUI'ihul Colon had Ihnlr lnKtuxika with thi-m. Tlf-y rimrtd tha fart to !imin'Hlor Hrhl-y, who at time ordrrvd thini aiHcd. Tha anrotid In rommund, A'tolphua Ontrnrua, Co plain da fiiiculr. ciiitin alumni tha llrooklyn and akd thnt they ha rr-turn1, u a limy wnr tha only rcorU aiivod. Com miMiiira Hditay aald: "I will turn tlunn ovr to my goyam niMit for Information." t'ontrnroa at'rntl and pnad'd and finally Commodora HrhU'y loat hta tnm. inr. aa mm h a liti ivr d'mi, and that la little, and aakl: "I do not think you are milllM to any tiiiiatili'Taikm. Von autik your adlpa fi"r you Iniil aurrnti'lnrrd. You ruknmt yuur (una and did avirythhia that a dishonor alilo nmniy could think of. I ahall hold ymir Thn atory tokl t.y thn lniiT'Hk la an In- tfri-atlna- onn. Thn intnuin di-titll aa tranaUlxil tiy iititmnt lli-iijnmln Willa, Jr. from thn dully r' ord (viiatltutn a I wrrnmurn ; c.Mni.irtn alirry nf thn of A1- .rraai-d with tlm ii. raaliy of k iliia; Ihnir (llru, crvrra a fi.t from thn tlma It l-ft ticltUij vtif Night la tallJp.tliia of the China tor IJacra (.it.tMt Knjatia aa Recur d. T hi: kh.i.imnu iu'minkhj h'.tiK-a havs aartxx) l Iwnniin i.ltna l(tra f ir thn election Of tha itigatta Qnx-n, namnlyt Albert ImnUr, dry nuu and noiloni B. lannisnr, iloihler. Ortflla A Unod, aMMKmry and notion. Katca-Cuim lni- Cu. Tba Hj.a. iiiinrthnrra. rta.'i, a llrowu, Iki aturo. C II. (-...i.rr, dry (.aid. and clothing. Herman Vl, t lottur. Wllllum .Mn.tiMii. totiaiio and clfira, I wo atuna. Korl ft Mi.ih'a, ar.n vrtca, lnnlw.ire, am) i in. n .upi'li.-a In u. Ii of thn atort-a n minl twautlful h.itiiii-ra. c..iilalulit tho ngilia cut. will I... pin ., I, on ti a . ltUnat'.i.n of tho on I h. hi of v.rtliia'. Th ballul tK.t.a a. rn kindly loam-.! tho C"tn tnltlio t.y Htit-rirr Wllllnma, Altlioiiah tlm eoiil.-M .n.(N.r uVrr tho choke of i lm iju. i n f tlu rrj(.iUi4 d'M-a cow a l.n ond thn alalilea In .erf aiiltury coniltili.n. It la a altnida mattnr to uan on .f the new alMtalora, which will at thn laltm t'.tnn It tttkra tha rrm from the milk remove all Ulrt and rrma. and aflnrwarda Hill thn iurtrM cn-m ntid milk (teenier liefrnm drllverlna and iy llila prm aa almi, r.ii'li i iitim.-r la rrlnln to rna-tve mi niial aliaie of milk mid .renin Mh nil othrra Aonaiia Ii. mid hoy tln-lr milk Ir on th n dulry In. n kIu. k-i "I'-" II allium la Ulid liUllilli.a mi. I one nei..trutra. A tritlo hi.-reaae In II. e ,.n.. I in niaillv I...II It hua lx-ll all'.wil llMt the la alliull til fill ntah i.uie alio il an milk and i r. .nil. nml lh..i it.e iro)ia are leti.-r to the dulry mull. A K'-nil. man who I In a i.onltlun of u Ih'iiliy ntul. J t J an Aa(.r.ui rr.f cn lnile ) ilmi thero are mini- In thn t'olunitaa rm r luriKir. NotwHIiaiand li, K Dm au.-rtloii of vnrViua h ill ti .l -r, nn. I ra ahroad. tlial the mln-a dad l.ortl n-movetl. and that them nrr had tir.n any mlti.a pUiiied, and thn K iwtrlctlna on ahipHtar were 1. 1 to rwnovi-d, thn orih-ra ail 111 rmaln In f .n n ttit Vi aai U ahull nH rlltrr lh hr- lr la-fort. a m. nr after I . m.. and tlm iniiw-a are a rensllly. (me humltv.1 nod tweiiiy-nvn or thirty of Uin lie tn the t-l. o(t l-'ort Hlevnna, rtti-iftlna it. p.aa (tin nniwl III iiil.l-i 'haliiwl, l ovnrlna all lie. p water aa.ira. Tliroillh the crnter of the nialn rlmini.'l la a narrow i ttaiwtrl. marknl hy hum of red and tl k lm..)a. rrrve.t for tho naae of e aeln Tlm Inlln-o am .lMin-d like a lop, aliut ror feet In .tlain.Hnr at the larae part, fivo fe-l lit liniht. Tli'-y w.-r low rml Into (nialtlon hy nwuiia of a ring llt In the aw( and mi. horr.1 with a !u e.imd an. hi.r atta.iind to ich. Ilin kryhoant for nnii thrm la on thn (irevon ah.. re, wild la nun It like the elo trti; tn-ll linl of a hotel, Hun mine inn t ah.m at a tlmn. or can I rtrel at once. Ttiern la no t1.uiarr of riploatim hy contact, aa th mliira aro tta- ahella, ri-rpl In tho Kit of nteanmra hli4t III la lit (nt their pnwllrra i ana lit tn thn cablet and the I w la 1 1 lilt would tire thn nil Ilea ni; (Continued from t'litt 1'aga.f hallo! hot,, n w.-rn dlatrlhulrd Hotnnliiy I two were eplo.l.-d. havlMK art off the nlitht the M.-rrlmni- The I k- iKMir.t ahowa ahmil Mix row a of mln.a . and I'ommoilorn Hi hley thoiiKht It would not ii.niin.ii.ii until M'.nli.) muriilna I In','"' 1,1 ' th.'iu off. hut nfmlniil liikliitt u. m the of Ad- mlrnl rVimpaon. avmiina in ull hut two or thr phic.-a. ' HHrnd.-J to makn the. trip to the hill Ixiu.-t), I. in tho jil.m wut di drri-d irtlrnlarly at thn two cUtnr atorea of j , , f ,h Hmli.h ottUer, w ho NVlllUm M.iill.,ii ev.-ry tniiii wlio pur- "fx! '"r m thnt thn party I Bhoiild not no tip th.-r. chaainj ,l evmliiK nmka ln.l.te,l on vol-1 Jmi , ,,e puny wna ,vin thu ottlrrr lii( f.r Boine one. Thn mutt, r In-camo very """nhleal over a 6-lm-h ahrll f American I nianufiiclurt. that had nut ihneii npolel. Intwatinit aa thn evening advancM, and j rim Hr.M.klyn la tho only hoit that tinea t an mrly hour crowd were tliroluflng t'"" h 'l " from the lirm.kl) n. A further explorntlon up the rtia two cigar atorea. rng.r to -otn for ,y nhowrd fiiyo Hinlth wlih numerotia lha quean of Aalorla'a coming cariilvul . """" almond dearrtcd. floe, to tlm city ' I l.iy live or alx nirrchiinimen, and a tit Aa nearly na o.uld hn entlnmtcl Jtj or JtMlti,. ter prim nhlpa from tho American nhlpa 'took chnigo trf thnn. HmiIii to the inviii'fublc dny of Ocatruc-tkm. todiiy by Iovl 7.. Letter. Th'-y ar to lh North went irrn Mulual Mi Inaurani-f. Co, for li-n ynara, with i per nnt Internal. Iti'VMnttn atnmpi i th nmount of with on tho pup.ra. 1'IVI at 1 to -cur a henvy hmii Juki oonautnatird hy Lelf-r In onh-r lo carry til on, Jonoph J-lttr, through hi dlnlroii Whn,t npncula-(!oim. Wratlln, July H. Ono Tiundrid and thlr tMii Klnivllki ra who arrived at Vh'torla OiIh inornlng m Bib atanmer (liirron rnarh-i1 h'-re thla uftin-noon Tho moat '-onaervMllva catlmMi jiliuoa tho amount of gWld In-oUgllt Ollt VIHPH. Meier & Frank Company's ; A ClilUJ ENJOTB Tha plaaaant flavor, gntl action aad 1'iolhing afrt of Syrup of Fin, when In need of a laxative, and If tha father or mother ba coatlv or bllloui, the moat gratifying rriulta follow l ua; o that It la the beat family remedy known and every family ahould have a bottle. MJ ufaotuind by tha California Klg Hyrup Co. If wa wi-r only aa happy a we pr-tonfl to Ihi there would tns no heartac-hi- or pil low yl with midnight tear. J A. R JL JL t. A. JM. a Baantk A Han Alwart Boi:Jit Blfoatuf f vote wi re mat In thn npneo of thu even hi IJin-h man B-nntl to lm anxli.ti that hla fuvoilto ludy nhmild u tin-lit Imied In tho llat of thorn, for, and In ninny Inalunna nnnauri-.l tho iimount of hla pUrthuao nf t-lgnra for Hundny l.y the HnttirnlivK toward the tlrm.klyn lim niiHlore Hchlry aviit tho launch iiloiiKnlde tho Hltito of Texan, thn llrt ('txwa So clcly'a alilp and nin.lo a rail on Mtaa Cluni lkirton, whom hn (HMigrutulalod warmly on her aplrmlld aorvhv. THU MtOOKt.YN AHEAD. tiunil.. r of vot.-a ho tloalnl to cant to off-1 i Mntn y loro Hlmta on Ccvcra'a Klcct Thun ull the Other. I act tho vol. caat hy 'tho friend nt hla j HnntliiKti do ("trim, July !3. ('orrcamn- It la n.ifo to predict that no nioro uc-1 tlcnco of thu Anmvliit.-d I'rcn, There lma . ' ...i . r i. . . ... . I ' n"'h tllwctiailon ovor tho jmrta eyeful or faltvr plan could huvo been ,,. liy ,h Anl(rll,(u ,, , uovimu in n.ieoi uit queen or tho n1' gatta. Thn Ki-niid linlloon itMcetiHlnn nml parn vtiutu Jump will he minlo by nn xpcrt, ml will lm on.i of (hn feature of 11111 ri HiittM thnt every hoy will want to co afivrwnrda ho will lu-iuUcx. with hi fathnr'a iiinlu-clla from tho nlinl naif. The I'nrtland tnnihy for Dm fnur-iwiriHl ruco nt thn n-Httt'tA will ho n thlnir of iMiiluty. Tlm men- will bo participated In by Uio crcwa from nil tho t-ltloa on the north Tni'lllo ciiiihI. It will ho one of ho niont exciting ovinia In thn curnlvnl. Many pinipUi In Antorln, ulthouirh hav ing hpent a llfi-ijnio In u noaport liavo ret'Vrr mill a illvor at work. During tho routtH an export illvor will give nn ex hibition of tho method, of doing buxIncH bonivalh tho wiilor In ai-archlng for trma urv, raining aiinkon vonnol or InHpootlng nhlpH' IiuIIh. It will bo (in Intonating nurnlx-r on tho program, ArrnngemontJi weru compli.tiMl ycmtonlny with a company of Indian to give ex hibition of 'their himmMm ilurlng tho (lay of tho regatta. They will tnako amuo mem for tliavcoplo of a unique cliaruclcr which will tt Itlghly apprwlntod, Dr. C'hnnco hit charge of thorn, and It, la a aunil that tlhelr exorclnc will he very IntorcNtlng. The ChlnoBe "porta during the rcajnttn that d.-Htroywl Admiral Cnrvoru1 aqitad ron. ami them huvo heon no many ac count by cyu-wltninw giving th0 crcd.t to ono or two hlp, that hum llgiuva lakon from the tallica and chart prewired by an rxumlnlng board will be of Inter cut. An exiimlimtlon of tho hull of the Spanlnh vcnnel ahovu tho prcmnl Htib mniKod wator llin-a nlmw tho following rrult: Kotir-lnch nhell (MriM only by tho Iowa) Infanta Maria Teronul; Almcrantu Oqllln do, 5; Vliiiiya, I. Klvo-lnch aholla (tired only hy tho llrooklyn) Infanta Maria Toroiut, 5; Vlx cny, 6; Oiiuondo, S; ono of which exploded a torpedo; CtIhIoIuiI Colon,' 4, Klghl-1nch aholla (ilrod hy llrooklyn. Iowa, Oregon and Indiana), Teromi, 3; Oquondo, 8; Vlieayn, 4, A tho Indiana did not follow the chao ho had nothing to do with tho hits on the Vlacaya. Twelve or thlrleon-lnoh aholla (only two on thn Tereim) munt ho oredltod to the battloKhlp Oregon, Indlanu, Texaa und lown, nlthotmli It la qulto certain thut the Toxin flriHl, All tho Spanlnh ahtpa wore riddled with tho rapid tire ono and alx-pouiuler, enr rled oy all t'he Amerlvnn ahlpa. It will bo aeon from this tahlo that the irreatetit proportion of largo anella effectively land ed came from Commodore Schley' flag. lrp, the Urooklya, and that aho placed twenty five - Inch ahMls In the vital of tho different vessel of tho enemy, VI BKT AHIDK CONTHA'T. No ItlgM to l-t Hi.nnlah Ship Tratiaimrt Their rrlmim-ra. New York. July a -Tlm World y: A lawyer bun ! n retained by the ateitmahlp 'oiiipanlia who were lihldi-ra for Ihn truiiaporiiitinn of the V.'" i-ai-liir.d frim Hunt luar'i o Hpitln. and will lf( lit Onlay to have tlm iti'rii.'t Wl!h the Tr.ina-Atluntlc aH aalde. ( Hie gnxind taken l that the au' efu) blililrr la a llienae,! i.r pof .lMi.ll of a n tlon with whi.h wn are at war, and that according to a m.aiaur paaird by the Mpaiilnh o.rt.. one-half iif tho r-elpt of every corporation doing bu lieaa und.-: the Hpaiilah gov. rninriii munt be mrmnd ere.) t. thn govenim. iit to help dnf ray the eip.-iiaea of thn war lly b llliig thn on It-a.-t to a Hpi.nlah corporation thn I'lilt"! Htntr Kovernmelit linllr ty ) . ln:o the Hpnulnli tree ii ry an amount eipiul to one half I lie altpulatlon; al" that thn govern m. nt tber.-liy releuna a fnm lilorkii.ln all of thn enemy veao!a to be ued In thn lratiairtatiin fr.Kn tu-utrul a.rta where 1h-y aro now In ah.ltrr. yuern 1.11, OltJIXTS. Hun Kran.-la.-o, July CI It la rumoreil thn IntlmtttA frtenda of I.IHilok4 la nt. former quern of the ll.iwaltin la- landa. that whon hn mu ln Honolulu alio will laaun a etat.-mrnt, or nianlf-nt. to Ihn Aa limit na aim baa Informed her people of thn r-nolt of her mlaalon aho will pub lb ly nui.lnai ihn tranofer f thn tlanda and will pr.-ent her claim for the crown lamia conflarnted by thn republic, whl.h conalata of n.sirly l.duu.Oi) arrva, and w hl. h yield an Income nf over IIW 0"). 8hn will la. j.reaamt h.-r claim for be- twea-n pi' K'i and tt"11"! i-oll.cteil aa rent- ala by the republic. J'ronriiieait American lawyer, tt la aald, hnn Ikx-h rngiifnal t hnmlle the can.' ac ihit the I'nltcd Slate) -veriiment. A KM I Hi WITH KIlAajOIU'.KNUKNS The Voluntta-ra In I'orto Ittco Will Have tho It'ttubir Army Hltle. New York. July SI -A at"'' hi to the Tlm.-a from Wuahlngt.m any: At teant Jn.i) of thi volunteefa who go lo I'orto lllm arn to bo supplied with the KrnK-JorV'tiaen magathie rttlo uaed by the reaulur army. Thla antmum rnn-nt made by the ord- iniin-o ili piirtmetit, riiine aa a aurprlnc, thn uii.lerntiiii.lltiK having hern that thn atipply of the Improved gunn would not permit of their ln-lng nerved out to the voluntea-ra for aomn ntonths to vomt- Tho ordnance dontrtm.-nt waa content lo let that Imprenalon prevail, to long as It wa not prewired to controvert It wtlh thn anna th.-maelvea. but It ha In-on train ing every energy to accumulate a stock of tho rltlca In order to begin their lue genernlly aa oon a poaalte. Kor the I'orto Klco exwlttlon, which will bo made up chletly of volunteer regi ment now equipped with the SprlngfleUl ti-callhrti urm, the deM'nitmont propose to supply one. entire corps of alniiit M.ft'l men with Krug-Jorgensetis. It may not be nble to deliver all thi-nn Runs to the men before they snll. but they will follow thorn to the Island aa rapidly a possible. Just what n-glmont will nn-olve the new nrm deiM-nd tiain tjeneral Miles, to whom they will l ent r dlntrlbutlon. Some difficulty Is being experienced In kca.plng up with thnaupply of ammunition fr the so-callbre rltle. While the gov ernment I taking tho maximum output of-all the curtrldgo factorle which pro duce thl ammunition, the quantity neanl ed n-r aian and tho rapidity with which It dls.ipH-ars when tho army Is doing any llithtlnsr. has more than kept pace with thn Increased pnMucIng capacity of tho fiiclort. The output hit not been what wa cx pec teal, either, so that if tho government had enough Kmg-Jorgcnson to equip the entire volunteer army It would not bo nblo to supply It with the protcr am munition. The trtiublo will bo obviated shoi-tly so that when tho campaign against Havana begins It Is within the pMlmhllltlcs that nearly all tho volun teer will have modern rlth. FltASKH HIVKIl F1SI1HUMKN LOST. The Raven t Storm Oreatixl Havoc With tho Floot. Vancouver, 1. C, July 23.-Tho dlsnmer to tho mil mon Ushers nt tho mouth of the 1'YiiKor Hlver, caused by the roavnt storm apixvir Ho havo been worse than ut llrst reportanl. Thn whole thvt whs out nt tho tlmo. Many of tho bawls were strung togother and when the storm cloud buret they wow dasheal itgwlnst each other with each force as tvi either iloniollnh them outright or render them useless. Five men wero seen to sink out of sight. It wa at first thought this wna the ex tent of tho futulltlais, but hen, the mon reported, twenty-llvo wero found to be mlsaalng. These. Include Chltwso, Japan ese, Indiana and whites. They may yet bo heard from, but It Is more than likely that they have boon lost. LE1TER S DIG LOAN. Chicago, July 23. Seven nvortngea,' ag gregating aU.OUO.OOO, wore tiled for record Home men ar uch fMit that even unknown to thomonivea they duly with amotion Juat aa they would with stamp colliK ll'in or Jiullrrdy claaaincatlon. Our baby ha been oontlnually troubled with colic and cholera Infantum aim hi birth, and all that w could do for him did not nem to give mora than tempor ary relief until w tried Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Bint giving that remedy- he ha not hern troubled. Wt want to I've you tbl teatlmonlal a an evidence of our grail- tud, not that you need It to advert! your merltoriou remedy.-!. U. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For al by Cbrle Rov er, drug flit. Tho embarrassment due to the lack of money can completely change whole nature. "During the hot weather lat ummer 1 had a aever attack of cholera morbui, nnresaltallng my leaving my bulnei." uy Mr C. A. Hare, of liar IJro., Fin catle. Ohio. "After taking two or three d' of C'hamlierlain' Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I w ompltely re lieved and In a few hour wa able to rvaumt iny work in the wre. I iinvrely refotnmainl It to any one afflicted with stomach or bowel trouble." For aal by Charle Roger, drum at. A wnmnti alway know when he I Hearing the laat note In the symphony of a man's affection. HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good look ar really more than akin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all th vital organ. If th liver la have a blllou look; If your tomach la dlorderd. you have a dyipeptto loog; u your aiuney . affected, you bav a pinched look. Be cur good health, and you will aurely hav good look. "Electrlo bitter" 1 a good Alteratlv and Tonic Act directly on th stomach, liver and kidney, puri ne th blood, cure pimple, blotche and bolla. and givea a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Bold at Eitea Conn Drug Co. to centa per bottle. If. 1 I I A A A i A t A A A A A A A v-..TLi-,-ii,"4. ' 1 lWWt!W at aa at aj H f tiSm , St Affords Buyers Exceptionally Good Oppor tunities for Economical Investments. There Are Sales and Sales BUT OUR GREAT REMOVAL SALE Why 1 It somo day the raom In our huuae that wo think the prellltit look o duitra-aslngly ahabby? Sick headache absolutely and perman ently cured by ulng Mold Tea. A pleas ant herb drink. Cure constipation and Indignation, make you eat. lep. work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or A A A A A A A A A A rl M A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Eclipses all Others Tn the extent and variety of the Stock offered. Tn the REMARKABLY LOW PRICES on all lines. Tn the avidity with which purchasers x are availing themselves of the oppor tunities presented. DO NOT DELAY YOUR VISIT, AS EVERY DAY SEES THE COM PLETE CLEARING OUT OF HANY LINES. MEIER & FRANK CO PORTLAND OREGON. 22 c. J. TRENCHAR D, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance ani Shipping:. Cuatom House Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON Agent W. F. 4 Co., and Pacific Expr.s.Co'i. I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No. Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4J C imiaarclal St.. ntit Palace Rettauraat. t e j Manufacturer and Dealer In W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A full line ot Pipes, Tubacca, aad' Article. ' 474 Commercial (It. I'UPILSJ RECEIVED IN THE . PRIMARY, 33iI .UR AND ACADEMIC GRADES J. M. TBE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. For rated, etc. address tha Superioress INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC, PAINTING AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE The North Psoiflo Brewery, of whioh Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, makes beei for domesrio and export trade. Bottled beer lor family use, or keg beer but p -led at any time, delivery in the city free. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY awuwuirxrvuu-uvrvn 5 fy -4 Oriental Curiotsltle and Toy. We must reduce stock and Sell Regardless of Coat Special ....Sale YYinglee&Co. Commercial Street near Cooper's Dry Goods Store. iniruirijinjuuirvtjuuuv nrunnmruiu lo Cure Dyspepsia- Eat regularly. Have food prepared by compe tent cooks. Eat where you relish the victuals. Eat at the Model Restaurant where you are assured o( the above conditions. Pint Clat Wbrt Helf All Hoar DAN BARBER, Proprietor, 579 Commercial Street s NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED H Four Hundred Different Patterns h Wah Sing & Co.; Merchant Tailors, were never better h prepared to serve the publie in their line. Gents' q ' Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Suits made to order quickly. Large stock ready-made goods. Cleaning and repairing. Remember, Prices Talk. I "WAH SINQ & CO icffls rUVUmAAAAAAAAriJrUUUinnAJTTI . W m. M "VTk W W-Xk W aV W t? rr m ! ao tm jm m u w- THOS. OUINEAN, Proprietor Wah?nitondSta. POrtlQlld, Or. tTiJunjmrurtnnnnrwvinAjnivin 5.. mm W Gunther's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed ; Strawberries at the Parlor.... n fk I