, 1 TIIK DAII.Y ASTOUIAN, TJII USDAY MOKMMJ. JULY 21, Ul'.m. rarnu rs nml lltlins Knthiislnrllc (her 1'at tn Sli Jccl . cursor IS A DAIKY IOIXTV lilcitMisg Ltcliie t m 1 1 y Appreciated li lit (irotid it Optra tlnsw - Coal, I in. Slim, Crete. II Bstitr. I'Dccm, tic. Tli Dm .lay of I hp Karimr' 'uiifra a ) lii ami-re. What the u11 nc kr.l in nuiithnre wee nmr than tiiU up iiy thn iiitcrv! iniitriit(i'l In th alloiia iiIiJinM illerueaml. MiiiiH.ri u( ilia I'iidIi Cluti wit out In (uri ilurii ih Uy ami In ttmilitr t 111 I iillVmillilll. 'I'liny tll'l Hut KlIiiW thaJr li.rn.l from 111 laiuntry (vol lunMuinr, f ir rai li and vryiiie ( t' VUllun 4i rurnUlml stein hail am IM 1'iiah im inltr wir. I'ruluptly mA IU.JU Hi. Hireling e lll"l lu grOir by pri-eMMM HaiiiMfl, irll'i trte,.y atatttl iu nltjrte. Ilrv. Ilrtiry Menuii r"tli'ix with nr, afr wlili h Mayor IWikiiiuii gnu a til'hf aliiii) ol wadrorna. I'ff V. J. Hllliitii of Hlo Waaliliigliili Hiai Aan. uliurnl 'll co miaul-lin.ii;)- . li iluiiinaii, on.l llarrlaoii Allll r r.ar) I'M V. J Hillllil."ll f.ill.nm.l with a rilutiao n livliair nf Ualllliaj ilrl'-gxlra lla .... .if ((, d.'Hahifwl tlm tnt'iiitirra of tlx iix.h lull. mi, t .i Uiw lili t-Hiiffi tiad glim thrlr fail) )ratirtlar. '!' waa 1Ii.!ii-I at Did tiratity of III" aiirromiil tl.gl i,l A.I ilia Thn trip ! tt I ho hay. Iia a a . 1. waa uii .i l- rniio nilnrij Willi ',lJ.llt. J'i.,r. r Mpiiltuaii tlirn f.'llowr.i wiili I) ailji.aa on "A I'airy l ow. o luM With a uat deal if llilniial of III all (ha (annua nwr III Ivaatofu Waalimgluli ta Uh.n ht. I lii) dairying vruWriii. In C Iia 1 ,i Hun nf the elate wheal, had IvXig tcrii (ha ml ptialUil of lha (arm, tut gia.lually (ho Unm-re ara In ginning lu ull.lrlaUllU that lllrl la a lulgtf gifOt ll) fcu'.t.r ail li.no II. an In wli. al. II" Ulgl lha rafli.i ra of I lata en Mi o advl.a lliula flr.ju. nlly with ptofceettf of tin lata u.ii. tiUurct. -...-gi- lla aaauml lha Uil.m.s that lnf.rrii(..i would Ue ilircf fully nil. ant If Ihry wuuM git thrill llwli.p otrr at I'ulllhail Ills ltuS wuuld b Icjuaicil . s aK.gu uf Ihv fjlxiloua r I. lira vf tlto K l"ii.lik' and huw . (.Ic t-allm . Mgv.1 utar tlwl UtMl of g .1.1 TllaV U II ( al,.. o IhlliH. huwrVrr. ttllt a hate (ar rl h' f Kluii.llkra all uvrr III' (iuMIkiii half or lha t micl Mialra whrra una i an .U l fur g.'M wild. ml frargmg tu dcaili Ho talld aiiriilton lu lli J. I) ..i:.ut of luwa fur tha far W aij .ah, and ruiilraaltnl II wllh thai (.rule kuit) uu'l'ul of lll Whulci of Aluahn a gold dalt. Why. lll'll, did lha ao.lo ruah way I ' tiiraa ilrxary rrglona in ijurat ut guld wlxn far it. In r n-.a wno timrrr liuina It waa Ik ue Ihry did not till' Oora'.Mti.l Hill thul ruii'lllloiia wrtr faat tax 01111141 known, oiiu 11 waa .rln. Illly tlua I 11. Ira. lilnga of n.iiirnilona aurh a Waa l.rlng hvl.l hrra thla wrrk, No msili 'd of farming would rrtuln lha fr;ll.;) ..f aoll an long am thai of dairy ing and llvn alo k It III .a 11 a nut only Ilia ml'klnic of iwa lux I lie r.ilallig of irorr faaj f I Dm limllili lulu r. Hi'iaa iig of hla hnalliy oa a dairying Cuu'r. I'lofraaor Hl'llliivall U'iam all thua.aail.' II" aald w air In tho very tirart of dm ri Ik-m dairying onmiry In lha I llil-'l Hlntra TI10 lrl rilrlida along (ha lu.r li'rn Ix.rdnr and wldrna aa It Clnta oji lu the I'll. IhY i.Hlat. Tha rill" 1K t 'li litlolia li' Tr nla Ide al IW il . I r lug, ni, I Kaulla thua f ir liJr provrn thla fa. I Ho ad..ll the ratalillah Oimi; ilni-.l.ia 1 r iiii. rl.'a, for g'"l Itia.iMil n ..f I Ma kind will toko 111.- ill lire I t -1 1 . t of thr aivtloii III w hi. h It la ). a'... I j I'j,,;, .,, r Hh iw . ..f tin- MiniiraoU Anil ciiltvii.il r.iil.g.-. follow .-.I wllh n moat lnlr. n n .i-r on .l ilt) 11. . ia i-.nl) ri.ii..i...- li id Ix i'ii III OnUrlo. and In- well 1. 110 int.. rr. wlo n tho Iti.limtry III lu iMfuioy Iho f.iim. ia ii.-. .i p.-nd iiiiiallilii ..iuli. In nil iIim ilnliilla roll. Il. l'lill M llll III' llllllll'll ll'H.ul' III 1'lnnia 111 1 1 I .iioy Hi.. inlilli-rulliiK In- llil. li... uf lh Miilllilli Mini tho llwlit ul Ilia 1111, na ttoll ilin iiiolaiiiiv from Dm rulna fur lli"li' ain'i'iaaful growth, Thny nl" r.'illy 1 lio i..rion of Uila vrml pliyal fill tnxly Willi h ailiply I ll" rollli'-i Ullg link lii'twunn I111111I11111I11 nml iinliiuilu l.oill.a, 'Him 11 11 ( 11 in I h I-., will of 1 11 it 1 mid mil- Inula la gov.-i in . hy iln. nw of m aiir vlvnl of 1 hia iiMoat, hut limn, lliruiigh lha llillili lirn of rlviiinull.ui llll.'l ioa. a whitl Im la ilinam in oiin iloiil"atlrnlo, lly thla hit imiina lo aiiil.inl nuliir.-'a lawa In iininy ri-ii'i-t hy mihailiiiiliiif llnri-for iirllll.-liil ini'ihuiU. Iioni.-aii. Miion la rio.oiillii. fur won. iloifiil Hiiiianiiiiiiilliiii In lha i..vi'lonni.il f iihinla unit iiiilinnla, Ihrougli Ha Inlln- tirn liiiiiiiin.isililii auli-vnrloili'a of ilnn;a 11 ml iiiilrnula Imvo loon Invnlv.-.I, l..r I'.m of unit 11 n 1 y gnoiiiy mdimd, ami thi'lr jirSHlni'ilvit nii.Hy in rnniiy In-aiiinii-a liinr.-ii.l oim mid tr. huiidn-d f.rl.l. 'I'lu-aa ili'Viriini'rua ra lwianrlii in mull, hut anoina na If roa.-a mnnul ha aiii-i'aafiilly grown wlthmil llnirna, iii'll hnr Ima Ihn IiiiIiioim b of dorm-atli MI011 liorn fire frmii allrinllng nvlla, lha nrln- iiml onn U'lng ihn Inirtxluiirort and iia- tr.iininit of tliafuara In our liorda mid In ka, Uila hi'lng a ilnlrymiina' run vein ,m It la niiiiiotirkiln I Inn wa innrliut our r. rnarka In thla nrth In to thn row, and lha llitlilvlirn wroimht on lu-r nhk-ahvl eon. Itlloll tiy iloiimala. allon. Thn nklll iin.1 genliia of man In lha ' voomienl uf our ttutiii-aili' milrunla In ni Inatmii e hnve lieen lliurn urrurali'ly Ulna, irale.l than In Ihn dairy-.-.. of May, Her Kinfurriuiilon ami produ.-tlvn r. l-ai-liy mt fur oiitahinrw p-r irlmltlvn anient, ra thai dm family relation ahl la .'nrt-ely rettiguliuliln, Thla linprove. rneiil Ima ailvaiiietl lo amli a iirre Whl.'ll lie. eaallittea In many Inataiii-ea, Hi rallliii' of a ImM, mid Imfurii wa pro..-,-.! further we ahoiild pkn diinger algnala .llullg the way, Ih.ln.-alli nlloll Ima given ua ,ia It were, a moat won.l.-rfnl m.ti hln III the ni.l.rn dairy row Hhn a almply thn inurvia of th ngo, for lor tupu.'lty to Irltllafunn Ihn t nidn pruilllrla of the a ill lilt ! mi almoat In. r.IMiil.e nlnoillil of drlighiful mil ruin ma for limn. Hut. al,ia man In lila great i-ffurt In attain lha hlghoal aaalhl i'M-..iinelit of lha mod ern tow, haa 111,1. le n grave mlalake In puahiiig artlM. ktl lomlltlona ,,i far ami apiMrriitly Ignoring tha Inwa of nutura and Ita aa Hilary .rfr.ia tiHin anlllml de. over lopn a of w hi. li Im wna vry f.,n Uri Pled I lii. iii nl Ion mnt hn eiimi', 11'gnrillng the aiilijorl of ilnliyliiK, 1 .nil. ... u t it it t In. wna not 1111 enp.-rt, na 11 Wna aomewliiil out of lila line, e ruiilil milk a i uw mnt knew koo.1 milk arid minor win 11 hn luale.1 t, h,,,) i( Kn-ni.it f.illli In ihn ful nr.. of rii.-Koii ua 11 iliilryln atnte, mid ihouiftii that tlmi, would ili'iiionairiiln lliui no atniv in Hi union hud aui h hrlghi pro.--ia lliie. Iln thought wna ImiMirliint Unit Ihn pi-opln of Ihla aliiln ahniild ii'IvitIIhi. I heir udvauliiMea aa dairying i-ounlry an Unit riiMloriii.ra would 'Imvo u held i-omeplloii of Hln ri f.irla. Aa llfi t'lVernur-elei I ioin ludi.1 Ihn rir.guii imvnl reaerv rniirdi..! Int., ih 1 lion I or 11 ml lined up In front of , aiuga pieai-nllng urma In r-ompllruent to Ore gunn new govuior, Jal r. Ir aloao piloily mid inudn ti gru.iful huw In m kiiowlnlgiui.rit. rror, npiiiiiiuri ihen Irilroilui-ml A. II, lrkem.y, i', M, hotunlat of Taeomu who m-t'Upleil ha ImlaiM-a of tha even lug In 11 ri InliTiallng anil Inalriictlv e turn mi Oraaaea and Klownra. Iln went l una length lo allow Urn farmer whh h among thn rrmny varlethw of graaaeg wera moat ad'Hil'-d for ilulrylng purpoaew mid wnawered iininy ijiieatlona from Ilia aiidleiirn relative to tli anin. An amuaiiaK In. l.l.-nt ori'tirrtvl during thn illat-uaal.m on graaaea, In Willi h Hi apeak-r rliarai lerl.ed Ihn Velvet graaa aa an eneiny to the l.rutn creation na well aa lo munkliid. Mr. Weal of Clutaup fin- ully aroan and atnled that If Ihn aieuker would hermit him, hn -would any few worila In efena of an old friend. II thought inuii waa a t-owur.l who would all liy and hear a friend aUn..-r.-! and lni.lu.fl For thn puat Z7 yenra he liud grown from V) to Ti arri a of velvet gnua on lila t'lataop farm wild lila Imra.-a mid cattle hud thrived on II. If hn wua nl lowed lo houal a 1 1 1 1 let h would atnte further that he hod puld fur 2." mr.-a of farm lml wllh velvet gniaa, tiud ruixe.l altirdy family uf nine children on vel v-l gruaa, 11 ml nut onn of Ih.-in had ' n( f..r dm tor ilia ai.it. in. nt tri iiie.1 no little luugnior. lr. u.h keiitiy remurk'-.l thai what Mr. V.t had aald wua doulit . aa true, I. ul n. Would veiilurn to any Unit hud hn u.'l n lietl.-r iiuitllty of gruaa lila 2 'an n. r-a would have hern ' i)Ulrtl iiii-r and h would hive pr" ai.ly ralacl a larger f.imlly. llie luugh thul followed wua rifirtlnly on Mr. Wi-at. Mr, l helil.y rloae.l with a llioal elu iUeiit plea, fur the fumlly of Itowi-ra, atitt I tig that no man wua nt to run. Im t u farm whu fulled to aurruund hla homn wllh it'lopiueiit. Thn two gr.iitrat etlla In Ihn iiiaiiiiK. in. nt of the tlulry t.iw la i.mi cloa Hiewglfia of heaven. Ilia l.t ture through, i-onnnemtiil, and the want of eXerrUe. I'"" Intereailng In thn eitrrme. lly i loae roiinueineiit . mruiil thai aim Tim eveiilng'a nor. la.-a 1 loa.-.t wllh a la coinp.-jlo,! to pom to., mil. li tlm In "" I')" puarteitr. T.luy'i advertia.-.) il..ra. and while dura ah la re a I rl. led l'"t nil, h In apa. r. When eonfltieal In lh alula ah ah. nil.! I, irmltlri to huv at l-nat I tan en hi 0 feet of apuro, aupple meiitv.1 with rapid mid romplif Veiitllu. Iln. r'owa giving Urge iiiunlltJ.-i of milk retiuir mur air Htuii ilaoar giving a loaa tiiantlty, aa I lira-. . a larger amount ut llnnun rharigea lakliajf plural In lh f.armrr tlioll In thn lajti-r. hrtl.-e a c.rr.-aia)l llllg In. reua of oiyg. ii la rnjuir"! to inuln- lulu a normal t-ondltlun. I'onnneinent la the bulla of animal life, H la rXi'enillngly loli.loiUe and -rht.a la aim. at ciitre' rraatiall.le f.aT tltO lleVeoiniellt of (ulaer. t uloaia Thla dlaewar, althotigb III niirge of .loina-nthnte.1 milnutla ami tli rivilli'.l iimii. la pra.-tlrally unknown altt'.lig Ihn undomr(lraie. milm.ila. Man alone la largely r- t n l l.lo for th (ritH'tiiaiion program will Ik- alaxhll)' ehungml. Tiler will he Itvta 011 1 n am a unilora and the llutx.a k teal g-iuign In Ihn morning, and prior to the aaaemlillng of th eotiv.-nllon there will hn an eihlhlll.m drill hy the nr company on Itond atrei t. The llluatruteil e. ture alt night armla a to lie on of the very Ix-al feature of tlm rung re a. SPANISH PRISONERS TO CO 1101 (t'onilnurd from Klrat Pat ) of ihla riuUa.ly, through hi fuilurr to oliaerv Mi lawa of nature. W Imve no Ix'tter llluatmilon of lh evil rffecla t.f llld.aor .-.Ulfilu nietU ,HH,n th health of anlinala than w lime In th wild anlniala kept In captlvMy. Tnke, fur iamile. the lion and the tiger In lh Jungle of Afrl.w. whom ihey are ntugiiirl. cent aiieflmena of aiilmai tlevelopment, entirelv free fnm wny lulnt of tuln-nu-loala. Tliea animal In their natlv haunta prohahly p.xaeaa thn maximum of animal atrength, and full of enerajy. with rvra Ilk hall of fire. tm all Ihla la largely i haiwetl under iiuiirtioment. Tliy .ll Im oinn htnguld, ami theeye oaea Ita tire, the mtiavlia ami trn.loin tenacity, alntphy enanea and il.uth .hiii cloae the ai-tlle. irm ttuio..- revettla thul a very Urg H-r eningn of it h milmula ar vlctlma ol tuherctlliaala. Cattle kept In the oien rung wllh noth ing hut the canopy of hen Veil for W ahrl-ti-r aiurrely. If ever, develop tllherill. loala Thla plullilv Iti.th-utea thut Vnntl. I.iti. .11 in .-mM.rutiire. . initio cgpoatir. the pin. h if hunger, wllh .iii.tU. nl i-niiK-litil.in. la not rt-aponaiiil for linvtn tlll'i-li-UloalB. The (juration la ofirii nakinl, why are , highly l.r.-.l cwa morn iirt-dHi"".-.! o itiiier. tiinaia in.. 11 are common atruli r.it- llr' It la li.t-u.ite ,1 .... I. .. .1... it. . ,ro. Hie line into N.-w York alut for , , . , .... .... . ..' oi.iie K.-ti.'riiiiy at-pt un.i. r tin- lauill.iiy 1 dltlona. The ownera ..f auch I wo feet lllfollt.i I 'll ua l.i the llioal ail.-.raafnl iiiaiiin r of ...ii.lu. tin; u dairy. Tltry prof H' .l l ) ili infoi mull"n, mid l.i'. r wllh 111 t il fmin the I. gUl.ilure w. re utile to t-i.r.,:li 11 thorough ayat.-m of crtiim. .1.. t ... l'.....l,i ..., el... I II'.. .1 .... l ... 1 fr,,, ""f " i'"r. "i talln fi.'in the I'rovlllie of lllilurlo. lie Urg.-d Do- f.irm.-ra of thla a Lite 10 a."'k aid of 1 11. 1 r . gialittur.-a In diaaemliiatlug kiiowh .lii.- of dnlr Ing. jn .timneaoiu iners urc now- over v 1 , , . , ., , rterclae mid aunalilno nr 11a eaa.-nli.il 11a cream, i ' a, moat y run un he cooper. , , ""'""" " jllv pl'iii. Thla ayatrin h.ia proved n It.t4 el hi.IihiJ.i a ajuivii ;o iiiapngit ..i mttle. lu their unxlety lo huv Ihelr mil lllul" III aiipel'h h.)W l'oliton, limine I hem In the alul.li. to prevent iho mm nld In rhe laying 011 of a lot of lUhhy. iinhenlth. ful tut rilii.oli' lue, to give the unlmul u niorr mmetrl.iil iipH'iir.ui.-e. tli.-r.-l.y .imilctely Ignitrlnif nml .llx.imiiiKlnR th hurmoiiy of imtur' wa. tinder wlilih ucci aa In t lint ai.vle mid advtae.1 Unit the farm, ra look Into II with 11 view- of nd"o tloii In re. Thn Mliini-a.Hrt logMiituri', lie aya, h.ia mudo n, llla-rul litnnt to tho Oulryni'-n of llnit atule, which hua til bird lh. in to hrlng tint llidualry up lo Ita prea.nl Itiugullllile. On lo Iuw iiellone.l na to thn aheep CUlluru ill il Him- nut it rrudaaor Hlniw autUl Hint win 11 he Hint Went to Mlum-aotti lh ful'llii'ia ii.-ln 11. 't linlllnil to i-mlnilk In the v. 11 1 lire, hill tliroiinh pnullcul ex-p.-rlni. nit In ciiIiuin. of H..II mid ayrl.-m-aili' r.-'.ltiiu- Hot n-HiiIlM w.-i-o ko fiti-otiriiir. Illlt th.it It 'l" followed lll In Iho I'K -1 "nlil tittl Ih n now allecp ruMnK la one uf III iirllii linl ugrlciill uimI f.siliil'.'a. 1'l-of. ior II. T. l loiu h, nf Hie Ill-, (toll I fuo.l nml water to nv.ilnt.iln life mid vigor. The highly aMvlulliot tlulry cow- la aiiareptll.le lu tllaeiia on account of III hetivy ilrulii iiatn her ayatrm nml to her exireino aeivaltlvvni'aa In iHm.mpli.-rlo chunKo. Thla tyio of row la what wc mlithl term n very dolhnto and cotnpll. cnlitl tili'.-o of nnlnwil innchlm.ry, rcnulr Ing greut nklll mill cur to muimgo rui.--.ifully. Hhe r.-iullly rcniHiiuU to cure lllld eeil, hill cxpuHlir.i mid neglect lu iiilckly not Icciil. l.i in thn pull iiinl churn. II. r Mlalilc nil. nil. I ho nimu'lnila, well vi-iitlliiti'.l un.i riiinlnhcl with ,ll tho huh p.tllili, without iinconifortiil.lo I ii.'.iitiiK. .-illinium linn pure nir nro mi tlui'.'ti il.Hliui'llve iikciiIu. na tln Im.IHI i-uiitl.it niinlvc loiiu under l Iuw cotull- Agrl. uliiirnl Collcgi. fullowttl wllh 11 tl"nH- ahoi'l in I. In "H on "Hlloa 11 ml Their I'hc." 11,. k.no 11 hlntory of the Kilo from lla .iii'll. t known Inception, nml wnit Into ill-lull of wlliil the modern allu hIioiiIiI Iio. Tli'- Biihjecl wna taken up with great Illicit"! hy the iiiiilli-nce, nml fur 1111 hour or nmr.' I'rofeaaor l'li in li wua kept lmy (iIiMivnliig uilcalloliH. The Pt'Mlllt wua ccf Inllily .1 milch ImtltT kiniwlt'ilgo of Ihla tnoai n-'-fiil 11 !) 11 111-1 to thn ilulry, Tho lni p:i i" 'f Urn iifterniiun, nml unu of tin' limat Interi-atliiK read licforv Iho colilinaa, wua Hint t lr. Jiimi-a Withy cotiihe, tiregon Statu Vi'ti'lmifhiii. It wua ua folloivM: l'UOl'KIl 8A.VITAHY OlNUITloN OK DAIUY OOWfl. No brunch of hcIciico Ima jiinrc ex i:nalve or liiiHirtiinl lb-Id for IiiwhUkii tlon thn 11 annttintlon. Thu All Winn Crtntor ilevlacd In n turu'a lawa 11 comiilctn nml (.tliihornto aya tom of aiinlliMlon, nml tho pliyaltnl nil nmnta of num. na well na tho lower nnl mula, nlnu ciiHca nut of a luitidr.il, ire olthcr illiwtly or ImHrwtly Ouo to vlo lutmn of 'tlieHo bofttitlfiil but almplo luwa. Tbo pliyalcnl worlil, na It woiv, la ono voat liiborntory, whcroln ohcmlcM chnn goa iint'caalnirly occur, but porfcot oqul llbrlum In tbo pml provalla, Tho clcnumtg bolnif nuxlluma whoroliy devulopnu'iita In nnlmnl timl plant llfo or muilo poaxlblo. In -Uila voat workHhop Uia Mt uden-t of nature I broiiR-lit to ronllia tho value of hnrmony, an accuracy in Iti complvtcit senso. Harmony u na lndls- Inri'ilcra alinuhl endeavor lo cllmlnnto from tlm held all extremely ib-llcato mil mala, 11a they nhmilil not bo pertiilltt'tl to proponaio ilu-lr kliwl In Incrcano huhccp llhllltv to dUiaae. (oiiHaiiiiiiliii-iiiiH luceilliiif ahoiild ho dla coiiraired. bi-cininc of lla tendency lo lower Iho vitality of llto I101M. J 1 1 h 1 lii fore Iho iifteriuKiii hchhIoii con-vciii-.l Profeaaor Hll.iw tttwv 11 pructli'iil loctura In front of the oponi Iioiiho on tin1 viirloiiu KtlntH of tlulry cow. Twa live niiliniil.t were pivaetit with which to II luairnte) from, TIIK MVliN'INO SKSSION', At Iho evening mwalon of the coiiRrem Iho Crlapln orchoatra opened wllh a o lection that ivcoIvihI a hearty reaponae frutn tho iiuillence. It wua follow.il by a nelecllon by tho 'Astoria quartette- lleli'her, Allen, Smith and Onrner. They received 11 moat vlKorom ciutiro and re apomlcd with nnothiir ploaaliiK geiectlon. In n few brief romarka Trof. Bplllmnn Inlrmtticod Oovernor-Elect OiHr, who ro aponilitl with a abort lint happy speech, aovornir-Elect Oeor stated that when ho rinlHhed nillklnit tho rowg on hla farm Inst night ho almost mndo up hla ml ml to Klvo up tbo trip to Aatorla. Ho had boon so busy farming tho put few weeka that ho felt that ho could hardly afford to come down hera and talk farming. But then ho thouirht of wraln vlBltlng Aa torla (for ho had been hore but once be fore, and that time at night) and meet ing with lila farmer friends and going mil. a distant, admlti vraarla of Z draught, and lla climate, though warm, la nevtr opprvoaiv. Yellow fever haa tlevrr trn known Ihi-r. Muyngtiei. th third city In Importance, face M'trm channel on thn weatrrn aide of N Itk-o. It haa S'.Ctaj potmlatlon, I h majorliy whit, and Ita rxporta ar chiefly coffee and aiaxur Iia climate la eXcrlleilt, lh tifniieratlirw never riceeil. In Xi di-grei a. The rhy hi conti-tctl by railway fr.mi Aguudlllo, In the north wni. ern part of thn Inland, and another rail road runa to Ijirei. half way toward A.-ellHi, whl. h la on th north coaal, W mile teat of Hm Juan, with which It la i-otitiei lel .y rail. Muyaguri will irolf aldy ! lh nrl town oix upltil by Oeneral Mlli-a. fo.NKIUiKKATK VKT KUANS. Atlanta, July W Tin thouaund runfi'd-.-rule veterana and their friend complete ly nihil Ihe vaat auditorium at riedmont I'ark today and chot-retl to the nho apivche which rulogigt-d th rnnfi.ilrr.iry, I-1 tol led "uiie tuition,' and cuat glowing Irllnil.a upon the reo.mla un.i nchlrve-im-tita of th a.tldlera ..( Iho aoulh ll. the war with Hpulii. laiiierul ti.ir.lon d.'llvi-rtd a ap.n.id apee h will, h thrill.. I the heart of lila uiiilllora mid a. nl the l.uiioua rebel yrll iholiiK Into the rift. ia. The oral lull of the tl.iy wna ib-llvcrcd by 1 hurl. -a K llook. r of Ml-lltl- Tully i.na votcmna mid visitor are In thn oily. Ilefore the gutln-rliig wai culled to or der three chu-ra were given for "Tli il .ill a nt aon of Aluhuma." I.h-iit.-n.int I'ommuiider llolmoti, followed n moment later by three more for lii-ncral Joaeph Whi-cU-r, fur a V'-ri wei-ka puat, nml their nrriuv wua it relief to themaelvea mid their c'ii Inra. Tlm funny of them lived to go la k Ihelr hi'lovi'd Mniilhi, la dun iilmoat 1 iln ly In ihn aklll ami au rlfli of the aur genua from Iho Atrinflcan rrulanra, Ir, llrowm-ll of tlm J'etrel, Ut. Carpi-nier tlm imh-lKh, Ir, ll, (. Hroderlik of th. Conroid mid l'r, J, ll. Ur-u of tha Mi Culloiigh, who guv up much of thalr llmt to thn Himiihirda umler ordi-ra from A4 mlnil Iiewey, Olhirr lin t aurgix.n alao uaalati-4, ('AMI' MHIWlirr .NKWH. 'iefieful linpr'vi'iiient In Heiilth of Tr''4 -Thn lied Croaa Huclely. Hun Krum-laco, July Hi -Thn Pvteat re port of th Inn I III of Camp Murrltl ah'wa inalderiibl Irnpruveinint In the condl Hon of the Ir.xipa. TlH-r huvn hern dla- ihuru.il from tha field Itoapltal II cai and 1H enterwl from tho vrl'u r-gl meiilul honpltala, liatvlng a total of 17 men on tha ah'k Mat, ThcTa haa hn dwritian of ti niM on the average aim (he lo.il 1 Ion of tha camp haa been Imnged. ll"I Croag mnmh'Ta bitterly complain of the aiatrit courteay ihown them by I'ol. Kaaer uf lha Montana voluritera. Thn flral dotaihrnent irf Ihe Nrw York voliinteera wll prtahly aall for Hono lulu mat Tueaduy on th ateamer Hum lnil.lt. Hh can carry t') men tea Idi ot. Hurhrr and til uta ft. Tha remaltidi- of th ri-glmenl muat be tit to Hawaii by Auguni V accor'Ung to the I'-rmt of lh inntract wllh a 1'x.tal company. II. O. J. H' lotl of iJoa Angelea, haa b( tlii ted by thn lied t'roae aK-lrty to act ua field agent In the rhillpplnea. fta- gin nt Mowrry of the K!rl Huuth Laikuta Ima lM-n prjmotiil to the grade of trcund llt-iiti-ttunl. I'lllNEHK KXCMHION ACT. Wuahlngton, July ).-Aaaltant fb-cr- tury lluwell of the treaaury department hua nuidn a ruling In regard to tha ad mlaalon Into Ihn l iilled Mtatra uf Chifieae raona which I morn comprrhi-nalve In iia reairtctluua than any heretofore made aim n Ihn (uiaauge of th Ohlneae rxclu alon act. Thla action waa In accordunce with the pinion of Ihn attiirney-fx'nural who hobla i-rTt-ct thut rxclualon appllra to all l.taata of l'hlni-ae per aon a other than th.we aM-i HH ally numrd In ihn act. Thn only i-xii'ptlona therefor are; Of U la. teacher, atudent. menhuntt, or travelt-ra for curloalty or pb-uaure. It la eadmutetl that a number of pcraona huh rlu udniltted but hereafter exrltnled will aggrt-gal aeveral thouaund a year. TO SAIL. SATl'IlDA Y. Ban Kranclaro, July ) -rrdert have b.i-ii laaud by Major fieneral Merrlam Urn tlii- the troop dralgnrd X'X the Hlo lo Junelro to embark Friday afternoon nd to aall Saturday. Sixty offlceri and law men have been aaalgned to the Hlo le Janeiro. A RECOUD imEAKEB. Kargo. July SI. The republican atate nmventlun lotlay made fourteen nomin al!. ma In S minute, which la aald to be the yulckeat work on record. V. H. Fan i-her waa nominated for governor. A CHILD ENJOTS The pleaaant flavor, gentle action and fooihing effect of Syrup of Flga, when In need of a laxative, and It tha father or mother ba coatlva or bllloua, tba moat gratifying reiulta follow lu ue; ao that la tha beat family remedy known and every family ahould have a bottle. Mm ufactured by the, California Fig Syrup Co. The man who doean t know a woman until after he marrtoa her li apt to regret the acquaintance. FAVOR HOMMNil nilI.IiTINE3. Engliah l.ca.l.'ra OuiaNikon In Their Sym pathy for the I'nltcd Hutc. New York, July .-The Indon corres pondent of the Trtbuue, writing under ditto of July 6, .iya: There la no renaon to doubt that nearly nil the Inlliietitlul bsidera In Rngllah pub lic life urn hoping that tho Americana will retain control of tbo rhlttpplnc after tho war. They do not profess to be disinterested In their advice, nor to look at tbo qiic- Hon from an American point of view, They admit that the occupation of the Philippines by France, llrrmany or ijrcut llrtt.iln would siili.ii'it the relation of Knropean powers to a dangerous siraln 1111. 1 tiny favor American control In the Interest of cUi'o. They are nls.i sensible if tbo iidvttn-tnKo which EtiKland wouM b-rlve from the moral and diplomatic anppoi-l of the Fulled Slates In all ipics. lions relating to I'hlnn nml the far Kast, If tho Ainiilciitl llag were raised at Ma nila for all time. A a KiiglMimon with practical Instincts and liilliii-nccil by considerations, en lightened by self-Interest, they nro out spoken and emphatic In expressing their hope that Ameilcn will enlarge her upbore of activities In the world's diplomacy and work. lAird lClmberly has been ut the liend of tho foreign oflloo and Is ono of tbo moat cautious and wigxiiious lenders of the liberal party. Tho apeech which ho made ut tho American dinner this week was of greut Blgnllleunco, ntul hits been widely discussed hero. Ho anld In part: "Common language, although a very strong bond between people, waa not tho trotigest bond. A far stronger ono was A community of Interest. Tho Interests of tho' two peoples run largely on tho mimo lines." SPANISH WOUNDED IN MANILA. Owe Tholr Lives and noturn to tho City to American Surgeons. SCnn Francisco, July 20. A Chronicle siMH'lul from t'Avtte of Juno 19, says: Ono hundred and eighty-five wounded Spanish troops went Into Manila tonight under the Red Cross flag. They were part of the fruits of tho campaign that the rube-la have conducted against Manila Milwaukee! 17 THIS RAJLWAT COM PA NT Operates Us trains on Uv famoua blaca system. Lights Ita trains by electricity thrvugb out; Cera tha celebrated ejeotrlc berth ra4 Ing lamp; Hun splendidly equipped passenget tralns every day and night betweM St. Paul and Chicago; tha CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE BT. PAUk Alao opera lea atun-hea:ed ' vaaifbuled trains, carrying tha latest privat caxa partment cars, library buffat smoking cars, and pajar drawlna; room alee para. Parlor ears, free reclining obair cart aad tha very best dining oar aervica. For lowest rates to any point In Us United State or Canada, apply t ticket agent, or address C. J. EDDY, Gaaeral Agt, J. W. CA8ET, T. P. ai. Portland. Orags I'HK ONLY UlolNli-CAR ROl'TK FROM l'ORf 6AKDT0THK KAST. CIIK0M.Y KOl'TK TO IHE YELLOWSTON NAUONAL PARK. brtAVK No. 1 11: A. M, 1'OHTLAND Fast Mall (or Kalama, I'helmlis. Centralla. South llond, Mouleasauo Abt rdeen, Oirinnlu. Ta .oniH, Seattle, letoilii, Port Townsend, Elleua tiurg, Snokaiio, Rosslaiid H. 0.: Trail. B.C.: Nel son. B. l! Ratio, Mls- nuia, iniue, Aiiaeoiula, lleleuH, Hi. Paul, Miu- neaptilli, Kansas ity, Omaha, Couuctl tlulTs, Si. UiulsUlilCHgo.Yt ash lngton. Hew York. Phil- adelpbla.Rtnton. and all poiuis laat aud aoutu east. ARlilVK. No. 1. 5: 00 P. M A aWa'Va a-Vj.st. Aleier & Frank Company's. V . t. . V . yl A A A A A A A A A A A K K A A A A A A A A A A A , A K A A A K A , A K A A A A A A A A A A A A t ! GREAT REPiL SA La La iii,i,i,1tilitilt1li,t1liirt, Affords Buyers Exceptionally Good Oppor tunities for Economical Investments. There Are Sales and Sales : : BUT : : ODR GREAT REMOVAL SALE Eclipses all Others Tn the extent and variety of the Stock offered. Tn the REMARKABLY LOW PRICES on all lines. Tn the avidity with which purchasers are availing themselves of the oppor tunities presented. DO NOT DELAY YOUR VISIT, A5 EVERY DAY SEES THE COM PLETE CLEARINQ OUT OF flANY LINES. MEIER & FRANK CO PORTLAND OREGON. Beware of Imitations art. aw im . m-msaa a I Manulacturar atitt DMilr In a a a W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A fall Us af Pipes, Tsbacca, aaS 5ofcra' Artictta. ATA Commercial St. PUPILS RECEIVED IN THE PRIM ABT, AND ACADEMIC GRADES J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. For ratee, etc.. addraea the Superioress INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC. PAINTING AND V0I0B CULTURE FORMA SPECIAL DEPARTMENT t DAYS to Minneapolis. Omaha, Xa aaa City and 8t Paul. t DATS to Milwaukee and CdIoio. 44 DATS to Waahkogton, Phlladalpala, New Tork and Boetoo, aad other Eastern points, Banafe checked thruga. to daUnaUaa of tloketav For aleepUig-car reservadoos, tloketa, maps and full Information, oall on ar arita C W. STONE, Astoria. A. D. CHARLTON Ass't Oan'l Paaa. Atent, Portland, Or S5B Morrison St.. Cor. Third. WHO SHALL BE QUEEN? I 2 0R r'aso,ls tnat occur t0 everjono, the committee having In charge the fifth annual regatta proposes, If X. possible, to make that event the most successful and memorable In the Series so far given. To that end It de sires to enlist the active aid of every merchant and business man In Astoria. Among other methods which have been adopted to make the necessary Initial expense of the entertainment bear as generally and evenly as practicable upon the people of the entire community. It has been decided to select the Queen for 1S9S by popular ballot Itelow will be found a blank form which every merchant willing to lend hu assistance to the committee ( and at the same time contribute to the upbuilding of his own business) Is requested to cut from the paper, fill out and for ward at the earliest convenient moment to V. L. Robb, secretary. To every merchant responding to this appeal a regulatlon-sised and arranged ballot box will bo distributed on Monday, July 23, the same to remain In his place of business until tho ballots are collected and counted under arrangements to be hereafter announced by the commit tee. All details proper to an understanding of tho proposed plan will bo readily understood by reading the blank. Let every merchant thus help the regatta by helping himself. Aitorla, Oregon, July l&'S,-To tho Managing Committee of the Fifth Annual Regatta, Gentlemen: For the purpose of promoting Interest In the coming regatta and carnival, the undersigned hereby agrees to pay to said committee on the 11th day of August, 1S9..' per cent of all sales that may be made at or from my place of business, situated at Astoria, Oregon, by firm and employes, from and Including the 25Ui of July, 1S9S. to and Including tho 10th day of August, 1SSS. to all purchasers desirous of voting and who may request the privilege of voting for the selection of the Queen for th coming regatta ana carnival. To each of such purchasers the undersigned will give a number of blank Votes for each purchase so made, the number of blank votes so given to bo determined and computed at the rate of one vote for each ten cents com prising each purchase. Said blank votes thus delivered to each purchaser and then to be deposited la a ballot box to bo placed In a convenient position at my place of business. The voting to be done under the direction of the man aging committee aforesaid, and under restrictions and limitations which the said committee may desire to Impose. The managing committee shall have the right to open the said ballot boxes In my presence once or twice a day for the purpose of ascertaining the number and character of the votes deposited. The undersigned also agrees to sell blank votes to those desirous of voting at the rate of five cents for each vote, the same to be deposited In the ballot boxes as aforesaid. It will be necessary to use some distinguishing color for the blank votes in order that the purchased votes deposited may be easily separated from the votes given to purchasers. Very respectfully yours, Blgn here