TI1K 1AI1,V ASTOKIAX, ITKMUY MOKMNU. JU.Y IS, lit:. ill L J , a ll Demey Sebley Reduced the Spanish Meet at Manila. Reduced Cerveras Squadron near Santlaco. Watch for the grand open ing of the OregoiEmporium Saturday, July 23, with an entirely new stock of men's fine clothing, shoes hats, etc Special bargains the open ing day. O30 Commercial St. flttraetive Goods at flttraetivePriees h.n iluuchlvr. Mix visillnii riia eitrr, Mi. S.inui.1 Kimrr, Shatter Reduced Toral's Army and Fortsl at Santiago Wise... Reduced the Price on Clothing and Hats at Astoria. NOVELTIES in Men's and Boys' 'Ml Soft, Stiff and Cloth 'in Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, Etc., Arriving DAILY -WISE- The Reliable Clothier. Tho A!,- in.l. r li'.i.k will tln!h i-h.injinf ornx nt to.l.iy. THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel j Megler 6c Wright, Props. 1; aiIMlJU LOWKEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA Oh rN- Huti.rt. !.I itll In California July I?, 1'V Ho fnn.rly Uvl on flat. nop ami . Pi "j rirl ! all ti. Kr him. Pn.a.W are nightly iiitiwdlntf lh .-nter- tUnmrtu at tho l,oiivrv, where tho lt ' of miuk- U hrl ami tho Nut of ewry. thin to rut. drink, ami smoke It a.-re.t. William OT.n.-n. a h.inl .rkln t. was fltW I.V in tho (s!lv court yeter. day. Ho kil iin.l i unuiirj ton minutes to loavo tho ii:y. .rnleur twins" uspvn.l-d. K. P. Wlutort ami N.U Jon wont to IVrtlnn.l Sun.Uy a .lrt.-ato from So.t side I..! No. I.". A. O V. W.. to at tend the ronverulon of tho grand .1T'. huh convene today. In tho Ju;ic court ywlorvlay John O Connor wuroU judgment in tho sum of $.MnJ .itjiim NoiaiiJ an.l HumN'l for f.iiluro to nwko tviurn. on a g 11 not. tho pr-t-rty of tho plain'.. ff. There are two not r'iorM In tho urf at iWrrart l'rk whkh vro!tly h.tve U-n miswl hy tho on.T. No d.-acrtp-lion of tho not. cvuM Ih obtained, further than that one la a now not. Th evrn nig leoturv anl ontortalnmonla at tho it hou Junint the fMrmera' invntt. Woilnrmiujr nj ThunUy will I parl!'Urty tntrn-oiliwc to the ludlrs and children. All the proceeding will t vory errtrrtainir Tom J. Colwnan. E. H. Thomrwon. W. R. Itrcwne. H. A. Smith. J. K. lUrrrtt. IVrtkind; U A. Uxml. It A. Hawkma. J. R. iioultor. Ilaraco; Malona Joyco, San t"ranoi.vo. O. J. IMoraon. Taooma. ar guot at tho CVv'Mont. It you bar hldra. wool. fur, raft. bottle. lead, braia, copper, aacka, or any kind of Junk for al. ahlp It to R. M. Gaaton. 1C6 Fourroonth :rt, Aatoiia. Tocon. or writ. h!m and h. will call at your placa and ft It. He paya ca.h. Captain J i M r nc. In;t"r of tho Th.rr-.-r.ih lajshthouno l tri.-t. u in tho city and will t;irt th! af:nicn or to rn. rr. .;h tho M ini.in'.t.i, C.i.t. tiro" ory'. t ln(ort tho .ti:horn t.illna and furnish thm with th..r annual auppltoa- M. M K'yr.n. d.'.-irit- frim At.ir!.i I-'f1 No. Vi. A. . I' V.. and William K-m . 4-. ito fr m S i:d" Ul'o N . 12. A. " f V . ! ft Ut n.kht for lvrti;inl to av.n.l th- Mnvr.ti'n ' t!i'.' t:rand !Iko whu-h m.:n ! !ay. lo that In tho (uturo ho would hun tho onipany of !ad and Milon.. N. Tho tvimilnlitit ls. wh. worn ivrnt aa vl. tio-.. won tihrti n Un. n. i.d talk I'V U'lh Jilduo ItUiihru nnd I'lM.o. iilltiu At- toriuy Ciirtin. M ilioioti. who w.i Whltn I'lijuo SkltH oullid n A ilni, tatil thai ho hid piirvhamtt tho .trtloloa lo!ot hy tho hoy.. Imt rlalnnd that In- did not know thy of l.!ni; vdy M ftit WotV ftoli'K. Tho tmU .-Co in tho ""-I ovilon of tho oourt. haHi hvni takon ; MUSllfl I'll JfTWfJf , frvun iiaxtoii waiiiour yitorily on n'rh warrait in (ho hand, of CoimtaMo J N'.H to lo found olaowhoto; ihroa d 'l'-n Wlikman. ' owni(o Hklrt., of o French V.lenclcnrte Lice. ' lloit la a aportul whi. h no ono can nffoiil to ni, Whllo mid lnit'lw rolor 4 . "W yarda nl I coivta por yard. li phs'rj., !1 I'onia p r d.'ii it nrd. 5. M piivi-a, n oonta por doton yard.. 1M ploira, ?t conta por d 'i n yard. W.sti GooJs t 8 l-Jc I YirJ of tho prttlivi dlinHI, oiuandt, InwiL, I'hoxloin, nanook', sinnldln. , and pornlo; ih nrvaiwt harln of tho i-nn. White Skirts. Koiir ard. wldo, Whlto l'u.k Sklrn. oh.tr than maklUK tluni; only ."' raoh. 4 yard, wido, lici h"in;; you i-otiKIn t tn.ikn thorn ahort a. ll. A cmui KXJOTS Th pleaaant flavor, irntlo aotlon and ; iothin effect cf Syrup of when In hood of a laxative, and If the father or mother be co.tlv or b.lioua. tha moat isy Hink Hack (ratifying reaulta follow It. ue; ao that it I th beat family romrdy known and i everv family ahould have a bottle. Man-' ufaotured. by the California t' t Syrup C Cho kod i StrlH-, and I'lald Sultlnjt. all llne.1.' volvrlwi Unmd; only K'A. Birfilns In Towels. oiii'ltih.-d, nil 1. men 1 Tottoln; Mi ivlel Towel llaranln rrr otTorid; rewiiltr prloa HI coiila oflih; apivlal pflin IS oNHa eaoll, CurUln Birfilns. Ililltlrd ldo SaIr I'llt'talna, linnd.oitiit. ly ttuniti.'.l wjih In.o nnd Iii.oiiioii In Ihno lota, nl tho follonlnf ow l Ion; l,ol I. I'.rt In. h- wido, 3 nrd. Kii, la. rduo, only li.ll p.-r pair. I.ot :. i Im-li.-a nldo, 1 )nid lon. tare r.lKo nnd li rt ton. only l 10. i l.o( .1. 41 imliV. wide. 3 yarla n, tmo ..In" and ln. ttioii, ft (o r pair. ! lieJ SpreiJs. I'ull wl.ltli Mai.illiir. rattoin, nil toady i i llolllliod l''0. Hppendf, T4 coin valuoa; I only .VI roiita oai'h. j i:tia Hio Marxilliir. Ilrd HprnidB, llio loat i "i Si'ii o 1 in the mark. I; now I only Ti i i nl. ra. h, i Sheetings inJ Muslins A ri'nt I'.uiiaiii in !'a yarda wtda un bl.Hti ho.1 Sh-li'a. ihenp at oenta it ail. our prloa mily IS rottla yanl. mm yanl wide H'.raihod or fnlil"i-hr Mn.iin. 'n l.rl uuallty; only 1 cent, por yatd, Tilll Wido iSllow Cnalm of lh Utt quwl Wy iiiunllu; only in oonia per yard. Ilisivy wido tlnliloa.luM i 'oil on I'lnnnel, wonh rvoiy ornl of I foul., only miii por ynt'd. Hosiery and UnJcrveir. Irfidlm llonvy 4io.hi .ln Joi y ItlhhaJ Voat, with oiiy alrrvaa; Tint a 0 inali h, only M cotila rai-ll. I.a.llra ,t j. H.'-v... Vf'. HUH llmhr,l. wdy rool. oa. h. Wo liavo. without a d"UM, tho lr( aho III lidl.-a Nliihl (lowna. lot. of lar nnd rmbriddory Trlminincw; al difTae, out paltrina; only ;i ivnla ta. h Wotmxn tho nut ooiuphita Una of Ijadlaw' Wrap pom In lh ilty; all kluda and lualttin. at pil.'ra from So reni up. Ureal la our llnravliia In Udloo' an I fhtl. dron'a Coft.Ni H'mo; frtun I coma Pair and up. A lo of damaa-oil l'ndrod Kid Oloyaa, 'llorlly t us; lo rha thm oui ! i) coDta aoh; auna In alm.l porfae oidnr, don't mli a rd Uartain. Hot weAthnr la -oiiin ami yoq h iul4 ! a pair of our Summer CotarU at t renta a pair. I'N I VKHSITV ol' i;i::N, Tho l"nlvorlty of ("r.coti kT.(dtiat-l !ii.- July tho larKot in- In it hletory. Tho claa nuiulMi d tht.-ty. Tho f ill t rm will lKit S-ptrm!r 1th. Tho .tudont. who havo iniloto.l tho truth Km do 1 hranortow can witt-r tho aut-frchman ' . . la. No rsniumatlon. ..ro r.-.iiin-.l for Tn Weekly A.torlan. the aecond oldeat araduato. of ttc.-rlito, hla. Rra..n- ' wkly In tha atat of Orrjon. haa. neit al.lo .wuivHloma aro n.v. pi.,! f..r moat ot l I'ortland Oreonian. Iha lar..t the. rvqulrv.1 entnuuo atudl. Catalouo I kly.,ilrul1Jl" Jn .,h ,uu' w.'H lw .-nt fr.-o to h!l iippll.anta I'or-' " mum dclnmr Information nwy a.ldr.-' t n rn 1 el ' r PrA tho prw..Wnt. ri.vrotiir J J. Walton, or J 110111311 S VUlV Mr. Max A. I lumh of KiiK- tw, ir. The cuuix orTorxxl arv thoo of a ipxM unlvrrtlty. Them arm department, of i modern and on. l.-nt lanu:no. phy.l. a. j ohembiiry. ba.y, Kwloify. Knalt.h. rt. ( oution. ndvam-ml tiKtn.'-rtna. olrmony, !!'. illiphy. ie"yiho'y. mathemat- ; low and phyaloul e.lu.atkn. Munto and drawltia: are? alo tauicht. Tho tuition la frw. All atudotita pay an In. ld.-nlal foo of ten d.iUim yearly. Il.ird. .kIk,sit. hout and Hht In tho dormitory coat K per wet-k. SHANAHAN BROTHERS, The Only Store That Sells Cheap. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. The Kovornment h.n cl r,l a contract with tho I. R. & N. Co. for tho delivery of nil freight an I '.uk.iK- frnm Aatorla to F"ort Canhy ens I Fort tho a lo F"ort Canhy and Steven. The S'v- n frelchl will ( d i.red to the ran!.)'. J . ivir.if A;orl.i at J p. m dally, and tha if h'ort Canby freight will bo dellv. red IJ ouno-ra I'ar.Sy and IlwaiM. CAPTAIN SKItRKK SMITH, UfJWr i 'omm ind.r.K 1'ort S'.e nl. The Pantry Shelves. I.n tha pantry ahelrea ahould bo found a .elected aMorimani of choica grocorlea. Not u. kind jrau buy at any aloro, but a aupply from ua. W. art careful with Iha quality of foda we buy and iruat to four appreciation lo brine ua ren.wej order, and now ru.tomer. j-J H I"' '"', UllHtlA l 1,11. C. J. TREINCHARD, II. An:. i-l W. H. Smi'h r.-pr -n'.it.vo ".' tho an It - n.t oer.inry. who u mw in v. r- . ! ii- a '..i niKhl ' - .-v r ! ..t r.-.. . v rv rioft t- ,i- I . t i. ' i V v H.' h hr f r, ! . k- :r..ni !.: .'i l" iA" n. -- ,.r , ,1 11- 'h- uh- u -rll ueii wh.a-rov.-n :h ( idmuiant ln,"iro n-rve. an.l tsue an I o'h-r dfjirired oom- : the Stokea ! r m ."v i;.or. It..'i. key. i; hai nr. 1 .! .. s n l.k- ' oo.. wi: f-.ur.d". And II.M'.rKI'. Wh.-key id-al whkev. ? by Koarl k TODAT'B WEATHER. Fair weather, warmer. AROUND TOWN. TUESDAY. Is toll but a treadmill? Think riot of the rrlnd. But think of the grist, what la done and to do. James Buckham. Try BhlUmg'i Beit tea and baklof powder. Sweet cream 10c a pint at the Spa. Craani 10 and le per pint. Parlor Candy Store. Fresh cream, strawberries and Ice at Foard Stokes Co. GOOD IS CENT MEALS AT THE BI3 ln Sun Restaurant. If Snodsrass doesn't make your pictures you don't jet the beat. Btrictly pure baking powder, SSc per pound at Deyo's. ..The steamer Stale pt California passed t Costs' More ' to use Schilling's Best ' tea because you drink ; more. a i through this port ymtenlay with llj tons or ir(.itfM tor an Freuicisco. The county court will m-et In adjourn'-d "olon today. The slfjop yacht Undln irrivd In from Shoal wati-r IJay yiHr'.erJay, When you want fine tea, good coffee and spices try Foard & Stokes Co. Th State of California lt-ft out for Ban Francisco y sterday morning. Pazton's photos are on papor of hli own preparation and are guaranteed not to fade. WILD BijACKCERhlES Leave your oroers for wild blackberries wl'h Roa, Hlgglnt. & Co. Astorians at the Seaside will find the Morning Antorlan on sale at the Palace R'-staurnnt at that place. FINE CHERRIES. RASPBERRIES and RED CURRANTS are plentiful and cheap. See Ross, Hlgglns & Co. Look In our window today for tooth brushes; your choice for U cents. Charlen Rogers, druggist, Odd Fellows' building. A regular pantomlne of views depicting tbt life and history of Astoria, and souvenirs of the city and country at tha Snodgrase rallery. Why not use aralvaniivd mrrusrai (mn for your roofing? It lasts a lifetime. Fish er Bros, have Just received a carload. Prices within the reach of all. Mr. Charles Holbrook, of Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, San Francisco, with (').. A'or.a. Oregon. The Kwverr.m-nt h n-'t ' re..'iiiie.l th- i,rdr "n. rr.lrnr the m trk"l . hannel at :h- noiu'h .f the river. w-"'il to pro-!w-t .-.-1h frm Th. .utmarlne mine.. Th-' er'neer in i h irif w.ik ak.I If the t.;K log r.if' rtnr ! kept in that rhan rwl. aa it wul 1 ! a hard matter to aco.,mpl:h. and r-i!:ed that rule-a mut bv -impliH with. The h.ic "i.-hor-w pow.T l.gglnir engine haa oen sold by the Columbia Iron Work to prtle. nwir I'nthlamet, and will bo hlr!d filay. Thy are building another engine f.r a amp on the Wanhlrorton nhore. The company haa Just flnlithml putting In a big tiin trip hammer, whu-h will trreatly facilitate the work of the hl.uk.'mnh h'p. It wl'l otr.ke a blow of l.'r) pound.. Tom cod hav,. .rnm'-n. y to enter the river and In the ro irne of a w- k will t0 In the water around the. dock". They al ways lay In 'ho milt water "u v.-nil day below Sand Inland Wore ent-r:nf th freh wtaer. The flrjt In the market nell rdlly and nt a gwl priii-, all oilier flh giving place to th'-m on the table of the average Artorlan until they be'.ome plin tlful. The wilmon-trout come along an nually at their hei-ls and It will be only a hort time when th-w cfT'lve llh will make their annual bow to the crowd of flxhermen who always await thm along the water front. Don't forget that the Farmers' Con gr. will opi-n at lo o'clvk tomorrow morning at the or-ra houce. Everyb'jdy should attend and ilo honor to the city's visitors who have come long dlHtunoe to fuldreHH i!ie peole on riil.J.ctH of vnat lrni,nan' e to everyone In Clatop county. 'Jovrnor-eieot T. T. (Jrei-r will present and welcome the vlxltors on the part of ihe Ktate. This morning the enurera will arrive on the Thompson, aecompanll by ImlUHtrlal Agent Judwn of the O. R. At N, ami several ladies will be In ihe party. They will be met by committees of the Progressive A.ix:larlon and eexorted to their hotel. After brc kfart they will be taken to different r"4nts of lnt'-ret In the harbor and up the Lewis and Clark and Voungs rivers by the. Weriona, and through the courtesy of Captain IWn dull of the Relief, a visit will be paid to the Pacific, i The crowd of youngsters arrested gun day evening by Officer Kimball on a charge of larceny from the Hi earner Oc cident and Astoria plaining mill, was lined up In Justice Hughes' court yester day and given a hen ring. Two of the boys Earl IJIdwell and Grayson Voeth confess ed to having taken various articles from the above named places. Earl Hldwell having been before the court on a similar charge some time ago, was given one year In the reform school, and young Voeth was allowed his liberty upon prom- onr.M N SCH' ml.. It ! hereby ma ! kn n '.hi' tho und. r-.1-ned will op. n a 'o rman , h-eii M di dae ju;y ii. at the building on Diane a'.re.-t f.-rmerly occupied by M War ren as a private n, h.ei!. S'-h vd hour, from j to 12 a. in Par.n's w...h,ng t end their ( h Ulfn are k ndly requested ti rail at ;u Twenty-.evnth .'.reot, or J. Hahn's ho- '.re for pir'.l ulir.. n rr ifir ir i in -n , REV. J. 11. NH. ul. l. MURRAY HOTEL fool i,l N nt l etreet. Electric Llehls Electric Bells Free Sample Room All Molern Improvements. WEKKI.Y RATfS K. M. fiUNX, PruprleUir. LL'BKICATINU OILS A SPECIALTY 1M71 1097 Fisher Brothers ASTOHIA.... aimnat every art! In of wearing apparel will la.t longer than If looked af'.er by a man. H mie women neglect their fmwe.r Shoe, of fine) appearance, ra'h'r than t,-o. qual.ty. attract them. Hut in buying shoe here It la lm p.ia.iblo to make a ni .take. Tha up pr iran o an.l :! ! ail that th. mo.t f.utld'.ous could de.lre, and the qial.ty keep, pace with both. 1 'ur pr.cea are regarded a. wond- r fu'.'.y low by w;a buyer.. Petersen & Brown. J. B. WYATT, Pbant Na. 6S A.larla. Or.4 Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Oroceriew, ! ProviBloriH, FAI.NT8 tin1 OILM. 1 1 Special Alttatl.a Paiaia lupplylaf Ship 1 Commission, Brokcrairc, Insurance and Shipping. Ctxatmtt Miiii.o llrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON .Went W f t'o.. all I l a. hr. 1 0 . Chas. Kan & Co .ti.7 ( OMMI K( I A I. Slid I I. l.i.'l.'V CNDLIIUKAI: lC-t Idi'T-i ill A-t"liil Mm Hie tin. i.f l.ii.li.-. I Mm;i:VI:.I; ami W I .'j I 1 I. . 'I I;" I.nf-t Jdii'ti ill A-I"liil W'l inrrv u line .tuck nf J.ii.aiii-r l'aii v (i , line dice. I. m, in an-, NutinlH llll'l TuVh nt wlinlc-iilc The Pat Market All. KINPH nf FISH AND GAME IN SEASON Pt7-I Coinniertl.l Mlracl. SHIP CHANDLERT HARDWARE IRON AND BTEEL COAL OROCERIE8 AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND MILL FEED PAINTS, OIU AND VARNI8HE8 LOOOER8' SUPPLIE8 FAIRBANK'8 SCALES DOORS AND WrNDOWB AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WAOON8 AND VEHICLES The j Choicest Table Wines... For Faalllaa ! Alao for Madaclnol ) Ooaklnff Purpoaaa I PrlTata Stock, Cnam Ryw, Old Hickory, j Prd of Kentucky and Harmtto Ba. old California Bradaa. i Carlson's FamllyLIquor Store j 1st TWELFTH BTRMT oiiiiHiiiiiit'r'iuiiiifiiiiiiiiViViiiVMiVrVi'iV I New Belts, New Collars, j New Ties. I ...Albert Dutibor... E Cur. i'tli miJ Commercial stt. P. A. STOKES I :C a 'm X -t Clothing wTt; and GentH' FurniHhinK GcmkIh CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. I 1 Heilborn & Son SI'KCIAL .SALK Jnimcxo Limii Warp Mattings. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland. A WOMU'S OlflY OF BUYING SHOES i.s a gofjil way if she's of a common mm, turn of mind A Mnnrt woman can ftuierally tell if a hJioo fits her foot. This hein true tho hIioo man who tries to delude tho woman makes tho blunder of his life and drives his trad to a Ktore where reliable shoes are sold and perfect flitting is performed. JOHN HAHN, Astoria, Ore. YrVrV.jV f A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit Jars and Jelly (ilusscs. With the Fruit to go in them ...F'riccH Lower) Than Ever... f?i 0n$35 j 1 :j 1 . Set Up The Bopn Steel Ijange . 1 Va-ttfT ww n Every Ono (fnarnnteed. Lyw.j. scully Sole Agent, 431 Bond Street.