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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1898)
-C. ll.M THE EXCMBXE OF SKUP OF FIGS U due not only to the originality and Simplicity of the combination, but lo to the care and akiH with which it l manufactured by oirnllno processes known to the Caurou.viA Fio Svrvp only, and vne wish to imprewi upon til the importance of purcha&lnjr the true and original remedy. A the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALiroRu Fid Strcp Co. only, a knowlctlre of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par SsnriBulHla CX' Forma Fio brwr Co. with the meJi- cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes ,. ........ ,u the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of ita remedy. It la fsr in advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken- ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get iU beneficial effects, pleaae remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ! rR4XriC, CwL LerUTILLC E. XIWTRC.X.T. JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. d TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Vent by mall, per rear Beat by mall, per month Served by carrier, per month.. 30 . .S3 WEEKLY. Bent by nail, per year, ln advance. Pottage free to subscribers. ..00 All coraaunlcaUons InienJeJ for pub;i- e.tlon should be Erected to the editor. Bui. neat communxa.lona of a.l kinds and rtmlttancti must be addressed to The Astorian." The Astonaa guarantees to lu adver- tlstrs the largest circulation of any news- Mrer publlahed on tbe Columbia river. Advertising; rates can be had on appll- eUon to the business manager. "Nobody now alive," says the Globe Democrat, "saw the general financial out look more favorable than It ta at present." Nobody alive or dead ever saw It belter. The many millions that cannot be Invest, ed in war loan will soon be seeking In vestment ln new enterprises, which will give employment to labor and make busi ness brick. The hast Congrees was very generous ln making provision for commissions of I I ine aort and another. All told fortv. tight of them have been or will be ap- ' Sfe Within V0l!f TOach. Get pointed. Of fhta number the President SckWilf'S Bcs of VOUr 10 iuxnes thirty-two and. Cree. th, tfh- j j er. The Presidential ajxiintmenta in in-1 clude five members of the jolnt-commU-gion to eettle dlsputef with Canada, nine members of the labor commission, five . members of the commission to arrant tbe details of Hawaiian annexation, ten members of the commission to have charge of tho American exhibit at the : Paria exjsition, and three members of a commission to visit the Orient and see ... i...i ,,a,i. w-nai ch uoi.c , with the Chinese Empire, it will not be necvusary for the President to appoint nine of the Paris exposition commission ers for a year or more, as they do not bcftln service until Vtf. but It Is under stood he will name them before long, so as to get the matter off his mind. Con gross has already named the ten members of the labor commission and the six mem bers of the commission to investigate va rious postal matters, and the President, since the adjournment. lis appointed the Canadian commission. The flscul year upon which we are iww entering promises to be one of prosperity unpuralleled ln the history of the country. Tha tendencies towaru lnouniriai .e eoMry during the last six months have been so vigorous that the Intervention of an lmiiortant war and a large increase of taxation have scarcely produced any visi ble check upon business. Everywhere throughout the country the trade feeling is hopeful. Our factories are better em ployed that at any time since Kj'1. The export trade Is expanding faster than ever, and yet the falling off in Imports hows that we are Increasing our con sumption of home products. The Indica tions of the last two years of foreign trade point to our becoming a great cred itor nation. The present splendid crop prospects look to another year of foreign trade corresponding in Its results to 1S37 8S. The country Is therfore naturally be coming impressed as It never was before with a consciousness of ' Its power of wealth. Its productive rosource and Its ability to compete with the great commer cial nations. All this must conduce to the creation of at confidence In business cir cles that will g1v a freat Impulse to the produollx emrgira of the. nation, anil the conclusion of pnoe will only add lo the buoyancy thu In process of develop ment, ; oiiolnks: vNnr.n fire. i Chicago TtnieeOlerald. . All account of the naval engagement : between American it iul Sjvinih chip nitre In teellfylng tx the w.ldnrs of the .Spanish marksmanship, while the hat Itered wreck which line ih Cuhm ooaat tand the harbor of Mania bear eloquent !--- " of th.. 'American gun. Cvrvera'e ship really ' formidable. They carried flrst-olas i , m,K,,,rn 1,1,1 n,u ,lr"-,1" m"rn 'sjunners. N;l vMorieei are won the 'mon jMn.l the guns. American w! I . ,on o'" u'' hv c,rr!,M them to surety or made the enemy' flevt 1 lWrty ftlf . yicU , j lnr nJl'r rtr " , of lh' r"1"' .dual factor which made tha Americana victorious at and Santiago. Hr I temperament the Spaniard I excitable, ; while tho American if not, and under I . . . . , . . crt,0al vvnuthin tho fighter who keep i ht head t the one who win. The key. note of ivweya victory at Mantl wa t . . , ,un0,sl hon ln ,n n"llt o n,m of 'shells from Montejo'a hlp the Ameri- 'en mr qu, ,ly remarked: "Tou i mr nr- Urt!1,,'- whenever you are irJy " During the running nitht st Snntlor' one of the irunm ra of the Oregon, who ;flreJ IsJ aimed nhota at the enemy, main. jtalnlng aa average of one hot every I twenty aeconJa. wa knovkej down and i 'ftunnej by the explosion of a Spanish shell which struck the metal hle!J above hi head. Regwlnlng his feet he saluted hi superior officer, and. with the remark .they seem ro have It In for this gun. a!r." i returned to h!a wnrk mechanically.. After the Via. aya. the Infanta Maria Tereaa anJ the A!mlrante OquenJo haJ been fought to a stan!:ill ami were beacheO to eave their crema the Rrook lyn anl Oreson enterej u:n a stern after the Chris to tl Colon. Su.l.len- ly a nr'.r.t of .:cn;i! t.AS on the Or. gort j . chnM j ; . .u:i!y aa they re;i.! the m's-ac.-. "Re- t member the Maine." Then the Brooklyn ! " ' an answering -Haven t we y- A ftW mtnute later Captain i 1 Clark, rvferrtr.g to the fact that the Crls- j toba! CoUm wa3 buIlt ln ttW: j "There is a string craft ahead; looks like an Italian." And ivmmodore Schley answered: "Try one of your lJ-lnch train of cars on her. ! These Incident, trivial In themselvea, are significant ln showing the cool new of the Americans under most exciting conditions. The deadliest work at Ma nila and Santiago was done with all the precision of ordinary target practice. Good In, coee .! b-Vlir. rMer A .o'..i t.viracta an i ,....! . . .. vru don't thc:n. All men are foolish, but It Is only the w;e onr that flnl It out. ATTRACTIVE WOMEN. Why is on woman attractive and an other not? The most admirable and at- tractive thing about an attractive woman s her womanliness. Everybody admires i womanly woman. She mut hav healih, f course, becauso without It she would lose the brightn. sa of her eyes, the full n o h (hka anJ h(.r v,va,.l!y R.a, health must mean that a woman is r-ally a woman. That she is strong anu p' rieci I ;n a sexuaa way. aa eu in evei .ur-. I That she Is capable of pertmlng per- the duties of maternrty. 8 itne are born with what is called "eonstituilonal weakness." Those who do not enjoy per fect health, need only take the proper precaution and the proper remedy to be come perfectly well and strong. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripilcm will cure any derangement of the distinctly fom Inine organism. Si-no, 21 cents ln 1-cent stamps to World' J lispensary Medical Association. Uuff ilo, N. V, and receive Dr. Ilerce's l'XA-page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," illus trated. The war should have an educational val ue for the newsboy as well as a money value, as hlB announcements of battles won and lost prove beyond a doubt th:a he knows more about them than he 1 willing to let any one else. 5 j cirs Agreeable soap for the hands is one that dissolves quickly, washes quickly, rinses quickly, and leaves the skin soft and comfort able. It is Pears'. Wholesome soap is one that attacks the dirt but not the living skin. It is Pears'. Economical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. And this is Pears'. All sorts of Btorea sell it, especially druggisU; all sorts of people use it. VV3 n WASI1SP POWDER MANHOOD guaranteed luru' all Uiam lwr. ItraUai ion. NeNianna, all tlratoa, Iom ut powrr lu Unntiv liiaa ,. ithrr ari.rauard t or-tt(hn, youthful rrur, ei-eati uar ol txhacro, optam or Mtmalanla, which leaj to InRrnnty, Ceniuntptkm or Inaaour. Caa bacarrtej la pocket. t to per Ni h- k rt.t Ctrcalar Kree. SolJ h all .lruflrt. Ak M It, lakeno.'lher Nlanufartureil bv the fVaa Metlr4n Co Pirn Hrn,e I a lia trug C,liurUMiUngagTBl. TbuU kai YaiabtU ai. INMUaiiO uc. IWTK.ONN ORl'O C Agent.. Aatorta a. 0 -s- ; T,Je Titlefor Ju!y- 189 8- llli. I'.XTK A V. . r. m. .ii.iii ft. h.m f. Ii m P.. !i m ft ... i ii s l to s s 9; l ii j s ! V.. i, . Vn - ... i u a t n j; o e v t o j n ... V i.... UJ.O S4MJ " .li Vllll'r.,ltl When a man feel, well enough ae. ... SH t f 1 It T :mjS ,jalttt.d with a woman to go to a.'ep ... T Ji.J lii-.i ll,Wi:JI tUtrim. ,n evening call you can re.t :: Jif l"lx it1!::1.4 ' th lemem of Mmanc. Has n, Y.b 5il "l ...ini befn tiiaimftteU from iMr friend i Sat. ... Mjn. ... Sun. ... Mon. ., Tue. ., XV ed. ., Thurs. Krl Sat. ... Sat. .., Sun. ... Sun. ., Mon. ., Tue. .. XV ed. ., Thurs. Krl. ... Sat. ... S'in. ... Mon. ., Tue. . Tues. ., ...U I T I 1 it ! li 11 .! -u 7 I .. I ' I t il 1 ii .13. r. i J. T 4 7 T 114 11 1443 ....Li 4.tj4 si:; si; xaj ...11 ID4i i. v 47 i SI 4 15 0 5! 4 I ' ,...liU Sen" ! 5 "4 0 1 fclJ '-g MV .... Bj.7i,ii!i ( jaii ...r. i... ii . . ...I I St i )! 1 lill ... 1571 TSUI T5'I4 ... tin 7 JW7U 7 V01 U4't') ...II I4K77 !4l S 0 3 ! J ...r JITTS 3a 5? .. 24 4 "iS7 4 5. ? .'J1 1101 ... "! 5lMJlr.21 i ... IMS' 'H l! ! .2 ... ll 'x Z i ' I ii'i i t: l o IS 1 3 4 XX'td. ' 33 3 ! JThars ? : 5 : t!L"4 ; 32 1 ' ' Krt j c 1 1 1 jwi mil bi 11 1 i 1 Vi 1 T 4 th I) 4 4 33 3 ) ! .. i 41 S 44 3 ..Uib l sun ...31 . un. ...31 .. MARINE 1N0TES. Th Harrtn. oil i.l.-a. from B. attle.' .t!i to.tav. ! . The etiaimsh.p unv m 'aftl le.ive out for ! Alaskan ports t-wla-y. Th. AL xarM.-r Itla. k b.o finish..! un- - ' h;'"''"'r;" " ' heading !...rr.U f ,-,,-r.t at the ! Wrrhfa I'm. if I was -vmp.ete.y re It. .V N. d.k. and !.-f. f.,r IMrtwnd , ' ' - hnur. able o ... ruarne oiy work :n tho a.n riy r Ku'it. 'r-ni Sin Kr m-j The sseam l-.-o :ind way i-rt4, hand:.-, arriv.-l in ; .-!"1 up to I'or- .Mi'l li n- r ii rn'T- r.l.iy and pro- AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. Ther are few me.i more wide awake and enterprising than the Eates-C'onn trug Co., who spare no pama to secura j THE ft EST 8AI.VE In the world for the best of everything ln their line for i puts. Bruises, Sore, fleers. Halt Itheum, their many customer. They have now I jy-vcr 3ore. Tett. r, Chapped lUnds.t'hll the valuable agency for Dr. King's New I jiins. Corns and all Sk.n Eruptions, and Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and i positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Colds. This la the wonderful remedy that Is producing such a furor all over the country by Its many startling cures. It absolutely cure Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free ori a regular sire for 50 cent and tl. Guar-j anteed to cure or price refunded. j New studs for the shirt waist are b the form of turtUs. Our baby has been continually troubled-, Th(, ir,iK! hour of tin. Jny In the (! with colic and cholera Infan-urn since his i light time, birth, and all that we could do for him 1 did not seem to give mon- than ternpor- j PLAYED OUT. ary relief until we tri'd Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.' Dull headache, pains in varolii porta Since giving that remedy he has not ! of the body, u nking at the pit of the been troubled. We want to g.v you this ' stomach, losa of Hpp' tlt.-, f'-vrl-hties. testimonial as an evidence of our gratl- i pimples or sores are all poaitlve evul-n. i Hide, not that you need U to advertise of Impure blood. No matter how It be. your meritorious remedy.';. M. Law. i came so, It imiKt be piirilled In order to Keokuk, Iowa. Kor sale by Charles Rolf-1 obtain good health. Acker's Wood El.-xlr era, druggist. j has never failed to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or any o'her blood dls- The mit dillleult look so easy fnn,.Kw jt in certainly a wond'-rful remedy on"- th'-y are folved, ! and we sell every bottle on a positive : guarantee. Kor sale by Kstos Conri Drug CASTOIIIA. Co. Bears tha ) YOU Haw lsr3 BflUKM ' BLrnatnra V tT " V" of Ulf7ZJZl. A man calls himself firm and his friends, obstinate. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be Interested In the experience of Mr. W. M. Push, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, Provl dence, U. I. He says: "For several years I have been almost a constant aufferer from diarrhoea, the frequent attacks completely prostrating me and rendering me unfit for my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a amal bottle of Chamberlain's. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much tn mv mil-urine and dellktht Its ef fects were Immediate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a fewj UUBes Ul 11110 .aiunuiv ic.v. ov suit has been very satisfactory and al most complete relief from tha affliction." For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. s oan V RESTORED nr wtiar nr. Pen'a Irllaw Ser I'tlla. Vhl wvui.lrilul tm.l atrvfuatliwaa, uch aa Weak Memory l..o he. Wakrtulnna. Loat MaabL NiahlW Kni A ' .' - r IS"--1 OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL .Monmouth, Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS Kagular Normal Court of ihtve ream ,-alor year wholl prodas onal.J 'frntnlng department ol ia le alth elilhlren .nttmetlob an.t iron tig lu tljur ao e Sliih Km, aiul Vwv M 'le (or tiitic h.n The Norma diploma l rvoog .'tr.l ty aaTATF LIKE CKRVlHi Alk lo,a.h. I ight e iwtl.e. Tllltlon. bki. tntard ati'l lu-'vli I lap pmtimatelyi, ,.iou iwr r. student lHar.lai tltenitelvet, o (V p' year Aeademlr iradri aereMiU trooi h ah n-hooia. l'alalgu rkn-rniltr wtil on p liel.'i'. Adurets P. U t'Ay'BKI.I, Pre-ltetil, or W. A. WANS. eer r ' t It aeems aometlmea as though the more good luck emblems you wear the worae luck you have. Eiperlence is the beat teachsr. Cse Acker's Engllah Remedy In any cae of coughs, colds or croup. Should U fail to give Immediate relief money refunded. 5 eta. and W cts. Kor sals by Eatcs Conn Prug Co. The King of tam h.i a boilyguard ot female warrior I.e.. g'.rla. cnoaen tpim among the utr nt'i! and nioat hatidiMnie i f all the l i ! . i Iti the land. CASTOR I A ForlnfTnt. and Children. .Thj Kind You Hare Always Bought Be. its tho 8ignatar of HOW TO LCOK GOOD. 0ooj jook, tn reaDy more that skin deep, dependlnr entirely on a hewllhy ronditloa of all th vital organa. If th ' .. I - . - .. . Klllnn. lAk liver la rai.uir,7vii o . . m if your seomach la disordered, you hv a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are r.rH mm tiiv a nln. hed look. V- ',, h..h. .nil vou will aurete have good looks. "Electric Hitters Is a good Alterative an Tonic. Acts directly v. .,nrrl.ri liv and kidnevs. nun- - - He the blood, cur. punpba. blotches and bolls, ar.d give a good complexion. . . . , u.,1.1 C.r.tA- """" - Conn Drug C. W cem per bottle. . To di.ap,.ne with cer--mor.y la the m'''' ielicata mo-le it'.nij a coinpllment. During the hot weather lait summer 1 had a ev re attack "f cholera morbua. nelta;lr:g my le.ivlnic my hmln." says Mr. C. A. Hnr-, of Hare lir'.s.. I'm- 'raatle. Oh.o. "After tiklrg tao .r three ttvommeiid It to any one aitl c ed with stomach or bo.-l trouble." Kor sale by I Clarit Kogers. I iJKt year's -hl.-t w.n-i ouite up to dat- y th" I y -air's st.s v.n. i in be made I'Ul.ttnii of th.i BCCKI.F.N 9 AltNK.'A SALVE. p. Is guaranteed to give perfect sat. sfa ' lion or money refundeu. ITiee K cents per boi. Kor sale by Estea-c'onn Drug Co. It i the easiest thllllf III thi world to calk-It is quit.- .l.tTur.-nt to do. O A. 13 T C IX I J. Beanth If.e Kril 'l.J Hm :i3rtBo'.''M Binattir of It l.-n't hard to entertain anyone who nloy. reading. That the blood should perform Ita vltai functions, It Is absolutely necessary It should not only be pure but rich In life- alvlng elements. Theae results are best I by the use of thit ell-knowti standard blood purifier. Ayer's Sarsa- paiilla. tj, truly generous Is truly wise, and h(J wh() )ov(.,, nt ,hers lives unblest, Why Is (iHsIstfinco so freely offered to peo-plu who don't need It? OAHTOniA. Bean tha lh8 ISlfd Y'jU Har8lMj(S Ba'Jjht signature yfT"- rf LiarffftUcuM Depend .upon yourself If you wish to derive tho truent stutlsfactlon from lire. Woik l tho liont for a tore hmrt. Sick hnttUclm ntiaoUitvly tul pinttitii ently oireil ly tinllig Mokl Tea. A pleai ant heih ilrlnk. 'ure eonatlpation anl lihllneMlon, timkoi you eat, ileep, work anil happy. HitUnfiictlon auaranliel or ll l a ante attltt that MI aim (xtUtiii iOl when vi-owila niak you Impatient, l.tmirtant hair, cf uniform color, I a t'.itiitiriil lira. I -cover Inn for either eel, and may ! aeeurevl iy ualng Hull ! Vg. 'hII Nlell'tn Hair Henawer. The tlag luia iiipe. the nionogr.iiti ami th ..'.tt '(-.ttit t. itt."le( iai.iitet')' lypepat can he cure,! hy utlng Acker's l'ii.iiiia TaMfla. One little tablet Will ttmnnllnte relief or money rvfnmleit. SelJ in haiulaom lilt boxv at Si ct. KT .ilo hy I'lea i'onn lrtig Co, The ,lienmk-r who k-'p her prom k'P" her I'ttet.imers. l',ni:ll!ll.i mvlulii ,.lll tievrr wllllttallil ,in .iittile that h.ia one to Ice. of-'e-l out . , . ......ic tlltetl. NOTICK OP ll.v.l.l'TtON ir rAltlNKItnllll'. Notice Is hereby given that th partner ship now and hertof r utatlng between ileorga Johnson and . M. Hughe, at torneys at law. and known under th tlrm nam and styl of Johnaon aX Huahe. has tins day been dlieolved by mutual content. Mr. Johnaon will eon tlnii th bualtteaa, Mr. Hughes retiring therefrom on iinting lh duties of Justice of th peae. C.lMn JnllNSiiN, j, M. iiuum:. Aatoria, July 1. 11 THE riONEKH UMIIttl' I the nam of th only prft train ta lh world, now running very n:ght be tween St. Iaul and Chuago, vta the Chicago, Milwaukee A t. i'aul railway the pioneer road of th weat In adopt ing all Improved, facilities for lh safety and enjoyment of passenger. An lltua trated pamphUt. ahowlng vw of bea'i tlful scenery along th rout of th Ito ner Limited, will be aent free to any per. son upon receipt of twoent poatage atamp. Addr Ueorge H lr-aff'rd. General rasner Agent. Chicago. IL iOVEHNMENT !'UOISAW WANTEIV omc C. Q. M . Vatw-ouver lUrraeks, XX'aah.. July . IS'i Sealed propoaal. in triplicate, will b received here or at Fort Stevrna. Op g.m. until ll o'clock a. in.. Aug. , j,, und there opened. f r furnlahing fuel at thai I'ost for Its. al rar ctiniinrnclng July lt. lv. Informs t:on fiirn'ilinl here or by 1'ort Sievrtin. V. S r ' te the r h: to r-;vt or accept any propoaal or patt :here.if. Hnv.ln' contain. ng propo.i t hou!d b marked "IVimmIi t: rue; .it Kurt jtievena" and a llrre.l t. un.b-r-4;nri or to iiiiar"eriim'i r Kort il'.ven" JNi t. CI.HM. X". g M NOTICE KOK rt'HI.tCATI.'N l and Offlc at Or.g in City. O-e n. Jim. 17. 1VJ. Notice la hereby given that lh following-named, lettler his filed notice of h: intention lo make final proof In ipp-'t"-of his claim, and that said prnof will be made befor th County Clerk ol Clatup County at Astoria. Oregon, on Augut l.vs. vta.: William R"; H E. H' f r th southweat quarter of the southeast quarter of section 14. town.hip t n.. r 10 wet. II names tb following wit nesses to prove his coSJtlnuoue r!denc upon and cultivation of said land, via: J. It. Johnaon. of Jewell. Oregon; J. T. Iturke. of eid. oregin; T. U Ksar, of Astoria. Oregon; B. L'urk. of SeJtd. Oregon. CllAltl.ES II. MiH'ItEH. Iteglat-T. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Rlvo and Pugat Sound NW gatson Company. I Steamer Hall Oatiert leave Astoria dally, except Surrdav, 7 p. m. Lv Tort anu dally. cxo?4 Sunday, t a. tn Catiert t'.rketa good on ateainer Thomp aon. Thompson tlekets good en Oa'sert. L ft. 9ott. President C. V. Stone. Agent. As'orta. .e--TS-ai r'- " "" r- "' ''iiihl ' ' J ' gy Jf i v.i x io i., :. .v-iVLrr 'I.HIU stil4C.S I' ft 'I I- I - "III li m-V t'icimii;.o if? a 7 ViiA - . -t'aor ! in H" "'ir: ', a i .....v. ,; .i , ... . , ..... 1 . . . - F lift rca-o'tx lh. i: w.ll o cur ! l.J"!b... to nialie that event sir to i tillef the .nioiv- al-l of ev.-rv in. reti mt been ad'ipteal to m.lke the lie. e.iry lllltlil ep.-i tif,n th- .- .I - f tin- etit'.r.- criiiiintiiry hn l...n In ail.-'t the Queer. f. I" I'.elow mi; be fennl i l.lH.U f iTm w hi- li .very merchant willing to lend h.. ...mIm the name tlni" !!' : .- lo the 1 1 j . ) 1 1 1 1 ..f liU ..wn biiHlnes I W reipiesleil to cm fi ward at th.- e.irllcKt convenient ri-rti.-r, t., V. L. Itobb, secretary. To every men haul r. Kulailori--.iz--.l and arr n i-I.illot dullness until the ballon are c .liei tee. All d't.alU proper to an uinL - r - L-t every merchant thus help the r Astoria, Kfegoti, July I1'". .1... ..iin..,. t.t i.ri.iiuillni Interi-qf In ' " ' " commlitee on the lllh day of Align" dtiKlness, siiii iieii tu of July, IKiiH, to mid Inclinllng the the ptivllego of voting for the To "-h of such pun haw-rs the undersigned will glvo a number of blank number of dlnnk votes so given to , determined rind pomputed lit Iho prising each purchase. H ild blank vote thus dellvored to each purchaser to do placed In ii convenient position t my plitco of buslnms. Thn vollng to aging commlttoo aforesaid, and und-r rest rid Ions und llnvll utlona which the Thi. munugliiK committee shall for thci purpose of unoertnliilng the Tho und'-rslgned also agrees to vote, thn same to tie d'-poalted In color for thn blank votes In order to purchasers. Very pitpectfully yours, Jo) ft oil lio ilMfl 0 iimi! ,cmi on r. Ktolll I'nlllillnl nriir. A niv Kt Mull H p. m. I nit I l.e, 1 r. Kl oil li, lliimliii K it it 1 n I'll, ! I"i.l, t tileint. mill t at K-t Mill I J" a. in fpi'V.itie rl el it p. in. XV I'a XXalli. . m.,l.... Mlnn.M..,l..!.t r Mil. M liter I'ululli. ,M iih mike, . i lii' iimi unit i ii'i, f mil Vaiiirlii i OCIIXN HHIAMMII'JS All "ailing I'atei uh )i i I I" rhiiiiiie, Kor mim I rune'teo -hull Jult a, to, II. Is. .' I to. . in. i in el Ml V'nliiiiilila ltir ' m r Xlu : p in Mieoiuei a i p in Tiic.X I tin r I p. in. hnl. Tn . lime T. I' irtlaii.l and "'! Mm XX av iJiliillllga, Ko'iil 1'orllalid (1 1( XX IIIamelt Ulter. i I'liur .,ieoii lii. Newlirrg. and "l ali in .X W av I .iml , n in Moil. e.l I KM XVIIIamelt and Vam H tl p in. .XX ed T a in. hill WUtra. Mon lllea, iluir ttivg H t III, tiiivloii, A ,) l..,ii.Mo,. ai il f 1 1 mi. -Mil l.t Ui-ul I Oi in Mon Xe. ,t K'l.lav I k l ewUlii n.k mr. Itlpflllato i nlatiiU. s l III. Mull., 1 Ilea ami Iluir 0. XV. LOUN11IEIIHT. Altnt Astoria xv. it. iivnLnunT. Ota. IMS. Agl. rertlaad. Or. Through Tickets TO TUB- EAST AND SOUTHIIAST -V1A- 'a ..r-aiS - a-'S, l w PULLMAN PALACE iLEEPERi. TOI'RIIT nLEEPCIU an4 FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR! -Dally to Slit Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chic 2 co. Kansas City and .ither ll.iatern c!tl.-a . Il.igg.ig i-!;e--k.-d through 10 deallnall.'n, I iiioii 1 1. pott, f At t ine, loc( rate. I'.n'a.-h 1 ght Iti all cirs . Kor rat's and o:h.-r lnf .rmatlon call on .r a l lresa O XV I.i il'NSIUlltHT. Agent. O. IL N. Co. Atort, Oregon, or J II l.i 'TH UmP. Gen. Agent. IX Third t .. -r. Alder, Portland. Or. Ticket to all point a "EAt VST.. I For Site tyOH.I Hi Afcnt. Astorli. i Uni.lK'. Ilaraeo 1 Tlwough s-ilar and tourtal akeepar dining and library obaervatlon ear. EIJCGANT VESTIHt'LE TRAIN! No. 4 Llmlltd leave Portland si I p. m. No. I limited arrives Portlaad at W ilolt's Ncrvcrine Fills 1 1 m t i v !u' nervous pt-a, I ratio n Ai i .tt . u l V V V u 9V dtwiMtol the i.45 gtnvttivt i : ' N" '"' 1 ring ol gill ;x,iucn.v INervi)u Prostration, rallinc n?, t (IWU.. . " either ot iioni. Youthful h!mir. Nuntal Worry. x- jirisive u ol Tobacco or Or4urn, wh).-h 1 1, ad to CofuompiKHi and Inunity. Jl.00 c r rxix by n-Aili 6 boxes for J5.00. "'jrs CHWICA'. CO.. Pfo;i, Chnlind. flhw. I U ' A V WHO SHALL BE QUEEN? 'wrioi'.1 ih.. mmltti e hating In rharge fill and memorable In the til lllo! ic. inl liiiln- ni in In Antorl i. .f the entertainment bear l..,x will 1... il"i rllmi.-.l on .Monday, July '.'". i. , :ill, . ; under arrangements to b. ' - i -1.1111!.- of Ibe proposed plan will be reinllly - 1 - ., 1 ui ,y 1, l,in himself. - To Hp- Managing Committee of the I'lfth Annual I!. tt in 1 -i;. ,,il. ini n- For '1... I.,., ..n.l .... p., I .... I ll... otoli...ul t ... ..-K....U 1.00 , IVi..' H-r cent of nil sales thai Asiorlii, Oregon, by Ilrm ami pi - , ,,,y f August, 1SHS, to all purchaser d. s-l.-gtlon of the (iue(-n for Iho coming regaltn nn,l havo tho right to open the said ballot boxes number and ehuraetur of the votes deposited. s. ll blank votes to those desirous of vollng at the rat., t.t iivft . i. t , oi ino o.Mil for enoli the dallot boxes ns aforesaid. H will be mvexKary ,,, ,, io.ii sotnn illsllllglllsliltig thai ihe purchased voles deposited mny he e-mi!y si i,anii,.,i .,,. ,, 1 on iroiu iiiq yuicf, given , Hign here CUSSMED ADHRTISEMENJS AiradVm..ier '.hi." iieVii '''li. III at timet lion, I cenia ti n Sel'llun. 'lit ill ItKNl', Kor lleltl-A Ileal rouill ''"'(.'"S, nor- mr Ninth and lli""""ii a" Iimjuii 4.11 lloml or ill K.cHiiiiM" ltr:NT-.I.H;..IIJ.rHM NH;V.,7 i..i four acre, of . -l l .ar t !,' ',, l.'"l'. I.,, nr. .xii.-rr m r x tiiom ".' ,,.M, ,1,1,10 H.IIII..I net. , " " hoi ..I top atoiimlll 1",l"f e- near Mil. I trail Wel.lll oil I"' iom e lllialllped Inl") N" ,,lt j ,noll. I'lilM' n U N ii .Ni: 1'iivi; n!';.'.' h.vmg .bout . ;; ' , no,.. I in ll. I i . ill b.i" 1 V ., J. lib el ty and i-ai lug el 1,1 J ,1" J oil, ill lllllioll- I 'l""' 1 ' IMTI I V rilK ONI.T H TOI" AT "i nr. """' hum . . . , , 1 1 i v . i ii.iiji in Anion. , ,i.a r It iinpriieiii"' H I ' - Miliwlli: Ml I 'XX' IKK- MUH l.lilmligu aitre M Xiix M x u K. JVI IllTTl'ltK t fin-1' Ma.iv peopie artlte.ed i';,l;i,,V:!;' ,'": from no other i.-""i ' .,,,. u. retainer J . ' , ' l an lar location of In 'r l'''"' ,,' ' ,.,, .-l.l.or la ..,IU''1 ' " tu hold, no niaiti i ii. i in" " ' . .1 .. ..I ilia lio.llr. It and under all p. t i to. hat in a. " ,t,a or, UH. j t. ... . A UK NTS XVANtei' ...n..rra la sell lit. Ageilll Kllck's Pock.t NS. inhaiar lor aathnta. and lung . '"'Tt ..ll.M.v fori.. I' I'"'"'; .4 ..u.plt and lf KUH Medliat Company. Cincinnati. O. aXOCIErr kJKKTINtW. uVle'lOIkIE NO. . H" A, U-ltagular comBiunlralkana baW sa th firt and third Tul '- aaeb month. . u o. w. i-at'NHHititittr. v. u. E. C KOLDEN. crarr. rRorumtoNAL ill Al.lltlU' KINM1X' ,l,.n. e, foiiiin. i Ml Wi' ultl.e houn M .ni.i.a " ti... ii until I. . no ii :- .in at real- ,..r Miith. : ail ftr , ., . ; -a. H. T. CROSUIT. . , ATTOItNET-AT-lW- tH Commercial StraaC JOHN T. LIGHTER. ATTOllNKT-AT-LAW. OIBea. uptlr. AstarUa lluUdta- C. C. IIROWErt. ATTOllSKT-AT-lW. Guadria Itulldlnf. Astoria, Oroa. DR. G H, EsTTM. I'HTVICIaN AND il ltGEON. tperlal altatloB to of aroma and surgery. Offlc. ovr lians'ger tur. Tdaphont No U Astoria. 1. g. a. noxvi.iiv. ATTORNEY ASM t'dt'NHKUHt AT LAW Ore. H"nl I" re.1. Atoru. Or. Dlt JAT TL'TTLE. PIITBICIAS AM )CltGK)N. Offlc. room I and i. Pythiaa lluildlag. UH CoasB.-iaJ ItrMt. Ra44aa aaraa. Talaphoo M. Acting aaeiatant urgaa lUd Itataa) snarto boapUal rvt Till RAILWAY COMPANY Opera lea It trans . the ftmeu Maatj ytm. Light Ita tralua t rte.trl.lty thOuajaV out. ( r the relrliraleil rtc Iwrtb rwa i lag lamp. Holla splrn II I y pu pped png trains ry day ami alght bwiaal HI. Paul and I bt-aa-o. t! CIIICAiiu. UU.XVAI ktiK HT PACfc Aiao ot'rtea 1 1 i it - f a.1 vatllul4 iralna carrliu) l' a Wf ivat cMav partma: t car. I l.rrr l "l amoklng cars, an I pals ad'aalng rornn aaar(k 1'cirl. r iars ft rrolnl g . rnUr art) aavt th vry Uat car ele. Kor ors ralo. 1., any point o lb t'n.tnl m ai. or i', atply a ticket agent, at a.idrraa C J Klllr. Oeanal Agawt, J XV I'ABEY. T P. A. Portland. f)i the flf:li nmu rl. far r. it mi i ,r.i.,Ki, f i T i .-,.1 It ,1". Am.ou; . r tie lh u hi. Ii havn in it' n. r iliv n, ,.m .,iv , (1 ,, -r i.-n !1t ' y t t : - r l. iili.t. ' 1 ' 1 ' on'l I. e ( i,n, ut Ibe . r till ,,ot ,,,, f,ir. ' l-d'! I I . ., at.prtil a 1 '" "i.i ii !o bi place of IMII'.'.li' , , n n,,. ,-,,imu. i.M.iing .ii,. blank. tin lo I . 111, ,. r h.t.i.v m; Men ,y o aabl may l, M,,. , r from my place of - mployes, fi.,m "i.d Iti.-hiding tho f,tH sln 1 M "r - "sc and wl, ,Imy re(rait o.irnlvul. Vote fr mcb pun ham. ) ,, ni te ,f ,,nc vm.i rr , . ,.,,, nd then i 1,., (..,it ... K fatal lt. Img be don., und. r the direction f t,0 mttn Said cuiiuilil iiy desire I n a In my lres...u , r .Wri, n Mi,Si.M