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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1898)
TIIK PAILY ASTORIAX. VKIM"I)AY MOKMNti, .Ill.Y SM, Ml F". ..'.'u-'-i!-""jl.Mllll www urn i.iiii .. .in ' ... - n I fiF ill IPFfUBIIPTBfllMd IJlllLPIylSi I lUluu Deuiey Sehley Peduccd tbe Spanish Fleet at Manila. Reduced Cervera's Squadron near Santiago. 6 Reduced Toral's Array and Fort Shatter at Santiago Wise Reduced tbe Price on Clothing and Hats at Astoria. Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, Etc., Arriving DAILY - -WISE- The Reliable Clothier. IHHEOCCIDEWT! I Astoria Leading Hotel j Alcgler (S Wright, Props. f jauiMmiaiiiu.uiiiiiiiiiiui t TODAT'8 WEATHKR. Fair, WHrmtr. AROUND TOWN. WKDNIMOAY Truth la within ournrlves; It tnkes no riw From outward thlngii. Browning. Try ShllliEj'a Beat tea and baking powder. Ewt cream 10: a pint at the Spa. Cream 10 and llic per pint. Parlor Candy tore. Freeh cream, atrawberrle and Ice at Foard 4 Stoke Co. GOOD IS CENT MEALS AT THE KIS lnf Bun Restaurant. If Snodgraai doean't make your picture you don't set the beat. Strictly pure baking powder, SEc per pound at Deyo's. When you want fine tea, good coffee and ploe try Foard ft Stoke Co. Bom Tuesday, July 19, to the wife of O. Melbohm of l.'ppertown, a daughter. Even the children will be Interontrd In the lecture t ihe Farmer' Convention. Born Yesterday afternoon, to th wife of O. Mvllbuhin, VpMnown. a dUKhtor. At the next mwnlnu of the city council Johan Hendrlckson will preent a petition lor a liquor license for a saloon In Union- I C3 NOVELTIES in Men's and Boys SUITS in Soft, Stiff and Cloth HATS in LOWNEYS CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA town. The counil r fuKl t ((rant Horid rickBon a licence at Its law m-;tln. Horn Law; evening, to the wife of 'ap tnin Randall, of the ocean tu I'.'li-f, a on. Paxton'i photos are on paper of his own preparation and are guaranteed not to fade. State Fish Commissioner A. .'. Little of Washington in in the city a guest at tliu Occident. WILD BLACKBERRIES. Leave your order for wild blackberiie with Ross, Hlggint & Co. Pnfesor I'ckenby s lecture tomorrow evenlnar on (lowers will be of Hpecial ln toreit to the ladle. Kor Rent or Sale Six room cottage wltn water, on Twelfth Ktrte and Jerome. Ap ply to Sherman & Thing. Three car loads of spruce lumber wan shipped from the Sealde sawmill yeH terduy by rail to Salem. The Emergency corp will asxemUe this afternoon at 2:30 at Rescue parlors. A full attendance Is desired. I Astorlans at the Seaside will And the ' Morning Aatorlan on sale at the Pala e Restaurant at that place. FINK CHERRIES, RASPBERRIES and RED CURRANTS are plentiful and cheap. See Rosa, Hlgglns & Co. Look In our winaow today for tooth '.irunhes: vour choice for lu cents. Charles i Rogers, druggist, Odd Fellows' building, i The trial of R. M. Gaston for receiving Watch for the grand open ing of the Oregon Emporium Saturday, July 21, with an entirely new stock of men's fine clothing, shoes hats, etc Special bargains the open ing day. 630 Commercial St. .v ,:i::tiiii1 itrr.t.iy In 1 nil:" un.t. 1 i'i!oi k thin nfti r. ii. ion In the ptKiN i"Ut- iiiriliv Y. H rh;-!i.l:ti :ipiv.ntl iltnmilr.i(ir of the iMiit.i i f A 'A IV Suihir:iti!. ili - lSill. The i-l;i!-rvm of the mvoihI fUvir of (ho l..nire.! thp Uir, ii open tunUhl. A full 1 1 Mr of tho title. t got! :il lw on f.i'.. Vr. J Allen Smith, of thi Washington Suite I'nivervty. ."'.le, is a nK imi. ; trrttilmne p.ikrr .in.l h.i something n w ti1 il ou A regular ranto:n:n of vbrwa depleting th lif anil hlnory of Atorl. no ojvrn:r of th city nj country at th SncHr a:iry. The K.trmi r" i t; . M( i.-ri at 11 o'cWk :h: mrn:n,- ;t ;h- "!w'f'- h-iimr. tVnif r.o. i-oinr all. Ml turn . '.hire '.hit Ur.ilit l'!.it.'' iviiu'.y. Why not usr pn'.van iM corn:t! J Inin for vour rivr.g I: ': A VX Im. Ft"h. jrr Pro. hv Juf. rrc.v-d a carload !'rt. tt w.'.hln :hr rraoh of all. I E.irl HMwi II, th. Kv swn(riii-rl to our , ir !n the :in. r f rm ki hivi In JixtU-r illuirhi' i-ourt M-mil.iy. rrliM.-!! on 1 1'ivtxition rl.iy hy orxlor of thr imrt. I l'p hi July I thr output of tho IVioitl. Shivt Mi-tul Work !n Minion ram It bt oaon n T.V.iiv. Th mlorllanr- ou ruir.. of thr l.iotory W lturrttrg. CrowJa arr nurhtly ittn.lng th rntrr tAlnni.nti at th Louvrr. ht th tx-ot of music I hmrJ anU th brt of vr ry thmic to ml. drink, and mok la arrvl. rTifrMir IH-krnt'y a Irt-tur tunisht on "ir!mH'" will b one of auprrmo imrr- ot ti th rnttr bumi wmmunlty uf Clatp county II 11 maxtrr of th ub Jvt. Mr. John Waterman, a promlnrnt but nt ntn i Hukrr i'lty. ! iiti.trrrd at thr Murray. coomaniol by hl wlf. Mr. Watrrman is rnrvutr hom. aftrr a 'ilt to Vanum.i. Tillamook, an J the braih. If you hava hKlea. wool. run. raja, bottlra. lead, bnti. copprr. aacka. or any kind of Junk for i. ah!p It to K. M. Gaston. l"i Fourtrenlh trrt, Ator!a. "rrson. or mrlte h!m an.l h wl'.l tall at our pluc and i t !t. lie lia c-mh. M-ij'ir It. i:. Wli.;:M I a:i. r. 1. ll- rln-rt li fi for tin !r homo In S in Knm. : i y.-; r l.iy v nitn M.iJ t Wh. LI h.i i ;'!! mi - ' ::h ht l.nt tho put , Mr i t ir!' ! irn it,- .1 h iv i.- M.i!-v .. I I ' I il ' Tn 'in: tr . ri for il : II .'. th-.r J x r- :iii- fimniii. j f .1 k m N' -TI- T'i Si' KlllKllS Tr." . tr. i;:.. :.! ! ; tor an, - "' :n .:iii ! in i-h.'.rg- .M-. S all rity "uli-i ri;C'.. n- otli'' mi:.-: h. r ir'tr.-iit of til" A .:li tllM dute, will T. M. Ke.m. Jr . and i.'t at the bust-tft-T i-r paid to and r.'C'-ii't.'l f .r .lion.- by h.m. J'lliN T. 1.1' IHTKIt. Manager. An:-r,rt, J j'.y loo. The planking '( V. k-hth r-rwi will be completed as far aa Ni.i;ara avenue by the end of th.- w- k. The lumbvr being orr.e. from ijobir anl work during the fine w.ath.-r i ! ing puhl. Wh- n (ompl'-t"! tt wid In- one of th? Mnnit out lying Mtreets In the t : y. It ha tjeen arranged to (".-cure from Sand Inland and Tvk-'.ande, Wash, a numlM r of Indiar.s ;.i attend the regatta next month. Dr. ''1 ireri' e, who has h id much ex'-ri'-ri' Indians, ha. been appointed a suii-' vrnuiltte,. i,n one to look aft.-r th.-m and thut th'-y take part in the gam... For many years ? nre has studied li quors. Remit the whole world uses whis key, it has proven the best stimulant and does not Injure n'-rves and tissues like cocoa wines and o h'-r drugged com pounds. Ann HAI'.I'KK Whl.-key Is the id'-al whii-k-y. S'.iri by Foard & Htokes Co., Astoria, Oregon. The I'onl.ind T'l-vram i orrejKindent at Seaside Is making lunuk-lf famous by tllO lift Of nW people (0 ITedltll tO till city that have :irrl.d at th H-aslde ri ii'irts. In glarx'ii.g over a r rl Issue of that pa-r one would be I 1 to believe that Debs' loiotiy had bx-ateil In this city awl wan niMloattng at the lx-a'h. The l'( lures at today's sesnion of the Farmers' Congress by Professor VV. J. Splllman on "What is a Dairy cow?" profeseor H. T. French on ' Silos and -.heir Uses;" Jjr. Jam.- v iinycomb.-, "Hanli.iry f'oiiditlon of Cattle." AH are ubJ.Ti of vital Importance In (igricul turai territory and will be handled by ex perts. The steamship Oregon takes the place of the Klder on th- Alaska run and will leave out for Hkagwuy today. There arc thirty tons of freight awaiting her at this port and four passenger. Tho Elder Is laid up In Portlasd putung In new state rooms and will resume the Aluslcu run en toe (r-gon's arrival from the north. The Portland committee of the regatta, 1. N. Day, Captain K. S. Edwards, Col lector D. M. Dunne, w. P. Fuller, and Major J. L. Clem will obtain a handsome trophy which the Astoria committee has Ci-bleii to eull the p.iclllc Coast champion ship trophy for amateur oarsmen. It will be competed for by crews from lirlllxh Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Cali fornia, j Dr. Alfred Kinney, for several years .1. lively (Mii.iKnl i i 'Mi' 11 il i:.i:f li 1 -v.- tt A-.'!"..!. h.n ti iitiiiil th pr.u'tue f tU1 pi'fiv-i.'M Pr KinueN lin .im b.-.u ii'ixunii'il ,i nun of tin: ni't kill fill hv:i Inns iin.l -lit iii.'ii in llii" I'atinV iiMl. It t .ife b that I! Mil tti't t.lkl I'M'K for I !'. Utiitn y t- nun 111 1 einliKiiii : hi' i :i ri 'i ,1, I no . it ).'nl .t !! ( rn .'f h: uri 111. 11. thrvr yir iiii.i. A. It. l.cvk.tiVy mi.l !!.'. A ' l.r.U.-, Tucninn: S. S. I.iuhtbl.l. S.ut l-'r.uii li "; l'mfiir Shuw. ivrin.l. r'teiuh, mi. I Kent. , r. yth. .unilv, Mr in.l Mr, Splltttun, Urt .Sim ml. It'Iiiian. K. jiHimm, rrtiiiT i miniA ."., i.. uiiiii tinn wife mill f.tmiK. A K. Uirmr. t'liu-.ign; i:. K. Mnnhy. 1.1 iii nworih. Ky ; In- J. It. Iliffi-n. K.iii.iH i'lty. K A. Kev Mm. I. M. Ni!i. I'm tlnn.l. J.uii. n A. Miiht tilt Iik. I'lty. .in- r Kiti n il .it t!) tViMmt. A Cllll.P KNJOT9 Th plraant ginll action and o'.hing effect of Syrup of F t, when lr. tirr.l of a laxa'.ive. and if she father or mother be co.'. v or b.llnu. th moat gratifying rru!: follow it u; o that It l th bri fam'iv rerneily known and rvrrv family hould hav a bott;. Min ufacturrd by thr I'al.forn a K:g Syrup Co. IIKAl. KSTATK TKANS! KKS W. S. to Willinl N Smith. outhwrt juartor. nevtlou . townh.p ''.h. runt! ! west; tutent. I'tiltixl Slate, to Kohrrt i". K Ahbury. lot 4 and iuthivit uuoriir of aouthwrm uuurter and noulri half of aouth.MiM ipiar. ti-r. fcvtlon 1, t. t n. r P w ; patent. Klla M. M.tih.ll to Mary J. Kmipp, lot. .7 and M. nuSllvlmon of 1. block 13. Olnry'n A'torta, al lot 4. Mm k J. tirar rirart i'"nrk: II. Klla M Mitchell to M nnlr Taflor. th undivided half of lot J, N k 3. toarheurt Park. II. NoTICr: N'otlcii li heri l.y Klven that, on account of my lunuiic the ;ate of i r.-gon for an ti riibil iertol. I hue I h; duy appi.ntnl in.! i !i:irutiil S. S i'i..rd'in my uttoniiy-in-fatt t'i ait f"r me an l p pruwnt nir in all matt'-r of l.'.itni d i r : ri J U'.y abrnce ami utril .a.. I i',r "f .ii'.'iriny n by in" r.vuk.'il. M M. WALK Kit. M 1 Af'irai. i ir.- . J :' IT. 1-''H. MURRAY HOTEL t ..i f CIcctric Liffhis Electric Bells I roe Sample Poem All MoJern 1 1 . lcrovetficMs. I 'A! i:k i v I'. .1 I W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull line l'rr. tell. ceo. anil fni'ker.' Aftii-lc. 474 Commercial HI. Clearance Sale OF Figured Organdies and Dimities. llutt'Tlck Pi'.rii Albert Dunbar, P. A. STOKES I ' m m Clothing; w3; i find GentH Furnishing Goudn 3; 1 CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. 1 :S f QQUASH OUT Will be a question heard at the peumzi's Con vention. But those Sb.oes of yours that squash out and lose tl?eir identity. Shoes bought right bg experienced buyers; dort squash out. Reliable Goods and Fair Dealing a t -t-H -k JOHN HAHN, Astoria,Ore. Attractive Goods at MraetivePriees rrtneh Vilenclcnnc Uit. Hot la a apoolul liUlt no otto can nfford In ii, hli mill buttiM' color I.iiii yatsU nt 3 cvnta por yur.l, liHI ploi-ia, M coma pot" iloaon yarda. pioi oa, ;i ociita pi-r ilmi'tt ynriia. I1) poio, I'S cent a per ,.., u yai'lu. Wish CooJs at 8 l ii a YrJ of th pri t'.lont illiiii'.l. , m Handle, laniu, vlio loiji, nntiiook', i iinl'llti. , mi.t privulr, thr jt'i'ivt I'arc.Hll ot thr niiimm. White Skirts. Ktiur yat-.U will. Willie Puck Hklr:, olitiititr limn making iliotii; only each. Willi IMi4ii Skirtu; i yanla, deep hom,; you couldn't niaka thnn ltor of $1 .50, only I'j crnta rrt. lt. Separate Skirts. Not to Im found cLewherr; ttirra d 'l'n oHira( Skirl, of Wool I'hrcknl Slrlpe.. and I'lal.l Hultliif.; all llnnl; Xrhrtroit Ixnmil; only UK. Barralns la Towels. vS! Mil. k Hack. Ileitlictir,l, l I.lnen SHANAHAN BROTHERS, The Only Store That Sells Cheap. In a Woman's Care almont evrry artbl of w.arlng; aprail will laat lunger than If looked aftrr by a man. S .m women neglect their footwrar. . fill e, f fin. appearance, rather t'a" InSUriUlCC 3ild S hlPPl tig', ijual.'.y, attract them. Hut In buying ahoea hr It I. Im p. .,!., e to nmk a miilakf. Th p- ; . e and 'yp la all that th mo.t i fii'Id'oii. could d'-.Tr, and th (jualdy h ',. par With bjth- I'.ir pro r regarded a wond-r- '. :::y i.iw t y w.. buyer.. Petersen & Brown. M.niitiulurer anil I c a I o r In FINE CIGARS! a'. Ssw rric.. Cor. 9th and Commercial Streets Toel; lm jiwtliHH Towol llargnln ver onit; rulr prlca cciUa i-rti h; .prcliil pi-lc II cnJUa eai'll. Curtal.1 Bargains. ItufTliM IMg (! Curtain, linii.Uoiiir ly tr'nini'.l nlih lac mid limiilon In I !u n' nt III. i folloMltig ow ! : Lot I, :W lii. Iu wide. 3 yard loiitf, lac i .IK". ,m!y f , 5 per pair. I.'H !. Ii liii hoji lde, 3 yard. Ihiih, I h'o ulii mid Inn iiloii, only II.IV I. .1 .1. 41 in. In wide, J yard. .hik, per mi. I lni i il. .ii, (i p r pair. lie J Sprees. 1'ull wl.'ili MamalMr. I'altorn, all i.nly llvmiii.,1 II. d Hprrvut, :i ci'tn villi', only .VI i out rocll. I.'xtia rliin M irwIUlm lln HMiul, t fir l'.t fl m Hpirnd In tho liiaik l. now only 'j rent rn. II. Sheetings anj Muslins. A ci rat Imi gam In ; yard wldu till l.lonohiiil Sheeting; ohmp at !0 ctti a anl. mir prb only 11 rttta yard. (in anl will HlraeliiHt or Vnlili'Achtv Mu.iin. mandarvl uuallty; only 3 cnt prr yard. C. J. TRE1NCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Clias. Kan 6c Co :lt.: tiMMIKCI A I. SIM II. M iiiMiii. nit-. ..f Li-ii.'' i'Nii:i:vi:.u umi U ia 'i i lr. 'l lic li. t j rn . in A-i'iini. i 1'itri v n iin- -lin k "I' Jdi4ln m I'nin y IiuimN, tim liili.iVt iUr. N"tii.i-:ilnl '"n. lit n Imli-al'' l r ! " . I The Pat FISH AND CAME IN SEASON 17-1 ConiniorcUl Hlr.ct. "iruvnnri.ruruvruxr THE PALACE Astoria' Leading Restaurant Everything Htrlctly F lr4tClnM. W. W. WHIPPLE, Prop. VtfVlAAAAAAAlAAAAAAtJUlAlAUAAAAAAitAAAAAAAiUlrAAAAAJ Heilborn & Son S"cXk SI'Kl.'IAL HMAl Jiiancnt Linen Warp Mattings. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland. -A. V. ALLEN fancy and Staple Groceries... Kruit JniM nnl Jelly (JlafMcs. With tin' Fruit toim in them . . - -. -r mtr? 'ii -'. : ..'Wv .. iu' jJrj--- I'll 1 1 t'lllow t'nlng of III xm iilJ. II y iiiualln; only ID ivuia per yard, ItiHivy wliln I'nlilorti lied t'ottiMi I'lnnn.l, worth lively rent of I cent, only $ or n I a prr yard. Hosiery anJ 1,.1'lu llnivy I I" en l.lued Jtm y IUMiil Vim I, ulili l"iig ivv; I'.inn to uinti ti, only o t i'iii i n' Ii. I.ndli While l.ule Hlnvoli ' .'', Hllk llnliliril, only 1.1 iviii. rn. h Wn have, wllhout n doubt, III l'ot vllin In l.iidl.n Night iloniui; .i. of o and riiibrol'l- ry 'rrliiiiulnai; ilifTar. nil palliin. only ' iruia . b. Wo hnvu th tiiixil i ,.in.oU litis of t.i'tl Wiappna In Hi t'Ky; nit k'li'U n4 iiinlitu nt 'il.'o from do con ur. tlrrnl la our llaigtilli III tAillr' n 1 (tll. itrru'a t'ott, in It.; from I cvnta pair mid up. A lot of ilainngi-d I'udrrM,! Kid tllovM. fonimrally II to cb Ihatti out l V) enita nach; oina III aim .ai (irfct onlrr. don't tutM a good bargain Hot vi ou Hi or U coining and jmu h"Uia liovo a pair of our Huminar Otaotj at r crnta a pair. The Pantry Shelve s l'pn th paniry ihelr h.r.J b found a ..tct.d a.ortmBt of choir Not in kind ya buy at any t"r. but a auppty froaa ua. W ara rarvful with th quality of good, wt buy and trual to your appreciation to hr ng ua rnw4 ordr and nw ru.(mr. KtS. MH.dlNS tt t(. Ciiwlont Hommc llrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON Agent W F .H o . ." I I i' r. pr. n i u Market :gj .....Pricen Lower -K- Thrill Ever... awatf ' n,ynSet Up The Born Steel flange Every Ono (liiitrniiteed . SCULUY Sole Agent, 431 Bond Street.