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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1898)
V THK lAII,Y ASTOKlAN, Sl'MUY .MOKMXU, .Ill.Y 21. IHH JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. M. TERMS OP SUDACIUPTION. DAILY. Bent by wall, per year Hint by mall, per month Brvrd by carrier, prr month WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advanet.. Po.lsg fr to aubacrlbera. ..WOO .. .W .J2 00 All communications Intended for publl . cation thould bs directed to tht diior. Business communlrallona of all klnda anj remittances tnuit ba addressed to Tha Aatorlan." The Aatorlan r uaranteea to Ita aJvtr- tlra tha largest circulation of any new papr published on tha Columbia iivr. Advertising ratea can ba had on appli cation to tha bualnesa managsr. Aatorka hat a rush Club which la credit to tha community. It la an xpn- ton tocletjr, and not political push. It booms Clatsop county, Astoria and Or jou, and do not bother with, polities. -- Omronlan. Tha article tn jreaterday'a Oregoniaa on Astoria la a alrong ona It atatra to many trutha and la written tn -ch a tenrtM Teln, that tha Attorlan wouVJ b tha ttj last to brMtUa It But It arrmlwlM d' cWa tha cioren foot of IVrtlaad't boa tlriiy to Astoria In a way that ta eiasper atlng. Tha pro-oaltlon ta that Aatorta nay ba mada to develop from an agricul tural ilamlpolnL If wt caa't grow wheat to ahtp from our own docks to Europe) and tha Orient, we can breed cowa and mak butter to ed up to tha Tort hind market W'a ought, alao, to raise sheep, for the wool would help out Portland t eastern railway buslne. We musn't think for an instant. Jiowevcr, of developing the real resourcct of our hx-atlon. The writer tayt we hut got our long expected and la little short of marvHotia. It 1a almost lticnipivhinllile that In night, a It were, th principles nnd prejudice born nnd brut of a century of ripe e jpTtetioe could lw wiped awny and completely fr rotten. Yet. such la the cae. lvalue our lirorl and belief, w tln.l ourselves on lite Ihrc-hold cf a new and vast re rton.blltty, the like of wh'.ih we have never evitt ilrvumul of. much 1k planned and pniwred for. To what ImpertulUm may lead we he not tipped to think. An empire without an Emperor my not be a poeefl'lllty. Put the current of public Konllnu nt la carryuia" ua Irresistibly to ward that end. and we sh.Ul cmbra.-e H bewmd all doubt unlma tome unfonaeen cltxumetno ariere to complicate the end of the war. The disposition to accept the potsilon Into whl.h we are pmotl-ally Cvr-ed l very atrong. It iwnie almost aa If d.- tiny had devreed that it ahouM be o, that we were !mp!y fuiniUng a prvdeat'.ned end. It U certainly aJi aBurlnT picture, and onewhk-h liwpiree ua. It tak a dartnc oajlc and a blc f't. but we are dtpoed to think the U atrnc envuth to etretch hit wlnsra crer tha raet territory and the flat; bit enonfh to en fold tha entire dirtrtct, rren though U en compaaara half the globe. Thtnk of the vat etent of empire that awwlta ua. ATmoet at great aa England's. tha aua never eeta upoa R. Webster't apostrogiha to England. h! famous, Drum bat anund the world," appllea eju01y to tt. Save for the width of Eu rope, tt eaotrSe the globe. Beginning wfth Cua, Irto Rico and the CannarVee. it extends on the cast to the rhlllpplnea. the Ladronva. the Caroline, luker and How'.ard Ssm, Navaeaa and the Manjui cf Weeks on the south to St.rr'V, and on the north to Alaska. Wiint a torT suih an t!l. Which Half is Tin the Betterfaff fr) Tlte houscwift'a t!ulic are lianlcr tltittt men V 3 renli;c. ClcnttinR alone ia a constant tax ott Iter YaV ' tlrctiKth, a ttevcr-cmlM task. More ttiAtt lutlf the ff v"w wvtk of cleattitiR Ote can lta-e lone fur Iter, if alio will, and tli cxjcuse will te next to ttoUiittj;. ' '.''' Sffli-S! Wasbind omi Povden UKSyt. Ulc Wlict ,u!f of c,tfnl'J! ; va it U tter 1 j Vi T UVSV lhUl "',,,,K,r ) tm-wn; ,Ua it eastlv, quickly iTM! chcl,,.v' Lisct MckAK-gwt "cevwnv. W3? THE N' K PAIROANK COMPANY, ' I CUIcago. Httoula. New York. Uoslou, I'hlladelphla, I k r.,.w:..i n...w..4. t ia Diamiiiii nebcin In onl. r to (under tnirmtuce H.ASTIC STAIICH (KUt Iron i.ii(i),lliriit,imi(.uUireM. llul.inm r lioa,Cool Kcvkuk, low, h.ivc ilct liKil to UIVU AWAY n liciiutilitl lufarnt with ci h'.k.X'-o( lioltl. 'riH scpiciin,clii Itic lorinnl Beautiful Pastel Pictures Tlu-y arc Ijxl.) im lict In siic.aiul air rntilleil at lollowi: MANHOOD RFSTdRFH iy waiar lr. leiu !s ft, II Vhi wumiiiul re,t v.m ltu....k. .... . 77" Of CSTKavCONM 1RIU AgwnK Aetorva. BARRARIO Sr.vNISII TRAITS. W;ih.r.j;.n S ir. expensively subsldiatNl railroaj. but. he l,itnl!nilt. . . . t 1. . . , V i . . . to vou arnlnttf th art t j,i An.iKMM..,. . . . v..m ... n pf.,-r ;'A:l.h r.ivi! offc-rs of IVrtland-a position? Le Astoria ne ' Sln;kaco tha! ta,y SlX k firwJrJ u ro.v irni a 11 the butter she can! Let her continue r bulnMc fit sis,Vi . . ' . t - v. . " , rei-ritTy Vn may even utilise her hillfHlea and waate ' lnJ i.urtc. tng fm the g nfrnnvr.i whxh th-y h.we 'r'.raT save OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Manmeulh, tOratei A SCHOOL FOR TEACBEK3 Rafular Sanaa Cearw of three tei. alr year whullt rufv.,nai. Tfnln aHrimot el nine talea with M ehljdr. Jtatmetkta aa l train n la U;aua.tie bwedub sr . and ) M'Mie roc tubltc whooi UrV tiStrtXTTr ey taw as a TATI Uthl exp-OML Tum.m. b..ks, board and led.liif (( proxiatelm;agi,rer. ' !iudrm boM!4 UiemjTe. Illit CD per Tear AcJwtc (ra.ln eetd frum huh trbovlt taUioguet cherrully mui do applk-ailua. Adar f. U CAMPBELL, rresldeol, or T. V. ftH t. r . ' it Always hov for th lvt, nnJ If )-oa don't gi-t it u will at l.t have no cx rue fr aKindonlrv your h pe. Tlie Title for Jjly. 1S98. 1ATE place as a pasture around for sheep, but the must give up her chimerical Idea of o?nlnc the aeaport of Oregon: That is Is th aeaport, h It true, f r the Almighty so ardalned tt, but th has no rlcht to asnlrw to the entovmeot of the -. w.. , . v. '. Turs. Almiril Cen-era ! quotej jls sar.rcj that !:fe hds nothing further fc h:m. ' whilt1 f Ciptain Eulxte. late of the Via-' oaya. it t said that, having m indepen- '" iiiiin stria LAtaa a a. r. a. a x. r m. Ii mitt. h.m ft. h.m ft. h.m ft I cVr.t lrnin. he Is derpty despomlent In "ilo , in c i io si r t x .' tint . J . ' l u ; c i i : i .4 :i i m : i ; i i j : i j i l is i : r : ; s u l -a : i i sm j h : tsus v : benefits of her Doaltfca. beeaua Portland ' . -u .. , . . Tnurs. Zu.t J J . I 1 1 it U 3 : - . lU 4, JV Ji ,.iri 117 ii t, 1. "Hi fl OA8TOIIIA. Bears tb J I J l.XI Hjh fair Bc;, 83atr Lilacs and Paii5ic5. ' Pansles nJ narguerltei. patquicoosvT ' "lfHiiBsNnrnRaiftt r40avauo l lUtaX R;1 5'. Wild American Popples. Lilacs and Iris. These nre plcturri, four In numln-r. by the rrnownrd ptttcl artist, K.LcKoy, ol New York,htrrlcrn hien (rm the very t holi rst iuhct in hi studio ami arc now oflrretl (urtti first time loth tiubllc. Thr iiii turct are accurately rcprmluccl in all the colort utrl In the oriinals, ami are pronounced by rumprlenl ritli t, works ol art. f jjtcl picturvi arc the correct ttilnif lor the home, nothing lur p.tinit tnem in heiuty, richness i( color ami artistn' inrrii. kfe ELASTIC STARCH pttri h jscil o our grocer. It i thr lcM Uunilry tt Arch on the tturkrt, ami it s.'l I (or i cent, a packer. Ask )our grocer lor this starch tml get a beautiful pii turc. All Grocers Xnp Elutle Stireh, Accept No Substitute. S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS wanti.h WANT KM - IIIIHT f I. A H H H i A M .' in..., no i li.-i- iirnl miiy, .Mrs, y, a, lioliiii.nn, Ml lloml alnci, W ANTIMi I'VltNIMIIKM III il'siKU Inn innin Aililii, aluuiitf pilce, At, AxlnrUll oltli. KUU KICNX, , , Kor Iti'tit-A iiral t-rnnm coltago, cor. li'T Ninth and llnirlsnii stieuis. Inuiili 4JI Ilnmt or 4H KtrliAiiga atreel, Poll IIKNT-tlOOM III it'HI1; AND IIAHN Had lour i r uf IiiikI, II' nr t'ulii I'll Slallon, k no mi its I tin t'iiiioi ISisinltl,'., Apply 10 A. Tung, il Ciiiiiliiert'lal ., cliy ' I' Oil It lNT Ml X -In it iM riiTTAUW nuti wuiiT, mi 'i..irni si i. .ol and Ji'ioniiv Apply i.i Mh i iiuin K Tiling. It'll HAI.IC Poll HAI.i:-H ItiniM t'oTTAUII WIT II water, mi ' . If i h ivi. and Jprin. Apply lii Mli. i'iii.iH , Thing. LOW. " t.tiMT-Allol'T 34 FATHOM IIP M. hln knlllnl nel, lni..y la nmrk.d P. K. aiMuinl it, usd as tloa Imim) , ,ii on top inl load wwlalit mi iTnlluiii, lis liMC tlieatllid buoy Ni. I Kmlt Maitaun. Pol'NM. Kol'sik-iiNK I'lPi'i; op oil. I. HKT having about i (atlioin lit the line. Owtior in n have .atii. iy irvlng piuit rty and twylng icna to J,,hn Ja.ob xii. at hliiiur cmiry. MOTELS. TOP AT "THK Ml llllAr.' Tllli U.NLT hiKel In Asluru having eviy mud ern uitiiiiy rlist claaa. JlPSTAlllA.NTH OOOD 11 CENT lit ALB AT THC IlTi ln tun lleataurant. "allDWlrK. MIIWlri3-llt. MAIIV Lacharme atree.. MAKE. TM II I' ITU II IB CL'ltKU. Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. It Is well f ir a t W d.f.nty tt p.iW at 'i'.l tim. a. t"ii i: i! . n't p iy f-r h-r t.i -hi:e ' wh.-tj umi !n t ourr) a m irk -t tMik. :. Lear. ASTORIA. AiTlra, (Daiiy.) am. pml Portland and A-ia.nv p ro. t W S JU lrn .MMr.- Ira n. 11 u via Knanoa. Cllfmn.i Wripn, tiobl and way stationa. I S VI II iV. Atr, i ,!n n I t S i j .N'fw A'.ru piiivn. 11 i) ger trains Mnt-ctaae trslns leave Warrenton for ryjp-p'a can be ourrd ty using A. kefs I Ktvel nJ N Aiorta at T J I IS and fin I I n o)o.M oyspepsta Tatiet ine l.ttl labt wlil gie Immediate ri-ltrf or money rtl Sold in handsome tin box, s at it cH. For s.ile by Kstes-Conn Mrug l' i. I'l l )'"U rv-r nt,-r lat any n-w . h.'tr.s that me nv of y.uir fr:- tv.l i!i I and tnt uut ail Ita pvMitiie d!.idvar.t-agraT nil u mopry-man liie Bta. too. in ioe v m .... .n . i . w. n . . . i Three srntiments and frars reflect raort jj1 ' i lure. Jingle of the Jingo, to maintain Iter posi tion, and. by George, she means to keep tt As we have swid before, the Oregont- sriously upon Spain. No more severe inJU-tment could w-Il 1 hurs. PrL .. an t article Is a sensible one. and it states drawn aKain,t ,hlt thin shat Sat. little els but the truth. We Will havetolt w!a n(w t0 h ,nor tJl. mta wh turn our attention to agriculture and the on:,. of!tnm. ls lhl, ta,y piaCrj ln Sat. Sub. XI '(I. T'jf . propagation of f1h. or Aborts with command of hlts which In little nr'M ' i. i i riiirw. t; 4 ?:; i. l s k ImII : ; ; i , IS-.. .. . .1.. ..(. ..11 tfrl. I. . in i i ; u i x i2 irsj iuii t4i: 1j r. 5 4 8 7 T JlT'Jt 3WJ ....H 1MTS. 7. tUvfc 4 41 li 11 ft 4 t 1 T I i -I 1 5 "1 4 1 H 13 1 Ji i 4Ji: ii2 4 4 1 '...'H?'7 .... i: i... urn :, oj Mtv i: n : i- t: 7ti; If 0 2 1 i.' T J 7 9 0 1 7 U- J 4 : 1 1 7 2 14 7 3 7 I MtJu Luiortant hair, cf unirorm color, la a beautiful head-covering for enhrr aet, ana may be secured by using Mail t Vege table 8lc!l'a Hair Renewer. It IiH m-m quite 1T.-.1 it.fe. but It l tru. thirp Mrt be so m.4nv cuh or.s on a cUih thjt It I p--iilv.-!y :n; snb; to nil or 1m on It with c mfirt. I.i '.2 a. in , onl s: J). ' 4 and (Up m and returning arrive at Warrenton at I 01. '. 11 i a. m an I t: 40 S 15 and 7 X P m. Trains Uxve -4 .In 7 J a. m . 19. a m . 4 3U p. m. Jil'.y f r Astoria. Portland tr.tins kavra H'-i;.!c on Sunday at t M p. m J. C. M VTO. o y. A IV A n.ATED OUT. Pr.. Si:. .. Sun. ., drive another pjvjmrvj fr a long cruise. H.s tappJiea of , ail linilj, it nw aprm, wre c h.irt anl -j-jl, rajirowo win M worse oil mat tae o.a lnf(Tl.,r w ,hf of the enemy. Admire Astoria without one. Purtiund Is now j cvera wa ordtrrl to l-ave if ij-ria un- preirlna: In earnest to nail in our loffln. Within It thin s'x months sne win tj;ii m con-.rucu n oi , n;s , h..,s ou. o cnnji.0n. Af'.-r her long d!ecus-d dry dock, and with j ha,j wn i.,..; ? in gMMK, j,arV-r. free dok.ige to troll the sh'.ps up the artnuntly !ars:.v through thtr fault of river and Uncle Sam's diviJcr LadJ to th coii-!:ii-a of the .ji!r .n. he was opn the sand-bars for thm. H rr.nnd' j..,.a.,. or.l-r t wh: h rillroad may hnve all th- butter ar.d j tna:iy drove h:m ,rj! i in a d.-r-rate Ja-ti cheese, and wool, and si'.mon he can p-.s-1 f ,r !!:.,r:y. That he ( u Ut at tlbly haul up to Portland, and PortUnd't tribute! j ,;nt!v t the sur-rt of the great newspaper It willing to do isil it can !, k.i !-r iir.J t j -.h- ir.f-norlty f . s to aid him In that luu iable undertakirg. own f0!T.. Pr:. ;un Dull headache, j-a.'na In various parts of the body, e nklng at the pit of tb stoma, h. lots of appetite, fevrrl.hnee. plmpiea or sore are all poa.tlve evldm.-e of Impure blood. No mattrr how It be. came to. It must be purinl In ordrr to V. J:j' Jj5jj J ,Jf'tain good hfaltn. Ack-r i IIliKd i::rir V. li:z iltl 14lIuI Drrrr fa",,J t0 f,,r' scrofulous or :4 4:'47 t i '-: 1 4 11 ini 1 i s-phll!tlc poisons or tr.y o-hr blwid d l"'U miV',X':i It It certa niy a w.nd.-rful remedy 5: .'ua:! -"B' w very bottle ,n a p-. '.:v 5; 'i'hi'i '.'' i'i 1 r I li'li j'i ruarantea. For tal by Kstes-4'n.i Irug t: 5 j !. : zz i :i 4 ) co. .- i r: 5 : j .v ; 3 4 . o i j :s 1 1 .. . 11 31 ? 3 1" i 7 4 4-. 4 IS1 ....3! i 41 ) 44 j ...31 USii MARINE NOTES. Some mn m t i!k t ruviy of whit t.'.t y wnoM i!o If th. y '. iv ir. nn i -t wh.pji.d J., ;f fh. r ,! m to ati a tb. m t:i:k.n- tu.i e!i. r w im ji. '. ste of i' i:r ti. n:o: Th- !!f." h n. arrn 1 irk Ivnrtiyn f'a-1-. wrieot .'r'm I r;iar..J )( Fipr!enr l she tea.o.r. Ce Acker't Kng'.:h lmcly In any .t,. or coughs, colds or croup. Should It fi:l to give Immrdlai re.lcf money reT ,n.l-.l S cts. a&4 io cts. Kor tile by Kstti..;orin I 'rug Co. l'ri-ih h'.p Tr-i.le r.rxls. wheat ''r i-. :,.'"9r, f 'T ord'-r-, i.l HUMORS OF THK CAMPAIGN. What mlKht be call-.l one of the humors i-y. f the campaign in Cuba is the rvpor.ed remarks of Genml Calixto Garcia In an lntervew with Mr Thomas W. St--p!. the American W'ar corTtind-nt: "If there has been any publication In the United States." nays this officer, "rU atlve to my co-ojieratlon with your Gen eral Jdlle. I wlh to say, now and for all time. I will not permit the Cubun nol.fli-rs them4ve to be loet elg-ht of In thlt las; ttrugxl ly reason of the superior ttmigth of the American troops. I do not wish to assist the Americans, but to wotk with them on an equal basis." Later he added, aa If by an after-thought: "tn not misconstrue my statement. My love for America. 1 great!" It would be Interesting to learn tome- thlntr further of General Garcla't ideas of what ho meant by an equal basis. The American government it spending about million a day tn this war, and has been supplying Garcia and other Cubun leaders with arms, equipments and rupplle. It tt onlv lutcly that the Cuban army has materialized, and been of any "afsirt ancv" to the American Invading f'jro-s This it an odd tort of equality, where one tide foots up the tills and supplies the greater part of the figtitlng force. But this idea of Garda's ls too large for hit boots, and doesn't fit. The Cuban rajik and file, the lUrhtlng men, do not appear to cherlnh any such "hlfalutlon" notions. They are more than willing, It it aald, to come ln under the Stars and Stripes, and that is what they will very likely bava to do. OUR TERRITORIAL EXPANSION. The chango of puollc sentiment effected ky the war with. Spain with respect to the territorial expansion of tha United States Put this jr.f-r....r:ty reflect! s-U:y ur"'": the a.-.! r. h.m p-rtKnaliy. r. -.r upon his vaptaint. C- rv.-ri is a fc.-ro ar.d i!--rvs ;o treat 1 ai s"i' h by h s own y.-t he and ,. ota.--r. im- !r:on-l ly a kir.d'.y fo-, can e n--h.n? ah"u! b'l. d:T.ire ami misfortune. Th-y k in van f'.-r the t.Uudits of ;h-ir own peopb , w.vj should have br. arou?-d to h-lt;hts of enthusuism and almirn'.ion by The ti!i..h b: f..r yj-.iown ir.g h--r ' t' i-'ive i.'j; vni'n I,iur t'in. wh' at l.o r or'J'TS. was fmp! May and w.:i ;,rv Talk- .vviut your ir t i.-t. tij,. in h ait aa.- .'fully n. m.ler ihr-oKfi crowd in fr,nt ..f tt... .. r;,-'i:i iir.! l.-urA.-. to I." mi.!.- t i r!n. chU-f. 1871 1897 ' Fislter specialty Brothers ASTOKIA.... SKLL SHIP CHANDLCRT lURDWARt IRON AND ITEEL . COAL URiK'ERlEa AND ritOVJSIONi FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS. OILS AND vitNisnrr . LOGGERS' SUPPLIES ' FAIRIIANK'S SCALES I1OOR8 AND WINlXtWB AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS AND VEHICLES The Choicest Table Wines... For Famlllea Alao for dicln aa4 Coeaing irntr. '.i Mail l. 111 e' ri;.rr 3 p. in. timi! .s;iti:in 115 r'rwin l'oii n.l IjiH IrtKr, lrtitr l ollti, K All a 1 it . l t..ul. I h It rf. alt J .,1 V. tt tilt. rii !ie Mllttlrajw.l!,. S( '.uil, pilliitlt, M!:wi!lPf, I III. a... li. ...!. 0,iu A.l .ru OCI.AN MI.ArtHII' Ail .uKlug I'.l.a tuto ,'r. I to 1 I'.tllfr I'o. -4 1 I r ,nr n o Nill 'ii , M, It. l ii Asaivs Mll I a. 111 Hptt.ll. I m a m. Manv p.o arnii'trd Hh ruptur die from nu oih.r ra..m than Uck of a r.laln.r Dial would hold In Hi ii.riuu lar lurailun of ailniaiii. I'r liar. 1. Is reiain.r Is pu.iuv.iy guaranteed la hold, no matt.r wli.i. ilia ioiiun. and uiidrr all ixi.itlon. of iii i( 1 11a. vurru in o i,, r , nit or III a.M J I'R- J. L. llAHTtL. A.lor.a, I JUNK M: A I. ERS ip Yor in vr: ini.i:t. iMii.. Ft'ltT r.. Iiottlra Ira. I, luail. coJuicr .ack, or any kind of juok for tlc, .lilp t to It M tiaaloli, lv(, I'olirtowiltll .treat, A I loria. liir(n, or wnta I11111 an,) ,, will I 1 t )our pluce and a( II. ll pays cash. MIHi KI.I.ANIHit H TllV MIIII.I.INOS IH'Hr TEA AND taking idrr. NWKIIT t llKAM IV A PINT AT THE lI'I' V II I'l.t MH. li t ll.N Irt IIAHKET. t IkVu's. t ltllAM in AMI IV pKU I ISI' t lor Canjy HUir. l.AltiiH i'nMliiMKN r l-liim. at l Vo . . aiura.tii 1'olunil.ia 111 vr 5 p i H'.eamer. l'i'.. ll ur To T r'.,an. and a. l uu Vy jtn.l.n . . from lorilan.) n a 10 Moil, Met! lllamfll. Ult.r. Sli'l Vrl I'reoii 1 Itv Nrwlff , Stlrm , tal I ,,,,) , 'lll lo s r to I . A 1 1. 11 7 in. a! 4 til I He- rtiur and "at ... . - , aw,- j u 11 m. Rill Vlivri, u,.,, u-.,l ml nt 'w ni in, l"tii. A a..drrl .1 l.i. I lif. I r Hlirla 1 r-. hi e. t y-'.lir n.k Ult.f. Hilar'. 1,1 I rl,u,ll o. w. I v lrUln .1 I.i 4) til Mini., I iiea. and Th"'. LOUNSHEHRT. Aganl Astoria W. It. HURLHURT. O.a. 11a. Agt. Fartiaad. Or. A GI'.EAT V.'J 'K FREE. That the blood shuulo perform lit vita. fuMtlona. It la abai'lutely ncery It should not only bo pure but rich In life giving elesnents. These resultt art be( effected by the use of that ell-knowo standard blood purifier. Ayer't Barsa parti la. One year In nmt livi l rf'ilsa!ent to tlw whol mortal im in others. OABTorilA. Bsart tie A 1 add fen Hit) alnrt BC'Jgat Bigaatart ot When Dr. P.. V. Pier, e, of P. iffiio. N. V.. put;.-h-d th fjr; t.i;:ion of h.s irreat n-.rit Th People-, (.'ommon M-d-1 al A!v.!r, he ar.nounce that after j., 1 copies had been told at the regular pr...e, ;. j,.-r copy, the profit on w iu.d repay him lor ;ne grat an; .ur.t of iator ari.J money up. -ndej in pro lucmg this ga'.l..nt, i!'--;rate, heroic er.t'-rvr.. " "'"-'d d.ntribute the n- it haif mll- ! l;o:i free. As this number of cop.e h is If these officer! were Atnerictir.s and ( a;r,Jr n t,Mi h w g!vlri, awa, were in u similar position they would y.-' allutly free, MM cpb-a of this molt 'compi'te.:nternr'.',rir and valuable common ceive the pra!.-a and the thanks of their mt.,,ciX work ev(.r lUbli.hd-th comimtriots reparole of their defeat, ! recipient only l-lr.g require"! to mail to surmt Irxlletttlon of her styl h.m, at aMve aoln-ss, twenty-or.e i.'lj and their ult.mate homecoming would b;nnt .:aTr,ps t0 cover con of mall- j ,.-,. iir.g only, and the book will be sent post. , "v-w.' rv.iA 01-11. t.n'.A I r 1 at a h: rrw.,V-1 h.isf " " 1 corm.le.. in on. volnma CV.n.,,r,a is'i THE BEST SALVE ln the world for Cnta TYnilaea ttopaa T'le. d.i. n w I If eg, profusely l.lusTated. The fr- ' 1 ""'"'"i e.itt!on is pre. -laely the same as that sold e"r """',,'""mp9V? ""at.cnil. at Jl.M, except only that the books are '" crupuons. ana in strong manila paper cover, ln-e ,d of . curtt Pllet or no pay required. Private S'ock. Cream Rye, Oid Hkkarr, Pr U of Kenrurky and Hermaw: Bay. told California Brand) aa. Carlson's FamllyLiquor Store 101 TWELFTH STRXXTT Ticket to all polaU BAST.. for Silt tyOH.IH Ajf nt. Astofli. I Itlll.KllH, lvi Through p.lae and tourist ltre dining and library oli.ervail.m car EI.EOANT VEHTIIlfLE TRAINS No. Umlted Uava Portland at t p. m. No. I Umlted arrlvae Portland at I ) a. a. The way a woman her -il Is tn marked by the warmest 'jf vi'inj enrarta sni iptcc Good tr tof.m are within your reach. Get Schillings Besioi your gro cer and your money back ii you don't like them. For tle l y F-oss. HigKitiS Ai Company There Is a yellow ftrKik in h irn.r that mak.- 11 want u i,i.ur,... .;i troulilt or. o'.h' re. Persons troubled with dlarrhot w 11 b Interested In the exiitricnce of Mr. W. M Bush, clerk of Hotel Liorrance, Provi dence. R. 1. He says: "For several years I have been almost a constant sufferer from diarrhoea, the frequent attacks completely prostrating me and rendering me unlit for my duties at thin hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a smal bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight Its ef fects were Immediate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The re sult hat been very satisfactory and al most complete relief from the affliction." For tale by Charles Rogers, druggist. A man baa many thoughts about one woman, end a woman hat one thought about many men. cloth. Bend now before all are ,1, ...v. ! 11 rn,a ,0 ' sat.sfac " " 1a. s. hama.w Lint-,, ft.1 - a - . in 1 . it vii v in'-""; 1 ci unucu. rriCQ J Cf (1 I The cuntry Is tx pUue in whlfh to be Per bog. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug sick, e;iecialy when you are three mii'-s Co. from a i!rur store. j . , I The man who is the mrM gentle and AN ENTERPRI3ING DRUGGIST. ' "-nd'-r In the development of a lov- affair 1 can be the moat brutal In breaking It off. There are few men mere wide awake and enterprising than the Eat'.s-Conn ' Lrug Co., who spare no paint to tecur lAUI fC PHI IAD I IMC the best of everything In line for W II I I L VULLftll LIINt their many customers. They have now the valuable agency for Dr. King's New - Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Columbia Klver tnd Puget Bound Navl- Colds. This Is the wonderful remedy 'hut Is producing such a furor all over the country by Its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma. liron'ihitis, Hoariteney and ail affections of the Tliront, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a p-gular size for DO c-nts and tl. Guar anteed to cure or price refunded. . gatlon Company. Bteamer lialley Gatzert leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, J p. m. Leaves Port lanu dally, except Sunday, 7 a. m. Gatzert tlckett good on steamer Thomp son. Thompson tlckett good on Oattert. It may v-m an easy ta-k to tihop, bit it Isn't wh"n you have to make o,;e ,ir,.,.,r do the work of five. U. B. Scott. Prealdent C. W. Stone,- Agent. Astoria. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the EJguatari t r rr rr tr "ci n tj tj ;7 17 f t "VJ "11 11 iir zr tr i ti tj tr VT & Repairing i i xi ; ir O General Jobbing xi XI ; I? C. H. ORKWJTZ, xj 17" XI rr rr No. Hi Duant xi xi tr tr 17 Btrtet. . X3 xj tj ir ir tr , -a xj xi 11 r ir 17 rr xi xi xj xj 17 17 17 17 VaXJXJX) THE PROOF of tha puAdlng la in th sua aod tha proof of Dqwort IS IN SAMPLING Tliat's an aifumatit tiuvt't av eVwslra a damoostratioa. Ourt ai tUn4 tha tn. HUGHES & CO. J. B. WYATT, Ph. a. Na. at Aslarla, Or.f a, Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Grocerlea, ProvlHlf)n FA.INTH and OIL. pcl.l Att.ntl.a Paldta ujrln tb loft's Nerverine Fills H A m. 1 The grea remedy for nervous pro f ration and all nervous t. ditcaies of tlir fav ecnerative or- ifciuiiiTaHU AUk-k tsisu. vans of ith itx, such at Ncrvout Prostration, Failing or lost Manhood, Impotcncy, Niehtly Emit 40ns Youthful Errors, Mental worry, ex .csiive ue of Tobacco or Opium, which cad to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00 vr box by mailt 6 boxtt for $5.00. IllOm CHEMICAL CO., Pros ., Cleveland. Ohio. Tor Salt by Etea-Conn Umm Oo. I.HiiAL. Notlta ta hrtiy givrn that tha partn r- hir now and h. n-iofora .xi.tlng beta il'orn Johnon and j. M. Ilughaa. at torn, y at la, and known undi-r ta rtrru nam and '.ylt of John.on A lliK.4, ha. in . iliy been dlaaolved fcf mutiial f in.nt. Mr. Johnson will eon tinun t bu.lnrat. Mr. Hughes retiring hi-rrfswt mi 'lining th duties of )u:l of th. prac. tiKKi. JullNHON. J. M. I1UUI18. Aitoria. July t, ivj. I.ati.i orflra at On-gon City, Orsgon, Jur.B It. Not.c U givrn that tht follow lng.i:imd settlrr hn (lied nollct of hit 'nn'l'a to mnk nnal proof In tupporl of h s claim, and that aald proof will ba made brfore the County C'lerk ot Clatsop County at A.iorla. orrgon, on August . ivji, via; William Itnss; II. E. 1U7 for the soothweat iiuarter of the southeast itiartr of sertion II. township 6 n., r. ID west. Ha names the following wlt neifs to prove his continuous rtldnct upon sml cultivation of said land, vlt : J. II. Johnson, of Jewell, Oregon; J. T. Hurke. of fi.-inid., uregon; T. L. Fraser. of Astoria, On-gon; II. Ilurks, of Heuslds. Oregon. CHAItLEfl II. MIMIKKH, Register. PA II- P ii:fii nirmi i-iiuam hthaw nuiiitikin 11 I Ua at Poard Htokaa l'-, HfllliTLV IM Ili: IliklNii piivlKlt" l r iuind I'o )u. WIII.N Vi'l' WAST KINK TKA. HiHill r..(Tc and .iilif., try poatd A Htokat I'o, W'll.l IH.U KIll ltltll A -I.I1AVK Vi'l lt .t in. t 'r wild Ii 41 kl.rrlr. ,io It a. Hissin. A t'o. AS'l'i ill I A v. AT THK stKAMitiK WIl.T, lln.l id Morning Aaloruiii n aala at In Pniai Uralauiant al tint pUv. PINK 1 IIKIIIIIHH It AMt'tIK Hit I i:t ANI rd (iirlanf ara I'lPiiMtuI and chp. Mra llo., II itn a t'o. l.imK IS ot'H WIMuiW 'l' l A V "K tool Mil uahaa or rlmlixa (or (i, (na i 'liarlm l(o(f. .trugl!, I i-l.l P.l.ow.' building II V Ni'T I'Hi: HAt.VANIKIi (Ultltt ic. iron f,.r uur r.ltna Ii ut. a fifriim I'uhrr Pr" hava )it - iin-.l a iAiioa.1 prior. ltlun iha rrai h of all. THK NKWI.V nPllNIlK i l l II KimiM.H al tha Loinnn ar , oint r 1 nl.ln and rom liiilloua io.ifln in oliii Ii 1., sii.i art rtriiing an.) r .r..i a. tlt (,, ht of a 10. I: i'iir and t lgut. THK l.iUVIlll INIillt Till: AIII.K iikiiiuio nl of A 1 K 1 I Kr.i'a la .I tlly Im oittin; ,b nirp and inm M.oiUir ri ri Ttu- 1 lull ro..tna on iim on. I Door an. iiom an ntlrw. ll (rutulo of ill. c!aliahmrlit. PllnTlHiltAPIIH. IP H.NiilnHtAM.1 ImiKMNT MAKE yiilir cii nil" a ) loi d 11 I al I'm brat PAXTHVM PllnTliM Alii: li.V PAPKIt of hi n i.ri i.iraiioii and ar (U irin- Irnl ll"l In lAit. A ItlH.i I.Alt PANTuMINK I'K VIIIWH iti' ling Hi,, lifr .m l lnlory ..f A!..rl. nint aoiivrinr of ih ill) and country lit thr gallrry PIIVHHIANH 1'lt At.Kltllli KINNHV niri-i: AT rt-alili'tii . 1 'iitnnwrclnl ulrrft. HUttl 1 iltl. a hour M.irmti: nnlll In; nil nrii-rnoon nnlll i. vtriiing mi: i H I lock. i( 11 II HHTI1K. I ' 1 1 Y M 1 1 ' I A N' A Nil HnrK''on Himliil ut'rnU-oi to itla.-aa. of .otn-n and anrut.r) 1 itl n o rf 1 1411 sig"'r alorr, Aioru. Tel'. No. It Mt. JAV TI'TTI.i:. I'll VHH'IAN ANI MiiiiiiIi. tutlra, r'Miia 1 and t, l'ythnn II11H1II11K. ' I'oinitu'ri-lal lrn.-t )l. ilt-iui" mii- Tib-plioin- '."i Arllng n. a; l 11 11 1 aillilioli I Ullid Hlatr ll.irlll lllililllll V iff. M Arii INK'. TKMI'LK Lol'ili: Nu 7. A V. AND X". M -llinul. ir I'linitniinli Uoii ., 0n Iha II rut mid llilr-l Tuia-liy rvi'iilng of eiii-h moiilli ii . W. I.i I'NHiiKltltY W. SI ,H. C. lliil.MlN, Hn-rnnry. AUKNTH WANTI1H Agntt and ranvasssrt to t.ll Dr. Kllck't Pocktt Nfaa Inhal.r fur catarrh, asthma, and lung and throat dlssasaa. Balls ttsv for 1. Dig profits. Writ for sampl and tar ma, pr. Kllck Usdlcal Company, Cincinnati, O. ATTiillNKirt. OA0TOniA. an. . a. lull. 7 . . " U It if IUS M j . . u Notlin in hi Ti-tiy given tlmt, on nci ount of niy l.iivlng tin. mut- f Ori-gon for an x't-n.l'd iii rlod. 1 imvn this dny appointed in. I c 1iHilu1i.1l H H. ( my attorney-in-f.i. t to m t for mo nnd p-prcsent me In nil Mi niim of iiimiin - during my ubsenr .Hid nnlll H.ild powr-r of iiitorncy la by mc ri'Vuki'd. M. M. WALKIlll, M. I). Astoria. On-., July 17. 1WW. N'iTKK IH HKKKIIV nlVKN THAT the roii.irlnorH.ilti lo.roi,,r,,r.. .iiintf betw..i-n tin. un.l,.r Mm linn numo of (.'hlnook l.umlipr nn.l l.'iirnllnr CoMiaiiy I thin iiny iiiHtilvmi by muliiul roiisotil, C. (. Wllmm ri'llrlng from aald firm. All dolits nnd uccounta Ixilonulnir t'l.imd ilui- mild (Inn Mrii imynblB to Nils HUN- or Krltx JolianMoii, nnd nil llnblll tlos of mild firm are iiumi'd and will bo paid by Ihern, C, C. Wilson, Nils llllle ,,. , . , , . l,'rli Jolmnson, Chinook Itlvr, Wash., July 15, ikis. Ji. T. I'ltiiHriV. ATTiillNHV-AT LAW, 4H I'nmiiiiTi Inl mm 1. C. C. DROWIR. ATTOKNET-AT-LAW. Qundtrton Ilulldlng, Astoria, Oregon. J. Q. A. flOWLBT, ATTOnNKV AND COUN8ELOR AT IAW. Oflle. Ilond Btreet, Astoria, Or. PIKiPdHAI.H WA.NTICD. NOTIf'M 1H IIKItEIjy rjlVEN THAT the co-iiarlncrHliIji hrr'toforo existing Imtwi'cn the iiiidurslKiifd, undi-r tha firm tiami- of lirlblil.i Hmlth, It thll day illnnolvwi by mutual tuiiHent. All dnlilt bi-lotiirliig 10 Htid .)uo aald firm nre pay n,ble W. N. Hmlth, 11 ml all liabilities of mild llrm 11 ro assumed und will be paid by him. rharb-i H. Orlbblt, W. N. flmlth. Astoria, Oregon, July 21, vm. Ofll'-e C. Q. M., Vancouver Ilarrncks, Wash.. July 9, litis. H-ul.-d proposals, in trlpllfiiie, will bn riTi'ivnl hert or at Port Htevi-ns. (iregun, tin 1 1 n o'clock a. m., Aug. 0, lMis, ami them opened, for furnishing fuel al thut pm tr fiscal year comnifncing July il, nw. Informa tlon furnished here or by quartermaster Fort Htevcns. U. H. ri a. rv. tha right to reject or nici'pt ntiy iriiintnl or part thereof. Envelopes contiilnlnir nrotioanl. should be mnrked: "Proposalt for Fuel at Fort Hlevens" nnd ad.lrenH.'d lo under slgneo or to giiiirturmiistcr Port Btnvont. JNO. L, CLEM, C. Q. M. " ,' .f1'" f1 'n.riia,.noii. 'tilJIIKaT.- 1 in; ., "m '''''". I. I I U 1. ...'.' : . " Oaartauad Q rii IM ...I...,. .... ii a. ". II 11 natural .1.-1 HKIMUII - lk,. i,i. 11 . "iNamnia. trHltMlOHIIlifti(Vl. Itsiim. Ni.n-Mirlufiil ioirjiNn,0.g 1 "oiai ay Itranlaia. O.a a. J rt srnt In r,laln wrarwr. KM .1 n,."p".",l rmaald, f vii 1 vt4UOu